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Show COAlTStt Works. Garble c C. - 320,000 J.iBiMiWN.sLirfur. HONS MUNSON, Cashier. HfiADdfABTEKS, - I'ENTKII SHEUr:K)'" Till' Sail Laku Mush- lk".mi MdUBgrr. Klil-l- & will give the lire of six I'nion In ju.'piiig i.cucru' iincir action- for my own six strong, young during tiii-- . cumpui.-n-, it i but fair to was not inclined to follow tlir f.niuo. fit men in the vigor of youth for thUoM, lo-o- p.. reinciuls-- r llial v of iiis failure xainple of hi Mulxmlinatvs: so inkb-aworn-ou- t life of mine!" hi-- crii-tl- , witli were due to unavoidable unit id weary hulls on f throwing feather-belie lit aeigar, pot despairing energy. false ami that lx- - wru HEXlilE and DUNCAN. What do you mean? Speak quickly, pitted against a leader of ut hi lamp, and drew a vliair up to PEALf.KB IN , , scoundrel, or it w ill be too Ute!'1 wiiidow. it waa a hrill-iuis qualifies; leit p ipulur opinion did 'There are six I'niou prisoner hidden not i to weigh tlie,- ion. moonlight nlgiit, alniukt like day 0 mi tlie l.il day of the same mouth lie ami the where you cun never find them if I die in its eleamrs. Shoes, Ilatt.Caps, Hoots, Mujor. who was a man of sentiment, ffith the secret on my lipf and where, met the f.i'e so often aeistnl-- il to ksikeil with unfeigned pleasure on the lieiierul. deprivation of ST Hardware, anJ Everything l'irst-clas- s 111111:1 11,1. Tiiouiii bail reflled to reseene whis-met his gate. In pn-ttBelonging . to a duce o liosccraii. w brilliant front of hiiu lay the garden and orchard, Stores--Goods Cheaper than career ill West Virginia had alrvaily und lieyond, a rugged country road in the House at any 'Other a matter of history, was uiunied winding up the side of a hill covered Soutli w ith to this important miuniaiid. and under but whose top was crowned County Largest Store these new auspices the Fighting Fourth witli lofty forest trees, sharply defined of Price. s In llie w liite moonlight. with tlu- - rest of the army found nnee more at Nashville. IViuhl hYmuk liesant have followed The dusky sliu.k-id uiglit were fast the current of the Majors wandering uiul tlu- - sun luiti set in lengtlu-ninthoughts, he would indeed have been rimson glory the last departing startled; for hit meditations were on tlu- - possibility of a man sinoerely lovblush uf liulian summer - wlu-- mi an ing two women, with himself as an early NovemU-- r evening tlie figure at a of the problem, and one of horseman might have beeu seen riding at a steady trot along a road which hi! the women, the true wife the sea had in a southeasterly direction from Nashroblied him of, the other whom he Kver anil uuon Hie traveler ville. could only remember as a lovely schoolhiked liuek over hi slmulder with an and (food Coal at the Manli girl the mother of his young friend at- Mias, at tlie fair city he Canyon, 4) mile and subaltern. Ah, it was her face, expresaion of anxk-tnot iiis boy's, that the lad had reminded w:ih leaving, and theu grasping hto buth oTManti. ton faMso mines IfCoaL at the only per bridle with more determination and him of when he first noticed him on Hperior quality of Lime. ouly 85c. board the ship going down to St. Louis. sjiurriug hto liore to greater effort, as Hpeclaf rataa Riven on large the Major ruxa a son ovn thk urn or that though ho were tlu'iv instigating himlYetty Mery Carter, fentttim. self to the accomplishment of somerant thought, '1 wonder what she is like now H. Thomas & Co. in only a wonder if she was happy with that felthing he was will if me, perish you they slaughter low liesant, who always seemed to me manner, fixed hto eyes on and I alone for with thirst, hunger P a bit of a prig, wonder if lights which glimmered in tlie for disHut his dream were cut short by bin have fed them, and there will he no one tance and steadily pursued hto journey me. to do murder if it you witliuut permitting any regret he might noticing the figure of a man creeping If he speaks the truth there U some have to distract him from stealthily aerosa the orchard. lie first sense reflectin the that, Major said, his purpose. In the trim figure and .clR thought it was Charlie Fulton, hut as v humlsouie features of this solitary the fellow emerged from the shadows ively. to ! God's own truth, the man horseman it is not difficult to recognize "It into tlie moonlit rood, he quickly saw will moaned. If word you give your our young friend, Charlie Fulton but liis mistake, end n moment after he to let me go free and unharmed I will nut tlie gallant, guy, lad recogaixed the tall, spare figure of his make clean of and tell Invest s it you who marched from Columbus with high Lost. In an instant treachery flashed for Six one are. where lives young they acroris his mind like an electric shock. hopes and sputlcss soul, for iu the rider old one think of it! 0 we see one whose face to drawn Surely llixon had told him an hour ago Agent fo Studcbakcr Bros. Yes, and such a worthless one as with care, one who would even now that lie was so weary he could scarcely Carts. and Wagons, Carriages keep his eyes open and would he in bed that you offer! Major Ilopkins said, turnback from Urn fatal errand he la Well, prove your words and lient on if sometbing stronger than hl in a few minutes: then what did thia dryly. Agents for Amos Whitneys tin- - terms even though I Steel Mowers and Reapers. sense of honor did nut drag him formidnight ramble mean? Snatching bit I will accept e a from its case, he fixed his cheat the devil in giving you your Ufc. ward; and this something was llic And you will let no one injure me? of a woman, for wIumo favor he eyes on an open bit of road he knew No one; hut lie quick about it or I felt at that moment as if lie would the midnight prowler would shortly may change my mind. Where are tliqse barter his very soul. As tlie mariner of reach. men? Yes, there he waa. A long, shrill ancient days looked 011 Beylin ami In a cellar under mj own house. whistle like the call at a bird, and a dreaded Chary bd is, lie knew that In' I might have thought of that, the was risking two imminent dangers mounted man in Confederate uniform rode up to him. They talked together Major aaid, annoyed to think that the lieing caught as a spy and hung, or miserable wretch was to escape bit arrested for treason and shot but she earnestly and negligently negligently IUI l because they thought themselves too righteous punishment. hail sent him word to come, aiul it a Ho Mr. Dixon was marched back to hto far away for observation, but they were hundred deaths stood between him and 'DEALERS IN around own with still the t house, rope Iwr, for her sweet sake he would dare reckoning without the Major power hto hands behind hto hto neck tied and Then the trooper ful binoculars. them all. Hour ly hour be rode, each Seneral horses and the with back, together turned back vp the hill and Dixon acmile alternately as he neared hto goal of wounded the and war, many : companied him. To snatch his cap spoils torturing him with remorse or thrilling them most of men, who, though him with expectation. and pistols and spring from the winwith'a'fflflWJMM were treated Ah! there to tlie signal two light dow was but the work of a minute to soldiers the tenderness rough by In a garret window of the one wlioe active, wholesome life made burning The said. Dixon aa had was even It as light a burhis house he to at Inst approaching. Has of an five and one officer men privates den as many a man's of half his age. The he liecn there before? It sceqis so, for Iowa regiment were found, pugged he dismounts ami, leaving iiis horse I drop to the ground shook him a bit, but and bound ' ' k so tightly drflwn cords with tctln-relie waa not hurt, and without stopping to a tree, advuncea up tlie very Agents for the Cooper Wagon knife. cut with a aa was flesh to give word of warning to any one, he that their orchard path down which one memorWe hod to keep thum quiet or you .and the MiCorroickMachincry, started up the hill. Now he could unable midnight Frank liesant fled so Dixon heunl said, them, hurrU-dly- . derstand why Dixon had persuaded would have Mu tlu1 of juris him to post his sentries on the north, reading the stem inquiry And site meets him. looks in a dress so per why this important rued was without Radiantly L'nlooae hto bonds and let him go allows the ronmled lovelifeet that it patrol or picket. him brain and ward iiefore I break my The best port of an hour elapsed. ness of tier exquisite figure to show its unaWake up, hoys, quickly and quietly where he stand! Ilopkins cried, line and stir to tlu ikqrth of graceful ble to control bis indignation. as you can. Make no noise whatever the. impassioned youth as lie his soul hto in wrath, Nor waa the Major alone our lives depend upon your silence. at tlie undulating form, worshipgazes utmost for it was with the difficulty Co It was the Major's voiue. . fervor of a first love. officers were able to restrain ing with tlie the that "You are eume, she says, in an acTn five minutes his officers were in his their men while the trembling wretch cent ' tremulously musical. Yet I hardroom. slunk from their sight. You see that hill yonder, my lads, you would dare another i ; 50 E. 1st St. ly thought When the rescued prisoners, whose visit." ihe said, grimly pointing to the clusterhad hern so cruelly tied by tongues She permitted him to draw her to his Well, just beyond those whip-coring pines. were able to speak, they Xa. , trees in a little valley lies half a were of course asked a hundred ques- breast and imprint a kiss upon tlu-- uppretty If? ; 41 turned face, v regiment of Confederate cavalry, who tions, and among them this: When you say Comer he said. arc about to do ns the honor of an early I Si you know where Bragg is?" Ywrgv eamv,' my sweet one, there to no dun-- ( morning call. What do you say to our Yes, waa the prompt reply, he to getting up a' little surprise party and off northwards with all the speed lie can ger I would not dare to do your hki; ding. anticipating them in their polite atten-Nlie trembled under his ardent gaze. OtCOfV vv. tions? You think it best, of course to LnutoTille. And Hnell knows it not! Major nop-kintlu-order your men under arms with Pity for a moment broke the spell that at the declared, significant aghast bound her better nature, and disengagout an instant's lose get them out of importance of the news. herself from bis embrace site cried, the church If yon can without a sound-a- nil Bo, leaving the enemy's wounded to ing meet me at the bend of the road the tender mercies of the citizens of in earnest tones: No, poor boy, ty Is yonder. Winstnnley, anil despatching their own Ah, little do Colonel Dawes and hit in a baggage wagon with a small eson : vvr d merry men, stretched at their esse cort, they mounted their the green sward, snatching a few hours steeds and hurried as fast as they of precious sleep liefere they shall cap could back to Buell's army. toci the climax of Jack Lsscelles' superb No wonder Southern gentlemen rail IVv'SVC, ndW mimicry by peppering the live out of such aa our Winstanley friends white those poor devils of defenseless Yanks, tlie Major mused. 1 have often know that two hundred gleaming tnsh,' felt surprise at the epithet, bat now 1 muskets, held by the hands of resolute think it suits them down to the ground." men were pointed on their prostrate hums from every tree around them. CHAPTER XIII. Little did they think that even now ALLfUSA WOIUX. their earvlese pickets lay stunned, or II Oman interest to always stirred to gagged anil hound at their neglected fever beat by a race, whether the composts. peting objects be men in the arena, 1 Did they start in their deep and think horses on the course or yachts or oeean 3 Blks From Temple. was a dream, as the hoarse commend steamers flying over the foaming waves, it IFIRST-CLAS- S rang out: but here was a sight that made tlu) dullMake ready Fire! Fix bayonet est pulse beat fast two armies rushing waked two and I 8frf deadly volleys across a State, as big as a European Charge! the woodland echoes. With wild hurrah country, in anxious liute to reach a on them. were Fourth the Fighting spat that may be a key to pronounced tax mswaucD rxnxa his abdext oazr. Larged. There is no time to even shout surprise; victory. Uragg and Hnell with their men of the only sounds, the scuffling thab thousands were the participator in this not too late even now to save you from and tramp of steeds, as a scorn or two stupendous struggle, with all the odds the consequence of your rashness. cloil' troopers, fighting like wild-cat- s, of an early start in favor of Die former, Hasten to your horse and away as fast UTAH of MANTI, manage to cut their horses loose end but the Union Ueuersl reached the goal as you can rule. Treaeheiy is all 1. even I, have dug the flee to the valley below. It was a grand, first, and so foiled one of the finest ef- around you. ofi-ffifty of the forts of hto astute antagonist, whose pitfall for you. Fly, if yon would save1 glorious little victory enemy killed and wounded,' over forty record during hto brilliant career waa yourself from harm and me from matbad tofHjtMlM. ter your grant! devotion huTji llwdy. M.R.Tn tf(n prisoners taken ,and nearly two hundred second only to Lees among the SouthVlM.r W.HhfifM.M. kNMMir , A, O. Uisk, M Op lilfwia horses, with their equipments and ac- ern commanders as an expert tactician. touched iny heart and I could all , coutrements, captured, to say nothing of f. But though forestalled In hto inten- Une yon. Jni Almost! 1 thought several stands of small arms and two tions. the Confederate leader seized the 4ES llush!" lmggage wagons filled with ammunition opportunities left to him, with consumBut the warning earns'' too late; a Impartantof and Whotawlt an4 Bctnll and supplies. mate skill, flooding the State with aL IMUm i. Hut there was one enemy the gallant peals to biyalty to hto cause. Inspiring dozen stalwart forms, springing from missed, and him he sought for them by the presence and boasted suc- the shadow of tlie. trees, surround the Major ruga, Medicines & Chemicals, with eager, vengeful haste ah, there cesses of hto troops to join hii standard, young man, who. stunned hy the girl'i he goes stretching his long legs like a and making almost superhuman ef- revelation, yfelils without- - Wow ter Psinta.OUa.DyeBtuITi, Perfumerlea, freedom. Vi : crane in awkward flight, and making Tobaccos and Cigars. forts to win the Kentuckians to lOA Another eajdiv. t.i your fascinations. with maddened haste for a neighboring declaration of secession, lie went tlie ulihs-- in eliargn uf enpur. further than Lea had ventured to do in Miss Laseelles. with more mockery tiion ' After him, boys! the Major cried, the parig say, Maryland, daring even to create s proYourinisr to hie lucklree sword with the jvsr are tnorejrfpointing visional Governor and carry into effect sincerity. our I'll dollars feetive to the than fugitive. give fifty Come a stringent conscription law. man that bring him back to me all And just us cruel! she mattered, into the folds of yimr brotherhood, lead her alive, remember, for I want to hang waa hto passionate appeal by proclamabitterly, as she watched themthat I art, Fool him! .wA. tion. Cheer ns with the smiles iff your victim to the house. Who would ever have thought the women, and lend if after all, Vwerchimand not the other hands to willing jour .me I love. gentle Major could have made as bloodsecure the heritage of lilierty! not Frank Once more Cliuil- - is on the road, wlw thirsty a declaratiou Ami even when ail this failed he won to Nsshv He sant, who gazed In inquiring wonder sucres from defeat by turning hto de- hip horses head turned and not ah on his flushed cheeks and flashing eye. mand for men into one for supplies, lint to hut with a Hut the Major's soul was raging against conijwuy of j"y ravaging Hie rich lauds uf the northern now, wlui, tli' iigli tliey guard Iim the hapless wretch's sastained duplicifellows, valfertile Mate uf its with the part i ty, and, when he Mill he intended to leys and green postures, until he had a well, trout him w it a ennsutoration iftht kv of its sting, hang tlu- - scoundrel, he surely meant It. wagon-trai- n of supplies forty miles would rob It. eap'. '... with the not so itawd lNxir Squire Dixon waa indeed huntwo arms, long clothing, boots, inl-- i that In was del'.' pitiable sight as he was dragged by two dred lowIs of bacon, six thousand lar-reinfetnal -- I. lovedrough sohlSera into the irmle Major's of pork, two thousand horses anil tlie girl in' . now lie euuld Wt . 1,1.1. lie felt Ihul presence. amt vast this thousand all beeves, eight chains J Fling a rope nrer the limb of that array of booty lie dispatclied in safety shake himself five from tlie li.-foseinntlons. fetal was tree stern him ami the tie up!" valuable southward. when this Then, a mt TMIIIm NEWSPAPER 'I hat night Clmriie Fulton slept at A Imuk of ovvr command. feat was accomplished, he sullenly fclr, M Murfreesboro close mt.ition pKm,Klvlng Mora wretch's tongue reAt find the poor movement with a lluell, of tiJmIs room, small, dork, fused to utter ahject prayers for pardon, whose retrogradehad fretted the ADVtRTlSlNG'1. gallant gloomy asiteet was by Uir of terror he sew troops delay in when an but mkrrptbhftt agony endurfed almost he lieyond Ihr namo oT ovor nowapoprr funiituro and fetal antique a them the heavy preparations making cirralailim bo In the ifinm ance, rming is l tardy pursuit. Day by day iHivrliiTf efiwmlhUKr torrent of wild supplications bunt from presnes, carved in the grotesque Mfrv Mtan Union forces followed the retreating Morning easin Mh Ihh, villi tin mot pn liii for his the lost centniy. of taste lips. Bth of ffetulier. as (Hat of ito bnt of boat, when an the liiNrUiliirUMi and gray, but wKb its first cold dawned cal dteiMhm, 1ft rrrr? city and town of oro Hut the Major's face never relaxed a they reached the village of IVrryrilfe, Am VCaopOMlailnn srlii mimhi by the Inrh for muscle. be sprang from bis 11 nnd ran mb Booth llporlal lirtnfdaily,cuutr Bragg turned upon them with sudden gleam Tillaro casement Tlie aight narrow the to him up, hoys!F ad cImo papm. Barralos odira of talao String and from noon till eve. fury, he fighting the riveted Mil Mwibm or Ikiw wi.hioc tn ripnlmi low galling thtTgid hands were forcmen's the o Already crippled his pursuers that when Wlnwwl lik moll oomomof mamy, Hkowi hnt the sn-- t r.Ti imlri-- n anwp when Die his Into neck noose, ing unm'ninVf Onw to hi ih rfc. Mt Un darkness on was came M he ft. allowed ntures of the preeedi kdirl-- t w. id n my adrimi other appeal from the doomed man was molested to am escape with all hto plunder baniroti t Koh ii.i, a in. more effective. VaMo AMmt hiiieous dream. far Chattanooga. am Md pBfM ASraftmaa tofcTLrtrl TO .1: ltut ll'ipkim.. thuuirli he liad SEereon pnifi-sse- d Ii is In ueu 1 DlapS. iuiv-'- if R lettered Merchandiser I i h I M IH1 N ,1 v vlF7,TiV3EC5i!Mi toitoIffJ?it Weber Pianos, 35,000 slreu-figur- Office, - - Utah: SMerchandlse DRY rooos, cue-ml- cs VI All id! lA.TucKet Candv I mi 'i. iW 3 Olty, e NiotfiAv c.t J - EwvZ: Ttj Sample Room J. Fielding Prop. ai altiPtoyo, - - - Utah K' 1 1. . Ti-rr- Cl Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carnets, Wall paper, Etc. 40-- 62 lr. t 1 hten-am-- WHOLESALE AMD ZITAIL o-- iKj MMiXi lorkr'ir u ima Salt lota St., Cif,. Utah- - (IKANT, N II. I'khh'l'ijL Vwe-IV- i ildtuL HXlIKd M. HKI.LH.tnsbler ('luui. S. Burta. W. (M,uia. Vrsuk 1. Tsyha Hilo T. Faruwwtk Mom. lUuksrd Wuellry. M)slrie on W. dnass. Do what is right. It riflil io use home products article . our own in THEREFORE It is right to purchase the Boots manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution nnd Shoe especially as they are moderate in price, elegnnt in aiyle and auperioi in quality. DEALEP9 MAUH I- N- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW, DOORS. MOULDING and BLINDS. and all kinda of BUILDUP IIPTEIPL VtAroiVvit owvc, JOSEPH MARRIOTT L MURRAY, 8. Manufacturer of Pure CO., UTAH, Fruit Extracts. No adulteration MAYFIELD CO-O- P. Denlerg in W. If. H. FAX1IAN, Sup BftY Q003S, ETC. GROCERIES, SZAI.ES. is Cooper Wagons, MoCormick Machines, J y Eye Sen" Plows Canton Clipper, and J. I. Cane Chilled Plows. Puikv THE LARGEST STOCK Ar cnrrjing a fiiio line of Mens and Boys Clothing, Boots and Shoe. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. ito aWm (o-opcrUv- 'c of Buggies and Spring Wagons in Utah County. With leather top and rivited rims. Dont send to Salt Lake but rave Freight hy sending Your Orders TO vc, VvvVk'vc Wtvkc, Av, vwvW, PROVO CITY. UTAH oww JOHN LOWRY SON Yw ws.Y ctvt Furniture, wac-wXv- 'VwtvXot. . tvytTcvto mi I wvvW No, 0h Hold Their Ordersfor His Arrival peuxtiix me Implements and Buggies, BEST Wagons. and the Order lliat lie can not fill will bo BED BOOM vaVv vvs XW peculiar one Gkvv S. V. ko VMU Co. & MANTI ROLLER MILLS iOUIS I.BEOKEH, he'. Leading Implement Dealers, CONFERENCE VISITORS than Like .urtw-- i rrw.'fFarjT''" rf MA-NTTFACTDru- an of Flour The Best Grades solicited. J f0rtler and Correspondence Custom Work a Specialty the nt least rimr nidiilhly he will visit tho Principal Stone in eouiities inur'd, who arc reFiieelfullv requested to Baby Carnages. sum. ... to Suit can find no better place w v IK Main w Street, next to 8avagea Art Baxaar, for HATSi' DRY GOODS, SHOES, in General. and Family Supplier them; they will treat you well. ' Call and wc s rsinAX- rt. ' J MANTI CITY, GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE DBY GOODS, QBOCEKIUB CJ.OTIIIMI, W vtWt tvoNvci litaii' mtA vwVto N vti ja. evf vtv vw VWvs vwjf filfiO jaeMie vvu ttcVrVCY, V. & CO., W HADING Best Buggy on 'Wheels iorinO.DD, HANSEN J Also His following Standard Remedied. Mandrake Liver FUto, Master of Pain, and Tar Cordial. I'. S. My Fxii.tcIs sic all made from fresh fruits, samples of which cm he seen at llie Skninkl ollire. Kuherts H Nelden, Druggists, sole agents for Utah. We carry the Largest Stock south of Hull Lake Pity. The peoplo of the south will do well by buying tlu-i- r Orders hy mail Doors, Windows, Etc., from us, Promptlattended to. Oflire and yard opposite tho 0. .& R. O. Depots. d tt J LUMBER AND BUILDING CO., vhe il J. SOLD BY ALL HOME r lie-g- IMMUMV, ii i right to patronize homo In (dilution exclusively. FAJRVIKW. UTAIl. ry : IIMtKK , Murfr-i-slsiro- , - WILLIAM in preference to imported U in right to furnish lieoide emphiymenl. a complete line of furniture, carpels, window lilindrt-a-tlierewall paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties dealing with us can getss good prices as any house south of a1t LnVe. We aro pro pared at our rinning milla to custom work on the shorti-- notin'. We enrry 'w n) (Signs) W. HOWELL & nt ni tarn ,U I. r ls I iiii.ni-j- , ua apiuv wl nosrity. cxi IihizviiuiII lulnrlpsl nulsia. J lunvui. usuviumi. l i.uiiciiiiiibi iiili-rellirimu unarteelr, f ml ml yininiuaiiunii. . Smoot Drug Co. Ito. liO tsi c.'Jicr iXii'd, isjli 7,.r,v City, U.ii: . OATALtOGUKS FIIEtt. 'phe ACCOMMODATION S Ml'lIREta Jim Hn CiQtdWftOY HLDINQ HOUSE 111 Rixi-Ivi- w newly-acquire- A. II, Klim a !We. Niawwc T Direeters- - n .W jni:uI.uc "ei'h L Smith, Urn. II.Ki-- . .Mfuluui ll.Cinnaa, M hiumin - . tki ...iuol ;ji q r tsiksljrurt t dip it Ckmpsr w aas Is the sod IW mL I'liiir iml hm, Son sot imjun tke Miff toil ckMucT Uu nayaiktf tteMdSkaa tain i ill. W isn at the enuury. to i tomiltl lUd, tint m euttu HI ruin uo intHMia mutcTmtMlMMlar la toebe&taK Sheai, a value u MtowXniwnmMlif ESZ - v iti . ,j W '4 MiJXA; fill Itv , Li , Capital, fcno.ooa Groceries, life , i your v-pox -y Tlje Stale Bagk of Utah. light-hcurte- d fleld-glaa- imp., ip iji'i Ire fsi. an vumi i.totfntiip and la - tto .,1,1 J - use. in lialf-heartc-d T, ((Kmikmkk: tot C.. from your dealer, ask Mb rr0"J,i;n rEB"OU"e 8HP Fernolino Chemical Co.( C( msdnsy, mulct-takin- g T KEBRCHANDISEi . CUSMUL - (hisiie.!) C rWLrENERAL to u' tdk.- tl .Iff g it Ito. if- si'mmi i : lt (i M NX i I toil 0.1 Six-mi- f1 .J. . s " : p W&.'Wfc IKS usaaszfX'as r'kL.w s es 1,. .: t I ... :.i v . klitvp Ijsf ;i 'hi, la . iiu it. ,1' ij ,1 i i j i::.nlIU.'H,i.tcu.l : ii.ji dii hill UiaiMWAfcJ, amt I o Milo! iuiUu.-- iivNluKiii them-selve- Utah ferro" tfAU'k Ksrui, Btau. Oct n, MOKOAX. WILLIAM ilk" ti k I I'KiminiiK Ihcstf sficA'i ICW tl UIIIV lilt 1,1 V- - 1 And thtrthjr lnsstui . i llc frjit'ijt thvHl ifltts H.JI.1 MV t' Hi, ttul 1.1 .1 . las' :. v cm, I I ,1 ; l1' ,'j" e i... ...... i.,.. jUljU"..Kia Ulut ll.i i; V toiluSU na!M inutitjul of thaVooL ,.i i "H r Bfifi I'.Mlljvtd' viur I 1 semi-trnpie- : f hl.dlill!I ffrlif UIIi'iJSSi.ImiI.! tlie N,, !.. - PStt c... well aii.uil I) FLRHOLINE SHEER DIR a IrtoL b mar sod sale jou a kvjI de.d ,i money. Read Iht following ttlnnyw TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. Iuzn 1 DIP. She?)?. A. II. Ill VllIKhVN. i i ,i t 11111 11 SI SIMM ts prem:ta cure Ejfilth cf d a la &n Extract cltslnci frea the Toll:w lisa Trc;. Yi-- J S' T, FEltNOLINE |