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Show asasaamm iVO IKAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DEO, 28, 1893 I ,L" v Tse Eagle Hon NO. 47. that the area of the gold field Is dan. Dan Kershaw. James Webb, lie the her Carlos. Maggie Barnes. Mary An entirely proplemstlcal, awaiting on. Jena Flint. Maggie Flint. Ruth Investigation of prospector and minor boom of Barnes. Amy Webb. Edd Barnes. Ema mnst be result natural tue -AND. SURGEON, JFUYSICLAN a gigantic prop'irtlons, and latterly ily Flint. Ann Webb. Alnert Raddan wealth to the early comers. The L II. Baldwin, Is now in Its infancy. The Mn-ceamp Teacher 'UTAH. IKAYSVILLE, mine and mill which recently sold to a Colorado syndicate for 1750,000, is Bsptrt if thi waiitian turning out 100 ton of ore per diem, Layton. Tuesday. whicn means a profit of $10,000 to 850,-00BANKING j .Xusiutarig month. By actual measure per In at thi oIom of bnalasM At Utah, 8. A. Tnompson tooa the capital Kiynlll, msnt at the rate of 100 tons per day Co-o- p .. Deesmbtr 11, wa Testerday. Mercur property can produce the the o J. R. Barnes, went to the ci.pital ilwayihuk eompiats ittek ef (sine quality of ore for twenty years Zion, RESOURCES. Wednesday. . but said as before, nothing . Priced Seasonable But, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes sad Discounts, 164, 164.66 G. N. Shefflleid and brother took ln future derelopement ean say but that Loin Due from Utah SW.IO.. Depositors. .Kayirllle, of Dm from Other the sights of Salt Lake, Wed nesday. tbs ora body will tax the capacity 14,048-71- . Hats, Clohmg, Gents Funush. oeBeed, 66 .67. Meacur mill fo fifty years or even Cosh the end Reel EeteM 18X1.00. Mrs. Sarah Taylor of Ogdauls spend 100 Pistons, 417.00 years. The marion claim on the ad Exiieeses Feld fogs, Hardware, Crochery Ing the holidays In Kiysvillej . te Total hill is almost as valuable, and joluine REEVES. NATHAN and in short LIABILITIES. Dines it Webster P trillion Mon a large syndicate la now examining Its view to a purManufacturer of with 1. the Ticket 35ns. Jan. roperty 13,000.00. Capital Stock day evening UMm.00. anything and everything In the chase. So confident are experienced Surplus Fuad, N.M.H (Qooenl), Deposits (COMBINATION FENCING , Logan J. H. Linford Jr and wife Of most val. the that and miners 11,146.16 vines). Deposits (ss expert! . General Merchandise linsa are in Kaysrille thu week. I Cheeks. eft .oo ore ever Cashier's uable body of Cor tl flea tes of Deposit, Kivavilut Uth. 4.400.0Q, 44.U6.te Mias Birdie Knowlton, teacher of one discovered lies In this belt from Ophir Undivided Proflu 1RS.I of LoganS schools is home during the to the Wasatch Mountains, . cut only Total li,oei.t TOT. Ej. Uram, I. holidays. by the Oquirrh range and tbs great Tbhioitorofda Court via, f Mmfcetiw success to the pros that Utah Lake, 1. R. W. Baraea Caxhlcr of the above namThos, Green whlshes to e a press hl ed do swear that the above be seems to assured. bank, .solemnly Kinds Whip hear frit thanks, to his sons, for two pector and minor lavement id true to ths bust of soy knowledge belief. aad enrd of floe maple wood. H.W. Baraes, Cashier, Al Artisl ky a EaysviBi Little Girl. sad sworn to bef ora aw this 7. Miss Leah Allen, who Is attending of December, 1H8S. Neatly done on short notice. a is composition The following prize achou in Salt Lake, Is speeding the Thomas H. Pillips. Satisfaction guaranteed. girl In written by a little Notary Publle. Holidays with her parents, j tbo Intel mediate department of the KAY8V1LLB UTAlL Miss Martha Jones, Is up from Salt IoUh. Kaysvllle public schools: Lake to spend Christmas and New A SAD ACC1DXHT, The annual metting of the stockW. R. Yean in the Lake Side Cl tj, Once there (fere two little boys whe holders of the Barnes Banking Co., will stole retuAed to his were very mean. One time they Corporal Bennett held office In Kaysvill, Utah at be their Merchant Tailor and .Gents and getting company at Ft. Douglas yesterday, a bottle of gun powder, on Monday January 15, 1891, at 10 a twelve days furlough spent another boy to go with them, went o'clock a. iu-- , for the election of diafter .F.urnishings. out on the prairie and found a large rectors and to transact such other here. spot with the intention (if blowing off business as shall nirwflta. lawfully come be About 60 couplet were present at the the powder. They t nought they forali an and enjoy, would have s great time. One of the dance, Christmas night R. W. Barnes LOWEST PRICES SO Us, able timi was had. . See display ad. boys poured the powder out on the JE. A. .& .Son Cashier i so for other dates. to were afraid go ground. They Mrs Jennie Kimball and children near it as to be able to light It with Choice new raisins and best reclean-e- i are down from the metropolis of Cache a match, so they put one end ot currants for mince meat at the otta and the lit John R. Barnes In the with She powder holidays string county, spending Co-on to the wolud not bur up er, bnt it her relatives. J Supt They tried two or three Miss Susie Sims o! Finn, Arizona powder. would not ex Blankets from LOO U412.00 apalrat stuff but the strings who is attending the B. Y. Academy One boy went and put his the Co-oat Provo, is spending Christmas and plode. down close to It to see face right KeW Years with bef. Aunt Mis. Wm what was the matter. All at once It new G.F.Pettlllo baa . received . Allen, in Kaysvllle. ; exploded and sent the pox fellow rolltoek of tinware. We have a few suite of eloihes that Walter H. Barton land 0.'A. Wi ing and filling his eyes so he uould not Hama, t he young mem whtf started on a see. He told his brother, who was go at cost. II mission some weeks ago, have received one of the boys, to take him horns. Kaysvllle Co-o- p, THEIAYSVILLE HOTEL their appointments Eidei Barton is tP His brother was bad and told him to labor in Mississippi and "jClder Wll go home himself whether he could see Note the reduction in boots and H. MANSELL, llama In Alabama aucl Flafiua. They nr not. The third boy was kind shoes at ths Co- i jp. were in flood health at last accounts enough, however to take the burned ffiwuniflBB onasnaau si hums with him and let him wash The Gu-o- has the best and Am.noa ua lumy oaXULi vox thi C.S. Varlan aud W.O.Hall are pitted boy cheapes a in tub, but he was afraid to take agsmst each other lit the contest for bim home for fear the other boy's par- ine of overcoats in Davis County. joar mxAsxxiimni. the seat m the next legislature left ents would ba)d fiU io Wears your tletists rsifliaf x whip him. So the poor vacant' by the death of Clarence W Cocoa Cranberries, Sweet-potatoboy bed to feel hts way home himself. Hall. Both are men of high standing nuts, Cabbage and Grapes at fl. J jESA-T- S, Sheffields In their respective parties, and of eosrseealch party claims that the ban Program ef lbs DIsMst BAOtl Entsrtsitasnt -K-n A-ner of victory will be fluttering at Its Song. ..School. The north bound mail now closes at America, mast-heawhen the election la over. Declamation, 7 a. m. Instead of 8 as heretofore and Across Bells the r Mitt Layton.' the south bound malls will now dose Snow," Levi Payne of Kaysvllle and Kiss iiits:XMt J..Sssb -Bushforth. at 9 a. m. and 6:20 p. sl Reciutlon Mary were of Weber, South IdaFernelius Utah united Kaysvllle, in the holy bonds of matrimony Sung, Maggie Murphys Home, Albeit Wllklnsen- - Wheat taken for coa at the .' at the Bait Lake Temple. Wednesday Tbs ohly Uhfl liaalm Pullmka Slespingsors bstwssa' Ogdem, Sol! Like isif . . . . . Beatrice Jones . and an elaborate reception was given Recitation, Cblcsfo wliboutCbaako School. attne home of the Brides parents Song, Spring Flowers,' and the New York Tan Eaclr Thursday evening at fijftiu. After Recitation, When Sahta Claus for one year hOw does World for 5c Gomes".. ...... .......Stella fiohlns' the reception a grand ball ,was given suit This Is our new club UlSrSUFA-SSH- H that you? Little Helpers." A large crowd was present and an en Recitation, SMhHh offer. At the regular rate the two paLittle Three girls. tune was had. W f wish them pers would cost you 93.06.GOODS MILLIN- juahle Declamation. Christmas Telemuch Joy through life, .. ... Blanche gram," Phillips. Y1JH ERY, NOTIONS. We Ml clot ThrEaolr wifft any Geo. Edmonds. Recitation,.. . Tks On) Flsyd Sell Diitrist. world in at the greatxio published paper Orsmls Wssisra Dspot, Salt Liks Oily, it 7:Up. m. Trslk fesTSS Song, Merry Little River,. ...Class and GENT LADIE7S Ticket Offlss, No. 1SW. flecoud South Street Mamie Green. ly reduced rates. Lewlstoa, Utah, better known as Recitation FURNISHING GOODS. the Camp Floyd district, the scene Recitation Benny nodson. A limited amount of farm produce Christmas Day1 GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. of the recent gold d incoverles' is devel- Recitation, Kli Dooly Building Agent Passenger DcpirUMit Alma Warren. received at this office on subscription oping into a veritable bonanza camp-ThSALT LAKE CUT, UTAH. Call sec us and make contract. Is Coming, " district la located about fifteen Song, Christmas Dress Making in Latest Styles, miles from Lelil, a local station on the Song Rio Grande Western Rallwhy main Exercise Kong, .Primary Pupils Bed Rock." . Prices line, but most of the travel Is coming Dialog ue, Albert AFiornce Wlkinson. L S Hills, Vice Prest.' R. W. Barnei, Cuhlsr John B. Barnes, Frest . j to Balt Lake City. uitvnx Song, Swing Crable Swlnf Two girls. Directors.' The camp Is not a new one,- - as under Declamation, Sven Times One," g Fetef Barton John G. M. Barnes. Duramer JAS. FROUDFOOT rock, j which Is lying the Nancy . conceded' Dummeri be sedimento a v. Sarah T. FRoueche J1W. Gaileya J. n. Larkins. generally Song,..-Z Tonsorial Christmas tary formation, is found a si .Recitation, Early G. vein, from which, a n Ember of Morning," 44'a " Nellie Edmonds. First door East Uyrum Stewart's. Geo. Clark. ago, large quantities ; of high Song,. yean waxunvsu. Utah Kaysvllle, Iva Egbert. grade silver ore were mined a nd ship- Recitation a he: School Feat and Brown Thrush." ped. Song, Merry Cleans Ticks, The gold, supposed to be mainly In a Declamation, iClaud Barnes Surplus $10, 000 Capital $25,0001 Mattresses. chloride state, is found la al blanket Holiday Swig," Priiulary Pupils'. stlsfacatloa. Be (Ives splendid vein or lime and cftiale which has been Dialogue, My Aunt," i'lora and TOUND FOB PER 10c PRICE BANKING BUSINESS.' Albert Wilkinson. already traced for a distancsof ten FEATHERS. milts. Enthusiastic experts and miner Song," Jack Frost," Oiass little glrli Drawn1 JCxiy tha alogist claim that the belt extends Recitation," Prayer and Potatoes," N Wasat--h nogs and to with Warren. over to the Albert 4SS4SfSSI4S Caidada'er Mexico. Our accommodation's Call Inafewnnl-tsoLehl City. The cor- Dcclamaiinn, Parity lludtod For Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Nerve for rectness of tlce statements can only Exhaustion, Kidney disease Etc. be attested by future developments are the nadesof the The following be FoNtyn ILknxdixs Co,. good suffice tt to lay herein that tlie gold qupils who have not been tardy orab Kaysvllle, UtaU vein has Men found' in unlimited aect during the week ending Ie? 15, found Utah ijiiantitles throughout the belt c tlebd-in- g Tnere being 53 names in rolL1 on We pay 5 per from Oi&ir to Camp Floyd, ty the Mark Roberts. Rib Roberts. Carl FIRST CLASS MEATS use of the evGoicie process the 'jffld Is Marxiofl. Jnfl Doney. Fred' Barnes. deposits cost of $2.00 tcl'83 00 Millie Barnes- - Frank Barnes. Phen extracted id for all expense W la- Hal. Rlbcy Poncbe. dam' Raddan Ta Prices ton, each per infll'lliog Highest one dollar up. aH solicited. bor and null kig, and whrn consk rlng Frances Barnes. CriUa F1I&S1 Lshrs BUY, KCTT9M. and PORK the fact tbnl the ore averages $6.00 Webster. Sarah Webster.- A.ncnRN, Special sev ton a haklsbrtie net profit of If nun NOT ABSENT. ATTOmr-AMA, a Sjecialty 613.00 to I14.it) accrues to the producer, Horace Layton. Eva Flint- - Ben Liy-tWENT YOUR BUSINESS G1VB US TRICK 8keiiKgF"rk wnf Ayniilii pm gold strike oFthe this is thf Sam Kershaw, George Flint. Ma Will prset ss is in ms Courts of tks Tsrri ge and whe.! taking into cooslcfcrai rod Marston, Aster DavU.Joifo RaT1 lOTV Jtobert IPS.' W. V.IKGRAM, WE LEAD - ur Aonaemort 0, BIASES 00. ITHZE3 DSZjlttbv lxjE Artesian Wells gold-beari- We also have the agency for Pleasant Valiev, Castle Gate, Rock Springs, Almy and Peaeoek.Coal Cos. IfyouWishto g( S.MITH, Ml of Lashes Harness Repairing - I Jamison, ell Williams Dealers in OUR" PRICES TALK p. 3MZEROBLA2SnD2HB AKD p. iPBODTJO'B ' PRICES Prop. no i tatk. SANTA FE ROUTE p Rio Gfande Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka d -- & Santa Fe Rys. ttt' Co-op- -- T77EESELS CO SHGiTHlST. (StJIOKH 1ST IjINS EQUIPMENT 82-4- 0 DRY BCHHBfiY llHHUIIJiLHD. DLEHWnnD BFSIllllQ'j - . SL CL BTJZ33STH3TTv e at Bi R gold-bearin- Artist. frver-beari- Edward Ogder FONT-I- at TEA Transacts a General Draft' Payable f transacting general business arc as as can in cent interest savings and receive any amount irom Deposits of attention to those of children kaysville Meat Market. for art-- Blaicxuy Frip, where in. a ... Wf fl |