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Show 1 J ii ill , I ! , f .Vi : iifi.-- linms. iU it ! i u iVui'jV tuilie uf it, Uikl bad bi--. li mi i: h .'i. (lii, A) 1 i.i 'ii. j I 1V.-- MlCcei n i. tUiul. Latter-da- y Y!. iU mfssicu io Pti'.'S Not BflifVf in i:, au-- l i i lin- I I .I. iT j.i i foil In tLo ws aked. U uot popular it i ary oftru with of Mi. Utevtlaud in favor r. BifMrW'ti is ailMi'm-itrulio!- kl) t'-- f Dornwa Catarrh 8M 3?--c Fublio Auction. Mates VU vioiteJ, Tha n Ilib n o; - tli fur and ; 1 legal Mr. finifr Tha property now ownad by P. 0. Dr. Kiug wiU offer for vale at jiubllc Snuit, it will relieve iD aitiwted, a faw door waat of Durno's Brantzag. Price asc- - at Druggist. aurtin-- i hi property In Manli, eoasirt. to, Store. Apply & Sum I.owry lug of a lid Ul fi it front and 13'j WU.K. ItKio. a bou-se- , rnntaiulug Bra roMia rl f' rk, and arrllnr, a new carriage, a cart, w,. Tliara la uora Catarrh iu tbia section , U0 MBOfl f-iof the country than all other diaranea two stoves, .f tons bay, good wmCnuwi'HtMSKwSTinaaJI'til the lad few h iu r r I ! until and put together, gsewuu-tamsnmnnttjilii yards. Lome year waa auppoard to be lneutHble. ror a; yrJ.- carpet, I1 I -MuiUi-i'i- i Wh. did )i . ; il I ..... repiem-uli-New feather ;"r;rt manj'yrtra doctra priiuounw-i.I ili. Wurkai(L inew ri.f made, iri'.rpnHaT'aeidraVloiiitjioSJ cj-11. . victims lii 1 Mill i Ui goad Kidi-- r it f. is iv : ! ii- - ; , 1. 1. I nlflli eUlrs, and tt wi diseaee. and prcsciibcd local - I n. ., ... iuioiBtvjlE9vgwr" to ! 1.1 filol (lna n f reunulies, and by conuteutly failing rial wrviiuilr, nn wcmIiI va.l l)U Loum' 'hold furiilturs. I'i':,ri f .Ttmittu Amiwt l" .id Mr llill'a miti- - uim- - .ot'-r- in:cli-s(r Wl with Ural treatment, pronounced , N4mi ywwwnwr-it inilv n4 a r. k f H nee at hi rtfgi. cure f l iiga by murtaag-- and ve f il.e catarrh i.-t ha i Science Fifl proven incurable. prumin-i.it memeacau pooE o nsuat by any tiniiel ( Hk I ULXTV jw AND TERRITORY. J b a conttltuti-ma- l MIMi diiht, wbn-- pram ujh. i wret of tithing gMflf lAediseaer, and there-.,n vempiPU at a c u u : .. f.r tile ri ridel. r; .' lenmqemnS lii treatnieut. 25tln Kwtei paaavUl Ul Ill'll li constitutional desire u'clot-mi. a. April : i i up that Le i:m at I' . ; , , I Hall's I'slarrh Curs, manufseturfd by tha Utah farm' I lii . fi.r I ' I' I Friday, Ai'Kii. 24, ISM. J. Cheney X Co., Toledo. ().. is the ouly i be jiinl "I Additional Local. iu The teimt of sslo will ba msde known eure ou tiiw market. It U moq f 'jetsira S3q lwld meetings, ai.d am..; I WlliOa ill Swiiarlud. A Nt -in doses from IU drops on Hie l.:y of sale. a taken with iuwC.-4a- qj iuternally Mauti in is munt iq again A. f. icsnn UicroduloueuvNi or "n.i: acts upon It :; Kim;, directly Hr, toatesHpoonfiil. SnnntoeuiHNf(viiC Stalliou Bnltsn Pereheron lred of Bn ths surfaces mucous I aud blood pun t;; as hs would rill U in Mantl, Utah. tha lniwa7! mimieil fcime aa Will stand at Mels Jwg"U--en'- s o. man dxa n system. They offer one hundred dulters Caah paid for egg at kiantt Grorary, MUu. I found me who - nt u i. .i fur Send to rare. foils esse Iu nine it during for auy time day hi Tool m3 v'rrYi eli jnoq oar to the new i..! i Add res. circulars and testimonials. Guitar string at tha Sfntiml store. demon. Plngle a pvp io fom the u n. Tei in Gospel preacbe-- l iu prin.:ii F. J, fiikNt v A Co., Toledo, (i. mw pee Its pip I Dance tonight at Griri'a Halt. Piles! Piles! Piea.ll b by Druggists 75ct. ;rSold vndedtfp Witt llany, he Hfljs, "ai'kioisl--- ! .. iiniu.-ii.-quanti-.'Iv-ii'i-- - il. ii i.i.'. a:, i ; pvpn psm mn Nnwjtf pm'wN'T: auction to-Mr. B llliaiiiB' Indian lito FaiHTiew, April 2S, 1S!1. tlon, at least, or ib- - im I., im Don't forgot 1). King' Mie Ihuiui opened her Millinery I r. ? . ! qi sevquK fossmiP S la March SHth with a will rare Mind, Bleeding, aud Itching -- n Monday Klitor: Yearn, ago, not over ten timid to rauie out i morrow. ' have I v.euid do well I when nil other nlutment the ll!e In all liv,.-iu. fet outlie Oihm cattlo or French could of of we mt millinery dieuny keep them, Full l.i'.e A Lowry, Jr., payo tbo highest mar failed. It absorb the tumor, alleys it nnd novelty for the comii g (he It I 3PI9 says be. liie KM-- n eoin q pa wgjnilsd surrounding hills. How is it ut ours, arte w a poultice, latest t Han I'm' hot price (or beef eat tie. I W III I -. to Dr. B illisni ii : MrPtlMB forttettlP mn aIttu nd i Brunei will be uf Him The country Is overrun with sheep bear alvei instant relief. io have ., r sean. rurpl.T-Vrn-1- 1 to the I and ein unoia wjfloe.C Take your cabbage ut any parsnip I'll nintineiitl s prepared only nqyi pne qscanne owned by, probably, a down parties. and to warn the iisiii.-nfriend and iii.il lie Imp r. j. wiiitK. , f n:!il hi I - thi- a4ma parts Pile ami Itelilug f ton private Manti Groocry. pai Xiuni W ' :r N'raat M"ia Bb e, ths rltiaeua of tbla country, feel the the rtwpllon of tlieir li.i for m. hi d will d.i Per beet to please and r "tit te-is xn fomsal i l'i"rn atitfl q fm m e.pooH Every NaU l.rU I nothing else. l u If--l in. There are, . 1. or sent ;hj I U - g pri-i.Sold by Far bnoineaa locations In Mantl apply sting Inflicted. When tha men owning reejusi', in:ll V.0 mnnued msm wmbu Vrty them end f U' i the kheep are obliged to have lhHnpnraiuu.ri, who will lw , yum to n mail on teceipt of ptiee, to Felt Olsen Jt Co., Provo. ; ..r,. wine tii.pH t.i y are uot NpwndedsJa aheared in tbo Kprlug ier Uix. Hn.lL K.Miultim F.vtbionable ,, I n: ! PlIiT'llio'ifeMj Sanpete Valley Railway The contract for building (he C N. & neemee enocn eqi to emeo gfifi- Wii.i.um Mh'i. Co Prop line stock of but wlthn nuiuuti-.ia to fair .ueeuo. reiaeUT-fr!m opened prleo. pny willing th.-t v.ny. ITerelsnd.lihio. TIUK TA1ILK, NO. 3. in f...;i eie wiiaoq mn jo xnay I C, baa been let. So eaya the hVwP A. for 11 e buildii-ai.-- l All grinding ths working man dowu. Many jider ltuesch N To take effect Heduesday. Dec. 21, 1SU0. iy in Meitl. in aleuipiiv aolaoj patvoe Wwq I l'hoio-grnp-h i.ui the Anderson' Mnliliux. viniton cannot Inwas hrre, i;uilli;!S'lllhi Babeock shearer 0" who a la Sbrlh, Mr. . a man among I'.ulug 'Menoana nmitimeddepiwraK i.it sheep Sjuj.. kindly remembered " merly ueeiipleil by Sit. i. 1. Su. I Mothers. to Advice Htri-etthe All nil tlie t lltifn-1. it Ki; iie ON miks mors than cipsusea moving from other friends In hi ,,N- i te llantl on Wedneaday. 1. 111. gallery on Main j . I'lH'kU'i-a.17. if. ml Jam m Arrive -- M ir!i-wmia wnNneepiMcanwi r.:,d tr:;i liJ Tiancy draw In corral to another, on account of I min home." it- d chape hs S.IQ. Syrup Mrs. Soothing The Bkxtikel culy be. a ropy at the etdoed ,MP0111 Tnueeia dnmtoiMaiai i 11 and ni.-'Call l.Vi. Arnvett for wool eery year WW aueortmeiit. LeftTfii mothers IV.1. whlla of tha low wage, grower Wasatch C.i., Apnl v tli, been me-- l ny millions 1.45. reiry a large Hmtinil Newe Depot. k.4; lJrnAr, Init os should he. examine for over lifty year I io Dai in and 'ini' ml. 1U.I0 my goods. 1 ran give you children getting rich and te taking tt per cent, till. 1.. C. 1AU. ' Graham, of tbs err In tha country. iu.au sailor with pirfr.--t Hiiccees. It relieve tli Uivttk, for tli-- b 'Iiclit of the I have children's h, be lira Graham, wife of J. to anil. price 11. IOaMln stiff MrwtNGj'Lf, once, prodncee natural, st little i an Mn of the Bnjuiitr,l In town. should 33 Y.iuiif: cte.evli.anfl Ain tha at II.1U Arm I think It la lima people. people hate in mixed straws Qub-- t by freeing the child from i' Triui run Utly, hundy are t f pain, kliiep littlo Mere, of more a euterpii-in- g Sprlnovilla Sprlnklcts and the little cherub awake as BASK BAL- I- A full line of Rtoo Ball be better paid for their labor as they other good equally at cheap. ls Mu si 4allon Hiirkrd in a fair Trsla It very pleasant which button. as a only a liw of iinture, of tha keeping bright privilege deprived m auterlal at this office. iKjiiui our l. .'l.ir "eral For nearly half a ceutury Ayer's to taste, soothes the child, wfteu tlie- UiKosUd, ft'hat are w to do? Allow the way In i.i.'t!;e a Mireesj in bnaines. d.i-tstork, and will Tncowee w:i The reguBaraAcs.GneniuuigM-most popu- gums, allays pain, relieve wind, Another Nepbite converted, lie is In Mn u co:m-drn Merc, of a rcccut hrry Pectoral has bean ths s. H. uraent known best sheep owners to have their own way? I sapniatemiaaL ie Kien, the The atestbe bowel, and, llantl looking for a locatbin. Tbs business bouse are i mhent iu i, nr plufc, tut u drugi are lar rough remedy in the world. whetlier arleing the mu who shear diarrha-alav not Let for this remedy for I demand trade this lornlng increasing iu It a we eocilautly ou for not VknQbt work legill from teething or other causes. Twenty PftiL llaibon has gouo Noitli, united, and Mu I . remedy proves It to he the very best flvo routs a bottle. Ihmi than it Is worth, Ime ju-- i nut I r klsy It have Iiesl Eros, end s for colds, coughs, aud all A. Mw v will union" m of a Ths j line newirc J a full question tend Ortlee at Salt Late City, V. T. 1 3. Bp. Bold and jlr. Hougaard are la and Xlan-I tliroet of the lungs. II Ii, 1WI. and then ths discussed before long Bad IDd summer Fia, You in are clothing, buslnroo. court Notlre I. Photo attending to clvea Ills the or from his for wool grower will bars to pay a reason-liu no fllnl year ml Butin . After horribly will il suffering Home Miaaienariea. will cure you you pay u. But 1 I of iu uim, and J if SeXTimel Holiday Numlier on sale at able Preparations are iinsr bring made f ir diu CuuiiIt price for shearing, or allow ths serdula in Its worst form, a young son Men who are V eak, Nervous aim lHiir I niatBuui jfoor will Ih uiiuur v. .it who m at-I of the A the President, . r f falls Nervous Hears n.rt Sentinel News Depot. rtuh, until It reception lebiliiy p ilaieJ.siilteiiiiir. from Sunday April 3., sheep to rarry their . I I a. . ufjliiM4r mwui) - King, TiW Franklin of Mr. KA I. klai 4aa.l lain, via: ilrn-i- IS. X. Allred, ............ h'juu'.-ii:- ; A-- K Lssd pencils three forB rs entat Sen off. Ths writer of this article hoard a I paw through our city on M;-- '.it!;, blcl.mviid, Ya, was recently cured by Mi,iiur.iiri mdiscieiionsK laier or 1 w. Kvil u. Ik Kee. 21, Yp. is, ll.ilutn, early TWir. offlee. sheep owner say that sooner then payl itoylauce Crandall A Comp my nrc iii;,K ii .user;. Ubhuum tha foiiowhi wiuufasaatonrove th use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. No other wlitchlcad(jriem.'iiuiel-ecayfCon5ump-. Hun-tI "1 11.1111 II whivi aad James touttnuouu . JettAittitou for abearlng, hs would let slioud send for and i lion mriilclne nn approach thi preparation lion or Insaniiv, Joel Shotuaker, late of llantl, ta the sIe coats chipping train load of hay out lafcSdiEllBJBEfcTBll . of, Hid iaarl, via: John Allwc'lil,l,hilip rue wool until neat Spring .1 Hook of laiie, their pa Kim 1 tlie 3. read Kculsiiei carry sheep hii.k,vi,jnuiuikiwii,jr.lKdwidd. blood. S'JlINIONSOUMtafKif Ji as a cleanser of the . Ogden editor of the Salt laiko Tirnn. The Cunan Howard (omiAy Un;j...ny SenUsealeil)lreelKiri.-1smiii-coiiaiyt'lah. a'-W.ilularsolallonieCure. James man K. a when known that well Harvey, Sr., ATir.NTA Si Itte filter, I Success. Ma 1 Placed The Private Secretary to ST a A ir. make such an eipreaslon. ha doea not Tlie tunnel In tho Alexander mlna Is MUOjiata . 151 North Spruce SL, liisiuute, B eilursdny Surgical on house fair Wo are Informed that Gem Christen mean IL l.i.rsiiula Juliu It. Hsxtsr, Mels now In SO feet and being pushed ut the Nashville, Tcnn. They guarantee a cure of lit. Pleasant Seminary, will take n i. Tha fart te they have bean used to getrate or three to four feet a day. They or 110 pay. - ( d.i Jli'l-i- , charge of the Stake Academy. Sr, Lars Mel are mote than half way to the ledge ting their work done so eheap that each Some time ego a couple of -' I!t yn. Weatlll bare two sforca to rent In Spring they want It atill cheaper. In now and eouetently meet with etreak Deafness Can't be Curcw duck huul on the luh Amlri-1.. Jensen, John F.iinii-the Setitiuti Block, For terms wrllc the Spring of HO the prices were five Hpringvllle fore of horn silver, slmllnr to the ejed wrote for Oral The Lake. buys ipi'iu t'i';i. hi sli cents, making an average of 8?i uwtrlhi-- There iBOuly Frlt OInuu A I'u. Pinto. men which yielded over PIS ounce a I.i -- ! th.-ohj Mt. l l.a-i- -i IDwden, Jens fow dave ago, It is expected that the w lu rureMrliu llrami ets. This Hprlng ths Fslrvlew boys ttons for prices ou psme. they Is by nHmtltut-kti(Ifalitm, As yon liks it. uj n'liKNiitw. UtuIiuwi Hat dray and fadrd agreed to demand sli cents all aronud.l tied as te who. and where they wnild Peter Jeneen. li cuust'd by uu io will district Cleveland in claims other lUmet! cuoiiiiiou of tho oiwui boiu of the whtakera may ba ebangsd to then All tube kcu raid they would nut work for les.hlp-Thrprlng fity Mel (TirlHtiansen, An. be pushed right along now, and every- KtiMiuiiUB Tut. o Wliru lilnouud of uiiprr-fee- t natural ami even color -- brown or black in you hYi' ruwhliOR Then r.u..iiu"w. Jr. every Muroul have thing 1a having shearara result In the that Thompson, season a ctoord Indicates Olid wlira it bney lufiimur. TiKAI.ER IS entirely thing Infleui-lioby nslng Buckingham's Dye. Try II iiuIimm tbo for the started 1 Mels uud ie Ihc nenlt. Mid Imppy burning Bhsn the Fair-- they uffsnd to do It for k west mountains. con bo tukraoutunU till ubc Kvhirvd lo t& view boys muclnded to shear to B . the grounds, shortly after dinner, intending I.- lllld. tufie onraml voiuiatiinii beorlnn will be desA very nice lookiug fence and at the For tha Information of ths Jieyix tr Moroni shearer offered to do it for 6 to reach a hunters enmp t hi right. troyed forever; nine nrn uii( of tenmbsrr eeiived Fphraim fyrnsll. Wheelock, FsrdI iuiinmvd Ity rutBiTh, wimble iunliiiiiC but dine time a eery strong and durabl .urn--- . Wt will aay Ilia Hoard of Tiada la a What can be aaid of workmen who will wlisre they Intended eloppiuq iP.ring naiul Clink. (simlilM-iiu- t Houee-Mfur any Uullan lluailnHl ill Wr linn Bench at the .ItlIs one. belngereeted aaloon, with a billiard table run iu try to reduce wages below living flguree their stay. They had benu gone huts Nells Ander- Mantl y fhrbti-d-n- , raw- uf hyi'slnrh) Ini wcl igtiMi as the cunwa Beneh-nro C.UrrE Cure li.ill'i enterprising, very emue time oonnoetlon. when short a Urn taking m. heavy on own bark or men who will go their ulil by drU(f,il,7, Mini fur and "House" has of his shown, Interior tnrreuta down Co'Tnh-du.Sin F. i CIIKNLY A Sterlin- g- l.ifH Myrup, lisrles Kmbley Tbo Central Utah Wool Company, are townsmen for n quarter of a cent per on. and the rain mine Fruit, ProYimons, Butter, Eggs, Fish, Poultry, Ett, commenced fixing up Ihe boys gnt on the wrong rued Wlntch, Hubert John, now that ha has already receiving Urge quantities of bead of abaep, a difference of IUO per ud HUfl It make die outside we expect he will I ever gat so small aa that where they wandered around until win, Sen. wool, and busincM with them Is boom- thousand. If to lie notels. Menti credit experts ew tjiiniiiHiii-Ai-drSummons. lVterson, Peter I shall want to ba where I am not night. The rain continued fulling, hi ing. plant out trees and shrubs, and other ! known, and aa for tha Moroni shearere-VYe- ll. the boys were compelled to atop and II. Anlrreou. ilm Jndirr'ii (Vut, rhrstrr Priciift, Mr. Bench hte property. Tha report that Hr. HuiUtrup of Ephf Link i'nuotwif bunitUfa rcrrsiory Delivery I'nyetlo A. IV. !wy, Kzra Bluimaker. jvlae improve wt bad a better opinion of them. camp for the night. Fortumihly they IK. l r. to have aU'lUnti, pliiotlB, not waa it paystlie an had made track, hen asugnment, so raim, I'u-light after cupper they i Such a eourae will eventually result In bad fund with them, Ormond GS ets. Itedditiglnn, Win. Rows sold out John his I tram Tha gentlrman Dm, DcNiulttnt. Io arrange their bedding, Srn. everything rest. To John Itor, wIiimt ooim It otberwlfte.no driving tbs laboring man from the proceeded SM Mm tins will be held in tbo several a Uniiii Pkviin;l known, Urt'VlInK, te country. We will not stay to be which consisted engag-at Air. Jaiuee present Yon or hrrhy rnmnooed to br and nnptar lloggan . tlie eard-- i at 2 n'l lock p. m. lierofft dig, fitr iiiiilmiiKiird, oi nv oiNre in Be had n pleasant rail from II. J. (round down by our own people, lint are aud a burlsp, using the Bektinv.i. In making a very pretty bed epread-Thi. H Chntfcr !rrtiirt, 4'iitynnd Territory nfori ANlTE lETEUTON, of Saliua. lie reports his town compelled to leave horns aud work for upou and the burlnp to go over them. 27th us Salt ttx Informs A. that I). Aprua pnld.en llomiir, gentleman as best tln-ditea te nnswer llKNST RKAL, l4n, nt 4 o'rlooK. 1. SI. of flourishing, aud duly thankful that they stiaugerj who will treat ue better. In Having things arranged Slni awnimt you barrio bv nnid take merchants will purchase all he ean n roiniiUint mmam John n. Maiuex. I7tb on of A. D.1M. the lilainliU Idaho and Wyoming ebearers are paid could, they turned In for the right. It April, an so soon to have a railroad. dy tu rrrorftr make. It eeems etrangs that Mantl Mid ftetinn in hroiiclil from yon from seven to uluo rente, and no kirk Is will be useless to say that tha toys did I'reeiileury uflhe Sanpete Stake of Should not give more encouragement to the Ktim of aii cFutu, for (Umaneft done on the Orders have been received to Mid Hftintifl' cru(, by tbefollowiof dwcrlbid made at prices, and It I unreasonable not net very comfortable, when I state ion. )iome production, as the goods are made niuul, menee track laying nest Monday. The One rul beiCrr, nliout tor yetn oldt branded men to work for lass wages than that It stormed all night. On getting te aaK better, if a little dearer, than those impwork will neeesaarlly be slow as the PhY8 In surrounding Terri op In the morning they found about them art the man paid Alauti a a great orted. say, JO oa the rtht hip, eqsm nop off left ear, SalsSheriffs grading at the swamp will not be com ennw on Ineliea of four the ground lorlea, because men would rather stay .fault with Hoggan'a goods Is they wont ami slit In right tar. In pitted for some time yet. Ihe pOWHlim ef Toal I Mid animal is a at home than to go to otlior placet lu After preparing a little breakfast, the vs. Jnuies n. c hild, InCheMer lmrclaet, Count and Ter. jvearont. boys proceeded nn thrir journey, and Mary Ann Kudeti. The Ant number of 1'uNsp Utah we search of work. ntnry aTofemiil .Sale end Beet Stock of Anil yon an aMiiedthit If yea fall The Democratic club met aecoidlug Utah ao far baa been Tewarkably free after no email amount of trouble found closure. of among our exchangee this morning. In t liiiwn, and in.wrr u ahov miilnd, to call, last night, at ths Court House. thtpUintig will aesinW take Is filled with very Interesting reading from ths trouble existing ehtewhers in the ramp. The boy dried theinselv-e- , you Ivdinect I niier and by virtue of an order Cf X uf lie rent, fogrfher with was rather small but as fur knilf turn and matter aud is devoted to tbo Interests of regard to tho labor question, but If em- and won made preparatioim to bunt. sale and decree of rave, of mndt-seg- n The attendance keeping of esid animal and some Jhadi-r'for uf no coart. rnrta been had The wind was blowing quite n gale anil meeting isHinl out ef the Dlsirict l onrt ht there In Manti. tbs young people of Utah. ployers persist In forcing wages down, To Ihe hrltl or any Coat labia of aaid rnna The old tlie First Judicial District of the Terri-toiy- time, a full attendance was scarcely on areouni of tbo necessities of the ths water seemed very r.!li.-s-. ly. Liming. who Groueaiau. Lake a Balt Make 1,'tsli. linh t'nnnty, nn the m leaal amice mad doe ielnm. herena. Mrs, lady be expected Mr. Judd stated the e.ihl timt hunter launched hi boat liiren tinder my hand Ihla SNh dn of April euteetilh day of April A. I), . In t has been la Mantl for a short time, is workmen, or tako advantage of thair he was to croc the big t hamn-- l above eutitli-jeet of the club was to give tlie mem-be- A. V. 11. love of home to pay them lem than they going Jani action, ilOKi. IL C aiut. among the mourners. Her rlilld bad a chance to discuss democratic be- and go over to the Cngcis where hs Cook, the aiiove name-luatiee of the lVace, plaintiff. iL been slek for a few days aud on Thun ran earu by going off, atrlkaa will t taioed a Chealrr to alma beliefs aud judgenii-ii, the and decree learn shootli-gsome he as could and agulubt principles, get good come the order of tha day, or poor meo Hubert Itodeii end Mery Ann Uodeu il diy night departed for another world. will be of the two groat national parties, and one if rmue around said and tnrned ou. to homca their leave and obliged tellfMt feiidants, on the tenth day of April, for the purpose of instruction iu tlie Mr. West, of this city, makes and sell seek places where they will be better the boys looked at Ihe other and re- H.iv.'i, which said decree was on tits SUMMONS- of rs 1s The aatlsfae-tteb to fluid said eleventh of that speak principles government. 'a giving day April, A. P. vji recor-l-etreated. The effect of this te well de- marked that he did nut think thnt he were. Dr. Kenner, V. K. Reid, S. A. Ken In Judgment Dock A. Tegs 4C7. to all who havo tried It. It is call scribed bv Goldsmith tbo waa carrying quite heavy t fcmgh polh In th a court. ICkcatcr Ficciuat, poet. j. to sell L'lBb, minty nt Nauru. Stevenson and Joseph Judd, TiTriliTT ed X. L. C. B. cleaning fluid, uud It fora life Insurance to go over there, niul amAllcciniiiiin-leIll tnw ths Usd, In buHslaa Hiss yn-j-, that tvrtiiu piece or parrel of warranted to take grease spots out of Whsr wesllh arrustslMM HJ ninn ilrraj, that be guessed lie would work Ills way TjI. adjourned until next John j Dfmud land, situate, lying and In Mauti ltov.lirfoiKlaiit. flloth without staining or hurting the Prlsrsa awl potentates BMJ flinirlali, or may through the and stop near (he City, County of Kanpeto.being lx-- , u liuar name I i Jnbm Tv olkcrvla of Territory lade. o( DEALERS IN)o l.rrminK. I la!i. bounded aud described as material In anyway. folio A tenth ton sr hcreliy aiinunond tv ba and appear a make Ihrm, aa a Im ehore. The boys worlrd around und low it Iwftir hn iinilmaisnea, at rnr nmra in Anally located, where they Hit nil dy ' Now that tbo weather has settled wade, Why Net' It Costs Nothing. J heater nt a point reven rods son Sanmie lonnir. I'tah Terri-tanlist a bold psaminlry, ihatr rsuntryh idr In the storm, having but very little sue from un April fltli. 1HS1, at IS the east north rorner of again, It is proper te aay that lu climate lot eix Whi-111. to anaver a aai-Barer bsaapyllad. cess. The following mart not rmnpiaiat ascertain Idea whether . asaiaat that went tho block forty-firoboy dsy 4.1) Plat A Mantl Cl ws beat the 1?.. S! ,,,a I',aam. oa the nth car of i patentable? YVrlto deecrlb-fi- KHirr Faikyiiw Boys. Arc Still at Their Old stand, mi .irai, dost as w were about to nuke the out, being a little more veiiturceome Survey. Sanpete I'ouuty, Utah Territoi to Meeners A. & C. Know said it. oa la luongbtta racorer tram tob art, Co, Tlienra eoulli three ecd twelve twent earns remark, a pawing cloud made u and while on the waterthy mail a nil fifth nni of UJO, Iw dauiKM dan on aaid Uit, tent l:. Patent 8. Salirltors, lipp thenrv west rwls, thirteen ru. I"lloa lag described D. Bice. aud limy will animal step, ceasing the boat to wreck. Upping panic for a minute to watch the iuow north three ami twelve tweu A Mantl Miaaianary- a On Term you free of charge. three yeira old them both over. But fortunately th fifths rod, thence east thirteen roda, (artdmare, coming down. J UI Infl front ow vlille. left kind root wliita. water waa not very deep so they n srbrd the place of liegiiining. Containing inuuM hkaebed oaleft ihlpli. KiUTtfn Hintinxl: Through klud-aee-e The work on the creek has been vert forty-liv( 13) roils of ground. Br te storm Improve. of my era there shore all right. It contlnu--Tulilir nolice Is hereby given that on thorough this spring, and the danger of the whole of the time they were gone. ftilnrriuj the Ifith day of Alay A D IV.'l nrdarklimwnor Mark mare, tfarca yaarr damage by flood much lessened. We re batter ones than Arte bids Ward furs Blood Jereeye aud Durham Bulls IU'. ,UL liinii fovt whit anriakl aMe of oclock; noon, of that day lii cannot bo Ip thinking, however, that stigmatized) I have been permitted te And I understand that I hers wero no at twelve G ahilv, bnadtil of frent the Court and also linuse in Mantl City Cows, tln-on retoft lmporoted when made English heavy shipments tlii;b. look over u letter from her brother, sms labor expended In making an t unniy. Territory of Utah, i .Shire, Coach, and Cleveland Bay I thnt t'u-y- Sanpete ovarflow ditch, to carry aurplus water K liter Johann Jacob Itueech, of Mantl-wh- turned. The supposition te -- aid or,h r of sale Hill, In BOOTS k SHOES, and Mares for sale. them, j a::d dwree ,; . mare, alieiit ytara nld aril the above yallloQ round tbs city, Instead of through It, lent present In Switzerland, the had a high old time, and trawled Bm early oa left llilgh. James elves much. Thomson, or there-to much very land ef jilnerlb.il rtipniy hie birth and childhood. would be a good move. . at VidfiOd. may be necessary to satisfy , mdlli l'roro, Utah. He writea that he b In tha enjoyment jntiffV wllh pit B. B . Marks of Salt take interest judgineuL tlnq Is l City Par lioraa of good health and is realizing the good roll two ahonl and yaws old, cohl. etc., to the highest i.In the Territory. v, ihlo unions to lutrodurs bis goods lu this JfflfBOTTOM 1'RICKS.J iT.P bidui r for lawful money of f.. of hie mission, In the Kaat-Swj afwut t iB! 'baymave years old No saotkm. As be sella cheaper than, any spirit I iii(i d Slutesof Th Best brand vxobla. Advertising. America, Cantons of the Helvetian Bepublie. fit. had a niliiiihiiire eurih George waul aniinala are aw in Ike Mwww-Jnor other wholesale fnrnltore dealer In Jamks Brnx. Sheriff, Tlie nut efficient advertising In aabl l'laintiS. ilat? many of whoeo simple hearted, 1'iei.Llnt! quake on Monday, By Jai:insk E. Svow, And yon av herrhy Bullied, that II yaufall Utah, It will no doubt ba to the Interval of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that wliirh ic mountaineers to an dlehea. ansaer frugal hare and a tl.o frcci abova Sheriff penr shaking Ivnnty ll.nj plarter from the meiticlne Itself. That ii, lb required, of local tradesmen to patronise him. will take Jndvmaat again Manti. plaintlrf tout. unbraced the Latter-da2lih. or tpr.l wall ud Gospel, are jru diran ihuee who a chii'inry, it ', eured belt, speak to fbr Mbl Miini ol Id a, teetlMr with axienaaaf throwing Bie prices are unequalled. (.Look oot course, like most of the Kklera sent from did not do much damage, rtends suffering similar?, who In turn em.antl keeping ut.aaid an, a, ala, aadawd ut for hla ad. nait lame. and rive benefit Utah to preach to the Gentiles, ha Is urge others to try Jualire'amiirt. To the Sheri, f or any ChwaUtdecf aud coaatr, The Next Issue- hi successful medicine. Thus the circle (ireeting, old 8npL Dalton roods op word from traveling without pores or crip," or Carpentora working for tl.e Croro 1,. Nak Is of legal aervlee aaddBarttannkenm Its M. Jt on B. went Co. rapidly I., popularity widening it a fon strike, Nkw Yoke. April 21. Maryerate that the neat shipment of at least by no means a comfortably Wilmy of and hdV is, Dalton ore, to be mode May Orel, will provided for, aa the ministers ef elder, hours ronvlcced them that iby acre in liam II. Grace was bark at hie office are becoming enthusiastic in Joxl IT. Chii.b, ths sonp. f Il00d'B Sarsaparilla dona anything In tbs west In the shape mure popular, hut by no mean aa it after hit Mnrn from a delightful Julies of lb taye, C. B. Week, prealdsnt of the of gold foa- churches. He has several near A colored man from ha whip ern California, where the rtlusw did oompany,J. M. Howell and Purveyor relatlvea In the eoutiguoua Cantona ef psd Lynott, the Salt Lske rhanq-innJt be given a fair trial. If you need a Summons Brerkun ntll leave for Maryevale in the Apponaell, Claris and 8L Qall (the Ut- Tlie a world of good, in the course of wM blood purifier, or building np med- him off in the Ryoiiiiu-iiiifame fight lload'a bares WaJ an Interview ter at one time the unrivaled head and three round were ell morning. ntm-- Efthuitir Join uni. psrllla. politics in California. I l!it wo la tlia Court, Punniaoa rrerlart. "Cap" Whitlock of Mayftelil, not quarters of learning and plsty, litera- necessary to ronvluce lynolt Ihnt the Mr. Grace said: "I think that there I Ten.turr uf Itak.i'oantr of Saaiw-tpitwrcf AalolM llartiBPla,il,1r, i: doubt that tariff reform will be Banpete, as the TriOum- - re- ture and civilisation for all central Tiovo filggit wn-- the I elii r in.in. ttenaad pii i) per John foe. iiMie ) ihe Home in head neat of returned from his sisters object to a trip to Balt take the ports j hglit iu t sliforiila Spring Medicine. To John Ihie. whuaunams i other iM oa I a There !,t:, '''"ehere. iB.ioa. dtp last evening. Ut Las bran attend- his preaching te our tenets, but they ac- The Bprlngville Semti.ery rlo.-.-tieeating, romdanlly jih Von am lirreliy atinunoaed to te and appear Dr.nuun'a Improved Liver ITIls, on ac before withueiasm for IL ing te his Interests in the live stock cord him ths hospitality peculiar te the find erlimd year lat Frid.iy. 'I'b-- Then j Kr,,'Al,8 me the uutlrniqanli me nfllo in are mild i mut their of I artiou, A'iU especially business t. baaiirta rimnly 11. T, ua end .'C'ir Ue to speak on the reports that the iapitit Is Alpine region. eaya that when the hs been the meansnf d ic.g t i;oo 1. Hi fad day uf May, ml. st I saltitday. diMiders for id correcting sprlug suew has gone off hs will visit more much duller than Sanpete. apt topic in San Krinelwn. I do not belie , lo anawer a euwdalnt Hied p. a,, of A Utah miner Im Ihe ahnvo aimed pislaUfl you hemi, Mi skis. Marks. Hodgson and di. ""nryjCieD.-iiim-ritai-ararry California iii meh as Impure blood, tired brain and agt,nl I Smith, for railroad fares" art high and the lirolwhl tn Said rr from .oa worn cut aud land They no'iin i of r; the l f Suit take City, are in Mauti, looking highways are muddy, bnt oven the that will revolution! of aching Ihe enui juw per lial oa a. o. ihMurLlj-itcuiesa, (iig j uf the th:-by lulliiwuu damaged, hgeil i.i-this n dose. ores. th Kr d n or ih m, Try After their mining Interests. fur Mit spring, " dea roqhl come nearer Jhelr walking over mountains and throngh during ntce can be built on (he claim te located K. ft. from here, la the valleys I expensive. ,i,ihw rsiryli-gyrir rid. while t promptly on tlie Liver and Kblm-ye- ; alrite la ! horae.,, tualuul auy other candidate. pu,at ut auw, Nraaded Of course, the vi ill Ii California especially neighborhood of the Alexander mine. rive out nil Impurities from the blood, J J ua right hip. people have different and ths heavy expense of sbipp;ii The gentlemen are Interested In six views and are by no means relnetant be saved. This will make It iriumitr-- i found ibal tlisis vs a very strong f malaria from the system, i Inly cue Pw bnru, shoal t years old, no I, node to work min, e, at fie.ci.t lyirg.iuirnin-.iat cents a box by I. U. Brunei. Tiai'da, claims, and as the Alexander has etrock la their ways of expressing them. Jn republican bmlnrsa men for Uii j'lalnlifr oa tkelNhdSTig i id . ( 11 eland a rich vein, an iu hope that they have St Margaietheu they told onr Unit! Idle. Tha prorss will LApr 30April, a J), Ik4, ad fer cuala at k renin, sail rsutluien m were ol civil .nil. friend aloe made a encccsefol rent ore. i li st bli, they thought the Mormons were Siul anlniil are now deinlaeS st the pren The big cities si! ivy taken pi , ,, , bdiiiibisirAUoq was (be lie ,f Nile. If. in eitd iwetiaeL Intend putting mea to work, and run- bound, or In bondage, and prevented Intercsia of Hideoimlry ' of ee:l,.la. were" as And It Ion, . if you fall to w r ,rS r. awl anwer a. aimre ,,! 11l" iiqH-n- r ning n tunnel to aee what te bidden te from going away of their own volition." h:l tk-':re,ire,l. mil,l I i ba RsltLkHe Ik "A1 iho Perale,l j ,7 i oauipd. i p very V in arumt plaimiA other wi'ii'ikelndgnienl you fertile words, they were in slavery Creek (he depths and ure eonldeut that they emu of S:aii --r head, together with a wt-- u mm, N ';.:iii" n 'liiitie i! v v j1 ,Wint the packing !q.V; fever, Vl iitlof eilil will receive a rich reward for their They also asked him "if he hid rome to keep, y.I.,-- !i ;re enormous. V- - tlie thunder Ugfleu te putting In a pim.l woiu ru eonatihie ef erid ronutr. anj troublh. They bare good Indications, do soma recruiting." No wonder with mrny. Fsrk City, and Xphl-a- ell product of tta fm l.ir,rJun of they arc Mekoli gol on the part of the Inaad die ratiiralhereoa Mi seme o( their aaaje have been very burhdtepe-iilofor mines In Huts, te ii.l, I l0jrr,,l',i'rl,, and packed 101 ,WU thl loeklng Apnl, habitants the) our L;lii tiavelrr cornea A D 'r. HsrrlsoR'e encouraging. their lie of Nepbl resource. adminUtre- Joan k.Bopzn r. Jaitiyevitlie ftiee ulirely Ltl'lfc'ital lUlDfbt lb-- -- or !:,:p Ui airy Aume ;. I .ii In-- i ! -- 1 v. I . i ; t:avk,.'k!i a a:. I sr, . Ci-- JBOa ii Sa.p:-rt-- .1 i a .. w, ! I ,! t ! d f ..V i1 , I i. MAS' rrr H.- j 1 I,i :: Ibr uilii'.uifluii Ul 1 1 onii ffiemtatraimtetten?; -- u, 111- ivji I -- - , , f ii- CScroWOHI-- I eiUjedesjes d 1 -- fr i.u.-Upo- diiii-.gi-- NaJzi-nbaiim- St County Itrlofs 1 la wutdli i Pn a r l. -- ls-o- 1 ll-"- -- j e - I il' t-- -- : vuiur iuromet f-.- - -- m. l -U 'i: s i.;-- . - If In-- r Sj-il- ig I mine.. t. 1,1 ! : e fi.-.- . . .. U.-- " s tl-a- ii-- i 'a w-- lt, A - 1 . I'o-cp- - S'l-rc- . Uu-wi- a h.-- aw-ii- rr Co-o- tl-.- Jri epee-ululin- soi-i- . y, y r r die-use- 1 spei-lfl- pi-- FHIfM 1 - ..... I- y 'i-- bn-t- I- aaw , iv-.aai- n ' k - -. anyqllicT.". I - u- rn-arr- liH-.- l h I 4p1 e Ir-w 1 !. Aiub-r-Ni- Chi-ete- r m. Green r. - and -- fri-- f to all Free . Fancy Grocerirnu I rc Paits of the t. - r-- f li. U. dyf ' Proprietor,.. to-w- - f U.-il- ad i: O o t Ul 1 n is-'l- whi-ret- u 1 TUTTLE & Jn-tl- ra -- rm-lm- hn-iu- n. General Merchandise- Nun-la- s world.-Stuml- s dran-yad.ri- a v aiil. g Main Street, Manti, Utah.?'' Mimd-blaz- m e d mottier-ln-tew(yo- u o - r l'r '1- 1 I X ani-rr- te lt, lf indne-trlouaan- d y jM An tin-cer- )0b hsaSteSttsasiatf sa . n Jai-Iica-- lr t Kun-pe,- d uua-a.an- n bc-J- BBY GOODS lo-a- psti-uii-- - Hs-'i- r uii-il-- ,r Olawson,: IrtM-ln- f- ' If Ji-u- n - irunan-lM-N-ti- v SALT LAKE CITY. I fr , -1 d n fBBmsal fcwkl (ockaw m uripa m |