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Show PAYSON CO-O- the Hawaiian islands. P Carry a full lino of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ffn I Soma Call Them the Crossroads1 ' of tha Pacifies. J BometVJng Aliout the Country Which Han I LINE OF THE WORLD .... Juat Applied Tor Annexation to the United States Historical Hatters. Tlie Hawaiian or Sandwich islands are in the Pacific ocean, about midway between North America and Asia. They are 2,100 miles from the American coast and are situated on the course of ships passing from San Francisco to China and Japan as well as to New Zealand and Australia. W. H. BARNETT, The group is the most northerly clusNOTARY PUBLIC AND ter of the Polynesian archipelago and the kingdom of Hawaii. constitutes CONVEYANCER are There twelve islands in the cluster, Law ()lli?e, Lemmons Block, four of which are barren rocks. The name and area of the eight principal UTAH islands are as follows: PAYSON, Hawaii, 4,210 square miles; Maui, TOO: Oahu, COO; Kauai, 500; Molokai, 270: Lani, 1.10; Kahulaui, (53; Niliau, 98. The large islands are mountainous and contain some of the largest volcanoes in the world. Kilauea, the largest active volcano in the world, is in Hawaii. Mauna Doa, the seene of an eruption in 1877, is also on this island. The islands are said to have been discovered in 1542 by Gaetano, but Capt. Cook, first lord of the British admiralty, rediscovered them in 1778 and named them the Sandwich islands. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. The natives of the islands form one X.xl Tim i:s ollioe, Payson. of the families of the I'oljnesiun race, which also inhabits the Marquedas, Tonga, Society, Friendly and Samoan groups and New Zealand. Although separated by 5.000 miles of ocean the Hawaiian a ljd the New Zealander can understand each other, the similarity of language being great. The production General Blacksmith of the lands are sugar, rice, colfec, cotton, sandalwood, tobacco, arrowroot, 0 and wheat, maize, tapioca, oranges, lemons, A bananas, tamarinds, breadfruit, guava, Wagon Work. potatoes, fungus, wool, hides and ornamental woods. The seat of government is Honolulu, located at Oahu. The CA1 AGE ANT) BUGGY WORK A islands all suffer from the want of good harbors. The best one is at Honolulu, and this is probably the reason why it is the principal town. Prior to the time of Capt. Cooks dis covery each island had a king of its own, but under Kamohameha I. they were consolidated into one kingdom. He died in 1819, and was succeeded by Liholiho, who adopted the name of Kamchamclia IT. It was during his reign that idolatry was abolished. The The ONLY line running TWO Tint trains daily to Lett, Bedrock Prices. W. CHIVRBLL li ASHED. Mi Com ssrhos. dm ml EFFECTIVE APH1L Ciippis Creek. J9, 1891. Leaves Ogden, 7 a m, Salt Lake, 8:0.1 a m. Arrives at Pueblo, (5:10 a a:; C dorado Springs, 7:11 a m; Denver, 10:30 a m. Train No. -- Leaves Ogden, 7:J0 a m; S ilt L ike, 8:2.1 p m. Arrives at Pueblo, (5:2.1 p m: Colorado Springs, 8:('0p m; Denver, 10:30 p m. Connect io-- s made at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver witli all lines East. E1e.:,i nt I) :y Coaches, Chair Cars and Pullman Sleepers on all trains. Take the D A R G anil have a comfortable trip, enjoy the finest scenery on the Continent A S J i Ul Tratlic Mgr., I lever, Colo. S K IIOOPE1 1, G P & T A, Dover, Colo It F NEVA'S, General Agent. II M CUSHING, Traveling Passenger Agent Salt Lake City, Utah. T:.ii:i No. J 1 5 1 1 Boot and Shoemaker & Tipton Wed hound East-boun- -- d Peery tli SPECIALTY. Geo. H. ROSE At where no time is shown trains do not stop. trains run daily except Sunday . S E W. II. SIIERMElt, Agent, Payson. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM The Through Car Line. Contractor A3 Builder. V.'iicolwr'glitiiig D trams run daily. LOCAL TIL'D CARD. Ill EFFECT APRIL 9, 1894. Trains arrive and depart at the various stations as follows: and Carriage Painting a Specialty. North bound South Ikuml. F. MCCAW XIAWAII, WATCHMAKER AND TIIE CROSSROADS OF THE PACIFIC. JEWELER. first missionaries to the islands came from America in 1820. King Kamcham-eh- a PAYSON UTAH II. was ambitious tc see the world, and with his queen visited England in 1824. Both were taken sick and died in London. The man who then took the . R.-SWIMWiER. throne called himself Kamehameha III., and it was during his reign that Judge HOTARY PUBLIC William I. Lee, an American, got up a OFFICE AT constitution fur the Huwaiians. Up to 1839 tlie islands were governed as an DANK BUILDING, PAYSON. absolute monarchy and upon feudal principles. Kamehameha III. signed a bill of rights in 1840 and in 1S42 granted a constitution by which he surrendered DENTAL SCIENCE the absolute rule in favor of a limited form of government by which three Trains. south of Juab run daily except Sunday. Is not only a luxury for estates were recognized king, nobles and people with universal suffrage, a Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without change. Improved Touthe rich, but adapted to biennial parliament and paid repre- rist Sleepers. Free leelining Chair Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. The Only Line sentatives. This constitution and the Operating Dining Car Service. The shortest and Fastest Line to all points east. all classes and conditcivil and penal codes were mainly preTicket ollice 201 Main st, Salt Lake. ions of men pared by Chief Justice Lee. Judge Lee 1). E. Burley, General Passmger Agent, City rendered great service to the nation in S. Stark, Agent Payson. conferring on the common natives a third of the landsof the kingdom, whicli ft H HCiark, Oliver W Mink, E Ellery Anderson, John W Doane, F Ft Coudert, Receivers were formerly owned by the king and chiefs. E. L. LOMAX, Genl Passenger and Ticket Agent, - (1 in uK. Dickenson, General M'gr,, Omaha xt .i'll'.1) (Conti, DENTAL PARLORS. - .1 , Dr. Evans |