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Show - . - V , - . - Chamber of Oommercp, of bait feake addressed the court in relation to the be derived from making benefits a proper exhibit at the the reFair, thereby advertising sources pf the Territory, which would eupouiage capitalists to invest Vp. Blond was a passenger to Suit tlieiy mean and assist In developing ouf natural resou rces. lie requested to cover a poran Charles MrsMr. and Cottrell, Jr tbatof appropriation of said tion exhibit the expense up from Salt Lake. !E3 - f1 r--r Ff?:E x. AGLiB Mid-Wint- er The genial boys from tm coupty scat extended an invitation to the Kaysvilleband to accept their hospitality pn New Years day. It has not yet been decided whether or not he Invitation wil be accepted. tgtl lotto. DnvuCoubtji In lha Probate Cisinia sud for iolU--r oftM rswic Territory ol t'tuh : iu iheUeceawd. Notice of of Elixubrlk IKnuond, fur tiiuo ond place of for hrartoa S In protMtnuf wilt Puraiauil to ao ordi-- id said tour! in iMld natb-r- , notice In Lor iby iriven that Monday tue r IHitt day of Lave tnlier, A. V- - IsU. At II o chick.A. M. Court Uoum Id Krmtutfton, Uuciii Co., Territory In Ike court room of said nttae lunbia been appointed the tipie and place for the bearing of a petition of J. K. Uarnea for the admmdon to prjtwte of a cer pnyln 0t Edward tain diwunieut therewith prewntid, purporting 4 grand family HuWill und etumi at of Kliyabcth held was at his rtsi; to be bat lUrceautsL ahre and a here all pcrxoii Phillips family, lutereNlednwy appear an. I npiuNe the prolatte dencc C brut man. All the children of aald will, or 'hi vrautius of lelten, Ttwlaiam aa praytsl for in U to Said of John the in children and vicinity lary grand Brig Barton at Salt Lake, (pent Jacob said pelilHin. lU'preeentative'.Sloker snd Mrs. Gnen and ye Edihir Witmichs WaiMlnr. I fiiruitsnai in Kaysvllie. la Kaysvillc, Miller advocated an appropriation have hereto et my hand and and wife were present. adlxed I hr aeal of mi id Court Tbe merchants did a pretty pood and the matter was discussed at thia '.fib day of Noreuibcr A. Tiie merry crowd gathered about U. IMS. last some length. An appropriatieq pf noon lihtma trade peek. we our arrival ami soon after Tbuma 1200.00 was made. of hi 1rubale Court LVrli Panov at Webster' Pavlllioa 11 uO were shown lulu a large dining noiu. UyS-H- . WiUvx, A pet (ton signed by James Dayand across SScta. 1. the Ticket Utpuiy Clerk. wliere a large table, reaching tay evening Jan. C. K. Pearsoa, 12 others was read asking tuat an cozy room, a stood under groaning Atty. fur Prtlllonera. Mra. Garlick la suffering from appropriation of tl.03 be made to pay load of the diilicacle and luxuries of severe of A Family Just Arrived, New Stook A. Fargc'g Box Ti I i (ZHirt, Bt-Uat- pi-da-y. School Shooa - Evvry Fftiy. e. f attack pnepppiqia, n the delinquent tax jt hirhard an Invalid. Not grkiited was The merry Jingle of sleigbbsll An appropriation of I7.:i2 was .made peard on Tuesday fur the Brat time (0 Duyjlhc taxes of Elizabeth Bice, this season. assessor reported additional The Editor Smith waa called to Kcplil assessment of S12.4ft on Jand that the (in business this week, and the joipci owners had made filial proof on, p'u left in charge of amateurs. Tin; Cl rk reported tlie net county Pavia County Nursery trees are llie tax for the year I8M, as shown hy the $WJfW0i The roll to 1 licit and cheapest fur our people to coliis-tu- r a reCall for on subiniilcd slid them asscs.ir price. plant. in sold taxes the land for of the port Miss Clara Bishop dint last Sunday JSitS to be I177.HU. The clerk was year gt 12 o'clock sf lor a ten dvys illness. instructed to draw a warrant in fuvor The funeral was held at 1 oclock of the collector for the faxes uu said i!SU:rday. aim nut. Jesse C. Little, one of that hardy Tho resignation of Get rge H.HciineU imnipaiiT of pioneers of '47 died a us eoiiNtahle of South Hooper precinct f iis liouie in Salt Lake on Tuesday. was presented and accepted. to take The rank of that honored oaiid are effect upon the qualification of his I successor. peing sadly depleted, A idler from the parties engaged in The lH'nvH'rats are to ',1 I'ongratu, the county maps was read, nuking O. enlistment of Jlun lalcd outlie paper that nit suggestirg f, Powers, one of the recruits from be used. Hefcrred to Haight Judge t LUmraJ prty, lie has iliedefqo-jwith power to act. been apixnnted it piuntber of the A resolution was passed endorsing fiainpalyn pamruittee fur the special the action of Delegate Uawlins In his t flection in Salt Lake, Mr, lowers sfforts to have opened for settlement s a man of gigantic Intelieo, rare ora. ! the Uintah reservation. Adjourned to and he Is a thorough s 4 (oriual abilities Monday Jan 15 18U3. politician We hare been incorporated as near a first class city as possible, but no l AMOSGTHl BBXimS." v; city taxes have as yet been assessed our city fathers thinking tho people ; f Hw Bnoati Til Fayaungtn Csapssj needed a rest from taxation; but one of tiie results or said economy is that (miDwid 8bkm, The Farmington Dramatio company we have not, so to speak,' set tiie old built a were greeted by a very fair audieuoe towoon fire and phueuix-lik- e just evening, The reserved seats new big city oq the ruins, but we will were nearly all occupied and the back get there yet, part of the room was well filled. Too One nf the things neglected was the allowing tho passing of an ordluapee company ocrtalnly deserved i 1 tramps the privilege of working when generous patronage they received. Tho they would lodge a few days with us The one aot curtain raiser, 11 Secret," waa full of oomical situation and partake of the hospitality of our nd Mat Thomas, s Moses, waa the sheriff, Thu three straws that broke the very impersonation of an English wr camel back, is no luuger a parable if rant, both In makeop and dialect, we insert for Itasi three straws, but a Breakers" is the ploy "Amung with one little fault tho first act I the three big ravenous tramps who mthor indistinct and lacks tbat brisk-nes- s walked out of John Wpods store a few which stimulates an audience days ago wltyi some new mens wear, of appreciation. The mu jb needed ordinance was Burndemonstrations to The interest deepens as the play pro- ed but could not be gut into working to the three gresses, however, and as the plot un- order In tiin to be applied ravels in tho last aot, then are some men we were fattening up; so on the afternoon of the fourth day Justice pretty dramatio effect. The east was admirably made, every Smith who had taken tliel case unsentenced to fire soemingly imper- der advisement" partiolpant next morning the and early charso. days, the mwi appropriate sonating ter, Mr. Cottrell as Paul Hunter, tho they were lu reality punished by turncold cruel wayward and disinherited son of a ing them out into tiie how they have wealLhy father, played his part wall. world, and wlers.aud, Mr, Thomas, whim we have aeenhere spent their Christmas, uo man n tills C. T, tiveial times with mure pretsntiuu neighborhood knows. companies, has almost reached that A Grstiiyinf Ohtngt. degree of excellence which make It. inappropriate to call him an amateur, It Is gratifying in the extreme to As the dashieg lover and . versatile notice the feeling of grnuine friendPeter ship tbat exists between tte two newspaper correspondent, Paragraph, hr captivated the audience principle band of tho county, tbe with his sparkling wit. Farmington and Kaysvillc organizaMr. Ahboitas liruce Hunter, Mr. tions. Tiie members seem to lie all Robinson as Clarence and Mr. lies actuated by a common dutire to ad-- v as cud, the ldiirkic.n are to be conin tills ance the muhical interest gratulated on their fine rendition of vieliiity, and the only rivalry is to eo their parts. Mr. Hose and Miss Comp which shall extend the greater hospiIon, in the roles of Irish lovers, were tality. good. Miss Huger did especially well The time was wlieu 11 was not so as Mother Carey, the witch, Miss hiruiontons as now; when the Bice was sweet us the vivacious Bessie Jealousy and rivalry between the Ht arbrlght, and Ulna Itusc made a towns wan such a to occasion sonic cute Minnie Daze. blttcriicM of feeling. But tlrnse It Is said tbat some of those who times are pist, and if our wore in the cast, had never before have not been ic error there is a bettaken part on the stage. If this is ter feeling growing among the people true they are doing remarkably well. of the two cities lu question. 7Ve The chldrcn were given a free tielieve tbe bunds have been a great matinee at 1:30 in the artenmon. factor in bringing about tills good Quite a number attended and of feeling, and we hoic to see it grow uncoat the little oi.es enjoyed them- til every vest ige of the and uu selves. pleasantness has vanished. father Pen-(oc- I; fl obst-rvatio- ill-wi- ll Phillip asked tiie blessing after wlicln turkey and numerous n were served in a metro manner- - We are quite cure all present did ample Justice to tlw dinner part of tle program. Aft H spending an hour or mi at the dinner table, we Mrs-C- . all returned to tun parlor, where Burton and MissSilva Phillip favored us with several beautiful selections of music, after which Edward Mrs. Phillips and wife accompanied bjr Green s.mg several good uhl ballads one of them, "The Hole In the Stocking, to the added great, inerriinent, happy party. The time flew by so rapwas supper idly we hardly realiw-- it time until we were summoned out to luncheon, after which CUr is Burton. nd other spoke several amusing life. Mr- Drc. 26, 1803. Full board present, Bon. II. W. Haight presiding. Min fltea of Dec. 18, session read and ap- pu-Ira- Allri't'irned home thanking Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tor the fine time May many more merry Christmas parties bo celebrated around their cbeei ml hearthstone. proved. Selectman Lee reported (but lie navlng gravel hauled mi the County road iu Centerville, and souk Was work done. Selectman N aider reported that Joseph Dunn had ased the prlvlleg Of furnlshiug 3J rods wide for a road on nighwuy No. 17. Instead of 4 reL-a-s ordered by the court on Nor. 3, 'uo, and also asked for an appropriation Of $3.00 to help him pay for making the change. Bis request was nut grant ed. and tlieclck was Instructed Mr. Dunn that the previous order of the court must be adhered to. hud Mr, Nattier also stated that h Sold the lid bridge, near Uintah, for $8.00 to S. II. Nalder, us liil was the highest bid received. W. M, Hubbard, picsldcot of the to-noti-fy ftp. Take Warning One nf the saddest accidents In the history of Weber cuqnty opeured at miles Rlvcrdale, three and one-h- alf south uf here, today. Three boys, Oscar and Tracey Bingham sons of BishV op Bingham, of Riverdale, aged and 10 respectively, and Oscar Alilander, aged 12, went skating about noon on a little branch of Weber river. The Ice broke up suddenly and all three were drowned. The bodies were recovered alMiut twenty minutes after they sank and medical aid summoned from Ogden but they were already beyond .help. The funeral will take place on Thursday. Ogden Special to the Herald. Conjoint Session- Y.K-aniY.- la Qspds, lha ProbuM CWirt of thp Coualr of Davis T,.rrlt,nivuf L'Uh. la the Hallrrof tlw tiM of Klixubeih Henwout, drcounl. Nullce In hrrvby givt-- a by the fxwulor of Him Lawt W 1U and Ti'fetauii'iit of llnuouod. droNSNMl, law uT KajnivIllK. DnvInOo. U Uh. lb, creilltuni of und all iktwinn bavins cluing usuiDMt thoNttid drctmvd lorxliilili thiui tf!1 We have a flaw Summer Goods Giluklh u u i ill tne wlihlnfuurinouibk ilia Snd imbliiuium of ihin uuliM, to lire ufnr kuul txecuuir. ul Kayuvlllc. Duvin t'o. Vtali, ihn plots: fur ibv iruuuuetlun of liw: nuuk Uu: voiu-hHr- of Utld bUNUU-S- VMIUU', JOHN felxfcuubS'of the LbkI Will und Klixubeth Heuwuod, dHsia,M OlK I'lNtnun, Ally for Kx i'i tor, lfuU'U lb tsiubt-- IS, IK' I. YOUROWi ?k'j5 tii 7 uni in v'rvn i u COME AND GET SOME BARGAINS K. IIAKN'KS, Tchuuu-u- i of tho their busiiiess and every thing Coes ul eout. They liavc many seOMnuhle goods wliii'hit will y you toexuniiiie, A lot of Cirisluius good huuglit btfore this move was decided on, will he nlau; l tmxl soon, we them and nave money Weekly Star and an elegant premium with it, subscribe with E. A. Williams & Sun. You will not receive the premium if yoa send otberwise. TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY, ran use all the chickens and tu key you in vs te sell 1 SlIEFflBLD. ct;ii:nitATi:i) COKETAVAIST, lient m the niari-:e- 1. Hyde & Co, of Layton are cWingnut II. J. siii t) h) A1 for Fall goods. r Closing 0 that you oau have AVe 8t-!- l .'.fl on Four t i eeku Trial. A H. J. SHEFFIELD ecyirttm: STEWART COMPLETE LINS OF General MERCHANDISE ' Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year with clrgauv portfolio cliruuio, $1.00. E. A. Williams a Sox. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Bio Grind Wsitarn Tims Tab!. South bound train ariivcsat 7216 m and uorlb bound at 2: 40 p. m R. E. Buowx. and Other Building Material OODJE3ST SALT LAKE PRIOEQ . e. it - PAINTS, SHOES C. M. F. B. Williams. Mary ltusb forthChoir. Man Bodily Gospel, Rmdlng, Singing. Benediction. Peninsular Stoves and Ranges it SCHOOL We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time, Iks Mil Winter Fair. Fair at San FrancisThe manageopened-Thsoon be will co ment have very carefully selected tbe Conducted the same as best of the Worlds Fair exhibits so that those who were uufonuuate in not Christensen and Youxger of will stllj seeing the Chicago Exposl tin Buy Only the A . Better Salt Lake, your buildings have an opportunity to insict the forThe Francisco. W. BARNES AGENT, WITH R. eign exhibit at Saa Combination Fenco. DEC. Fxkeams Fund Ixsuiiavc e Rio Grande Western Railway, in line will AtaruT Beazeh Kaysvillc, Man Tee company. Assets ovisu with its usual progressive spirit, Wx A, Hyde & Co., Laytoit PlUMtrT settlement of isse.--n in connection with t lie Southern Pacific MON. EVE JAH. Wm. 11. liEA.K, Symcuse rcuiid-trilow a rule MOTTO. lu CUE cfrect Go., put Agents B L. & II. Ass'n, Itoiintifirt, inof the Mid-Tlw following new dance arc being Wm. Wutuirr Centerville during llie exhti-nclW W Steed, Furmiiigf.op ter Pair. The U. G. W. lly..ns you introducedjrrincc, Manrott, Margurctte, TRUNKS, TKUNX3. know rims through to San irtnclseo and Oxford Mauitisi New and both tourist wltlmut change Vallses&Traveling Ba Gar. Two Minuet. Pullman Wa,U Paper, Carpets, Screen I rain daily. TE0S. invitwl old and young, big Williams Hall Mld-Winl- e Insure ,i. 30. SAT. EVE. 1,94, p I c first-cliiw- ltiMB-lt- n. PHILLIPS, Everybody and little Dipartnr. Sunolhni in canl With the new time the Kio 0 ramie Western day, S"v reclining clmir car iinngiimbfl a l and lVnvcr, The Ogden xervicu Iwiwwn chaii are uf biariul pattern and H r comfort ml clegam-- are not surpamsl anywill he free to liold-er- s where. These tu kets. of of all cUiws A Ksw 11 treated the same. TICKETS .W: t. Surveyor and Notary Public. F. B. WILLIAMS. DOORM, Window Glass all 11. Job Bknnktt (l.l.iT. 1ACFIC A. SOVTII No. 3 Butte Express 7 j.;,,.. 6 LiK-a- l No. 2 Fast Mail h g i " 5 Portland Express LiM-a- i B. Express In effect 1Hh 1, a in. .: p ui. 6:44 p. m. t:2S I:?r 102. Ogden, iFprar. 8treet. FURINTURE, svillo - L tali- Remington Aokxt. at llie on easy terms. bailees mid office snpplie. Write seals, siclcIIs, sec him pn-jn- Giu Offlee. IniUoF-nUl- li Orders Preuuptly Fi!!i'. wl.diin. m cuui (mqi i ! milk siiould do wj bt iiace Uciore ii;u aiiuiiint needed iiemi,,:ii'U.il. F lructical this CDUii Cvuniu ami N. SMITH. $2-4- 0 uu,UUTTER Mauufdctumi 'rk tr IAYSYILLE line of upi1ii'ii for nil machines, mu moemne and soli, Cu-o- 'cw Tux Eaolk and tl how iW one year for World new our dub Is tuatsultym? This rate the two offer. At the regular M.li. would cost Utah. K;: Dealer for Type-Writ- at tfl. "Watch Maher Speotmles fitted tor all sight. Eyes Tested Free, All Work Warranted. AT 'I 1 235-2- 3, 3:21(1. m. Wlioat taken for coa at Tel. 3-i- s rubier Slumps, i1, ra- - iM P-- m. 10:11 a. in. P. i'lioinaiweii, fr S. J. u S; anil dealers in Northern Utah, carries n full Printing: at lowest prias at Undertakers Sole TABLE TIME lUf JSD. Mt. 1 c J. LACE CUHTAIN-- JOHN BARTON & SON Kaysvillc, ajK-cia- now closes ni The north lio.ind mail aud heretofore i insieadofai 7a m. ciore now will lw south liound62Mmailsm. p. 0 a. m. nnd e Furnishing no other . the two luiuU, musteruf aisiut forty an lnRtrunientatioii ing at the Coop pieces, formed a cire-lcorner and played several selection together. Atu-rward- s buy Co-o- p d. cur !a)8. wan to There was a very large audisnee at SPECIAL DIb CO UNOS OX LARGE LOTS, the mutual improvement conjoint sesMisses and A of full line Ladles, sion last Sunday evening. The folChildren's coats and Jackets reduced age torlowing program was rendered: Choir Eaysville Singing, SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S C. Cottrell, Jr. lreyer, Blood. W. II. lu the can You Gcnry get anything Opening Remarks, Nettle Blood. zl Mdse, line, of IL J, Sheffield and Recitation. A Lazge Stick of H. J Sbffleld. save money. Reading. Song, Miss Winnie and Ida Stevenson HENDERSON & COMPANYS UNION' wT'.-five- anil youll N atift tf Creditors. If you wsh the Family Jlerald arid jrry Christmas, tiie brightest and hnppirNt day for Mir little ones in the who e year, slippci hy us almost uiino-tiecFamily dinners and quiet parties were the order of tin- - Hay anrl had it not been that tbe brass band was out serenading, there would luive been nothiiigui remind us of the happy season. Our band was out In the morning hikI along about noon the Military band of Farmlngum came up, and wluni the '.wo met them was a geuer.ij handshaking nirl -- Acliange of Trater. mil the two hands com-- I !. It'd the and rounded up at the Mansell House where tile visitors a couiplimer.tary dinner by M TKYAPAIH - COUHTT COURT BOTES. Ckrlitmu in Ksyivillt- - warranti) THE KNITTING FACTORY Telephone ul Ci Hip More KEY&raiiE Km TING rJtCTCF!Y, M J PruuiUooi., Pro Mrs ri.r aat utiibcties tthik krti utRtol ir-- kA to lurutMS, rm YARN FOR SjUF CH2AP Yu ir Pat 'i i;.; Sii,'i: -j .a |