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Show Tl TE a Nettle liijod returned from .A. Xj her visit to Huntsville the fora pari of the week. Dont negiect ttt read the article on he first jingo about Southern Africa. It will please you. The la va ay tliat the fellow who The Vi islcioe Rough" Jan. 3d. Isirrows iiUcen,s l.i go to tns dances Minnie llurucs went lo Suit Laki is the end of tils string. Mondaf. Thom will tie dancing school at IT. J. Sheftldd uk a splu to (he Willlaoia Hall, Friday evening, Jan. 33 E tittal Tucbdav The Co-o- p blackxmltli shop I turn lug out boiuu Am) cutters. John lb I James inode a biialur trip to Salt Lake Tuesday. ! T. II. Phillliis breathed the rcfrMli-lii-tf atmosphere of our alter city of Salt Luke Tuesday. A. Hilton & Co. will remove their meat market luio tlie old drug store rooms this week. Judge If. W. Ila lull t was In the Lske.lrti; city on business ounce led with the Midwinter Fair Wednesday. cth C. Jones was at the lluh Tuesday In t lie Interest of our about lo be eM a bilsued rbecc factury. ol Hun. Hyum Stewart, Ksyavllh, uiaOean iinisirtent business pilgrimage to the metropolis of Zion Tuesday. There will he a unique represent!! lion of tlu- - Jiiivis ruiinty gna wells, sue 6x6 reel, on exhilmi'm uttheMnl-ni r Fair. who linn G.ICII Taymi and w i In Lakeside the city Uin chilling daya returned to Soldier Summit Saturday There will be rlgset the train at Iiounllful Saturday to meet the teacli-er- a and take them up to atteud the 1 Institute. Will Taylor eatne home from Farm A Mis A first class theatre next Tuesday evening, Jan. 30, at the Opera. l card party There ws aa and social at the residence of U. AV. Darnel lust evening. The Orridental Musical and Dramatic Co. will appear at the Kiysvill. Opera House, Tuesday evening. Jail. 30, 18P4, in their famous success "The MistleUs; bough," or The Jutul Chest. 4 thrllmg and sensational drama, Ju two acts Our exchanges aay the company la first class. SchsBU from Away Bask. A Kaysvilie youth, who is generally prttv hard case when at home, went off not long since for a few day visit with a pt-r- iu whom las had never seeu befora. He arrived all right at the In. use of hi new host . and was spoken to at flrsi as 5Ir. a re he asked wi if soon was Tlie lad r Mormon and the answer was in the affirmative. He was thcii addressed . as Hmthcr was asked tlie next friend 50 Our cents. Everybody Tickets 26,1601. Mie blessing of the ask to morning invited. food. Although lie on ie the C.irbett whipp'd Mitchell today bedone such a thing never had, jicrhap. fore the end of tho tlr.st ininurn ot the In Ids life he proceeded with came up grogthird mund. Mit-as much meekness and reverence as exgy the second round and was not genuine o'shop and rti.l Ins duty well. pected to tackle third, but he did At night the honored host in listed on his sorrow. a family prayer by 'bis distinguished AW are soon to Lave one of the best The yn'Hh went down on bis heese factories in the Territory. It knees aud delivered up a most exwill be run in cnmiectl.ni with our cellent one, supplicating ths great reamery which has the name of mak- Creator wlili all the wisdom of a ing better outter than any otner Solou of ancient Gieeco. concern In the Territory. It Is said He had at once phiced himself In the grsater partof t he stock for t lie the good graces of Ills frl nd aud was has been SHWrioed offered a job of SUO.nu per nsinth and slablislimciit he should make .him Who was it srarted to take some board, pmrided In 1 he church. sell conspicuous and .me night lately girls out riding would fellow this If g) to work In when they hail tlielr horses ready soon make would per, he earnest laps went could not find a sh'lgli? Then In mark in the world. i nd yof. amaher man Vliellsmid culler and started out? AVIiom- - IioVsc was It Obituary. ijy I lie us in.! of Nibb-- i that give nut the girls walk home? AVIu and Dikp at Fortune, Rox Elder county, an give us any light on these subjects? Utah. Jan. 10. 1804, nt liripnt disFair In lie open-- d ease and la gnppc, Joseph lladfleld, For lie M.d Wiiil J.in. IT the ,a!e ir eaeurstmi liek-t- o aged 07 years. lie was horn In Chcstershire, Eng. .s'u I r.!iici-(,'i- , going and n Od'-- and the Southern He Joined the chinch of Jesus Clirjsi in 1851. EmiPacific direct route will be 135.05. Kates of going via the Southern Pacific and re- grated to Utah In 1884, locating in turning vis Shasta mule and Hurl-lan- d Farmington, where he resided until or reversed will bo 113.00. higher March 1892, when he moved to Port than direct mute. Above rates in- age. lie wan a brick maker and allk weaclude tlve tickets of udmlsslunto the fair good .todays and no stopover prlvl-ge- s ver in England, and ihe two uccnpa- -t ions were of valuable service to the allowed in (Mther direction. 1. Thonasskx, A gout. early settlers of our town, In weaving a s All-w- ii a Saif Or Tea. will never know wtiat low p riccd there ait-- uu,ess yuutaill oil Ilyde Bars A'ou Ipasl- - e Mi &.Co. l.verytliing nuirkcd t j sell repirdl-- s of cost. They still have a good, assort- ment The bet shoes in the market going at Vhuidi " prices Fii-t- t oime, first served. TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY. 1 eao use all tlie cliickehs and tu:" key you nave to sell H. J. Sheffield. Rio Grinds WsAara Tim A r arge ? Jox Tip school Shoes Every Pair warranted TKYAPAIK and you'll wan to bu' no other We have a few Summer Goods that you can have AT TOUR OWN FRIGE thev m ist b3 sold to make room for Fall goods. COME AND GET SOME BARGAINS. Agents for Tabla. the CELEIJIIATED CORSET WAIST, full line of Ladies', Slisses and A liitet on the market Children's coats and jackets reauced Kaysvilie Co-oYou can gel anything in the. General Mdse, line, of II. J. Sheffield and avo luuuey. t Latter-Day-Ram- ts Insure your buildings WITH It. W. BARSES, AGENT Fime.yah'b Fund Insurance New Stock .f South houml train anivesat 7;2U a m. and north bound at 2:4u i. iu. R. 11. Uiuiwx. b-- 1 Just Arrived. eU-gun- We sell them on Pour Weeks Trial, H. J. brfEFFIELD A SSKT8 O VXU 13.000,000.01 PHONra MtTTLCNENX OF LOSSES IS COMFAN y. OUR NOTTO. lias been acting In COMPLETE LI XV OF C. II. of the place Cody, agent, for home-mad- e cloth, blankets and carTRUNKS, TRUNKS, Start Skttsk if tks Lilli of PrtiV several weeks, Saturday. pets and In moulding adobes witu Smith- which to replace the prlmutlve log There was an old folks party nt ths was near born lie Famiersvllle, The silk fr'nge In theRt. Wall cabin. residence of J. H. Larkina last ThursPaper, Carpets, Screen Inturlo, Canada, Aug. H, 1S20, and day evening. All present had u splen- wns tlie youngest of nine children, George Temple was woven by him lu DOOKS, LACK CURTAINS A XL of 1877. Alxmi the same did tilin', spending i he evening in Uu lie at 3 years of the springwove waslettan orphan silk dress patterns Window Glass all at lowest prices at ten he usual mannei on such oooodons gu and live 1 with a quakcr taniily time, one of which which was on exhibition mil he was Id years old. He came to i Tho young ladles of this city ar. at the World's Fair JOHN BARTON & SON, making preparations to have n Is'w N'auvisi about the year 1858, having He leaves a wife, 4 children and 23 n nd weight unity In a short time. become interested in Mornionlsm. He children to mourn lus loss. K.teli grnth man will have to draw was tapt.lzed into I lie church in 1840 grand funeral services warn held 4t The accord one dance and remained there foi atsml pay l.isglrl. then lor Ins the meeting house his t xml dealers In Farmington car longer, then lemoving to Stark, lug to Urr weight. & afternoon. Sunday rumored that a numlier if opr and "alsh g stock until 184U, when he ON LARGE LOTS. Mairri west f ir ttic Kocky Mounliilns. SPECIAL s. Voting uici: will soon he sent on Bids SplitUn to went lie the Syrssus saute year, irrlving be Utah. (Jet married, Isiys. and may Kaysvilie lalitoinia In 1850 and rcniaiiicd tlu-rThe music ol the sleigh hells is now ; ymi wIIIIh lei off. Von know the age lor r some time engaged in Mock rais- heard far into tlie night through our hi hie say that a husband should stay at home tun llrst. year to comfort ho- ing and mining until be had marie vetthlm nt, ind mingled with th SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S some niutiey. When lie relurued to merry voices of the occupants make wl fe. Ttab lie sell led lit Centerville, where us feel that we an alive. Levi lloliertsdled Sunday of old he lias lived nearly alt the time since of A ljtrge (tar Home company played to a full ajrc mill general ilebllli y. The funerngiiged In the stock business. He house here mi the 131nsu The singal services were held Tuesday. The was made ward bishop in 1856 and HENDERSGH ing id llcnrv I .'ole und th reel tat lous dci'eused has lived In this neighborBUTTER, lecicd to the legislative Council in by Sir. llurrsand Mis Hampton were GILT EDQ4 hood sltiee the first sett lenient and lie 1850 to till an unexpired term, lie Cream anil butter-mil- k. warmly applauded. . was much honored and respected hv was lo the House D. () Willey was n visitor at the all who knew him. Orders Promptly Filled. litpreseniullvi8 three times ami last session of the Y. U. M. I. A. and In Council was elected to Inn the met unsocial t ed loral limn teachers again The very highly. Farmers, wishing to contract their compliment AVm. Miller, who for sonic llnis past milk should do so at once before the at the residence of the Misses Fitts 1878. He Wits made, probate Judge of and Llnu last Monday evening und Huvis county in ls74 uml held tint lias brru routined tu his nsim with amount needed is contracted. listened to an essay on ''Teaching Trl o fllec lor nine year, lie wa made rlieumaHstii, Is around again. Telephone at Co-o- p store. 51 iw E. Welling of Harniingtnn. who inary Geography by Ada F'tis and a slake prcldut in 1877 Governor Murry used to say of him mis been on the sic list for some lime, Ul'cusnlonon the subject ogiula,'' "He I the truest mau In the Legisla- lia s returned uml takcuup her lsUirs led by N. L. KtieRHil. no truer man than i.r lives any- with our young X, L-A grand bow an 1 weight party will ture; " FACTORY, where be given at Williams llall, Friday inhud a lie M For Mrs time ail brn long Proudloot, OOqjsint Mrttiif. evening, Feb, 2. 1964, for the benetll his death was not unexpecttt u irdr lunitMi. Its of the Young Ladies Mut uul Improve- valid, and Mia, The Y. M. aud Y. L. M. I, associa- MtkitaliiMilwt st til, his neighbors aud those but ed, two has Each association. ment Indy metIn last tion w ho knew hint Well, aud Sunday night the they are uum-Hire- d FOR SAIF CHEAP. bow and one is drawn by a gentle The following program YARN ex- Tabernacle. the by thousands, grieve man who pays for his ticket according Your Piiirouagc Solicited was nicely rendered, ceedingly at his death. t o her weight at t a cent a pound. Opening exercises. The funeral was attended by a large One of Kaysvillc's foremost, jsula-gogu- numixTof wople, over idti vehicles Opening liemarks. J. G. 51. Han.es, TUOS. II. Bong, Minnie Williams. was seen driving a leimi down followed tlie remains to tln lr last Dun Remarks, Main tnvl Tuesday, lie had Just testing pl. io r.ndlly The vestry aud alley Deeu alter a 1'i.ul of vo! and wastiu! Reading, Mary Ann 11yd, ways w re crowded ami every avail-ilil- e At in n in Mm.g. J. R. Jarmaii. i.icli of space w.is Liken. ling along (oWii'ils Public. mSBURSSMENTS RErKilTS- ('.'!( siiig exercises. I rout of Slictll-.-iiru t ug broke Aa CatoBdortafo &.(tLiiaUtah. Oncol the Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1?'J2... 8 1.04 l.n Paid t- cbcau lo prince Ail iiinu.-iu-g Kaysvilie, juke Is liei..g (old nn Dr. bad H mu lueii and kick ilie air, Thblifsr LaliuOnly. Bred, from 110 like, Provo's most primiinenl pliist for the coiltiesN nud Fines acct Ninny ht ivnt, of all th wnnen in tin1 doctor and his 10,1154' acct Licens forethought of (.lironio,'' the driver, clan, ll CT wcie out driving a few weeks world miIDtukifv or less pain in Mcnstrim-tiiin.lftl-- .i several bushels of dusky diamond Roadte a rcle m thi pliilsnllirojiisl 12 oeliS'K and alsuit at night, 109 K would have liecu planted on Mam UftO, Tel. 103. Bale of K ways St'cct, t l the Iut city.h-ult n 22.21 : they h id mrasion In cross a large ca-lUtahsiu-el- . . K. Kiao.Tax acct-l-Sl0,nleti. R. In:, pk on Factory stiv. t. Professional obtained fhu land sold TowusUe Estat Real e, Dealrr (or ion f'r all irregiilarities Hie next session of tlie Kaysvili nslinet auglit to f woni.'S Sol. Remtiiglnn c suggesusl to Northern Utah, mrrii-- a full Lae Tax Sales land redecr.ed Teachers' Association will lie licit! a die doctor that it w.:s a Vi ry inuppro-priui- e and soon, I its prai-- e to women of her of .upiUtN fur all niwl'lnrt, - B.TnS 0 F. P. Willey. Coll lJy doing so yon will 1m the residence of Pedagogue Mnit and aellH rents tiiiieauu place to taki a batli, ISSH. one of tlie iii.m rhsritalile ac! h Afli Mr tlie mercury was lum-rinon easy term. t Monday evening, Fell. 5, uncoui-rortuti- ty -: meet lug, Ifthnre is enough snow neitr tlie zero mark, hut when perform namely alleviating the silf.i ing rubber 180111, neals, aieaollii. tact they exp t to go out to the womn'ikinJ, i hey rc'icued the canal instead ot of the already M li;e and ofilre suppllr. W ond ore lilt in til' treatment to any adof K. 51. Whiteside In a cuiic crossing over tie bridge lie missed it. Write or mil anil per him and tu ve the fun there. Program is iid and down lie went, buggy, Imrso, best dress fur f.'t.OO. Scud ill mail orders to Utah Agent (nr (he Co. led on Discussion follows: by Virginia, lauly ilamnpr, 8 ALT LAKE MEDI- Safes, and Vault Work. A fin- prouf mrmif l ex ami all ini-- i the ley water. girl Mis Linn. "Teaching Primary lie. id fordwelliuK, frun Send (vr ealatupneii. True to nature tlie foung lady CINE CO , Fa t Like City. Vtah." that we give a written guarantee lug.' Mi Anna Egbert. "Teaching screamed lustily for help, and i lie cure any case, no m 'ter of how long Ths Yil Winter Fair- Icing and Snort Division," K. 51 Woolen Mills' went to Whitesides. Physical Culture excr to the. rescue In time iu tow the sat- standing, in two treatment tit refund Fair at San Francis The cists bj Miss Ida Kaldwiu. urated couple to shore. The buggy money. A lady in every town wauled to co will soon be The manage opened our raiirrseiitnlivv. arias We are pleased to we so unny of was un excellent anchor for the horse, selected the have uicut very carefully A N.B. trial treatment rent mi re, Apt our :itiwn putting down an am; aud iT the animal hail not been cut nf best of the Worlds' Fair exhibit eo f2.(M. shining lucre to hut a Hsvls county loose from Ins moorings, it would Lave I lr.il those who were unfortunate In not ami her superb resources well shown soon had him safely halged at tue bol- the Chicago Kxiosit'n will still seeing world at the Midwinter, tom of the stream, have an "pporuiiiUy l insist the fortip Iwfore the A Kew Dtj Arturs. Fair. Many mistaktii Ideas cuicer-nlu- g Miteli to Hie doctor's discomfiture Tiir eign exhibits at- .San Fiaiu-ise- a Utah will lie corrected. On the tho storv reached the nr of the reAYith (he new time card in cllW-- t Ban-da- Ido Grande Western Railway, in lim list the following jiersous names will porters. and since then he ha sought Nov. P.l the IHu O Miiile with Its usual progressive spirit, will 1114521 o put a serious phase on ilie case, first V subscription be. found each with Faciiic iiL'iuglimtril u ss ri:il rtvliuing eliair ea in connection with tlteS-whca nauicl his by (luiuage suit suterlng und-iriagahisi p following n rate isieen ligden and IVnvcr, The Co., put in effect a II. AV. llrigbt. AVm. I. Waller, 1). lrovo city for I2.ti'sl. and, secondly, diairs are uf l ifteru ainl t'er cone du ring 111 existence of t lie 5FiM'in-te- r KKSOlW'KS. C. Lee, T-- 1'. Ellison. Sanmc) AAalker, by marrying tnegiri ho fort ami elegiuite arc not so 'last'd hair. The R. G. W. Ry..as juii C.E. Pears jn,T. H ihillins, Hatch uiniihly baptized. Hut peojiloaro btugli Tliix1 ear will U fu-- to lioM-er- s know runs through to Sail Francisco hand (sh ltaTl3 Sicker, J. U. Barnes, II. lug at liliu just tbe turn, and wonderid lirkets. of all elas--without change both tourist aud first-clas- s Due llCUtO. from P.l. Wi.Dy Coll .. liow ue T. E. to miss ing Stewart, happcmnl the ilyruiu ShrBleld, II. J. J. lllSNNKTT. lullman Sleeping Cars. Two 1306-7Clark, Joel Tarrlsh, John Wayuiso, bridge, G.P. A T. ki ! trains daily.Axcur Dim. HBd J. G- - M. l inf ton, where lie Valises Traveling Bags General MERCHANDISE, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Undertakers lit FURNITURE, . nils-sinu- and Other Building Material OGDEN SALT LAKE PRICES DlhCOUiTS it PAINTS. KAYSYILLE CREAMERY oo. G. hi. & COMPANY'S SHOES Peninsular Stoves and Ranges KAYSYILIiE KNIT- - tingJ We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time. Pro. FINANCIALSTAETMENT PHILLIPS, Surveyor and Notary DAVIS COUNTY Year Ending Dec. 31, 1893. - For s.rj a.-ii-l ntti-anr- ed S. Grii1r,i3sri won-Wfu- ul g s prv-scri- pt 5-- Type-Writ- b-- nUL-nuu- rani-denr- over-liurdc- iiiglit-wateli-m- Mld-WInt- cr Wi-sif-- . e l;nt s - i 'W"1,1' w;:,1 P'Wlsg'-v'---; 5: J' tv rSr W 't S' V yi , |