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Show v- -t . - ...i . jf . -- : v a My friends who knew me when I was EVER, never, will 1 furtive you ! You liave spoiled all my joy and now good - by, fptr fore her. Ginn!" It was a young lady who spoke, a beautiful one, too. and her eyes were full of r as she anjft-looked at the young man be lie looked with equal linger at her. j a rieh girl, or at least thought I was rich, left me when misfiirtune came, though nut without a word of good advice!" she smiled bitterly. But soon her better nature conquered and she added: -- 1 am no lietter than they were, for I have forgotten the one ffooti friend left to me. Our old servant dul not aliandim uie, and I should have forgotten to buy her a Christmas gift if it had not been for you!" In a few words she then told the old lady that she was a teacher and earning her own living. Hy that time they had reached Meereoria, and turning into one of the little streets branching off from that, they stood before an old palace. I'pon ringing, the door was opened by an old gondolier, who seemed to do also duty us a servant. Madonna sauta!" he cried, what lias hapiiened to the murehe.sa'.1 and had he not prevented, he would in liis fright lmve called all tlie house together. Rut the inurchcsu said deI live mu cidedly: your arm. Itattis-ta- . and keep quiet." Then, turning to tile girl standing in tlie door, she udded: Grnxie, thanks a thousand times, dear child. And please give me your name and address. 1 hope we may meet aguin." Angelina gave the desired information reluctantly, for slie felt almost hurt at the brevity of this farewell. Rut the old lady suddenly extended her hand and, pressing Angvlina's.said Go and buy Margherita her gently: present. Good-bAngelina stood alone. Why hail she t almost huppy, loading this old lady.' Now she realised again how lonely site was. Rut Margherita, at least, would be glad to see her, so she hurried to dear old San Marco, ami tried to pray. Alas! she could All!" she sighed, think of nothing. if I only hud u mother!" Ih-c- mni. la king his hat in hand, he said: I am sorry Angelina, but iny mother eulis uir. and if you hud a son. an only son. yon would feel deeply Hurt if lie were to refuse to spend Christinas with you. " Angelina broke down Oil, -i.ut and suddenly lmist into a flood of ' teai. Her lover then thought so little of her that he had never her own loneliness, anil what a sad. sad Christmas was in store for herself. She was alone, she had no mother, no father. A stranger, she had come to Florence as a teacher in the public schools. No one there knew that she had lieen nnec in a rieli home of her own. with luving parents. Her mother had died in her childhood, and two years ago her poor father had also left her, when she most needed him. A lawyer hud informed her that the fortune which she thought she possessed hail lieon lost in speculation, end he persuaded her to sell or rent the quaint little home in wliieh she had always lived on one of the small canals of Venire. Sell it'.' never! Hut refits were very low, nud she decided to become u teacher that she might make both ends meet and not Ik obliged to sell the. dear home. Site did not rare to teach in tier own native place, and therefore she accepted most willingly uu offer from Florence. There she hail met (iino. whose native eity was liers also. He was a sculptor and. though young. Ills talent soon made him well known. He to an aristocratic family, and had persuaded liis parents with great difficult v to let him study art. Rut now lie liud attained an assured position. anil he hoped soon to bo able to muke Angelina his wife. Ip to this time he hud hesitated to tell his parents of his love for the poor teacher, GIXO PRIZED II Kit HAND. knowing liow proud they were, lie hod intended to spend I'hrisliuas with at one of the stores Angelina, and they had inudo many sheStopying shawl a warm purchased would mass, to go plans, first, they the then for crossing Margherita: old and then Margherita, the fuithful took a gondola, and in a she piazxa, servant, who had followed Angelina short time found herself at the door of would light the tire in the to her own house. big chimney, and they would sit and It was a (juulnt little palace, conwatch the traditional log of wood only a few rooms, but it was taining burn, and have a nice little supper. her home, and she had once been rich Rut now the poor girl saw nothing beand happy in it. Margherita was fore her bnt loneliness! watching for her darling mistress. Forgive me, Angelina, my love, The people who had rented it were forgive me!" cried Gino, kneeling at from the ('adore and had gone to their her feet, as he sa w her distress. country home for the holidays, leaving She smiled through her tears, and, an old man in charge of the house. as if her decision were taken at last, He had been gondolier for Angelina'a she snys quickly: All right, dear, go parents, so that he and Margherita now, go quickly, for I am so tempted were old friends, and he, too, loved to keep you!" Augellna-l- u padronciua," as he called She extends her hand and they part. her. As he closes the door she ealls hastily Soon the poor child had forgotten into the other room: CVnne, her loneliness, sitting and chatting I am going to Venice. I am with those two humble but devoted pining to see the dear old place again. friends. The next evening was Christmas Coine, let us get ready for eve, and Angelina, mode some purmorning!" And as if she were going to leave chases also for the old man. and prowithin an hour. Angelina hurried to a vided for a nice little supper. Giotrunk, to the drawers and closets, and vanni, the gondolier, was to take her soon she liad selected the few tilings to mass at seven, anil then she would come home and liave a quiet evening, she wislied to take with her. Her honsc had liocn rented to As she returned from her errands, she hud innile it a point saw a gondola leave her door, and strangers, but to reserve one room for her own use, Giovanni standing at the door gaxing after it with a curious expression. He in ense she should wish to return. Oh. how happy she felt when the wus holding a little log of wood in train started! Venice, dear old Venice! his hand. What is it, Giovanni? JSlie loved Venice as only a Venetian 1 am to give this to the signorina." can. Miirgherita!"slie says.! must go lie handed her tlie little log, Angelto San Marco before I go home. You take the gondola with the trunk, and ina well knew where it came from. I will follow, after I have seen the While she had lieen shopping, she had seen Gino in the distance with a gendear old chnrcli again." 1oor Murgherila dix-- not answer, tleman. liis father, no doubt, and her the tears are running down her old heart nearly stood still. She hoped cheeks, for at lust she. too, will be he had not seen her, and she hurried j back in her old home again. hastily into a store. The log showed As soon as Angclinasees Margherita that he had noticed lier, and she was safely on her way. she speeds through j glad he had nut stopped to speak to the narrow streets, toward the Iiaxxa. her. She must walk, for her emotion nearly j Soon it was dark, and Angelina stifles her. It is hitter cold, and the dressed carefully to go to the midnight mass," which takesplace at steps of the many bridges are slippery. Rut the young girls foot barely seven. She had turned the log of wood touches the ground. The last bridge over and over, hoping to find a mes Is reached anil she has passed it. when sage there, bnt the only thing she she hears s sudden cry of pain behind found was tlie date of the day carved her, and, turning sharply, site sees a on it. j As she stepped into San Marco she lady on the ground. ' Oh. are you hurt'.1" Angelina cries; told Giovanni wliem to wait for her. and she hastens to help tlie lady rise. and he returned to his gondola. She Hut it is hard work, for she is ro)t ' had not seen how he had exchanged a with some one in the distance. V i sign young. mass began, and she became The 1 must have I and sprained my wrist, completely absorbed in it. She was bruised my knee." she groaned. vicinI get you a gondola, signora?" recalled to herself hy thn close seemed to who some of proone, child. ity No. thank you. my My She did not house is only a few steps distant tect her from the crowd. look up. She knew it wus Ginn, and a Will you help me to reach it?" Indeed I will, bean well on me, sudden calm came to her soul. She became lost to all but the pleasure of and we will walk slowly. old knowing that he was there. the and lady supports Angelina Mass was over. People hurried to It Ikies hurt?" nsking: walks gently, cold. Angewas bitter It home. fall bad was for a an get Well. yes. it nut into the air, when old ladv. Hut I beg your pardon! 1 lina stepped Gino seixed her hand. Drawmay detain you. IVrhaps you were in suddenly his arm he led her to a it through and. ing probably, haste. It is Christmas, No was spoken nntil word some to pres- gondola. buy you were hurrying ones." found heraef under the cover. Angelina dear for ents your Gino. my dear, you must She said: 1 am alone. I have no dear ones. We have mother. to looks your old go up at lady Alone!" The to lie happy in." and and girl, again pretty the roung 1 shall go to my mother, darling, Alone?.. And no one to she says: fear! And now tell me about never with?" spend Christmas la So one. madauie. Do not wonder. vourself. It so good that vou carnal j i icon-sider- r; Trw 4 f.-l- Mar-frlierit- a. t'" s ; i . Tj-zrr- 111.50 COM A FAKM WAiiOS. g and She told him of her of her sudden decision, her joumey( aad than of the nice old lady. if I only had a mother like bar, It would lie such a happiness!" she cried. Hut here they are already at their journey's end. The gondola has stopped; she has alighted, helped by Gina Hut where is she? Not at home. she says, let me go O Gino! hoine-longln- G i ROCERS recommend the ROYAL BAKING POWDER because they de- borne! Trust me, darling, and come, la all the reply which he vouehsafea her. She is so bewildered that she follows lie holds him like one in a dream, her hand. Hera she is, mother dear! he saya at last, tell her that we may bo happy. Agelina stands in a beautiful parlor, trembling before an old lady in r. She sees only a liand an stretched in welcome, ami hears the words: My daughter. She kneels at the feet of the dear old luily, and all she saya is: Oh, I have so wislied that you might be my mother since yesterday. For she is indeed the marchess. She cannot rise, she cannot extend both hands, but lier eyes toll of the love she has in lier heart for the chosen wife of her son. You shall never be alone again at Christmas, my daughter. Make my Gino happy! Ah, have you no word for your father, my child?" saya another voice, and again Angelina is hebl by the encircling arms of Ginn's father. God bless you both! And now quickly come to supper and light the fire of joy. Would you like to burn the log I brought you, my pet? says Giuo teasingly. Supper is over. It lias been made happy by mutual confidences. I liave no regret for my misfortune, says the mother, and as slie docs not suffer, she is happy as the result. Gino had told her as soon as he arrived of Ills attachment, and while they were hesitating to accept the stranger as a daughter, destiny had brought them nearer each other. They sit and talk nntil tlie door opens and the smiling old face of Margherita looks in; A happy Clirist-uiu- s, and please, signorina, may we remain in Venice now? And Yes. my gocsl .Margherita. she smiles gratefully g her lover, who has not neglected to ihesde the faith ful old woman in Ills plans fur the Christmas celebration. Angelina lias quite forgotteu that she was ever angry with lilin. The beat wagon in the world van be had for $43.50; a barrel cart for 150. Bt.35 buys the Family Grist Mill; $3 hoe cula potato planter; 6.50 a hore f 1 a post hole tivator; $3 a corn auger; 13.75 a great fanningntiil; $1.75 a Ilam-- l Jr. drill; and other tools, harrows, etc., at lowest prices. If Vo Will Cal This Ont aad head It With 5o postage to the John A. rialxer Seed Co., I .a Crosse. Win., you will rew ceive their need catalogue free. Bracing weather ought to be favorable for the sate of suspenders Tke Uold N sm of LuS. How to reach the Camp Floyd District aad a description of tha mines t Bend for our pamphlet; It will tell you. P. Denver, Gwil Ady. Genl AgL If. Colo., or D E. Hurley, Genl Agt. L F. Ays, Salt Lake Cliy, Utah. When sleep Is broken what becomes of tha sire to please their customers, and customers are most 8., pleased when they get the best and the most for their money. arui-chai- pieces! Winter ROYAL BAKING POWDER is absolutely pure, goes For additional particulars and printed mat-te- r regarding Texas call on or addren J. P. Rail, Colorado Paaaenger Agent, IRK) Law ranee Street, Denver, Cola A drinking man seldom get out of breath. Partlaa desiring to either buy or sell will find It to their advantage to correspond with J. 8. Temple, Box 1011, Denver, further, and makes better food than any other leavening agent. , ROYAL BAKINS listra to Teas I'olnts. On Feb. 13th, March l:ith, April 10th and sell tick, May 8th Ihe SANTA FE KOCTE ate from Denver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Trinidad and all Texu points at oae faro fur the round trip, good fur thirty days, on going trip at any point allow iug stop-ove- rs desired In Oklahoma or Tessa. news-pwp- SJ. POWDER CO., 10S WALL ST., NEW YORK. Colo. A profane "beggars descrip- - Frenchman lion. PhlMt-- e t'aaasasuiiMM fas tWoremn. fsaessae w gsaraali-e-. II ran Ouxvs ftna.nK-iaStSisIs n Uw Imms tsa The L.lr.l Hull Mterjr. The open polar sea la still aa open The girl who can skate has a good time hut s raconteur of snake sco- the girl who la learning has her hand squeexed lion. ria tka olkcr djr to an editor, by way of a the lightest. Hanao' Mania Cera naira. wind-uto moral good out: Wanaatad to ran, or mawr rsfadsd. for it Ptiaa IS rants Huskies. Tha ltaaistifal drusslst roar I can't call any non to mind jnat at presBald qua- - a p ent. My wife know lots of anaka slurb, but I forget 'em. By tbe way, though, I've got a regular living rurlolly down on my place. One day my eldest buy was lilting on the back .loop dulug fcla ram, an he couldn't do 'em rliihL Re felt eomelblng agalnil bli a little euake curled up face, and liwre on hie shoulder and looking at the slate, lu four minutes he bad done all thane .urns. We've lamed hint, so ha keeps all our accounts, and he ie the quickest bead at figures you ever saw. Re'll run up a column eight feet lung In three seconds. 1 wouldnt lake a prise cow for him. What kind of a snake la be I Inquired the editor curiously. 'The neighbors call him an adder. yes, yra! I've heard of the spec lea." J The richest, tbe grandest, most Out of pocket the modern billiard range of mountain In the known world ble. Mountain range, exlendleg endot, Ofctn. tirely across and lieyond lha slate of ColoraVlilrport ffarbnr, do. Grand old 1'lke's lesk. at the foot of Woau)- - Disrsnaanv Mbuical Association, which la situated ihe marvelous Cripple unaw,.!.. otnllinun- -l eamx Creek gold camp, la here. That great uar tell you how my wife tlimal Illustrated weekly family paper, the haa Improved Moot she Vi'orty Mountain .'rolinr. published at lleuver, the uee of your Colorado, (rstabll-he- d IKS?), illust rales this uvorite Preeerlp-tiou- ." all about coupled with 0. grand eoenery each week, end tetla M. It. She haa no more of the wonderful WesL Also, true trouble with falling of hive aud adventure. This big weekly, conthe womb, aud she long taining eight large pages, never feels any pain eoluuins, will lie sent on iris! three months unices she stands too for only ten Sc. stamps. Handsome solid hg. mine nnee gold rings set wllh brilliant Rocky Mountain she began the us of premiums. gems are given free She remedies. your does marly all of har A man who drive away customers a cab- Extract from historical lecture la those housework own now, stormy times ihe fate of Germany bung upon but brfura aha a slender thread, but that slender thread was MnA Lawn. taking pour Dyspspsu. Impaired digestion, weak stomCharles the Fal.' " reremedies, aha eould be will and instantly ach, constipation room. the Thera Is naira Cuiarrli in this section of tha lieved by Beevham's Pill. 35 eon I a box. know bow to thank you for all tha have dona har, for the country than all other dlseaM put together, When a good Idea strike a musician It la and until the last few years was supposed to given bw case up si in- of note maae it. should a he that only proper s be incurable. For a great inauy yean Yours truly aud preIt a local prououiu-fi- l Jfroen's Branchial TVerArs TiibThmiaT. ALFRED LEWIS. scribed local remedies, and hy constantly fall- act directly on ihe organs of Urn voice. Tie) ing to cure with local treatment, prououneed have an extraordinary effect lu all disorder haa proven catarrh to of the throat. it incurable, Transparent Leathers a constitutional disease, and therefore According to the Magasln Plttor-esqu- e, be A headlong man is not a man with a long constitutional treatment. Hall's CaOH nOKRY HETVHNKD. transparent leather may be tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A heid. manufactured as follows: After the Co., Toledo, Obits la the only constitutional on the market. It la taken internally In hair has been removed from the hide, cure IF YOU WANT TO FEEL A PERFECT CURE PROMPTLY, OF from 10 drops to a It acta the latter, tightly stretched upon a doses ou the blood aud mucous surfaces of directly frame, is rubbed with tlie following tlie system. They oiler one hundred dollars mixture: tilycorolc (2lil U.),0uU lor any case It falls to cure. Bend for cirAddress parts; salicylic acid, S parts; picric culars and F. J. CllENKVw CO., Toledo, ld acid. 2 parts: boric acid, 25 parts. by llniirgisls. 75c. la tlie Rocky Ml ru u etaH-te- a forty-wigh- u ed ' doo-tor- dlM-ae- PIERCE ..CURE bch-uc- e LUMBAGO. a pat-So- Before the hide is absolutely dry lower New York you must eat beef huh ST. JACOBS OIL WILL 00 IT US NOTHING ELSE CUN 00. it is placed in a room which the to In WsriiRSttlonshle. sun do not of the penerays saturated with trate, and is of a solution bichromate of potash. When the hide is very dry there is applied to its surface an alkmaxf tki kitk ! M akKk Cmalw Saw, . rea mto pwwor m waani m tiiriMi Umh m imh4 ta SMiHif. whatu coholic solution of tortoise shell, hHiififi f the afaahjr Wtudeu aaw Cmm rt out f im, lie and a transparent aspect is thus obla Un IstMinr haw Ire mm, IM Ml)i Mtl Haw frame NT made, Uiw difhrulfy t abMuUly bh4 wMhr tained. This leather is exceedingly VON TMt MIAIT IRK BAM III Rll praam TM It NUKIM mmtf it id tub vm Rurimw mib ti bimi. flexible. It is used for the manuvwar Tka Heel lUaa n haNutt arm tfcma elistml mi aa to tab You cannot hope to be well It oft. Tha frama la aU mH, vary rtpM. with Hte facture of toilet articles, but there m fhei jwilley 1aT T mi vf thw. Tkt if gri kyihtf your muk tfmpwrth is nothing to prevent it from being ymfiftfM marsrdm the ewer a hisrW. mm h Msal ml' AfaneM impmtmmm BLOOD IS IMPURE. Mftfri used for foot-gea- r, he M kp imJrtlmd ftmmwa. and, perhaps, with framm whir The ewirnff aanim Mm mrf la ha uwl m4 of shoes made it fancy stockings, huh wkmaUnlljr Mwm tv ita vlam haa alMiiiHii to If pa are tfwwMed seffh avi yet 4uaa rt wim H to kaepv pda atf from thv By whaai Urn would not prove unpleasant to the meat very nek vfammi Into mw. Tha aeveCh Mwlh. SORES ULCERS or to inch fly whaalmto M I H mafcaa this rnwly ywilila. BOILS. PIMPLES. sight They would at least have the flaairatto fule flaw. toahiHf rt eaay cut Hie Uerefer 00 mmmommmmommEsmo IS ESSENTIAL TO HEALTH, GOOD BLOOD advantage of originality. rif awry atond A few bottle of 8. B. B. will thoroughly clean the system, removi IWMY all impnriUea and build yon up. All manner of blemish are . by Itausa. It is tbs best blood remedy on earth. Thontands who haws used It say sa last yaar.wMehent my wbotosystrei Ky Mond was bsdty mtanaed and a constant soun tf out jrf uKtor-dlsfasof llfa. Two btHlks bruugnt aufrliSfoBL fSan Ola. no la no batter remedy ft bKmddtem. gj IteytoaOhia- you blood Itbad. Adding Insult to Injury. Colonel S tt Fiorcc. the lata minister to Portugal, once picked up In hie arms a young lady who stood hesitating at the corner of a street In an Indiana village, unable to cross it, because a shower had filled It with a rushing torrent of water. The young lady submitted without protest whllo the colonel strode gallantly through the torrent until he deposited his fair charge on the opposite sidewalk, with dry feet. Sir! she then said, indignantly, are you aware that you have insulted me? I was not aware of it, replied the colonel: but seeing that you are right, 1 beg to make amende So saying, he picked up the protesting damsel and restored her to the point where he had first made her acquaintance. Argonaut Gilbort rs or) mflUy. AniUr tatmM . ural. isws meOrd re. mafias aa Meed aad sHa ml flumhly SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. 'IS8ISSSSlVSOSSOS ELY'S CREAM BALM --dleanaea the Haas! Inflammation. Heal sulfa., Aiutys Fain aniland i Bores, Stestorea Teat Small, and Cuius "E fve wttb e to loeh thto wry wiork im ifle Bivch Iota vt 0mn evy cheay iBiwfto jriNwearv mrv that Ihe fnavto fraavaeva to hwakt fur, af Um Awnv$r trill B$irmtoi thv Cart that m haw aiui tow fliwf thv whMm v yrato wnirv varf haw entiKyiueiivi anmlrra m rvfceiaBiitf aa vM arbeto enfl yidtiefl R into aa amftriy laiyniwN pr vtotraf euvilar am iMlfly, ad vrfieary eweflw fraaia, yw trvuM kv torariafl flMA N mre fM Nit I Tel ll'liftt'l frgmrffM flw viirrhrvir ml ir lAv hayV a vvr ttonA slAi'nvai'. TV eflT IT AT 1A v hW anM m MWIM avtohrv af tower Aefetor aMIta with which w are aeatf. ai4 a po we ikal nw havfl Afitrarta fwa their iiarfiWaew aaA their fefiaiaUiw. If v far fttwk a vary Miparier aaw al a wry law ita will ha hiweM to Art w tfcraa. V vwa, athara M aera ta faUuw. Vtoa wa taka a well fcaeww artirta. wflaelf tt. aa4 ytog to aahfa wry Buyariiir ta aayihiay that haa aMemt tofora. N wideaa aafl aalarera aar wvuialwa tar Nat wll awrythiat to which wa pat mw haaita, iM thw la tha that thal hw tm tha yaet Wowirhi aa touch hwiMra to our factory. anA which ia tka ftovra. wa haw a AuaM. will hnac, (trashraily, all tha aw baa. IA ia ita ttflafluia that wa flaity tow we (Uvea ftelief atuiu-- e m fur Cold in lienal. It it Oni'ktp A btnrtul. N. T.l Apply into llio Anarn'a J Me. Druggist or by niaiL KLY IlltlRL. Bd Warren bt., ah. Denver Directory. h,lll iWNIMO llXN vyi TENT In a lda show. I A side show attached to a circus E. E. BURLINQAME'S which showed in a country town in West Virginia last summer had a Aad Chaaslral uixaratory-IsTABLiaasOnly ton cents to tee IMA big sign: send year the most wonderful thing In the JSwalar and eoatslnlag gold and silver world." Persons curious enough to treat men L Maras and higlu-a- t ch Prompt pay the dime, found a man sitting on price paid for gold sod silver balHon. Address a chair Inside whittling a piece of fits sad 17JB Lawrence St, Dravrr. Uilorsilo wood. At he out away, with an outward sweep of his knife, he remarked: Gentlemen, always whittle like this, and you will bo In no This danger of cutting yourselves. was the whole show. People who had been duped wero so anxious to have company that thoy went out and advised their friends to go in, and it Is claimed that the side show did more business than the cireua AMD MUka SL OU-M- W AiSSAY OFFICE e Nat aafl Raw law that thw liraflir fltavl fUw caahrw aafl aahaacc tha faaw which wt haw aaiaafl ufactora mi fltod Yiaflaiilta aafl Itoi Tw t paryw af eraNcnafl ton a aa that awrytody ha hNflfiwamallvrMw, NR . itaawe thuwcaa AM Mlfl TUI HTML hAW At MAS I will rottlinifl tir ANTI.imhghhT ga.tafthMpWMawwr Iivsnintol Ha L Ha. alatoA BtoViti-- wo ahail BEST LINE ia I. la aar haul aAwrtiwweat. taih nfvalvaaisiBC. aad waka aa ofNr that will kB to tatoeJL rktawaee.Jta.fl. ASMMuiVM Ok 1 COLCHESTER TO SPADING ST. LOUIS BOOT. BBAT a mall Uame la Maryland. In spite of tha fact that tha eastern shore of Maryland has been inhabited by a raco of keen sportsmen lor two and a half centuries, small game is still abundant in the remoter parts of tho region. Large tidal rivers unknown to northern sportsmen abound In ducks, rabbits are plentiful in most of the southern-countiand there are quail in the groat woodlands that still cover1 many thousands of acres Thera are many squirrels in the pine wood of the southeastern courtles and the variety of water fowl, especially on the Atlantia side, is remarkable AND . IN MARKIT. bixtiv pit. BEST IV WKAUINQ qiAIJTV. The otiTnr1nti sole ex. tends tho vrhi-l- Inngth ! down ti tho lievl, pro. ! tbe bnnt In dig- -' Ring nud In other hard I ! CHICAGO bnt nlut ( the moiirv world. Name and imce fcverr MMprd on ihe bnt mm.neauMt-Ir. pAir wernintrd. Take Slo es fttoe Jncal yMpera fir full drffcriptirNi of our emnplcte linn fur lidiu iihI gm- mea or tnid frr imrtrmitd tavh- - Billflt lost heMefws. thr I 'jounter, vtc table. F" C'wteyif in giving etnirlioM Yoy aa w how In on gm IhtM iSapiso'TS'.cuR.e Q Pj httiimt Mrmp. toUfl roRi,v hy rtrotoftotn 'CQNSUMFfflONTi; Vb'. EL No. Ml-I- E Ws Ns t'( ItohVdh Whoa wriUag lo towttw gtaae tag thal gua nv theadTerUMMBl In ihif taper. work. ASK YOUR 7) RALES PUB Til KM land don't I put off with Inferior goods niLCIIUTER 40!S? Ht'BBKR CO. Introdar ear Eight l. Illustrated farm aad literary paper Mflvs away- postage paid, to all new subsrrlbors Sample ropy aad l.lst of books Fro Writ this weak Homestead Ca. til Pa Uth St, vmaha. Boh. BJ0 per gear. FREE |