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Show T ,v n KAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JAN VOL. I. The Eagle Wheat taken fur coal at the Co-o-p There will be a dince at Adam Company1 Hall 1'riday evening Jan. 50 cts. Son t at Layton 26. Tickets There will be a meeting of the Woman Buffrage association held at the xcoiileiii Jan. 29, r of . A. Williams at 7 o'clock sharp. Monday, Ml invited. Miss Sabah Jaumax Sect. lie had nut anticipated having die pleasure of addressing the Territorial Press Association. He felt great regret that tneir invitation to be present at the Knutsford ITotul meeting had not reached him. He referred to the fact that when he ramc to the Territory no papers with two exceptions. were published outside of Salt Lake, Ogden and Provo. Now lie said there are over forty-fiv- e publications. This rapid growth indicated the equally rapid growth of the Territory. Ha believed Utah really had the population to entitle her to tw representatives when statehood would come. He said the Territorial press nada great influence. As a pnoilc official for many years be had reasons to know the extern of Its Influence. lie had no hesit ation in saying though that be believed their criticism,, when made, proceeded from an honest difference of opinion. He wished them one and all All our reader should send to the l.iiblliiliers of The Home, 141 Milk St.. I ins ton, Mass., and get a set of their itcautiful Stamping Patterns. They uan be used for embroidery, ou tlining health and prosperity. or painting. All desirable and good Littlefield, Major president of the sixe; some 8x10, others 6x8 Inches. followed. He waa pleased association, There are ninety one different patterns and two alphabets, one large that the time had arrived wheu such an association, could exist and he ' Toif pattern. With this forward all outfit the publishers send T he Home, hoped that from this time would work together for the up winda naper containing Stories, of this Territory,. Fashions, Fancy Work, etc., for three ing otners of the member made Several months, and only ask for 10 cen ts to cover the cost of postage ori patterns short speeches. was rloscd by an The speech-makin- g and paper. Our Illustrated Premium Letcher R. address of the Press J. fnm List of 200 premiums sent free to an address. Take ad vantage of this offer. Cub. He gave a short resume of the foundation of the club and iu objects, He mped that the Territorial Press AsIlTiHPHXSS ASSOCIATION sociation would do as well as the club , - PiraasSst Orgtxiixtial Iffttttd- has done. The Utah Press Association was or-- . A motion was then carried list the ganlzcd at th Knutsford Hotel by thanks of the association be tendered t be following newspaper men: Major to the Press Cmb fur it favors and E. A. Littlefield, Ogden Press; O. A. that the members of the club be invitKenr.edy, Traders Review, Ogden; ed to attend any future meeting of the ti.F.Phlllips and W.D.Dunfiun Ogden association. Sun; 0. C. Johnson. Sprlngvllle InAfter the reception was over, a pordependent; W. E. Smith, Kaysvlile tion of the anaucl ation. com nosing E. A . Kiigle: KG.Rugnon, Payson Blade; J. Littlefield of the Ogden Press, A. It. It. Rawlings, Salt Lake;M. F. Murray, Tomson of the Bingham City Star, W. Ephraim Enterprise; John James, E. Smith of the Kaysvlile Eagle, M. F. Jieseret Evening News; C.J. Pettee, Murray of the Ephraim Enterprise, O, Salt Lake Silver Star and Western A. Krndrof the Tnde Knlirnt; George and W.UWebb, Lelii Review, 'JL J. Pettee of the Western Banner; A X.Roseobaum, Logan na- Knight, and J, B. Rawlings of the Siltion; A.B. Tornson, Brigham City ver Star, visited The Tribune and inStar: J. F. Gibbs, Millard County spected the work of tne Linotypes Blade. Chairman E.A. Littlefield, Call- with which they were much pleased. ed the meetting to order at 12 o'clock They then visited the den," left their and C.J. Pettee was elected temporary cards and hade all a kindly good night. secretary. After reading the minutes of the two Ab I&ttnstl&c LstWr k Mr. Lows About previous meetings, the ccnstitutiuu South-AMwas read and after some changes, was Cape Dolony js tne most southern adopted, and officers Were elected to serve one year, as follows; part of Africa 30, degrees south of the & A. Littlefield, President; E.G. Equator near the Tropic of Capri cob Rognon, J.B.Rawlings and W.T, Webb, It is a British Colony. It was first vice presidents; O.A.Kennedy, record- d I sco vered by the Portuguese iu I486, ing secretary; M.E.Murry, correspond- and was again taken possession of by ing secretary; A.X.Rnrenbauhi, treas- Dutch iu 1662 and In 1785 the British took the colony fnm the Dutch in urer. The chairman then appointed the war. The British government sent out a governor to take charge of the following committees: On Legislation EG.Rngnon, D.O. country, the prospects of the country Johnson, M. F. Murry, J.B.Rawllngs and the people from this tune soot and O. A. Kennedy. brightened, and trade was thrown On Printing C.J Pettee, W.L.Wel)b open between the colony and England, General Craig was the first and W.E.Smith. On Transportation W. L Webb, governor sent oat by the British gov E.ij.Bognon, J. ft. Rawlings, M.K. Mur- eminent. Theflrst missionaries sent ry, and on suggestion, E.A.LIttlefleId out to the cnluiiy, was sent by the Moiavian church In 1727, but In 1744 was added as chairman. Those present were considerably they returned home and did not redisappointed at there not being a larg- turn to their mission until 1792. in er attendance, which was partly ac- 1800 the first newspaper was publish counted for by several telegrams, let- ed in the colony. In the year 1802 the ters. etc. The organization was made colony was again taken by the Dutch, hy tlw English permanent, however, and put ih good hut was working shape. The balance of the and confirmed to them in 1815. The rouimittees will be appointed in tbR first wool exported from the colony near future by Hie chairman, and the was In the year 1816. The first British In Utah Press association will then form settlers arrived in the colony a strong combination fortbe benefit 1820, and lauded at Algos bay where of the reading public as Well as the Fori, Elizabeth now stands. They endured great .hardships tho first ten enitoraand publishers. Preparations had been made by the years. Tlie first llKt.t house on the n coast was erected in committee, J.B. Rawlings and John the year 1824. Slavery was ended in James, for a large contingent In the way of entertainment. A fine orches- 1838. The colony l about 220,000 tra played sweet strains m the corri- square miles hi size. The colony lias dor of the hotel, and his excellency some large cilice, the largest being Governor Caleb W. West, wsa on hand Capetown the capital of the colony to address them, out on account of the situated at Table bay on the coast light attendance . all formalities w ere near the Cape of Good llupe, it has a population of 60,000, These figure dispensed with. Its organizers hope that all news- are the number of both white and paper men in Utah will attach them- colored people. The suberbs of the selves to the association, to the ehd city are very charming and the goverin nor reside there. The city duct a that It may he a power o large shipping business, aa It has good Utah. The association passed a rote of docks and a splendid karlmr where tiianka to the proprietor of tb s Knuts-for- d vessels lie In safety. GraUamstowo fur tue use of toe elegant parlors, called the city of the settlers, Is also and adjourned to meet at tlie Salt s large and beautiful city ioo mlis Like City Club rooms, on Invitation of from tlie coast, having a population of the club's president and other mem. about 9, non, and a good many fine buildings schools and churches. One hers. A reception was tendered the Terri- of It churches cost 5O,U00i Two--t hirds torial Press Assoclatl jr, the same even of the Inhabitants being English,' tin Press-CluThere Wets only rest natives und other races. fng at the a ponton of the members of the ftssoel-alki- Tlie next City or importance Kingbcr-!- y, situated on tlie borders of the present, and a few of the ttteito--iwr- s about 480 mile from the coast. of ths dub were on hand ta make This Was hflffle, city was laid out about 23 years twite' tiiem at tfretythfftg ago The white population rornuil. l being -Thomas, wlio WatprcBcnt, txsit 13,000 and about the same number of colored people.- This is the , lid on fora ife remark -- 1 - Inter-Mounta- - in sa. South-Africa- place where diamonds were first found The mines are still in worked by large companies, being they have exported about six toua of these stones to England. Tlie next city la Fort Elizabeth on the coast, situated on Algoa bay. It is a great for shipping and popuport lation ur about 20.000, and ha a good many public buildings. Tlie next city situof Importance Is ate at the month of tlie Buffalo coast It Is river, on the south-eaa port that is growing in trade, the government has made a large breakwater Here, which enables vessels to enter the river and load and unload at tne wbarf. There are a goodly number of handsome buildings in tbs place, and a few in course of erection. The railroad also, has large work gliop situated here, that give employ-raeto some hundreds of men, it has a population of about 4.000 white people, besides the colored people. There la a large natural park here, with car-r- l age drives and paths. Several creeks run through It. " A music pavilion is In the centre. The scenery around East London is grand. The next place ot importance Is King 'Williams loan situated on tne Buffalo, river, about 46 miles from East London. It has a population of about 6.000 mostly English, Scotch and German, It is a thriving place of business, doing a large trade with the countries farther inland. Tlie next place we come to Is Queenstown, situated in the midst of large mountains, and is surround with a thriving farming community it has a population of about 2U00, besides tlie colored population. The town ranks among the principal towns of the colony . It has good public buildings handsome .stores and private duellings, it also has a morning market, w here the farmers sell their proIt is duce, under an auctioneer about. i20 miles from East London and and the coast, and Is connected with all the principal towns of the colony d has work shops by rail. The has here fur repairs. The town also large water supplies. There ia a luge hospital situated here, where patients are well treated, and everything well earned out The colony In general la well adapted to the raising uf sheep, cattle, and horses. The climate 1 fine and dry, not much rein in the winter, the rain being mostly In the summer, when It comes in heavy thunder storms. The colonies are much visited by people seeking health, especially consumptives, There are also warm spriu RS In the 3ulcny. The country ha large coal mines Id the eastern province. The country is also good for fruit growing. Every grain la also grown. id the There are great vine gardens western part, where they manufacture wine and raisins. There ia a great variety of lumbet, suitably for house building, wagon and furniture making There are k great many wild animals. There Is a large native population, Joining the colonies called Kaffirs. They makegood servants and tfe very Industrious In the.' r own country, raising a large amount of gram and stock. They are mostly civilized through the government having free schools among them, where they are taught differen t trades aa well as there are also mission stations all through their country, wnerr they teach the gospel. There are aiso a d lines extendlarge number of ing all over the colonics and to the Transvaal, thrnugn the Free State. They are All managed In tne colony by the cotmul government. Lowe. Anmkr South-Afrlc- a- Eaat-Lonlo- n, st nt - Choludnew raisins and best recleaned rnrraits fur mince incut at the Uo-on Blanket from the GokTi. WE LEAD. to 812.00 a pair at 1.00 We hjjje a few suits of! clothes that go at ctju. Kaysvlile Co-o- p. tjv Notenne reduction in boot and shoes ah the Co-j- ITT p. Crunti-rrie-, Sweet-potato- es Cocoa-nut- always has s, Co-o- s t eomplsu stock ef Dry Good, Groceries, Roots, Shoes Clbbage and Grapea at JI. J. Slieffiefl II 14, Clohing, Gents Furnish- - , bigs, Hardware! Crocker; and in short anything and everything in the A' CARD LADIES. General Merchandise line. We also have the ageney for Pleasant Valiev, Castle Gate, Book Springs, Alnty and Peaeoek Coal Cos, Dear Lady: If you are troubled with painful and Irregular period take Dr. dk Joxab Prescription We give written guarantee to permanently cure in two treatment or refund money. Price for one triil treatment 82.00 Write or call os Lsdv Manager, World-renown- . SALT LAKE MED. CO., ' EQ3 IKIjL"2QVTLIjE The (pp-ohas the best and cheapest line ufi'vbrooaU In Dvis county. p West Second Soutk St. Salt Lake City. Utah. Patients unsuccessfully treated ur imposed upon by others especially invited to call. 66 1 . 8 If you Wish to get LOWEST PRICES DO. W. F. INGRAM, AND PHYSICIAN call on us. PRICES TALK 0UR SURGEON, kSVILLE, rail-roa- John R, Barnes Supt UTAH. M ir K PRICES TALK. A A" - lioox-learnin- g) Bonncmort Layton. Xmbitmntf Artesian Wells. SANTA FE ROUTE Prices Reasonable. Kaysvlile, Utah. Dori't fall to seouife your NATHAN REEVES. Manufacturer of COMBINATION FENCING. Utah. KayrViu., W. All S3. SMITH Vtkdkctanr rf Kinds of Whip Lashes Ilarness Repairing Neatly done on short notice. Satisfaction gilu run teed TbS Mly line running Pullman Hlpnplnf car betvreerf Ogdon, Balt Chirngo wlUwutChngk ika Clijr SHORTEST. QU'lOKJEJSfT LIN'S EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED SDENHEY IINBDIIALHD. r vi niiHKWiinn hfhikcs, vtaii haysviUb tickets MBdlSg Rio Grande Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Rys. Train leaves Bio (J ramie WeaMrs Do pot, Salt Lake City, m 1:tt p. m. Tlekrt Ofllee, No. 19 W. Second Soutk Street. rail-roa- C- E. A. Williams St Son, an Oenorsl Agent Fnwenger dopartmoni SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH lMoly Building Dealers in end G-EiTEK-- UNION PACKIC TIME TABLE SOUTH BOUND. Xo, 8 1 5 Butte Express r Pac. LoCal XORTttHOt'KD. Xo. 2 Fast Mail 0:29 a m. 3:38 p m. 6:44 p. m. IMIeesczxaxtoise AH B IFtESOZOTTCIE 7:32 a. m. 8 Portland Express 7:37 p. m. 6 Local 10:11 a. in. 4 C. Express 3:21 p.m. WTBSELS In effect Dec. 1, 03. P. Tuumassbn, Agent. KAYSVILLE Meat Market. and GENTS Priees at Bed Rock." ForFIRST CLASS MEATS uTgvttix, II Igliret Cash Price Paid for FONffl PORK , For Rheumatism. Nerve Exhaust run. Kidney disease Etc. a SpccMt Robert manners, IVn,. Barnes; rrest L S Hills, Vice Prcrt: il- - If: iarne; Jii8t:F Directors: Peter Itartun T. b Ihiueclie J W. GaileyS jiiiirl tf: M: ftdfrlKj. J: II: Larlfi8: BARNES BANKING COMPANY j Capital $25,000: Surplus $10,000; transacts a General fWTY ysvtllc, c.,..u fotindln Utah nii We pay 0 pdr cent interest ttii Saving deposits and receive any amount lroiii TEA one dollar up. Deposits of all solicited; I).vs)K-p-d- landiing Pork and Calves 11. fiANKlNB BUSINESS. Drafts Drawn Payable ffnywhde lit the. if FURNISHING GOODS, Canada or Mexico: Otir Abc&mttiodaliorik GROCERIES; BOOTS and SHOES. for raiiaactiflg geriefdl btialrieiiit Dress Making in Latest Styles, are ad good a f can be LADIE' and CO. John Minli 011 at BEEF, MUTTON cSC DRY GOODS MILLINERY NOTIONS. ft col-Pn- y, NO. fit. 2J5, 1894. Rkxeous Co.; Special attention to those Of children tVEWSNT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE U3 X TRIti |