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Show ' Amarloa. Tha DiMVPms'W One day, tbs esor-uoMILL. to AGENTS. A eompsre LONG ISLAND HOAD FOOLING (eon to the custom at sneh times, It Is really sppsUlng on Uil suoudI ofgsiu with tbo prayers were requested by the women Oraaa Wheat far tha Wastehastor th beginning uf tbo century of the community for a relative of It At of remnant rarmsrs Years 130 AN wretched ON MOMENT Aa. EXCITING AN their number who was dying. The the American buffslo roomed One interesting landmark of the OLD SOUTHERN ROAD. name of this dying person was repeatthousud. sod wa laPsblylbs countless tbo world, ed t iat evening to Emma. It waa last century remains in a suburban must numerous large animal -Anna. The two little girls, who soon region fast yielding it rural charm Ttis Farias CeelAa1 Da Hack But She nod now but 11 American knowlbesbsiuo-- f storr of iu extermination. had no mother, were confided to the In the faoe of the city's advancing Was Let Oat te liar Fell Limit aad illLittle more tbsn s bu mired years ago great care of their aunt, tha nun. Emma vanguard, say the New York Sun. Collide I atop herds of elk swarmed in thn Kentucby nd Track Tie tko Ena her in assisted them. to attending Between two and three mile northism Y aistrr onco retko Trelo A TkrUtler Kid. Illinois bunting ground, sad eve Prom this time Emma experienced a east of New York Utrto found In ItCW stew eouid b limits, and lated to mo a love change. She could city She their Ohio river. Todsy scarcely pray. tbs of nortb Which a mile and half a the jierhap beyond otory, tried to reclothe herself in her hairband are eonfised to tbsA Shore robSpeakin' of the the peine of ambitious little Mount Verand site found it insupportable. of th Northwest. Tbs same ulus the about I ever toil did culiar intensity, cloth, you extinction I true of the The austerities which were familiar to non, stand Helds mill, overlooking bery, of especially in mut- her became revolting. antelope, bighorn, She denied the broad, flat marshes at the edge of gangCLthat used to hold up trains on the other game anlmsls, thevsrioun kinds of deer, W. ter of the heart, herself the communion for A.?" queried the engineer, a mountain gonl. and th eight days. the sound. The mill is approached ha our I lsrife of all which murk the Her peace wds at an end, her true In fact. It of bunch a hands his upon wiped one of the most picturesque roads will ses Ibalr profound by Breton choree-ter- . llany persons livingin atodsy wild aUU. leslurs. piety extinguished. She believed her- of a picturesque region. It runs for waste and sat down on a log beside final disappearance The tale wuu related to her by self morbid, selfish, almost wleked while the fireman and conductor the a mile or more along the valley of a one of her friend, the daughter of that you At this time she felt obHged to tell KNOWLEDGE Look out for eountrrfeltt! waited on the siding for No. 6 the heroine, whom I will call Emma all to her confessor, the chaplain of little wooded stream and crosses the train lb genuine Salvation Oil. get to pass dealer sell you something jut t g tha convent. He was not a great man, latter a dozen yards before it meets Bring comfort and Improvement ud Ilosilia. You never did, BilL Let's hear the She was not perfectly beautiful, but but he was very sensible lie tidewater. A few hundred yards but Insist upon getting tbs genuine with the tends to personal enjoyment when advised charm. said the conductor, help- Bull's Head trade marx on th wrapper. who lire bether face had an indescribable at first that ahe should wait: then he eastward i a rude beach and farm- about 'em, rightly two. The many,life himself to a more, with Her eye had the moat exquisite softing of eviL saw generout chew of An milL the the to ter than other and enjoy old old After the all, yard leading Tbs pugilist boxes bis man before be lays gravity lei expenditure, by more promptly ness, and her delicate eyebrow al- Emma had pronounced no vows She llutch house, still retaining its wide the fireman' plug. him oul Tha underuker. oa tbs contrary, while to most seemed to (warteM a soul, It wa back in the seventies I lays out bis man before he boxes him. bad not worn the whole costume of porch and broad, low caved gables, adapting the world beat product waa runnin an engine between Charthe needa of physical being, will atteat her skin wa to fine that it betrayed the order. 1 he veil had not shadowed faces mill and mill stream. Dr. High It Is been use persons who once ittrysgsm. ulighteat agitation by fugitive her forehead. The chaplain had a lotte. N. CL. and Charleston, pullin' Bulls the value to health of the pure liquid the subabout tides rise all the Syrup, always buy house, Cough blushes. benevolent the in embraced The heart saeredneas of then that Its isles have become o enormoas. laxative principle Little Emma Itosilis went regularly the confessional forbade him from merge lte flower garden and flood Its the one passenger train which run eack day. Although the distance success of Lhti great remedy Inis curing cold, remedy, Syrup of Fig. book of hour, and with her church cellar. to bis He formed his simply mar- eough, croup aud It excellence la due to it preventing the truth I that toward the age consultingfrom bishop. is only about 100 mile, it took nearly vsloua. The mill, a his own story pleao-an- t and opinion moat reasonings. form acceptable the in of sixteen or eighteen there wa no Jnnviireed that it was for the salvation shingled structure, overhangs the twelve hours to make the tripi Jack Will," remarked th genial old Christto the taste, the roirrahing and truly place in her little soul but for one cf Euims, he confided the two little tide race in which it wheel once Robinson run the other engine whioh mas saint, If charily can't mnke people belaxa of perfect beneficial properties man, of abont twenty or twenty-t- daughters of Anna' to her personal we were while young gothe train up have la any other way, sb can take s Banu dipped and turned. The mill waa pulled whom slietaw often, and whom care. Its ative ; effectually cleansing the system, wo, also to give an outlet built in 17SU by Shuto and Stanton, ing down and vice versa. We used to Claus club to them. hoped fever and headache 1 will call Emilien. dispelling colds, to the restlessness which began to local miller of that hall way down, and a and permanently curing constipation. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Emma had known Emilien ever dlatnrb her; on theee day. It wa pass about orphans she driven bv the tide, and there was no telegraph line along Moreaeveral for If ha given satisfaction to million and since she bad known hentelL lost because poor seed is An fnllneas the her annually of outpour might was that It ground the wheat for the road, the standin' rule approval of the medical over ahe dreamed what aha did not heart Now, when you auw you generation iLt with the j planted. Kidthink, until it happened one day that profession, because it acta on the The father came to ace his little the neighboring farm. Kohert Reid une train must wait till the other want to reap. For instance, A. M. without weakhe found Emilien was occupying the girls and Emma conducted them to became the owner of the mill about came along, except that after two Lamb, lenn., made 63,600 on ten acres ney. Liver and Bowela free from entire cavity of her little heart la the parlor. The shock of seeing him the middle of the last century, and hours, in case the opposin' train did of vegetables; K. Bey, CaL, cropped ening them and it perfectly The young man whom ohe loved had' was terrible. She burst into wa reputed an honest though some- not appear, the first one could go 1,113 bushels Salzer's unions per acre; every objectionable substance. again t a good, though not a strong, nature; team He was Frank Close. Minn., 100 bushels of Pyrup of Fin b for sale by allis drag-cuOne Waldron ahead with a flagman in front just tbs same as she what testy miller. hi abuence of all had seen him in in SOe andll bottle, but it man- but bia simplicity, dreams. to waited we her the One spring wheat from two acres; A. Hahn, a? alwsys up night afterward became owner or leasee, to As for were most pleasing ahe was emaciated. ufactured by the California Fig Syrup pretence, Sha her, ..is., 1,410 bushels potatoes per icrof out was sadly and about limit pullin jest and in 1762 a town committee was had not known any Co. only, wluue name i printed on every Emma, man we heard Frank Winter. Montana, fill buhm when run chance into the to Walhim, and, Miller to superior young appointed regulate d pounds oats from one bushel planted.. package, also the name, Byrupof Fig old Na 6 whistle. When the reached This deed, in the little world where she drons toll charges. is what Salzer calls reaping. and being well informed. jon will not moved she had not met many young worse she u seared a and stopped, The old mill continued its work Do you want fine vegetables just mcoept any aulutituta if offered. men of any kind. of saw. folk never said They you with various fortunes and successive lot twenty davs ahead of your neighbors? This love of Kmma'a soon became owner until within the last few a dozen road agents had held 'em up If so. send' 61 for Kalzer's S5 packages most absorbing. During entire days When the region round about ten miles below and took every earliest vegetable novelties Isuftlcient yeara he would remain motion leas, almost about ceased to be a wheat growing cent on board, includin' the money for a family). as though ahe were in a trance, dream11 If You Still rut This Out and What was worse, country the mill ground Western in the ex press car. Naturally ing of her beloved. With tie postage to the John A. Salzer for waitin intended evidently of they what ahe said thrand crooked into flour, nothing grain l.a Crosse. Win., yon will reSeed she experienced, either to the one little stream leading to the sound the down train and glvin1 us a dose ceive Co., their mammoth catalogue and a same of medicine. bhe loved, or to her relations, the brought upon it tide vessels that package of I let There, Eli."W.the We only had five passengers ur to her companions ller discretion on trial bore grain, and grist aixteen-da- y radish. was so absolute that no one knew anyHelds mill is now slowly falling board, and three of em were poor her. Ailed what of The reason that s great many people fall into rulna The wreck of it wheel white trash that didn't have a shil- Into I used August Flower for Loss of thing While Emma lived only in her love the blue is that they dont look at em. man was a lin between Tother and other machinery 1 visible at the In tbs right light things vitality and general debility. After for Kinilien, lie thought little of her. n Texan and when he mar. Many of it shingle near the pleasing, a did all the taking two bottles I gained 69 lbs. lie found her Catarrh Caauut lla Cured world, bat he never thought of telling ground have been torn of a relic or smelled fight he jumped up, knocked With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ss they canI have sold more of your August her Then heels and his crowed. so. together The groat oaken to kindle Area not reach the seat uf the disease. Catarrh I Flower since I have been in business He was a commonplace and passive beam remain seemingly sound. An there was one young woman from a blood or constitutional disease, and In order than any other medicine I ever kept being, and then, to he after all, whs man now keeps his tool of Atlanta, whom we tried to persuade to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Mr. Peter Zinvillc says he was made blame? .Emma was so modest that KMIMRX DISCOVKRICD THEN UK It I.OVX, oysterin nod Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken trade the large ground-floo- r apart- to go back on the other train to nets directly cn the blood andinternally, niueuus Her exccsMive weeping deprived her a new man by the use of August he could scarcely be distinguished wouldn't she liavo but it Charleston, Halls Catarrh Cure la nut a quack from her friends you would have of what little strength she had. Her ment of the mill, and in the water that Flower, recommended by me. I said way. Said she guessed if we medicine. It was prercribed by one of the best Cas- just outside he has fenced a space forsook her. herself. hide to she entirely only sought me that have hundreds tell could stand It she could, and at tha physicians In this country fur year, sud 1 a August d One day, while she waa talking with ing into her eyes, Emilien whore newly caught oyster may be worst she hadn't prescription. It Is couipuaed of tbs Flower has done them more good her eompaniona love. anything to lose, regular The good fattened. at a little reunion at discovered there her tonics known, combined with the best lest ever medicine would the conductor hide other than any they the foot of the garden, many things man. commonplace a he wait at last blood purifiers, acting directly on the Every high tide brings a mas of provided She was grit clean took. Closes W. Dvs, Sardis, were spoken of. The new which had comprehended the situation. He had seaweed and marsh hay about tha her ticket surfaces. The perfect combination iff such a very tender heart, and he was pro miiL The short, stone-buil- t, freshness for ail waa the approach U isth- through, and we were proud of her the two IngreoienU ia wbat produces Bend Mason Co., Ky. In curing Cslsrrii. results wonderful 8. on lot to Na the Ing marriago of Emilien to Anna M , foundly touched. shaky lead mus road that to the mill door compared first Some months after, Emma and Emiwaa spoken of as a certain thing. The express messenger got out fur testimonials, till resist the action of the tide, F. J. CIIENKY A CO., Propa., Toledo, Wnat Emma heard it alL Such waa tha lien were united in marriage. Bold by druggist, price 75c. y of may drive his two Winchesters and put 'em in control which she had over herself, no one had suspected, all the . world and the visitor ' as Westches- order; then he and the baggage to the door-atesaw. The quite now no one entire a that that You might my fikigglee blowi lu more however, community suspected V Ogtr Tata Jtomedg muster got into his car, barricaded mooev were ter accustomed to them. How's drive married She hearL ever did before. had entered now her be than people poniard vtlck Inauraa Aa Wp to For the rest of her life Emma tasted a century and a half a o. when the the doers and windows and bored a that!" . Bought him s 630 cornet last was quiet, arose a little while after, ZykyfJbttwmiaiU. and retired without giving any sign without a moments intermission the new shingle of the structure were couple of holes in the sides with a week." two-inc- h of the frightful wound which she liad most perfect felicity that one can not yet weather-staineauger from tne tool chest B4 tn California. MOTHER'S FRIEND dream of. During forty years she We piled cushions from the seats on list received. This fs our HIsraing Car Bat on the Tai-ifiocean Another bit of news was circulated drifted, as it were, in a Moba Caafuament af if of k one the floor Island Tourist Excursions Phillips-Rocthe passenger coach, NAMING TH i STATES. a few days after, in the company of of happiness and love. from Chicago to Loa Angalea or Man Franwoman where and the Mm, Jbmr wnd JBMk young got I Emma and Einilien had eight chil-Vermont is French (verd mont) sig- there wasn't much danger of stray cisco. via tbs Scenic llonte and Ogdsn. Frtrad'M the same young people, assembled in Aftralii(Mtlscfmth'i You can go wftn Phillips, tbs I teat of all the same garden. Emma had entered dren, from whom they never separated aWared Mil IIUW 110, Wl IM iMMrtnaa Hut n. green mountain. usual nwh owk-dnifying bullets, and then, with the brake' U afimnid Excursion Managers, for be baa sabh party wmi-os novice into the community of I'i-sthe two daughters of poor Anna. SMI IMS ins, 111. men conductor fr.rward name Delaware derives and its at the aecompanled by a pedal agent who goes lines of the little village of I. , As They brought them all up well by espraakChaniro prepaid, oereealntaf M end of the coach and the Texan at the entire trip with patrons. This Some speak of tne storms of Ihtb. " ' Thomas West, Lord de la Ware. she was very pious, this sur, rised no IttalLMfMMMMMIMMlHlMm conducted Excursions Issvo ChicaJWAJWIELD UHiVUTOS CO IV hat childishness! one. Her secret had belonged ao ex118100 ha its Virginia got it name from Queen the rear, we pulled out, after puttin go twice a week, Tuaeday and Thursday. ATLANTA, OS. retrue no one has no but herself lore to that ' includin the out all Wa have also a daily tourist car service, clusively inequalities lamps, headlight, Elisabeth, the virgin queen. BOLD Jig ALL DMlIMiST to storms The happiness of Emma, via our Houtbern Route, through tba beauproached her. The idea wa named in honor of so as to bewilder the chaps. Me and Maryland Indian had won as her tiful was Kinilien of she no one a that the lover, after marriage Territory and Ft Worth to had our horse Los "IThompton's Eya Waiar. was the cause of her consecrating her- full sea without tides Even death Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles L Pete, the fireman, Tba Angeles and Man Franc loro. beside It but us, hapTourist ear rain via this rout, the aams. Massachusetts is an Indian word pistol layin self to religion. was hardly for her. Life went out beno we had em. Rock Island use to MARRIAGE PAPER Ntto valilwtrivaiiiiiirtrMA occasion ticket office, 104 Apply at The convent of the Ursnlines ad- cause the hoar of finishing had come. signifying country about the great pened Clark Street JNU. SEBASTIAN, . P. A., ULMNKLfe MOUTHLiTrOLKlPO, UUlUi mitted divers In them all the vodays engines of the of died at She age religious degrees seventy years, hills, C. K.L ft P.Ry, Chicago. wood and most of the locomocations l!y the aide of the sisters without sickness. The real name of Connecticut ia burned rattle-trap- s e 702 bound to the order by a perpetual were exam-nlfound this tives slater a BEST TIME AND SKKVlCK My patched up perfect Itia a Mohican name ! r of love as she comprehended it and means vow, there were pious versons wearafter the war. I knew it was Impos river. long To Chicago and St. Louis more than twenty miles ing a costume which was like that of She es'eeraed Emilien the happiest of sible to AM HEAP NOIIEI 6DIED lit hWfwi lw Rhode Inland gets Its name because an hour get the order, minus the veiL These men; for him an excellent w woman llpnphiria'lilik-ailfIs afforded by th Burlington's vestlbuled out of her that night, but mv.fe practiced the same observances, with- had condemned herself to a life of of it fancied resemblance to the saved steam and Pete piled on the fiver, leaving Denver daily at V p. m., reachMeinrhwfprwNlug Htfc out assuming any permanent obliga- austerity giving to him the most Island of Rhodes in the Meditering Chicago at 8:80 a. m.. and 8L Louis at EUCHRE PARTIES pitch pine until she was just about 7:$0 a. m., the second morning, making close UICHFIVIOR greater part took the complete guarantee of the exclusiveranean. O. T. A. tions. The I ahlMlil MO at M to JnH red bot and bilin over when we connections with all fart trains for th East K.R.,CitnNn. TKS CKNTN, I MiunM vows at the end of some years, but ness of her love. Daring five years C,K.Lr. New Hampshire takes its name reached the turn beyond which we and South. All meals an route served in tha nor part fur the allrkrat eanlejmnevrrrtuillwl. For there was more then one example of she saw not n single man. She had from liMM Will metre free bf sums mb pn'l famous Burlington dining ears. New expected to meet the robbej-a- . Hampshire, England. devoted sisters who the accepted with innocent joy the expecto local ticket For full information wa ealled 1 conin world ly origins the after years spent w.moHBia, "Then let her out, and the old agents, or address 0. apply tation of an external exclusion. In Hampshire CIICIAM10111 W. Vailary, General I Washington, Laconiaie vent a all battles that come in life there teapot gave a jump that shook the Agent, 103B 17th street, Denver. UuHau! into this class of recompense for those alone who dare, It was New York wa so named as a com laise teeth out of the mouth of one Tbo Ion of a mans eharaoter Is not always any tw enEmma u, sisters iuiiaiciiiiciiM, that poor jjiiu llappinese is like glory. To obtain it, pliment to the dnke of York, whose of the Georgia crackers in the coach. his patience la adversity bnt his stability la tered. Everything was as usual in is necessary to plav high. him Charles that We hadn't more than got around the prosperiy. II., granted Trade-Mark- s. her admission, in her novitiate, in One day I hazarded the observation brother, bend when a red lamp was waved Mxdical writers claim that tha successful her conduct lu the convent It waa a great deal of territory. to my slater. PMnUMIItf at tm m -Mn n New Jersey was named for Sir across the track about half a mile remedy for nasal catarrh must be She became a devotee of the most devotion to bestow upon a mediocre ftr Inrentore'Uuld- -. ur Hire totM easy of application, and nous that will There they are, Pete. man. FATua tTAiuu, vAsmnnSk& perfect regularity, pious as the others, (eorge Carteret, who waa at that time ahead. reach the remote sore and ulcerated never in fault esteemed by her suOh! that waa no matter, she re- governor of the island of Jersey in the yelled, at the same time blowing for The history of the efforts to treat The Western Trail periors Her pale face, in the white sponded. Emilien certainly did not British chsnneL brakes, just as if 1 intended to stop, catarrh Is proof positive that only oea remedy U published by the Ureal . Hock laland linen which surrounded it had the merit so much happiness, bit who baa we before we had bnt started oompletsly met those condition!, and that Maine takes its name from the agreed It will b beatific calm characteristic of the sis- does? See the false idea of Parisian Hon to, and I issued qnarli-rljr('ream Balm. This safe and pleasant Main in France, and was that when 1 blowed that way it Is Ely's has of rat free for nor jrrar by addressing Eilllor terhood Assiduous in prayers and men of letters, province mastered catarrh aa nothing also who assume that great remedy WMlern Trail. Chlrnca was fun meant ahead. there to aa a called o the ever has queen in all other pious exercises, she yield- men only are worthy of being loved. compliment done, and both physicians and paJxa Shahtu. 0. F. A.. Chlosga came We down the track tients was owner. who it lickity ed quickly to the religious habits of What childishness! You will see some of Charles I., freely eonceda this fact. I utlll Mm n few High tlrario the cloister. At the end of some davs dav the ridiculousness of all that Ah. split, and I saw at least twenty men believe that sa Italian who should start with guns standin at one side waitin outWewith the alow and monotonous routine of the heroes who served their country, I CURRENT FUN. a noiseless hand organ would make the regular convent life had dulled acknowledge they may reward affecfor us to stop When we were about mnnev. ia WALK CIIICAr. PtW her sensibilities, and her ordinary tion; bnt tha daubers of canvas, the Gilkson My dear, my hat on a hundred yards off the gang realized LLOYD EBERHART, Jollwt, III, state became a kind of gentle sleep. blotters of paper, what have they for straight? Mrs. G lkson He a man, we didn't intend to linger, and they ABOVE ALL OTHERS, Had aha succeeded in driving from the heart? What is a husband that Gilkson, be a man. Iiwom commenced to shoot Zip, sip, sip, the fey wetoW her heart the image which had cap- belongs to every one?" aasae laiwa Mahia HAVE E5KMS Dr. Fiores' Golden Medical Dieoovary, to Kiljordan Well, you've seen Henry balls went through the calx Then worm. This torn and BIMI vim tured her whole being? vary diaeoae caused by torald Uvar or ILMDUfaarriOTKVBUIVrUjif him? do like Ilow Yftfi at last we our behind heard you Hamaa Irving people Itolaes With Tails. replyin'. After a fashion yet she had not blood. For Dyapepria, Uvar and Bowel TIKLPATOWTRVO iUU Just as we were congratulate asrangamants, and .t- - nothM. lOSMlKOI Pllf HEMEOY. evsn tried. The suspicion came not There are at least two well authen- Johnson Immensely. Cleverest takekindred trfetefc ailfe sots m tana I diwilf saw. Iff ourselves we were safo, 1 saw a tie ing approaches it as a remedy. to her for an instant that her love waa ticated instanees on record of human off on Dixey ever afeaarfes luaoasi allay MMlaa,afffeoMa rrles MsPragiiiL PO anrsHfniwiis It was, as in the canticles, being provided with tail-lik- a Mrs. Flock ton I wonder ia it trne? ahead on the track, pu there by the culpable. elonor aka PsfeiaaifcffcifeilaluAlfelfe a bouquet of myrrh in her bosom. of the spinal column. One People aay that you sometimes go to villains to wreck ua I thought gations She would have doubted Hod. rather Tn lalrodura our Klgh BOOKS Peso Illustrated form hi than her right to this sentiment which of these is roiorted in the Asiatie sleep over your sormons. Parson Dul was all up sure then, but the pilot we literary paper giveaway filled her. She distinguished not her Transaction (Calcutta. June, 169), leigh People, I suspect, judge me by truck the tie sort of sideways, knocked it into the middle of next l U W Book, poeface paid, to all new suh- - love from OK MONEY RETPRNED. her piety, nor her piety from and the other in the journal of the themselves errlbers Sample rapy ana l.bt Will you give me this little hand? week, and we kited down the road, of banka Fre Writs this week In love. She even lasted in her tue British Anthropological society. her Monskirod col, HI so. Uih HI, Ms Adshu Yaw. terltiet an additional charm. She the first instance the tailed human ha pleaded lovingly. Reginald, this leavin the maddest lot of road Noihi, Nob. II. II per of iWUtoa. fnd- bls. found in wounding herself a sort of was a Moi of Cochin, China, the hand ia already pledged," slie replied, agents behind you ever saw. wrUee: My fHaoda an intense She I old But would never ba the sd crown 1 her experienced he delight. answered will redeem it, engine got tail being about a foot in longth. but Cream Balm for I bad any bettor, suffered she in all that believing joy wi.ilout ulearaUoo of the bow. connection with the absently, if you will let me hive the sheet burned that night and had to . this for th one lie loved, and in aav- - ! for a month. WILL rt'BE to he the added By go shop was thu I had of ticket" the The rn,,,u ;fe pawn boy spine, stakra a bottla aad a Ing that ahe saw no other min bnt Here we clambering into the cab as the dis toff' of Doctor Mama's year ohl at the Young Bride, pouting him. Such was ihe intiouriic. anti j opposed to be tant whistle of Na M came Boating , Golden Medical Diaoov- purity of her imagination that never i time the report wa published, but have only been married two ilnys. ery, tba bleeding had a scruple came to her for her dream j the noted Oriental scholar who made Clarence,, and you're scolding me al- up from below. t aimnst (topped My ap- wa of so certain love She of ' examination I ha the good, notb- mv and dear: petite since died, prjr5oTcnTjr being know, ready. Husband Oa Ik Howrijr. seeuicd to hurt ma ftf right that she never felt obliged to the society has lost all traek of the but just think how long I have been Ipiuaeeh nuMifl. that lata. My improvo- Fastidious Customer The last accuse herself to her confessor. tolled Chinaman. The second in- - waiting for the chance. wonderful. time 1 was hero I found a hair in the Mrauvunui SeveralY years hard MSMd aad my emu J Deacon Ebony I hab net seen yon soup. permanent of the British Anthro-prese. Mistnh n's. meet reviverl journal ouah Emilien ever t of Waitei hit's six sah: but you recovering possibility itself to her spirit? Dreamed pologlcal society for July, 1690, and Black. Mistah Black Whst fob I didn't find none dis time. 1 done on pevpla raarawpUvsi kobavo nek Mis or AMb Deacon tuck 'em ail out before 1 he at moment that it waa Emilien. concerns two tailed Papuan, male want ob reviverl inrelin's? brung yer .hoaMaaa Poo1 Car. for Mis-lnand not the Chnrch. that she hud i nil female, who were brought to Ebony Don't de soup. Texas Siftings. yoi ehber pray? YOUR MEAT WITH mnsamptkm. II Mi rare . ngland in the spring of the year really espoused, and that ahe whom It baa not No; I carry er rabbit' Black IMmwh. LIQUID EXTRACT Ills not pa iii iocs had espoused waa in very feeble lat mentioned aliove. he V r West Wsuth. OJJgns (Inti's Ik if smdkE It lb beMoatisn syren. foot health? As nothing that passed in jCiacuufit.LKiMiSEiA toM nvarvwhera. Ue. mo.nmnn.nL. West 16.0JU has in Virginia bad who old business square An negro th little town was unknown in the . LU'irhoso. S3i ofliev was asked if he poul.l miles of coal fields, an area greater convent, she knew that Anna and ' The dictionaries de- lawyer's name. ' thaa the coal region of Great BriHow is dat, ssh? Did two had little girl. Kmilisn hs s'gn luncheon' from nimcheon' or 1 tain. and produces annually 6.0 MLO00 Emms' heart never whisper to her, rive I. answers f the lawyer ask, yon the refreshments taken x West Virginia export every PMVXa TXXT AND AWMI VU Thou ahalt le their mother some j noonchun r. ST. M. B. XI. No 344-- A Well, da ash. tons. can write ronr name? ut nooa when lanorer from desist HIS pound of gin PHOTO. SUPPLIES I never writes my name: 1 jena dic- year to China Wkra wrlUog In a.lvwttaara plkao nay tbal yne the work to shun the sun. la ihi payor. ; UMadrertl Anna had a sister in sen; Ortalagaeftwa A. M. DAVIS, 1U1 lAonmaTm tates it, ssh." vent. 1. Will.. us OF A time. n in aore-tbro- three-and-a-ha- lf -- august tai - Flower fire-eati- sue-fare- self-contr- tear-di'mme- mu-eo- fo-h- Young a Mors ! to-da- p, -- d. e . V y All Priced Quon-eh-ta-bu- fe Mnn-TI- PbllwIUll Patents. g, od anr-fae- FARM WAGONS ra Ayr Al lUu PIERCE ID r. CURE FREE BJs . CATARRH ; J . : nt h InJar-mom- "u e, sps 460dm Denver Directory. mu-re- dvr ttM |