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Show This ethereal and shadowy form assumed a vnjiiic resemblance to herself, and sometimes its dim lineament reminded herof Gerard Hansford but pot once could she trace the faintest likeness to any other face or form with which site was familiar. of the phantom was The an constant night after night that Lady itlariche grew accustomed to its nocturnal visits, and she grieved when it did not appear. Her heart held commune with the phantom, and in a manner unknown thoughts to mortals they and talked together. One night the phantom bade Lady lllunclie to follow it. and it led her to a strange country over the sea. anil when she glanced around slit found herself in a sunny land, where the impenetrable dome of tile skies alsive was of a soft, deep anre. without a fleck of cloud Ufsin tin- - horizon, amt sea Wat musicuily the violet-tinge- d d shore, uml against a the walks were lini-i- i with oruuge trees in blossom, and magnolias beautified the hedges with their pure white Nile followed the pliuutoiii flowers, through a grove of iiin trees and into d a garden of geraniums, every one six feet high, and tlu-- clown an Hvenitc of myrtles, and everywhere the lialmy air wa jer fumed with the sweet scent of flowers. They halted in front of a large white building, into which many lmth men ami women, streamed, and on all their face Lady lllanche observed the same euger, anxious and cruel expression. Lady lllunelie glanced inquiringly at the phantom. Yes," it said in answer to the luily's thought, this is Monte Curio, and that ithe Casino." They now entered a large room, were seated where many round the tables. 1 perceive," said the pliuutoiii, tliat you recognize some of the oft-tim- es apjM-aranr- hlanchk e in a London mansion, d man whrrcin was an old woman by hia aide. and a n llow terribly they are," remarked ljuly lllanche, and much changed since 1 last saw them!" Naturally so," replied the phantom. Persons such as they are certain to grieve over the death of an only non, whom you remember to have seen after be hail received hia death wound on the sands by the sea, r.rar the castle of old Monaco." ' Alas! yes," said IJidy lllanche, sighing sadly, ljuly lllanche sobbed convulsively. For her th ' world wa cold and dreary, witli no bright promise of joys and pleasures to come, pnd when her mind reverted to the past what was there for the fondest memory to dwell uKin'.' Naught but the remembrance of a loving kiss the kiss which Gerard Hansford had imprinted ilrawlng-rnoi- CHASED BY DYXAS1ITE. u gray-haire- AN ENGINEER'S RACE TO AVOID BEING BLOWN UP. grief-stricke- far Loaded WUk the Deadly Kiplnalv Were Kaualag Wild aa thaDawa l.rade, and HI Kazlua Was la Their Track fCalalag Pig. cVMuassai Weil, I by usin sand and engine stopped. . the switch. It was but fortunately not locked t gave It a terrific jerk, got it tamed, and then run as bard a my legs would carry me. I was too busy getting out of the way to watch for the cara but I heard em cornin', and I remember thlnkin that if they jumped the switch and kept on down tha main track it wouldnt be iny fault. Then there was a crash ana a shock which seemed to come out of the sky- I was knocked head over heels by tne concussion of the air and when I crawled up on my feet it was rainin' pig. Fact. The sky was full of readymade sausage meat A car of hogs had broke loose with the dynamite, and, of course, went up when it exploded, spare ribs and pork fell all over Cambria county that night, and a farmer livin' near the railroud got three whole hogs out of the top of pine trees next day. 1 was o weak I could hardly reach my engine, but I managed to get her sidetracked and out of the way just as the express camo along. foAT.F, ' PRETTY STORY. a Washington riiaaian Llttla Hay Some time ago a child playing carelessly in the street of the northwest section of Washington was run over by the horses attached to a fire engine while the wild steeds were being exercised. He was tenderly lifted from the dirty street by the i Fm kind-hearte- broad-shouldere- d fire- man who had unintentionally been the cause of tho accident and under his personal supervision removed to the hospital. The injuriee which the child received were of such a serinu character that he wa compelled to remain in the hospital for several week, but tiuaily it was decided best to remove him to his home, where he might receive the attention which can be given only by a loving mother. Several uaya after hie arrival at his homo, the several mcinlwr of the family detected the smell or smoke at frequent intennU Not certain where it originated, they failed to investigate the matter; but their neighbors also detected tho odor, and. after an investigation, discovered that a lire was raging between the two houses. They immediately dispatched a messenger to give an alarm, and after much impatient waiting were rewarded with the sight of the engine coming down the street among much clamor and noise. The foreman directed one party to enter one house and another to enter the other. The family of the invalid, totally unconscious of what was going on. was engaged in eating a meal, and the sick boy was alone, when the firemen rushed in and hurried upstairs On tho second story they burst into a room so full of smoko that ob-- ; nets were hardly disoernable and tlie atmosphere was in a suffocating condition. The foremost of the firemen, by force of habit scrutinized the room in search of anything thut might bo injured by the smoke, whun he discovered the form of a human buing lying on a couch in the corner. Hastily wrapping a quantity of bed lothes around the person he lifted him in his strong arms and quickly boro him to a more pleasant and less dangerous part of the house. After the fire hud been extinguished the rescuer found his way down stairs to see how the rescued was getting along, und was ushered into tho room. The reader can about surmise what i going to follow, but ho can also easily Imagine the astonishment of the fireman when he discovered that the person he had saved was the child ho had almost killed several weeks ago out in the street The engineer leaned back contentedly in hia cab and lit hia pipe. The express was thirty minutes late and 111; earl anti cuun-tt'xathat meant a very acceptable rest Uivenhuin. for the crew of the local freight, Mu; wu also the which took the aiding at this point liivi'lifNt girl of to jiermit the passenger train to pas the (lav, but ua mid anil unhnpa-hiiiiu'- tl The on freight cars an a tat tie are great things, Ulll," he ejaculated, anmifht fruin the a he watched tho fireman rake down purest alabaster. the ashes: beats all what a help Her siren like Minira hired lit rartl they are in holdin a heavy train on r Hansford, a young ufliit-- of hussur. down grade. I saw a time when Id on her lips. to her kiilt, ami he sunn lnri:iimn ena pile of money if there had When slu-- looked liack through the given slaved in the nuMirhi'f love which she been such a thing then, and twas dim vista of year juissed away, the heartlessly wove around hini. on this division, too. one oasis there was thut solitary kiss. rightLet' hear about it, Jete, said One evening when alone with her tie ileelnreil Take that from her and her life was the fireman, in the csrl'miruwing-rooi- n the poker away hiii passion. She permitted him to blank indeed, and without one joy and chipping puttiug off some hard tobacco worth cherishing toy with her Mift, white Imnil, anil an for hi corncob She felt as one to whom human hive the glanced into IiIn enraptured fair a (loud for Nilvui-- and Its a good while ago now," the Gerard her if wa around a smile played the power to love, engineer answered meditatively. denied, I lip. At a competitive trial of skill bewhich once was hers, now lay buried wa runniu a h imagined the smile to In an omen of between tween telegraph operators, absurdly pusher in the clay cold grave with Gerard aueresa and hin delight wa un and Cres-o- n, helpin' freight called a tournament, which took ImiuiuUhI. Hansford. and coul train up the hill. It wa place last month, one of the most inHer dream waa over and lie awoke in the impulse of the moment lie after the strike in 77 when the teresting features was a test of the wit a tremulous cry upon lue- - Him just I'lnspetl her into hi arm and imprintboy raied Cain, and the cause of capacity of a receiving machine techand glanced around a'peeti.k';g,i And the strike, if you'll remember, wa nically known as the ed a warm kiss upon her lips. a the phantom liy tier couch W ,S oily artiy on account of tho company small instrument fitted to the head lie was the first lover who had ever the pale moonbeams streameA, Suiugh cuttin down the crew and doublin' of the operator, giving a sound dareil to pres hi lip to her. Noun the chamlier window and Lad I Efnche the runa Nowadays, with box und which, althuugh perfectly distinct to her eold nature asserted itself. She saw that she wa alone. extricated herself from hi arms and !Q(yxrose coal car fitted with air. a hrakeman him is wholly inaudible to anyone end knelt upon the floor, andvn heurt-fd- t more or less don't make much differ- else. It is high time that the use of turned away (liwliilufully. (ieranl saw the dark frown upon herlimw prayer thunkeil the Father of all ence, but then every man counted, a receiving instrument of this charmercies tliat the dreadful scene she and when they dropiied a chap off on acter became general in the teleami treinlded, lmt it wm against hi hail witnessed or the sand by the these mountain runs it made the rest graph service. I'ndcr the present nature to recoil, tiierefore he detersea near the castle of old Monaco waa feel shaky, fur there wasn't enough condition of affairs it is almost litermined to learn hi fate at once. but the shmlow of a dreani, and she men left to tend the brake. Dear I July Blanche," be pleaded ally true that ho who runs may read. in treniulou tone, pray pardon my One night it wa our turn to as- Hundreds of telegraph stations in rejoiced that she wa taught to know o her-e- lf at last. sist what waa known as tho hotel, railroad dopots and other lmp1uoity. Word are jHiwerles to From that night Lady lllanche mountain. the expresa how devotedly I love you. Do up equally public places are equipped freight was an altered human being, and her We started out from Couemaugh with noisy sounders, enabling every for pitya sake hold out one ray of friends marveled at the change, and about 1 hope." push In the train, which message thut goes over the wire, to wondered of about ton cars of or from that or any other station, to what was the made She vonrlisn fed no reply, but turned by magic spell up !i A 'V wa wrought. within heartwo box cara and fifteen or be read by any from him with acorn liiefl'ahle anil good hogs, l B !! .T.y.-iJSfThe aeqnel may best be told by a twenty four wheel coul cars jim- ing who is able to so it is a state i' slowly left the room without deigning mies, we call them. The box cars of affairs that calls loudly for immeto oust even one look behind. paragraph from the Morning Pist: A marriage hns been arranged were at tho rear; that is, right in diate reform. Engineering MagaOn the morrow Gerard culled again I July lllanche Yarley, only front of ua lie made pretty fair zine. at the earl's house hut Luily lllaurlie refused to receive him. She sent him daughter of the earl and countess of time up to South Fork, where the by Huigwusib Kivenliam, and Lieutenant Gerard flood broke afterward, you know. no tnes-ngnot even a word, from By the Bertillon system of identifiHansfnrJ, of the Tenth HuMsarH, and j Then the engine in front began to which he, with nil a lover's fond desire, will take place early in the spring of atoain bad, and what with us pushin cation the length and width of the could manage to extract the Mniitlrst hard and it pullin by fits, twasnt head are taken, also tho length and the coming year. hope, and so. willi head bowed low middle and little long before the car were bumpin' width of the left of and an aching heart, lierard eumc the left foot, Then I fingers, the length SUBSTANCE and rough. pretty jerkin away. of the lert forearm, of tho right ear, hard back cornin' saw conductor tho At till time fount (le Lomuis, a measKvMmitly Flail With th Spirit la the a bo could. When ho got within the height of the figure, the scion of an old and wealthy French Mtntnic ('MU lit lhi Fallus. he yelled: For God's sake urement of the outstretched arms bearin' in made London his appearance fnmlly Of all tho freaks nature has played when seated. It is top that bumpin'. Wo have two and of the trunk society. l)e Iairnai wua a handsome with cats that which waa unearthed cara of all these no instance said that . on tho of train. dynamite man, with polite and fascinating malc North Plainfield, N. J., about two Did 1 stop It? You bettor believe measurement coinciding In two persoon was it Ill Kiwi 141 and that nner, whispered weeks ago wa by all odds the strangdid, and mighty quick, too. I sons has ever been known. he. tisi, was enthralled liv the supreme Tho had never been sepabeen couple Cat have est, petrified; they blowed for brake and tho engineer BY TUB K1IIK OP HER mi'ClUA lHAXTOM loveliness of I July lllunclie. rated in all the yoars of their married have boon mummified and have even in front answered, and a the AND SUPERSTITIONS. FADS STOOD. grade All through one London season the life until "pa," at the age of 7", condropped deal in the middle of a nocia eighty feet to the count continued staunch in liis alleis cluded to visit some relatives in for nose An llow changed he Is!" remarked turnal serenade, but whoever heard-o- there we about old bleeding remedy soon stopped. I sent my Boston. to put a drop of vinegar in the ear. giance to Lady Blanche. and then it Lady lllanche as she gazed into the a cat retaining its size and shape, mile, fireman forward to tell tho other When he was preparing to start on foi uo began to be rumored that the hand- face of Gerard Kansfonl. six. but of all appreciable weight act In 1078, steam and hi to parliament by got try engineer some and wealthy Frcnehiiiuu bail memorable trip, says the ( 'hris-tia- n his . Y "Yhaiiged!" cried the phantom months after death;- in buried be to ordered were I and that wasnt golu' to persons L'nion. his wife, who was to rebeaten all hia rival and wop. lie mockingly. This la what iiappencQragc gjHkt gauge up Blighted hoin- - and myself Into oternity if I knew woolen. bump of the Jqclri'aiid gt anmain at said: Pat you never an lnsse would K. now whose A.sk greatest change gambling body ornumentqftr Welsh mothers put a pair of tongs writ me ahomo, he wa gone I discovered it After wa These rumor letter iu your lifo. an' 1 do ',-mp,;- 1 gel, if one were so fisilish a to fall in of Mia Emma 1 Adams, rlien t'Hn wl'f insure to the concluded to and cradle low the or in a knife water Gerard Knnsford, whiA hoio when you git safely there youll ,wn love with a fickle woman and wreck of the Job Male publio Very of my run back to a stand pipe about half safety of their children. 4 f write mo a line and let me know how led action therefrom, one's life over a card table." Plainfield. i ) a mile down the track to fill the In Scotland it ia said to rock the you boro the The Miiirking Frervhmn' kboney a she shuddered lllaurlie a cat This journey. I'll buy a ljuly apparently tank. So, cuttin' the couplin my- empty cradle will insure the coming sheet of ha won her, said (ifrar.''whil I noted the bliKslshot eyes and flushed long and unenviable hadij."iyed and put in a wafer, so exiaViCe. In paper 1 afterfound I down self, dropped of other occupants for it am discard! because iA wiy poverty." face of Gerard Kansfonl. you wont have no trouble about fact, there la nothing abotyt it size, ward the crew didn't know I had Houma nian mothers tie red ribbons that From that moment Gerard lieeame 'There's a hot alternation between ahap j or color to indieate tliat prior Pa was absent a week, and, faithan altered man. Hi day were now two men In a fierce passion," whispered to lte untimely death it Ivas more gone and had failed to put the around the ankles of their children to thlnkin my preserve them from harm. ful to his promiso, he sent a letter. devoted to the betting ring auil hi the phantom as It drew Lady lllanche than the ordinary prowler of back brakes on the last cars, em. would hold engine Lord Randolph Churchill has a choice It read thus: night to the card table. Formerly to oue side of the room. yards, yet it la now an object of inI hadn't more than got alongside collection of teeth of noted one of the must cheery of companions, Two men hadarien from their seats terest to science. Respected Lady: I got here safe, j private he was now an eager, greedy, grasp- and were now gesticulating violently, The evidence 1 that abont six the pipe than I caught a glimpse of criminals and murderers, to which he and I am very well, and I hope you of coming is constantly adding. are the same. I shall be glad to get ing gambler, caring for no pastime or and they were soon joined by a fash- months ago it crept beneath1 the floor the tail lampstowardtheme.train I knew at ammicment unless it led to gain, ionably dressed lady. the home, for the pride of the airth that died lickcty split of the Warren chapel, and the shouting Bengalese Among The train once what had which simply means the wiunlug of 1 think name of the king of birds (garnnda) is I see here is enough to ruin the noyou know these persona," not nine but onq..longvi fberable had .broken in happened. two and part of it at and the ani all those and hazard, At doath. to primary remarked the phantom money Lady any reason supposed to drive away snakes. tion. Tho women folks are too lazy cause of his great change waa the lllanche. I will repla aura was runnin' wild down the hilL That Shouting Ram! Ram! drives ghosts to set up In tbeir carriages. They in the Surday-se.-1 often you know, and there fickle will of a woman. loll back and look as If they was goin Ala, ye! she replied. "The tall that Ha ipirit past heifer of about ain't happens, much danger in stoppin' the away. minister of Paris M. Leto sleep, and I dont spose one of em was Marlnnd of and Hansford time. a iaGeranl man the other that The police, laily voluplliryne bein that's cars; all necessary Y hen it became is a very pow could milk a cow or feed a pig. tuous beauty, who posed on horseback Count de Lornal, and the laily' that to build wildthe thinks vanity prae, necvrwp englnoer of the pusher to erful motive among anarchists, and Nephew Abijah has a in Hyde park and lounged in private lint here Laily lllanche hesitated. a now coa. bin for the qipel tho for backward proper dairy slowly, so as to make with the of quieting their activity of horses, an' I have rid all over Bosboxes at the principal theaters. From Is 1'hryne Marl and, "said the phan- workmen found it body bainuth the run hope comes when than easier it the bump whence she came or to whom she tom. completing Lady Hlunche's unfin- floor, and they assert thpat tith it he begs the papers not to publish ton. There want no need o' puttin if the engine waa stopped. them boughteh buttons on my coat no one appeared to know, and ished sentence. spirit its substance ailso paaaed But you can bet I wasnt hanker- their portraits. for nobody noticed em. I am. son now Gerard Kanaford might be seen a feather. in' to fourteen, The quarrel," icmarked the phan- away, for it is as light John Newman, aged that of stop two cars of Yolk Respected Ucsbaxd. respectable parent in West Washby the aide of Miss Marland in all tom, will not end here. There will Nothing about it augeata violence way. and when I saw dynamite em cornin' ill a became those places of resort where society lie a duel at some quirt spot early iu at the hands of a miaimiievoua urchin didn't Pa., Ruddenly ington, on stop at the pipe but kept Submarine KartliqunkMi. and developed symptoms of loves tucongregutc. week or a pursuing dog. the morning." My old pusber jumped, and rabies.agoHe had In the very middle of the Atlantic not been but Meanwhile Count de Ijtrnaia waa bitten, Oh, heaven! Not a duel, I pray In fact, to outward appearance it goin. then lit out down the hilL Jiminy Xot crickets how she was a humrain' in mid an old woman had said mysterious ocean, at about the place where the graciously received by the earl and cried Lady Blanche, clasping her is a perfect spccinn of a cat twenty-fiftd moridian from London countess of Uivcnhain. anil the count hand together. turned end its less than a minute, while the run- words over him and that a even e whisker w himself huugined that hia success was negro had forced something between crosses the equator, there Is a spot, Ye, said the phantom, nothing tail is a iinruflliy a U it had nfever aways wa chasin' us hell bent is Some people said he had far beneath the waves, which The only myttery now assured; therefore he importuned less will satisfy the count. Uanford, got it btick up. All this time I was thlnkin' and hia teeth. almost continually agitated by subofficer in an wa is the bewitched. are been aware, ha boon it bat W abtiuxLta TuAikin hard as well as fast I Laily liluuclie to name a day for their as you marine earthquake shocks These Fnglish army, and he bus struck the it lxo and thffpd tnthoil d weildiug. know that bein on tha are often of such violence as to hurl ANIMALS. OF TALES A hitMsor teachers od After befooling the count month count a terrible blow. Look at the High track I might run slap bang into great columns of water high In air t train cornin' up, and what would be after month she one day abruptly in- gasli laying bare the count's cheek- to solve tllie problem where Ostriches live thirty yearn. or to make waves that are a standboth-thei- r sake honors formed him that marriage wn the bone. For cat left after that wreck would be they have failed. They say tha A black fox's skin is worth 81,000. ing menace to vessels coming in that v: ' oor Imund to are crawled must In beneath mind fight." last her havju come when the thought very blowed to kingdom swan is birds the the vicinity. longest Among It waa early morning on the sands in purauijt of prey and havi Tx-e- En- dynamite arrived. Monsieur le t'omte," she said, yim In a case of that lived, surely are not one of those foolish by the murmuring sea, and the white able to rtf treat. Air wa si ant there, kind a mans got to think and act Tha Skiiptah The Emperor Due-T- u of Cochin China moths of society who imagine that created wave followed one another anil it di ;d and it aubstu ice dried mighty prompt. and it didn't take mo The St Petersburg correspondent treasures them his Monaco's old ami castle not! placing into by protects flutter around whom unceasingly, ingnoas. I a had they every lady to form a plan. good in hollow trunks of trees, which float of the Stamiurd tells this story: A Whale rer tlio cause may have been long looked down from the rock alsive. In la dying of love for them?" half mile lead then and steadily gain- about a banker and his niece, who are memin the ceni tank situated Ad secluded of Miss and of a one the cat sisit group huge ima m)ist No, Lady lllunelie." replied he, thi quiet and if I bail wanted to could bers of a religious sect called the in', are There ter of the royal palace. 1 um not a men were staiuliug together. prized p issessions and It s ill ha smiling significantly. had time to stop, crawl bobind Skoptzi, or were senwell. crocodiles as in the tank is for ini libra crust the the duel.'' much the disIt phanry whispered twenty sue patrons He of boived the tliat kind." moth rock up on the hillside and tenced to fifteen and ten years' im1 forewishes this draw he to When which before when as first to tom upon lllanche, the placed ever ljuly display of firework tantly and retired and Lady lihinehe told would prisonment respectively. The banker killed. public biggest happen. You kuuw the saw him no more. known when the dynamite knocked bank all the reptiles are tattooed a cross on his nieces breast, means a no is Garner Professor by smithereena The count' vnnlty was wounded principal well enough." the engine into and mutilated himself. Mutilation Is LoataMiia- - llUlurg. she of in the "Alas', rereplied yes," sadly. investigation and hi chagrin at this unexpected y Bi: I conjured up a better scheme pioneer Jienal offense In Russia only when n Tlio hi of Cana-onl!- " la and Gerald de Loriiai story Burton Count Simian prettily than that in lees time than it takes language, Lady pulse waa very great. Hi Indict in I ii. prompted by religious motives. in name of outlined her the parishea liimself with regard to affair d'aniour About three miles further cord in her husband's biography on-hi"Watch them." said the phantom. A few In dlan county names hint Tat 6 tell.was an abandoned coal mine, the late Sir Richard hod forty waa unbounded, and as he could not V Oxford's Tiny Hlbla. down lor : of the aborigines; two A duel to the death la a pretty sight the tor sat down daily with A bible, printed attribute hia failure to any fault of hia a siding connecting with the keys whichand with from the tvpe toll of names anish three I) Si Sofo in which Frenchmen a that he had quite! at dinner, game .own he concluded that some more and and the Spanish occup Wafal up track. If I could reach it in time lered the elements of their speech He called brilliant, which 1 the smallfavored rival musthava won the lady's excel." est size used in English printing, has throw the switch tho runaways French name commijpnrc j the to of a ljuly lllanche trembled from head French 'hand, and aa he hail heard that the could bo turned off and do little dam- hod made list of about sixty their been published by the Oxford Unii cttlementof tr''nLO' (and held her cambric handkerand font to familiar most hut the words, paper versity Press. The volume conyoung English officer, Gerard Hanshalf a d en name! tha. BA,ST9arly age 1beyond destroying themselves. wide open waa lost in a fire. throttle ford, had been a suitor for the lady's chief before her eyes. tain the T' 1,816 pages, with map, and pulled 1 f heroes the of She waa startled by the loud report While a big herd of cattle, being weighs less than three ounces. as so hand, he now imagined that Gerard whistle the fastened and rope wli e It stroke that vraon by and Vt the handkerchief of fur successful whose waa from to the driven pistols ranch waa the lover, taking market, Great measures throe and a half by two' a vast territory to; .ases- - to keep up a steady blowing; valSnohomish the aake he himself waa rejected, and he from her eyes she glanced toward the added we down through passing that and how an Moses, spun eighth Inches and is tons of hia country. it it a. w apot where only a moment ago she deer, the hated Gerard accordingly. of an inch thick. grade! All the time the lamp on ley, Waahington.an immense A In ever seen those Time passed away, and ljuly had seen the two duelists facing each parts, I the runaways were twinklin' in largest A tlnporal SBU. tj A Qatar Breath of Fremlaa lllanche still led a cold and un- - other. One waa now prostrate on the and I knew tha cara bounded out of the woods and joined Y Cm sight, Mualcl Teacher Jpi'J Frq, hia head with on a 3aln ' be W resting the drove. Partly becausa of the difAn English girl has been awarded cornin' antipathetic life, anil at last a drear ground, tor'a voltre. Jommadams, QsJ fell upon her and j lady's breast. Lady ltlanehe made an of cutting out the animal from fl,000 damages in a breach of promsense of lonelint-xyed a train goin down on the ficulty Frtima ie that laho will of the herd, where it quick- ise case. The middle was the she became spirit haunted. For night effort to rush forward, but was pre-aft- donna, it Vr and, track, although peculiar feature of it ! j it worked the itself, way, and partly through is that the man was already married akin fair night by the side of her snow vented by the ever watchful phantom, ly speed pretty Tiimtiw-Oh,gRU hladame in saw looked and that the again white couch a phantom stisid, and j She curiosity aa to what it would do, the when he proposed to her and yet was engineer told mo afterward that words o sadness diKcnursed of lure, wounded man was Geranl Rainsfonl. like as If the devil was cowboys did not molest it The deer so earnest iu tho matter that he him slid past Tcacher-rMuslo But . n.: dei the laily kneeling down, supportanl neer before hud Lady ltlanehe and him chasin me, and when a minute or so remained quietly walking with the tried hard to have hor join the Preshe in her arms, wa iliryne Mar-lan- spair. madarae. I ob tf m. herd for eight hours, and finally en- byterian church to which be belistened to word so sweet a those ing later, the car came along like has a fearful temper, f p m. wHch came from the lips of the comet ho thought I was a goner tered into a corral with the cattle at longed and to renounce her own : irwUr aveutaf I The scene suddenly changed to a r .luntom. Snohomish, where it was captured. sure I faith, the Roman Catholic. B.M Ki ady Varlcy wm flip only daughter of - air-brak- e flower-crowne- lemon-sei-nte- r Uone-maug- n Iau-liundl- 1 . i Jh intes e, en j y f q ' J h red-eye- t east-boun- -- - u i I I' ' five-eigh- ths n er I f Jt d. Y |