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Show ,w i ' J . H . . . fF : V) t s. x-- .: f . ,' -- w t t I . ! f . r J . m VOX- I - The PB. W.FIN'GRAM, Eaqle Tht LfU!stur CnvnH Mflaisy, For three year lliarv ?L Kinds of Whip Lashes I offQuuuy. Our llolidays have passed away rath er tamely and yet many of the lur keys aqd chickens appear to look soljtcatly done on short upljce. t emn as though they mis numerous Satisfaction guaranteed t ones of their relatives that have fallen : VT4H victims to man's ptqneness to exert his power qver (lie weaker beasts of tne field W, R. Although our race track was in bad and T&Hor QepIS Merchant condition, some horses werj sent through the snow and mud, making a Furnisjiings. (it, tie variety ot fun but a serious accident occured that interfered with tlie enjoyment of the same, James Tippett belug kicked in the side by a horse Lust became startled through the shaft of a buggy coming in contact horses side. James fainted with away goon after the accident, but it is hoped no seiiaua results wlU occur to him. Brass band music, theatres snd .L.y.F?.7- -' I dances, besides family and social gatherings, are features of our holiday Harness Repairing Jamison, te lentertainmenls. l'be old year was esrourted nut and ll)e oew year welcomed in, and we were rung out of our sleep, then back to sleep again Sunday night, by Janitor Paul Illnnsn and a few HOTEL KAYSYILLE 106 ID as nice a manner, as the THE 1 u.u ringeni of ,Mt.r and more prew Itlous Christian cities snd countries fL MANSELL, Prop, duty. perform this natives iq zzzr i hwshabli hi na The universal ringing of peaceful harmless bells by so many nations jjxi bocsi isi bctplt ii tmi wrftu far more Huggestlve of Sweet Winged CJSI THtJUSnjimKf: Peace cf P?ace on Earth phaid Will to Mep than tlic mure noisy booming s of death dealing (bat are used to usher in the several national holidays, Holidays made such by nations patriotically resisting the cl crocbments of "Mans Inhqmanlty to I Acad-lem- y mid-nig- fi Eiitou Eagle. DkarFkiekd: In compliance with your request I willtry and write you a few lines. In company with four other young men from Utah wn arrived In the city of Chattanooga op (he morning of Dec. 20, where we remained for three days. While there we visited the bate lie fields of Under the pond and Mlwionary Eidge. We also yluted the national cemetery where are hurlefl the remains of i2,98 brave soldiers, who diet) while fighting for tur grand union, and several other historical places. W. II. IVtcton and myself left the pity of Chattanooga (in the 2.7, Inst, and when wg arrived at the city of Birmingham, Aja., where we separated, be fuok the train for Mississippi, where b will labor for tlie text two years. I then took tie train for Louisville. I remained jn the city of Montgomery and visited the old capitol building, where Jefferson Davis tpok the oath of office and saw the monument that has been erected on tliq spot where ha stood when he declared his intentions. 1 arnved at my destination on Christmas day. My field of labor is Southern Alabama and Florida. My ht fire-arm- PATS ESEASCisFJLIjE Man JfeygYttLe, S5 tbat cutlpually The editor pf thk eagle t Allhed. Fiikuk Mrs . Allred is a lady of Salt Lake. Her address will be given to any buly who will write or call at our office. Also other testimonial at your service. One trial treat ueut $2 00, All orders iiiuxt la-ibe sent to the SALT Manager, LAKE MEDICINE CO. , &6 West Repond South Street, Boom 2." well-kno- VetiM. Tlie amual meeting of tlio stork holders of tile Carnes Bank lug Co., will be bald gtiueir office in Kayavill, Utih on Monday January 15, I8H4, at ID o'clock a. iu., for tha election of and to transact aucb osuer business as shall lawfully come be fore It R. W. Barnes, ' Cashier Wheat taken fur eoa at the Co-o- p Choice new raisins apg best reolean ed currants for mince meat at tlie Uo-o- Blankets from the 1.00 Co-o- p. tqll2.00 a pairat We have a few suite of clothes tbat go at cost. Kaysvllle Co-o- p. Co-j- cf always has a couplate itssh Dry. Go. Is, Groceries, Roots, Shoes II it, lotting, Gents Furnish, ings, Hardware, Crockery and in short anything and everything in the General Merchandise line. We also have the agency for Pleasant Valiev, Castle Grate, Roch Springs, Almy and Peacock Coal Cos. , . The several stations before we realized liow far the iron horse bad born us on our way. We then chattel a while on the business outljok generally and the resources of Utah, The Eagle qi ( pusher moor bp patne acquainted with me fact die frjeud uud worzed in Utest Styles, Press his way up from R purveyor, which WEATHER ITEMS. bal been bis occupation lor several Prices At "fed F.cck. For the benefit of your readers I will years, to superintendent of the Bulliomine. Be invitwl us to go UTtVOLl pin. preface tbe weekly weathei reports n-Beck with tlie following explanation; you on to Eureka with him instead of will notice on tbe thermometer that staying ail night at Pa yson as we had .72 denies above, zero It Is marked intended to do, hi we could could G. Ogden freezing, the colder it get the lower make, connections op the way sQUth the thermometer will register. The ust as well by going on to Enreka IATCVJLU. Rife degree af warm th is indicated by the and coming hack on tlic morning ol the mercury. traiu.Ile said ne would igke usthrouah Cleans Ticks, Feathe and riseLast, winter the the coldest day was tbe mine and show us the( workings Mattresses. Dire. 1L two below zero at 7 a. in. as tbe rninere labored at night just tiilaaUlon. The hottest days last summer were the sain e as In Hr plvc vpiendld daylight. We of cour-- e 10c IER 10UND FOR J July u, 77 degrees arid August 4, 78. UCE kind Invitation and tbe accepted FEATHERS. The first snow fell jast wintei on went on over tbe drifting dashing OjI. 16, hut not enough to measure. snow to the greatest gold mining The nezt fell on Nov. K after that of Utah. The earth's fleecy dale and up to Jan 1 25 inches or camp of white became deeper ami mantel snow and 1 Inches of rain hal fallen. Call we ascended tbe msuntain as From Jab. 2, to Aprit 29, enough si,iw deeper and move! around some of tbe sharphad fallen to make a total of loui est curves passed over tbe highest 1001118 ami of rain to make 5 inches. and tlirongh some of the truss wnrki, Over oue foot of snow last winter and darkest kingest tunnel on the inure than any previous winter since CONTINUED OJf FAOX8. JAPIE'S 1 Edward t IfyouWishto get LOWEST PRICES c 11 us. oi TALK.. PRICES w 0UR. - a 9 John R. Barnes e t Supt Tbe Gmp baa the beat and cheapest line of overcoata in Davis county. wai called 3 p. and New York u fully suit in alloyed peace and hapSwim I . piness jvlrbnte these days without J)!RY GOODS MILLIN misgiving wonder and apprehension as to the length of time tiiat may EJIY, NOTIONS, elapse before Mans irihuiuanity'i again force tliem to forget be finil GENT will fraternal feelings tbat' now prevail and cause them to beat tbelr impleFUUN1SHIXG ments of husbandry into weapons o SHOES. and IUXITS pROCEBIES, war with which to destroy each other and lay waste the land. Co-cx- XiXJQ Note the reduction in boots an(l shoes at the 92-4- 0 Make Countless KiA.TZ'Sy , the Eagle into botherq Uuh Jast week on very World for for que year how does important bpsines. bu( lqokily for that suit you? This is our new club him be had jhi pleasure of co-offer. At tbe regular rate the two paa little fpu an4 surprise with hi pers' would cost you 93.00. business. On the way from Salt Lake V Fajmouwebad (be egquisie pleasure The north bound mall now clows at of meetiua an old college chum whom 7 a. in. instead of 9 heretofore and first the for seen ycara, (welve weoot bound malls will now close south ths the college school mate we have met In com- at 9 a. m . snd 9:20 p. m. and ouraelviA We seated tyest. menced to tala over old times and old frjepds and what time is d'Mng for tlie latter. The train whistled pased Thousands Mourp. Then let the old UWi; folks rinv the bells for me rry Christmas and jbuppy pew year; and happy cnildren continue to hang up their stockings and enjoy the Impatiently waited for holidays and may the time speedily come when 'Wars shall be no CO more and whpn all nations shall joy- LEAD. let Cranberries, Rweeteputntoea nuts, Cabbage and Grapes at companion is W. O. Ridges of Ogden. Sheflled I will bring my letter to a close for this time with belt regards to yon We will clut The Eagle with any and your clerks. paper published In the world at greatas ever I remain yqur friend, ly reduced rates. O. A. Williams Cureston's Bridge. A limited amount of farm produce Henry Cp., Alabama. received at this office on subscription Cali see us and make contract. Mini. Ths Bulhon-Bse- k I lUtocta gut F.y.bvol Litter from HlsosMiy WOIitmi. A itemi-carSoUd-syiPs inffi-re- uu-nu- t Huli-bar- d yr, e. Xstow a smith, NO, 4 Ltdin. win ami run; iuji. I hare been miieiy in treJted by fume of die of physician tlii city without nuti-ria- l results. 1 took oue treatment of Du. ok JoxaV preTii-tim- i. and to my surprise and .1easuro, was alileto lie up working am have been five Befrom p.lin and otiicr I have coning so pleased eith Ihe sented to give tliis testimonial and also it to my lady and all ttien who so much uevd if V wy truly 1 Artesian Wells t, tki A Litter Ju, 8. The Teimorial legislature meet tH.uie very neat Monday, Jan. JHYSICIAll AT SURGEON, before come iiuestionswltl momentous the much honored assembly before the nose of the session. Among them some UTAH. which are of much Importance to the kaysvillb, Tin? 55 Quorum of SeveM ies, will cause of future education in the tern incetat the Kayv.ille meeting bouse lory or 1n state which is about to be Bonncmort & Leyton, .Sunday, Jan. 7, at 2:30 p. m. made. Oue of them is shall the I niver conHector W. Bright- Probate Judge slty and Agricultural College be solidated? Am.ther. shall the school ivi county, writes W. E. of the Midwinter Fair executive for deaf be scaraied from the VnU the committee, stating that rapid pro- verntiy of Viuu and where shall in a place be to located subla be former made with gress Reasonable being private Ibices shall scriptions and he hopes to have little suited to Its needs? Anuther, Kaysvllle, Utah trouble in raising 9100 besides the we have an institution for the edub.r the county cation of the blind tnd feeble minded $200 appropriated NATHAN REEVES. court The tire members of the and where shall it bo Seated. They County court gave $5 each to start require careful and wise considerali'ui Manufacturer of the private subscription, and Davis Not only must the present needs he COMBINATION FENCING county Is showing ah inclination to considered but what will lie of most be well represented at Man Francisco, bene tit to the great future Stale of KVKViirf Utah and to coming generations herald. diould be thought of and considered. 11 mi KAYSVILLE, DAVIS GOTO TY UTAH, THURSDAY, JAN." 4, 1801 JAS. K. lROUD FOOT Tonsorial Artist. 2 hirst door East Ilyrum Stewart's. Utah. Kaysvllle, "PRICES TAXJL, 4 - . SANTA FE ROUTE" Don't tell to seeura your ticket nading Rio Grande Western Colorado ... Midland Atchison Tgpeka a . & V . rt Santa Fe Ryg, en bsteaea Qgdep, Ball Lak Ths only lino ruaaisz Pulluus Sleep! ny ' Cbicacowllhouffteanzp City pail SHORTEST- QTJICKZEST EQUIPMENT TjirSTTlipSaHig HUBKESY IIKEIIIIilLEII. via nLminniiB bfsih QBt - Trala loaves Rio rinwle 7T astera Depit, Salt Lake City, atT;U Ticket Office, No. 1JW. Second Soil U Street.' sj. ta. C. BTJISnsrB TT, 131. EH Befily pulijfiEC. BALT LAKE CIY, tlW .Ste'JSI F0NTYN TEA. For Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Nerve Exhaustion. Kidney disease Etc. Funtth Remedies Co.. Kaysvllle, Utah L John R. Rarncs, Prcst S Rills, Vice Prgst. , B If. sran, Cashjgf Directors. Peter Barton T. FJ Rouechej John J W. Gailey3 Q. M. Parnes. ft n. La(kps. r at JC A AYSyiLLE Meat Market. fpp first class meats lilgluM Cg!l. gEF; frill sjaid 18IU1. for Tne avtrege tempratqre at 7 a. ni last October was 4.7i; Nor. 34; Dec. UNION 35. Tiff coldest week was inB M,ndy n,,t- - No, MUTTON And PORK ii,g2(ij, The-wee- k the week end ending Jan. be- l,27i - Tlie first snow fell (bis winter ori 3ft, i an iuch. Oet i of an inch. Scut. a and Specialty Ggives Handling Fork Nov. 11 Inches. 1) jc, 151 inches, Totalis inches c. T. LlaiUlCIB, ftpleit I rrop.j MH'TII ROUND. I average PACF1C TIME n Butte Express Jar. L(h:1 NONTIIBOUND. No. ?f Fast Mail llirtland Express TAUI-- E 9:2P a ni. 3:56 1 m. 6:44 p. ni. 7:32 a. m. 7:37 p. in. 10:11 a. ni. 3:21 p. iu, BARNES BANKING COMPANY Surplus $10,000. Capital A CARD Transacts a General HANKING BUSINESS t,,e LADIES. Draft Drawn Payafel Anywhere In the Canada or Mexico. Our $25,000, Dear Lady: If you are troubled with painful and irregular period take Du- - dk Jo.a's Prescription. Vic give written guarantee to permanently cure in two treatment or refund money. Pri'V for one tritl treatment 9200' Write AVorld-renowne- il for transacting general busing m are as good as can Ijp found In Utah We pay 5 per cent interest on savings or call on Ladv Manager, deposits and receive any amount from SALT LAKE MED. CO., one dollar up. Deposits of all solicited, West Second South St. GU Salt Lake City. Utah. Local II H. Express Patient unsuccessfully treated or In effect Dec. 1, 3. imposed upon by others especially P. Tnoinasscn, Aoent Invited tv call. 91 accommodatlQn Special attention to those of children WBWffNT TOUR BUSINESS GIY U3ST.1. f; vt: 'J. I. V , j w i |