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Show THE HIGHEST AWARD. that an adjudication of a pension settles nothing; that the secretary of tbs THE NIOBRARA RIVER. ADVENTURES OF Why Ms A PHYSICIAN rul Himself BhM bs a Street Cm Fsrtoh Interior and commissioner of pensions Huysi Hsklsa Fewdar lias all tbs Mua-v-rs A DOG CALLS TROOPS TO THE Ja Straaath sad Valua 10 a rather had grewsome advenare invested by the law with ahaolatc "I BCBNB OP A MASSACRE. par cost, aliurs Its Hear-a- at said n over the other the ture day, and pension roll, that power Cawpatliar. to physician it is within their legal authority to reWashington The Royal Baking Powder has the Who ska Beldlen lMaevtered Savage for the Star. "I had been ui writer open and revise pensious allowed by enviable record of having received the 1 Indiana Had baa Tbalr Want their predecessors under regulations all night with a patient on whom award for articles of its class Wlih mad ChUdraa alaaghtarod highest surgioal critical a whenever had them, sec adopted by performed they Tha Story WrUtaa la Uary Words. greatest strengtlj, purest ingredients, tit to change the ruiea of evidence operation. It waa a question whethet wherever combined most perfectly and the scale of ratings under which he would recover from the shook, la in competition with others. of the We the allowance was made: and this in a exhibited the at arrived fact, it waa touch and go, so that I crossing The result at the Chicago World's Kiobrare A of not take a minutes sleep where the in from oolock at law, could river the very Fair is no country exception. In the exhibi- afternoon and were then so far be- About dam I got away and started Infancy of the government the United tions of former years, at the Centen- hind the Indian band wa were pur- for home so exhausted that it navel K lutes, by its organic law, In its terms denied the right to deprive any person nial, at Paris, Vienna and at the suing that it was determined to give occurred tome to think of my appear of properly without duo process of tbs various state and industrial fair, up the chase aud wait there for Cap- mA. where it hue been exhibited, judge The horse ear I boarded qulokl tain Fraynea detachment to ooma law, notice and opportunity to he have invariably awarded tne Royal In from KNOWLEDGE where Wo were in and West relafilled heard, the to other every making Faailens as up with laborers on their way apart of CemmMtae tion and condition In life fraud is Baking Powder the highest honor. when a dog came out of tha to work. Though very sleepy, I wai National Twaaty-navaut- h oamp and and eomfort improvement Bring At the recent Worlds Fair the ex- thicket on our right aud began howl- somewhat surprised to notioe thnt never presumed hut must be elsarly O. A. H. tend to personal enjoyment when aminations for the baking powder and to shall have every on proved, betperson committee Tour who ing. Everybody saw at a glance several of them eyed me strangely. The beg lire penuiont many, lightly uaeo, a the right to face hia accuser. To em- award were direoted by the chief that It waa a settler's dog, and every- These of them who sat down near ma ter than other and enjoy life more, with submit tbo following report ond chemist of the Agricultural department realized In an instant what hi quiokly moved away, and one mu on tho subject of pensions: phasize the vicious ness of the situation, leaa expenditure, by more promptly at Washington. The chief chemist's body notion signified. Every men of the who took n sent next to mo I wai adapting the worlde best product to To bind np the nation's wounds, to we learn that it is said, as though by official report of the testa of the bak- S00 stood looking at the animal, in one of tha front oornero looked the need of phyiical being, will atteat cure for him who shall hav borne authority, that "it la expected that the value to With of the pure liquid the buttle, und for hlu widow and many of the pensioners so summarily ing powder, which waa made for the when he eeeaed howling aud came at me, got up hastily ud held on to laxatire principle embraced in the orphan." Thus spoke Lincoln the suspended or dropped will be able to pecifie purpose of ascertaining which forward. He waa a gaunt, flerere the strap Nobody else took th waa the beat, shows the leavening remedy, Syrup of Fig. beast, and many of the men vacant place, though the vehicle by Great, Lincoln the Just, standing prove that they are still entitled of the Royal to be 160 cubie looking Ito excellence i due to it presenting strength to of the enrbines ready to shoot that time wu crowded. which held their head. uncovered have pension with they in the form moat acceptable and pleas- reverently, been deprived;" thus saying In no inches of carbonie gas per ounce as ho came trotting up and halted nt Not being used to being regarded In the Immedate presence of a cruel and ant to the taste, the refreshing truly and uncertain voice that the burden is of powder. Of the cream of tartar the feet of the major. a After a bad that long war, pariah 1 wu considerably pui-aledevastating laxbeneficial properties of a perfect baking powdera exhibited, the next look into tho majors face the dog not the of end I observed the faces of two or tlis the lasted four upon party alleging years, fraud, atire: effectually cleansing the system, already contained threw tested in strength highest howlad haad hia men but that the and who sat opposite to ma which his so government again thru up near, prophetio which, although they dispelling colds, headaches and feren vision n howl which ud I thought that they gazed nt ms a wss not able to see; speaking had preserved shall first brand with but 133 eubio iuchei of leavening gas. quivering ana permanently curing constipation. The an average of sent a ohill over every men, and even with an expression of horror ud disMid to, fur and by the authority Infamy by the charge, then sentence, 111. other powdera gave It baa giren satisfaction ofto millions was found made the horses look up from their The therefore, Royal, and after concernthe efhas medical American been of sltgrna the the the with met people, gust What could it meu! I bo-g-u approral of 20 per cent greater leavening food. Kidconcede to feel alarmed. then to duties on the acts fective, whose one of the because them, it supreme ing profession, then I chanced to glue of character strength than its nearest competitor, "Just "Ceptaln. detail a sergeant and five neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- of the hour und the future, when en- barriers and support and 41 per cent above the average of men to follow tho dog, eald tha down at one of my cuffa It we satfrom free been and have thus is it them time the second the for undermined, perfectly the upon pititering ening all the other testa. Its superiority in major, a he turned to the com- urated with blood. Tho other oulf I of ful to him for committed a new of a trust privilege ecery objectionable substance. moving discharge other respects, however, in the quality mander of E. troop. "I think there's noticed for the first time was bloody trial upon the ground of Syrup of Fig is for sale by all drug- by that people: 1 bottles, but it is man50c in and! Within a few . short weeks that end gists evidence; and this not upon of the food it makes aa to fineness, a pioneer's cabin on the far aide of alio. My trouser were spotted with ufactured by the California Fig tfyrup so long hoped for had come; but his strangers, aliens or foes, hat upon our delicacy and wholesomeneaa, could not the thicket If nothing la to be blood aud there were fresh steins ol be measured by figures. Go. only, whose name is printed on every found within hatf n mile let e men it on coat sleeve. My uxlety dying eyes were not able to see the own flesh and blood, tour comrades, It is these high qualities, known return and report end I will send out aboutmy package, also the name, Hyrup of Figs, full fruition of his labors, and the the saviours of the nation, those the patient and subsequent exnot will well informed, you and wing work so well begun and carried ou by who. In the language of Lincoln, the and appreciated by the women of the a larger force." had prevented me from haustion ofirred. accept any substitute if Aa we eeught up our horses the thinking of the matter, and I had country for so many years, that have him fell into other hands, charged Immortal, have "borne the battle. We deny that the secretary of the caused the salea of the Royal Baking dog ceased howling and exhibited not done more then wash my hands with all the trusts that the condition who and and those interior and commissioner of pensions Powder, as shown by statistics, to ex- signs that he undei stood. A we before starting for home. At onoe I required; implied had "borne the battle" after so many have any such power. We insist that ceed the sale of all other baking pow- mounted he trotted away at tha head aew whet the trouble waa The peoof the detail and led ui straight for ple in the car could, find no other days "turned their happy feet toward the adjudicating divisions of the pen- ders oombined. d the thloket It proved to be a fringe wxy of accounting for my oonditioa sion office, acting under the direction homes." their As Lubralla Story. A grateful nation met and received and supervision of the commissioner or curtain hiding a lovely little valley, thu to suppose that I had just killed GeorPshaw, said the man from aa soon a we and through it somebody. They sized me up for a them, and gladly showered upon them of pensions and secretary of the Inthe snake stories that are going we saw the cabin ofpassed a pioneer half a murderer. Unshaven aa I waa ud the plaudits and the honors they had terior, are tribunals established by gia, about are all too thin! Why, just look mile o well and hardly earned. old hat, I must havs ewey. We wheeled into line, wearing authority of law for the settlement of here. Last spring 1 went out into the ont In skirmishing order and looked rather tough. Not e word These "bearers of the battle were pension claims, and their decisions woods. 1 took opened One of my neighbors, Mr. John along an umbrella, the oabin at a walk, says wee raid aa I got off the ear ud in the main, in the prime and are entitled to full faith and credit, which laid down on aomeroeka. approaohed I Gilbert, has been sick for a long then, of with all the and he cannot manhood, young legally impeached Well, about an hour afterward I went the Chicago Times When half the made sprint for my house, glad t time. All thought him pastrecoveiy. vigor dia tan oe had been passed we saw a honors and poasibllities of life before when a change of administration oc- to safe hook ud to remove tha He was horribly emaciated from the them, with all umbrella, aa it had begun to wolf sneak out from the cover of tho get of imagined crime from my traoea the hopes born of lofty curs, except for fraud, upon charges raingeta my I took hold of the han- cabin, and run for tbo brush covered inaction of his liver and kidneys. courage and and successful preferred and evidence adduced in dle andlittle. person. patriotic shove aa a it I something gave It is difficult to describe his appear- achievement beating high in their hillside. A moment later, two great thereof. We insist that wnere began to tear and aa the umbrella flew vultures, which were perched on the ance and the miserable state of his bosoms; and they little needod and support THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. changes are mads In the construction health at that time. Help from any till less eared for material aid from of the law, rules of evidence and open a black anake fell to the ground roof end perhaps asleep; took wing A span of moose are driven in harsplit in two from its head to its tail. and flew heavily away. source seemed impossible. He tried the country they had preserved and schedule of ratings, unfavoraness by a man in Grstton. N. D. The confounded critter had actually In men "Thera dead are of effect lifo save and loss where or made there, ble Flower must to the free, claimants, your August they ia driven single by a liverjrmag swallowed my umbrella and I never the sergeant as we came in upon him was magical. It restored limb or impaired health and broken and should be limited in their noticed it until 1 shoved up the thing whispered Manitoba Emerson, Hoe to was a halt an there! It him to perfect health to the great constitutions were presently visible; operation to the future work of the A regular funeral service waa held the cues open from stem to Indian attack and they tried to burn audplit in An and for the ex and not and the main, such, office, ample astonishment of his family and poet item. poet IhiladcljMia Pont. the people out Look et the bullet lately, over tbe remains of tbe crack friends. JohnQuibell, Holt, Ontfe prompt provision was made by that facto regulation is as repugnant to race horse Prince Deceiver at Latonia, conn try. our sense of justice assn ex post facto According to so eminent English luthortly, hole! See that trickle of blood Pa, which was then buried in tbe lint aa the years passed by, middle law, and we protest against the adop- s goose lives fifty yrsrs. Provided, of course, under the door! life too frequently developed Into tion and enforcement of any such regu- he rtf reins from blowing out the ges when The dog advanced to tha door, center of a large field and a handsome he retires. sniffed nt the blood and then threw headstone erected over the grave premature old age, and youth passed lations in the matter of pension elalins. Troubles Threatening tha Kldaoy, An English sparrow met a carious with intd To ANY MAN or WOMAN, galloping feet; riper years up hi head and howled dismally. The Grand Army of the Therefore, TlSl if USn.lSwi ll, m if M aZ 1 wfca too soon the exultant and Republic, in national encampment Allhoagh they era grieves sad very often fstal and "We alas! use and must to this break untimely death in London roomilog MIMblkaMIMaf mini Mm M IbM If msy be pitvtsled by timely re- the door in," continued the sergeant ly In trying to taka a drink of watei hearty soldier found that in the race assembled, speaking for that great tortdUreguded, SnqnmnuMV.Miin'inuHliinw to that admirable vafogoard of ,heHh, HosmS far A MSULK WiXUM AMWULfa imm. AMI UN of Ito now. of life there were weights upon his army of beloved comrades, many of tetler1 Stomach Bitten, s genial promoter of ac- "The Indians brought it here, but from the famous Temple fountain. A feet and burdens upon his shoulders, them too poor, too bruised, too broken, tivity Is tba renal organa, the stomach and the tho fire was too hot See where the gold fish, it ia declared by witnesses, as the result of premature and over- to withstand the strong arm of the liver.' Ere Inaction of the kidneys develops Into wolves have licked the blood off tha jumped up ud seised the bird by the dtoeaae, diabetes or other dangerous grabs! There has been a terrible leg. A second fish did likewise by the heavy draughts upon bis vitality, that government when administered with Bright reconraa vhonld be had to the Bitten. If comsuccessful with interfered sadly an unfriendly hand, proud of the good thle anggeetUm la followed, the happleet outcome fight here: Now then, altogether bird's other leg, and between them the petition in the crowd and jostle of the name and fair fame of the Amer- of lb earliest eymptome may be anticipated with and heave! Thats it one two-t- hree sparrow wu dragged down and And ican volunteer soldier, interested confidence. Check a development of theee malafierce struggle for advancement and the door gives way!" drowned. We dropped the log and retreated Indicated, finer at till the nation sought to keep abreast far beyond any other person dies at the outrrt by the they an hard indeed to eonqurr. n step or two; while tha excited dog of the necessities of her heroes, and or organization that the pension their maturity PLEA8INQ PARAGRAPHS. Dyeprpaia, rheumatism. Insomnia, nervonansae, sprang into the cabin and whlnad and by additional enactments to measurroll shall in truth and in fact constipation, malarial complaints are eradicate) First Tramp Td like to have somea medicine of comprehensive nee harked, and finally gave utterance to ably make provision fertile necessities be whut it is In theory a "roll of by the Hitter,effects. a howl ao full of lamentation that thing to read. Second Tramp Hera's of those who "lisd borne tbs battle." honor," and ever mindful of the car- aud prompt The name (Jueen Victoria got with her hus- some of the men closed their ears to a paper. "I wouldn't read dat, it'e A quarter of a century had elapsed. dinal principle, "To preserve honor Perhaps this may have the sound. Every man waa Why?" "Dat'e a The young had become old, the middle-age- d amt purity in public .affairs," scout band was toWeltis. palefaced unprofessional." something do with her long reign. labor paper." and The should had become feeble, and the old and denies these indiscriminate trembling. sergeant Asthma Hu IT re re Colored Preacher, to hia sable conbe the first to look in, but he had crossed be river. Time, with its charges of universal fraud and reWho have In vain tried every other mean of rehad bauds ruthless with sents the imputation that because lief should try Xrliif!lnann,i Aalhniacui." No hesitated, and it waa only after a gregation My deah brederen, dere Ungers, COSTS NOTHIKG TO TRY joined for ivsolla. It action la immediate, the r vug us of war, and the two com- some unworthy survivor may be found, welting groat effort that he pulled himself will be a mootin' in dis yer house towrit Ml iriMl. msM tlyjy, ytm Waud certain, aa simile trial prate. Send to Nply Mhs Iks wntsw wquirefi l rti Ow . . . On the morrow night, de Lawd willin'; next burden tho w had a bined a trial free It. together and advanced, for M. Paul. upon Dr. proved Minn., HchllTuiann, that discredit shall he cast upon the UtU Kf BnT Uiat if raw MNsraanailriw he could entire roll, anil this package, but ask your druggist Brat. floor, aa they had crawled night wedder or na tUUy tight fi will diH win a jag pgsHka sf Uw than rough agiugXeidicr greater of Cull imHi write body great IVa fmr mm sri mUivm Customer The price of these shoe The man whoae wife woke him npln chnrch together to die, were four men. a bear; and tho cry went abroad that in patriotic citizens shall stand disgraced yw msw n mi wtt Uhi Mi tew adi lw i AM, PCI, CB. rierk 87 too many instances fur tne credit, teforo the couutry. We demand, that by (ticking a pin In him, says be doesnt lilts woman and two children, the latter seems pretty high. Are you sure nsTfr. Jt.J. such pointed enggevtlona. w Mri imkIwiJ to aowA a Tom about 7 and 4 years old respectively. they have been marked down? New honor or good name of the natiou, there shall he no backward mmwf in ww iMvin-M- i mm trim pwm? m im iMwlagm step tki INmmmHIo It waa a log cabin, with boards in- Salesman Yes' in. They've been who w ami hail followed 4wfWM tho fhai. Caunot Ha Cared te Denfum iav yw myU many flag or legislation administration; and glass at the marked down from sevens to threes faced the fiery furnace of battle, had pension By local application aa they cannot reach tha stead of sash that no pensioner shall he deprived of diseased of the ear. There la only windows, and there were hundreds fallen by the wayside, and in hia property without due What are yon crying for, Fritz?" of one way toportion - inthewant houses Is by process and that cure deafness, of crevices between the logs through "Because my brothers have a holiday were looking longingly law; that the poor Is Deafness caused m remedies. shall be by presumption EXPOSITION WORLDS COLUMBIAN for the relief aud comfort of the favor of Hut why havent an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining which a bullet might find ita way. and I havent!" honesty and fair dealing; that of llsvc usds the the Eustachian Tuba When this tube la How long the fight had lasted we yon a holiday too? gram Bscause Im and the ahall to he not lowly poor Imput sound or Inflamed have a a comrades Their you and rumbling could not determine, but nil there not old enough to go to school yet!" or when ekwed. and is It unnecessary, expensive entirely oppressive AWARDS patriotic sympathizing hearing, perfect people, with one accord, hours to preserve their meager pit- Deaf near is the result, and unless the Inflam- had been dead for twenty-fou- r Agitated Young Bridegroom, immevoiced the sentiment that such was process (Medals sad Diploma) to mation can be taken out and this tube ro- nt least after the tances. the sacred trust that in favor diately Serena, sawill human of to the not stered normal Its a "You can see how condition, bearing administering it was, said the hall shall shallceremony WALTER BAKER & CO. I we shall of thosa who have born the battle case out ten of bs sine forever; destroyed cred trust recognised and announced after lending off a man to ahall we kiss? i On Mkch of tbs following named he which Is nothing but sergeant shall sacredobserved and earned an Bride, by catarrh, sacredly . the command. "Threa of these men her third experience It ia by Lincoln. As to what the remedy an Inflamed condition of the muooua my usual BREAKFAST COCOA should be, men's minds differed. ly administered; and we do now sot came down the trail ahead of the In- custom, William. and einlny deliberately Dollar far One Ws surHundred will of any a the give for their lives end Many, possibly majority Premium It. 1, Chocolate, . . Resolve, That the Grand Army of ease iff Deafness frauwd by catarrh) that diana, fleeing Burglar, planting the barrel of hit vivors of the war, believed that the cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Bend warning other settlers When they pistol oa a pawnbroker's chest Come the looks with solicitude, Republic time had fully come when the name turned red in here the were TtiilU Chocolate, devils free. far circulars; T. J. CllENEY A CO., Toledo, of every honorably discharged sur- not to say alarm, upon the proposition elose after them, and the only thing out with your monish, yon old Jew, Herman Sweet Chocolate, . Pawnbroker Pooh, whatean 75a Druggists. by vivor should be placed upon the pen- that after sufficient tribunals have QTSold to do was to fight Look at the bul- or you aspect me to give for that old sion rulL Others, denying tho right been established by law before which holes! See Cocoa Butter. let how On wounds Boll to "How toll An loo. many exchange that they should receive aught from questions have been presented and What Is needed moat Is a recipe for boiling each one has! The Indians fired from pistol? Say threa marks. Tor purity of rxorllrnt fls m, evidence submitted the man who eats them. adjudicated, "ffhst haa become of the handson upon the their pension and country through sad uniform oven eompuoltlou." every direction, even down through examined, and upon which a resisted the demand. Bxowxi BnogmiAL Tsornas far the roof. It must have been an all- young woman that used to be here? roll, stoutly nation has accorded pensions Coughs, Colds sod all other Throat Trouble. WALTER BAKER A CO DORCHESTER, MASS. the It was under such circumstances grateful fight and the last man or two Inquired the regular customer atWhich in the beet," Jq. Henry day was able to handle n gun when the dairy lunch establishment ami dealing with these conflicting in this their hour of need to those who Ward Bmrtur. its hour of need stood between it DR. GUNN'S opinions, that congress enacted the Indiana the alarm and left handsome young woman?" asked the and death, the officers of that nation, Thera to a new cemetery out West thst is There waagot husband and father. blonde maiden behind the countei the disability pension law of June, 18901 baradministering a public trust, have rushing up trade In lot by advertising In was the act The his hour he had laid down haughtily. surviving accepted by dying In mleilt ONION grave. gains Mrs. Rapsard Didnt you have a hia rifle and crept over to his dead soldier and by the people in general arbitrarily deprived, without notioe Near. an or Something opportunity to be heard, our to take care of your dear little wife aa a settlement of the question. Under and and children hia girl arms flung distressed comrades of the The "Bants Pa Route has Inaugurated a over them on the Fido? Mrs Lingerly Oh, yea, but 1 the administration of that law, the needy and What'a that ear chair aerriee free reclining thus solemnly adjudged aud through dally e couldnt get her to stay. Mrs Rapa-arbetween Denver, Colorado Springs and Og- floor gave up its veteran he rights I FOR COUGHS. confined to them. , What was the matter? Mr. LinWe removed the boarde from the den Is both directions. who' had borne the battle was cared We Declare, That every presumpHolder of NeomUUa tickets to or from two windows to let' In more She didn't like it because wi COLDS for; and thu the sacred trust accepted end gerly light this Utah or Paclfle coast points reading via and left as a legacy to the nation waa tion should be made in favor of such line a on of white the n surface baby. kept theee ears to be log will split occupy permitted AMD CROUP. records so made; that no presumption faithfully ud ministered. used aa a floor board we found a Talkative Lady Visitor, to Columwithout extra charge. Within a few montha we hear with of fraud shall be indulged in against GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. scrawl blood. bian Guard And what ia that strap There in traced haa bees recorded, but of The light lay velocity latiMMaffcisijyel Kiw (Mirm, mf Mlf nkII profound Sorrow and regret that all them, and that no change bs made the velocity with which a woman can scatter the splinter which had been used as under your chin worn for? Columbian NfmOwitMiOwdiMUl (teowpwai wuoMfijmpb aa H wm forty fmr fifffe this must be ehunged; that the con- in the pensions so accorded until after bad reports over a neighborhood la still a a pen. and within six Inches of It Guard This strap, madam. Is Mow ay mMliiiiMrM Ukc Dr, tfuMWuKMlfnil given charges have been made and evidence Blatter of guesswork. whteft ii iirsMiv uteiiyl anil worm ylwnit la im struction of tho law has been changed, were the fingers of a dead man. In to us by tha management of the fair tMtw. Sold mrrwIiwA Una hnttlra 10 ante in thereof has been rein support the rules at and and produced, Nswa. Mwxtzim The Rockt regulations published r the of day or the to rest onr chins on when our MitaKftwu far It TtenW lotfoa smA To' jswa Cola, Is tha only dally Pupuliat paper gloom of night hia rude pen had get tired out gard to proof aud ratings, under which of which eharge each pensioner has Denver, answering questions. to tha It In tba nation. cartoon, apropos had notice comfull and a full and more than three thousand claims have , and in anhaerip-tionwritten hia la worth painfully the Imue with every roughly Physician I hope, my dear friend, been allowed and paid, have been re- plete opportunity to tie heard in sup- times, and It to full, fair and strong for the own blood the words: that your wife has been strengthened voked. and another construction of port of the pension as accorded to him; suae of reform. Dally. SO cents per month; "Over 200 Indians. All wiped ont by the medicine which I it is further Bend So far a gave her yesweekly, ft a year la advance. the law has liccn established, and andliesolvrd, but me. aud I'm hard hit Send word terday. Husband Oh, yea, A remedy whirii. That as the commissioner ample copy. there waa If nurd by WIth " new regulation for proof and rating., of to abundance of itrength in that medipcnimiK, by his rcceut withdrawals shout ton pertMi Most of three crank seem to have their lcs favorable to claimants have of the was That all. The fell Iho painful onh obnoxious ru ing which had cine. In foot it made her so strong splinter them when they are arrested. uttsmlunt upim leeu adopted: that a board of re- been so generally eoiidomned, ha vir- mouths wlih from his fingers, and he sank down that she wonld insist on benefl-elthe will pnTH No water mineral departing to produo in vision lias been organized the pen- tually acknowledged the incorrectness Ye gave them burial in the other world. and died. un Infulllhls nud. result that follow taking oxa or more of flr for.andotnlates sion ollivc charged with the duty of of such ruliugs, we deem it hia further "Bkicuam's tbe burned and the of with water. grazsy valley a Elisa 1ilia "Lite tare certainly runs in the tbs torturca of revt.ing u tiieseahjndiented el aims in duty to at onoe restore to the rolls the cabin, und as we broke camp the dog Greensmlth kermtne thmiMiiidH of penmen now standing The two daughBorne men get down on their neighbor new construcacvuriliiiiec with this wild-eyewent with us, fierce, tiiedangrrstlieiviv d and ters write family. when they And they ean't come up to them. to Uai uNfharund poetry that nobody will tion. u ml such chiingvd regulations us illegally suspended.I. X. wolfish, but knowing that he was rhiM. hold ly all Wai.kkr, Iff tha Itahg la raulae Troth. print, the suns write plays thst noilnuetoin. ftontliy to proof und ratings; that under these among friend a A.'M. Wahxku, remtOy, Nm B am sad as that eM aad wrII-ubody will act and tbe mother write! rouript eliaeges. i !ioiiun I of pensions have tipnoa of pnve, flAi par J. W. Itl KST, Wisau1! Sooraiaa It are fur Chlldraa TMChtag. novels that noboJy will read." "And if no for is other Adversity, reason, notice ami n without toitlo, charge .'i A. 11 (rKKKXK, of benefit, since it ia sure to bring a what does the father write?" "Oh. ba of the that An thinks editor right people llii.osauus of pen loners have been II. K. Taixtwh. season of sober reflection. AAOniLO OCOULATON CO.. ATUkara, ua. writes cheoks that nobody will cash." tamp era thoac who eneUiaa retura postage Committee on pensions, diei j'.-i-l fi oiu the rolls. K is claimed well-know- n Haa-baa- d. nsao-lutiuu- u d. long-draw- newly-discover- August Flower $20 ed long-deserte- u REWflRD r - THE JUDGES S HIGHEST srtU-lss- a l f SYRUP f poor-hous- semi-darkne- ss ChlU-Mrt- al l, pro-pai- 1 i d |