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Show r rwl "i1 Bfb Mali Ifc tip M.VwmI t a. ox. IHI cftsi aiPMidhi fttetritiii.riiita. 1 Kajr.vill 80. J. R. w oolsey went to.Ogdcn today will remain tlnreyidcfinitdv.. Mira Lillie Glow will return borne she h 1)rwn Salt Lake Friday, where scho4t hecu attending Mills closed The Provo Woolen down Tuesday evening because the employees wanted part cash payment hi place of factory Roods and produce. President Clrrilaed today sent to s tonaress his messaKe vetoing Klsnd bill. Slion-- s & Shores will live the first of a scries or free entertainments at the Opera House tonight. A bill granting silly ac its of the It. Pouglas Military reservation to Huh V,r uni ver lily purposes passed tin bouse I Xiritri Saeaws. The Home Dramatic company was C.BJW-I- . greeted by a well filled house last fellr. last Monday. Prank Barton has radgned lus po night watchman, and Willard Galley will ak his place com fckcnclnv next Sunday. Nr Barton lr. given complete satisfaction wnile he has been on the heal. yltuin a Vu5-.i- L. A Muftb. PutoBo Ik Kco&d nm; ft BASHFUL TOUTS. IPuhlioUtJ Fbf request. A bashful youth who worked Salt Lake IUrelyed a letter, wjrne time agj, asking mm a mlssi m to take. T) preach tlie gosiwl to a Amiga laud, To obtain followers to Cod's Friday evening, when the curtain rose on the first art of -- Driven to liie Wall." Knysville people always have given a generous support to home talent, aud their record hi this regard Is still un broken, Driven to the Will Is not the most Interesting play the home com to Ik: panyh&s presented;; there set-man indeflnftenesa about it that detracts from its force, aud leaves the audience to conjecture as to the au tlmr's meaning. But there are some eiclting serenes and pretty tableaus that add Interest to the drama. The players rendered tfmlr parts very well. Some of them have reached beyond the amateur mirk. Following was the cast of characters-Sl- i Maicon Olipliant. Q. Burton, Jr. Colonel Strang S. L. Sheffield. Karl oStraTbroy, T. 11 Phillips. General Kerr. ......... F. Ik Williams. J. I'.Shefllcld. Captain Spence,. Dr. . E. Barton. Frank Jiartou. Scrjeunt ltvan Corjxiral Hodge,. . . . J. G. Linford Neil Jons tone.... Jos. B. Jarman. .... E. Gailey. Orderly, Guard II. C. Blood Lady Madge,.. ... Minnie Williams .Lottie Clow- Agnes. Mahul Williams. Maid,.. holy bund. It struck like a t,hund;rbt an his, tender neart, And to think of the dear one from whom he'd part, For five long year he would have to stay. Mavlie by tnen with some other si would, run away. Just think of It all you loving s Hutis. it Leraby given to the toek holders of th Kayavtll Creaigery Com. paqy that there will be a meeting of th torkboldan of the company bald on th 10. day April. 1894, at the Creamery at S p m., for th purpea of changing th first two linee of artlele (VI) six of the Articles of the Incorporation, which, now reeds, "That th amount of eapltol of said corporation shall be thra thousand five hnndred dollars; divided Into ono hundred and forty (140 shares. The proposed ehango la that tha said two lines shall read as followa, "That Notie Notice ftlvrn March 15, ta.V.3rtSW-W.- : X raswww SPECIAL SALE NOW ON AT This is no fihara sale. We are not intending to, sei out, but offering Bar- - Boniflde. .. . See. gains. them and be, the amount of eapltol atoek of uld corporation shall bo five Uumaand M lar; divided Into two hnndred (290) share. J convinced. Seth C. John, BecreUn Staple, youjh. Listen to me i'll tyll you, the truth, Effective March, lsu the first class To loosg your sweet heart is continuous passage rne way frqm all IJke lt;seiiig your life, Utah common points Including KaysBut what Is the gospel ml mg ville to all Missouri River common side of a wif. points will lie 120.00, and round trip All this came to his mind so quick rate from and to aam points jimltcd to continuous passage in U.th din and plain. with final limit, slaty Says from the sun had sunk Anl will lie 835.00. of date boarded tlie train, r ;st, be to Rates inarmed late main line And told the conductor to push should be not points higuer than hea right tluouglj. above figures Fur he felt so bad he didn't U. R 1. TiiOHissKV, Ag-- n' do. know and Green Ix-f- Gro-- . ceries wtatto at prices that dety The tears I'oit; Uls eves fell like TUBKEY. TURKEY, TURKEY. l$rge drojus of rain, 1 enn use all tbe chickens and turAnd the muductor had to heip key you h ive loseii- him off the train, M. J. Shevfikt.d And told him to go hums as quick aa he coutd And be very careful or lie would lie weariug an uveic'wt made of wand. WEBSTERS mother she longed for her INTERNATIONAL darling that night. But never r nee did he Jcoiue to 2'XZ.DICTIONARY her sight. XCiagiA HMMM-t- t Ills foot steps were led off $npfther Utah FiusDeas. competition. The bands of Davis county will have Produce W anted Washington, I). C , March 28, 1804. I reunion here in Kaysville on TuesAn f of the abstract the report cpn day April 10. Onr local band mem- -' and highest price ditlon of the National linka of Utah vers ire arranging fto make It a grand close the of business 28th at February 'iUccess.aad they are Just tlie b Mrs who tor chcikens paid as reported to the Comptroller ot the i u do It, reserve shows the average Trrwury, Cggs, fruit, veg, Two'com panics of infantry and one was 4A35, against 44.49 on Jteccmbey inusteied into de10i.li wers last' The loans and diaumnla etables vndgr. a in , ff llifbt srtilleiy 'iervlce In Salt Lake last Monday eve- - creased from $ 1, 220,4790)3 to AV5B.-8..-r9 ,il.ig, Tuesday evening one company lock and aminUm. from 1298,873.10 to $2ft,HI0.40; gold com increased fmm ftluArlqM." 'if cavalry, and ono ofA artillery, ofwere way. spec1, company In-- $704,908.30 ) $789,718.40; Everybody .irganlzcdat (Agdun. He wns Inquiring the Should own tlu to $874,978; lawful entry was uiustcnul In tile's yestcr-- 1 from $834,841-4mission to tike or to May. Iiw. Unloauy. mn 11lngthakU-ubgquHtlon .lay.Thi-a- e companies will form part of mouev reserve, from $792, 989.31 to , IBs visit was short., I remember $908,021. he Utah uillitlai pn- tory. pi ODBClkUoB, well. The surplus fund showes a decrease It pawning ul wonia. I Col. Henry C. Lett a proinineht cit-- i frjin $03(1,700 'to $807 800; Individual And upoft going back tbe storv I Th rimer ('Blaise aal Flawar. ' f A Library in Oahtalu 111 Mgto 8x78 1 ishaa, vith dsiorip. yen of Salt laike, died on the train did tell a from WQ. dciioslis loss, 79 to $2,793 Iteelf. iao J tear loa Angetex, Cal., last Tuesday tlau (hit daacriba, sat niilaadi lllutntim ' To tlie Fresideut, he said Kind XOVELTIE9. glvM tboftn d. The uumlier nf banks $2,021,479.61. thtt iaiinct, aoi txiggmtA in ind Infonunion Utah came to CoL Lett pornimr. Aalrr, sir If Bnarhlaq you please dccn-ascIUa eorar la of rsou Usneanam-In(nliMBt bUndlnff ; la harauairaa pv eoocarnlnr from fourteen to twelve. daraki (onm odd J ftrS, and ie baa won great popularity th Muntrtiw, cltkw, tuwui, uul aa. watav color prills lo gnea aad white, with 0 (old hock Jui-- t now I'm mixed in the Tribune. -. dram of Imtuly. raqod,aiiIfuunwofthgkaii puticulan ptn of Nonlllca Bihlma, SwwMt, a.a business man and aa a coiisclcu noted Actitloui wnuo and dIkm : di Snoot rokjo. All lb iNMUnp norrllisa milling business and cannot leave." pcipUd tniMlillon of foreiga quotation. It la tor half qfUjp old TOritUr. ThmhordtlBMipoo Ijous politician. Ho was a staunch Dohlta, Ethel Vlrk, uA in th Imipi, offio, study, sad Now the rresidrot. a very kind ruuBul iflald tn ra0 onr rtek.' Bor IOXH OOOOd W. S. A. Kitting. wlniw iuii win etaiiK m.L MiAinii. It la not nac- - fttrso snio(01orteo, WUiocrat, and ar. earnrst worker tor ohoalivaqh mda (mw, Ihla la (tiar tin , .. . r s party. The.hold lie secured outlie A meeting of the Woman's Suffrage man though he Is oil Th On Orett Standard Aathorlt. bKI (hr (MX orar, and alsoykr', pon. A rhonwor Pro, Listened to tbe the duo. story youth will rmrrra ond vr pabprr Him I Itlla iwol anl P. ot or who Jmum knew Ho. friends I. 'lesrts those ' pn SapmM Association was held at the residence Baffllo lorphr oal Vlrk-Inm, iiw liond-mnunilUiitilr Manrconmlr (orsklila. Ow IiutmOomI DktKMVT M Couit,wnMi told. PoUl f fan Inn d dn pwrdni Hm pnfwUa ot dlrtiMiartn. I Maaealt to cowlophrYor lapi. (pest wta wonderful. Be wns a of Mrs. llyrum Stewart last Monday rntl odihww ouW.wilh n cvnU. which nmjr hr doduclrd ! nwt UMIBkOM sMItonir.1 And when he had finished 7 ftawSiaa order. SM Coah Prlaia fat Saaoteaa. Utah Commission, ad he evening A veiv interesting and inSmasuM ftp ms showed tact ami gund business structive program was tendered as cem yd kindly impressed Ever? Aim Superintendent of AMES VICES said Aud hit head scratching ftqCHSTERi NY. gchoole Now in OHm jdginent In this as in 'the other follows: off he guessed. lie wnu d let him ftTA tovlng of three tmtg per. dag tor I posit I ms, he lias held. The Opening exen-lss- . (avid i jlonelfcad friend in everv part of Tlie time pus passed pleasantly Recitation,- An Ordei for a Picture afford to without Itt hear to will Csn you who regret Mrs. Carrie Bluinires, and one night 1 drempt ,ll territory, his death. Thcjintennent will Uke shew Soyew. Boeteeller Lecture en Civil Government to she Mereyoer lie proposed his darling lam u Dover, bis old noma. Mrs. Dura Weasels. gave ImrcouHcnt S'! now they are married and Biographical sketch TO SUBSCRIBERS, vtmrm . Everp person xend ug us ( H. Sheffield. free from all sin. Sarah ..Mrs, Hw ChwieFMtoij. wi 1 or new ub scrip . either as a reqowal (ulwcriptiuii priueoflUK Eaolr, & ng, "Two Little G iris In Blue, And all :i( you can see the kind Mmaamr of Eaih.h at wit.toiwtswwsw preaeuted with a copy Juf Ta World Almanac bv the pubiinhen Tub Miss Minnie Williams. of nulling business he was mixed In. Thera la on longer a doubt about The Almanac may be had at this office for2ot i- Essay, "Our Rights AhtiiukGkeem luyavllls having a chaesa factory ttoVttVVWtoStotoSWHVttoiMW Miss Daisy Taylor. bo creamery coin puny has ordered Heuiurks. te necessary machinery, md has Mrs. Mary E.Roherts FagUiia ht a Discount- Mr. Byron Frank to taka chanro Mr. ! that branou of their bumnnaa. Mettlng adjourned until Wednesday Jim Williams of Salt Lake and Dan trank has hid s life's experience in April 11. to be held at lie Heller C. Daly, a Chicago sport, have been man ing, and Iih feels confident Society Hall, Everybody. Invited-Saha1 Isom Just aching for a chance to exhibit tat the REDUCED enterprise will lie a sueocm In Jarman, the pugilistic skili In Kaysvilh-- , and I I aysvllla. Secretary. last week their manager came, to The machinery will have, a capacity for an i own to mate arrangements , Of handling three tons of milk a day. BuIbi-He skirmished for an entcrtail TrotpseU FOR THE, t is not probable that that much will Dun's Trade Review of March 24th, openiug, hut not a ball In town was ft used; the product will of sourso bo a for lie rent such fur spent purpose, has the following to say of tlie bun legulnted by the demand for ilia one day trying to peisuadc Mayor The Best Reference Book Printed, 'beese. If the machinery arrlv. Ibis ness sll nation In the United States. vln.w mnld unt Ins thatr Phillips is be It to reFAIR to MIDWINTER perplexing obliged jvek.asexpwtod, work will be com. port that busiues v grow larger in pro perl be classed as an athletic per Iienccd early nest week. Everything up to Date and Complete, volume and at the same time not more formanccand i here fore was nut suln of the the ecthia llcnnsn. lu this he failed, profitable. Uncertainty dues nut diSsniees. and, having a depleted exchequer to but has Sunday minish, rather incressed, in OVER tbeateV oiunu-ncor many with, he could nut raise the couiinen-ia- l ' Judgment SYSTEMS AND THE F.ldur William W. Burton, Juf Ogden, tin- - nemsury $10 for a li.vnse, so the Ualles Witch have urged tlie ceuDiert the time at the tabernacle PACIFIC INDORSED BY STATESMEN, EDUCATQR& ANP veto the seigniorage hill. whole company packed up and mi- SOUTHERN He said Kaysrlll always Pi ices of Suiuray. STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. mure a , ;it cnmniuditics do not ris.-- but grated to 'congenial lor.ility. COMPANY. 'remi-to him like home. He remeni-ern- d are on n hole about 1.5 per rent, It speaks well for the managers of our the bow barreu and forbidding the lower than last wcck.t hough then the amusement halls that they would not Ha Reached Such State of Perfee ppearance of tills place was when he lowest ever known in this to such a combination. for such country, TRIP ROUND !ame here in the 50s and he had le Veritable It a TICKETS, ftion That Encycloand are 12.9 per cent, lower than a exiiibltionsare dcaiading tu say the -- I'll of Fapts and Event, re its growth, and Watched with pi paedia least. Mure mills are at work, 30 ot Its people, year ago. Increasing prutqH-ritBrought Down to January 'Williams aud Oily spurred a fw though the proportion of prudu.-..lvto have bels flower given place First, 1804, jun force unemployed Is still rnuu a fifili rounds it Luvton Monday evening, KAYSVILLE to and gardens; the jultlvated to a third io different liranches of but the show was a disappointment whole place has changed. SAN FRANCISCO mills are stop- to the f?w who were present. Jiai been Edid m of ( Rider Burton spoke at length of the industry, and Gu-i-many r rHE an extra 1894 of editor. prepared because AND RETURN ping have run It will tue aud $rce Juportance of temple work, out: even while a large number are In attractive and wide saints of novel mar have a Cksfinesr. cover, juties with order enough tor j ausltands to be kind to their wives, starting it and new binding improved printed lime. The prospect of gelling cm gin, union ririFio. wives to shos kindness to their bus-ian- ds stantor on good paper, and contain more and better remunerative employment TraiS leave Kaysville as follows: Including FIVE gate ticseU to the and rlilldren to reiiecl their ter wo'ksaud iiauds does not 8216 a. m. 919 a. m. 32)6 information than any book of a timilar nature publiihed, Jt it p, m. 6,44 p.m. -- FAIR. change, Barents, that love may abound, and Tlu fact that orders leave Salt Lak at 9:30 a. ltelurnlng only of keep hal peace, union aud Joy may prevai the force at work, while both part 5 p. m., 7 p. m. Ticket m.. p. prices AMERICAS STANDARD YEAR BOOK. n the household- ages tend down want, though on sale A pril 4. to 8, good (or return EXCURSION i Spring Is near at hand, renders misi-ne- until April 12. Fmm San Francisco to other tmlnii. . o. w. less profitable and the future less Colankiu Ball. California will be allowed purrhas-erso- f in Trains leave as follows: Kaysville postpaid by mail, promising. Midwinter Fair tickets at the The Kaysville Columbian Club wil lcave.Salt m.,825. IMu-nln- g Williams1, odddrtoe TUE WORLD, JTHo Ymrk Oily. rates. following round-tri- p Lake at 2:15 p. m 11 Aap. m. THEY ARE EtBI! WHO! give a program and ball at To stations under 150 miles fmm hall next Wednesday evening, Tne Pri- - Skftni & Bknm d San Francisco, one and one proceeds are lo be used tor repairing Btoak Htrdsd. Medicine company bold forth at j,be furniture that the Davis Guunty way fare. th kaysville Opera Hons this week W. S. associations sent to Ute World I will herd cattle or horses at $100 To statmnh 150 miles or more flora la Balt lu It and next giving free entertainments per head per season and nhould tbe before placed Fair, any San Francisco, one and one-tulone each evening, end tbe Duriors will of ihem tic lost 1 will Lake Temple. them fare. ropare with a steer or heifer of Vie same ftTlie program will be given at 7.31) give give Tree consultation at tln-iFor exact rates and full informa-o- n and so far as made up is as follows office in the day time at the Opera age. Should a person wis to set wQ.ia 88OA0ft0H. AaMuftar. PmMwd wd Mpte. Sought the gh-- club; tablcau'Comliig House from 9 a. m, until 5 p. m, his own valuation on his InVos he Inquire of F. Thomassen U . F. hieoaweMTce I88T. Cwtt atoea Nsw Dbsndm, 19 Patsnts, Wowk. Axnno Mrr. E. R. a or Brown, R. G. W must do so when auimal is pif Into Agnn, They are no quacks hui lax-to- r BAIUMGS AND FENCES Through tlie Rye; quartc'.te, and RIBBON STEEL LATTICE Tecitatioo. OFMKTtNM. long in Utah and their eutertunment the herd and pay 10 per cent DM LAWN Agent. Kaysville, Utah. KLIVATOItt, QRAVS LOTS. nstsls. TAWWAV1 Or address tbe undersigned. The affair is In the hands of a nom-tuitt- in the evenings are moral and very valuation fur herd bill. OOTTAOSS ONUNOMUt MLOOMU, T. DOHOOLS, II. SINKS. 1 will tan horses to herd on t, Kick'd Goodman of five, Mrs. Ada Williams. funny. They carry tlis TRANSOM Gray, talent omoss s. NisiosNon WINDOWS SB GLASS DOOM Gen. Traffic Man. Geo. Pan. of April and catt le on the 16 th. Mrs. Dora Weasels, Mrs. II. Stewart. money will t,ct. os booosl-rocY oui nacai rBnAStflinrRGJIRJIOII Southern Pacific Company, L. . Conley,1 Mrs. n.J. Sheffield and Mrs. Sarah Ever one come our. and bring your ST. CO.. LOUIS, M0. HULBLRT FENCE & WIRE wives and daughters. baa Francla to, Cal. Kaysville, rtu talley. wtn-ttie- r Vicks Floral Vihla Guide, 1894.' ' 1-- g (arChryt-Aulhemuoi-.) 111 kw-w- 1 mein--Vrolt- l,t be a 1 S0N. - 1 1 f FREE ii, en-'.Itg- GREATLY u yomyjiMMK RATES uK-u- t. DAIiIFUfiKIA Via e IwFEmClQPtDIA 'JOB' W9l lines RGW OR IT. P. 1300 c d good e on-iiard- for days s $3550 Z1 tX - i . 2,-4-5 TRIPS ss PRICE 25 CENTSe one-thir- rd r e tt w i |