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Show ELEPHANTS OF BRAINS. aredlt of bain-- ; the greatest sxhlbi-tloBITER BIT. FOUND AN EASY ONE. of trained animal In tho world Highest of all in Leavening rower. - Latest U. S. Govt Report Juksr Aroused How Ffsatlrol and ay that lisgenbeck's and, in faot 1 raw That Ha Had law AS WELL LUMBER HANDLE iHorh empathy. all other trained animal ahova are ha Buses Hn tfhe West there Is no more Maay Nam la Task I a. AS HUMAN BEINQS. nil In nowhere near "In line" with Imply Isnt this my old friend, Gabriel accompli liod guyer than IL Porter it The mill hand, or more properly kiln Furnace ? said Ashe. who!i also well known in New ia Hrltlah Baranh Thar I'm tha Intol-ilir- at a peaking, the mill trunka of thla In- Comstock, of Iran man approaching York. Hiy tho young smiling stringing" ami practical Pachyderms la tha Lamhar stitution, hare never yet gone out on the stranger and extending bis hand. Jokes would fill su entertaining book. BoalaaM A Cwnplu of Animal Bom a trike. No the sir, replied stranger. But be ontfe was called down" In a Thalr Bialhraa la tha IT ark. My name is Thomas Easley, and way to give all his friends a laugh at BIQ MAILS FROM THE WEST. I'm from Wheelersburg." hia expensfi Ho tells the yarn or bars I row of Caogr The diaplay of trained anlmala, Ruyoad th I beg your pardon, rejoined the himself. Mississippi do tha Mail LaMars. broken fur ehow purposes, cannot other politely, but the resemblance In goli tlhrough the Sutro tunit is interesting to note the strik- is so extraordinary, offer the slightest comparison in that I thought I nel once I j we my hat to a lady who differences in amount end degree could not be mistaken. Intereat to the trained elephanta ing The dripping from had lost exhibition one secy in the city of that characterize the correspondence ell nghk There's no the tunnel ttol which fell upon my Thats The of representatives from different sec- harm done, said the stranger, pass- bead esust j the hair to come out-lMoulmeln, Britiah Burmnh. The eyeloos la bad eaough to maks people Froach Cod Mloss. moat abaorbinglr entertaining feature tions of tha country, says the Wash- ing oa thankful that there no such things as baldness 1 had order InvasliMDl of mousy In coal nlnltf la tp Tbs prevent sod trlcyelooes. Star. mail The of represenof the novel eight ia the paradoxical- ington A few minutes later he waa acmy head shaved and bought a wig. Franco has not been profitable, according to ly induatrial character which the tatives from the New England and costed by another smiling young man For the kirk 1 purchased a come- V t'eanomuta Voorsia. Fran tho statistics Atlanta L'trtS of public works it appears Sehiffmsnn's Asthma Cura, lfs waiting work of theae huge Indian pnehy-derm- a South Atlantic states is comparatively who met him at a street corner and dian's wlji and had a deal of fun of tha ministry Invested In tha eoal mines of forByrssalu. Its action la Immadlaw, dlrael Iks that capital of of the that assumes. It hardly aeema light representatives stopped In great apparent astonishwith it f the country was very nearly l.OOO.OUO.UUO and certain. A ainzla trial eoavtneaa tha must Price Mosula aad tl. of druggists poaaible that the work of a sawmill, middle states is moderate, or from ment Reel Terry, the late francs, in 1883 and 1888 tbs a vs rage Interest skeptical. y by auil. Trial package fro by mall. Send Bless Billy Wallace, and I started for Tom earned on title amount waa ooly D per sent. : or uaually done by human handa, could fair to middling," and that from the Why, how are you Tom? to ir. It. nohlllmaau, at. Paul, addroaa your snd 9 It waa 8 per cent., ' ranch near Stock toa We In tit Inyears be accomplubed through the medium Western, Northwestern and South- me who would hare thought of tbe exceptionally prosperous years Ml. only western states is of the elephant'a trunk and the A girl who ha golden hair need sot hava exceedingly heavy. lug you here? Jet seats together in tha 18UU snd 1891 did It fo sa high as per Guess you're mistaken, young J had to string out along cent It I true that In 1891 tbs aversgs it plaited. elephanta sagacity; neverthelea it In other words, it seems that the In two districts of Nord and la a fact that the Irawadi ateamahip people of the older states, particular- fellow." Shllwii'a f mumps tom t ars the car. I sat next to a burly coun- earnings tbsreached 4' per cent. oa tbs hnMtasimiitMsa li nmo lanpbMit nnotuus Mistaken? Not much! Id know company uaea aome forty or fifty ly of the thirteen original states, soon made him. asm year tbu average re- tarn. to ai)d la but tits up muln,Weim A Sikh Uulhal tryman, tur capital; before which their the bad existence elephanta in the operation of lta you a mile off. You're Thomas Eas- Getting confidential I told him I was turn for tbs mines outside of these district who men are Those college always making eeat. A few eoal mining aawmill at Moulmeln, and the teak-woo- d union was established, lean but light- ley of Wheelersburg. Used to call detective- - When he looked In- was only KGInper France hava been financially capital out of their education may ba said to h enterptiaea so largely entering into the ly upon the federal government and you Tom when we were boys 1 worked from credulous. a Ilf list a my wig offset by are but these through degree. gat by long successful, construction of ships is here made hava but few wants to express In failures. No wonder the French colliery beetling Lvow effect to a high fore- of their to field iiissasb and cocoa si Fns No a representaa name throat Isn't owner correspondence for handa thla ara to of the the dont My artitaa country looking you he was ana convinced. ready head, ' Lika all Bhowz's Bhoni'hial TnocuES. Investment. for their A gentleman lately returned from tives at Washington, while residents Easley and I dont know whera Then f poured into his ear a tale are Imitated. Th iwtf, gaed things, theyAnas. a tour of the East gives an. Intereat- of the newer states, whose state Wheelersburg Is." of love aqfjl woe. Pointing out WalA gluttonous man should always wear gmufM mn aukI oa ly were erected simultaneYou're not Tom Easley?" lace I sail Im ing account of the manner In which governments that plaid waistcoat, so as always to keep a check young trailing admission The world'la oa a broad grin when all nainto the No, sir. I never heard of Tom chap. Hn's going to Stockton to on hia stomach. the mills are operated. The loga are ously with their ture amllea to to look are union, Reinname ie Absalom Washington apt In and the Interior .1 Coated Easley. My chopped marry a irl against her parents Aa I'aseoa Bnwasy Tlenean's Magie I'm Halva several hundred mllea down the Sal-wi- n tor nearly everything they wank In hart and I live In Greenup. wishes, sh d I'm hired to see that ha 1s more to he dreaded than an open and visible Wamated in ear ar m ag rafaalcA Ash Atlantic the old state tha along dr gist Inc M. Price IS seal The smiling young man withdrew doesn't s : her. ' river to the mill, which ia situpane ons. That sibtlle and lurking Am, whlrhnnder ated on the banks of the stream at seaboard the people by instinct and In evident perplexity. Age stick lo a man," says a qoutotnpoMy nlend grew greatly inter- the generic name of Malaria manifests Itself, Must have got switched off on ested aa 1 filled oa the details, and wbsa It rlatrhss at In Its Unecloas grasp, la tha rary. Bo does mucilage. Moulmeln. Here the logs are formed tradition rely upon themselves and Into a boom, and henceforth the upon their state governments, white some other fellow," he muttered, as when I worked up a romance about Tsrlons furmt of rhllls and fever, hllhias remit- See Ostcheatcr Spading steady. In steer eatnmq cake, ran only be effect-stllBut it's work of transporting la done by the In the later admitted states, especial- he turned another corner. for no good reason of tent, daub agae or ague Th buna saw I generally temporal, hut Illinois to the north, all right Mr. Reinhart will do just the separation gasified against by fortifying the system those ly beyond elephants. tha two loving hearts, he sniffed against Its Insidloea attacks with lluslc tier's ones la a while It take two or Una Anger. Kanas for south and west, example welL" as The moat wonderful. Intereating, audibly aim the tears coursed down Stomach Hitters, a thoroagh antidots In lbs pulMeantime the stranger pursued his cheeks. I was just enjoying the tun of alarms ia ths system, and a esfegmsrd novel, and almost incredible feature sas, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri, DR. to be custom hia way leisurely down tho street It thoroughly to be relied upon. In the of the entire combination is the tha people appear by joke Immensely when we reached against more tho avoid a of event your malarioet was attack, polaualag con he upon general dependent minutes snd fire later of two monstrously large male sight Lathrop, where Wallace and I were with quinine, and nse Instead this wholegovernment Particularly la tills tha fronted by a third young man with to make close connection with the system ONION elephants, spurring them on. push- case some remedy, naobjertiunabla In taste and far of conditions where states in an engaging smile. Stockton train ing, driving and frequently chastismom rSte aclous lhan auy drug. I'ss th Bitten acuta unrest and dissatisfaction preHello! Why, thla is my old friend, I jumped for my hat, overcoat for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, kidney ing a lazy or recalcitrant member of vail from industrial or financial How are you and Absalom Reinhart the force. bag, when I felt e restraining complaint snd rheumatism. be- Ab? How are have There causes. the people diin Greenup? things on my shoulder, and a rough hand Very few men are needed to .A FOR COUGHS, Judge Have you anything to offer tha 1 dont know you, sir. My name voice said: rect the elephant in their work. come habitually clamorous Intotheir before senlesce is passed) Prisoner court V COLDS pro- is not Absalom Reinhart and I don't From six to eight of the anitpala demands upon congressmen No, you don't! You can't leave No. your honor. My lawyer took my last These cure them pensions, sustenance and know anything about Greenup, thla train and atop that young fel- shilling. AMD CROUP. usually work in the water. wade or swim, according to the depth situations, to remedy and redress Never heard of it in my life. Pim stimulate tha ptyalln Is lows marriage nut while Im alive! ADVICE. to of the water, to the long boom, and their wrongs, real or Imagined, Hay, who are you, anyhow?" was my tearful friend. I ths saliva, remove depressios, give appetite, toGRANDMOTHERS It ntfslwrs tally sf ata kfttrM, w atorta-dyfe- r to their well. burdens, tint sick sod make mitigate card. him hia The handed lighten tow OosctasOvUa a at time wiwlw stranger loosening several loga ni ftwp pleaded, sworn it was all a joke and ii m job MS Dr. CtantOtalyriip them to the shore at a certain point their woes and to do other things by It bore the following inscription: called for Wallace, but he waa out of Brown A penny for your though!, my Sow mw gnSufctldrSvtab influence at and WashingolMh ftlraady prowod Bzv. Rz Thatih, Im F& Brow a Mrs. dear. Each of. the company of elephanta legislation They move The require to train Hold laotob began mnrvta aijd sight other head, the Evskgrlmt. down tits street rsMMiMINtotorll that convey the logs from this point ton. Again, on tho AND my engagement at Stockton was an going main bother In the Southern people ucxrn atCuxri baa Km a chain Bzpokmzd to the drying place Important ona It was a fight or writtached to his neck and reaching to their congressmen very little by nothing, so 1 had to lift my would-b- e of Kind Medina. Aoolbor letters. the ground. At the bottom of this ing under the chin He lifted me hero Most people have heard of the back on chain is a loop, through which the I broke away, and They Hit, tha Bleb of It, my eye. In Catalonia idleness is considered iorgon Medusa, a sight of whose face jumped from the moving traia I log ia run. A man directs the move- -. men to locks turned and atone, snaky menta of the elephants in placing by everyone, high and low, a distrousers and shin, tore few inlanders peeled my coat and my on the car. the log within the coil of the chain. grace, and no mercantile undertaking but comparatively left hat bag my The elephant picks up another log or industrial pursuit socially dis- know anything of a' fish of the same I telegraphed to Modesto to have name which is often seen along tho by hia trunk, and in this manner qualifies any individual This In- sea coast my belongings sent back, but the mushIs a like It shaped man I had been stringing alighted at drags two at a time to the seasoning born mercantile propensity ia tacks. About eight elephants are an Inheritance from their room, except the stem is divided into an Intermediate station and I AIZFR'5'NORTHERNT The 1henician ancestors, who in ages a number of snaky tentacles, covered havent seen him or them since. employed in this capacity. HUT o ss rtwHbScpstlagian The body CUT THIS eofOstThsiwIHf work of piling the loga to dry is past established themselves in the by thousands of suckers. UoAUk.SI ft The Color of JSeus onto. r ansunoth Pinna Bat COUloe tsi or IS oo done by two female elephanta Each Mediterranean border of 8pain and of tha medusa is som times quite lapajsad 1 vsrl-or rono M Hkln o Uialo In of Somptss: the the The color .sgso in ls fur sotolsg winds her trunk about the log near hose characteristic trading inclina- small, and sometimes ais yard as znwsood etow ssoiplso Woorslholofrslgrswsrsof Foi as man of has never ous races Sometimes clear diameter. PtwS. it O yet Mr., to Aowrtuo. Cliwr Mia pud Swats. PntoMua. the end. and together they raise it tions have prevailed to this day, and alin a horizontal position and place It neither Celts nor Bornean nor Goths crystal, and sometimes beautifully been scientifically accounted for, LXCROSSEiWi UOHN'ASftUtiliEEDCo mythological . on the stack. nor Moors have ever annulled or colored, but so fragile that when though' "'numerous been told and senseless suffeven weakened them. The Semitic washed ashore it melts in tae sun stories have After the logs have dried almost like a soap bubble. During theories advanced as reasons for the iciently they are ready for the mllL origin of the Catalan makes him a variations in hue. Nor Two female elephants take the dry born merohmnt, and for this reason their life these creatures swim along remarkable ft cotta KOTO-1Xnum- have we any certain data concerning vast of see surface in the the thorn Germans and deliver neither from the piles English, French, to try you r loga of cuticle the color of the when primtouches the but bers, anything to a herd similar in training to those nor even Jews of any nationality them skiff. Hrs betas. crea-- 1 of lord umfold eval the like themselves man, original they that work between the water and the compete successfully in trade with A pretty African legend is brella and sink out of sight The tioa seasoning a tacks. Theae convey the this energetio, shrewd and enterpris- tentacles are so was as black as the proverhe the that that poisonous which over small a race ing logs to a track ace of spades and that the pres-- 1 men bial become strongest paralyzed car runs to the mllL Only ons log CaadM Flo war,. beis Whnt tnonp politicians, touched ent when and it them, pale color of the Caucasian race by Will ht pM to at a time la placed upon this ear. Candled flowers of several sorts oroturo, nud others ur ro ny scare God gave uruuld UkotoliOL mm. youth or As aoon as a log is in posit'on on the are among tha most expensive del- lieved that many so called drowning is the result of the of the fall. It is time at bnoa accidents due Adam are to the their attacks iiiwb, for this par- icacies of the modern confectioner, car an elephant, trained vktnm oC Inn proper to state here that tbe same ticular part of the work, pushes the but the old fashion of using tho canVlNKwlwtwa A New Grain In Thibet. black tbe that present legend says car to the mill. Arrived at the mill died petals of the orange blossom in That for which worn A traveler in the Himalayan moun- race are descendants of one of K XI '(T05I "won fond uf sfuiwp nllira oft the log ia pushed from the car to a ten seems to bo almost forgotten. If tain region has discovered that the Adam's aons that waa born and left carrier that passes beneath the buza a few of tho candied petals be put natives of that country cultivate s Eden before the great change in aw. As soon as the log ia thus into the tea before it is steeped they hitherto unknown in civilized color overtook our first parents. The transferred to the carrier the ele- give it a flavor noticeably peculiar, grain IVstoable for aU women, operations, which has Chinese believe that the original agricultural returns for car the and muurUJIp for thasn phant operating but once esteemed very fine. look of wheat but has man waa a creature half god and the something with plum for another log. while another huge very much longer ears, snd which half man, and that hia color came RARE AND READABLE. beast trained to do the sawing operhas s peculiar inward curva The about as a result of bathing in a river I TO TRY YOUR SKILL. ates the carrier and pushes the log A sun fish weighing 1,800 pounds shiny, brown grain, unlike wheat, of liquid gold. The Muaaulmana, the In thrir bud. wtl IMnfi Wmplr wrtlunut whst, interestBut saw. the " against the tho arts o not foil rswi miolrrd bppugiUuto Oorbntt, ii don't was recently caught by Los Angeles is, on the other hand, much emsller American Indiana and several Orienthot If jnur onowrrs or MitchHI. Dlwn and othmt Ip portion? rfoni Pb forget ing part of the work does not end fishermen, than wheat grains should be for so tal trlboe and nations account for will still win o lost pnipiTUoa nf such nnrtnl. Thru w 410 here, for, as the log is being sawed pour osms sad srtitmu andrmrath pnur snnrm amt mi an ear. But the interest is their prevailing red or copper color thorn In u. YOI' AKR NOT KBUriKII TO NRNI large of Lucas FTPUtNATTON. Willard In ssrkl A Poqustannuck, timbers boards and desired into the A PINNY OFpIOMKY WlfirTOlk ANNWRKN of winning answers, trp to thiol cereal bea this should character that ons ms futon pnatue story of the great tho Avoiding OmnmltlooN of winds whfrh when fr" another elephant receives the com Conn., wears an artificial hand made yield such heavy crops in so high an by telling thethe swon aU lo simp report t jruii vs pop that. Bend anrrrutlp spHlsd will first pair from red of aluminum. ing creating dunollh sod enatols at moo p pleted material, piling the slabs on The 87. ierican Pub. Co.v Mirra pnu Sod hntii tfodm kaolin, the common fire clay of the On Long Island duck farms ara altitude, where the seasons are necesone side and the more valuable and Mists In Iho Studios. ENTRY and the short CITY. JERSEY N.J. Dill temporature potter shopa be more profitable than sum- sarily product on tho other. But two men found to low. Ths natives call the grain are required to oversee and direct mer boarders Irrigation hi Souther California, kownea Over 4, 000,(01 persona in this conn-trthe elephants used in sawing the loga Systems of irrigation differ greatly lira upon the wages paid by railArtillery Uurlag the Crusadee. Another detachment of the herd is in character and coat. One of the One of my Ancestors won a battle simplest in Southern California is at nsed in carrying the lumber from the road companies The proposed Hoboken brldgi will during the crusades by his skill in Ranchito, covering the lands of the mill to the yards and sheds For Hovs mods tha said the little Los Nietos valley, the walnut this purpose very long trucks with have e tingle span of S,SS0 feet tha handling his artillery, But my dear baron." said belt of Loe Angeles county. A large baron. AWARDS the low front and back wheels close longest in the world. are used- - There are The capital latter "Q" will be found his friend, at the time of tbe cru- stream taken from the Ssu Gabriel and t) each other IMplom ) to (Medals had not yet been river is carried in open ditches along elephants trained for loading the but twice In the 014 Testament and sades gunpowder BAKER ft GO. WALTER I know that sa well highways and across orchards to the discovered. " awed material upon these trucks three times it tha Naw. nomad ort kilos: tbs of each On following ancestor. so loaded truoks did aa snd the do, my while others push you From January V 1890, to January L highest corner of each lot. At stated I How did he win the battle then? times are owners land to the sheds In the lumber yard 1891, there were 1,018,591 gallons of the BREAKFAST COCOA, with out turn to are the pliers, or elephants that rum shipped from Boston to Africa lie brought his artillery to bear on notified PicmIbm Sa Is Chocolate, sedi to clean the take the lumber from the trucks and In 1891 the trade was almost doubled. the Saracens, snd the atupid fools, ahovele the that powof bottom the from guns, supposed the ment seeing place it in piles for further seasoning. TsnlllA Chocolate, Maseachuaetta New York and have der had boen discovered snd fled In ditches, so many hours for each As stated before, there is one dein been each the cabinet represented Texas Siftings. German Sweet Chocolztr, . . ere of land owned; and this work tachment of this strange army of twenty-eigtimes Pennaylvanla dismay. kitchen znn-jedoes the which for the and a small assessment . . . laborer Cocos Butter follows with twenty-fiv- e representaIndias Population. who attends to the distribution work" for the hotel de elephant or tions flavor,1 gxeellent of The census India mntertnl." of published, of the water are the only coat On tor purity whatever the feeding place of these Executions ceased to be public in gives tha population just nod uniform even composition. StU.UOU.lKH as the be called, says other the Kiverslle felluws hand, the may system, 1885. big Before that time about h of the entire populaMASS. be seen England in supplying 10,0 K) acres, was fo ught VALTER BAKER A OIL, DORCHESTER, Chicago Times Some may were In tha equares in front of tion of the earth. three-fourtthey but Nearly tor stables for the owners six by land the ago hay by years carrying the pails sad attracted thousands of of the inhabitants are en940 1,000, or $40 an sera The cost far the most interesting sight is the people from tha country round. In agriculture. The birth of water for orchard use is now This is gaged food. of the become within preparation has This country rate is higher than that of any Eu- about 95 per acre per annum New composed of grass, bran and molasses three decades one of the most Importexcept Runsia, York Sua and is mixed in a largo vat While ant olive consuming countries of the ropean country, forty-eigin a thousand, PriraraiiNvv)ltiMirllLK.HMilMui some are carrying these different world. When olives were first im- reaching othm TlN0ut8rar(tM)N0l8MtMl Kail rood. Welcome Congo forty-on- e rate and death the per delectable 1talioliiHiiittiaf ttaMto'lowa lo al-- 1 component of the highly United tha tha shiuik States UN into Lave who x The they About ported thousand. twenty-nlCongo native, h!, pnRFdJni per house d if (loir, 0. lta quoin tornffhta ktWbutc, boarding rkh. of were the a elephantine of been to luxury the of the born die cent children ways building opposed during others are engaged in mixing it with Mo woman ia permitted to land on the I 'ongo railroad, have et last be--1 MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS dexterously the island of Fernando da Koronha their first year. pestles which they trunks gun to show much Interest in the unThe WITH manipulate with their Atlantic South are in ths ona of s group The Kinging of n HalL dertaking, and many of them ts narrator obnerved ona of the BraxtL It ia nato work. Tbe in now ocean, the mill in is a belonging There Musa., employed THOMSON'S suddenly stop work with the station for man convicts from Brazil where the bell engage in I ring at 9 p. m., tives were always glad to refused his mixing and all women ars proto strenuously pestle snd refuse to wield but SLOTTED which is the nlirnal for the girls em- the carrier service, the hibited from disembarking thera tick any further. One ofcalled at the mill to retire. Any of dig. The company was. therefore I ployed was boss elephant M. Marey has found, from his eon big them seen In the street after 9 cmnelled to Import all It railroad up the Ko fools nqalied. Only tho scene and picking him tinned studies of animal locomotion o'clock are liable to dlscherga labor from Zanzibar and porta along with to drift and clinch thorn easily gad quickly it calcitrant's pcstls beat means of instantaneous photograof Guinea by the the clinch absolutely smoetht Rmpirin Itarinc gulf whin la the leather nor burr for I , over the back and hips until he Thw Largest Magnet. ui no hols to ba made phy, that the modes of progression of work. Cl ora. kirrtA his to They am STRONG, 10USH sad DURtSLC. returned the viper and tha eel are much alike; ingly In world is All Ituftha, uniform or The the now o Millions la largest magnet employed that the postures ef bntmebino is Lily White Did you have nktotor paper. U4MB PAFKII Sc assorted, pul up la box. Only about ten men are the L. 1. It Is made Wlllets at 1ulnt, VO .. So MOM entire PAPAS of BULL rzx offer during tha summer? water (after they have acquired their pour dealer for them, or stud Ms In directing the work ADD V Ta roper ha SIS shouts hare r la Ak stomps for a bon of 100; aamrtadslsea who have limbs) ara much like those of men of condemned Dahlgren guns, each I Those had Bird Thurbe Why, Many? of herd elephants HSPBrscreisa nr caliber, wound with eight Moulmeln HENRY LEHMANN. to five Swimming, and that lizards trot Uka JUDSON L. THOMSON MFC. CO Men this novel mill at miles of heavy cable sad charged to limit the proposal speeches llMlasM.toiAfelto. k0 . Moss. the IVnllhn Borneo. it in giving minutes Puck all agree with D ABSOLUTELY PURE vt a Moy-eloo- ss lhM-188- to-get- y GUMS SYRUP Bur-ham'- s ts RInSm T. JACOBS BURNS, BRUISES, SCALDS, CUTS AND WOUNDS. oo Big 4 m R Costs NOTHING S EATY HT ... THE JUDGES Z' woutcuiBuiunsm HIGHEST COLCHESTER Spading Boot I ht ro one-fift- hs ht I ale-phan- B CLINCH RIVETS. Wall Paper.ll! 15-in- operation electricity. rig |