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Show 's now bolding the position of state FARM A XD HOUSEHOLD. etem sn-- aborted into their grades NO TIME FOR SPORT. DENTISTRY. PAINLESS aupennt-- udeui of public instruction, Ten to fifteen leaves arc put in a School buy studies llsrdsr Ths (isrnaa having been uoininuied as a candida.e bunch and tio? Ha Has aa Kxparlaur With Laughing at the butt, Tha ThoM of Other ('uoatrlo. THE STATES SEEM TO SAY for t is position and elected by the FRUIT IS AS EASY TO RAISE AS and tliii, ir ul.ctogether (ia, ami Will knur twirl It. what is called a Year at German the pimulirit last after the election. gymparty year Ikies It hurt very much to have ANY GARDEN CROP. IT IS THE HOMIT. haad of to'va.jca" Farmers Voice. T e last legislature passed a Mil school and universities a tooth nasia, high pullnd?" inquired a Boston rritntinf full suffrage to women. It send out into the world, there to Herald man A tilth Ijijthix llr:is. of a dentist N- -a was la in Fruit Flaat to iirt house F.very the larumr adopted Usman's Bights upper ut BaengaliaS Ei-look for a living, multitudes of overA iare and some days later in the lower. The ITiet depends, was tbe reply. law Tulmrco Is t'ursd A Tast With majority of those who with Is Kw k la Uni of tha Wt-s- t, latter body, If the effected tooth happens to be ko?p poultry sit-- of tho opinion that wrought youths, teeming 1. ,jr:u however, after pacing Ileus autl tlia iie.ul: which ha unfitted them a Whoro Plsutjr of heopa la liina the measure, recalled it from the seniu ordi-- r to liavo tho lion under the Nules llituui-holmolar, with the roots at rigiit anHelps bread-earning ate and expunged all proceedings relaby the practice of Thaos. bust cutuiiiiua for laying, a male fur with each other or if it is degles tive to woman suffrage from ths must i e in the yard with them. If any purely mechanical craft or petty cayed so as to leave the nerve unfur tlie Family. I trade trait of its journal ha and imbued them with with the object of i covered or If it is worn down even egg arc HERE I1AS KEEN The cirtum lancet surrounding tha of the taste and sympathies Apparently one great reason why hatching chicks it is the gums, so that it is necesmailed move-men- t senate's cense. .1 to return necessary to I many this bill to farmer neglect to provide many of have that can only be productive of huppl- with to a male with of lute yean the hou-- e were us the hut hens, dig the flesh away in order to sary sensaand the moat desirable article for home sidling to those ness, or even la a number of tional in the extreme, a good hold with the forceps, tne enemies cuukuiuptiou 1h that some writer hen will lay as many eggs when no I who are enabledeujoymeut, and get take to stand their states looking to a of woman suffrage only succeeded by males are as when with then the chances are that you will general improve' forming a combination with the high who attempt to give direction for thorn, the feeding of a lot of useless and maintain it in one of the upper kick a little, a make such ment of the legal Ucen e liquor men who were then en- cultivation long story males may lie discarded. Recent ex- social spheres These youths, says Then the tall man trembled from of status of woman. deavoring London Telegraph, have been to secure the passage of the and give such minute . 1. Wheeler, at the by Mr. head to foot, and in a shaking voice The movement proposed amendment to the constitutheir particular methods a if every periment. severmill a with the put through New York exiwrimunt station, What do you think of that aid: originated in tne tion abolishing prohibition m the item was absolutely necessary in all the school. one? Geneva, iu which ho solected four. ity . of which the British public atatee west of the saie. his words by , accompanying think led to are mcd univer,it "nMa cases, that farmers Alleghenies, and, The last legislature passed a bill re- there is too much to it for them to yards of pull. u. In order to test the ! opening hla mouth to its fullest exNoth-thnotion. evn l'lxitnate value of the males, demonstrated then tent nnd indicating with bis linger a section of the old civil code over luarn or although tho o00) 11 fo the seat of says the Mirhave been a num- enacting males are entirely unnecessary. his trouble. providing tsat a dower and courtesy ror anu Farmer.practice, Take strawberries, ber of champion of woman' right, ire 1?ttn In fact, the pullets in yard contain- - j and aiso reenacted a abolisheiV doctor took up a email instruThe l;urfanf; directions The and particularly of female suffrage in section of tse old civil code, which for instance. I In the tirst printed place it is entirely ment with a little round looking lng no mule not only luyed more i of the the ea-tesuch of state, their eifort appear, aaya: No estate is allowed the hus- have given those who have never eggs element Games, play. than did the pullets that were so far, lo have borne very little fruit. band aa tenazt of glass at oue uud. sod, returning it busicourtesy upon the tried it to understand that tbs with mules, but also produced eggs as those which constitute an Im- Into the cavern that yewnel before From a legal standpoint tne women death of his wife, nor ia any estate in ness was as delicate aa trimming portant feature of our educational him, made a careful Inspection of the less cunt. A writer says: of the eastern and southern states dower allotted lo the wife the hats, and required as much skill as at The demonstration of thia fact by curriculum and are specifically asso- Interior. bear pretty much the same relation to death of her husband. " Thisupon law was surgery and as much care as growing their lords and masten (the men) as paaaed by the last legislature, presuman actual test will effect a revolution ciative iu character, are unknown to That looks like a stwbbera old attend German gym- fellow, tropical fruits in the keeping of laying hens. It the boys whoRualsi-eulenthey did under the old common law of ably in the interests of women. remarked the doutur, as he . been had statement If the All these plain England. mean a Raring of food, less dis- nasia and in California women may hold prop- made the Instrument npea the replaced could at first that strawberries The rights of a married woman to erty separately, may be postmistresses establishments are in the nature of table. position to quarrel, bottor keeping working schools. not do la take property which is generally recog- school directors and clerks of the leg- be grown on any soil that would proday Ttiey What would advise? timidly nized as her separate estate, are pro- islative committee. They have no duce corn or potatoes, and that ex- qualities of the eggs, and a cheapenboarders, no leisure moment of the Inquired the tallyou man tected to a gn iter or less extent in suffrage. The urns state of affairs tra care and preparation would pay ing of the cost of the eggs, as well scholar's lifo is spent within their as a saving of the space occupied by court of equity all over the country. pie vails in Nebraska, Nevada and AriLaughing gas," replied the no play- doctor. just as well on one as the other, males which should be given to hons precincts, consequently liut the main tendency of re ent leg- zona. Bills are continually introduced there more of the have been would to are and attached them, or pullets. Those who desire to grounds islation made in her behalf in a num- for female suffrage, but none of them Will I be ehlivluu to the fruit grown, and cultivators would hatch ber of states, has been to give her have ever passed. chicks can select a dozen of the they are exclusively utilized lor pain ?" dethemselves for by rights before the law equal to those of Idaho comes within the same clans, have learned looked so formidable best females and coniine them in a study. There is no such thing asg Entirely so. her husband in the matter of acquir- though in Colorado they have limited grees what cricket or football, rowing or paper-chaulna with As one pure-bro- d male The himself In the tall man l yard at a German school, nor ing and holding properly and making suffrage, as in a number of other states, when spread before them all at once. operating chair, sad the doctor Incontrac s in relation to tne manage- and may hold school office and legis- People should stop and think that male can sire a thousand chicks in were lhoo or any other oien-ai- r one year, it is plain that but few serts 1 between the patient's teeth an ment and disposition of it. lative clerkships. good soil, well manured and preThe usual sports tolerated by the management old champagne cork. Then he placed necessary. in short, the object sought is to in Wyoming women have things all pared, is what is needod for any males are of an educational institution, nor make the modern married woman, a their own way. They may vote, hold a funnel-shape- d practice i to allow one male with ten would there be piece of rubber over and that little extras may be hens, any time for indul-genc- o the tell man's month and nose, uud which of comicl the a nearly as possible, a femme sole in the office, acquire and hold property.carry crop, funding lofavorable and added at them. in pleasure, on business, sue and be sued management of her estate him to breathe heavily. Grad daljust the cations and qualities of soil taken hundred male if a many as a thouIt may lie said of the average Ger- told consciousness in some few states the legislatures sums ns if they were men. The are retained. hens state sand gave away under ly have even gone further, and besides constitution and recent law a paaaed in advantage of as occasion offers, The greatest advantage derived. man school boy that during the cov- the influenee of the gas, but not to how knows suffarmer them in en or so of which prepare the he conferring upon passes right years pursuance thereto give them these Every In addition to the increase of eggs until the mr.n to lie operated upon a patch of ground for carrots or i and the frage have sought to make them right. of food, labor and working his way up from soxta to hml suffered tho sensation of being saving necfor the Yet seems think for to it poseligible all this, none of them have parsnips, and highest political prlma his labors never cease save smothered under an oll-fas- h is that egg from hons not lotted ition. aa yet secured seats in the legislature, to use a little more euro than space during meal times and sleeping feather pillow. or males will with four three keep There have been a few isolated cases although for the past fifteen years essary corn or i iota toes, and for would he a are to and hours, only lightened i times as long as will egg from of women running for municipal they have held important clerkships The tall man was now in dreamthinks there is no mystery about it; offices and of them being elected, but and minor official with males, if egg are to I certain extent by hi annual summer land. He first imagined that he was are that positions is for 1 abunj vacation, which, enough however, none of them have as yet secured be preserved it is detrimental It will be seen that the tendency in the same preparation on his way to the worlds fair and seats in the state legislature or been the east and south ia to keep woman strawberries or anything else, and dantly fraught with tanks calling for when the train was on a down grailo flocks. males When in the it keep alloweu to grace the halls of the na- in a restricted sphere, whUe in the tha extra care in preparing the is considered that a ere fulfillment to return he careful and go ng sixty mile an hour the large numbor of ferin tional congress as full Hedged con- west it is just the opposite, the idea soil and expense males become expensive, and that the regular routine of school life wheels left the track. The airsenators. or well as gressmen appearing to be to give her all the rope tilizing it would pay the hens will produce more eggs This routine begin at 8 a. m. and brakes broke and the eg: rushed In the slates of Wyoming and Kan- she wants nnd let her awing. on the field crops as in the garden, an for last with interval ueccsnary when the malos are nut present, and sas female suffrage is firmly estabat a terrible speed. It was A Kansas town has made a female area cun and should bo re- also until a late hour of the along lished and women are eligible as mayor, one of whose first official acts and the in that the problem of preserving refreshment, the with greatest difficulty that the Strawberries duced afternoon. Should the gyninaalast" proportion. voters at all elections, but in the bal- was to place her husband in the caladreamer kept in his berth. Tremeneggs is solved by keeping no males, ance of the states where their suffrage boose. This shows that the idea of were only taken for an example, but the farmer should hereafter make it happen to reside at any considerable dous was caused by the is recognized at all it is limited prin- justice predominates over that of the same conditions exist in regard a rule to do away with males entirely, distance from his school he is com wheelsjolting over the Uea The running even tree and small fruits to 6 other or in rise a to school at to and little after matters small sentiment or emotion in the female cipally unless chick are to be hatched. pelled was something awful; the suspense fine who men have offices. mind, and if given all the rights and fruits Many municipal g With the breeds, where order to dress, got his breakfast,cat wreck of the train was inevitable. As notaries public, clerks and as- privileges of man the government of hade trees and productive apple and are not chicks a glance at his lesson books and ex- Tn oar was filled with tbe shrieks desired, only eggs clerks sistant in political bodies and orchards have been led to think they and the in reach gymnasium male Is a useless member of the ercises, of tbe terrified passengers, mingled assemblies they have obtained a wider could uot raise cherries or plums by the time to avert on imposition for un- with of Agriculture. flock Journal the crash oit glass and tbe ratrecognition and the possibilities in and drawbacks seeing all the ilia punctuality. When he returns home tle of the train. Suddenly this direction in the near future are there was which they might meet in the life of at the end of school hours he carries a Htoek Kota. beyond conjecture. deafening report and a tremendous a tree arrayed together in one article, of a ad him the A brief glance at the prevailing laws with work, quantity It Is throwing away food to feed which was of great value to the cul- animals more than they con digest. equate preparation of which for sub- oonousslon. and the oars appeared to and recent changes made i a number crumble away. a start. made of states, east and west, reveals some tivator who had By mission to his teachers next morning Good breeding must be ocompnnied The tall man found himself la interesting facts. studying the natural requirements of with good care, or it will be a fail- will occupy him until 10 p. m. If he total darkness, hut suddenly, to his In New Vark for the past two years trees or of those most nearly like ure be a quick student, and probably unhe discovered a streak of women have voted for school commishorror, and be much one. For it One learned, may them, midnight if he be a slow sioners and been allowed to hold the lurid flame the wrsekagu, feature of the til redeeming Is not always safe to assume that a healthful recreation nay, for abso- which told through same office. They may hold property him that he would be never are stock fence is that hedge is an five minnot he had Improvement rest has lute change in their own name. roasted olive If Immediate auooor utes at his disposal throughout the did not reach him. He oosld hear Shading the roots is very import- seriously Injured by it In Connecticut no law has been and sell Feed the crops and trees but some ant for shrubs, passed relative to the rights of women working day. Week in. week out, voices directly over him, but do as over property since 1877 In 1877 a this is often forgotten when shrubs them at better prices in the form of excepting on Sundays, with him it is he would not a sound couid he otter. etc. law was passed allowing them to servo beet pork, poultry, which grow well in forests or hedgetoil and trudge, toil and trudge The flames were making rapid proon boards of education, school commitcost more in the beginning to rows or among the ferns in the pasIt COAT OF ABUS OF DAKOTA, tees, etc. gress toward the plooe where he wee Its a Utils War Tha Hava. are transplanted to the rich soil start with thoroughbred stock but In Maine women have no rights at tha future, under her exalted guid- ture and their hot breath was confined, A pair of nippers and half a dozen of the garden and expected to do it generally pays in tho end. alL to singe his whiskers ance, will surpass that which has been much better. beginning h was These eighteen-inclittle tubas, hired a to will have not things It At the last session of the legislature born of tha ashes of the old feudal pay 'Then came the crash of an axe directa of cause often are not which tha order the advocates of female suffrage were system, and lika that also take thought jaunty young hand with an uncontrollable temper given by head. The first blow a serious failure, which is charged to to manage tho horses, even If ha woman who visited a hardware store ly over his given a hesrmg before the judiciary phoenix like flight to Jove. him struok ia the bock of squarely That lady, said luck or left a mystery. committee, but accomplished nothing. does work for a small price. He will the other day. neok, and he felt that hla time In New Hampshire they may hold Farmer have learned pretty thor- make fools of every horse on the the proprietor after her departure, the had surely oom& The next one cut Whara Harris la Fallura. property and be appointed notaries is an actress, and is just going on off oughly that the kitchen garden suphis left ear, and the third opened a recent paper in a contemporary plies the most healthful and enjoya- place. public In while All theatrical people If you have no other reason for tho road. a In Massachusetts a bill is annually on The Spinster Versus the Married ble up space in his cranium the size of part of the subsistence of the keeping an animal through the traveling carry nippers and tips with a sauoor. introduced styled the municipal suf- Woman Mrs Kate Upson Clark gives The fire had now crept up of Tho in of hotels the addition and them. such by managers winter than the hope of getting a frage act, and is promptly killed, No a graphic picture of the handicap of family,aa to hi foot, and the left one wo to save bo towns with small but putfruits grown gas by laws have been passed changing their the latter in the race for fame in the might try price fur it in the spring. It lowly roasting, when another blow little extrs effort, tha pleasure of higher legal rights in any respect world of art or letters be better for you to sell it os ting bits of cotton in tha bedroom from the axe, greater than all the may In West Virginia, by a recent act of burners, thus impeding the flow. rest, knocked his head clean from hla The happily married woman has the season would be largely in- soon as you can. the legislature, a married woman can little time The minute an actor strikes a light to herself. Though she creased and the health of the family well should He experienoed a singular raisera Stock keep deal with her property as if she were may go to her room and lock tha door protected. An experienced cultivaand detect this he pull out his nip- body. ia While It on markets the in hla ear; there was a gleam a femme sole except that her husband behind her, ahe ia followed by persist- tor says tho expense of buzzing posted Off comes the faked setting out all right for the middleman to have pers and tips of light In tiie dlstanoe aad with a must join with her in a deed convey- ent ghosts of duties which mock ether and one for on on the of and lets a acre that burner goes quarter caring bound he returned to consciousness. ing the title to re.il estate efforts to abstract herself from the of strawberries ia not far from 110 a reasonable margin for his trouble, full head of gas come through. BeThe only noted change in ths Ohio earth. The salad for him to make more for a dinner not The doctor was standing over him, is it right as he not the and he arranges things law is that a single woman who has has not been ordered. Did Snalbel re- a year, counting plants, man who fore leaving the than a double tooth In his forhours In few a holding found them and goes merrily along been appointed executrix or adminis- member to wear her rubbers to school? these can be found in abundance after raised the stock gate for a year or to ceps economof next the tratrix of an estate may con tin ns to la Adolphus Henry going to have tha the bed is once started. A plot of a better the get That was an old stager, and no two of care and labor. act aa such after her marriage ical landlord on his route. earache again And why sixteenth of on acre would supply a mistake. How he did hong! It took la Michigan and in Florida there should he have the earache, anyway? large family during the season of HoWfholil all my strength to dislodge him," have been no changee while in Illi- And ahe must not forget to luy out and enough more to put Fhatosraphs if tha Kagroaa. of dates may be removed Medi The nois and in Mississippi laws have been Benedict's dress suit and brush It for ripening, A New York photographer ha and the doctor wiped his dripping or few a winter for supply poor up roasted pea- solved the difficult with his handkerchief. passed of late years which enable him against his svening return. Get a spot reedy and set and replaced by freshly problem of taking forehead women to act and deal with their propand skinned. The date successful She resists these flitting worries neighbors. shelled Where I? were the first nuts, colored of next photographs spring, and take should then be dusted with pulvererty pretty much as men. They have An hoar passes Her colors are mixed the plants words of the tall man. no suffrage in either state but may or her day ia moistened or her poem care of thorn. people. The difficulty with the orized sugar. Why, right here in my office, become notariee hold clerkships and haa talced form in her mind. Her dinary negro photograph ia that the You would Tolwooo, the dootor. for decorative Curing desirable is Felt responded and on cheek bones the the like work to the out faacinatic high lights hands begin Tobacco as It ripens, changes col- purposes. A pretty table cover may the nose In Texas and in North Carolina the thought of her brain, when suddenlyg do not show for their true have had a tough time If you hadnt homestead rights of women are pro- the president of the Dorcaa society re- or, assuming n piebald or spotted ap- be made of white felt, painted in old vaiue, but are bo much too high that takea the gaa Well if it had been rougher than tected, but their general property quires a consultation with her in the pearance, and the leavoe feel sticky, rose, bow-kno- t and yellow chrysant- those points of tbe face seem almost rights have not been materially parlor. Then the plumbing bursts in and when bsnt break off short. hemum design. The bordei may be white. The successful experimenter It actually was I would now be a changed. man paid the the kitchen: the children come home These appearances Indioate that it is of fringe or done in ribbon loops managed to tone down those lights corpse, and the tall A number of bills have been intro to lnneh. Clouds thicken about her to out The dry house should work is stiff by the application of a powder to the L 60, and went out into the street if ready the In W mind. bewildered ell haa ahe been he in order, and sticks provided. and hard, soap on one's face of the sitter, lie conceals ths feeling as if he had boon walking in compared to the bird who ia tied by The plants are out close to the needle and rubbingwill be found help- nature of the material and the meth- a treadmill for a week. earth fingers one leg to the by a tether which ia all too short Happy aha if aha ground and allowed to wilt, so as to ful A thin edged piece of white od of application. Tha Harr a, muoh better than chalk for reach the age of 50 freak enough to toughen them, when they are taken Ills Ksp.aaatloa. Donkey Is in Spanish hurra In practice for pleasure tha art which to the dry house All the handling maklllg fine lines on cloth to out by. she ones fondly hoped to pursue for must be done with tho utmost care, Yes," said the Important young Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and in Whatever a house does or does not fame. man to tha young lady whom he had Arizona, where tho donkey is as well so aa not to bruise or break the i it should have a plentiful leaves. Some growers practice split- - contain, of footstools met, I hare been from polo to known as the horse, he is always is just There Delaware's Wild non supply j ting the stem down to within six i called by his Spanish name, on acso fatiguing as a never lifted pule. Few poop s won d of the ground before cutting, i nothing on inches Why, Mr. Brlckens," said the count of the foot that this section of and nothing the feet, such a thing as n wild hone could be pressure I didn't know you were the United States so that the tobacco cures ; more recently befound in an old settled country like claiming When refreshing than to get the hostess, out of the United Staten ever thus split the plant to as everywho the Mexicans, longed them of 'from the Delaware, bat a recent lawsuit brings better. by body weight Oh er ahem, you see I came body knows, speak thatl anguaga out the fact that there are such there, are hang astride tho sticks; when resting on something above the level here on the electric cars. I referred The Spaniard and Mexicans also ends good e many of them. It seems not split the plants are sometimes i of the Boor. to the trolley poles COAT OF ABUS OF COX5ICTTCCT. that twenty-onyears ago the Wlstar nailed to ths sticks and sometimes Washington apply tho term burro to a stupid which furniture A polish, good brothers gave two ponies to a Mr. hung with strings A tobacco Star. or ignorant person, just as English-speakin- g sd in the state legislature of Indl-- i Black to be furniture finish to on an barn, to hold two and a half gives a soft, oily cored for in races use the word Tazas la Collartlng to enlarge the property rights ofr land in the Delaware pasture SaiMj. of one scant river. They sores, should be twenty-fou- r feet and woodwork, is made of Saxony haa donkey." men, but they have almost Invaria-The government ever since nnd have full ounce one been there of linseed have ounce oil, been reported adversely by com-tte- multiplied until there are now seven-ty-tw- o square, and with posts high enough of of adopted a novel method to secure turpentine and three-fourtand failed to pass, Muftlag ths Kaspaaalbllllv. of them, all unbroken, nnd to giro five tiers, ths lowest six feet Hn ounce Shake it tho payment of taxes The name of of elder vinegar. Borne in Montana no laws have been from the ground. But I dont see how you evor colia wild so practice are that it who not taxes did their dangerous pay theycome persons aed recently affecting the legal which is done by build- until thoroughly mixed. Then rub Hlack'e widow them. lected near 6,00.) insurance on his that to how-s- r, with the mixture, al- last year are printed and hung up In life when ,tus of women. At present, bad previously manhas sued tho IV is tars for tho care of ing fires iu hole dug In the ground the furniture you and saloons Tbe restaurant! at the all all the and hold to time a positions short stand they the horses and got n judgment far under the tobaoco, and allowing the low it on the pension list him to aged get not serve those of tha county schools, over dare 5VKK), much more than anybody heat and smoke to pas up through polish it well with a soft, dry flannel proprietors received for of daring the the injuries clerkships food with on a or lists d also majority the mentioned will give for the horaen The Wistare It; and this is necessary wban tho cloth. observed the friend of tho war," the legislature. of tbeir under stock or off their losing take drink, to penslty refuse forpay The following is an excellent bullUiuss art crowded, especially in Last November Miss Ella Knowles family. tke island. Others prefer to ' mula for camphor wash balls: White license. The hand of Providence was in ia a candidate for the poeltion of damp weather. A Orra KarcMb one-ha- lf the on spermaootl, jiound; populist build larger barns, and give the auap, said the widow, with a gentle torney general it. Colors. t'oatraallBK t f Briggs Do you always call on ounce; boiling water ket. She ran away ahead of her mere room, thus avoiding the of resignation handsomest plants igh Some the of thousands same recently In some the suit? lacked Miss Twilling to cover the soap when shred ket, hot still sed risk of fire, as there ia two are of expeeso costumes made The contrasting queeelected. I Yes: show to want her votes of being IMrUlOR of Labors Griggs up finely, and leave until dissolved. of one elor aiweys dancer of burning tbe build-inns of bar eligibility for the office colors, the gown being Is thoroughly Then heat up. adding rather more father 1 am economical Children, have you said Mother For ex of another. tobacco tho When The the and trimming settled. never il I guess you have is raised, hut is trimmed cured, ao that the, stem of tbe leaf than half an ounce of finely pow-nmBriggs a Tilly Yes, mamma limited grenadine prayers? gray your hare ample, Dakota men of North He told me the other day You were very quick about it. I The round 1 into satin. tiered with yoke. school to to green camphor. no it shows pale sap, ready strip ffraga, confined principally man ever meanest he are raffles were sleeve of the and belt cool other. one-ha- lf In for and and the balls constitution. you in Toiler, be state Daisy done weather. dry the must place This biy, damp prayed itterx, under saw. satin, aa are also the bands The leaves are Texas Siftings from the iu weeks Under the term of this conatitn-ma- l green the striped skirt, about Eisenhuth J. Mrs. Laura clause WHAT IS HER SPHERE ll at-.c- s at I m se'-tle- . non-sittin- low-pric- ed gas-burn- er . m hand-sewin- g, I ' -- . es fire-curin- i : one-hal- auffi-c'.sn- g. . ! ke sue-cccde- |