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Show A- v - JT -' ' '...V V ' V punled look which suddenly changed to one of wild excitement "Is this the child you were talking of, and did you say you saw him this morning? he demanded of the be-- DBt, ELL, it wu month aino i Miir-ti- n iloiworth had come to iicnton, .the little trammer resort perched on the top ot one of theMaesachuaettahills,andliung np hia sign aa a photographer, it waa discouraging work at first, hut, little by little, it became quite the thing for the young people from the hotel and hoarding houses to drop in and hare their pictnrea taken, anu now he felt that lie waa alowly getting ahead. If only be could nave up enough, ao that he and Molly could ha married in the fall, it waa all hla wildest dreams could hope for. loor. patient, loving Molly, it waa three years since they became engaged, and for all he could see. until lately, she waa liable to continue to preside over Dr. Collins' kituhen to the end of time. Si moutlia before, a traveling artist had stopped awhile in lirookdale, and taken a fancy to Martin, hiring liim to help at odd times, and teaching him to lake and finish np pictnrea After lie went away, Martin went to Worcester, and invested all hia little savsecond-han- d ings In an on camera, and tried picture-takin- g his own responsibility; but there waa little call for a photographer In U rook-daland so, taking Molly advice, he had come to llenton to try and make their united fortunes In the early mornings, before It wu time to look for patrons ha would wander forth with hia camera, and take ehota at varloue picturesque spots, in the hope of finishing them upt selling them to the summer guests as souvenirs, lie wss standing one forenoon, in front of a big white farmhouse, almost at the end of the long street, and thinking what a pretty picture it would make, with the big St liernard dog asleep under one of the maples that shaded the wide veranda, when a lady came out and sat down in one of the low chair. Martin stood fascinated. She bad the moat beautiful face he had ever aeen, and the saddest If only he might take her picture, not to sell, not to show, just to keep for Molly and himself. But nothing would hire him to catch that sweet troubled face unawares, and he certainly hadnt tha courage to go in and ask her permission. Suddenly she looked up, and him watching her, and gently in- qnlred if he were looking for anyone. There waa no help for it now, and alowly ha limped np the path, feeling that all the blond in hia body waa showing in hla face. " lleaae ma'am, might I take your picture? ha stammered. Take my picture?" she repeated, wonderlngly, what for? Not to sell? Oh! col protested Martin, eagerly, "jnat for Molly and me ' I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT WHEN SELECTINQ SEED CORN. wlldered Martin. Ye sir, about'n hour ago, down Avoid Ksliiloasly HUIs AflVetml With nesr the circus siael Thus We Ought to Know There was a sob from the whiteliul la Urf ICrgluus Farm hates faced woman, and her husband elaaped sad Uuuia iliata. her closely in his arms. it is our boy, our little Teddy," he explained rapidly, lost a year ago la deleetlag Haad Cara. New York. He was out with hia In order to do the right kind of who waa knocked aenaclesa nurse, by a runaway horse; when she recovered work in aolecting sued corn from the of child was consciousness, the gone, and field one must have a fixed t idea money and detectives, even ihe offer I what he wants. In the first place he of a n ve thouisund dollar reward, have must be quite sure that the corn he all been powerless to find a trace of is selecting from is a kind that him. Now, come, before we lose him comes a clone to what he wants aa again. anything obtainable; for if it does They had not far to search. not. he will find it cheaper to buy Just outside the circus grounds, on sued adapted to hia requirements the edge of a field, sat the foreigner, while. Just beyond, stretched at full than to spend year of selection in it Hut suppose him to length on the ground, lay a sleeping ' approaching child. The noonday sun beat down have in tyie field before him a variety on the tired, flushed face, and, even I of corn as well adapted to his soil In sleep, there ws a pathetic curve to and climate as any on the market, the little lip that told its own story of j then It is for him to make such aeiec-waand privation, and made the i tion of seed as shall preserve all its j nt Ewiu.'Su.'.'rt The Italian saw them coming, and snatching up hia violin, he roughly shoved the boy with hia foot Ult up there, yer lazy loot, and dance one jeeg for the gentleman. Hut a savage hand seized hia collar, and hia feet flew out from under him, while, roused from hia nan. tha boy hi. tyra.t gased in wonder ea he a. I , e, ! j e4 bavaor HAMD skizcii Him the grasp of a stranger. Hut was It a stranger? A look came into the big brown eyes, then suddenly a light spread all over the wan little face, and the ehlldiah voice rang out: In far-awa- y Papa! Oh! papal r-'- T' The 1 wish to make is that he must Pn preserve all the existing good quali- ties, rather than to got hla eye fixed on someone point of excellence to the neglect of others, por ingtance. a inan live where th MBUD to (horta andJ he railMJi a qulcky maturlng varlety. In Mlect. lng seed the extra large ears will hare an attraction for the eye, end he may be led into taking such fine ones without a thought of their earli- ness of maturity. In a few years he such i may find an Improvement ears, but la likely to find in size of that he THE BELLFD BUZZARD. only way to keep dronei successfully CASTLE IN THE for any length of time we must keep A Mjstarloas Bird Which Kearaa Sapar-tllloYo them in queenleas colonies l'soids. ought to know that when the bees IT WILL BE SEEN AT THE ANTThe famous helled buzzard recently WERP SHOW. begin to lead the drones out, or pen made its appearance near Butlers them off to starve, they are of no Foils, Ind. The bird stopped for a a more good--- American Hee Journal. time upon the topmost branch of Tha Hast Darin fadurtaklax la B tall tree on the Kentucky shore, and could plaiuly be seen from the Indiana glass rlnx Yet Kaeordad Will Da Fraparlaf fur Fruit la Itry Karlov of good glh A novel method of preparing rratars af tbs Kelt World's Fair tide by the possessors in this village. Several shot were Hald t'y by Hallaoaa, ground in dry regions where fruit fired at the bird during It passage trees are to be set is given by a over the village, and Mr. Robert Mo-practical nurseryman as follows: HAS OCCURRED Kane, a freshman in Hanover col lege, Dig a trench two Let wide and to the good people and the crack shot of the Institution, three feet deep, At the bottom of of Antwerp that it ia the proud possessor of a beautiful this dig another trench the width would be an addi- - feather of raven-- t lack eolor.dialodged ditional attraction from the wing of hi buzzardsliip with and depth ol the spade. Now the to their lively city a repeating rifle, while the bird was small trench la to be llnt.-- with two if they were to hold majestically aailing over the college diameter inches in about three poles an international dormitory. so they will not quite meet in the reexhibition next Several stories are in circulation center, tht n a third pole la to be laid As an attrac- garding the origin of the belled buzyear. on these two so as to break the tion to the exhibi- zard, and there are many who assert This is to be continued the tion itself, they that no such animal exiata that it ia joint whole length of each row of trees, have hit upon tha a myth, started for the purpose of other notable device of a frighten ing colored people and acorea planted in the usual way and preones. There are air. castle If tha ia usual superstitious at the depth sumably The castle in the air is the invention of people, however, who not only raw these trenches are situated on' an inof a Brussel engineer named Tobi-ansk- i. the bird, bnt plainly heard the tinkle can clination, so that their mouths It wiU be built of Mannesman of the bell about ita neck aa it passed deliver tho water drainage into steel tubes, aluminum, bamboo and over here the other day, although the natural channels, there need be no other light but strong material. This creature flew too high to be In range fear of any decay or death among the framework will be partly covered of the dozen or more rifles aimed at iL trees. Fertilize with lime and ashe The bell, which must lie a small and with China silk and partly with steel but so as not to bring the roots in netting, which, white giving an ap- light one, or the bird could not fly tone, and contact with these ingredients fur pearance of solidity, will allow the with it, has a rich, onsilvery some Alabama used lessen waa thus and to wind evidently through pass the present The To economize in ths ditching, the tha pressure on the structure of tho castle is to be made of ditches may he thirty feet npart and floor Mannesman aieel tubes and bamboo, the trees twelve feet apart on the and will be carefully tested before the of bed over the ditch. Journal Agri- building ia opened! Tho floor will cultural measure thirty-thre- e yards long and wide eight yards Fares Krus The castle will be supported by a Good grass makes better mutton composite balloon consisting of six than weeds can. parts, each ono of which ia a complete balloon. These six It la claimed that the average life and independent will he held together by strong of a bee in summer Is not over three part silk netting, which will be attached month. to the castle by a steel tube and to Charcoal ia good to have where counteract the force of the wind the chickens can get it It is a blood balloon ia to be covered with a second silk net, to which sixteen steel cables purifier. be fastened to hold the structure It ia a good plan to boil the roast will a rigid position. from an old sheep awhile before inThe balloon and castle will be fastroasting. ened to the ground by five ropes, each The flock must not be exposed to one capable of bearing twenty-fiv- e the storms of winter. Shelter must tons, and the castle ia also to be fastened to the ground by steel eablee be providod. balloons will be able to Fowl fatten faster on cooked than Four of the castle and 150 visitors, so the raw food because it is more thor- rapport TH BXLI.XD BUZZARD. that atanv time one of the balloons can oughly digested. be replaced or repaired without any ladys tea table originally. Whenever Map out the spring work so that danger to the whole lias will be forced the bird makes ita appearance in the whatever can be done toward tha into tha balloons when necessary superstitious portions of the south the affrlghtedly into their next crop may bo attended to this through a silken tube connected with negroes rush a cabins and reman bidden until ita do- winter. Each separate balloon haa a capacity parture ia announced, as it ia regarded a The farmer should never have to of from 15,000 to 15,000 cubic metera of bv the more ignorant one aa a verit-gai able devil, which brings with it all. buy what he can raise, but should The castle, which will hold 150 peo- - aorta of evila rather be a seller of agricultural pie, will be reached by two lifts runproducts. Chemical Discoveries Give the boy an interest in the ning np and down the steel cables, That extreme cold paralyzes every farm brines early. If, however, and by them from ten to fifteen people, he does out like the farm, let him select the business to which he ia beat adapted. Whether one or twenty cows arc kept, it will be found that tho good AIR THE FARM AND HOME, ia getting a kind of corn too late for bia latitude. Kara selected for seed corn should be ideal ones, or as nearly so aa possible, in form, size (of ear, kernel and cob) and date of maturity. lhave experimented daring the past few years with the Cory sweet j corn extra early va-- I a well-knoriety, writes C L. Hill in the Ohio 1 bought seed of the man I Karu,p' h introduced it. and have planted 1 by itself every year during the past ' nine years, and have kept it pure, In selecting (feed I noticed that the earliest maturing ears were not the I finest ones, and a few years ago, I i adopted the plan of selecting two kind of ears, one from the very earliest, whether large or small, and the other from the finest ears, however late. The result is that I am soon to have two distinct varieties of the Cory corn ono early and fine, the other extra early and smaller. The latter variety, of oouree, ia the one that ia of the moat value to me. The former ia nothing better than the Marblehead, which la just what the Cory la when the extra week of earliness la taken from it Some corn growers boast of the number of ears they raise to the stalk. For me, one ear to tha stalk la enough, and I seleot seed only from stalks hearing single ears One good ear to every stalk will give 100 bushels of field eorn per acre,' or over l.itOJ dozen ears of sweet corn; and I think It ia easier to get a stalk to ki e,t the worn little form waa sobbing in tha arms that had ached ao long to hold him. e The next morning, Benton had lost its photographer, for Martin, with check Ipr 5,000 in hla pocket, was speeding home to Molly, There la no better paying farm in lirookdale thaa hia, no happier conple than he and his Molly. Except for a few weeks in the summer, the camera is stored away ia the barn, and then it ia in constant use. Teddy takes everything, animate and inanimateon the placet while And who u Molly?" a Bad little Martin and Molly, and the joyous, smile flitting over, her face, aa aha girlish-lookin- g mother, who cannot bear the sturdy youngster out of her poke. And he told bar, not only of Molly, sight, look ever admiringly on. but, encouraged now and then by a A Pastoral Kptooda. pleasant question, tbe humble little I know where theya an elegant story of hia Ufa all came out, and tha tears filled the listener's eyes, aa tha swtmmln place, said Meandering pathoa of it all cams home to her, and Mika she realized there were other sorrows -. in the world beside her own. lie told -a- jher of the pretty little farm that had What ver Blven tw0 IMop on8B ,talk me" once been hia fathers, and how, step f KIn U. Im glvln' yer a dead straight by step, that father went down, till at 1 cle-steer. know where farm tha died an and I a drunkard, last he they, earlineaa 1coor was sold llow tha mother struggled gant awlmmiu pool, an 'talnt very other kinds single-eare- d the stalka are to lortanue, for two years trying support fur off, neither." along for ft may readily be aeen that herself and her boy; then she, too, was Well, don't you know ef theya aneat; taken, and Martin grew np working given stalk will push one ear ahead wua'n takln' a bath it'a here and there for hia board and cast- anythingawlmniinP What do we want faster than It will either of two ears off clothes, and picking up what edu- goinln . which it ia supporting at the same cation he could. Then, when be waa wit a awimmin' place? time. There is a homely old expresIn him Mike looked at Moandorldg II, and earning a comfortable living, a to men who undertake sion fall from a hay wagon had injured hia silence for a minute. There were more applied can do they bite than they , thigh, and left him lame for lira tears in hla voice when he said: off more than they can chew. And And he told her of Molly, the only Feta yer a disgrace ter our I notice a similar fault with corn one In all the world who cared for are. no Ain't you ye got him, and how hard he was trying to business Instinct at all? Dont yer that starts a Hue of several oars put away enongh before the season know.dat where dores a good swlm-mi-n along its stalk waa over, that they might feel safe to In to smutty corn, I already place derea biled shirts g rowin have regard atari ont in life together, before anmore of it than 1 care to have. on do be bushes jes dyin ter swiped? other winter. It seemed to Martin, And until I have more light on the in thinking it over afterward, that he Washington Star. subject I shall oontinne to be on tha had told her all he had ever hoped or safe side and take seed corn from no Another Lover's tratxm. dreamer Even the impuaalble air There was a determination in his hill that is affected in any way with castle of sometime bnying back hla smut or any visible fungus growth. father's farm, which even now was eye as he approachod the for sale, slipped out somehow. wagon. This! Ws Ought tu Kaow. He walked home on air, and after Want an animal?" Wo to know that queonless that there were very few days passed, replied the driven Got bees ought Sut'n'y, bnt he managed to have a little chat one yer desire ter dispose of? nearly always build drone-com-b d woman who had with the ought to know that it stimulates it isnt exactly my dog. We treated him ao kindly, bha let him But Well, s colony to get to build some oomb. him. with am I acquainted aha fid take her picture, a bought We ought to know the color of that Has he got a tag? nearly all his views of llenton, paying person's hair that can always find all ho hasn't Im that No, aa wearing much aa ha asked, him four times in a strong oolony queen-cell- a in spite of hia protesta No ona knew tag m7ral1rn7w7an;r"thi young the first round. We ought to know anything about her. except that aha man, drawing the bit of metal Iran was a Mrs. Mango from New York, his You want to go after that colonies with yonng queens are drone-com- b that the never went away from the himpocket in the daytima lie's gentle less inclined to bu'ld We than those with house, or made any acquaintances, them But at old queens. night he's a terror. Til and that aha waa staying at Deaeon ought to know that broken piooes of to house." the take you Bangs, where they kept no other But nay, young feller, whats tho section are the best things out to boarder. of your interest in this trans- keep records on the nuclei. We cause One bright September morning, ought to know that bees, in ono Martin started out early with his cam- action? consider themselves queenless My interest? Oh well you see sense era There would be no business for when they build cells, and in natural him that day, for there wss a circus I go there to call sometimes " warming they seem to know that in town, anu he determined to take e Washington Star. the colony will be left queenleas, few shots et the circus grounds end The torofistloa Spoon. and they build cell to . that end. then rn round to show Mrs. Mason hia views of lirookdale. which she had know . that to Among the crown jewels of Eng- We ought asked him to bring, lint she was not land In tho tower of London is kept rearing queens at any season alona this time, a tall, handsome man, the coronation spoon." It dates I ' only nature and forcing with streak of gray in his hair, stood from the time of Fid ward the Con- that all the bulls colls are beside her, and Mra Mason introduced It is o( pure gold, naturally. We ought to know that fessor, 186(1 him to Martin as her husband. Mr. Mason shook hands with Martin richly set with gems, and is used to nature ha taught the bees that the cordially, bnt ha could are that tha receive the consecrated oil used at best thing to do la to rear a queen aa and em- the coronation. It is sometimes soon a possible after they find they photographer waa tongue-tiebarrassed in th presence of a stran- callod the anointing spoon." are queenless. We ought to know that bees in their great hurry to get ger, and he strolled away under the A Yoeal nra-Irap- a maples, while Martin gradually rea queen often make a mistake and bello teas, rushing up in exoitemenl start to rear a queen from a larva too gained hla powers of speech, and Wont you please sing something old. and. if allowed to hatch, will gan to describe his views. I've got one here somewhere, he Mr. Vogelsang? immediately, make a faulty queee Queen-breedehia waa saving, of a foreigner and 1 shall be plcaad, Mr. V., gratified ought to know that they should little boy, that came through lirook- I assure proof-rea- d before their queen-ce- ll dale last spring. 1 took em cause Hostess lo! Do! A fire's broke they are sealed, and not allow a cell the little feller was ao pretty, not n father. The out In the collar and 1 want to avoid to lie used that i started from auch bit like hia little ehap danced jiga and passed the a panic. Chicago Record. larva We ought to know fiat queens hat. and the man played the fiddle ; reared in good, strong queenleas colFavored by Ladles af China, And I declare, if I didnt seethe same a good aa any that awe onies two banging round the circue this The favorite headdress for ladles nre rearedjust naturally. We ought to morning. Here's the picture now. ; in China Is the figure of a bird, com- kunw that there Is a great difference j Aint ha a pretty" of silver or gold. Tho in In tho North and in There waa a choking cry. and Mr. posed arecoppor. made to droop over the tho South. For instance, dead brood wings Mason sprang to hia wife aide covers the back of will cause foul brood in Canada TajoW! Ned. look!" she gasped, temples, the tail head and breast plum- when It will not, nor cannot, in tne the head, the to picture. pointing Wonderlngly he obeyed, with a age are just above tho brow. Texas We ought to know that the .a11 ai!!J . r JZS2 . - V Ptor ! per-fessio- dog-catche- r's sad-eye- d rs ngly-lookin- g i J I bee-keepi- as r T : . animal la the cheapest, although tho first coat may be considerably greater than that of an inferior anlmaL The man who owns eighty or 160 acres can generally make as much elear money and live a much more satisfactory life than the man with a section. On the big farm expenses too frequently eat up all the profita Dont touch butter with your hands, says an exchange They are not built fur that business. What hand working you may bo called upon to do, do by pressing with ladle Creamery butter Is rolled to press out the surplus moisture Never pet with the hands nor grind it to death, nor. muss it up in any way. Home Hints. Boil clothespins in clean water once a month and they will be much more durable Open canned fruit an hour or two before it is needed for use It is far richer when the oxygen is thus re- stored to it If the rollers of a wringer are sticky and covered with lint pass a eloth dampened with kerosene between them. Put a little spermaceti, lard or kerosene in the boiled starch and borax in the cold, and your linen will be both stiff and glossy. Gum arable and gum tragacanth, in equal parts, dissolved in hot water, make tha best and most convenient mucilage you can keep in the house A pretty slumber roll is made out of oardlnai and orange ribbons sewn In cluster stripes on a black silk foundation. It is simply a round roll gathered at each end. and finished with pompons of the same ribbone in the To cure white canker-sora- s mouth, get at a druggist's five cents worth of gold thread and steep in warm water, and sweeten with honey or loaf sugar; wet the canker spots with a swab dipped in the tea every half-hoand give a little of tho tee Vaseline rubbed thoroughly Into the roots of tho hair prevents it from falling. It is said to preserve its color. Brushing the hair with a stiff brush fifteen minutes every night, then once in the day, makes it soft and glossy. Do not use borax water on tho hair, as it fades and injures it A grower of pineapples claims val- uable medicinal properties for tho juice of that fruit, confidently asserting that it will cure indigestion, no matter how severe, and has proven itself to eontain wonderful tonic and restorative qualities for a weak stomach. It relieves, and, so to peak, warms and nurses the distressed organ. Save the small paper bags carefully which groceries come in; they are useful In many wsya Slip the hand in one when you black the stove and you will not soil it. When flies abound, slip them over the clean ! during the day. lamp chimneys After fruit is canned draw them over the can anil label them plainly; the action of the light causes more fruit to spoil than any other one thing. . will be able to ascend and descend every aix minutes. At night the Castle ia the Air will be lighted by electricity, and the committee feela certain that this novel attraction will he to the Antwerp exhibition what tho Eiffel tower waa to the Paris exhibition of 188. sad Traaka. Old cheat and trunks have a value aa curios, and are largely taken by the dealers in the Ilka As paper waa eostly in the eighteenth century, many auch article were lined with newspapers then current, and, if the pleasantries of the period are to he trusted, even with rejected manuscripts. A curiona old trunk with pentagonal ends recently turned np in the hop of a dealer in old furniture. It till bore a weather stained card, showing that ita last delivery had been to somebody in Pearl street. It was lined with a Philadelphia newspaper of 1773. and the pagea exposed bore tha tax list of that year in pounds, shillings and penca 014 Chads vital function ia ol course a piece of Bnt it has every day knowledge. been left to Prof. Pictet, who haa been, conducting soma experiments on this, subject, to discover that at a temperature of 150 degrees below the centigrade zero there ia ao chemical action, between nitris or sulphuric acid and potash, between oxygan and potaa--siuthough under ordinary eirenm-stancthe affinity of the latter metal for oxygen ia ao great that it will burn if thrown into water, owing to its combination with the oxygan In that fluid. Bnt if the electric spark ia. played on bodies which have thus lost the power of chemical affinity, soma new and curious combinations result The lateat investigations, the conclusions of which, however, have been theoretically presaged for sots a years past may require us to reconsider the question of the temperature of outer space and the possibility of an atmosphere oomposed of gases in combination existing there. es The KhaOlve T(ll ia to have a The Khedive of Egypt toilet service. Hia mother has gold had it made for him ia London. There are Throwlnx a Hone. There ia a certain way that experi- twenty-eeva- tr pi a uarvlee. pieces, ia Renaissance style by hand. Each piece hears in diamonds tha monogram A. P., aur mounted by the crown of the Grand Turk. It required l.ZUO diamonds, two hair brushes, two elothea brushes, two hat brushes, a shaving brash and two razors, a hand mirror, a taole mirror with sconces, a shoe horn, glove stretchers, scissors, knife, two penknives, a pin cushion, two powder boxes, three perfun.a caskets and a fes stand and eovar to make np the et It ia ineloaed in a coatiy abonyi mild, chased enced stockmen know of throwing a horae down ao aa to break hia neck and kill him at once. An ordinary halter ia put on tha horae, the leads trap from it passed between the horaea front legs, a turn being taken avound tha far one near the fetlock. Tho exacn-floDthen hlta ihe horse a sharp cat with a whip, and when he jumps np pull sharply and strongly on the Tha bora strikes head first, with the entire weight on hia neck! Th fall ia invariably fataL . |