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Show ; - ;5,v,' MM. Enttnri i.'iS i11 ft VOL. VII. MANX I CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, PB0KKS5IrtXAL. 8 in I'EIV lrtfpv ii -J ifem. T. R e d, FftnBATK A TTOKNT A NrphiMu TmXirobut buiiiueK promptly at to dangled to, ami title to-- Canght by a Cast at bT t Stilt Biit, S6.0D0. Lint w1 NUllTHERX I MMa rar Wilkes &V1.OT nMoaS. . CLIMES. & Ghadwick, AND Attorneys, LAKE CITY, Fmssian Persxcutisn The urw ukottj April !: Ths epUeuilo of measles, which hu sgalurt the Jews in Humus lies sgsiu raged in Stockholm during a long time, excitwl the outinrutsl pree, siil-S-la at au end. ltlr and otherwise, and niede the rest of Ths emigration to America fiomtbe the world wonder how loi.g this lace of but pirirttont province of (Mergotland turns to be patient, s will eoullnue to kubmit rory largo during ths prrunt you. to Koeslf n iiereecutiKi'. Tlie now edict Mosey to being oultoeted in Stockholm orders all the Jews who, under the edict arfor Brut l.jungh, the well known of IsMS, have nettled outside the pale of tist, who became Insane some time ago. residence prescribed for the Jewish popb Under Bod Flag1 la ths nsmo of a ulation, to return therein sud to new publication, the editor of which Is the variuus occupntions which apu of pear to cosKIft with the eucctMr.HiulaBergegreu, the Most of '' workmen. At presout the Kuiteisn Fahleranta end Compel y, lue well Jew Lins to psy double lake. lWuo known publishing firm of Stockholm, he Us Jew lie lute to buy at euoinious raleethepiivllegeof closing Lie elioi have published u biography of Churls XV written by Cscillu Holuiberg. Ths on Ssturdsje sml on all religious He csuiiut hold Isuiloi feiiu it, biography to vary Interesting anil the bonk, whleh consists of ulna volumes, esiiunt employ ChriNtisu eervauU sud must urve iu the army, but in ter resold at Iks vary moderate price of ceive promotion. Mure thin half the bKMIUSK. Jewleb children are uusble lo attend Odense will soon Levs slsetrio lights. achool.aud In all the cities ths Jews within u prescribed pale. The new A canning factory will bo ballt in live tow will break up 11 .0(0 homes in MosNvbarg. cow alone. The elioim people are gel Two big dead whales, mo weighing, ting richer sud richer In every capital LOno and the other 7.000 pounds, hero lu Kurope, but tlie popular feeling itruded at Asoddo. against them la getting stronger and Horse-dealGrabow iff Kauders hu stronger, netsbly In Paris sud Menu. been trying sold eighty horsu to a ub company of As the world, however, hu them for from wrsst to their mousy Paris. Ths prluwudLCOO crowns. tweuty centuries without sucrose, the Ths Thlngvalla Kmlgrstlen Company bosom of Abraham is probably In uo of Copenhagen sustained a 1ms of lit-13- 6 Immediate danger of being tom. erowns during 1890. Preparing For Tho End Axel Nlcotojsen, a 14 year old boy of hla for medal bravery naw Lemvlg, received a WiLKSBittUK, ls. April 2D.-- A la having uvsd people from drowulug religious aect hu epruug up in Pika t ths risk of hla Ufa. county. The member call themselves acharlah Myerft M. C. Holm a wholesale merchant, and the "anticipator. hlawlfs sf Nykjoplng, have donated a fanner, to tha founder, and already ths membendilp i large and iurrraelug SOlOOO crown to Ihs building of u Kkool every day Within tha last two months In the city. a big slumped Iim set in and the General Dyrhugue and bis wife of evangelical churches are severely cripdonated Koruer, both deceased, have Mr. Myers uys that one day last to tha building of u pled. taOuOOO erowns full while ha wu plowing in his field, homo. In whleh IS famlllu. who an in a big cloud appeared In fiout of him wut, will be allowed to live. From the eloud rams a voter. Mr The Methodist chapel sf Holatebro Myers trembled, but ths spirit bade him wu turned down lately. A woman nottofear. The spirit spokt follows who occupied a room In the building "Before ths century closu the world wu routed to death. Four children will end and man shall bo uo more wire uvsd with dlEcolty. Two of ths Go toll thy people to prepare. Tell them not to welt an hour. Thera mudt little onu worn badly burned. The world to be overlap ting prayer. S. da Flu Oltvarlns, a yoang engi-nwiekod; It to reeking in Its own corrupIn tha Paris branch eillee of the tion. There must bo an end to all Greet Northern Telegraph Companr, soon. followed. An organization died ths ot bar day. Tu deceased wu Circulars are being prepared eulady on friends and a n, who mads nuy log ail tuedoetrlua and dogmu of tha of tha most prominent mem here of the "naw faith. Thru circulars will be Danish colony for Parto. sent lo tha pope, btohope, prieste and preachers, imploring them to renounce A maM muting iff aamitraaua, who their worldly religion and join tbs protested against tha present low wages, wu held In Copenhagen nceutly. A antlclpatore. good sumstrsu, who hu to work 14 Tha Ktoctrie Skating Riuk of Salt hours per day, la this to urn only 90 NotLake City, will be open during Confer ore or s grown (84 or 17 unto.) withstanding this tha employers bare mum from 8 p. m. until 11 p, m. rolo decided to cut dawn the wagu 80 per Gamas, Jlaeu, and all kinds of attru-tlon- s every evening. Good miudcln at Tribune Entrance attendance. tlrrLIy Bsdgrt fruu if luttrd, UTAH. Sfuliiitii-Ilr- ns Etc. 2. SALT LAKE Lo.nuox, 'iAl i A t! ij : U ;i AS .'14 V. ilni.KXM.K Voov, V V IX AND RETAIL DEALERS txtV,U YvvXvvwm ilu-sto- Our - NO. reliu-quls- AGENTS . A1K!I. 11, 1891 money-getter- variuus entries under .Court lloiii'o, Msnli. Utah, j ' lilAY. f Y A. O EIST T1 I.AND AIL KHIOI D msyor of S'.rom-itamayor e( Ynii. hu breu appointid i j- K. H. Hrrgendhal, 1 VI it U VC C VvWitB, tvvu ttwxViVcfv., xwvVvftvt iu fWtf u0 WwYtVvwtvte. fcoll-dsy- H?C.'8lWltKES. H m to jna A (. LAND BFFICE Bought a Gald Brisk. BUILDIMB- - fcd Agent AJAttorney -Vstesli tor. Aruultursl and raovo, Utah. April il.-- A awioilla hae barn perpetratsd Id.OOO npoa Georg Whitmore, of Kaphl, by a man who gara hi aama aa Johnaoa aad a i Lands. eltque who have boon eamped at Provo liver. This eomblnatloa repnaaotad to prominent cltiuna of Provo that many years ago they had discovered a gald I Hid Traveling Salesmen for vein out of which solid gold oonld bo lAfelaH Cigar Company. Must hammand; that it was tha proporty of Johuon,a Spaniard and anothor part3Mzod references. ner named Whitmore for whom they 0. B. CIGAR, CO., had bean Marching through llexleo, Colorado, aid Nevada, bnt wild And no trace, and had finally eoma to Utah, having hoard that aoeh a man resided Public. rAwiej'tLaw;A Notary atXephl. Hr. Whitmore, who became t TFCTioxs Specialty. excited aad elated over the prospect of a k.lf Mock nonlli of Fwelc' moantaia of wealth, came to Provo to biorf negotiate with these men, who prodaeod two ban of what appeared to bo solid Jeweler gold and took the filling! to them gold. 'The men EKICKSEN who pronounced appeared to be extremely Ignorant and t were afraid to enter a clvillxed city. Itlorur y r Suplt County. jNtoriiig They were pmmmed of anongh bulneas UTAH capacity, howaver, to offer a propseltloa to Mr. Whitmore to the effect that lu ; O0N on Vain Stmt advance (4,000 upon the ban, taka thorn aad dli pose oflthem at their value, after which they would expact their proper-tlo- n of the balance.- - Whitmore aeeepted the proposition, paid over tha eaeh aad m.TOBNET INI) COUNSELOR AT LAW, earns to town with his Imaginary fortwAittmaroB, o. o iibr v tune, bnt after a teat npon them bars U ' Specially 1 sr.d u d Mm 8 Can fc waa diaeovered that they wets copper. a thunder elap from a L BBIFBB This Cauie like elear iky. Whltuors paialyxad; tha thieves wars non eat, ahd the oilcan sot out In pnmlt with tha hopes of hyburgeons. ing In It. IlerahL osicians b ;bsi men " " 1 ol:jspjiaguj:, a f Uohmok Utah lipiNiND &flKASAX7. MATTHEWS PI 2 3li ni rs Hosford, and , MARTI t - one awl Tkroat a of (ka Eye, Eir. .ui. SiiUy. WT 0. WAS. CUT, GaugM. - Two f-l One of Klm-S-, the perpetrator of the gold brlek swindle, ao offSetlvaly sommltte kal at Provo Block ami . T. HOWOBD-O- iie yesterday, In which George lunao. OUtBaShl C. Whitmore, the rraeldent of the Flrat National Bank at Nipbl, loat (djOOO and gained a corresponding amount of experience, wu eaptared teat night at UPBYBtCUN AND 'SlKOKON, ths Union Paoific depot Ha wu followed to this city by Hr. Whltmoro and MtJPleasjxt, Utah. Police Offloer Hills of Provo. Whon ali kinds of diseases in earehed at tha depot waa found (tflT t.treat . M - sUlfid manner. Discs In hie pockets. Ho was taken to ths pecnliar to females receive county jell and rucarchid by Jailer v ' apodal attention. Bnrbldgt, who discovered (300 mug, Babaeqnsntly tha prisoner wu dlsrobsd by Sheriff Bnrt, who foud (S00 more of the missing money He Is ths 'Spaniard" In ths sase, sad wu taken back to Provo this morning and looked in to sdalahtcr Inatment iQilfyol Sr.tsifea the Utah County JalL His nsmo Is " a iporialir. Leonard, and ha la reported being n kalian, Soviar County, Utah. desperate character. The other man to mid to bo Alton all&s Adkins who, flgnrsd conspicuously in a shooting scraps at Ogden a few weeks ago. Ho wu observed In this city tost night, bnt remained only a short time. Securing a vehicle ha went to the Hot Bprjnga. From than ha wu drives to Layton by a former. At Lay. ton he hired a blacksmith to take him to Ogdsn, whore ho wu Intercepted by Detective Franks of this city, bat C satisfactory explanation wu made, ths HUT-CLAWORK.-totter allowed him to depart. Ho to f I) KlfU TIEH HUT KUIITEEI. well known to tha Ogdsn (Beers, howUTAH. IH : ? ever, and it to believed that he will soon 1m In enstody-A's- m. ,rHOgFOD-nil'tn- a- - BAYISOH, M. B. ,l; (in lO.-- E. E5T, iysicianS: Surgeon, u u .wvJ;b:stjcey u 3 L-- rf SS G OLSON. .&. DkALEU fc v' . Breed Perelieron Iloraos. X la In kandllag Horses a Specialty. MI1. PLEASANT, : , stop , .Tie i forget to Restaurant in tlie oity. 127 B. Alain St. look' Binding lr. Isqilwr ii j. - 1 DAVIES. rwirn. leave SaimaaLolllce. oOhia. art Ths number of cbnrehu and chapels of the gospol is Increasing In Otter d every year. got-ten- oldest Wifc templars of Karlshsmm fighting the Salvation army. Tha good The pries oQpotatou In different parte of ths country la (1. 50 pur barrel. UTAH n in ball likeat dont the SWXDU. orten at the Ths worth of ths rul estate sf Swsdea wu estimated at 4 ,007 ,006,961 frowns during 1800. Ths groat newspaper Xya Pagligt Stockholm hu boaght tha Allthanda building at No. j( Store Yallagatan. A carpenter, nomad Hagstrom, 19 years old, and his wife, 80 years of ago, wen suffocated at Joakoplng by eoai it fu. SPALDING BASE BALL GOODS. Il will pay you to get our prices. ,i! . u ur MOBW1T. Dm a I? Vh; Ji.it'n! rn An Esgllsh grammar, intended for public schools, hu recently bun published In Norway. C. HsU, editor of Tort Forsvar, hu ot tha order of bun appointed a Knight Punching. I .uie. PrtiJcnt U. J. Clirlrtmira, W. G. Albert Tiittto, Tianm Jum Cowes, Mn.fvr, )lcl(, CntM, A decomposed body hu fluted uhoro near Fjaerred, auppoasd to bo that of ths crow of tha test brig "Osear. Ksngens Gads. crown ($260,000.) Whala there so much talk, all over the I they call Nunns Rlaek Cil jiiairii! anything like they do that. It nnn-- l l,i u incdirine Lal-a- L II. iilir.g m.d rolie and IJIoat Mudieiiio. Every lewn or villaju 1 1: im.i, ih.'v lagiu telling mn about raving tliix valuable cow trom l.ln-.l- , ai.d huw uii-- it heuled that liuu horse, cut and mmigled with a wire ioure, or aume child had scalded r burnt nml it tuok the pain out in half an hour. Well, if its true, I'm glad I hero's pleasure in buying eueli a medicine. Yea, my friend, every word spoken iu favor of that nirdicmu is true. I huva used it. end it dors its work so good and true lira no oihfer. My friend, Jllht'rt Dewey, of Ball Luke, rncoinninmled it 10 me. Its simply wonderful, both the internal and the exlenuil. No UiM will come near a wound ; it heula quick, Hikes out iain, hvea no Kara, aud the internal for human use, in V.luu lias onred thousands of men tyid womeu who were sulferiug from' Kidney and Plodder diseases and 8ore Throat and Conghr. Wliy.it ships them' in three or four doses. Albert Dewev told me if people would have one bott'o of each kind in tlie bonre ready, llny would r.tvo half the lives that are loet, hundreds of dollars iu doctors hills nnd haVe good health and strength and tlieir ct lllo end Imr-well; Uiats tho reason, my Mend, ao many pcopln praiu it. Who wou:d' not praise sock a medicine? Its tho linest trade mark and tlifljbest tnodiclnal known to eciepoo. EvcjrntOro fcfFjH'FTmgKPIST .All orders from this date uni to my wlmli-xalke4hk,in agents, Z. C. M. I Drug Store, Salt Lake City. External in Yadow, Interna! in Blue. Hv-- f ail Pri. es, .'.0 umU and each, or (3.0(1 and (9.00 per dozen. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, e U-e- L TJJSTJV, R Veterinary DR. C, TV. (P7:ar;::ajy, Weal, First South 1A ........ v 81 Directors. Keep in- JlllttS Parties wishing sacks will cali J, 0. OAttOOW Importer nnd Manufacture of Mil iMil 1,. ; & COw XI . .; PROVO CITY, UTAH Invilo attcniion to their largo and varied assortment of Lillies Newmarkets, Jackets and 8hawU, Misses1 and Childrens Vrrajs, Ladies and Misses Merino t and Woolen Underwear. MANTI Homs, ii. Overcoats, Hots and Capa. iH!8SHoy55S!Wt . llERGAlTILi Ji ubbers, jf 5t of mmi, j) 111 j f Arctics. i rp itii How, Gloves Mittens. fc Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all abodes. inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.25 pier yard , J. H. Skfly, Preel. Nik I. Hakbck, Pec. m J F. FrwiiKn, Treo OUR MU COFFIK9, CASKET?, Im-fo- ra Open Day and Niglit. MANTI Klanufseturererg of tlie lkt Grade vrvw t HE. 1i-- UTAH. Orders Filled on SDort Notion Xj iimce joiry u - Fnscinslur in' great variety. ianaF5KKicR a General Lina of Undertaker u a HATHENBRUCK Suita, Riilill, Joint Y, Mlr, llvitry Ik.l'gCSjtiHlinMii. . S' -- Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller Good. girl from 8udfJord nuur Bergen, hu eonfeeaed that she hu murdered her parties wishing anything; in that lriU and her father, ud slap attempt- line will do well to call on bin: ed to kill her mutare children. She to going clsewliorc. believed to bo Inuno. s TUixlon 331ools. Mini's and Buys isUJMiiHki'r, II. IllFKUIMfQ. E, W illtcik, - on hand a foil supply A u L Ssuelks'SwI: m. "Hus life from the cradle to the gran,' by Georgs Boride, will be pub- book. No 1 at Manti, Sanpete Co. already suiMCriiied. lished by C. Andersen In Horten. Tha flint edition will bo 84,000 coplu, the largest ever known of any Norwegian Ur Wool. Hides. Pelts. Etc, Jacob Tverscn ud hla wtfa Anna Christina, of Chrlatlsaseind. celebrated their dlaueid-weddln- g lately. The bridegroom wu 90 yetre of egm lull SALT LAKE CITY. reel, A....................... r Dealer high. e s BOO Amlstant eoiductor A.O. Bund wu killed at tha Christ railway depot the other day. Hi foil between the locomotive and the tender, and wu crashed by the wheels. that aid nu n iil-.- ni h. nev.-- r UTAH WOOL SO In the barring fisheries In Lofoten vessels and S 600 boats participated. All secured abnndsnt harvest Notwith-sUndla- g this ths prleea eostinne to bo CrVLoran-t- onnlj. Ib it wc sell cheaper than any of u:u conqmlilors, taking quality into consideration, and in addition, wc divide our profits with our customers by enlarging their holograph with every $ic.oo or give I'ii'icImsc, with every $2S'U') l'lirc.Msc Kiu of the three line Hooks, viz: llillt lncyda-peric- a, Domestic Medicine or Tennyson's Poems , or for every Purchase wegiyea tickqt in a beautifull Upright Piano. At BLACK OIL BALSAM. Head Quarters Yoll men's buur Lou, one million No Una lost. foods' fjousq in ihf e Fin hu dutroyad oi .rc Ilohfeiuen, Cattle Men, Sheep Men, Family Men and Single Men! Dr. C. V. Nnnn, V. 8., at Balt take City, wiul-- . you greetings end wit-hyou well, asks you to read wbut it ny below about his Valuable Medicine, Carl GranxoU, of Bjarkun, dlsd reAn excellent Invention to mads by fiiita. 4 j Straight Grade, Family Pride, XX Family, cently at an ago of $3 years. Ha had 0l K. Thomtsui of Christiania far r. bean Inuna aad alefc In bed during his etonlng oil need for machinery, whore-b- y Feed, Bran and Hhoila. whole life. tha earn oil can bo need over again WALTER STELXGHAM The wbolrtala merdiaat, N. O. Nou of several tlmeo, u;lng 100 per nut of eoat. for r-eThe foreign patent negotiable Ostorsnnd hu sold all his property In UTAH. MT. PLEASANT, fill all Asia to an English company al n pries speculators. to orders for Lime, prepared of 086XX) crowns eash. large or smnll. 1(1m Gray, ths Hngllsh leelnrer, has Tha direct ore of the Sailors homo retnrasd to England after having spsnt have bought tha building at Nil I "Pater two yarn In Norwav. Bha nearly ae LOWRY A SON'S STORE. lfyadu backs" In Stockholm, at a prim qnlred tho Norwegian langnago and will lie delivered to any p.irt of (he of 106,000 erowns. Tha Sailors' boms fnqnmtly laeinrsd on behalf of the lown or Counlv. at reavo"-abl- a will hereafter be located at that plass. womans nhstlnraea sortety, of whleh prices. she Institut'd brssebss In five of ths Sc It hu bun proposed In the eonnell sf principal towns of tho country. Gsthenherg that ths ally shall maka KOODOO erswas to the of A shot from Charles XII wu most spproprlatloa niSWNffitnEBS AND CAKVKItS. The only hotel at Thistle, I'tah building of ths Ustbsaberg-Bor- u unexpectedly heard tho other dsy at . Trnla from Bolba. A mu wu cutting off old Kvsrythlng new, and FIRST CLASS. Blttoa nlrely furnlHhwl room-il omVsi on hour to ilinncr. to Trains two for hoars slap dinner, Sanprto o stand-nnostop there-ISanpota of which Tha worth of the real estate swasd by gu-plpla tha neighborhood, rolleo of the RATES: (1.30 per day, single ineal ".3 cl. the Swedish government to astlmatol Bwsdlah army, nearly tflOO mn of First-Clas- s Custom Work anl at 190 million erowns. A Spwlaltr. whom In the mow la 1718 it Rock Fronts for Building? Neat-- I Tha theatre building, that wu erected when aportohsd hidden shot went o(L tho Rcparing done. bog , ly Executed. fifty years ago In Vstad, hu barned vary last detonation of tho famous RMockyWutedwiyf stuiv, MANT Half Block West of Lowrys Store, lisull CO., Prop. Attainder af modsrt tlmon. softu Sign or 33 Is Oun, Scronil South Street, S ofilee. H. Sperry, uaan. f We-;- ! er A now theatre la to bo erected In Chrletluia at tha cut of one million rowns (fSKMMOi) 8haru$86. A littls mors than one third of the capital is Nows From the For North. IIKAlKll'AHTEHd POH ii. xiflLsoy, Boot and Shoemaker. Don't fail to call at the HOTEL RflERRIMA f J SPECIAL RATES TO RAILROAD MEN DAWSOX COLLIKIt & Are lill at the front with hill sleeks of the following well known goods : Plewa J.iy Kyc Si e Sulky Tlows, Canton Clipper Caw and I. Plows Hand Steel J. Harrows, Canton Clipper ChiFicd an-.- Sud Beam Centre Dralt Plows, Ajax Lem Cultivators, Kvans Celebrated Tripple Lever Wood and Steel Frame Harrows, Planet Jr. Garden Tools, Gorham Combined Seed era. Fountain City Grain Drills, Hoosier Press Drills, F.xnminc our Stock of Buggies before you buy. We sell the best Buggy on earth lor $ioo, with leather top and rivited runs. Our No. $ Concord is an excellent Buggy for country The Old Reliable usage. Tri-cyc- le ! Siffirt, and McCormick Machinery are still in the lead. Consolidated Implement Co. Houses at Salt Lake City, Ogden, Logan anJ MilfordU tan, andldaho Falls, Idaho. .. m-T- f |