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Show THE DAILY TIMES Published every morning except Monday by Tho Publishing Timcs-Zlcpublic- an Co. Application has been made for entry at the postollice at Payson, Utah, for transmission through the mails at seconrates. d-class SUBSCBIFTIOX KATES: One week Six months One year 05 61.25 2.50 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Lattar.Bay Saint. John IIuisii and J S Pace, Jr, Bisiiors, Sunday School in each ward at 10 a m. General meeting in meeting house, 2 p m Meeting in each ward at 8 p m. We wish to call the attention of our advertisers to the fact that our subscription list is rapidly growing, especially so ns regards the daily. Every day several new subscribers are added to the daily list and sometimes as high as lirty have been obtained. In Eureka our circulation has at last eclipsed that of any other paper publisi ed or received there. This is a fact that advertisers would do well to punier over. If their advertisement apieurs in the Daily Times it will appear 2G times each month and four times in the weekly making thirty insertions each month for the same as is charged for an ordinary weekly. And each of these thirty issues goes to over 5000 readers. Tuink of this and then you will understand why it pays to advertise in the Times, and why all tho business houses place their display advertisements therein. W. L. WORSENCROFT FISHING TACKLE FISHING TACKLE 009000 FISHING TACKLE FISHING TACKLE Utah. Payson, GEO. W. WILLIAMS Manufacturer and Importer of Harness, Saddlery, Baggy Whips, Hose Bags, Collar Pads, Etc. Fine Buggy Earnsss a Specialty. Wholesale and Retail. All Mail Orders will receive prompt attention, THE PAYSON ROLLER MILL. FINLAYSON & TANNER, Props. Fine Grades of flour at Low Prices. Patronize Home Industry by giving our products a trial. Graham a Specialty Presbyterian. Some of tho business uu n have spoken Rev. A. C. Todd, Pastor. Sunday Services: Sunday school, 10 to us concerning the manner in which a. m.; Preaching nt 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. the street sprinkling is done. They claim Society of Christian Endeavor, Wednes- that it is not as well done as it might be. day at 8 i. m. All are invited. During these warm dsiys the dusty streets Methodist Episcopal. i Wildmnn Murphy, Pastor. Sunday Services: Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Preaching, 11, followed by class meeting; Epworth League,? p.m.; Preaching, 8 p. m.; Prayer meetings Tuesday evenings. Payson Lodgo No. 19, 1, 0. 0. 7. Regular meeting every Thursday night at 8, o'clock. Visiting hrethicn cordially invited to attend. RS W i mm Kit, X. G. E II Pclver. Sec TIME TABLES UNION PACIFIC. Trains arrive and depart at Payson as follows: Passenger Going North Going Sout h S. 3:5G p. m. 9:57 a. m. Stark, Agent. require sprinkling almost continually as it lakes but a short time to dry the street and set the dust Hying again. Tlion it is claimed that some pints of the sprinkling district is not as thoroughly sprinkled nor as often as other purls and this renders the service practically useless. The tax is not of much concern to tlnse men who have spoken to us but they think that whatever requires doing should be done well. It is no excuse that the pay does not tarrun . a man iu giving his full time to the busiuess because everyone who put in a bid for the job was fully reeognizun t of what would be required of them. Just Opened in the Simons Block. WITH A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE . S. PAGE, JUN, - Payson, - - Utah lie Growled at the 12xpene. Mr. Ilensington (of London) Englishmen arc always at the front. Do you know, a company lias been formed in London to dam Niagara falls? Thats nothing new. Papa's been doing it ever since we Miss Boodfly RIO GRANDE WESTERN. West-boun- d East-boun- d 7:25 a. m. and G:5G p. m. 7:55 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. W, H. Shekmer, Agent, Jl'doe Lyman Tkumuuli, has wired to girls returned from our months visit there. Judge. ' A Pain'll! Subject. Mr. Shortcash to-nigh- Washington declining to act as government arbitrator in the Pullman strike, for the reason that the act under which the arbitrators are appointed will e their investigation to the recent con-tin- strike and inasmuch ns the trouble is over, he sees no need of an investigation. The census bureau has begun the work of tabulating the statistics of occupations. There are two hundred employes of tho farms, homes and mortgages division engaged m the work, which is expected to last six or seven weeks. It is tho last tabulation work undertaken by the bureau and is considered the most dillicult. It is is expected that the eleventh census will he practically completed in the latter part of There are six hundred employes now on the rolls and before that September. time all save a score of these will lie dropped. The work of those retained will be mainly to revise the uncompleted portion of the census work. I shall feel greatly honored if you will accompany me to the theater this evening, Miss Reality With pleasure What is the bill for Mr. Shortcash (absently) About o W t? In Either Case You Certainly Need Furniture ten dollars. N. Y. "Weekly. Carpels. Dishes, Tinware, Stoves, Wooden and "Willow Ware, Draperies, Oilcloths, Gus De Smith Yes, Carrie, I love Mattings and house furnishing goods of every description. We are the people you with all my heart. who nave them in unlimited quantities at Rock Bottom prices. When you come Carrie It seems strange, Henry, that to the us a see and call our city give great bargains. you should think so much of me. Gus I don't know about that. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO NEWLY MARRIED COUPLES. Theres no accounting for taste, you know. Texas Siftings. Bedroom Sets from 612.50 Folding Beds from 813.50 Only One lYny. crr-up. Mr. Micawber I wish I knew some up. nice easy way to make money. Extension Tables solid Cook Stoves from 8G up. Mrs. Micawber Well, my dear, you G feet long, $5.50 Oak, might get your life insured and then Gasoline Stoves, 815 or die. N. Y. Weekly Baby Carriages finest line two holes and Rusia in Salt Lake City. CelA of Squirrels. iron oven; 817.50 for Squirrels are plentiful and destructive ebrated Whitney and in some parts of the state of Washingthree holes and Rusia other makes,atthe very ton. Linden county paid out forty iron oven. thousand dollars in bounties on squirlowest figures ever rel scalps last year, yet but little good in the west, Write for prices. effect was produced. It is proposed to tax all the lands in the county to raise TI1E GREAT INSTALLMENT HOUSE. unds to fight the pest and so make 'ailroads and nonresident owners help Cash or easy payments. Mail orders solicited and promptly attended to :i the work. Never That Hot. Willis Does Rollins board? E, Wallace I suppose not. y he was telling me about burning his mouth 231 and 236 State Street, irinking irfTiw Jury. Salt Lake Not So R(rau;o. t lst of-er- ed To-da- City, Utah |