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Show nt the expense of noodles. She pulls THE FARM aXD HOME. wool over the eyes of her protector, and while site likes (his) protection for soma reasons, she believes in free trade for TESTIMONY OF A FARMER WHO others. UNDERTOOK TOO MUCH. When I speak of ballet dancers' for- THE BALLETS RANKS. HOW THEY ARE RFCRUITED IN PARIS- - GAY Tni The Ladlas of the Dum Comarallv Uesootlol with tbs axasMOS ot tka Oru4 Opera H Hovel Coat Sims. Arc Parle Correapondrnea.l IIEGBAKDOPEBA in a nm jo-ti- c tom' pie. 1 doubt if liabylon had anything mors imposing KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort end improvement end tends to personal enjoyment when rightly tuea. The many, who live bet ter then others end enjoy life more, with lose expenditure, by more promptly adopting the worlds best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pom liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting In the form moot acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the Kfrmhing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative : effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. and It has given satisfaction to millions aet with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drop vista in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is by the California Fig Byrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will nut accept any substitute if o Acred. man-jfactur- august Miss C. O. McClavs, Schoolteacher, 753 Park Place, Elmira, N. Y. "This Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with that human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks and getting no better, a friend wrote me, suggesting that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am delighted to say that August Flower helped me so that I have quite recovered from my indisposition." ffl- -. EXPOSITION WORLD'S COLUMBIAN Hava mads th HIGHEST AWARDS QSadala aad Diplomat) to WALTER BAKER ft CO. Os seek of tho following namad BREAKFAST artleli ' COCOA, Pnmiam Mo. 1, Chocolate, TsaIlia Chocolate, German Sweet Chocolate, Cocos For purity of maUrlal,1 excellent Savor," aad uniform uvan composltto.' MASS. WALTER BAKER A CO, DORCHESTER, DR. GUNTS ONION SYRUP COUGHS, COLDS iHD CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. 2Tc a aCkaMva to ay a. H voMTfmi mo tain Mot, my liwlOMio at. Dr. OanVOUMlrn, obtain already prepared aad HvUaaMM tha Ians Milo io nu. al mnnm TMVt M. Mm niMd tO.MHMIM.loa sssaas&R ELYS CATARRl CREAM BALM The golden Apollo on its roof is the most striking figure a Paris. The opera driveways, three in number, are lined with exquisite balustrades and statuettes in bronse and in stone, end with pillars of malachite upholding gemuieii and fantastic I ClrtaMn the Kasai Pannages, Allays Pain and Inflammation. Benia tbo Sores. Restores tha Senses of Taste and SmelL The driveway on the right, runnlnj from the Avenue del'Upera. is reserve, for fashion. That on the left, which climlia a little marble hill beautifully decorated with pillars of costly stone, for royalty and state occasions. That st the hack is for the prima donnas and the ballot girls and their visitors. Standing on the Boulevard Hausa-man- n any evening in the season you will see at least a hundred elegant coupes drive into the great yard under tlie monumental atone entrance. These are the equlpuges of the ballet girls, and they are generally more luxurious and splendid than those of the singers who have world-wid- e reputations. Some of these coupes nave coachman in and footman elegant livery. The bullet girls who flounce out of them and skip up the marble staircase to the foyer do la danso, are nearly all pale, IX THX F0YKB DB LA DANSB. who, if clutlied in rags, would nut win On the day that a score and libretto a passable glance on the street. llut, in the gaudy undress, or the are presented to the company fur the fairy coatumea of the bullet, la the first time the dancers, accompanied by tlnest theater la the world, they are their mammas, and often by their proquite churining. The millionaires, dip- tectors, are on hand, and want to lomats fnd hankers who pay for the know, in a very positive way, what coupes and for luxurious establish- there U in It for them." If they are displeased they get one ments for these young ladies, must or two journalists who frequent tha think so. You rememlier little Reinaeh, who Foyer de la Danse to run down the killed himself at the time of the forthcoming opera and to rain it. The director is furious, bat can do disclosure? lie was a great favorite among the ballet girls of the nothing. The publio legend will have it that Grand Opera, and the central figure in the beautiful hall called the Foyer de the danseuses of the opera die in misla Panne, where the beauties hold ery. This is not true. They die rich, and some of them are almost on the kind of court between acts. He belonged to the set of men who threshold of society before they pass frequent the foyer because it is amus- sway. But their social triumph is never quite complete. ing; he does not appear to have For two oenturies and a quarter the pended much money upon the dames. They liked him because he was ballet has held its own at the Grand sprightly and sometimes gave very de- Opera in France, and it will hold it for several oenturies longer. lightful parties borne of the best music of the day Moat men who go to the foyer to dano-inballets is written for the great two-apresent their homage" to these damea know that it la a very ex- which are st present so popular, and pensive expedition. For a diplomat which require such a large number of who gossips for a few minutes with a the little ladies for their interprets, leading beauty, it means the expendi- turn. ture of a thousand franca to send her a The Italian models are still followed, handsome bracelet next day. Fora but Italian women are less and leas millionaire it often means a bonne and employed in French dancing. Mme. lot, especially if he invitee a beauty to Csnlinal end her daughters attend to Silex. supper. By and by it means a dowry that and a permanent charge upon his forWOMAN lan-am- hXTTEvEB OrMMtaM VmMi BtevW m BRAOHELDS FEMALE REGULATOR. influ- ence in toning up and Strengthening het system, by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strength guaranteed to result from Its use. M My wHb, who was feadrUMon fbr algki teem nnlka altar nalag hr (mo MMki la AmIi Jtawl.k. gvttlng Wall.1. V. Journo. Malvarn, Ait, Bn.ufmn Rnaumvoa Co.. Altana, Ua. c at UM par buttis. t'anaamptivM pauHa humor fiao Cure for OnHuMM. It bm cwrvd tkawanaSi. It baa nothin,, adorn. It I. not bad lo taka, lilatba taaaaueahayrep Sold evamrtafn. who bars TT ml II, . Vai.Jk. Whea writing hi ariveriiMia plane mw Uisadv ruminant la Uii. paper. V... 040.-- girl innnsges tit secure money for the fiimiiv as well its for herself. 1 a Levy, who luid studied this nnder world carefully, did not exuggemte the fuels in his pen portmit of .Mme. Cardinal und tier daughters. They represent tlie opera dancer's mother und the dai.e.ra themselves ns well now as they did when the bright little volume was written. The ballet dancer's theory istliutshe wns ontr med by fate to enrich herself 1 cOktUMt To mrjt W.N. lb Uaaver. A KOVFL RAM. FT OOSTl'SF. wired into the Opera bullet, and at the suine time has accepted the protector. or the Duke de ate of 11. de . She will not I. , she is overjoyed. give her daughter any penee unless the !iautWui:HHing and SI. a, that yon TH ASUBAUKL SKARCMB. quently presented during recent years of a woman, as well dressed as the average woman who walks on Fifth avenue, with glistening stones la her ears and at her throat, bending over and carefully examining the eontenta of garbage cans which stand on the outer edge of the pavement 8he is not looking for what the rag woman seeks, however. She giv her attention only to those cans thus been set have out by milliners and dressmakers. She carefully aseorte such bits of isos, feathers, silk and tha like that she encounters. The crowds by do not concern her, as trooping handful after handful of called scrape are stored away in her satchel. She is middle-age- d and so neatly attired that she Is in striking contrast to the type usually seen examining gaibage Every ingredient possesses superb Tonic UoU by Hragglale almost entirely given over to trade, the unusual spectacle has been fra state-endowe- Delicate fflf omen and Herts a wonderful AN INOFNIOUB Makes Her WeeUh by (lathering Scraps bf Dry Goods. On that portion of Fifth avanna, above Madison square, which la bald-head- j properties ct g tune. Along the glittering parquet of the Foyer de la Panse the little feet shod and in white satin nightly go tiiey seem to pick up gold and diamond dust as they walk. The opera dancer who docs not fortune is an exception. She is looked upon by her comrades of the danee as a goose. Yet some of these women manage to preserve their pieces and their affections in the hearts s who sit in the orchesof the tra stalls for twenty yeans They are nearly all witty. That helps them when they are not beautiful. Ktupid and vulgar girls would net te admitted to the opera ballet, not if they danced like fairies and had faces like angels. llow are these ranks of the ballet recruited? From the bright girls who go annually to the Conservatory of Dancd institution. ing a Dancing is reckoned a fine art in France. They are generally daughters of concierges, or of workmen in humble circumstances. They grow up in a vitiated atmosphere. Baudelaire would have classed them among hie flowers of evU." uThln. Ill dressed, often half fed, they make their appearance at the conservatory at the age of 11 or 14 and begin to kick. They are cuffed about by cruel masters ami work like slaves to learn their art After s day of fatiguing gymnastics. they go home to meagre dinners under and to sleep in airless the roof. Tbeir mammas are not overburdened with moral prejudices. If one of them hears that her daughter has been re Small Vineyard Paid Him Batter Than a large Oue H'elarlag l'leklug Out Layers aad Hums Hlul. la Win-tFarm Kates Cows ar er e. A correspondent of Grape. Belt, who calls himself Dunnis, is In the jioeition of many men who have bitten off more than they can chew. He says: I began with about eight acres of vineyard, and that was just about my also, but I didnt know it I thought if eight acres was a good thing thirty acres would be nearly four times better, and 1, like an Ass that 1 am. increased it to that area A funny feature was, that all the time 1 was putting out more grapes, I was bowling about the business being orerdonu, and somehow I felt that everybody ought to stop planting but myault. Verily consistency is a jewel, and 1 can now see that I talked much better than I knew. When 1 had ra.v little old vineyard of eight acres 1 was prautlcally out of debt Now I am not It Is true that I am assessed more than I was then, and at an honest valuation I may be worth more, but I am just enough In debt to have no spare cash, and feel all the time hard up. so that I feel like a poor man. If I were back again to the old vineyard, my wife and tbe oldest boy and I would have gono to the world's fair. As it is, I was hustling around to get soma money to pay off some help that flared up" and quit I would then be able to do my work on time and have iny vineyard in apple-pi- e order to the queens taste, but now It is a foot race from day in tho spring until election day in the fall. 1 do not claim that 1 was getting more grapes then than now, for I was not, but I do know that my were costing me loss per basket then than now. Then what I received for my crop gave me some fun. Now It goes into a rat hole. I would not have you think that 1 am hopelessly in debt, but I am loaded up to I feel it when I go to bed at night and when I get up in the morning. I realize that I have bitten off enough so that mastication Is embarrassing. If I could find some sucker to buy the newly-plante- d vineyard, he eould have it cheap. Ha eould have It for what it has cost me to put out the grapes, and the land at pasture prices, and I would stick to the little eight-acr- e vineyard. I might be thought email potatoes In the business but all the same I would occasionally get a day off to go fishing. If I were back there 1 would not borrow any trouble about tha business being overdone. The other fellow would then do that With the mall amount on my hands I would give best culture and in return get the best of yields and by doing mueh of the work myself I could grin and bear as low prices as any one, but so long as I am in my present fix, low prices hurt, and there are several carloads of men in the same boat I believe the grape business is all right, and the best feature most of us farmers can take up If we take it up right, but I do not believe it is good enough so that every Tom, Dick and Harry can catch on in all sorts of ways and conditions and some of them not be loft Watering Cows la Winter. The plan I am contemplating using is comparatively inexpensive, easily kept clean, always in place so that the cows can drink welL I will make a single trough continuous from one end of the stable to the other. My mangers to front are the usual distance from the stanchions, and the lower edge of the trough sits on the edge of tho manger. The cows will have no trouble in reach -lag the water; in fact, will reach clear over the trough. I will use a good quality ol pine free from knots, one Inch thick. A board eight inches wide forma one sldo and nine Inches the other, making tho trough exactly eight iunhes on tho inside, leaving the trough clean and smooth on the inside and all parts of the same level, so the water keeps at the same height for all tho cows The water should be lot in at one end of the trough and an overflow pipe in the other end. which is adjusted so as to keep the pipes to inch of being fulL within one-haThe overflow being at opposite end from inflow makes sura of good circulation in the water. In order to keep trash, dirt, eta, out of the trough, will have one main cover consisting of a board thirteen inches wide, running the entire length of the trough, and in this cover holes are out about eight inches wide and ten inches deep, exactly iu front of each oow so that sho can drink by herself- - Those drinking places are to ho covered by a small cover which of an inch projects three-fourtalways longur and as much wider, so Lota-rod- Horn cans. This is a strange occupation for one evidently of good birth and connections, and from what was learned by inquiry of the woman's purpose, it ie that la a large city like New apparent 1 ork the waste in certain channels affords mors than sustenance for many who display industry and intelligence in reclaiming such waste and making it marketable, The woman has contracts with two of the biggest houses in the country, and all tha dol a that are dressed for their Christmas trade have in her not only their dressmaker, but their milliner. he employs a number of you g women, who are kept busy decorating with finery dolls of every description. She has arrangements with many of the dressmakers to retain for her such scraps as they do not value of the costly sil-- s, satins and other textures they cut up. When ever she tinds a garbage can that she thinks holds anything of value for her business, she dives into it The police do not molest her. for she replaces the garliaare that may fall out during such searches. Then, too, the dollies must be dressed. dry-goo- ef- a Uver-nnr- e stove en rbeamatiam and debility remedied by this In baking broad or rolls put a sterling medicine. You cannot tlweye tell whet s men It thinksaucepan of boiling water into the ing about by hearing hie talk. oven. The steam will keep the crust 100 S1IB inward tender. smooth and Hie leaden uf this paper will be pleased te Much of the heavy cake and bread learn idreMMdiT that tLrra is at least is the result of the oven door being that science baa hern able to eon In nil its banged when dosed. Close the door stages, and that la Catarrh. Halls Catarrh la the only positive euro now known tc as gently as possible Nearly every- Curemedical the fraternity. Catarrh being a co one opens it gently enough. mutton ai disease, requires a constitutional If one wishes to cool a hut dish in treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la token Internally, acting directly upon the blood and a hurry, it will be found that if the mucous of tbe system, thereby dish be placed la a vessel full of cold, destroyingsurfaces tbe foundation uf tbe disease, and salty water it will cool more rapidly giving tbe patient strength by building up than if it stood in water free from the constitution and seeiallng nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have eu mueh falls In its eurative offer One that alt they For frying always put a pound or Hundred Dollars powers for any ease that It falls Is two oi fat in the pan. This is no cure. Bend fur list of teatlmnulale. Address F. J. CHKXEY A CO.. Toledo, O waste as the same fat can be used over and over by pouring it through Individual Youre tbe sleep to the a strainer into a crock kept for the ever saw, said Farmer (Sedgwick Yw g even my tramp who asked for a mesL eoet hasn't had a nap In some time, quote he. Cheep Kxcareloa Betas. The Union Facile hie now on axle wintei tonriet tickets to Lonlalene, Texas and Now Mexico points, also Key West, Havana, and to New York aad return vie Gelveeton or Mew Orleans; also one fare to all Texai ilnta on Deo. 19. MM. Jon. 9. Feb. 18. arch 13, April 10 aad May 8, 1894. Those who aootemplato spending the winter In the Booth, or wishing to enjoy a delightful sei voyage, eon procure foil information regarding rate, routes, etc., by calling at city ticket office, 1708 Larimer sL, or addressing Geo. Ady, General Agent. Denver, Colo. Mountains iff difficulty eomo high, but w must have them. IMBleg Cere te Celllorele. The Union Pacific te the only line running dining can between Denver, Ben Fraoelsoo and Portland, Ore. Eneloee stamp for sights and scenes in California. Ticket office 17IM Larimer L Something Kew. ' is flour. The Bants Fe Route" hae Inaugurated r through dally free reclining chair ear aervlee Farm Kate. between Denver, Colorado Springe nod OgAlways breed from a full blood den In both dlreeliofli. Holder iff secocd-claa- a tickets to or from boar. Utah or Pacific coast points reading via this More fat can be put on with gro und line will be permitted to oocupy these ears than with whole grain. without extra charge. Turkeys fret if confined to a coop, Charity does not atop with s single loaf of purpose To make garlic vinegar pare and lice a dozen cloves of garlic, put them in a preserving jar with one pint of vinegar, cover and set away for two weeks, then strain into a bottle. One teaspoon ful of this via egar added to a potato salad gives it a delicate flavor of garlie One of the things commonly dons wrong is the mixing of flour and a liquid when a thin batter or paste Is desired. Here is a rule that if followed, will always make the mixture smooth and free of lumps Measure the flour and add to It an equal measure ol liquid. Stir together until smooth, then gradually add a part ol the liquid until the mixture is thin enough. In making a thickening lot soups or sauces there should be four or five times as much liquid as there and for welL that reason do not fatten Cabbage heads bung up where the chickens can get them make a good winter feed. Clean up all the trash that will serve for breeding places for insects and burn it Attention to ridding the stored vegetables and apples of decaying ones is time well spent. A favorite way with some of getting rid of weevil la to sweep the bins clean and dust with lime. Grow sheep with a view to both wool and mutton so when one gets cheap there will still be a chance for S two-ce- bread. Have Ten Asthma? Sr. I. Bchiflmaan.St. Paul. Minn., will man e trial paekase or "Scbifimaon'a Ailhma Cure free to eay auferer. Be advertises by giving It away. Never falls to give Instant reUef in wont caaea and euros where others fall. Name this paper and send addreae fur a free trial package. The coming dletlooary will probably define s daisy to he a tough In foil bloom. GOOD SPIRITS follow wood health while low spirits melancholia. Impaired memory, morum, or irritable temper, fear of impending calamity and thousand and one intents derange of body and mind, result from pernicious, profit lf ! j throe-fourth- s ra-- greatly needed temporary relief, profraaloaal now n ludlgi-ello- gras that those covert project of an inch into the mangers farther than tho main cover. The cows soon learn to raise this light cover, push their nose in and drink. The back end of this lid which is lifted up by the cow's nose nover stands quite straight As soon as tbo cow withdraws her nnse from tbe trough tbe lid falls back at onco, For a keeping out all dust etc. hinge to the lid use tin bushed wire staples, (the narrow ones are boat) One driven linked into each other. up into tho small one, at an angle of about forty dogroes. the other straight down into tho main cover. Journal of Agriculture. I'lckluc Out i.ayar. can pick out a IIow many poultry good laying hen from a strunge flock.J Hints daye in hr mure generally directed, For bread and pastry have an oven forts then formerly, to mean of building np the nerfive minutes turn a piece vous ayaleu as the baste of lie healthful quietude. that will in This Ie oue nseaon why Hualrtter'e Stumaeh Bitof paper dark brown. ten has received Ihr sanction uf lihy.lcian In ail tha Butter put into clean pots and well nervine tunic, father of insomnia, and the relief uf the fruitful surrounded with charcoal will keep followed ie Hiller the ly Cerent malady mental to tranquil sleep. good for twelve mouths. and halilte lmiieir sedentary anxiety, When onions are being cooked the weakcu the nerve. Tlie Bittendigestion atrengthene aaalmll-atand' the ability Indigent strong, disagreeable odor may be themthabyfood. Besides thia.it healtbfnlly atpaelatei lessened by placing vinegar on the the liver and kidneys. Blliousneaa, constipation, all-foo- ls little women, d bed-roo- TBY THE CUBE. A vartMa I. applied lata saah noatrU and la r HI rani. t tvniastau, or br naii mrifiaiv anoTUMHa. M WarreeSaTNer tort. 17 lamps. pit-a-pa- Bnttor F0R pms-r- a anemiedrregulnr-fcature- Flower THE JUDGES 1 ta front is studded with marble statues and polychrome medallions of tunes, 1 mean very considerable one those that run into several millions If the mother is shrewd she can do wonders for her daughter. The ballet sometimes forms a cabal against a singer. When it does so the singer in doomed. For there is money and influence enough behind the ballet to pulverize the poor tenor or soprano who has unintentionally offended the goddesses of chore grsphy. The management of tlie opera knows this, and u microti nda that it hsstoconr ult with the sharp-- f aoed little dancers They have alliee even in the government. They dance for the public. But when they pull a string, ambassadors, mink ten of state and cabinet functionaries dance for them. At other state theaters where a ballet is required the condition la much the same. The ballet has inside influence. A composer who should tiy to get an opera accepted without a ballet would be laughed out of the theatrical world, and it is doubtful if he would be allowed to enter it again. Tha Doctor's Klory. St i many can do it-- , yet it can easily s remarkable be dene after a short study of make ; Canon MacColl quotes who him physician related by to a writer. jsse up and characteristics, says Charles Bell, Sir of been had pupil There goes a hen with a thick neck, walks listless- the eminent author of 1 he Bridge-watlarge head, Treatise on Hand." Sir Charles no intenwith ly about, seemingly tell the following story to his to used does She view. in tion or purMfeo the nut care to scratch, but hangs :lass: A surgeon who went over around the hen house, evidently field of Waterloo after the battle founda man lying with his scalp cut off by waiting for her next feed. She gets iuber-stroklie picked up the scalp, to up lato in the morning and goes unbed early in the evening. That hen and finding the man breathing but to be placed him ordered he down a conscious, as be poor very put may st the layer. The eggs of some of the among the wounded, clapping on bis other hens go to help pay her keep. ume time the severed scalp She walks head, in order that it might bo buried Here conurs another. ie an and there elasticity in with him, for he did not expect that briskly folher movements which shows she has the poor man would recover. The She is neat lowing day, however, he found the something in view. and natty in appearance, small man conscious and the scalp adhering head, with slim neck, nicely arched to his head, but with the ends reor curved. She forages or scratohea versed, for the surgeon, thinking the all day long, and may be too busy to man was dying, took no pains to fix the She is scalp properly. The man recovered, come for her evening meal. at the door in the morning waiting to but had to wear his scalp wrong end She snatches a few forward." London Site. be let out mouthfuls of feed and is off to tho The Kr at Marktmaa. Lieut C L. Collins, Inspector of Bmxll-Arineaaow, looking for insects Before Practice in the department of tbe he goes out in the morning she gensays, in bis annual report, ibat the erally deposits her daily egg in the target shooting hs shown mat nest or returns after a short forage. men with lalight blue eye rank highest, folShe is neat clean and tidy, with a lowed in their order bjr dark blue, slate blue, brown, dark brown and black. In the brightness and a freshness pleasant light troops light blue eyes again stead at to tha eye That is the hen that eulured the top. llow large a proportion of the cola feed for her and good gives pays ored troop have light blue eye ie not stated the published abstract of his report. Toll profit all the year round. The writer la shoot more accurately than tbs short has noticed these traits slnoe boy- men hood and knows that they are in- men. Where Wakalulnoa Has It Birth. fallible. By studying these traits, physktann an regarding with sa Intelligent a few in have a man years may any lest and lass favorable the use of narcotic. eye fine flock of hens. Farmers Voice While then an need in extreme cur to afford j : j : Clear the cellar In which vegetables are to be stored of rate as far as possible. One or more good eats are good for the purpose. Waldo Brown says that last year fifty hens supplied the family with eggs, paid for their own feed and left some cash on hand bosidea One of the secrets of profit in stock of any kind is to reduce the cost of production to the minimum consist- ent with good care and management Intensive cultivation means simply farming to make money, and a writer thinks that the man who does not be-- i lievo in the method bad better uban-- ! don the business. A man who has fed wheat to horses says they will do more work on a half gallon of wheat than on a peck of oata lie begins on a pint of oats at a feed and gradually increases the prao-tior-s, eolitary often Indulged tbe " by young, through lgnoranoe of eir ruinous eonae-lueno- Aoopy of thtetwfful hook will, on receipt T this nptkn with U acute In stamps, for poetem be malted securely sealed In a plain envelope. Address, Worlds Minicab Aswutids. Buffalo Dihpemsabt K. V. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS WITH THOMSON'S SLOTTED ' - t: CLINCH RIVET stum feed. i eh Nervous debit. iy, and lorn of manly "8F power, not Infrequently vomit from snob unnatural haUte. TO reach, reeteim and reel ore such unfortunates to health and hanplnem, te the aim of an mnntetlon of med teal gcntiemni. who bare Prepared a treatise, written in plain but chaste Junguagw and treating of the nature eymp--J end curability, Tiy home treatment, of An exchunge tells of a man who took to tbe mill forty bushels of wheat twenty bushels of oats and SSg put up iu boom dealer (tor them, or sen ten of corn, and had them ground In Ak year stamps for a box of 100; assorted time and mixed for hog feed. He reported uaeuracToian xr JUDSON L. T HOMSON MFC. I very favorably upon the results. Wall Kami. JHaa. A writer suggests two ways of getPil.lleaeae tarnlataw ky mseq a ting profit out of the crops. One is Itehi This form and BUi to increase the production per acre ULSSUUK or mffUDWS ML YOU and so decrease the cost and the TIKLD STOUTS TO other, to vary our crop and relieve GOT the over production of tho staple and PILES weekSSuaSpkZZS give price a chance to stiffen up SfrSPMSBftSS Km s |