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Show Yes, miss; Mr. Stanton always used to 'ave 'is winders open "' Well, just open them as they would handling, but when the prerloua relie had been carefully mounted on another piece of paper it waa found to read as follows, the words In parenthesis being supplied on supposition: (I am) sick of my life sod (resolve) to put an end to it. In ease suspicion falls on Gilbert Stanton (he is) innocent. I die (by my) own hand. Raymond Wild." Edith is now Mrs Stanton, and her husband insists that he owes his life to the persistent and intelligent manner in which she followed up that vital and mysterion clew. Frank Harrison's Family Magazine. HIS ARTIFICIAL ?& 2? I Thompson's Eyi WiUr VOICE. MARRIAGE PAPER nglluM tf and Valrca a Mala la lLXKL MOXTULlF. TOAoKIM. UliiO. lo Speak to as Auilicaca. comes the OW S At one of the recent sessions of the season when jj AT French academy of medicine Dr. Verier, surgeon or the Larlbnisere hos& dainty and delicious pital, presented for the examination of his colleagues a mute S cake and pastry are ) l,r.AiwSSSrn,ll .. writ. Mhat 1 ItLfc who expressed all his Ideas by ajioech, that required. la to say by modulated sounds The 3f ILKEUT STANTON was ulstory of this man la most curious Pow- ) under arrest on aiupicicra and interesting from n scientific of having caused the death jjt point of view. indispensable of liaymond M ild. The EUCHRE PARTIES UICHFIVEOR He was habitually enjoying robust A. n sSuiild and facta of the case were, aa in si oooa tu 1h KUMim, 0. T. pa their preparation. X IL, ChUimu. TBS I'KNTK In MaiFuv C.LLtr. UNIQUE SPOT IN THE CAPITOL. health when he waa stricken with an he aaid dead against Un tSKiilrtn iwda r incurable affection of the larynx, the we pt-Xhim." tuayim wlUrmHnfmo b? For finest food I can use la Statuary llall, a School first symptoms of which were obStanton lived in chambers in White's A. Form, Tralabig la Social Lira. none but Royal jj Trade-Mark- s. served in January, 1K91. Tired of .Inn. and was reading for the bar. One of the most striking scenes the treatment Wild, who justified his name, was an Houit, fir Prn-that ho had to under- M Chf, ta eMUty it Exemtoettaa ani Adn old college acquaintance, who had at-- ' about the capitol during the daily go for two year,he expressed a do- or H..w toOol I a, --niton. aS uUnto CUvilind and Arthur. j " tiXtOi OTAZXXU. TAEBOtOSat A A in life and I fount tempted several be to lire corner sessions ladies' is about the operated upon ns radically failed in alL Gilbert had not seen T.. .v. co.. w To liUTodore ear Eight tarn, In the statuary hall This corner la I sa possibla him in several years, when Wild A f BOOKS Paso, liliwtratod lortified with such authorization Teleturned up at his chambers an.1 an-- . swsy literary regarded by the Philadelphia pprtowoallgive Dr. Perier proceeded on the ISth of M Books, postage paid, noviuh? TU nou need that he was ston broke. attmost as one curious of 1.1st the sad arribora Sample ropy graph June last to The man had no claim whatever on 0h.tsU him for waits Slavs Maru In Finland. of books Kras W fits this week. achments of any legislative body. the total extirpation ofupon Gilbert Stanton, who io:d him so, and the larynx. A regular slave mart still exists is many Uomraiead I'm, 511 ro. lSih St., also gave him the benefit of some canIt is unique and full of Interest to Everyone knows that the region of eountry disuteie of Finland. One a year vuaba. hob. tl.,0 par year. did opinions as to his past career. luck paupers, agvd people, and lunatic as the members. The place, which la tba larynx contains the very organ eon not rapport theinwlrr are put up lo puband honeleas. Raymond Wild was of the voice, and that the vocal apend columns behind the lic auelloo and consigned to I boos people . great high words ensued. The quarrel was of if man, is Mrs. will board them at the lowest price offer-tit who paratus Lor broke suddenlv in miss," Indisputably at its height when Mrs Morton, Gilguarded by the statues of Garfield by lbs parish sniburllin. The helpless bert's old laundress, who had been Morton, "now 1 remember! When and Ethan Allan, and furnished with the most delicate, is the most perfect icopla are made hi work os much as possible gent shot 'isself I was working in leather-covere- d Its jy the owners, sofas and chairs, has of that of the higher beings completing her morning duties in an- the who bare Ilia right to chastise 'onse opposite, and came back to been iestruction disease or accithrough other room, closed t:ie door of the the moat Inhuman la who an and the them, but described, frequently see little was That the what matter,... chambers and passed out. followed by tbelr treatment of the wrrtrbed lunatics. in all its fullness has never dent is consequently picture Tbe aged folk are physically hnabla lo perThe operation once Shortly afterward the tempers of been given and perhaps never will aphony. form much bard work, but lha lunatics, the two men cooled. Wild apologized to rules the of uooording be full The done though mentally deranged, arc often bodily greater justice. for some offensive remarks he had a groat deal of strain. number of ladies who come to art the skillful surgeon formed in capable of undergoing made and they shook hands Gilbert anterior wall of the neck, a small Consequently the farmer sbowe little mercy the capitol receive visits In the now promised to do his best to help toward them, hsrimere them to hie plows ' his old the galleries from their friend orifice which he lert open. This sad thrashes them with hla whip aa If they acquaintance, and invited Wild to remain an hour while he went on the floor, and some days opening, consequently communicat- were oxen, while the piteous appeals and the exterior and the driveling msumle rings of the Idiot do not to keep an appointment the scene there Is one of the most in- ing with both was reserved for experi- lend to softes tbe blows J'tanoiti H'sstly. When Gilbert Stanton returned he pharynx, of the But teresting receptions ' mounted the stairs to the door of his of confidential corner, the place of ments upon the Tbe stock exchange Is not Ideal!-ea- l Mallnda chambers, bnt did not Immediately with the stock yards; the animals that I more seclusion and comfort, is amid the voice by means of an artificial enter. He stood lor a few minutes on Convalescence proceeded gaily cavort la each are diminutively differ the soft leather furniture behind the larynx. the landing, considering what course and on the 2th of June the eat. quickly, statues a . he should trusty representaMany adopt with regard to the won.ii be tree from earthly Ilia mast tive of the great people spends a health of the patient was sufficiently buyWho man inside. a boy of Beecbam's Fills. 115 cents a box. PKHiVKU TENT AMD AWMIMti OH-to Make ST exof such permit Or Should he give him money? social half hour or so there with Worth a guinea. comfort and pleasure, and, it is to be periments might not that be doing such a person We say that a man is abort la bis accounts, in concert with Mr. Aubry, manurilOTO. SUPPLIES V32-5- .1 s positive injury? hoped, with benefit It serves some facturer of meaning that ha is short in Ilia accounts of Ustalngeshva X M. PAVIA IBI Lawesnoa at As he leaned againt the door, amovsurgical instruments, Dr. hie eredltors. of the uninitiated as a sort of school ing a cigaret, he was startled by a tentative! of training for the more extended Perier directed these Iff Tbkoat Disuses commrnoa with a Cough, HARDWARE. ESS? loud explosion inside. Wbat could it toward the adaptation of an artificial Cold ffroww's JtronrUel j. m. mxrnri bomb. mnto ut wisa at or Pun Throat, field In of social life Washington, be? lie hastily 'unlocked the door and to Sold Immediate relief. actuated tmty by a blowing device, Truchti give lie who would be quite ill at ease in larynx, went in. The place waa full of gunIBlc els. a fashionable drawingroom or In and not by the air issuing from the bum. Price powder smoke,' and he rushed into the It is a wise man who keepeth his own sitting-rooladies' society under most any other trachea. The apparatus, relatively counsel." It was empty. There Yes, but a wiser uoewhoeaa they utcidud to adopt was a door communicating with his circumstances, lolls back on a sofa simple, that Areyouroinrto consists of a metallio reed inclosed ell it like a lawyer." bedroom, and he opened it. some beside with creature fair there SII.BKKTIX FHISOX! issue a Holiday R foloulat A horrible sight was before him. in a and Bleepm the tube, of which, plates belongs to the party in the an easy familiarity which is sure to Baa Traaelseo Do you edition? from to and run Stretched upon the floor was Ray- kitten Are in dally obnext set, and when I came up to the rub off somo of his roughness of man- arranged contrary directions, and mond Wild dead! Stanton immediOra., by the Union PaolBe. intend to use a Holwas playing just like that ner and shyness. The ladies who literate half of the light at each ex- These Portland, she matoom with filled landing ean am plain up ately found that a bullet had passed with a bit o' paper, which she runs iday Supplement? rasses, blankets, pillows, Mo., requiring frequent this corner perform a great tremity. through the man's brain,.and that his awsy with and leaves on the stairs For This tube be furnished to terminates passengers. above In by Bulbing Have you seen our in the way of overcoming the work own revolver, which he always ke Information call at ally ticket said Edith, in breathless Yes, surface, capable of being any additional spherical Writa of In new samples? members loaded in the room, was lying on many shyness offloe, 17U8 Larimer at. eagerness floor beside the body. those who have long applied hermetically to the orifice in us. cases, however, looks around atairs the Well, sad paper the front of the neck. Below It Is Snooper Us took a drop too mush The evidence at the inquest was so miss, so I picked it up since forgotten that they ever were connected with two dallrtam tremens! Bklilmom- - Of elastic reser- died. simply this: The police, when called andnntidy, in ladies' soor bashful awkward IWisUrn Mewioaoer Unlotu Xo: peraehut. Bnooper and in, had found the dead body of a man, mounted upon coupled 1828-3- 4 What did you do with it?" Lawrence St, ciety. still ding to the habit of visit- voirs, Cattle U Teeth, Us identified aa Raymond Wild, with a If Bsty armature, permit- Bs sort endue tint I threw it in the pail with the oth- ing this corner, and appear to take metallio sld aed wtHtrisd itmsCy.Mm Denver, Colo. bullet wound in his head. A revolver er rnbbish." one of with the ting communicating some delight in the relaxation it WimeVs aaemsa Srsee far CklUrta Tsstkla. was also discovered which Gilbert In order of contents to time second obtain a the For the continuous affords from their heavy labors in other, Stanton had admitted was his, and After looking oa all sides of a question it Is TO F0PL1BT PRESS UiD PEOPLE, current of sir of mean intensity. sometimes pail were emptied by the laundress congress the contents of one chamber had been the found to be belter Just to walk off abwas examined. It and carefully of One the comreservoirs In is had said: Mr. Stanton put and leave It alone. wss This not as institution started discharged was certain the that paper The man committed suicida I was solutely blowing device a training school. That feature was munication with I take pleaanro in announcing that Hanson's Magic Gera Halve. not there. of s bulb similar to those that not inside the chamber at the time. formed WsmrnM to rniA ar maovr n Pri1 have made arrangements on behalf the Are that merely developed incidentally. yon you put positive . IS cuts. Pries a solicitors William Carey, clerk, ' the National Reform Press Assoeia-- t vaporizers. Under the effect renrJnMSlsttnrll. In the pail, asked Edith. marily it waa intended aa a place actuate deposed that he was looking out of paper Life I always sa up bill or a down bill of the current of air, the metallic on And it. I'd miss take ladles to see where my 'davy congresscoming ofti'.-on, whereby plates and ready-print- a on window the ground floor, the It Is hirdty necessary to observa reed enters Into vibration and emits bailncaa. it Is wiser to travel up bllL when he saw Mr. Gilbert Stinton en- it waa jnst such a scrap of paper as men might sit and wait while a mes- a constant nuto of Pupuliat matter officially that containing uniform tonality, say. carried card in on the their and recommended by tbe Nater the building and heard him run up youEdith senger approved sent the laundress home, shut floor. The backs of a line of sofas which is approximately that of the Shiloh' rannumpllea fanUt the stain. About five minutes after- herself in Press Association and Reform tional If the solitary chambers, and nm huHeiseaiwlWL ward certainly when ample time had d, up against the columns form the ordinary diapason. The sound thus tiaa. bsitlsilimiXNVi Owe Ses.lMlaeiua Chairman Taubeneck, in quantity afresh. hunt the began so la to sneak, into led, of the sacred precincts of produced elapsed for Mr. Stanton to enter bis will be furnished by to erne a in she when late was boundary best About the the way It evening chamber he heard the explosion. blessed and beautiful, and a card the buccal cavity. nan It to pour cold facta into him. her fruitless search. Eiiza Morton waa Mr. Stantons ceased THE WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION It remains, then, in order to conin Excluto she returned reads Next black her letters big morning Faste This In foar llat. laundress, had admitted the deceased vert true into it Morton spokon task. she Mrs had language, for etc. Au Ladles hopeless noWrite to the Western Newspaper sively elderly on the morning in question, and On Dee. 13, IMS. Jan. 9, Feb. IS. March from further attendance, and man sits at a table, with two or only to make it undergo, through the for samples and prices. No Onion ticed when leaving that the two gen- - relieved Union tba sad 8, UM, May was walking up and down the cham- three pages at his side and blank intermedium of the tongue, lips and Texas points and other banaa famishes authorised matclemen wen having some words came when in a there ber as in thought the Mr. teeth, ordinary phonation, return at on fare far lbs round trip. Ticket ter. W. 8. MORGAN, Bee. National Stanton for .She had worked for the use of those who do not at the door. It was the lann-dres- s cards for several years, and acknowledged that knock herself their card cass A yellow mes- series of modulations that produce office 17U8 Larimer sL carry Reform Praia Association. nuances and the difference In the .she did not wish to say anything that ' Ram's Horn It take a strong man to bifid cf paper is, senger sits at the entrance to keep the Addnas where know I bit that would get him into trouble. It was, miss! I remembers of words These hi own longue. pronunciation An intrudeis out when the that interesting however, with difiicultv elicited from as incredible as the fact rise CbtdissIM1 Spading BeoUadv. la other eshusa. waa here that morning, I steps and lively reception Is always nuances, Western her that the words" were verv high police seem at first sight, are, It apbedroom to may hear the what into in certain they progress during To the beefy mortal Ufa ia merely a eow- words, and that she might have heard has to obtained One of An them to me, pears, says of say. easily. quite hours the day while the DENVER, COLO. Mr. Stanton threaten Mr. Wild. Ph. like, Well, what do .von house is In session, and the receiving education of a fow days suffices The result was that Gilbert was ar- impudent I said old and I wanted want, The lady? individual who was the object rested, brought up before the magis- -' the bedroom candlestick." party is usually numerous and tnte and committed for trial Sometimes ten or a dozen of the communication made to the Yes, bnt Edith; interrupted Ilia defense was that Wild had members will be among the visitors Paris academy of medicine was able, found the nvolver during his absence; where is the paper?" to at one time, some seated on the sofas amid the plaudits of the whole asI misa that Im just coming that he was standing outaide the door in the a see bit kitchen and some standing behind the col- semblage, after receiving his operato just of his chambers, as we have described, stayi be of any use yon nnder-- umns or statues in earnest conversa- tor with emotion, to retrace the hiswhen the shot was find; that although if I might stand and while 1 was waiting I puts tion with the fair habitues During tory and detailed phases of his painthey had quarreled they wen on pa- a new candle in the candlestick. Them the there Is a constant coming ful disease with a voice that was discific terms when he went out, and Rad all the World Hnouis tbe CURB is SUM. nine is rather small for the candle- and day had a written deceased left the that going between the house and tinct although of a low and monotoI takes a bit o' paper ont o' tone. nous confession of his own guilt and Gi- stick, to to reception room. All the mem the poll make it fit Come into the this lbert's innocence. bera who are called there do not go misa Why it's gone!" Hla Antagonist- bedroom, confeswaa this written where But SOUVENIR COIN FOR EIGHTY GENTS. from choice, and the woman-hate- r, Good heavens! cried Edith, do M. do the founder of declared VillemesKsnt, that Gilbert Stanton sion? to say that the paper around who is compelled by politeness to go the Part mean yon mantelbedroom on Insulted the he found it Figaro, being daily that candle was the missing docu- in response to a card, may be known in NEVER OFFERED BEFORE FOR LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR. Belgian paper by a writer whoae piece, bnt during the excitement mis--of, ment?" flushed his countenand ' by lost or annoyed had the hour mysteriously de waa Marco noin plume Spado, laid it lie had searched everywhere it That's my belief, misa Where is ance and his Impatience to get away took the train lo Bruaaela, with two or Mother; gone? There are some men who cannot be frienda and a for it bnt without avail. On hla of aword. here was late I last I and pair afor night remembered In a social way, even when He distinctly Brother; that candle very low and the cultivated he wrote to Marco Spado ter examining the body and finding it burnt the surrounded by all these advantages arrival Lover fire!" 2 took m. at should call that he p, paper his went sharp into waa lifeless, he sittinj And miss!" ba bnrnt Would it, tjs On you oa to him plcoaed encounter. au his in han arrange room with the confession Facial Rsicablaarc of Foar Doctors. racciva aa a slightly, 1 remember. I blew it to consider what he should do. lie out,Only four greatest doctors I have the stroke of two. M. de Ylllemesaant The the threw and paper away, in put on a small table the lha editorial and at office, paper appeared Tilaced new candle that I removed from known," said a medical journalist, Christmas or New Year's Present him, and glancing out of the in a What did I do with the had strong facial resemblance. I naked for Marco Spado. window saw a policeman in the the piano.01m What hi on waa an amazement old Boeing I remember, I threw it couldnt help thinking of this as I Something they could always keep as a reminder of the CoHe at once decided to paper? .quadrangle the grate. You'll find it there have been standing here and looking lady, all wrinklod and with curia lumbian year. What more appropriate than a call the constable, and ran down under heaven, we have found it at at Dr. William Pepper. Do you ob- about her earn, appear from behind a stairs to do so. leaving his door ajar. Thank DOLLAR? SOUVENIR ? HALF Gilbert is saved !" FAIR serve that prominent nose, the kind- small window, and on hoaring the WORLD'S On his return the paper had disap- last! here said Theres miss, nothing am I 'Marco and air. saw afterward. never it Spado,' he and 1 look about cents or in the 80 and for the peared stamps. eyes to any address pleasSent Post-Pawoman on her kneea The grate ly am at your orders! The most diligent search had failed the Argonaut 88-0West is quite empty! You ean take my ant way the lipa part in a smile? If Only a limited lumber left. Order quick from P. O. BROWN, to discover IL ILL word for it, that paper' bewitched." Dr. Pepper had closely cropped Chicago, Net Kase. at Street, I don't care whether it is bewitched patches of side whiskers he would Xow, Mrs. Morton," said Edith, aa The train robber would fain have the chambers, or not, said Edith. I mean to find look wonderfully like the late Dr. they stood alone in life but his wife clung to him and death. iL Fetch me that magnifying glam John T. departed, This is a matter of Hodgen, of Sk Louis Then in table room." next the desperately. the from 'That piece of paper most be! found." there was Dr. Denham, of.Dublln I There wot a wild foar in her eyes. Edith removed the fender and care- remember Yea, miss," was the telling Dr. Hodgen one Good-bexamined Mra the dust that reply. commonplace fully darling." ho murmured. how time he much Dr. looked like very Morton's not cleanliFirst of all, you must answer I'm Oh. u afraid! the woman Dr. I shall put ness had allowed to accumulate. Denham The late Austin Flint, carefully some questions with all the wrecks cried.piteouely, New of York, on that the Did aa completes destroy day she said. I much," you quartet they're having on the railroads, thought to you. who three The are dead been have Mice! achieved attracted They by any paper? and have dragged great success in their profession. now! tlie candle-greasNo, miss A shade swept ovor hi utrong, removed or mohole. to their destroyed the paper "Have you Every They boro striking resemblance to ment now is valuable, or it will be de- each other in face and manner, and rugged features. anv since? I know iL" he replied: and after Not s scrap miss. 1 on see there stroyed." now here is Dr. William Pepper, the o the year, and I am going tu quit the butij thil ain no fires this time trip of conthe They searched ar und about every- president " ness. the little cooking 1 does is all done un where, mouse-holbut no could be gress and in the most eminent rank she iiaio Reassured In amuas-iruthe gas stove." do with your waste found. Edith then directed the wo- of medical men. whose whole appear- him farcwuH What do yon ' Iuck. mix a quantity of whiting, ance recalls at once Dra Denham, to man rubbish?-paper and which she placed in a large, flat dish Hodgen and FlinL Globe Democrat What little there is I take down inI on Tke Tninu of Alrxiimlrr thu (irr-it- . the floor in the middle of the room. a week, or more often if In an out of tho way nimk in the a pail onee In the dish was laid a small saucer, Ah KipiiniUMiitt find. it niw'air.r." i conniec-Rritinh museum tlie Higiit-u:ua of toasted in cheese. that and since down been And has the pail My huaband told mo this morning fronted Then they left the ehimber for several a by nbjit that day?" hours. When they returned there that he would not love me when I which at first sight wo:lil bo inken "No. miss white footprints j got to be oi l. said a newly .married for a of track little waa a here be must Hut u is gigantic millstoneThen the paper it was delilmtely across the room that led to a little lady to a friend. is It of the nio-i- t vd one not somewhere, unless Well that was a piece of Impu-- ! Oriental rolics In existence tho Me hole above the narrow skirting-boarImlieve btoien. Which I I r. a of hidden on hi (hiss by piece dence the take the part," responded tomb of A!cxu:idcr the Groat. will iKVfin nnrH'ttivii. unl A man was called in, and after treak-in- g friend. sitli.'f-ro011some of the and down i plaster turned No. he is right about iL You sea, npsiile ii III. ill . U rv thing w.is Ismul' out. when h lilh sud- - taking u a corner of the flooring the ' he is 7 years old end I am only 2ii ie dowu-iiinMilllngQeet How eiuid yn-.Double sole exof paper wss at last coveted Eapcciallv for Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands end others. scrap I'm old den" s nppedj so he will not lore me when tell Alis, Kid r'tliut hc Sown to the heel. WEARING QUALITY. secured EXTRA" whether tending ' l vn reme'iiliT be will dead he ' i the only woman you ever by that time. Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is tlie best they ever had. Tlie confession was in part de- because i'll lii.it day? e win Texa Mftinga. a fhi-l- . n TSj stroyed, ami required ver . de lies to Tillinghat Ilk yOUf dltltr for thin and dont be persuaded into an inferior article. others wo.e ail yuuug girl. fugue. f-E!S- th-ng- be if he were here. The woman did aa she was bid. Edith then placed a piece of paper on the table where Gilbert said he had laid the confession, the door leading into the bedroom and the entrance door having first been opened. There was considerable draft, and the par pers trembled on the table. air on l'erhaps there was more 1 will subthat day," said Edith. stitute a lighter piece of paper This vhedid, and almost immediately it waa caught by a current, audit fluttered aeioss tlie room. As it fell on the floor, they both started to see a little kitten spring from the open doorway and pounce upon the paper, rolling over and over with it In her teeth. That explains it all," exclaimed Edith, catching up the litt'e animal in her arms Oh, kitty! Oh, kitty! llow little yon know the terrible mischief j on have done! Her eyes were full of tears, and she was pale and trembling with apprehension. The kitten must have carried off the confe ainn in this way to lay with it, and its discovery was mth Mlews aS j Price liSiggi Royal - Baking JENSIONff!i:KS7S. deris p-- b b k Patents. sit wi I FREE d ed . Denver Directory. UM IpUBUSHERSI e - d - New Dii, ST. JACOBS OIL Pits -- Father Sister Sweetheart or ' y, e, e . r i durt-i-ovcre- I - , d, I wall-pape- ; 1 ; . l i in.-ci- id |