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Show FAY-SO- PAJLY TIFVBS N beat the Pavsonite spud for spud; that is, Mr. Bowen will find a bigger and a heavier spud in his field for every potato the Paysonite can produce. Put up or shut up. Weber countys pigs and spuds are champions of Utah. The Republicans Name tho Next Standard. Two Girls Aro Drowned in Sevier The above clipping from the Ogden Governor of Wisconsin. River This 'Week. We wish Standard is to state that the potatoes referred to were dug about two weeks ago, before EXHIBIT they had time to attain their full growth. VOID'S WEBER POTATOES Now we can show potatoes that weigh from two to three pounds. Mr. Page says he will get some from his garden, President Debs Calls a Convention of Strikers but we would prefer sending them to Tie Claim to have Larger Potatoes Than we A Prize Fight some disinterested judge. The Standard Literary Programme Can Raise in Utah Count The Nephi manager would be apt to eat our potatoes Additional Locals. and 6ay nothing about it if it happened Plaster Cets First Premium. to be larger than the Weber county product. Milwaukee, July 25, (Special to the Times) NEPIII PLASTER. Major William II. Upham has News reached Salma this week of the been nominated for governor by the RedrowniDg of two young ladies in the Word has just reached IheNephi Plas- publican convention. East Fork of the Sevier, near Coyote, ter company of this city, that the arChicago, July 20, (Special to Times) Garfield county, last Friday. Ester ticle which they had on exhibition at the Tho directors of the American Railway McCullough and Nettie Acord were Midwinter Fair m California, received Union today issued a call for a convenbathing'in the river on the morning in the first premium in the distribution of tion in Chicago August 2. The convenquestion, the stream being shallow, but awards tion will decide whether the striae will by the committee last week. full of deep holes. About noon, two be continued, extended or declared off. The news, was no surprise to the comfishermen passed the spot and noticed as demonMinneapolis, July 27, (Special to the the clothes of the two young ladies on pany, the past few years have Smith-Ryacontest takes the bank. They gave the matter little strated that there is no better plaster in Times) The men The have met in the world than the Nephi article which place tonight. attention, but on returning a couple of two draw's before. Ryan is the favorite. all over the west. hours later their suspicions were aroused is now used extensively Courier. Salt Lake City, July 20, (Special to by seeing the clothes in the sajue place. the Times) The tw'o carloads of Utahs They at once instituted a search, which Worlds Fair exhibit are en route for resulted in finding the bodies of the EUREKA ACCIDENT. Salt Lake ana will reach Ogden tomoryoung ladies in a deep pool. Word was row' morning. The exhibit will be disat once sent to Coyote and the victims of The Rio Grande Western freight due tributed between Ogden and Salt Lake the distressing occurrence were tenderly here at 9:15 a m yesterday, crashed into and no other town in Utah will be in it conveyed to town. The girls were each a milk wagon driven by Robert Toomp-son- , on the d: vision. Ogdens share will be ubout 14 years of age. Ester was the near the depot this morning. Mr. placed on exhibition at the Chamber of daughter of the village postmaster, Mr. Thompson was thrown to the violently Commerce while Salt Lake will have McCullough, and Nettie was a daughter and rendered unconscious. In- hers ground of Mr, Josiah Nichols. Both were bright placed in the joint city and county ternal are is and imit feared, injuries building. vivacious girls, and their death was unsethis at to how possible writing s.iy timely and sad. The funeral and cereNew York, July 20, (Special to the is hurt. The horse escaped he riously monies occurred last Sunday, a large but the wagon is a total wreck. Times) On account of the railroad p crowd of neighbors being present to wit- injury, and consequent lack of shipments So far as can be learned the fault seems ness the last rites and cpndole witn the toliewilh Mr. Thompson in recklessly the lead market is short and the prices griefstricken relatives. Salina Press. firm at $3 10. The future of attempting to cross the track after warn- are verv the market depends largely upon the ing was given. Tribune. outcome of the tariff legislation, it beLARGE POTATOES. ing generally assumed that if the bill is THE BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES. passed as it is now' proposed by the SenThe following item appeared in the ate, values will have to give way, since Payson Times and was republished in imwrtations can le made at better tig. They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the the Tribune: ure.s than those at present ruling here. Utah in general and Utah county in Host Famous Sold Camp in the World. In the other event, however, present been over all famed has the particular price would not only be maintained, but west for the size of the potatoes and the undoubtedly experience a further imquality of them also, but J. S. Page beat The richest, the grandest, most provement. range of mountains in the known the record yesterday morning. He dug Los Angeles, July 2G. (Special to the a number of bushels which he grew at world is the Rocky mountain range, exacross and the tending beyond entirely his residence lot and selected from tnem oflicer, Times) John Craig, an of old state Grand Pikes Colorado, Peak drove to the house of his divorced wife sis which he has on exhibition at his foot which is of the marat situated the he in Cor rill i bos canyon near Tropico, and store, and which challenges any velous Cripple Creek gold camp, is here o-raiser to beat. The potatoes are of That great national illustrated family deliberately shot her dead. He also shot Geo. the Early Rose variety and weigh five the Rocky Mountain Illustrated and fatally wounded her brother, paper, pounds and five ounces, the largest weigh- Weekly, published at Denver, Colorado, Hunter. He then drove rapidly to Los father-in-laing seventeen ounces. (established 1890), illustrates this grand Angeles to the house of his This morning Mr. S. Bowen of Mill scenery each woek and tells all about the William Hunter, and shot and instantly Creek addition to Ogden, presented the wonderful west. Also, true stories of killed both his father-i- law' and mother-in-lalove and adventure. This big weekly, He then made nn unsuccessful Standard with a mess of potatoes, each x fifty-sicontaining eight large pages, at suicide, inflicting two flesh spud averaging one pound, and the heav- long columns, will be sent on trial three attempt wounds in his head. Craig is a ounces. There is one iest weighs months (18 weeks) for only twelve two and his wife secured a divorce fromtough him potato which weighs --4 ounces, but it cent stamps, club of five for a dollar bill. months two about ago. The couple have lias three knots or knobs on it, with Handsome solid gold set with rings children. three these cut off it weighs Yl ounces. Mr. beautiful Rocky mountain gems are Bowen accepts the challenge of Mr. Page given free as premiums to yearly subMrs Hunter was a sister of Mrs Marcus to is he scribers. Address ns above and mention Tanner of this place, the maiden name of Payson, and says dig willing our when to and entire his paper you write. guarantees being Rolfe and the family was original- patch up self-explanito- Cdin 1 ICE VI FI jy rrom American Fork. Mr Hunter and his family made a trip to Utah some 9 years ago. The youngest and only surviving son was in Payson two years ago. LITERARY PROGRAMME. Song by John P. Quigley. Recitation by Milton Ross. Geographical match to be conducted by E. A. Mitchell. Reading by Nellie Iloss. Song by Li3sa Taylor, Question, would Utah be benifited bv obtaining Statehood, w'ith reasons for All are inopinion, by David Sargent. vited to attend. j ADDITIONAL LOCALS. j n Miss Mesa Wright of Nephi is in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. Underw'ood of Silver City is visiting her grandfather, W. Chivrell. Registered at the Wiglitman: G II Keysor, Lureka; W II Berry, Provo; J B Jennings, Nephi, Mr. Durant, B W Briggs, Jr., Albert Teasdel, Salt Lake. Grand to Saltair Beach Sunday July 29 via R. G. W. railway from Eureka nnall intermediate points. Train leaves Payson at 7:55 a m, round triprate of 81.75. Special train leaves Saltair returning at 10 p m. W. II. Sitermer. For the summer school which will be held at the B. Y. academy, Provo, from July 9 to August 20, the Rio Grande Western will make a rate of one and one-fi- ft h fare on the certificate plan. Teachers or delegates will pay full fare to Provo and take receipt; this receipt when certified to by Prof. ClulF or Prof. Bnmhal, and presented at the Provo office from July 9 to August 25, will secure for the holder a rate of fare returning. W. H. Siiekmkk, Agent. one-fift- h .- awe-inspiri- ng ex-poli- potat- w, n w. I - - SPECIAL NOTICE. tie-u- 9 excursion The Times publishers have determined to give their patrons the benefit of every arrangement that can possibly be made. We have cast about for a good plan to increase the circulation of the Times and the Republics and have finally made arrangements that we are sure wrill commend themselves to the public. We have arranged witfi a prominent artist, who does all the work for the largest Salt Lake enlarging houses, to enlarge photographs for our subscribers. We make the following offer: To any one who pays one year m advance for the Daily Times and 81.00 or one year in advanc ? for the Republican and 81.25 we will give an excellent enlarged crayon poi trait from any photograph they bring us. These portraits are 14x17 and without frames, but the frames can be secured for from 75c to 81.C0 at Huishs This gives each one a chance to obtain an enlarged portrait and r good daily or what the portrait weekly for costs generally alone. one-fourt- h The Outside of a Lemon. Not many people stop to think about t, but the outside of a lemon is anything but clean. If you look at it you will see some tiny spots, like scales, all over it. These are the eggs of an insect, and if the lemon is not washed they are likely to become an ingredient in whatever dish the lemon is used for. -- . |