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Show strength and compactness THE LATEST AIRSHIP 16 AT LEAST ANOTHER FORWARD. Hula. Ureal M Tkliki CoaplaMlr Iiwm whole. Maw later rorfoo-Il- wfaoM the all man researches contributed to aerial navigaH Hiram tion, Jhsve the Maxim, venter of tha in- -' air-tli- p in question, ( u - 'IIf stands foremoat Aa the inventor J of the Maxim gun, and many other ingenioua machinea of leaa liiiporUm-e-. he had won a worldwide fame before tha navigation of the air became the chief object of bin study and investigation. yearn ago, Beginning life fifty-thre- e with a common achnol education and a in Sangerville, Maine, he ie jack-knifnow tha proud possessor of a town house in London, and ia lord of the manor at Kaldwyna lark, aetretehlng domain of hundreds of acre which he leaaed five yeara ago aa well adapted to hia preliminary experiment Mr. Maxim ia a man of medium height and aolid build, hia weight beHia hair, mustache ing 410 pound and beard are white, but hia mental and physical energy are aatoniahing, and go far to explain the variety and extent of the result he has achieved. The work of inventing and constructing a flying machine, nearly every part of which, from boiler to connecting rods, ia a variation from existing appliances, enforced by the neceasitiea at the occasion, is one which could only be undertaken by a man of much ingenuity, equipped with an extraordinary practical knowledge of mechanics. While he has a sturdy Americanism which personal interview! with half the reigning monarclia of Europe have not In the least affected, ha retains a pleasant eonvicliun that of all the apots on the map of the world, not one i '1 e, I1 I I I I : r i i that tha machine, which an cloth on steel frame mounted, fora and aft, on tha main aeroplan These are not need in the experimental trial their utility having been established, aa far as ia possible, without a practical test in the air. Pushed by the workmen, the machine rolled slowly out of tha house, and shortly stood upon the track In tha park. It had completely filled tha workshop from roof to floor; but here, with only the sky above it, seemed amaller and lighter. Tha steam waa hissing in the boiler, the big screws had made one or two preliminary revolution and a flight Jump along tha track was imminent. on board," shouted its owner, who stood at the boiler, conning half a doxen different gauges; and. climbing over an outlying rod like the outrigger of a canoe, 1 mounted the platform, which waa of the lightest matched board ao thin that they seemed insufficient to bear a mans weighL Prior to tha start, a rope running to a dynamometer and post waa attached behind to measure the forward impulse, or push," of the screw. Mr. Maxim turned on the steam, and the aerew on tha port tide began to re, voire. It ia 17 feet 11 inches in length-feet wide at the end end S3 inches B at the waist It e made of the lightest American yellow pine, and painted a pale bin the paint having been sandpapered to perfect amoothnea reducing the skin friction to a point at which it becama negligible. It revolved faster and faster aa the steam power waa increased until it waa whirling on its seemingly frail framework at a dixxying speed. Then steam waa shut off; it came qiickly to a standstill and its fellow on the other aide waa tried. All working smoothly, both screwi began to turn faster and faster and faster, until the eye began to lose the i OME WEEKS AGO two iufernal machine of exactly the same design, were sent to tha emperor of Germany and Chancellor von Capri vL They had been mailed from a town in Prance at the aaiue time and were hanie handwriting. machine that reaehed the chancellors residence waa accompanied by a note. The writer was evidently aware .at gardening and horticulture gener-,llwere tha diversions of Ceprivi'e leisure hour lie said ihr accompanying box contained n new and very fine variety of radiah seed. The letter gave tonic particulars about the vegetable and spoke of the rapidity with which ' came to maturity. The French police were unable to find the bender of the box. There waa no such street aa that from which he dated hia letter. A serious accident waa averted only by the happiest chance. The chancellor's private secretary began to open the box when he observed, aa he pried at the lid, that grains of something TIIE ON AIR-81II- is ao important or agreeable to contemplate as tha good old state of Maine Upon arrival at lialdwyn'a perk, the proceedings began with an appetising luncheon in a handsome dining-room- , though above the table hung an ornament which was perfectly calculated to entirely take away a visitor's appetite. This waa a model of tha air-shion tha acale of nn inch to the foot It was ao strange an object that it made one oblivious of tha fruit and indifferent to tha eoffe By way of introduction and explanation, tha inventor said: Tha principle I have worked on, generally speaking, ie that of the kite. That large cloth frame at the top of the model ia the aeroplane, or main kite rnrface. The leaarr aeroplane above the plator form, or ear; the side aeroplane rudder winga; and the fore and aft, are designed to furnish additional kite surface. It ia necessary to make it. however, ao that we can run it in a calm, against the air, thus making our own jvind, aa it were; and for this purpose I have a railway track, and instead of cords to hold the kite against the wind, I employ a pair of powerful screw propellers driven by a steam engina In this manner I can drive the machine exactly as 1 please, can ascertain exactly how much the push of tha screw is, end at the same time find ont exactly how much the machine lifts at different speed The machine I in fact, a big kit Should I fly it in the air with a cord during n strong gale end then run my engine I should be able to find out how fast they would hare to run in order to take all the pull off the cord. Aa aoon as the cord became alack, the machine would be flying with iU own engine power." To more clearly illustrate hia meaning. Mr. Maxim led the way to the workshop In the grounds- -a large and substantial bird cage, sixty feet wide and fifty high, in which the mechanical bird had been constructed, and stood perched for one of its daily flight A railway track nine feet wide ran ontward from tha closed door and stretched indefinitely, in n straight line, acroaa the green level of the park to tha line of a belt of woods 3,000 feet p flat-point- by THE TRACK. MIXGITl'IlIXAr. PKTTIOX. that looked very much like gunpowder. were falling to the floor, lie sus- pended operations at once. The box that waa sent to the enqiemr awakened suspicion immediately anil no attempt waa made to open it until it was The placed in tho hands of expert newspaper probably by orders from the the palace, attempted to affair, und some of them asaerted that the boxes were merely of the nature of a practical joke and that their contents wouldnt hurt a mosquito. As a matter of fact they were infernal machines of an ingenious and deadly character, as will be seen by this illustration and description. The boxes were neatly made of wood and were small, being only This about fire inched in length. picture shows a longitudinal section. Under the closed box lid were two stout rubber tmuds f A) stretched to a tension and connecting a needle (0) with a nipple and cap tK). The needle waa kept in place by a button (It). Scattered over a thin partition on which tho needle rested was loose gunpowder, which also filled the apace beThis partition waa low (G G G). broken by an aperture (I) filled with gunpowder, and below It waa a cartridge (F) filled with an explosive of high power." The exact nature of this explosive has not been revealed. Gunpowder filled the space between the caitridge and one aide of the box end paper (II) was stuffed into the other side to keep the cartridge in place. The idea was that the button (B) would be raised by the lifting of the box lid. releasing the needle, which would he violently pulled against the cap by the contraction of the rubber The explosion of the loose baud gunpowder and tha cartridge would Lyon, won him It waa stopped by a couple of ropes stretched acroaa the track, working on capstans fitted with revolving fan The stoppage waa gentle, and the passenger breathed freely again, looking now upon the machine with more friendly and less fearful eye, aa if it were a dangerous bulldog with which amicable relations had been established and fear of injury waa over. llorapbark Whale A citixen of South Bend, Wash., has a humpback whale on hia hands which ia proving a worse incumbrance tiian the traditional elephant not alone to himself, but to the whole community. The whale became stranded at the mouth of tha river and the enterpristhe fisherman ing citixen bought from who captured it and mi'.ilo some money by placing it on exhibition. Hut the whale died and after awhile it became very drad and the owner can't dispose of it lie tried, aa a last resort, to burn it and spent his profits on wood and kemaene, but the whale won't burn. The town ia pervaded by an extremely ancient flsnllke smell, and the citixen are urgent in their demands that the owner of die whale shall remove hia property in aoni ex-peditious way. A the front end, was a small boiler house In the shape, roughly speaking, of a truncated pyramid, and ten feet behind it was a frame eleven fret high, on which were two On the platform, near and two sets of compound cylinder big wooden screws above tha two aides of the platform, and eighteen feet apart I firm for which he was working in lsS4, and tha firm continued in business until 1870. In iSdS he waa elected mayor of Burlington on the republican ticket by a majority of 133. In 1373 ha was elected a member of the Fourteenth general assembly and was one of the members of the committee In the Fifteenth genon railway eral assembly Mr. Gear began to achieve a state-wid- e reputation. This was the celebrated Granger legislature" of 1873, of which he was speaker. It waa during thia session of the legislature, which did a wonderthat ful amount of busines Mr. Gear earned hia sobriquet of which has clung to Old Busines Mr. Gear waa now him ever sine thoroughly in the political current, and he was nominated and elected aa a member of the Sixteenth general assembly in the fall of 1873 while he was absent from the state, and again became the speaker. In 1877 he waa a candidate for the republican nomination for the office of governor. The Old War Governor." Kirkwood, hod been elected United States senator, and Lieut Gov. J. G. New-bol- d had filled out the unexpired term of the governorship, lie waa a candidate for the nomination, and so iso was Ilnren IL Sherman, the state auditor. There were Ml votes in the convention, and on the first ballot Mr. Gear received the nomination. In the campaign that followed for the first time the prohibition question waa made a factor of some importance in the governorship context. Mr. Gear was elected, but by a minority of the votes cost, thus being the first minority governor that the state hod ever hod. Two years later, however, he was again elected governor, this time by a plurality of 73,000, the largest plurality ever given to In officer in low state a 1886 the republican congressional convention, heldatColumbns Junction, nominated him for meraberahip of the Fiftieth congress The sitting member, llenton J. Iiall, was the demoMr. Gear was elected cratic candidal by a majority of 1,037. lie was again elected to the Fifty-fireongrea defeating John J. Seerley, the democratic candidate. Gov. Gear was renominated to the Fifty-secon- d congress while he waa In Washington. The democrats again nominated Mr. Seerley and he was successful, Mr. Gear going down in the landslide of that year. He wax nominated by acclamation for tbe Mr. Seerley was Fifty-thir- d eongrea once more his opponent and Mr. Gear waa elected by a majority of 639. After the election he was appointed by President Harrison to the position of assistant secretary of the treasury. In the Fifty-thir- d congress he was appointed to the ways and meant committee, and took a prominent part in preparing the minority report on the Wilson tariff bill. In the fight for the senatorial nomination he was at all times conceded to be the strongest candidate. -- nt It a year and tha the Derby in the aixtie LADV I.ASOroRP. Miis Sutton, who was one of twelve children, married in 1689 Lard Langford. who from 1886 tlU 1893 occupied the post of state steward He to tho viceroy of Ireland. is a man some ten or fifteen years older than his wife, and the chief of :i family which has been nettled in Ireland since the time of King James n t'no First, llis mother, a Irish beauty In her day, met her death in a singularly tragical manner by and it may be of interest to suite that, according to popular report, two at tlie brothers of Lady have liUewiKe met with a violentdeath it is rumored by suicide. Her second brother, Mr. Alec Sutton, died only a few months ago. his demise having still niuler circumstances sl.roiiilcd in mystery, on board the yacht treoc in Cowes harbor. The cliii-s- t brother. Sir Richard Sutton, waa a famous yachtsman, and otanch well known on Oils side the Atlantic, having brought a boat across to race far tin- - Amerii-cni. the present Sir R'.cluinl ballon is his son, who was is.rii fully three months after the sudden and no sterions death of his father. well-know- OF THR l-rsllon from hoard and lodging. Ha continued in this way until taken into partnership blailua and retain only the sense of two whirling disca The action of the screws at high speed caused remarkably little shaking of the whole machine. This ia one of the anrpriara of the invention, the tremendous force exerted aa compared with the lightness, steadiness and compactuess of the whole. Behind the screw forty feet away two men were squatting over tha dynamometer, and indicating the degree of push" on n large index board for tha engineer to rend. The index marked 400, 500, 000, 700, and, finally, 1,300 ponnda of push." The pressure was then diminished below five hundred, and the command er yelled: Let go!" A rope was pulled, the machine shot forward like follow. a railway train, and, with the big wheels whirling, the steam hisaiug, PRETTY AND CHARMING. and tha waste pipes puffing and gur- LailT Langford, the Hoanlifal Daaghtar ef Blrhard Sattoo. Of the many pretty and charming women whom the lovely Marchioness of Ixmdonderry managed to gather around her ut Dublin during the term of office of her husband as Lord Lien-tenaof Ireland, one of the fairest and most popular was certainly Lady Imgfonl. tlie is better known perhaps by her name of Georgia Sutton, daughter of that grand old sportsman. Sir Richard Sutton, who waa for so many yeara muster of thetjuorn andi the Hound celesome of owner ll.I.rSTBATlXi? MAXIM Ilia I'KIXClrL brated racehorse gling, flew over the 1.800 feet of track one of which. Lord in much less time than it takes to tell distant Outside of these fundamental accessories were a water tank, a naphtha tank and an indefinite number of rods to give and vary small wire rope 4. al the aenator-alae- t forfiBO e d H. Gear, Iowa, waa born in Ithaca. N. Y., 68 yeara ago. In 1836 the family came west to Galena and in 183b to Fort Knelling. Mr. Gear, aa a young man, went to Burlington, Iowa, his present home, in 1841. Hia education waa only such as ha had bean able to secure at home and pick up by contact with tha world and ha went to work in n store Tha Kaglaoa ef Daath Kareatlr Seat te It tha f.mporor of Uerwaov sad HU acin the as it stood and as it appeara Chaarollor Woald Mill Uaadrods A waa without the companying picturea, harrow Escape. rudders oi and the aide plane big scientific , MU Maw BaapaaaibiUUaa. on. ahonld be noted (Lsadua Correa poadtae) mono Tha Iowa ntatosaaaa Wall Schooled foe John A girl may I almost psriliHied tor throwCALENDAR. ing herself at a lunu's feet if he 1 s good kama lutarocilug Hi .dJ k'arls Aboas snub. lbs Vih Ha tniarf. It Is by all Odd Ibe best liniment. Mr. The year 1900 will no he a leap Cbs Metzger, 317 Geyer Are.. M. Louis. of the same opinion, lie says: year simply because being a hun- Mo., Is (ill we Imva ever is the best dredth year, although it ia divisible used la our family. It I remedy the best remedy on by (our, it is not divisible by 400 ssrib. without a remainder. Thi says tha Woman be tbe weaker vessel, but It ia Boston Home Journal, is nut tho real always llismay man thats broke. reason, but the result of it: llm real A number one cough cur Mr. Js II. reason being the establishment of Birnst, 343 1'edsr fit., Budalo. X. V., writes the Gregorian rule, made in lMt thus: I am using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup The nineteenth century will not end In my family and deem it a number one medl-bucoughs snd cold sad my house until midnight of Monday, December hall for never be without IL 81. 190(1 old the quarrel although wbo brings home the ant-U--r rill probably again be renewed as to Tha busumaa that be bos been ibis to get a head what constitutes a century and when of thsproves gam It winds up. and thousanps will infay lilrt Struck sist on A premature burial of the old At Mercur in the Camp Floyd DIstrieL Oar at of tells December, century you all. midnight pamphlet Gen'l 81, 1899. But as a century means AgL U. P. By, Denver. lieu Ally, 100 years, and as the first century Col, or 1). E. Burley, Genl AgL U. P. By, Lake City, L'lsh. sould not end until a full 10') years bolt had passed, nor tbe second till MOO Somehow a man feels much worse tha day he has lost sn hour's strap on account years had passed, etc., it is not log- after of tbe than he dun ths dor after he has ically clear why the nineteenth cen- loat 6 vsbaby hours sleep si the club. tury should be curtailed and broken Tha MuUsis Way off before we have the full 1,900 to do Comuirnda Itself to the yeara pleasantly and effectually what was formerly April 1 and July 1 in any year, and done In the enulral manner and diaagroeahly in leap year January 1, fall on tha is well. To cleanse the aysiem and break up eold headache and fever without unpleassame day of the week. uae the delightful liquid after effect September 1 and December 1 In ant laxative remedy, Byrup of Fig any year fall on tbe same week day. Prominent jewelers now affirm that tbs diaJanuary 1 and October 1 in any mond g ia going ouL This aolltalra exon fall week same tho year day, sill be cheering news to ears that bare never be a leap year. cept it been able to get them. February 1, March 1 and NovemISO World's S'slr PSutrn lor tl. ber 1 of any year fall on the same These beautiful pictures are now ready for day of the week, unless it be a leap delivery In ten complete parts 16 pictures raeb part and tbe whole set can year, when January 1, April 1 and comprising be secured by the payment of One Dollar, July 1 fall on the same week day. rent to Go H. Hasrroun, General PassenMay 1, June 1 and August 1 in any ger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul year never fall on the same week Hallway, Chicago, 111., andof the portfolios of will be sent, free expense, by moil, day, nor does any one of the three pictures to subscriber iver fall on tho same week day on Remittances should be made by draft, monwhich any other month In the same ey order or registered letter. year begin except in leap year, A millionaire seems to have a great deal of when February I and August 1 fail will power. on the same week day. To find out on what day of the week any day of this century fell divide the year by four and lot the remainder go. Add the quotient and tho yoar together, then add .1 more Divide the result by 7, and if tbe remainder is 0 March 1 of that year was Sunday; if 1 Monday, if 3 Tuesday, and so on. For the last century do tho same thing, but add 4 instead of it Fur he next century add 3 instead. It is needless to go lieyond the next century, because tho survlvui s will probably have some shorter method by simply touching a nob or letting a nob touch them. Christmas of any year falls on the same day of the week as Jan. 3 of that year, unless It bo leap year, when it is the same week day as Jan. 8 of that year. Yields to Hoods Sarsaparilla Which Easter is always tho first Sunday Purifies ths Blood. after the full moon that happens on C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mas: or next after March 31. It is not I had a guiire or swelling on my neck groweusy to see how it can occur earlier ing for tbe past sixteen year Physicians did thun March 33 or later than April 3d not rid me of my trouble, and one or two said It In any year. Could Never be Cured. New Years (Jan. 1) will happen It was quite painful at times and when going up on Sunday but once more during this bill or walking a little fast 1 would feel a chokIn ing arnanUoa In my thronL One day I happened century; that will be in the next century it will occur four- to read In a Denver paper of a ears liy Hood's teen times only, as follows: 1903, Sarsaparilla of a ease similar to mine. My hus- CURIOS SENATOR GEAR. WEAPON. The many minor elements of tha STEP machinery did nut at first catch tha HIGH EXPLOSIVES FOR MURDEROUS "REMOVALS." eye, but all appeared in interesting action when details were entered upon iurtm litnlir, Mn4 tha rruMca lal OWAltlrs to A st AIbbIbxb re. Msgneal The nue of aluminum in place of magnesium for the production of flashlight is strongly advocated by Pro! Glasenapp. He states that aluminum, if employed in tha form of bronxe powder, is not only equal to magnesium as a source of light in taking photographs by flashlight, but that it ia really much cheaper than the latter. The following la stated to be the proper mixture for the purpose: Alu minum powder 31.7 Darts by weight, sulphide of antimony 13.8 part and potassinm chlorate F4.5 part the same precautions being taken in preparing the mixture aa in the case of the magnesium flashlight. In regard to the rapidity of combustion of such a mixof a second hsi ture been fonnd oat; two gramsof the mixture were burned in a small heap; two cm. long and one cm. wide. And in respect of chemical intenProf. & states that he sity, found by exposing gelatine plates beneath a Warncrke actinometre to the light of said mixture and to that of other mixtures prepared with magnesium, the employment of equal quantities of the metals resulted in a superior light from aluminum, though The not of considerable amount. speed of combustion is ascertained to h of a second be slower about if a mixture ia used composed of thirty part by weight, of aluminum powder and seventy parts of potassinm chlorate. ear-rin- Goitre 16 Years 1911, 1933; 1938, 1983. 1939, 193). 1936, 1961, 1967, 1978, 1984, 1989 and 1993. The intervals are regular except the interval which includes the hundredth year that is not a century, when there la a break as 181)8, 199, 1905, 1911 when three intervals of six years come together; after ihat plain sailing till 3001, when the old intervals will occur in regular order. band was anxious that I should try Hood's Sar saparilla and so I bought a bottle of It and before I had used all of It I noticed a difference In my neck. I rqntlnird rejyularly with It and I have used four bottles Has Effected Perfect Cure. When my trouble waa most severe the bunch on my neck waa the size of a coffee cup, now one would not suspect that I had ever had goitre Hoods?1 Cures weUIng. Rood' Baraaparilla la an excellent blood puriffer and ws cannot praise it enough. Mn Johx Tab Black Hawk, Colorado. Another Sll.alssippi llrlilgr. Arrangements have been completed Hood's Pills rare liver III constipation, to construct the new bridge which is bllhwuniaa. jaundice, lick headache, lndlgsatlo to be built at Sl Iaul, Minnesota. I Mi!ig5m wag The bridge will be a drawbridge, and HHt:R. mflKt jtUffiiMJi'l iiinhowp. will be built in conjuiction with a belt It paid,flvccento.FOitSHEKAMAKlN railway. It will cost 81,300,000. will be located at Soith St. Paul, six Ns Hatchet Needed miles from the city. Its length will be loot To Onon thla Can. 2,200 feet, four 130 spans, and a draw span of 480 fret. The bridge For Hog Cholera this Lje will be operated bf the Burlington, a Is ears rat ir ased la tlm & and the Milwaukee the ft Paul, Fsraiakisg snap, ahwalat kous, wnralng valor, N Chicago & Kansas Uty. It will afford has a renal. a direct entrance tq the packing disTha Housewife's Best tricts of outh St. lxul. Friend. Uh or Death? A It h of vital Importance that il ibonld be andur-tooby person nrboe Hduey sir inactive, Dial chi condition of Ibinx 4 Sully Inductive of tatr of the organ wheij life bug In tbe balance. Bright's disease, ijsbrtea, ilbumfnurtx are 11 discsMi of a vrry nhqnau character in Iheir mature alage, and all bar) a fatal icndcnry. They often baffle the moat precilacd medical akill. and tha moat approved remefj's of materia medic Bat opposed at the onln that la to any, when the kidneys begin to divciarge their functions Inactively with HoatelterV Stomach Bitten, the . dangerooo tendency Is (hocked. - Vrry also, ia till household mtvieine for those allmrnia of rommon occurrence nnstipatlou. liUiiiuancaa, It ia a dysprpsia end nervon-uss- s. gainst mi' Don't allow a eold o go unchecked. No. Indeed; be aura and has your eold properly checked before going oi a lournrj, aud are it r. placed In tbs baggage vslssbls washing In sick taa. For salr raeslpt kr all reesre. ItwUl surprireys 1SH TMs TraSs 5 Kaitisea the bW WATERPROOF COAT B!gre?A. In the World I 1 TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. 3.SB to miifornis. This Is our sleepiig ear rate on the Island tourist excursions Phillips-Roc- k from I)es Moines to Los Angeles or San Francisco, vis Omaha, Lincoln ami the scenic rout end Ogden. Yon can go with Phillip the best of all excursion manage for he has each party accompanied by a special agent who goes the entire trip with patron These personally eoaducted excursions leave Des Moinct once a week, Wednesday. We have also a daily tourist car ser(laid la tbs East. vice, via our Soutlern rout through Annam, s French protectorate in the beautiful lnilian Territory and Asia, has a silver coin that weighs si Fort Worth to Wlngeles and Kan much as fifteen United States dollar Francisco. Apply to Charles Kennedy, The largest gold eoin In circulation Is G. N.-1W A gt., Omaha, Neb. the loof," which also belongs to the Join Skbaxtiax. orientel French colony mentioned U. P. A., CIU. AP-- K'y. Chicago. above. This monster gold disk will There an many wsyi which woman Is weigh os much si 333 American gold man's supsrlur. For listanee. bow assy it Is dollars and. although weighty and for her and how Impoeihle for him to a poetess. awkwardly large, are considered valuable property. The gold pises which Bend two stamp te Ths Road Pubcomes next in sixe to ths loof is tha lishing CVv. Denver, loa. njl gel s tampla of Tbs Road sod of of tbsir great Eng"obang" of Japan, a coin containing wopy lish Octopus map free. about 847 worth of ours gold. one-fift- Thin Children Grow on Scott Emulsion, because ii P I ) 0 o fat food s make fat A children. They are thin, and remain thin proportion to their inal assimilate food rich in fal Scotts it I Enroll 1 of Cod Liver Oil is e adaptable to those of wet tion it it partly dignted Astonishing how quicklj person gains solid flesh b; 41 V ie n Almost as palatable at RgwfhriwtuiHHyv pi i IT i BvmBWseWBSwsenaaWsuH, I dw ..6b -- A- i JMSSW! 1 '! |