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Show ABE HARD FIGHTERS MATABELE WARRIORS NO PEAR, PAULINO WnnTH.VY" PALLAS. The Maa Whe TiM to Spanish Csaarat KNOW AO IT "K tractive pot to her. There are plan The world waa astounded Sept II THE CLEVELANDS AT IN THE MANOR. last at the news that a daring attempt had been made on the life of Marshal Am4 Fill BIon tha Cntl Wu Inilr da Campos while reviewing the troops Attar a Hard bar' Work the Praaldoat at The assassin waa Kotlraa to Wamllrr sad Eergala HI uti mi tka British Whlla Hoping Barcelona. Fallas, who paid tha penalty of Official ( far Yletorv Soaaathlag A boat the his crime a few days ago. lie was exHistory of the raw a Old a, ecuted with hia back to tha firing MifN Maw at Wan party. Fallas seams to have been a i'au-lin- o Matabele. picture of The Mata-bele- a that are ' printed here show type of a people whom the Zulu regard aa degenerate because tae Znln blood of the has been to largely' mixed with that of tribe living far north of Zulu Mata-bele- a Land. Intermarriage with the mild and timid Mashona women and other slaves began to undermine the Matabele Zulu stock over a half century ago. Still the men do not aeem to have grown less warlike. Even if their mothers MATABKLK WARRIOR. were taken from tribes that dread war,' the boys were taught from infancy to regard war aa their trade and cowardice as a crime. The sons of Mashona mothers have stood up in the present war, to be shot down by the improved guns of their white enemies, as the Mashonus themselves never would have done. The Matabele warrior, shown here, is a fine specimen of physical manhood. On one arm is his bull-hid- e shield, on which he catches, unharmed, the assegais or arrows of his enemies. In one hand he grasps two assegais, the weapon which the Zulus have made so terribly effective at short range. In the other hand he holds a sort of knob kerry. Jt is a stone fastened securely to a handle. This rude weapon figures prominently in Matabele warfare. It is used both ss a throwing and a striking weapon, and many a skull has been cracked by it One of the cable dispatches the other day mentioned it as figuring in the --resent was. MONSTER A WIIALE perl nine. At the end of the hall, direetly in the center, is a large living room, and to tlie right is the drawing mom. A broad piazza extends across tlie mar of the house. Moelh Klaktoas fftat High bf Twelve fftat Wide CealS Ualp Dews a Hew Beet Toll ml Or ia pea la with bet Blight Effort. in his service. They have not grown weary of their new work, and tha prospects are that the Congo labor problem ia solved. If this experiment succeeds the company will have overcome one of its greatest difficulties. The railroad ia now approaching ona of the most populous districts of tha lower Congo, and the company hopes to draw its working force from these villages instead of importing labor from the Guinea- - coast. Things havs evidently moved on the Congo since Stanley labored in vain to induce these same natives to help him carry hia first loads of supplies np tha river, when he waa on hia way to Stanley Falla to found hia first settlement. An old time stairway, with spindle E PICTURES LD FASHIONED rails, leads to the second floor, where a you see here are reand democratic is wide hall runs the full length of the productions of phothe way in which house. On tlie right are linen rooms, 1 resident Cleveland tograph of the fitted especially for the good housemighty big whale and his little family keeper. Four large, airy chambers which was washed recently moved out and the nursery complete this story. np on the beach of tlie second, to their country The third is a duplh-utdown at Bridge-hauiptoNAKED IN AN OPEN BOAT- minus the home to spend nursery, snd in all the manL. I., the the autumnal days. sion contains . twenty great rooms, other day. They Ths Terrible ffzperleeee ef Three At this time, when whose high ceilings and perfect saniere of a Wrecked tpaaUk Hark. eswere taken condition Mecca make of a whole the it country tary for Naked, publifamishing for food and wapecially It is, too, an abode where comis eouvulw-- with a health. cation by Prof. IV. C. Bartholdi of East ter, and almost roasted by the tropical fort reigns supreme. of it the moment, question greatest At the old house the fair first lady Hampton, and they are exceedingly in- sun, three Spanish sailors were re may prove restful to all to take a peep a retreat where, from time to time, teresting. For who around these part oentiy rescued from a small boat In lias At the beautiful retreat win re the to shoot mid ocean and landed at 1hiladelphia man who controls the welfare of sixty she may escape from the exactious of ever got a whale near enough camera at him? Did anybody, any- from tlie schooner Henry LippitL millions of people seeks quiet and do- social life snd. untrammelled by conat a whale, Their story rivals in horror ths most ventionality, may refresh herself in way, ever before snap a shot mestic felicity. dead? or thrilling recital of the dime novel living full enjoyment of domestic life. Woodley, for that is its name, given the This particular whale was dead, of writer, and that they were saved at all The lYesiilcnt, there after wooded from the returning densely presumably Yon know that. But he hadnt is considered by them aa little short of land npun which the mansion is built, the trials of a busy day. may forget course. dead long and was s capital speci- a miracle. been is be that husband a but has a history second in interest to aught loving The men are 1edro Nagoles, Antonio the nsea of photography. men none in the District of Columbia, and father, for Woodley is not an ex- When fur and a Crimer, and Llogio 1erea, and they alive he stood sixty-fiv- e wherein romantic and patriotic senti- ecutive mansion. It is Home, Sweet half feet in his stockings, and be had a formed part of the crew of the Spanish ments are charmingly blended. The Home. on him that measured eighteen bark Jnan J. Mnrga, which, on Beph mouth original part of the mansion was built THE OPAL RING. feet in length by twelve in width. He 1, sailed from Mobile with a cargo of one hundred years ago, and tbe grounds then covered an area of one Sapaittltloa A boat Ita Boppaaod Aaaoeiatloaa. hundred and one acres. Away back Soma years ago a man named Beard, in those colonial daya stately dai and princely courtiers held grand who waa one of the wealthiest resilevees there, for in those days they dents of Houston, snd who still resides flirted and danced, laughed and made in that city, was traveling on horsemerry, and joyous echoes floated back back from Ban Antonio to Austin. In his saddle bugs he bad a supply of profrom woodland and delL visions, liqnor, etc., the usual commisGen. George Washington, standFLATTENED OUT ON -THE ing upon the steps of the old manor sary supplies incident to horseback house and viewing the surroundings, journeys. A few miles from Austin he Here is the spot where the rode np to a tree under which lay a said: The finest stranger sick almost unto death. He eapitol should be built view of the city is from the rear part asked Mr. Beard for assistance, and of the house, and aa the sun's slanting was given some provisions and a generrays fall upon steeples and spires they ous draught of whisky. Tlie fellow glitter and dance in merry gambols was suffering with a raging fever and over tlie thousands of housetops in the realized the necessity of getting to where he could have proper medical city of magnificent distances. Woodley was, too, the site selected attention, lie asked Mr. Beard if he by Gen. Winfield Scott for the Sol- could spare him a few dollars, at tlie diers' Home, but owing to some misun- same time drawing from his finger derstanding with the owner it could heavy gold ring with a mugnifieent not be purchased. Its value teems not opal which shot forth flashes of red, to have diminished with the passing blue and golden light as tlie stone waa years, for quite recently the commis- moved. Mr. Beurd took tlie ring, givsion appointed to select ground for the ing tbe man S3, which was almut half " --S r new naval observatory had it in con- of the change he had with him, and sideration, but some scientific member took the ring, promising to call on the OF A interposed an objection and suggested man in the hospital in Austin, where he hoped to hear from friends, and ultra-realisthe Barber place in preference. tells1 ns things we don't It was rebuilt in 1800 by John l'later would redeem it. Some two or three daya later he eonld suck In a rowboat aa easily aa staves for Seville, Spain. The men or ihilip Barton Key. aa they were desire to know, to tlie hospital and found hia you or I sack in a mint julep tlirougha were picked np In latitude 30.39, longiwent brothers-in-laowned and the should which propthings still man Scott Francis very ill, but he had failed to straw, lie tipped the scales, according tude 79.09, the small boat in which they not be raked under Key, erty conjointly. DR- - H0LM;-goes the receive the father of Philip Barton, spent expected remittance. After to t'apt Jerry Ludlow, at sixty tons or were drifting helplessly having been our eyes. If a man thereabouts. And Capt Jerry Ludlow, sighted by the merest accident The and fishes out all the contents most of his boyhood days at Woodley, when he converses about whales, schooner llenry Lippitt waa bound for of the drains he is a disagree- and his name may he seen ent on the speaks as one having authority, aaya this port from Turks Island, and the of window of in the the able fellow. I would have none of panes glass the New York World. ' tiny boat was at first supposed to be s him. It seems to me that the develop- front hall. It seems suggestive and This fellow was a snlphurbaclc. ler-hap- s bit of wreckage. The lookout, howreal that aa he drank in the inspiring ment of photography is largely that means nothing to you. But ever, thought he saw signs of life, and countable for the development of real- scene his loyal heart burst forth In the high priced nutty con- the vessel was put about and soon know you and ism the modern realism. You see, if grand and patriotic ardor, upon the mention of the word can- came alongside of the open boat Then in the veyed a man wanted to be exceedingly real- balmy breeze genius unfurled the Star vasback. Well, a anlphnrback bears it waa seen to contain three occupants. istic in olden days, to go into large de- Spangled Banner," tbi words and the same relation to the ordinary All were lying face downward in the tail, he had to make much trouble for melody of which awaken , i fires of whale thet a canvas buck does to the bottom. They were entirely naked, himself. He could not write detail freedom in every loyal breast. ordinary duck. They are chockful of and great sun blisters covered their without examination; he had to go Another distinguished resident at backs oil. here and there to examine hia subjects. Woodley waa Boron (ierault, the Germammal you aee in the monster The Tenderly they were lifted to the y man minister at Washington, who the photograph brings the fulldown dead schooner's deck, but though they could when here lying picturee est details imaginable on to the very made hia home there during the Mexwaa three feet higher than any man speak no English their cries for food desk of a writer. He has merely to ican war. about him, and a good big part of him and water were pitiful in the extreme. Mr. Cleveland ia not the first I rest look and dip hia pen, no matter what was buried in the sands like a pyramid They were delirious, and when they the subject a sewer or the laundry dent who has found a happy retreat when he posed for lrof. Bartholdi. He realized that they were safe began to LAV SICK VXTO TIRATH. basket, if you like. It is realism nude there. Van Buren, Tyler and olk all was such a strapping great creature in dance and sing and hng and kiss the easy. Whats easy becomes ultra. Lika recognized its advantages and sought chatting with him a while he took fact that a week ago, when he was brawny sailor who had rescued them. visited he the When his departure. everything else it will work itself out it as their summer home. first washed np by the sea, he could be They were nursed like babies until out the ultra portion, I mean. After a Woodley is very easy to reach, for hospital next day he found the man seen from the neighborhood of Hagg of danger, and it was several days bewas dead, lie returned to Houston, time people get tired of anything. the electric railway runs within fore they recovered from the awful exa mile away. lond, tlie about exci all ring, pt reand forgetting to drive out short distance, perience they had endured. secTbs Call Was Caaght. it. The notice A to AFRICA. D as he RKEST IN happened quires but about twenty minutes. The A farmer near Portland, Maine, who lawFinally they were able to tell that hist a he his return Tbs Clvlllalag Jo Names of tbs Ima house is approached through two wide ond day after had sailed from Mobile under they From time had worn himself out trying to catch this 8X0,000. suit Ifnrm involving buck on far that swing their postof Capt. Linares, in time to catch the in is unwho touched a calf that he wanted to get in from gates he charge Thya, on Major proved everything erns, admitting the visitor to a broad October hurricane. Their vessel pasture before winter, was advised to avenue lined on either side by giant lucky. One day he was in Austin, building the Congo railroad, stmt a early soon was thrown on her beam ends time a short home to his letter certain over Brussels, send for a dog in the next oaks, which east deep shadows, as their gloomily meditating All much surprise. He and became a hopeless wreck. excited that to fall the chanced town which waa an expert in catching boughs almost meet, his ago, when upon eye making it always bands took to the boats, having time themselves natives the said that was a cattle. swears The canine was he Congo which emitting refractory a walk. Aa yon advance you opal, to save a scant supply of food and sent for. An insignificant dog, not seepleasant light and seemed to had at last begun to show much inter- only a great rambling structure, built yellowish-gree- n d much larger than a good-sizecat, and after the style of the old English mock at him. Like s flash the story est in the iron highway that is build- water. The sea was running high; the k of no particular breed simply a dog that att- ing through their villages, and many small boats were leaky, and the men country seats, snd, by the way, of of the opal and the came Boston the into his of them are now employed in the work. realized that they could hardly live Traveler. a to possessor appeared, saya bricks that were brought all the way ached fulfill his from Ha didnt look very capable of During the two years since the build- through the storm. All removed their from England. Only an artist's brush mind, and drawing the ring the enterprise clothing in order to be able to swim ing the hopes of the owner of the calf, could do justice to the beauties of finger he started for the Colorado ing of the road for the wreckage of tbe bark should but be was taken along and put on the nature there revealed; a pen picture is river, intending to throw it in the the boss capsize. Tbe three men resmet a calf of he of the at a trail the friend, stream. On his way edge grove entirely inadequate. cued were once compelled to swim whom he to of trees wherein the latter waa accua of the sheriff the county, house the and Beaching stepping while they righted the boat, and they The intentions. tomed to defy pursuit. upon the porch we enter its portals. communicated his shame managed to live till the Lippitt hove to throw Boon the loud bellowing of the calf We are in a wide vestibule to the a mid it whs officer left in eight and were heard, and following the sound a of which is the stairway, and away aiieh a magnificent gem, The Jnan J. Murga had s crew qf instead. have it novel sight waa presented. The calf from the vestibule on the left isopening he that might a door begged nineteen men. Four were picked np waa not only caught he waa anchored. which leads into the Iresident's office. The opal changed ownership right by the steamer Lampasas and landed He was as immovably fixed aa the trees Even here the cares of office sometimes tiiere. and three days afterward the at Galveston. They were also naked around him. The little dog aat calmly invade, and he is prepared to meet the sheriff was shot and killed. The opal and famishing. Nothing has been on his hannehes with his teeth firmly emergency. To the rear of the 1resi- - then passed into the hands of a law of the other heard twelve, and they most hia of unfortunate was the tender in fastened thereupon part yer. who are probably lost The three landed until he died, and the ring went into captive's nose, any movement of which here will be cared for by the Spanish waa attended with so much pain tost the liamls of the fifth mun, who soon consul and sent home aa soon as hia calfship had concluded, after a few went erazy. From this time Mr. Beard possible. Yesterday they joined in s followwaa of on whole the opal, after it better lost all trace trials, that the card of thanks to Capt Benjamin of the hands to remain quiescent its through history ing Howes of the schooner that rescued five different men, all of whom met them. Both captain and crew are Hew a Do Helped Beatrice soon as the as misfortune gem with COX 00 TRACK LAYKRK. praised for their kind and warmly Some of the doga that have taken up . came into their posseM-ionhas not been able until now to com- humane treatment of the men who their quartern with various regiments the natives Congo mand the services of II bat I ha Lark slugs. passed through such an awful exin the British army have shown as is while soaring in tlie They were glud to engage in the car- perience. it Though as of a intelligence any great degree the line at digA Vary Sly Dog. upper air that the lurk sings oftenest rier service, but drew dog brought np in the midst of more heavens gate." ax ging on the railroad. The company best at snd One day a lady and herchildren were peaceful surroundings. railKhakesieare says he will occasionally was compelled to import all its driving in their carriage in one of the During the Crimean war, for examor road lalsir from Zanzibar and ports parks at Boston. on the ground, on a tree-tosing went a waa that the there dog ple, even when perched upon a telegraph along the Gulf of Guinea, and this was They were accompanied by apet dog, round of the sentries every night If and expensive. which grew so troublesome that it was inconvenient both pole. it found a man asleep at hia post it out fur a run. After trotting fur It is perhaps uufuir to translate hi Early this year quite a large party of put waited beside him, and, on the apa mile tlie dog wanted to be about the were to taken laborers Chinese but sweet song int i words, according taken again, bnt the children, likup proach of danger or of something that railroad. on tlie work to and put to Mr. IV. J. Gonlon, it lias been ex Congo WOOtil.KT FROM TIIK PRO XT. room hie better than his company, wanted looking into, instantly aroused ing now natives Not only are the Congo rev-ein syllables thus1 cherry do, pH id no heed to ills request. him. If the sentinel whs awake, how dent's office isthediningroom.smeious j on the mad, hut, for wages working a shriek wax beard, and joey, pretty joey, ever, the wise creature passed on to and elegant, and with a capacity for (.lu rry do, pretty of them who thelresently many hat. white write, hat. seen to be limping along white was Thya Major pr.-ttdog joey, a hod it great many guests, the next, until completed the accommodating He declares that an ail are not in tlie service daily visit the on tlin-- legs snd holdingup tlie fourth for while the Clevelands arc happiest pretty joey. circle of its visits. and work for uk if in great distress. Of course the of scene of track laying in their quiet, domestic life, their, hos- tlior.ty on birds a Scotchman, carriage was stopped instantly, the dog Wanted to Be la. course- - likened it to the music of tlie hours, apparently for the fun of it broadness. in is its superlative is taken from a photo- picked up, and gently placed on a Anntie Now yon certainly cant pitality Our distance. a heard at picture biiypipe is of to the left the pantry take part in this tableau if you dont Tlie butler's rendered the graph sent to Europe by Capt Weyns, cushion. Auot her Beotehiuiin inWhen Us leg was examined, however, dining room, and that iruian-tun- t stand still. You are too fidgety. of these natives enwords: these in Tp in the lift showing s number track. no injury could be traced. On the condividual finds especial delight there snug Little Ethel 1 tant stand still. are in in teThey laying gaged there was a sly look in its eyes (sky) go we. Auntie But you must. Remember because of its complete equipment. of a white superintendent trary, that said quite plainly that the whole Back of the butlers pantry is the hee 1 here's no a cobbler on tbe charge this is to lie a picture. are as easily thing was a sham, the triek being eirth cun make a shoe tome, to me'. Major 'Thya says they Little Ethel Oh, dear! Tell see e 'nservHtory no house is eiiinpli-twork on a rail- played to force the children to allow it W folks dere's a fly on see picture an let without one and Mrs. Cleveland Why so? Why- so? Ik cans taught how to do good road he any bluck men he has ever had once more into the csrrisre. m heel is as long as in- toe!' me be zee fly. love of flowers makes it a most peculiar individual. Be waa a quiet young man, of the blonde type, about s-- i thirty years of age. married and the V father of t h r e a yu children, lie was barn at Cambrila, in tha province of borne Tarragona, ears ago heemi- - paui.ivo fallal grated to Argentine and then went to Brasil. Ha returned to hpain and settled down in Barcelona at the hosiery business, working at home. After close investigation by the police, it aeema that Iallas was not affiliated with any anarchist or revolutionary society, lie waa always very reserved, seldom visited anybody and had no callers. He waa undoubtedly a fanatic. He displayed remarkable calmness from the moment of hia arrest till hia death, but always aired hia ultra socialistic theories and regretted he did not kill the marshal. The day of hia attempt ha left home, telling hia wife he would not return till evening. He took dinner In a wine shop in a low quarter of the town. Then he went to Mount Mont-juich- , where hia bomba were concealed among the rocks, came back to the town, took a position near the troops and hurled his bombs at Mar ahal da Campos whlla the soldiers were passing the veteran commander. He waa seised and confessed that ha waa the culprlL Gen. Cosiellri waa wounded and a civil guard mortally injured. A number of spectators were more or less hurt by flying frag menu of the projecllea. Da Hal maa oa Haa liana Dr. Holmes expressed hia opinion of realism in an interview with a traveling Englishman the other day. "Real-ism,he said, there always has been and always must be. Defoe was realistic. The question is how far to carry realism, what kind of realism it is. I am no authority on the subject at all, but I suppose realism might be described as a going into detail. So long as the detail la what we ought to know, what it is good and beneficial to know, where's the harm? On the contrary, it Hut is desirable. UEIKO THE ZULU I war an American explorer gathered tome interesting sketches among the a 0f domeste origin, and, mingling their lcaves with and rare exutiua, HOME they seem to I ires the in their fragrance RECENTLY WASHED ASHORE until lliey, too, are redolent with rich ON LONQ ISLAND- - e n, d -- BEACH. H i-- NEAR VIEW THEWHALE. w -- To-da- MATABKLK WOMEf. ill-luc- k, Another picture shows the Matabele nrcerers or medicine men, a close of n posters who have great influence in latabele land. Even the intelligent Id king always consults the medicine ien when he engages in important It has hitherto been safe to proclaim success for the latabeles when they went on the war ath, and we may be sure that before he Matabeles had the temerity to force war upon the whites, a little while go, the medicine men had consulted heir infallible omens and solemnly sauted the king that he would wipe the isted British off the face of the earth. The women in Matabele land who re thought to be handsomest are those rho are fattest The wives of the king nd chief men are fed and cared few rith a particular view to rapid increase a avoirdupois. In their own country the Matabele sen will not work because of their per-sctl- y ill-luc- lx-gs- n p, MATABELE TBUMPETBS. of loe--r litary training and theofdread s their prestige in the eyes and dogs." but in the mines Johannesburg and Kimberly, far rowed from the influences which pre-at home, they have made the very Masho-slave- il t workmen. One of the things commonly done rong is the mixing of flour end isa inid when a thin batter or paste rfred. Here is a rule that, if folded, will always mske the mixture 100th snd free of lumps: Measure Butter put into clean pots and well rrounded with charcoal will keep iod for twelve month v c e, e te-he- e, |