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Show rorizing combat I ever witnessed. He opened fire on the enemy within tea paces still advancing ao. closed in on THEY ONOE MET AND NOT IN When the whole party either flank Jake was in such cloia A ZOO. EITHER. quarters that it was hard work to his get a shot without endangering I the A Tara That Gaaa M.sk Jake was proving However, Ufa Vaaial at liar haaaa aad tha himself equal to the emergency, and Trala lotaadad to Ha I'seJ la the was putting in his licks with such Ursart. Americas Great Halpa Farm Moiaa aa4 Uomm Uinta. painted. energy and rapidity with both pistol and knife, while avoiding the powerHklm Milk rhMta. of ful thrusts of the huge beast that ha raaSlan Aalawta want administration ta the. come in During la a There A I trial at Flas Palal.n, great outcry Be James Buchanan, in tho fall of 18J7 , appeared almost superhuman. or Thera is probably no agricultural Experience la a good achool and quarters against either making so that home comet question the train of thirty Bactrlan camels was giving the bear all he could da of the directly one In which even mistakes can be selling cheese from which any in to cope with him. affording the flankto the farmer as that of feed- purchased by the government, turned to account aa leatona with a cream has been removed. Yet it la wheat to stock or ioultry. Will United of Beale, Ing of rich fats ers an opportunity to get ln their butter Captain all if the charge true that double meaning. Sllitakea are. States army, on their way from tha deadly work to a great advantage. go into It pay to raise wheat and feed it to that aomethlng la wrong, and milk are left in when they cent their patrons shots at that Gulf of Mexico to California, crossed A few go animals or poultry t With wheat at give the wine man rarely niakee the aame the vat all aliove four per conte per bushel, it Is almost im-Cm4 I'm at straw. the plains to El Faso and halted at stage of the battle soon put the enemlatake twice. There are mlttakea Into whey and are lost The practice fifty for many farmers to make a I have a large yard to the sonth of Fort Bliss for several daysmy ln a condition to surrender, seeof various kinda There are thoae of many good farmers in making possible fair from this industry.although tho barn and into it goes all the intended were skim profit These camels to is use own their' for that do not taka the advantage of cheese ing which Jake broke out into on in favored parts of the West and straw from forty acres of wheab as a pack to carry of train g his laughs, cominch clrcumitancea aa would leaaen each alternate mesa of milk twelve Northwest the large farmers claim stacked just as well as six men can army supplies across the great pared to which the neigh of a horns labor by adding euitable conven- hours after setting. This with milk that oven at this price they can do it I stable all my stock and bed American desert, a distance of over was not a circumstanca ience It la a mlatake to let the in the pan would leave a good deal make a profit but this is not true them to the knees every day from a hundred miles, whieh is termed by manure lie where tbo water from the of cream to rise Such skim milk of thousands of others scattered the time frosty nig its begin until the Mexicans, "IA Jornada del Firs III a UaMtaM Ylllaa eavea of the tubin' roof can leach was mixed with the new milk of the " In a Russian village there is not and carry away ita beat fertilising next met. Cheese thus made was throughout the East and West Un- warm weather in spring. Some may Muerto, or "Valley of Death. The as If a greater portion of doubtedly the last season has been an object to this on account of the work; desert is a long, narrow, deep de- even such an organization aa we Ingredient. It la a mlwUke for as rich was left to be thrown to the exceptional one, and prices are lower but I don't After February, if I see pression in the earth, having the ap- possess in this country ln the small will oraam farmer to keep a cow that In thoir stead make only two or three pounda of pigs, because the cheese could absorb than they will be for many years that all the straw can't be got pearance of a furnace that has just volunteer companies through the stable by bedding and begun to cod off after the fire had 1 a log stable with thatched roof butter a week when there are plenty no more. It is fraud ulent practices again. Nut the present low price for tbs feeding, I begin to cut off some and been removed; the hot winds giving containing an hand of dairy cowa that will produce three of different and worse sort than are having their beneficial re- - spread a layer over the yard as often out a metallic heat that almost suf- pump and three casks mounted on American grain have coat no these extra that brought tiraea at much and at y focates one, of feeding or care It la a mlaUke cheese Into disrepute in the English suits, ssys tha American Cultivator, j as the stock have trampled the perhaps already burning wheels These sre kept filled with farmers are feeding their sur--1 vious one, I turn my cattle out on with thirst, and not a drop of water water and each is drawn by a single to feed the awina late In the fall on market American Cultivator. plus wheat to stock and to poultry, nice days and feed fodder in the that even an animal could swallow horea The horses are the property the new corn nubbin, many of which Farsi Mm who at other times could not have yard. In addition to the straw from under the most desperate circum- of the commune and they are kept contain smut, and then wonder why An exchange advises to give fowls been induced to attempt this They cholera the hoga get the forty acres of wheat, we out twenty stances. The final disposition of tethered outside the cabin, ready for the meat they want Dont do it are learning by actual experience to twenty-fiv-e acres of corn and all those camels is well known, it hat- duty at a moment's notio A place It la a mltUke not to take palne In all Food meat two or throe times a week hat else oould have taught of it goes into the barnyard. I sell ing been found hy experience that is also set apart ln the hut for the not aelect nothing to to market, fruit lending them. As an illustration, one farmer no hay hut buy (our to six tons each it ao each kind la by ltaelf and the andTheno more. while in tha they could not bo utilized for the muzhik who serves as watchman, an other day country, this summer fed his wheat to the year. I keep twelve cows, about purpose intended, they were dis- office that is held, turn by turn, by ilse uniform. It ia a mlaUke for farmers to put off husking corn and after a rain, wa saw fowls drinking poultry, and he is so well pleased eighteen sheep, six horses and two banded on the plains of Mexico to the inhabitants of the township. The That la no with the experiment that he assarts to twelve hogs, and if these animals shift for themselves then be obliged to work at It in from a farmyard pooL location selected for this cabin is as that not seventy cents a bushel would are kept well bedded and If tha After t rest of several days, the near as possible to the residence of way to keop fowls. freexlng weather. It la a mistake to postpone making Nobody ia making anything on induce him to sell it in the market stables sre regularly oleaned each day camd train moved out from Fort the pristav, or the district captain of year. He would feed it to there will be no straw for mulohlng Lancaster in good order and I felt police, and upon au alarm of fire he rejialra when it la teen they are horoea except the auctioneers. They another his for by ao doing he real- wheat unless a man Is a heavier quite secure under the protection of drlvos to the scene in his telega at of out commission cen poultry, the breaks oocur, their actual until get nocostary lsea at the lowest estimate $1 per wheat raiser than I am. or cattle pass through the fence horses they sell, just about Captain Beale's small band, as I was the head of the procession of carts bushel 1 make over 200 loads of manure confident that a needing attention and oommlt costly sight of those cam- and peasants by feeding oowa plenty of suitable intends latothe summer time He sow try the same experiment per year by this system, and believe els was sufficient to put to flight depredations. It is a mistake to food and keeping them comfortable, this winter, and he anticipate mak- they will average 9,000 pounds each. those wild man of tbs desert as well Tli Marvoas Hjrsm. spread a oertain amount of manure thoy increase in the milk flow, on twenty acres when there la only batter production will be increased. ing the wheat pay him nearly 2 per I use all that can be profitably util- as ferocious beasts, says the PhilaAs the muscular power that exbushel. ized for wheat ground, delphia Times enough for half that many. 8uoh a tends or Boxes a finger is at a dis(Sot a butter print and stamp your Another poultry raiser has even harrowing it in as it is spread. We We had made good speed on our tance from the part moved, so the mistake necessitates more than twice name on the butter cakes that are to buy the wheat direct from scatter it off the wagon, never piling journey for two days without any excitement to tear is from an irrias much labor to secure a crop that sent to market If you make s deigned the oity market up ln the field. All too rough for disturbance worthy of note, and with- tation in a distant nervous center would not equal either in quantity or butter your brand will be his neighbors toatfeed his poultry and top dressing Is taken to tha clover in some forty miles of Fort Davis we and is removed when the nervoui prices simply quality that which could be produced sought after. the results are sogood that he haa field and spread where it is most went into camp at a large spring, or center is either soothed or exhausted. with the same manure on ten acre. Keop enough good stock to oat tho now laid in a stock of wheat for needed. It is put out the last thing water hole near the narrow chute It la a mistake to perform any The relief comes not from the mere food. Marketing in form of winter branch of farming in a hasty manner surplus feeding instead of his usual after tha wheat ground la plowed loading from the canyon. This Is a escape of tears which is only s sympcorn and the farm other moat, probetindifferno The Auis of rations fact there middle moans tho method about is, when such a narrow chute between precipitous but from the cessation of the and the ter food for making the hens lay generally I have followed this system bluffs of near 10J feet in height for tom. ent work, which ia generally the ducts bring bettor profit gust If the storm the nervous chain. is to returned the ground. fertility than wheat, and this may yet be the for seven years ou this farm. A poor the most part and Is some fifteen storm in measbe calmed by soothing one knows that an animal in food that we will give to our poultry. spot due to lack of fertility in tha miles lung, and so narrow that Every It is a mistake not to make the a comfortable only ures as whon we sooth a child that will barn much answers also dearfound. require the It soil cannot be don't most I better think a single wagon can pass any point at is farm borne the purpose pleasant weeping from fear, annoyance or there is any use in spotting fields. Hy a time, the bluffs on either side shutest spot on earth to every in amber of less feed to do well, than those with- than the best screened oats. we the nervous centers injury out do to but shelter, Then we have other farmers feed- my system I can keep my land up many neglect the family. It is a mistake not to out the sun to such an extent upon which quiet In the effect ceases Shelter ing their wheat to swine, and here, without buying commercial fertil- ting take advantage of the wonderful what they admit la best that it is so dark it is necessary to children the soothing method sucthe stock results are the on so too, farm to affurded the chance always that I raise fifty izers, satisfactory. sixty use a torch to see the way. ceeds, and sometimes it succeeds in Placed in a heap with ashes or Hogs are high this year, and the bushels of corn, and twenty to s to beautify the lawn and make tbo This spring at which we had adults, although ln adults the cessabushel of wheat per acre and pitched our tents for the night was old homos te ad an object of beauty sand, occasionally moistened with profit is certainly sure to be good. tion of tears is more commonly due from all directions. Having half a liquid man are or wator, bone enters It will return 1 per bushel to the plenty of clover. Farmer's Record. xnown to bo a great resort for the to actual exhaustion following a perwhen fed to hogs and dozen different farm operation half Into putrefaction and becomes a more owner Indiana Hlata. Hortioultnral iod of nervous 'activity. manure soluble and energetic than this is much better than selling It in finished on hand at one time is a Ws had been in camp some two Straw is cheap and makes a good the market at current prices It Is mistake that puts the brakes on the ordinary bone dust. of one when men noticed the for the young trees against hours UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES. No one can morefully enjoy a ahady estimated that two quarts of wheat ' protection road to success in the distance, filing out from tho rabbits. value in four cow to feed feeding It is a mistake dairy quarts While two men in Louisiana were resting place at the house in the equals Trees should not be planted any foot nllls to our left, what might be by guettwork; measure or weigh their summer than the farmer. The ex- of cats and the stock, as a rule, like a herd of antelope, supposed to ne on fishing on the banks of a stream they ln than the deeper grew they food and see thateach one gets their pense of a stoop or piazza ia not the wheat betted. their way to wator, as that water hole were savogeiy attacked ty two. nursery. ona known to exist for strange animals that resembled wild was proper allowance at each feed. great, and the comfort to be derived Now, here is an outlet for wheat Is to time the best Spring plant over the onlymiles around. that has never been given much at- outdoor it It a mistake to try to winter a is highly remunerative. They were cats One of the men lost sn arm in thirty roses is the time to It also not need one fear that lot of stock on a short allowance of As a rule, it ia hotter to submit to tention. and watched with interest until they the encounter, and the other saved rosea prune foddor, so that none of thorn will some sacrifice, rather than thrash wheat growers will have to go out of of human beings himself by climbing a tree, where hs By gathering up and burning all assumed the shape be able to get snfiiclont food to thrive and market your grain ac soon as it the business Within a short time and anon being screened by the was not folluwed by the animals ever a insects will many great pruning owners stock and are of raisers the sell poorest In the undulations of tbe valley. properly, belter is harvested, when everybody else is poultry An unusual ease was disposed of in be destroyed. the lot and food tho remaining doing the same thing. Our grain Is going to buy more wheat for food, meantime our party was not idle, a police court at Atlantv, Us, recentAll branches caterlnfosted with and all of the surplus will go in this one liberally. was discussing every expedient ly. It appears from evidence in the marketed too much at one time. pillars should be cut off and burned but out in the heaving the fur defense and acting with the vase thut M. M Bolen was a of reading for direction, relieving the markets of during the winter. out a course Map The market field all winter la a wanton waste tho If you the heavy stocks winter nights at the Chattahoochee brick comHorticulture is a good field for the energythetho occasion demanded. will a mistake no economical farmer will make long advance, and constantly prices time twilight had set in panys yards The company employed By a specialty of any crop got the those who must have the W does nt take aa man or make. rsaay cash our arrangements were perfected for convict help, and one night Bolen of those who have made a Good gates should be made for writings for their wheat will be benefited ln many sores aa for farming. defense, should .our eloped with a female prisoner, after success with favorite desperate It crop, your It it a poor kind of business to set abreastwork the enlrauce to overy field. It la a of camels prove unsatissuccessful farmers the long run alsa Farmers should out to read after some money. They were both pays and trees then down time in taking Iced wheat rather than sell it at mistake to waste young through factory. We had managed to hide stealing and arrested. captured rail fences and putting thorn up neglect allow the rabbits to ruin Home Hlata, prices so completely that nothing A fakir with voice and a them. again:' even bar are too alow for A decoction of scape ort roots h but the camela could be seen. Just fluent flow of a basso Oharalug br Do Fewer did business in Do not water house plants too talk, this progressive age. we the best to wash white serge or Inside the lines on tbe lay prone Outside ol creamery localities often. When the pot li dry thorWashington the other day. First of Having things convenient lessens with. there is a vast amount of butter oughly saturate the soil and water ground behind a small knoll covered all he presented the bystanders with work. Timely attention to needed with a shaggy growth of cactus and (iood furniture polish Is made of churned by hand. Taking the ooun-- 1 in the offered-themorning. repairs will often require only a fow dead grass to watch tha approach of gold plated ring, lie next and minute for each a pair of collar buttons of tha try over, forty-fiv- e ounta expense, whon a littlo delay swoct olL turpentine the white bean is usually the hostile Growing same alleged material, again refusing churning is consumed ln turning the profitable The quantity of beans will cause the necessity of spending They approached within a hunStale crackers are Improved by crank. The women or children have used lie finally offered dollars. Nut having an ample supln is this very large dred yards of tha camels, their curi- compensation, country in a hot oven a few minutes to do this, fur the lord of tho house them a set of collar, shirt and cuff and ply of firewood cut up ahead is a placing growing. constantly aroused to such a being osity degree has other work for the hired man dlnuer demoralizer. The fact that before serving. cents and the The Concord grape, to name no that they seemed "spell bound," a buttons for twenty-fiv- e To remove foreign bodies from the and dlslikea the task himself. The crowd was not slow in baying often very important work has to be WB th ?thor-1stop forward, then hesitating until 1eilJ stopped or quit neglected to cut eye put a grain of llaxaoed under tha dairy editor of the Orange Judd farmoT They expected, aa in the row hl 0WB rBPone of the young bucks let his "wonFarmer tolls how he relieve, the etovewood shows tho importance of lower lid and closo tho eye. cases their money would vines next 1 the of him der better spring. bump" and be returned. that get He says: women folks of churning. waa It keeping the supply more than equal not, however, Spirits of ammonia, if diluted, ap- Now made rea Flowers a have softening and unconsciously slight excla- and the crowd I dont want to broed discord in to tho demand. These are all mis- plied with a sponge to faded or disfinally tumbled to the ' like mation unto the scream and children ehould of influence, a fining the wife tho or but when If be farm- colored sjiots in a carpet, will often avoided. family takes that can fact that they had been "drawn in mother is losing half an hour to an be allowed to come in contact with hungry panther, causing the entire and ers would sit down and carefully re- restore the color. finally swindled by the fakir of to camels herd as much raise tlieir in thorn boms the j heads possible hour and a quarter every churning flect and consider how many misQuinces are sometimes spiced, but crane and necks their in long that is If day, to out dairywrong. something take tholr experience point Hnwrhald Hulpi. HUMOROUS. it hardly seems wise to use a fruit direction. This was the signal for them they could avoid by following that is so excellent for jollies and ing is followed enough to make it The most delicate way to boll an the most precipitous of stampede Ethel, showing her engagement business methods they would be sweet preserves in any other way, pay, she must churn at least three egg is to pour boiling water over it Indians I had ever wit- ring Dont about yon admire his tattle? greatly astonished to find how much when inferior fruits are much better times s week. To require this is and allow it to remain, without nessed.twenty Maud ao far os jewelry is conoutrageous Why should s lazy dog boiling, for ton minutes It will be easier thoir work could be performed, for spicing. While still lying quietly (or as cerned. himself idly in the sun while perfectly cooked, and even the profits increased at the For scalds from hot water or stove stretch as was possible under the Old Lady Just my lnekl Caller name time. Lessoning the expenses theta is nothing more apt to be handy a delicate woman wearily trudges at If lt iv neoeMy to ln h,rd quietly circumstances between churnP A the and work and at tho same time In- - than What's wrong? Old Lady I've just power dog ., laughs), m ow of WBter ammonUt Wet soda. soft it baking up dopl oft f. iif flic' . ( "Curly Jake," whose risibles only heard of aix rare cures of rheumatism, creasing the profit 1 business farm-ai.- and apply freely. If the burn is su- does not cost much. One hog or prepare powdered borax in hot neod a wink to set them at "boiling and not one of will Tae wife for kick i lie hit,- - ing. The farmers who think that pay it our family haa got it a water and The in little. of or pour slight extent binding hss the time left for wifely duties who noticed a slight commoutJ generation past are perficial point for llic cii iliu'SH She Georgs father has failed! He borax can be kept bottled for use. with this is all that will be time saved it up tion tha camels, and saw by making the dog pay f. nYt Lung lit o' i:iironi(i,'Uith Ur them are the men necessary. That's just like him. I told yon all When the piece de resistance is what among he supposed to be an Indian his board. If you chum st home, arveral bushi-lsodusty rtfriuing does not pay. ask a if along, darling, that he was going to chicken don't he most The successful de- have a of method preguest on The room. could creeping up not churning pay. and their fers white or dark meat; serve a por- hold black ants that infest a house ulM bac been phintsd on ,d not ln any longer, but burst out be- do all be could to keep ns from marryConshould stand out alda. out of stroying stepping of cusWith both. roast Is Is tion it down kerosene to ' their Dvt'L pour holos, nect the power and churn ky means fore the Indian oould run, as he sup- ing. and. as the saying find out if he likes the beef to will be "I don't mind the idea of dying so which found near house the tomary of write As MAh I s this tha shaft posed he would do as before, but tbe the light procossion" 'I lie next, srsaio'a of tlie Kiijsi or well rare dona on fire, and oover churn she said, "if it were not for much, Set it somewhere, camels took as is if and lt running as atoal:ly ttB u practical, over all a wet pud or uld blanket In Touchers' Association will lw hrifl a' A cooling, wholesome drink Is was with some fright instead, the knowledge that the clothe they of we the that d steam; fibp flop difficulty propelled by bniif'u 1n- residence of mode by mixing two tablespoon fuls this war a coin plote colony may bo the o resin i as them in the cave with the burr me in will be ho awfully regular as a clock INL Aflci wiped out by the time resurrection Monday c'enlng, 1'eb. The dog is outside attending of pearl barloy with a quarter of a mule bes. snow in Some people are always poor strictly to business. He once learnod pound of lump sugar. Four on it We now discovered that we hud an day arete around. mooting, ifllwre Is Jones I read an account of how a because silver spoons aro used to to shirk, and wheL he thsught he rather more than two quarts of boil- enemy to cope with that we had not tact they expo t to go out to flu water. Add the peel of a fresh reckonod on with whose tactics girl fell over forty feet without killing scrape kettles, Coffee, tea, popper had labored long enough fot proper- ing of E. 11. 11 hitcsldcs tn a cuiicr we and spices aro left, to stand open and ly managed cream to be ehsrned he lemon. Let it stand all night, then were wholly unacquainted. Tho herself. Smith Good gracious! How 1,(1 vc tile fun there. Urogram is as lose their strength. Potatoes in the would hang back and stop I ie churn. strain, and it is ready for use. a huge monster, weighing at did she-dit? Jones Tried to get bear, led by im YirgiuU, liiscusslon follows: When you are heated don't bathe least eight hundred pounds, did not out of s moving street car with exact- cellar grow, and the sprouts are not He don't do that now. It i not that Be nl Min Linn. Touching Fritu.iry rutnoved until tha potatoes are his conscience pricks him, jut that tho face in cold water. After a jour- halt in his attack only long enough ly twenty men in It lirooms are never hung something else does if he attempts ney give the face a hot bath, which to take a curious glance about lug.'1 Miss Anna Egbert. "Teaching worthless, ''It's deuce illy hah'd to undahstand, his M E. Nice it A dug's conscience is b tter than will remove the dirt and coal dust environments, but pursued us with don't you know, said Willie Wibbles Long and Snort Division." up and are soon spoiled. handled knives aro put into hot an average policeman's, but it is not which has tormented the skin; then all the assurance ol a successful con- "In ohdah foh a fellah's clothes to fit Whitesides. I'liyairal Culture exerTho flour is slftud in a equal to ail demands. It s inetimes rinse in cool, but not cold water. At queror, and was on to us by tho time him this season wutcr. Kildwiu. Ida Miss l cises they have to look aa wasteful manner, and the broad pan noeds stirring uv A thin wooden night Imfore retiring bathe the face we had secured our camels, which if hail been made foh somebody they of o hy acr inmy W e are pleased to ow of stud- - Is loft with tho dough sticking to it strip with shingle nails driven in hot wator. then in cool, and wipe this time, with tho mules, were giv- vise, don't you know! uiuvli so down ou soft attowel. the with a left line are Clothes which is to whip through, the points pro.:ectl ig. is a dry our 7ltUni putting Mr. James I'ayu tells a good story. ing out unmistakable tokens of to pieces In the wind. 'Bibs and perfect "regulator. When dampening clothes for iron- alarm. across lut is of a friend of his a rector, who shining lucre lo have Davis county It barrels are loft in the sun to dry and the power behind tha do; so his ing use water a hot as the hand can The boar had apprimched within said to the ami her superb resource well shown leading farmer of the lo- ' Dried fall dead fruits not sre a air Midwinter: fold smooth- twenty steps of us. his eyes gleamheel will touch it should ie hang ltcar; sprinkle the linen, Mug apart n tiefore the world at Hie don't you come to hear cality, "Why of season and in care ln taken become Wk and you will And him "dilily, roll up tight, and they will iron ing like two balls of lire, changing the curate. Mr. .I.m s? lie preaches s'.ir. Many nmtakon ideas On the ,nih,hc'1 line- - wormy. Pork spoils for want of gent in business thero aftc as the much easier. The hot water pene- to the hues of a rainbow as ho ad- far better than I da Chat may be, Lien the same as salt and beef leeause the brine man whom Solomon nintf Utah will lie corrected. trates more readily, and lt is not vanced. Jake was so worked up by sir," was the cred names we've hecn but reply: IU,whmd ln tll0 wants scalding. Ihts of vegetables lit to stand before kings.oonsj 111 the following persons necessary to dampen so much as the sight, and. supposing the others inquiring about Mr. Jones, and we V a with each are thrown door and cold auhsi,Tii'ti,i'pr0Vlj0j a puddings away, he found lut the cream lute M4 churn, when using odd water. A dean whist of the party were about to retreat, can't find that got an.for tnis purpose only, he quickly took the load and ad- and we don't like to opened or shut at whon they might be warmed, steam- Then put the dog broom, power, following hia nnuicf kept of our told be and work eotninensc int(,J goes on form a handy Implement for sprlaic- - vanced to meet tho enemy in sins bv a persou as hasn't gqt any ' U. V. lltUrLt. Win. K. Nalderff to the Ice room. ed and served as good as new. a for Wl Samuel until finished. The ill the most way Worthington's Magazine. disilko provide and ter property." C Ur, E. 1. Ellison. v 1&. UcarPjn, T. 11 IliUllw, f admitting cool air when desirable FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, The room I hope will be largo enough to provide for a creamer and table FEED THE WHEAT TO HOOS A PEW THINGS FARMERS LEARN for the convenience of the good wife AND POULTRY. BY EXPERIENCE. who cares for the aame The only mistake made la In not making the Das Twles tha FmOiii Talas at building larger. The entire house ItOata Hliukaa That An Mot I Ha Charalag bj Don fa.H-bHaaoa4 Tima A Wall Halil Ira Haaaa la painted, as ae all my building. taa at Straw Hurttraltaral Hlata auS I believe it pays to keep everything Material kkiat Milk Cfcaaaa THE FARM AND IIOME. Md In to-dq- y CAMEIS AND GRIZZLT. do It, and is bom the worse for it Food him immediately after hla work. Ho accepts It as a legitimate compensation an enjoys it Our experience has beea is strongly j such that the dog power recommended for churning where j creameries are not convenient Thera are plenty of good ereameries here, ' and the dairy editor churns, not because he is forced to, but for tha benefit of his readers who are obliged to churn and want the best and most economical way. Luckily i there is no money lost in tha work a 1 get as much profit from the milk aa the best of the creameries j tb work, but 1U AStala-Istratl-oa ! : evl-deno- ea j well-direct- j - canyon-splittin- j I pra-Man- ! top-dressi- first-olas- twen-ty-fiv- to-da- y 1 i r . corn-stal- watch--ma- n Pr 's flan-n- one-thir- d oil-sel- ves ol two-third- s j I j ; j 8 r - nT I : ; s, : . - c, ; ;i!iit-ioth- od i j f tread-pow- s, er cor-rale- 1 rn-mg- rrei-den- re - 111, j j ; I j - hi-'-a soul-stirri- mt Wf II) mm Stewart, Joel Iarrish, John W fiarlr, . ii. M, Kasw. J uud 3 ShffflfW, t |