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Show French; hut I began to implore their THE BURGLAR AT WORK mercy, and to explain how I happened to be alone on the 'Kobe Throw her over the rocks,' mut- HOW HI COAXES OPEN THE MODERN BANK SAFE. tered one of the wretches, or shell alarm the whole duchy before mornNadars Bnrglar I ing.1 B They threw one of their cloaks Clara rasa. Is Qalts over my head, and began to drag me is aapartar Xvery Bis. rf Crata atlas back to the High Bocks,' despite mp Sfltrw-jMriae. trended struggles. All at once thf rb OUB more, M r. waa a crashing among the fallen Stanley; and, if branches, and while a soft, strong The square door is generally held in you observe, jour hand caught mine, a threatening position when closed by eight round in dania voiee cried out in English, my awn bolts of one and a half inohes in diqueen blessed tongue: ger." 1'hese are shot from behind 1 "If I lose her, " 'Unbend her, you villains! or (II ameter. the door across the joint to the rear shoot you through the header y yet win another. riot ut jour rata of playing, air. !n as Instant I was In the grasp of of ths jamb of the door, and the You would have to advance a the stranger, who whirled me behind strength of the to resist pfrfFH him; and before I could tear the cloak being torn out is the .maximum KNOWLEDGE "Pardon, Mine Cheewick, but do I from my head, the sharp report of a strength of the safe to resist the Bring comfort and Improvement and plsj tho game so bad! jT Tho loss is pistol told me that be Was as good as quiet but forcible eloquence of the tend to personal enjoyment when mine. 1 would play better if I eould. hie word When I eould sew I found burglarious visitor. The second, or me how Mist Cheewick." them all engaged In a fierce melee, round, class of doors are built of rightly need. The many, who live bet Teach 1 will guide jou through this one while my deliverer, a ter than other and enjoy life more, with moves but 1 fear you do not attend to young Englishman, cried, frantically: plates similar to those of the safe, less expenditure, by more promptly If y bishop may he instructions my Fly, madams, to the Alte Sohlpas and generally have a coarse thread adapting the world beat product to removed by your knight, cut on their pertphry, the door being which, flyl" the need of physical being, will attest ie at ones sacrificed to my rook, Yos may be sure I obeyed him. In crewed into the safe. The square the value to health of the pure liquid which commands that square, If I five minutes I had reached the eld doors are generally more open to laxative principlee embraced in the choose to take him. ess tie, and waa telling a party of persuasion than the other kind "Thank yon. 1 taka your bishop, French tourists, who had just arrived, In opening a modern bank safe the UoefleEwe ie due to lie presenting then, and offer you this knight, em- of the oombat going on. the entire joint or in the form most acceptable and pleas- blem of mveelf. "My mother was wild with riarm. burglar putties up ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly "1 am not obliged to take him. She bad heard the report of the pistol, crack except for about ao inch at beneficial properties of a perfect lax"No; but 1 hope you will not reject and marked with terror my pale face top and bottom, says the Boston Herald A wall of putty is then formed and disordered appearance. lea! ative: effectually cleansing the system, him. A abort pause, while the dark, rich her aa well ae I eould, saying I had about the top crack, where it is undispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. face of the young lady bends stu- loot the path; and then 1 harried her covered, and two and a halt or threa the glittering board of into the Carriage, and we drove down ounces of It has given satisfaction to millions and diously over poured into n in hot haste, lest met with the approval of the medical mother of pearl and pink cornelian, to If the safe is not protected by it her he while news of the ears. Kidmy pallid, on the peril uightreach prnfeauon, because it acts of the gentleman quivers and waxes "That night I told my adventure to felt or rubber, it will require butg neys, Liver and Bowels without weakand eomm.tted to hie three or four minutes for the giyoer-inthe oounoulor, yet. ening them end it is perfectly free from paler to distribute itself over the en"Not obliged to take him, murmurs care a letter, expressing my gratitude 'every objectionable substance. tire joint of the door and drip out at the Indy again, her white bund hover to my brave deliverer, w" I ell for is sale of by Fin Byrup In make himself known. the lower crack. An ordinary deing over the mimic field of wan in 60e ami gl bottles, but it is n Wo left the next tonating cap, such as is used in exfact, if 1 do, you will win the game. the Oalifornie Fig Byrup. In spite of nil your bad play, by morning, a telegram from home dynamite, is inserted in the Co. only, whose name is printed on every him pray, pray dot almost quiriag our immediate presence there; ploding well Take and the fuse lit When upper package, also the name, Byrup of Figs, whispers her adversary. so I never met again the and the explosion occurs the door comes end bring well informed, you will not Mias Cheswick't hand descends on he did But EnglishmaiL off. When the operation takes plaoe her rook, and twirling It undecidedly, heroic thing did he not? accept any substitute if ofie red. he lifts hei eyes with n look of sur"He could scarcely do less, eould In the vault there is rarely any noise prise and questioning to Mr. Stanley's he?" replied Mr. Stanley, with a deep more than fifty feet away. The burglar does not carry nitroAre you so very unxious to win a red etal in each cheek.' Miss Cheewick marks the grudging glycerine with him. He goes to a game of chess? she asks lie looks st her silently. That praise, the flushed cheek, and her hardware store and buys a few white flush. as the poet has aptly face grows stern. pounds of dynamite, which he breaks sailed it, is drifting over his coun"That man lives in my memor; up in a convenient vessel, as a washtenance. In his eyes there te a look she says, with cold distinctness, whl He basin, covers with alcohol, and which no woman can misunderstand. her large eyes deepen and glofl allows it to stand until the glycerine "This is bnt tho emblem of another, la the one hero whom I have met has all combined with it The albe snys, at last, in a low, bnt Intensely the one man whom I would wed. 11 1 am Post Master here and keep paealohate tone. "Would you? murmurs Mr. Stan cohol and glycerine are then poured The Isdy drops her eyes and pon- ley, and he laughs, incredulously, off, and an equal amount of water is a Store. I have kept August Flower tier gay smile has faded; there while hie lips quiver, aa if in soora added; the water and the alcohol for sale for some time. I think it is ders is a troubled frown faintly carved "At least, says the lady, goaded oomblne, and the a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond, npon her smooth brow. into hostility by hie scant generosity, sinks to the bottom, where it Is P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y. We will consider this a drawn while that maria noble courage lives ready for use. "and in she The stomach is the reservoir. game, says very quietly; A bank in a Western state had its I if of will, playing another, If it fails, everything fails. The stead a story. It will safe located within ten feet of the tell choose, yon yon the the the liver, kidneys, lungs, amuse and and instruct yon. street window, thus making it visiheart, the head, the blood, the nerves Pule and hopeless, Mr. Stanley leans ble to everyone who passed. In front e all go wrong. If you feel wrong, npon the shining with his of the safe at night burned an arc hand. look to the stomach first Put that eye by his light, while the safe door was arWith a quick glance at his dejected right at once by using August ranged BOthat its opening would ring of and a deepening the Flower. It assures a good appetite attitude, a bell in the cashiers sleeping aparttroubled frown, the lady speaks and a good digestion. 0 ments by mean of an electric conHave you ever been at Baden nection. After banking hours the Baden? lint of course you have; who remember Die Uohe & - has not?' andDo you burglar called on the occupants, re; on Das Alte Hchlosa,' the Kelson, himself as an inspector of resenting WORLDS COLUMBIAN UPOSm road side of the hill, and how the the electric light company, thus Hav mad ths winds down into the valley through access to the top of the gaining vilwith the lovely the Black building, where he beneath? HIGHEST AWARDS lage lying Forest, the electrlo wires and thus prevented Some years ago I was spending a (Medals and Diploma) to the ringing of the cashiers bell. few months at liaden with my mother WALTER BAKER & CO. That night after the street cars he glances nt her black garments with a heavy sigh who was ordered On sans of Uia following named articlMi topped running, the burglar cut the there to drink the waters One aftertrolley wire at two points about six BREAKFAST COCOA, noon we had driven up to the 'Alte feet apart Taking one end hundred UKRi "PXIIAXD Bchloss,' and while my mother rested in of between two buildings Premium So. 1, Chocolate, . lesser the a never love will I heart piece my there 1 climbed np above to see the hero. 1 shall remain faithful to hie and placing it in a cistern, the other Ilohe Pelsen.' Yon know they are Tanllla Chocolate, end was connected to the electric within ten minutes' walk of the castle, memory forever. met him you would wire, thus making a "ground Perhaps if you and Uerman Sweet Chocolate, and 1 never dreamed of danger. Howlove him," remarks Mr. Stanley. ever, I was imprudent. It was so notAh! putting out the aro lights m the were ahouldl he If Cocoa Butter. the I that early in the season that the forest was poorest, and plainest, and hnmbleat back. The safe waa then opened ia not swarming with tourists and man on Tor parity of mats rial," excellent flavor," minutes with nitroearth, he would still be my leee than twenty aad ''uniform (van onaiposlUoa." in fact, it seemed pleasure-partie- s and several thousand dolglycerine hero. quite deserted. CO VALTER BAKER DORCHESTER, HASS. "But, if you did not know he wee lars taken. "1 sat down at the foot of one of the rhe chrome stool, of which the safe yonr hero? if he loved you madly, rocks and was soon lost in contemplaknowing you had ever mat and vaults of banks are now largely It neither tion of the sublime view below. drilled by first heating was not loug before 1 heard voices, each other before built, ia "Oh, if he would only love me! ths eteeLeasily and before 1 could rise from the sort A basket of wire netting her Miss Cheswick, clasping of niche which 1 had choeen, two sighs e hands, while a rich flush bathes her is made to cover a space of about elx Frenchmen flung or eight Inches square, and this ia 1 could never, never face. npon the mis within six feet yearning wired to the side of the safe or door. mistake him. unaware of of all presmy and, me, 'BIRTH WAKES CHILD E1ST. "Then your heart must sometimes It ia filled with charcoal, which is ence, began to discuss a plot wnlch have pleaded for me, murmurs her ignited and a florae heat generated with horror. Colvin. Ia, Dee. B, U8&--Xf wifo tuod caused we to tremble a strange light ia hts by a pair of bollowa In four or five companion, conversafrom their "It appeared BOTHXB'S niXVO baftaro bar third becom- eyes. was a baron certain tion that minutes the basket is removed and confinement, and says aha would not b For you! Oh, sir, why are you so the heated ing celebrated In the Knrsaal fur his mad? spot allowed to oooL It without it for hundreds of dollars. 1 not told you this stor Have unprecedented run of luck at the because I esteem drilled or cut like ordibe then SOCK KILLS. may to too much you gaming-table- s that, in fact, the bank-er- a nary boiler Iron. Once a hole suffhad that day entreated him to low you Miss Cheswick, your hero got the iciently large to admit a man's arm seek some other field wherein to purbank aUUHIKLO RNIUTM OO, letter, but after weeks of illness. The waa out through a chrome-stee- l h sue his success, as theywere ATUirtiM ruined; that he was, in consequence, pistol shot which you heard was not safe four Inches thick in four hours, fired by him, but by one of the rob- so that a mans arm was passed going to leave Baden Baden, and bers at him, and it pierced hie neck, through and the locking bolts disconCOLCHESTER" should drive through the Black Forest on his way to Freiburg, starting at placing hie life in danger for ten nected with a wrench. In a little weeks When he shouted to von to less midnight. two a hole smaller hours than Tho plan of the two robbers for fly. it waa because he felt himself was through the back of the safe to my terror I discovered them to be fulling. He was found alone and in- Into cut the money vault and its contents bv the tourists whom you nothing rise was to waylay the sensible BOOT. baron's carriage near the Alte sent to help him He has never been taken out through the hole. The large vault door bohind which KchloM. demand his money, and. if strong or like a hero since, though 1 hla heart is the same, and 1 fear the safe Is placed is rarely blown BIST IN MABKBT. he resisted, to back the horses over think It is generally the precipice, and, descending after he will never inspire love In any one's with glycerine mtsTUf yiT. - BUT IX WKAUlXa wreck, help themselves to the soul again Indeed, you yourself have opened by drilling a two or three-inc- h the so. f1 QUALITY. hole between the handle and the plunder. It was not without much said ia Tho oator or This speech, in low. hurried sentap soloes-,- t combination look. This cuts off the I tMidi tho whole length wrangling, however, that they finally over. Mr. is tences. Stanlev course of this fiendish stops, I duwa to tho hwL pro-- j agreed upon and the door opens toetlax tho boot la alc-- i action, and meantime, I crouched In with tears in his eyes, and turns his locking bolt, when the handle is turned. Safes slur aad la othor hard my nook, quaking lest they should fare away. work. Miss Cheswick is eying him speech- with round doors which are screwed discover me. while the atm sank low, ARK TOOK niCALXR Her dark face is as white as in are often opened experimentally s lessly. and the music from the . yoK Til KM Dardens' stole u;on the hla own, but she takes his trembling by building a well of putty at the land don't ha pat off with Infmtor roods In eexe, warning me that it was time hands, and presses them in hors, while upper part of the joint and exploding for mother to In at the Trinkhallc her pale lips smile. tULCRIITCR Wt'BBKH CO. "Your letter yon will know It about a teaspoonful of glycerine on for her draught of water, and that breathes Mr. Stanley, and the outside, the result being to cut n a now again. be state of she must even DR. his hand he takes out the top of the outor plato oi withdrawing gently great disquietude concerning my long from his , metal. memorandum-booka pocket absence, A large well, embracing the cup"1 think I have told yon tlint my and from its leaves selects a sheet of ONION and that dainty writing, which he places before ped portion, is then made, an-- two mother died of ounces of glycerine placed therein, for years liefore tier death, our great her.Yon see, he says wistfully, "that which SYRUP aim was to preserve her from every feeds, around tho threads in did and meet horn you yonr imaginary mental shock. Iningine, then, my ten minutes, tea v ing the door about loves love could not him he though I FOR C0U6HS, anxiety to return to her, and to yon And he tries to smile and part of the frame out when exmadly. return sufcly. One round door is menCOLDS la a spasm of ploded. there So urgent did this necessity be- cheerfully, though tioned. which was found to be so pain in his too delicate face. come, that at length I rose, deterAMD CROUP. Nay, cries Miss Cheswick, a hot tight in tho threads that glycerine mined to slip away so softly that they flame shooting over her velvet would not flow. This was opened bv GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. should not 1 had not me. perceive Xa itWni i fMittr wf nis rUMim. ny only irbo "if yon are my hero I love first cupping out tho Inside plate, as checks, an until however, paces, odly for ach. Cold AA4 0ropwMAiiiooFmn. H gone many m it m forty yran am angry exela'iiation from one of them you and would have loved you long fo fool m affuctlw just explained, and pouring half a How or gmMilldfwi Uh pp. owavOnlM Ifruy was discovered j ago bnt forniy constancy to yourself." teaspoonful of glycerino into the wmeh la olroidy pnpwfd ood wor ptawiit to tho warned me that is tnv dear one, "Oh, this true? foot. Sold mrywhon Una toottlM SO mia rushed down the path at the top of iwUMWi for !, TtanV attlni" ompA Tikf But where opening. This soon passed down the me speed, without looking behind: is Ah. yes. Mr. Stanley. of our chess? I take ynut joint between the plates, and when game but I heard their heavy feet close on lo! you have wot ths exploded brought off the outside my heels, and know that did they but knight. and, gilOK'' was mv life on me a plate and some of tho screws holding gone. finger or lay Scarcely it in place, had this last thought A Pert Ota Oversights sod pewpla ChmbwUh who bar weak tames Df (ilycerine being introduced into shaped itself in my mind, when my All the preachers it Flio'.Cnni fur foot slipped, and I stumbled to my theAgnosticua holes and exploded brought these world never blades two made Osnmpilon. It has eared kneea The next moment 1 was in off seeond plate, and this prothe thaanaads. fthas notlnar to bufont grow where one grew It In not tod leiaka their hands fdona cess was continued until In twenty You Kiddor It In ton tM noun k.,r.a seem the to forget Sold OTnrrwhnra Sin, Upy!' hiasod one, furiously; 'who school picnics that have been o . minutes the entire door was lying sent you here? on the floor in pieces. The most ex3XZEB3Z2EE "If I had had any presence of mind, ganied in times of drought l)e peditious mode of taking out round 1 would have feigned ignorance of troit Tribune. door-jam- b 99 fair-haire- d now-ve- r, nitro-glycerin- e Baden-Bade- russet-bearde-d drug-gis- ts Baden-Bade- so" fair-haire- d ' August Flower . nitro-glycerin- e chess-tabl- half-shade- d THE JUDGES -- short-circuite- ....... i Mothers Friend them-selve- rough-lookin- g well-nig- SPADING Conversa-tiouhan- Gums heart-diseas- e, ex-trt.- .e : y ! I c , Suu-da- d doors is said to be to drill tn InuV hole all but through tho edge of the door and safe, and to explode glycerine in this hole. In this way the joints between the plates of the safe and door are opened out so that the explosion of a few ounces of glycerine in the crevices will bring out the whole door at once. HUNT OP THE OFFICE-SEEKE- R Be .awed Day liy Day IstU Baps fense Makaih ths ilaart Sisk. De- Not all the people who haunt the s, but a goodcapltol are ly proportion of them are, says the Washington Star. They come from all sections ot the country and represent all classes of society. Of all the great concourse that streams through office-seeker- the corridors of the vast building are day after day the the most forlorn looking. They Importune their senators and re presen tetivea over and again, and refuse to be turned from the phantom they are Before congress meets pursuing. every day the general reception room to the south of the senate chamber ia full to crowding with those waiting to send in their cards to senators. A majority of these are after office, either for themselves or for relatives or friends. By the time the Invocation of the chaplain ia finished the bite of cardboard begin to fall in showers upon the desks of the statesmen. These gentlemen do not have time to go through their mall before they are interrupted by callers- - The visitors hand thel" cards to one or the other of the numerous doorkeepers and assistants and retire to the great leather covered chairs and sofas scattered around the reception room to await the result It is a noticeable fact that women largely preoffice-seeke- dominate in these waiting and anxious throngs about the senate en trances, i'erhaps it is thought that their earnest solicitude will more favorably and deeply Impress the men who are supposed to control the dispensation of official favors. They are of all ages, appearances and con The fashionable society dltiona. woman elbows her more humble sister of the work-a-da- y world, and blushing, diffident young girls sit and wait by the side of aged, infirm women in the sear and yellow leaf. 811k rustles against the simple garh of the humble poor, and beauty miles into the face of decrepit age. wait long and Many: of them Baiters AboaSeoed rmsa. There is t growing demand for the abandoned farms in tne state of Massachusetts, and the State Board of Agriculture is evidently of the opinion that the day is soon coming when there will be no such thing si an abandoned farm to be had. Hardly a day that the board does not receive from persons living in other Utes inquiring about! hese farms, and to such persons catalogues are sent which give all ths information necesof their sary to form a very good ides value, location, etc. The catalogues now being distributed as they are asked for are incomplete in some par tieulars, and so the assessors in the different towns have been asked by the board to furnish information concerning farms that art unoccupied. The replies to this request are coming in rapidly, and the board will soon be able to issue another catalogue which will be quite u complete u one can Ks bemads. A majority of the requests for information concerning the fsrmi come from farmers in other states, who think that farming is far more profitable in Massachusetts. Numerous communications have come in from gentlemen in euy circumstances, who would yield the bustle of the city for the quiet of country life. Ball wars la China. is beset with unforeseen obstacles in Chins, says Indian Engineering. A line is being made from the interior of Manchooria to ths coast, and it was lately proposed to make a junction with Moukden, the chief town. The engineers consulted the tartar general, and the general, before giving hia unction, consulted ihe geomsneers, who declared that if the line were laid along the proposed track the vertebras of the dragon that encircles the eity would be broken by the nails of the sleepers. Buch a contingency wu too awful to contemplate, and the general promptly informed the engineers that the thing wu impossible. The latter in despair, lodged a protest with Li Ilang Chang, who, while commending the eaution of his subordinates, expressed it as- his opinion that the hidden dragon would suffer no harm, rather otherwise, by the innovation. However, he would refer the matter to the emperor. This truck terror into the heart of the general, and he again consulted the Eventually a line waa traced some hundreds of miles away from the site st first proposed. Bailwty-mtkin- g - Their patiently without reward senator is not in, or, he is engaged," or he sends word, pleaso Baal Ota. Marla CaaaL call again." And the recipient of This canal closed for the season on the message goes away with a heavy heart and troubled countenance, to December 6th. During the month of come again in a few days and try It November 1,089 vessels pused through the canal, carrying 1,080,368 tons of all over. freight; an increase of 70 vessels end NOTES AND NOTIONS. 151,396 tons over November, 1892. Of the vessels 817 were steamers,' 193 One pound of cork ia amply suffiand 79 rafts and cient to support a man of ordinary oiling vessels, The accounts for the full barges. size in the water. season are not yet made up, but the carwas Arctic the Kane, traveler, total freight tonnage passing the canal ried 700 miles bv dogs at the speed of up to November 30th wu: 10,838,131 even miles an hour. There are forty-rigdistinct disensei of the eye. No other organ of ht the human body has so many. A new steel of extraordinary qualities ia reported to be discovered by a Japanese named Yamuna Hanhojye. The agricultural capital of Europe has doubled since 1810; that of the United States has increased over six- fold Four tramps took possession of a Santa Fe dining car at Riverside, Cal., the other day and helped themselves to provisions. . Amber, often classed among gems, is a fossil product Most of the specimens inclosing insects are manufactured from gumeopaL The law which makes capital punishment in New York death by electricity went into effect in 1890. Since it has become operative eighteen murderers have been electrocuted. ALLEGED WITTICISMS. Waiter, it is almost half an hour since I ordered that turtle soup!" Waiter Sorry, sir, but you know how low turtles are. "Do you think, Schmidt, that your affection for fraulein ia reciprocated? I really cant say. I ain loving her at pre ent credit" Why don't yon strike the man across the street for a quarter? I've been waitin for two Ksggs hours to see if be wont come over on thia way. Tommy," sa'd Mr. Waters, isn't that a pretty big buckwheat cake for a boy of yonr size?" It looks big, aid Tommy, "but really it isnt It's got Iota of porousca in it Girl at the Central Just wait a second; somebody's telephoning for an ambulance. Man at the Telephone What for? Girl at Central Man ran over by another ambulance. Princeling, opening the shooting match Donnewetter, I have gone too far to the left? Gamekeeper Oh, not at all, your highness the target ia fixed too much to tho right A lean not understand why you shed teurs at the theater last night It was one of the most wretched performances I ever saw. B Yes, but I was fool enough to pay for my ticket He Janette, Tin afraid you are a vain little wife You gaze into vour mirror so much. She You oughtn't to blame me for that I haven't your advantage. He What's that? She You can see my face without looking into a mirror. I am not expecting any package," said the lady of the house. "This is the number. persisted the driver of the delivery wagon, looking at his book again. Name's Higgins, ain't it1' Yea" our numier. I think not "No. 374? That's Then Its for you. It must be a ease of mistaken identity. "No mum. It's a cue of beer. tons, against 11,188,676 torn to the corresponding date in 1802; a decrease of 350,545 tons, or 3.1 only. The few days in December before closing will not make any material change in the totals. Woman is a powerful weak creature, bnt she can move the biggest kind of a man without touching him. Should be kept at stables and stook-jsrdSalvation Oil Is ths best friend not only of mu, but of dumb besets as welL For swelled joints, strained tendons, old sons, saddle galls, sad woands of all kinds there is no remedy like Salvation OIL Price 85 eenls per bottle. s. u Why ie empty champagne bottle like n orphan! asked Bub. Beoiiuee they have both lost their pop. The testimonials which the malls brings in Dr. Bulls Cough every day ran thus: It cured Byrup eured the baby of croup. me of s meet distressing eough,or It eured "We eould my little boy of not do without IL sore-throa- t. . Western train robbers who rifle the mail bag ue their rifles on the train men, too. ineeeeant talker that CrsTonsa What d clerk of y oars Is I Merchant Yes. but he la always ready to abut np st night. Deafness iMian Me Cued By local applications as they cannot reach Uis diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by remedies. Dutness is caured by inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Enstachlan Tube. When this tube to inflamed you have s rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it to entirely closed. Deafness to the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to lie normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which to nothing bnt an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any esse of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that eannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. Bend for circular: free. sandy-haire- u u F. J. CHENEY A CO., HToold by Druggis la. 75a Toledo, ft. Raised letters are Intended for the blind, and we suppose that raised cheeks ire for the sms purpose. It takas "bull to elevate ths stock market, but s mouse esn make dress goods go up- - is liable to greet functional disturbance through sym- IMS It tO pslpi-tat- a in a distressing way. Nervous Proe-tralion, lMdlltv and Impoverished Blood, also eaiiae its too to labor unduly. rapid pulsetlonx Many times, Hpinal Affections, oaum it Sufferers from each Nervous Affbrtiuns often imagine themaelvvs the victims of organic heart d ALL NERVOUS DISEASES, as Locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, or FHsTtK. Vitusb Duma Him pleesniM, Ncv-oa- s Prostration, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Mskmrbnils and Kindred Ailments, are toasted as a specialty, with greet success, by tho Staff octho Invalids' Hotel. For Pamphlet, References, end Particulars, sodom 10 cants, in stamps for pndaga Address, Womb's Dwusabt Miraotb Aasocunow, Buffalo, N. T. |