OCR Text |
Show iiM' T tis ui',r p, . I p.vr li v i.t Aiipi I 1 (i I liijli tar ill ll 11 . . rtMat5Cit k ,.i u) gntli that bt a iiirwims and el arshciderp - , 1 lF i I i:.ii ... 1 W,L J i;;ui;-it:inen- ; i !"' ruoToaEAriiuiis. , - til. I 1 I . i ail ., B ?. . JjiB , :'?uaAN HEAWtAll ' r fij&SJL .Tin' JEe HESS I iir lenerQ Hats,; Hard?' Belqngif Kama References. this paper when yon any J County. of Pric ferVb GEO.A.L(Tts Uti Lnlto V Salt . lVali-- City, cl lirct claw in ullkiiul r Agricultnrn - i I 11 Julius Jensen. 1 l ' ) i r tub .1 .i I'm-lil- bjl e. - 1 09 1 e 111. . La he aip-(ii- v. J i 1 t fri-ll- t Shuttler, Farm and FreiSES til Reapers, Wagons, iml Hodges Joiner Horse Hoest Garden Tools. Superior Pi Grain Drills, J. I. Case Th U ing Machine, Ames Steait, gine, Leffel Turbine Whifr Lane Saw and Shingle Mil hex: all Principal To1 Agen Agencies it of M 1 Mae-srh- i I e u . ? ) 4 I 4 I I 1 I I it f V h io ou 1 aa Notiou Store Ila; t :&affs u : 3 ienei DP niauuiM. l:5 I 4 reri3, Q. A. Gardner, y "dit-llie- i k Yr t A A. Marker, .JKL. t l l PRINCIPAL POINTS " m d 1 fl V'r i h . r"n" 1 1 1 I ( .5 I i . i 'I 4 ! i I 1 "i F rv fe' ty. ' f! I ' -- - ii! Ayers Sarsaparilla i 1 1 1 u;- - ;v! ji-a- e jer Single or Qou&it m kVvc. t PROVO CITY, Manufacturer of and Dealer in mm msigg CALI. AND EXAMINE MY LARGE 3. Orders hy Mail Promptly Filled, Correspondaaas V- - I I" Ayers Sarsaparilla i t vt; : - .4 n fa As ( . ( MAIN ST. MANTI. !.:is 51 Vl I quality hand. Suita made to shortest notice, fi I" - fff1 1 f M V I.-- j f Tailors Trimmings of the heat ;' always oh JUS 1MT 'rug feFirstiaGlasoSBlacIssmitbInA Horse Shoeing aSpecialti Pali Prc U Wagons, Rnggif s, Plows, and all Claeea of BlncksmitMaf,; on Short Notice and in First-cla- m Style at S.R.NeiIdon'1 iMantl City, UtalL THE PHENIX j ftwH-mnlcer- . , . - fl Manufacturer of jj . . Evk-k- a U- : . v' Car the best style, and that... cheapest work in Utah, and the best and cheapest clolt Where you will get the beat fit, P. O. BRANTZEC- mrfb-m- i e . i ; l -' t.v.'l - Tailoring EstablishmertAo J 1 j w W'e J s : C. R. RASMUSSENw hom-buld- rou-qur- st I - I o I Sieve. . es f East of the mvn liaise Your Ora Fish J i . SUXIIXUL BLOCK, ml-sla- I PA?. . i iii Co-- ov Bargains U I sayings bank Vice-rrea- 7v Lowrys Livery and FeedS Halversan, f .'h V Jtlcal at ler 1V-- C' t1! . SAtf&22 TCt.iPLE HOTEL I t . - f"; "rf"1" ;l Tac place io get a Oood, Sgruara STATIONS. '3.b",Ksr.i.TU-i1 ill I , ft, G. W. ftestau and 4SBffl3,i!S.' ' i i p ' hand (Beef, (Perk, fiutim, ? Li 1 1 I I I ni. llrtiira arrive Salt they did not know how to control I time for the aevan months. coniilsr- of also Native and Imported Lumlier, j I.ravrSalt Uk tbs South tell us their sentiments otkffA'ft) II. fll. I pull of an ahow increase themselves, but led by their pus. led our import rom Vulloj I cm giinPi e i'lniNiKdH anil Iatlh Hiinglcs. jf Owft dNf ndpurpoi(MhOT, tu.,gej. Biikff Ibv ntunrt trip to Hill Iftkfi crime siont committed I that 1 883,090,00(1 over 1890 and for the I tM.n h1 sttdiqs, Hilt IaIp in hours h'Vvd thnuphts. t o. ifivifti prMI I MIMt Huffrt HcilVifif CftlH Oft I'dlWY NllltlUt in-W. JdlCKEL, (Pnrr.eioT, fill Ibmuvli Tniiw. through all time, will cause num-- 1 same two montba as above the 1 reuse of the frequent rcfirvure L'ths n III... Ni.liw.. fur cavil, (lulolhr J. n RRVtT1, of Nuli-a- i -- . II. V. IKHHik, I uIhvuovIc, lllillti. kind To shudder. crease is over $2,000, 00ft The in-- 1 South by Mr. Lock, iu the r lira. Fit. A rftOft Afi iiik.ui H. II. ATWIMID, I'rop-- r FltOVO, UTAH. fiSftSS! llfllCMtlftttUh0GltT.LvUh. So frequent, ns iu lead a M in-lecture. 1 The Chilian insurgents nrc rc--1 creased i moor U do not imply I person residing iu the tiuiuh to think ported to have killed the wounded ,i creased custom! UKation.aUh iugh ,lttlUrH ail oM and dying, ' so great was their the effect of the reduction of sn gar I tlui Bm.tli, or that he un. the I wjn Music Store. I duiim has not hatred of the government. yet appeared in the sniiih as a standing ruck for rureliM.-lI i I wotded, off hand preluib- lo able and r It is questionable the treasury rsturna. condition of Chili will be beiierwd I "J ll",,l1rr,,,,,1:'n! ViATHIiMkKll I . . ,1 Ran yraarlK chmlcls llouday, Kab. llilb. ON SALE I ny s change from the tyrany of The New York Timas and World, nuaulved southern pioMeiii. Mr. fiiuk EAGLE HOCK, IDAHO. wraith to the tyrany of superstition L fur nrtscu waited yeaia extremsly aay,Wahae (lh w.b ug pars, DEALER IN ALL DESCRIVTIONB OP or croelly. The men who cannot of tbe coiorrd mun to be Amoia. U9oa the fact that the rigbU Musical Inatnimcnls, Strings & Trim-- 1 W eitem farm land are loaded dowi , miiiR. Rest liras lhind Instillments. party baa brrii In lower tapuW,rt to epara the lile of a wounded oe. I Clocks Jewelry All kinds. Orchestra & Rand Music, with mortgages. Without admit-- 1 puj four 0f these years, Mr. Cork- - Walshes, . .. Sheet Music aiul Music Rooks. ara not likely to be just tea defeat-- 1 I Send lor my new Catalogue Just out tinfg thw truth of their exaggerated Therefore abuse that parly, if your Nolicc. on lu'pnin-ed enemy, but will be apt to re-it has a sketch of Ole Rull's Violin we not assume atatemeot above ia true. Don't kirk may ptekmente, EAST, WEST, Playing in it and much good infornu-'Jo- n tali ate in kind and instead of L..tli.eir n.nu tain Smith. c.lnr.d "Tha or smack bygwmpxlliy in for musician to stay ; the Snuita forgets this eounlry equitable I U Ithls.- - The latter clama ia not true, SOUTH NORTH become onnLora I It remains .p0rn,y,"l0ng 111 ' the of yptentioa reuieuiliers , The doulh single gold yr. tj,e Ill ALSO seen what her the world ia l ut lgta, jar j which is constantly ag- - everyday. Tbe Macke mean to stay, Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Fiate to witness a repetition of the ter- fijilioaUt1 i'txiri lloHfC and sayat all times; In private talk aud Cultery, Ktc., Etc. Motto. vai;i the burdens of tho ALL uare Dealing Fair terms Staodard. a in u-- A Accommodations Hist Clss TIME CARD, I f leonquered.but not nullifiriithiii." Ob Bave your Money by buying the they tar of tbe deraonet-xatioT MW VV I silver, aince which time the priiira Ati t'L LtUiivi In effect Nov. IGtli, 1890. r the past; wufcefrum imr de-- 1 farm have of from uteailily prodnot EDITORIAL l'AUAORAPHS. TB1IN8 LEAVE B'pVaa Winkle sleep, and depart A r rnwrinrc will ini All II. 0. W. Triini dined until the recent rise in (he the timid brain of the eloquent T.ia caa a. Tonr own Wipw Ar lliilgy I A. M. ott. P. M. U wlxrel Tirr A. It AltTOS l'rprkt(. J. wiihii( uktiur Australian Price mitlila tb wtek of ererylMMljr ballot law ia I Pr'M Rvfr when they stiflened a render. Xullifleation, the smaller crme 2.0U and 5.00 Juab nt AIm curricft ft ftill line of School huppUci MANT1 2.85 Main St., 5.85 W. II. fiiKAYAio., Agcnti. at J. M DAti. TrurrlliiK Afipfit tdr fcaiipett Nephi 1 4.30 7.45 Provo at . Thart are ftBddMtlwni UUli. tvrentj-- 1 line nuiutvil laaa the UppublUau purly SI. LoaB Kvpubllc, 7.00 10.00 four sUtes that have adopted The American Democrat can lie , Tmln Icftve Pftlt Lake st 7:10 ft. n. ftnd 4:00 aid more will, before long. that party, wMrb 1ms been iu I neither socialist nor aristocrat. ftt Ilwo it 9.30 h. a. anil tt.iB Rains & II I he payaa qaKrt(,r pail., crrlvlnK a. 0 a Mutury a duult. Triini 14'HTtf Rill Uk for oplra U :00 i. n liie Portuguese have fired up m believes that God made man free j fu ftiuli:30 MmIh MshU, uu,d:10 aodltfjOp. m. K.B, Klml There must be somegompitaieut. Contractors and I twe ships belonging to Great I and that men make Architccts( (5. V, ECCLES. governments thing tlie matter with tlie laws, erthe Builders plant, specifications . Britain and of course there islonnnsaive. I The South has twice tho First Glafld Accommodittions Cep, rrt a im. Agt Ho believes that the I Executive. and bids furnished on demand . C. F. that music in the air. Eugland dess freedom oi the individual ; the ro- l,oor" of wr RESSEGUIE, I I Tbat has been true the North has.1 Modern Styles work a Specialty not allow awiall frv ,0 ,ntprf'' .. (In. Manager. et his absolute sovei- sogmUeii us rracnturTi n will eoutiuue true MT. H.KASANT. with her navy, UTAH. I eignty ever himself, and of hia ion, u tt North permit! her Senators r"AU ;lio8e visiting tho Temple MANTI CITY should inquire for this House. , Wo understand that Prof. Representatives to bay their seats 10 absolute lack of sovereignty over- and Free to the B Congress; while tho South selects conveyance free their all others conat Cracker Ifcfeli, Midway, Wasatch county except hy i Factor)', -d n:n a"d Temple every du- yUtah, one of our speeial contribu- sent, is the divine law of progress I "The Southern thfin kiM A youth thr. DIEECTORB. SALT LAKE CITY bohtTM that thel tors, is busy with tlie preparation tndjuieiM. lutdructed Is a dangerous Alsn llay, Grain and Stabling, A llnal W of a third volume of his wsll spoken sole purpose of just government is way." Ws deny the statement; It is it allaee, rroptlrlor, L. T. Tctti.e, President. Kibk JrtsFif, Proprietor Mawnfaetarera ot t. II. J. CiiuiaTENsoN, of work, As you like it. The to prevent individuals from opprei-- 1 not' Iras as stated, and ws are !u a I PwMm o know. "The Governor if Albert each them Tdtilr, Cashier other, leaving principal feature of this issue (like sing ! flonth Carolina wants a special text L. C. Kjar, James CRAwroRt), Jr. otlierwise to free their regulate Teiqaemada' in Vol. II) will he The history of Alcx- Wm. G. Crawford, Jab. Mrtcai.f, . , book of History. "Nihilism," consisting of a pro- own pursuits of industry and un- - andar Meni Kalulu, D1.UJ BUUto. For good Business locations in the TriMirif i Gncral Banking Buiim ments. Whom do these foundly mitical and strictly his- provemeuL" Itwlvf dvpMlta pwakle ea dm and, give menta offend? Is it the Governor if ua evnl Or are to ado ot the tiitvH anS torical, hat withal highly attractive Apjilj lo Felt. OlAon A Cdi Proro. frr5.,t per paid aaviaga depoalif, I South DmnUsws natvriala an are at all I Ini1 gnwiniwd. or Is It Mr. Cook? Or Carolina, Firrpriwr YuIL Safe Absololelf Birir Proo study ef that topic or the hour" Denver will number among her u u both? If the former, Mr. Conk Mnnrjr le lean oa ml rafale. itv and faun Meanwhile it may he oppvrtuno to ial of If Die laiti r, tl.e ought to bo satiefled. pmpeny. and (111 ft approved nearby. distinguished visitors to learn that he alill has a row Chaunmy M, Depew. No per-f- iFOR DYSPEPSIA, many ii'iuor ought to bvsHtMied. IflotliTew ff Alexander copies ef vol. II, which will lie son in tho Uailod Itatea ia known I i.uu m,y The New ISteveus that be liua pawnl uutotliv sent postage prepaid, to any address iu a more vo. sstilo CEJIMAX PAEr, orator, and none Uud wMeh hM U( Xlli,f ,U1 suiI- la sn effective remedy, iu mimeroua leallmo. r me eld. st on receipt ot the price, flOcts. Crown Sewing Marhinp slab euarlualvrly prove. 'Par two yvarn post- coinbine in so largo a degree thelsbuuld the Deuim-ruii1 am s coastant auffeiw Iran paiiy conic iV d)apppsb at (Pcr.Js sad age atsinpa net refused.) 1 doeturrU a loo liver complaint. culture ot the eehools with rare ex-- 1 Into power, auy troulle wnul.i is reliable, dnrshle, attractive, and Haw and Die medlcinra prrwrUml, iu I VnfHlel'y rluHffi Inulsf, spiarti1 nearly aauexatlon of Mvxieau itiil Mulucf $ imk totiamoring its standard of excelakis Mrlinjc, haiiHs .emy-nue- , Cleveland Is man enough to ac- ecative and business capacity. He Uw diaeaae. only aggravated luins. Kas eimnlv. I tuh TrmlYirjr, An apeWieesiy sdvtaed me to me Ayera lency, the clieiqicet to buy. It y a mistake when he is an eminent Amrrican whom (rn!!u knowledge Mr. Cook really bolUva that tiun cotin- naiasparllb. I did an, and was euied all the most valuable im si s coat of S3. Sines that time it has makei it. He ia now willing to Denver should Le proud to welcome. try under any elrrumeMucM run vu. and is fully warranted provement bees my family medicine, sad aiekneM has CS ICoi ii v . admit that he was mistaken be No, Mr s atranger to onr tlie age st. Other styles sold . I gsgslua war for inmpt-elby believe M to be tlie lirat medlehie os rarth." Cook don't believe that. Ilo ii for loo AitioriesanU Spam. Machine sntipplies ftirnished idM in the position he took aud lie w f & ifivu r. K. llrNiilty, llaekmaa.-.- Summer iL, hy And for war fur a that. InUlllgiut Lowell, Maas. does nbt try to shift the blaine on FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, MiDKih. April fl.-T- ho reciprocity U the only meai s of annex aiion. any other person. He admits that eonvaatlaa between Spain and the There an afoot several dangerous V t A, FOR DEDILITY, , Fiiirvifw, solo agent for SanpTta l r j !i loll tha working of tho present silver United Slates provides, la ret or a for for the enlargement of Demo..r. tho of free a into the r privilege iMSkClwuff L.i entry Unsiwuipriid law has been different to wbut ho before M2." Does Ur. I'ook A I'uitod Statee of Aiitlllss sugars, onffeea. cratic power ri.rtIi l i ' las eertalw enrr, when the rowqiblnt nrigb uticipaicd. Ue thinks that before molisse and hides, and a reduction of know what these c i:n piracies are? Or.e nMurv.h Mlea In tanpovenalied bk.uL "I was n s c.;l f, r Duot nnd i are the con tram a knr ruuditlon of I he when they are? end v grval 92 we will be able to decide Fist Class l I n.r ? ii l Ibaduty on tea, tbat America will oU in Mood and general debility, limmiiig Inally. : I (tv i .1. lUuoloin Work m.d (id k t whether we are ready to handle all tain exemption of dotlra oa most of her spiratoN? It so, he iu i t disclose what aovedneed Unit I was nuBt fnrworfc. Kntli-la- g done. Repairing he knows, or he a jart) :oihe crime. that I did for the complaint hrird inn s g..., ' si .. ,t. J l. the mlver of the world." Which raw and mannfactared products and a U" Cull anil see Mr. Brantzeg as liis an orach M Ayeia Karaaiwrilla. a Infix lira means crime. If Mr. Cook of tho tariff on cereals and Conspiracy p. 1 in ir. iHini. f Ki. of wUI. li wu in health and alrmzth. means in plain Engliih that ho reduction w hat tlnse nnicpirat-lework is tritely firel clnra in - ml s ni r 1 take evrry Boar. Tho negotiations wan protracted does nut know Iu rveummrnil Ihu opportunity every r i Hu . medlrlni. In inilLirnn.-'-('- . uirli(-ul:ir14 E. Trii-crecognizes the fact that the prani-de- nt on eoroals, flooro and olio, including are, when they an-- , and who the con. J.ri.iii.rioN V. i. ...I;', Moderate, am Mala at., llilllientlio, IMilo. is the servant of the A uteri pMfoleaa und lard. Some quest lou in aplratoT are. he cannot rc:n-- niihly I'' terms easy. vrv v la If the reaped or ali loyal rill can people and if they want free regard to tobacco wu alio raised, but FOR ERUPTIONS .1. !: t l i 'i 1l I t "f-not coming within tha seep of reelpro xeniof tills great iiutimi ii wiil.drawn Shop j block west of Lowry's Store lx o Vi And an oriuinaliiui In hnptirily of coinage he is ready to do hia ahara L'ixvJ AD I The q'leiMon now le, shall Uw Ithmd. iirh an ImlU. rnrlmirli'A. under tbo Amorlun tariff Uw from him. city Manti. pimido, ititShJ.M .'p towards bringing it about. NoMwt we complete the woik ftaihMitnul. m'ntfuloiM Slier J.if. 3K?. wu pot wide. Tbs premier offered and tnko ur Ukr, only ftm, Is i, i. N lb the abolition of the tariff on man began?" General siiriiiaii began i, fb The Ogden Standard devotes CV l. .. u ., InII I dntiui-!i.i:- i or tlie Sjc.tU. floor, owing to tho protests of the Ppm. thephyslclal I.. t. , Jin half a coluuie daily to Tariff t, t I imv H ii'nie-iihaV U Vut. "lmt Ut; r"'k ith trader. n.iy .v,In I ! Rventaally the represen-- 1 tuliv rftrrASRn st hi iyMii:iiY but so far hare failed to tUm tbat Amerleaa I likely .. isl;a M,.vq 1 4 V- J. c. CO.. Lowril, Xui reciprocity would D. (" . Lake i' !v ii It 10 fill .I picture the building op of moaopo- - bo luipuwiU without lb freo admlo-- 1 8,h i. 4 (iib'.I. awrat anil M.n.r.l Ind tnT r.Vefl; l l'or.-u: adeaco ihs ' fi Agents Steel AI J - Ths Michel J. f 1 VEB SEVIER COUNTIB. napoi t. t AN1) eB-ow- nt n 1 IN SANPETE I cwmii net Heafc-Pla- I I s, Citj-Mower- H .rl .d i ' ! J v.-.- 'e r;?7LintaTifw - rtu'-.ii.-- 4 b- : I r. ! i i 3 ' Hotel Templeton y.l-v.-- Ti r- J I ar - ' .Railway c -- i J.A.&I 1I0NS1 3TERN fS. t C.C.H ,.W1DE f i andCentM wdara T I 4 larb j set Li ineMETHOOS,. a - MKR-CUAN- s 9 Co-o- I!. Ctelen experience! i.r 0-- All f ! 'IJ..'. tti-.- , i i fi tr vces1?ol mV-v'.-W- ' &. - n Cui S2iA08jKHSSS VL- b! i fe1, ; j - .j uri siid Ml. iTruiwllt Irrlgp . ,hI. fl ir. iior lell I , j , ' i ? (iii!iClpsl pises of Lul r ' :u! on- - LaVe tiee fianri'.lv 16 COMMERCIAL ST-1i ii.g r ii i i d ' Sanpete Ceubt;. urj.. Hj:,.iI ,J,..ia ft In ii'il-sii. iii.ir loi u, m Cabinet I'lutinurut Firti-ila-'-- i c.. ..) UIJ Xovemtier lit, ISUH r ikpi uii the iO,k of liiyh la-- ' iff :u' mil llm .1. - of MseMnery, Kngints (i All Pipri.ll & of eut w per , only 41.0(1 p.r i A l iiithe huwuan says you Diuat VV t IdiIii-n- . mid Boilers Keoslred. .. -- II of sbek .1 m vu tie csptlul louk on the nght aide ef the baffpln Of flllir JrPi.li,l' I'll s,.jt ' ' Salt Luke City, Utah. ? blrh en'.i fuc of fliil'-'iM.niuii, pajatl. to tbe swretar) VTOBls. W ABB ANTED. te ladies m.d ! gentlemen," picture itfurc ike i;:h day of Itpeember il flit r bnml Tiu t. .'. in Ami' i .,:i Vjji'Punt ! at W"1 a urti. (J 4.vi fljar, bufj-til'appreciate the beautiea of a ropubli Bab ttiinp Kast of Mautl Any slock upon wlilek this l..vi I p c ''f at 0 ear erot bine cUtk, for truiupvrtutitM .at on tbe 1st f iniatration. remaiu m-day i tie unpaid M blunt wl in usy j iped out, pIMely im iuU m AmmkI to I i meieA ,Ifnfiyi jyii, mill be sold to tbe hlgtas ibe bpaulsu product. Man? A'ueiiiau d i:r. t iud-- r, at eunveutloa the entry auction, at City Ball COMMISSION CURRENT OPINION. praetirally free of duly, mil lom-('uauty, at 10 a. nt AUCTION City, Sanpete to about t'i prr barrel, uiul mil Mui.jti assewuiiout, li S.ani-AND BROKER., of tbs ihlimiueut to pay extinguish the Importation Tvmdat Afkil 31, 1891 Bnlalfatf flour, while iuercainR the deniaad t' together ultli costs of ailverllsement j A Full Lino of unredeemed Practical ability and soundneea liyUMKO barrel yearly, all 'f which anil exp me of sal. I if the I'rcx-sur-e j.rixtuaoa.j pledgee, roneiating of Gold and Hil Auencan piieliici. REVOLUTION. of A tbooriiing are not always found will be n.-- t liH'ii Lad of Spauieb intrresi IL of I. LaaaKN, I1 v(r WiltviBil Diumonda and Jewtlry. J liiiecturs: Ilford I in the high railroad ofliciala. The counteracted by the diiiiiiiu'i 11. 1'lXIt. 1. ( I have be tohl AT YOUR OWN JUICE Benjamin Franklin, writing to a unien ef thaaa qualities iu Col. 11 Cuban eouiiuisii.':1, ( ;,nm;n w'.'uM liAMhL 11. Cook, See ratary To i declined to niil.e nv'i -ONLY. tbe eomtuenceuient at lbiil. luring Uoiifen-iicfriend, Haiuea,0f the Savannah .Florida Tho prospect ll.hl in1. I...I-!- ' i.; li'U'i I lii'id, Moii.iM City, April till, ; n .! h r i f ;! i;u hoatihliaa between the Ill Mu'll Bt. Snlt Iake City. Wettern road, tbe jireiident o! of tho relatluu i. wi 1'oerto Kico aiiuht t Ktatea and England, advised tlir,r I ,he AnirTiean Railway Auociation t' civil war oMi'"l l':" gi.rri'ii-iin the use of tbe word "rebel, fm I MHbes that gentleman's numerous larriflee h.uur i.i.l'Hir,.- - m c i.'imii , said be, before the war ends we gjacUgoni of transportation pro-st- lulriMt. IJuder the new rout ,ii!s-,- i I ri m ill. f STANDARD GAl'UK. in and not a kind obtain is it will both be able to prove that bleu a interesting l es. W Aiilill. i Spaub-lthe The I tructive. At the racent general araballion but a ravolutiiin. YrNO, Jituu-'i:t':"liii'. 0th. MM- fluur, laid, llio'rwui. I..Time Table, In Effect April will nite Tlit t Mil saute thing ie happening in South I time couvenlion in lliia city. I'ul produeis, ami Kill. " t!" jjat Allsnlle ElsrilOlSllTUAlM, free tf duty. AllsutliAmerica. A rebellion which coni-- 1 Haiui'i pleaded earaeitly for the praetirally :e KipreMi. olive mil Balk ol buauUb e(Nir(., ie; WciXcX I V!iW 1. '"'e 8 Su a. u. s Ci. w . atencad some lime ago, in Chili i I creation of a better esprit da corps placed by American l.uil.u' d ' Ij'uvip (iiril.'n. wa a. a. I i.. m II i S.iil ' ii to lurz iu Cuba 'Arms iu lli.0i exportod y'j,i ui. 111 all l.alr ( ilv. fast reaching the point when it ill I in the railwey service, lie wouh will cease to lie sent. 'I ho In' er.- it. but n I will lol'uha ef diiciidine become a revolution. resulting etandardi Room have higher Meant Heat in Every I ii e injury t ' hi Front Is iinposilbletrade. A few days ago a battle wuaettaijiiliel and maintained. tbe bpaulsb NO 1A1KX (IKIK.K. I ibught in which the so called rebele i,v standpoint of the traveler this nprlngs Arrive I a a w 1 Old Grudges. l were victorious, and the govoi n--1 Arrive llvlllr f coune desirable. Front that Jn p. a- 1.0 a lurU' Arrive eb"u1d ur iDP. -one ueiiil ment ie in danger of beingLf uia investor it i a hardly less ao. bow Just Ar Cul I'niiC. lung 5.4.1 p ir. Amu Uiul' nnutlier. I old grudge destroyed. f nut the wnae of moral obligation hold an buw Km I So, S. . IMII'MiTIIAINS. W FST lISe. long he should allow that PiirlSr That South Americana have just I neej, to be developed higher up and just 51 11. hxpren to iutluenee his tbou.,ht hii.l old n "u P w e.iw IM'iivi-cause tor wishing a change, is h I thin the operating dspartniente hla grudge , ja(e u.u p iii a p has sr yet l. en waxes. on spm-hperhaps, AM.r.rr i til l.v 'l I III ll.il p 1.A1 I S.U) roilued by the luamuf K.ul hiird- jjavv yond dispute. They have a form of Xho appareut lack of it ia A liitle i hill. tired nt play. had plllowfd Ms a.Xi p. m. Invub'lilllllii 10.55 p rkilnwd travk and fallen aalecp, a 0 5 in im I I kiudue-of (ilmwiKHl eiriiii freedom, without enjoying any 1 1... tram via annual umo him when apaaawa a in 4.JU p U1 wtanding reproach of the trailie lDg ai.J ihlsirly Arrive OmwI Jiiurtl'iu 4 40 a. (urwar. and raved him from Slop. Kri:ni liin.'tiiiii ivrhaps It has not the actual fruits of liberty, in many I manager of the Aineriejn Railway liwl 6 40 li.nriilxhaiu. ymi are aaieep oa (ha ill. K:M. pal Hirer.. Own Uivi-r.- . li.t.,!. Arm, UrM I, mi. Vnu an if you an ntglecline tha OKMp.in ti V:M a. iu. J "w.iml- -i It I Jritvi caaea thair slavery ia as had a. uny whole. In no olls.rh'T bavkn'K ennali. tlia hullo tluah, tha loaa of 1M5 ii. I bl .40 cue' I.'.w whir'i Dure of Arrive y.iiir a.ai ari.wina wcakneaa and Baa I ..... 5 10 Km. ISi'je 1'iuvi' known in the despotic governinents I lHUI " :. winuk have unvunarioualy crept npoa you,1 JO 1. 111. 1:15 a.m I e jportani brunch of business are Ml Ii- - . 44.4S Arrlv Wake iiftor Ilia train will ba uimn you C:OOa.B 111. e I p. '.le Cnuuii.iilswi. which tliua lnaMloudy Wt iJike.... JO 11 ai, ssl a.i 1,1'HVe of the old world, and trouble is at contracts, whether verbal or written Time thoughts are Ojiilcii uiam ua vicilma. wblB they ara uu I lum-- if t iu Li'i'l of the Irrinuu The Lending Jewtcry House of Arrive all times likaly (o arise in cunse-oun. .i u .if Ua aprrau-h- muat t taken In lightly regarded. Bad faith i reading I.in'AL TIC.UXS. Hr. I l n 'it South tmic. la the Miaotnwua Hmk All Orders Prnvn Mr. Joseph tiouks Mo'"'y '.'l has curad thou. I (i (iuiien Mi.lnwl Inacovmy fatal in quence. In this particular instance lat the bottom of many railroad Atten-Seiid Mantl of maladiea. Will Receive uvr ami. I.f .Wilt this miwt ft in I Prompt I Kpliraim the tyrany of the wealthy, and the It taken in tuna, and line a fair trial. IS M much loa. of revanue and me ItABl to h. Watch Your cam tion. aaaiaalnd to benefit or cure iu every I ft u Iscavr Mixtut rU ussnt tc- - of ( oinuimi.lU.il. or muntj paid fur It wUl bn or Repairs. 10 WI ft Ul injuslic of ofliciala have goaded I JiTidenda. Ing rellgloua paper if Fairviear rrawled. 11 88 m law l the niaeeea into tlia pi esent stale oi Ineve linliaaola Fur W.ak Luiifra. Pplttin of Dlond, Short, wa bars the honor of ronm personal prnii a L IS Oi pm UTAH. nraa of Hrealh, Itniouhitia. Aatbiaa, Sever Arrive Thietle PEOVO. I I 3JW P " lawvi. eprlngvillc arqualntaues with Mr. Cook. Wokiuiw Cuurlia, and kiinlrwl aDcctioag It B an belligerency. It is the tame protest oiuttr. 3 iu. p ml nubm Pmvo rvsieily. to do mid luvr 4 BA p ui I right. which kas often been made, that) Our export of domestic marchun-- 1 ha wlrhss to be right I 1 V to MM. by VTOauri DO. Bn AtZK. in hi. bellow ha ui.'.liiy Also Caprrlxhl, that of the weak against the strong, the I dine hr the seven months sndiug ba S 30 a ai Re kro to aud dorighh Leavi- Oyilcn right I 0 ro a Ul I Leave Valt lAkr poor ngainit the rich. January SI, 1891, anieunt to $511, that be has traveled in the South; 11 4 ami l'nivo lave 1 1IH Tbe battlo that hasjaet lt-- 01)1,803, which ia aheut $9,000,000 in m remote time. We know that the Lav h.nnKVlllr IS 05 p m I I I of the South Imliaaola fought brings to mind the scene of larger than for tho same months in sentiment of the people lave s on p m I Lvavs Kairvivw tuivs amltbrir S or p in I purpows, months ii X Hi the Head, liy the prourkitoiw 1S1K). I.VOVO Buiuit Pleasant For two ending tha French revolution. The IS Pr .T Ol Dr. Saee'a PaiarrU K. uudr. Only U OCnlA, lour Sprln City 1 3hreiu-c''vi4M p ml of France had lieed held down tindcrl February 28, 1891, onr exports of nkb0wPit, Ijeuve Kpliraim do not gold by druaswa evurywken. l. 30 P ml 5 Arrive UMili tbe tyrany ef the aristocrats and I merchandise amounted to $167,224. gug u,, wntluients and puriMMcs of tbe Vor your LOCAL TBAISS04LT UII MUHIOt. GO TO THE I tbe priests ao long that when they 1200. and for the name two uiontln pipu ef the South, to day, agreeing luavt Wt I sle dWand & Wu : a. tu. and 4i5 V,60p,ni to them Ink ealt years Doors, Saslj Arrivu Mouldings, At the rume with those attributed aucawxled in throwing off the yoke, in 1890 I145.CS8.974. ... 1 Hugh R. Sloan, " I , . 1 . . I pie-fure- j0 M. Ayers Sarsaparilla Am l4a T i K LblUiyi No wailing fur yonr Grist. EAII JxoMi oumy on. v i i iali ui.tlua given. Custom Work a Special2P TO. ntE3SJ, |