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Show Teee Baole Fred Uaddicic baa kune to Montana. Black Flak" ac the Opera House Fab. 9 Don't forget tbe bow and weight par tv at the bail Friday evening. J Jbrob Layton and wife, of Layton were visiting Mends in town Tuesday, J.G.H. Barnes will aerve on tbe petit Jury during tbe February term efoourt 99? tbe Bight or 7. Sunday morning and settle up, saying that he bad to meet some friends at tbe Reed hotel. The truth of tbe matter le that he was In a ealoon bowling up and preparing to get out of town and escape his just dues. As he went Into the Reed he said Ui tue Kaysvllle boy I wish you did not have oo your overalls you could go In too, tnesw are mighty tony folks In here. This was an excuse for a chance to get away of course. Tne bey took hi medicine too. Two o'clock cune, morning dawned., but no book agent appeared. He was sought tor iu vain. He was no where to bu found. Tbs buy concluded that bis game bad escaped and soon found that a bill of eight or tee dollars for board for himself and hone was star2 In John W. Galley and' family were ing him in Ids face. By pawninr his malting relatives at Steed Tuesday fur cap and, sinking what little wbere-wit- h and Wednesday. ha bad, be obtained his rig and started home. The book agent claims Samuel Leach, traveillnrfagent St. that he has sunk 117,000.00 in a mine Louis Glebe Democrat, was sanvasslng ns town Wednesday, chance for any lflnd of a man to get one of the offices Just so- - be happens to be a good fellow, has plenty of friends, aud money and knows bow hi How are you conduct hiscampaign? to keep political parties frurn going running things to suit themselves. How will you have trustees elected who are any more capable than what we have now.. Dont try to dodge tlie question as you did In your last article but corns to t he point, speak upon the bill as It Is now before the legislature, dont get up something Imaginary, Tou say education Is a safe guard sgaJnst tbe train of evils vye see foi lowing in tbe wake of the proposed change. Ah! But la it? Iaknnwlcdse not a power for brth good and evil, If a man baicvil tendencies tbe more knowledge bu imbibes tbe mure power he has tc do evil himself ar.d to persuade other to do wicked acts. 1 he Gone Book says that each gner-ato- n shall become weaker and wiser, Is not poluting tbe bollot box one of the weaknesses to which people are be coming more and more subj jeted? Don't forget tlie bow und weight par ty at Williams Hall Friday evening.. for Ton. SmiiaSuy H.. J. SHEFFIELD,) mEle,e!t0Ctur You will nevuc know what liny.- - priced guud them are un.wayouudlon Hyde Co. Notions, Dry Goods and! Groceries, and t Solis at Prices for Cask tliat; Defy Competition,, marked to sell wpurlltw ofetet. Tlmyktili liavea good, assort-inen- b Svury-tliin- The beat shoes in Idle market gping shoddy prices First conio, flint served; TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY.. 1 can use all the chickens and. t u koy you nave to sell-- . II. J. 8HEmELD."" Rio Grinds Western Time Table. South bound train arrives at 7:26 a. m. aud north bound at 2:4U p. ui. R. Eh Buown. Also has a. choice, variety of Green Groceries, Cfe- '- ery, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts etc.. Produce of all kinds at ket Prices, Mar- In Colorado and would make people A full line of Ladies', MisscH and believe be has been a wonderful man Children's coats and jat kets reduced An excellent theatrical entertain and is yet, He will play his little Kaysvllle Co-oIf we had the right kind ofo trus ment at the Opera House cne week game once too often une of these day so which tee who of are you speak, COMB AND GET SOME BARGAINS., . You can get anything in tlie Generand get bold of the wrong man.. He from tomorrow evening. well trained as to be able to uniform al Mdse, claims his name is Wilson, line, of IL J. Sheffield aud J. G. Jamison and Miss Annie Mad ly grade the schools ail o ver tbe coun-t- save money. Agents for and superintend the business of Aek are to be married next WednesTbe Black Flag" at the Opera all tbe teachers, tell them exactly Lsytsa Lists tho CELEBRATED day, Ws wish them much Joy, House, Friday evening, Feb, .9, 1891, he teach! sbuu done bow the id and ng went Lake Evans to Thru. to Salt There will be dancing school atWU see that it is done well etc., they by the Home Stock Company ot Sail CORSET WAIST, Hams' Hall, Wednesday evening, Feb, day with a load of porkers. would need to be unit entity and col Lake. Dont miss it They are guarare Wm. Fisher slid Sandal! John 14, 1814. Each person will be presented a first class entertainment Best on the market lege professors of ten or more years anteed with fine ValenLlne.Tlckets SO cents. putting up a butcher sbop north of tin ding. Where shall we Mud them? Come, everybody. office. the post Every hody enTlted, We sell them Miss kilza Watt returned home Miall w e Import men to All our offices? Our exchanges say that the ITome from Logan last Friday where she has No, never. Our people would nut con on. Four Weeks Trial, Stock Company of Salt Lake that will been attending school hut got home sent to electing any one hut home your buildings You men. ex admit extra the that FriFI Black we In will sick It call here others the but think sg" it appear WITH R. W. BARNES, AGENT pense undei the new regime would be day even Ing, Feh, 9, la one of the s different kind of sickness. The moetinp on Sunday was well at- between three and four thousand dolbest. Our readers should see them. Fibbmans Fund Insurance tended and some gnud Instructions lars. Who Is able in pay it, even if our Tbe next teachers' institute meet- were inwere fur facilities better teaching given by the stake presidency Assets over 13.000,000.00 ing will be held at Centerville, Satur- Hess and Grant and home mission creased ten fold. Our people are over- company. teachers Feb. the 17,1804, burdened with taxea now.OverllOO.OOU day, Fbomft settlement of losses is arm Willey, aud the kind Invitation of the A. B. Cook Is to Mabey.a lectors on worth cf property ha been sold under give CentervllJelpedagogues to meet there. Astronomy on Feb. 6, before the Y. M, tbe hammer this winter io pay about OUB MOTTO. 11200 taxes. Aitn the teachers salary 111 M.I.A. A grand bow an! weight patty COMPLETE UNE OP We can hear more Wedding bells question, who wants uniform salaries? be giyen at Williams' Hall, Friday Tbe best man, if he is a bustler, will TRUNKS, TRUNKS, evening, Feb. 2, 1814, for tlie bennflt gingllng In the distance, It la to be of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improve Imped no more of our young men will always get the best positions and tlie best pay. If a man can not get out and Valises S ment association - Each lady has two have to dance Id the hog trough. Miss ingle O'llrlan gave a card par- dnd a good job he ought not to Lave It. hows and one le drawn by a gentlewould man who pays for his ticket according ty at tlie residence of Thus. Evans on Une whojl board in a county How Wall Paper, Carpets, Screen no do matter the good way. any Mondav and a a a to her weight at i cent pound. evenlug very pleasant where is now, the wages questioner time was passed. DOORS, LACE CURTAINS ANL This county needs a poor farm and Bair there are several teachers In one district? a hospital, both romhlned.. There it There are a number ef ways by Window Glass all at lowest pricis at more than enough paH out each year Other Building1 our present school sy terns could which to for vice and Indigent persons A Cftksr. be improved but this is not one of them. JOHN BARTON & SON, keep both Institutions going. Only & You say that some of tbs best edu think how much is paid out by the The Inhabitants of Utah are to be confavors in of this Utah number bright catloiuil thought county court, c!',y, Womans Relief gratulated upon the SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON LARGE LOTS. Society and by private subscription and prosperous journals puolislied measure. What if it docs? Is that any within borders her should favor else one reason why suy rich year. It Is something monstrous. In Balt Lake the Tribune Heralds it? We hope the court will look tip thi agu at tor and dealc rs In the News, while in Ogden the Bundl- Even If the bill should baa good thing taattei. 'd Is floating In the light of the Bun. for on Count v, is that any rea mui why SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S The members of the Flensant Hour The Nation has all it Can do looking terrltun il law nhouldi be passed, ttub divided their society inu two after the Joumsl In Logan, and tho uni infliei d other Counties that A Luge Stack of divisions when It was orgsnlxed some Enquirer In Irovo Is fnrnlsaed with (In nut wih ii? Utah. . Kaysvllle. tlmesgo. The side which received Dispatch. In Sevier the Press has As far a Haris or any oilier c'lHily HENDERSON the hhrties pet teuton its recitations bad the enterprise to Advocate front is enucriiii'd the legislature dm-- . not declamation) songs, Papers, debates itichflcld tlie building nf a Pyramid nnd lo i liter fore. This Would only and so on was to have a supper glvt n in Mt. ricasvnt, aud In Mantl tlie luriKi ceiii raize power. The comity It by the other side. The wonderful Messenger Is guarded by a ScnUnal. ruuili ins Hu- power In attend to the affair came off last night at the Man- In Juabcounty the Miner is watching iin-i- t dixirici questions and when the sell House. Mrs. Mansell put up an fur the Courier while tbe newspaper in irlly of the ici)'o want iHtvis elegant meal for them One half of men of SpnngviUe arc as Indipeud-en- t county made li.t o:ie district shall the society had to go down Into their as thn Eaols. Tim people of Iron In-- . Yr i oi. Nueli nniieedings jeans and dig top, countyare making a good Record, yet ami the li stature should not and the Bulletin Chronicles tnrust them upou us ttudcf the Mistletoe BoUgh was pres tern from any part ot tbe Globe.every In Sehted at tbs Opera House last Tues- Box Elder the Bugler souuls his notes GILT EDGE BUTTER, day bv the Occidental Dramatic Com- regularly, be the Mercury up or Home StoCk ComLake Balt The down, pany to a full house. The audience loud enough to be beard by eyety pany will present the Black Flagat Cream and butter-mil-k. seemed Well pleased with the entire Utonian. AtLchi Banner still the Kaysvill Opera House, Friday, the All had their parts W aves and performance keeps a Record of happen- night, Feb. 9, ISM. Well known perOrders Promptly Filled. Well learned and showed that they TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Every punon sending usUiq ings reported by Mxprcss or sonages in Utah theatrical circles will had been Well tfathod befora they and at Deseret the Blade Is Telegraph to contract Farmers, their wishing entertantu-menenricavor-ing- a appear. t A high grade ralwcript-ioprice of The Eagle, either a a renewal or new siibwriptian, will bo made their appear anCd Tlie Vllllan ndlk should do so at ouce before tbe to carve;it way to success. at popular prices. a copy of The World Almanac bv the pubiWIiors of The Cagle with presented he and freak a theatrical h actually amount needed is contracted. These papers may all be classed be had at this office for 25 cents. Almanac The may tbd bis servant played their parts among tbe progressive journals; but Co-o- p at store. Telephone ladles THE to eansa the detest as Well to ro the people of Fill mere Hava the ProrRld' them toteh toiler costumes' had been gress Itself. r6RAN0? Progress. comof member the discarded. Each LWcstui pany seemed to throw bla whole soul RAILWAYI into bis part and do his best to make Winsa'i Baffngt. ITall pass off smoothly, much to the of the audience. The Minutes of Suffrage meeting held Jan. Satisfaction ..THROUGH concert at the last was something 29, 1S94, at the residence of B. A. WilTING FJSCTORY, AND ENOYCLOPEDIA FOR 1894. metropolitan like. Mr. I. Blair, the liams. Meeting called to order bv the famous t in whistle soloist of tlie w est president. Prayer by the Chaplain. loot, Pro. ROCKY MOUNTAINS! Mi's M " Mrs. 1. The Best Reference Book Printed. down house the i Xrkl-:- ti erdn ui ulUala gututML Vcu "brought ritooiUM. sevwere called back Illalr and others ftltlilMtBitw'jlntL Lecture on Civil Government,.).... eral times and nrplauded vigorously. Everything up to Date and Couplets. YARN FOR SALF CHEAP of Three Distinct Rmitei, Choice Mrs. Ada Williams. Thn ciAtuniesof the company arc ' Your Piitrnage Solicited. Recitation ill TU Annie Barton. good and well represent those which TOPICS MA6KinCENT HOST RAILROAD in SCENERY Mrs. Sarah Sheffield. Were worn at the time represented Essay. OVER TREATED. Mrs, Munseli. the play. The brass band was no Seise t Heading IB THS WORLD, Mrs. Ada Williams made some inQlouch cither. We hope the OccidenENDORSED BY STATESMEN, EDUCATORS, AND tal will find it convenient to make us teresting remarks. STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. T1IOS. H. another call at some 'uture t imc. p, Insure H. J. bHEFFIELD hav-aeuep- ted HYRTTM STEWART General MERCHANDISE Traveling Bags LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, and Material OGDEN SALT LAKE FRIOHlQ Undertakers PAINTS. FURNITURE, ii . M. - Peninsular Stoves and Ranges KAYSVILLE We Meet All Competition O REAM ERY For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time. CO. lt) il-- i & COMPANYS SHOES wi-.l- i FREE StandaidGange KHLYSVILIiE KH - THE.. J Proud Ths 8h.sl PHILLIPS, Surveyor and Notary Public. imi vat mvia District. OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. With this Issue it becomes editor of tills great religious the maga- Has Reached Such a State of Perfect tion That It la a Veritable Encyclopaedia of Facts and Event, Brought Down to January First 834. ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CARS! Kaysvllle, zine to pick up our friend, Mr. While-sides- ', of article awl the school district la Vnlsa Dfpoto. jurat itm and turtle with its lit lie. The piece referred to appearded in CU EOIT nOBOTOHLY SQC1RID BAILYAY IX Til WIST. our issMcof Jan. IS. aim is hearted Only One School Board for the Court-Wa- y naPODOB, &. E. WELBY, OhL Bgr. ' stranger ty. Hi. arrived In Ogdfr iv.tr.L The In i'.Vi.'j. Sircpt auotLer Til. PC, excuse after gciit.cman tl.e pictures up made bne I tali. benefits . vet dnlvel bis from drl for each (igilen. Nsw nionry. A placing from paying kvrp Fcpsrlnrj. In lie the r county to would one ready Dealer territory under Typc Wrii'-riythg that be Wit!i tin new b'.iue id-- -! m e"ei-;- . S:m-l.iNertheni Uah. tarries a full lino hack to KivsVil'c with hit.:. He schccl N ard to be great and giori.-us- . U- m C Kio the Niv. au Wiv.gni of fur all 6i'i he had aslity dollar c!i'(k to get He speaks of wPattmc m-x- l l a m: sella rushed and thnt a frfoun would be u- - sthoul hoard could do. Yes they iiuiuguriiliHl shtLi1 iivliniu.: ou easy letuis. OgiU-Tlie ,iml 1, over, could Idendo HMo womler. But how art you round Falurday toerniM kt lures are if iMviiil u(tmi nmlur com rrmaiu- - gvng hi get this efficient school board, obnir a, seaia. aleaciD, rihber - I ill Mr1. The bey, r? t uii'I smau,firt an my p J f une r is ssippli, ed ln iwni kaf.'?'!s cJ er em.r Dor the bill now before tlie legisia-w-r- e wIutp. Tln-s- can wil! liuhl Write cr call an' n o hini 2adc to ?.o!-- I1 unsuspecting lure not provide that the trustee shall ere of all clui-YAi of IV. Ac- at for the Herring be fillelected Then at the the same hy rintll the l.tf jieople night there J. 11.' I!.. 1T. .. Vuull WurW. A flrcpnvf slronii Si', a Is around at and heretofore; ww-.tthem nut a pbnrtseAtveail : lor eotaiocuN. bend ' nl Hut K . Clwf. S. 1 T, l.-- r y, jt Lion of 1894 has been prepared an extra force of editors. 'It w 111 have a novel and ntti.irrive rover, wldi niar- iind 5m,r,',,v,ei binilrS; 5 W r.Hon good paper, anJ contdies " - information than any book of a t'milar nature rul hs.ti. ft It e Mil-'.le- 'nti-liian- , J AMERICAS STANDARD YEAR BOCA. reuimiai-liini'Kan-- - 11 c . . - ..t: - . A PRICE, postpaid by mail, tiddrtM THE 1VOM.D, .Ytir 25 CENTS. fork City, MO- - ' |