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Show SUBURBAN TRIALS. groomed Mr. SiueuJ a frantic woman, her neighbor, Mrv Thorne, ruhed into her cottage. "Ive caught him!" she gasped, "lie's locked up in the library? Oh! ohl oh!" "Caught whom?" asked the mystified woman. Then, teeing that her distracted visitor was very near failing, she collected restoratives and brought back Mrs. Thorne's scattcrad wits. Maud explained as soon a shecould speak that adeaperatc-lookinman, a burglar, she was certain, ami a convict as well, by the cut of his hair had feloniously entered her house a moment before she came, and, walking boldly into her library, had been locked safely therein by herself. "The windows are nailed down; I have been waiting tor Perry to open them, so he cannot escape that way " be concluded. "I expected Amos on the last train, I dont see what is keeping him, "said Mrs Smead, "hut he has not come el. "Neither has Perry, but perhaps they will come together. Isnt it dreadful? I darent go back with that man in, the house. I know by his looks hes a murderer. Our girl hasnt come and I'm a. alone. Oh, if Mr. Smead were only here! "I guess Ill do just as well," said Mrs. I will take Stnead boldly. your revol r and can you bring the stove lifter, anu e will interview him through the It isnt because J am tired oi our flat that I want to live in the suburbs, but the doctor say we both need change," concluded Mrs. Perry Thorne, who was making her first plea for country life. I agree with the doctor that we need change of one sort, at least," answered her husband. "Don't be flippant, dear, 1 am in dead earnest; and oh, Perry, I know of such a dear cottage, one of a row." I dislike rows, said Perry, "However, if you are determined to he a suburbanite, and with the suburbanite stand, I may as well agree to go. I will at once take lessons on the flying trapexe, so that I may sometimes be able to catch a rain. Have you caught your house yet, Maud?" "Oh, yes. Mrs. Smead has one in the same row, and she told me about ours. It Is the southwest corner house, while hers is the southeast. Isn't it strange Perry, that I have never been Introduced to Mr. Sinead? I wouldn't believe there was any such person if I had not seen him." "Nothing strange about it," growled Perry, in what his wife called his bulldog" voice. "I suppose you want to know him because he has the reputation of being a lady killer. "I am told by fellows we both know that he prides himself on his beauty." UI hate beauty men," said Maud sooth ingly, "they are all vain, conceited crea tures, I would never marry a handsome man. KU liW Sweat Muscatel Grape Juice Syrup. Purple Crape Juice Syrup. Cherry Bounce Juice Syrup. Claret Punch Juice Syrup. Angostura Punch Juice Syrup Champagne Punch Juice Syrup. A Co., Pruiirt. All kind of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS IV. SUES EVERY STABLES. MAN HIS OWN away, first giving his wife permission to do as she pleased about taking the sub urban home. A week later both families were set-;!ein the row which fronted a street and a railroad track, and was equi distant from two depots. Mr. Smead did not take aa kindly to the change as Perry Thorne did, but he told his wife, thoughtlessly, that one good feature of suburban life was having the Thornes for neighbors. "Where have you ever met Mrs. Thorne?" asked his wife suspiciously. Dont know her from Adam, my dear; but isnt she your friend, and havent I heard her praises sung ever since we were married? "Hml We have calling acquaintance, and now that we are to be neighbors I suppose you will meet. But you are so susceptible and she is so giddy. d I just know you will set people talk ing." "Great Caesar, Laura, you give your 1 susceptibest friend a great send-off- . ble and she giddy I We must lie made .for each other! Mrs. Smead looked volumes at her handsome husband. A great throng of people were hurrying homeward, and all bore the happy burdens of Saturday night new shore for the feet of the little burden-bearera new bonnet for mother, the Sunday dinner and among them Perry Thorne and Amoi Sinead, who had struck up a neighborly acquaintance and were now hastening to the same train, going out to their suburban homes for their first Sab-- ' ath. They were both laden to the ears '1th brown paper packages and just me to make the train after purchasing .aeir commutation tickets. They went lopping through the gates in approved suburban style and caught on just as the train moved out, and then Perry shouted in a voice that Bounded above the roar of the escaping steam : "Weve left our Sunday dinners on the window stand of the ticket office. You go on, Smead, and Ill take the next train out. lie swung himself clear off the train, turned a somersault and waved "all right to Smead, who mopped the cinders and perspiration front his face and remarked to the nian standing next to Nice way to him, in a friendly way: pend the summer living In the suburbs." "Yes ; if you don't care what you say, growled the man. Then Smead took a bit of pasteboard from his pocket and began to study it. "Southeast cornor Terrace row, Oakland. Smead asked his gruR neighbor if he got off at the station. "No, I don't, said the man. "You couldnt hire me to live in that swamp. I go out trn miles further where you don't have to sift the atmosphere to keep the mosquitoes from choking you. That sounded discouraging, but Smead was not anxious to ride ten miles further on an accommodation train, that slowed up for every cow on the track, and he wrapped himself in a speculative reverie until the brakrman called, as if only the dead lived at that station. Mrs. Smead was waiting for her husband, whom she expected on the train, but the train had come and Konet and Instead of the hand some wel s, uul Keevtbeiu, Write ha AGENTS, HORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR Read WtintDR, NUNN'S BLACK OIL will do. HORSE CUT, BRUISED or WOUNDED, use NUNNS HORSE or COW got COLDjor BLOAT use NUNNS HOR8E COUGHING or got DISTEHPER, use NUNNS No Flies on WOUNDS when you use NUNNS You get a Vetrinary book FREE when you IDF fill buy NUNNS DI Every Fanner, Stockman, Dairy, should have handy NUNNS DLAuN Ull Every Sore, Scratch, Piles, etc, cured with NUN T'x t iXT' I 111 No Stable or Household complete without NUN I S . s! elsis turnouts always la resdinsss. Mlsctiou of bursas suit buggies. Runs Hacks Harrington A flu to All Trains. Leave orders st Stable, L AMRRICAN PORK, UTAH. Every Store thould keep for sale FRANK D. HOBBS. Bold Land and Mining Attorney. door. Utah. City 1SEXJ. J1ATES, "But what goodwill that do9 He may li 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. Lets reglsUr U. S. Land Offloe, Sait Lsks QP NUNNS first. AMERICAN FORK WA60N "Come on, said Mrs. Kmr..d, (.onteiup-uously- . She was only a vo g matron, WORKS. to he herself, hut she was no: goiHuggtes sad Wagon of til routf d by :: arm v, hinds Kspsirsd In and she led the way to her neighbor's Uraer. and at Prioei is suit Units. cottage. No other people lived in the row, so they had all the fun to themAMERICAN FORK, UTAH Hsrriugtosst., selves. But at that identical moment the .o JOHN train, sometimes called the liusban. Preclnot Juitloe. Notary Public. train, so many of them went out to All kind of legal work transacted wltk pend the weeks interval with their promptness. Marriage licenses prooured, and amilies, stopped at the nearest depot anything pertaining to Isgsl matters. and Perry Thorne, with his double load AMERICAN FORK. UTAH. of packages, hove in sight. Both women were overjoyed to see him. WOODS. "Whats the row?" he asked, dropping TOiJ jORIAL liis bundles on the veranda. A man!" said both women at once. Ilsir cutting in any stylo. Satisfaction gusrsn-tesd- . Parlors on Merchant Street. "Where is Smead?" I what is "That would like to know," AMERICAN FORK. UTAH. said Mrs. Smead. I expect him on this A. CHRISTENSEN train. "I haven't seen him. Who is the man? "A burglar, and hes locked up in the ibrary. l)on,t you think I was brave? asked Maud, who, now that her husband Oftiee in Jackson Building. had come, felt that she might pose as a kWIHICAS Utaii Foss, heroine. "Burglars already ? Ha! this is a di ADAMSOB, version. Clive me the key, Maud. I'll COUNTY SURVEYOR, take your revolver, Mrs. Smead. Now, U S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor ladies, stand aside, and Perry made a valiant rush for the library door, which PUBLIC. he unlocked and threw open, at the same American Utah Fork, time presenting arms, according to the best manual practice. Dont shoot! cried a familiar voice that trembled, not with fear, hut merriment, as Mr. Smead stepped smilingly I am forward and bowed to Maud. Mrs. Thornes captive. he said. "What does Jthis mean?" cried Perry. Ilia face flaming. 'Yes, what does it mean?" demanded Mrs. Smead in the measured syllables of the divorce court. "It means, explained Mr. Smead, "that my wife has not yet learned to box the compass She gave me 'southwest' a id your wife locked me up in a room that has no ventilation and is under a criminal ban. But I forgive her," he added, with gallant protest, whereat Maud's. cheeks grew red with embarrass-ment- , and Mrs. Smead said: "Come home! After this I will meet you at the train and see that you don't get into the wrong house. "Do forgive me, Mr. Smead," said Maud penitently, while Perry glared darkly like a jealous stage cr, "hut you did look so so "She said you looked like a convict,' remarked his wife. "At least it has made us acquainted," observed Mr. Smead, true to his colors, and with this parting shot he followed his wife to the southeast cottage. wholetsl un J retail s' Z.C.M.I. Drug Dept, Agts Salt Lake City, Utah. Partner wan ted in this builns : - Perry mumbled something and went Year tS'e Salt Lake City, Utah. UTAH AND dslr Jon SOLE DISTRIBUTING Henry Lee olic Drinks Non-Al- co THE SALT LAKE CITY SODA WATER GO., Attorney at Law, LIVERY, FEED Honk, Club and Sic? room. For Sale Everywhere If your KENWARIk PROVO CITV THE FOR The Most Pleasant and Palatable Fin.bilusrd and pool room in connection Ameriosu Fork, l'th More hast St, IRA Includes the following'jeaders: UTAH. VTtr, Aiixiusub. Wild (California Qrape Juices RKQI3TER. Gem-Saloo- n I "Perry!" LAND U. S. Our Line of GROO BYRON one-ma- uil string (band in one instru-unail olayed at the same time and by trie pern 'n. The greatest inven-.pof the nineteenth cer.turv is the Everett Piano with the plectu phene, or bettor known as the mandolin, pui tar and banjo attachment, '.:sd ot.i-ithe famous Everett, the i. st du able and only complete piano ti.ani. factun'd. It is sold at low psices and on very easyexcelling! ter ns. A large and well selected stock ci these elegant pianos always kept in stock at 238 ? Jenkins Temple of South Main street. Bend Music, s for and prices. We are also agents for Chickirinc & Sens and Hrvard A n First-Clas- s n MNEIL, cata-logue- STEPHEN Pianos. artist. Utah Nursery Company ESTABLISHED DR' D EoNTI S T Office: The institute is udLt the management of Dr. J. W. St. John, who ha been at work with and in the employ the of Lesley E. Keeley Company for the past four years. The treatment and management of patients will le denticallv the same as at, Dwigb UTAII. , mercial Arithmetic, by mail, Free of Charge, tn n limited number of persons. This course will lie completed in forty lesson. Xo for diplomus. The American Business College Kaiiqb Building, comfort. in crippled und deformed i.hoe. Meet hruoex and srtiflciul limbs of ever y descriiition Sici-iiilU- Shoe Co. SALT South OHAIM. XHii. Ho! for 1896. Now is St.. LAKE CITY, UTAH your time ! You will want A Bicycle Hilgert Deformity 00 K Third cliuw Aildrew. WIimii yon ran be mad': t walk siraiirlit. We take plus ter of iarin crust of fret to DONT LIMP lire out of them thnn you can out of' nv-thin- g nlse. of course, if you buy. you will want the best yon can for ycnir and we are thc pcople iret to mine! give tho you We ourry nothing but whnt we know to be relial.li! and O. K. in noaitivclv overy e desire to call your attention to the rt. F. CTJLMER ft BROS. Manufacturers X? AMBLER! cf EVERY ' SHOW CASES OF DESCRIPTION. TAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, ItkUSUKS.ETC. 20 E. 1st South, Salt Lake City. '11,,t8t fo7Kric ,in evrr prlwud Nentl for Oar Catalogue Steel Range for MilnS"WWr,od $35 rtock of We ,,l t forfirrt that SportingEtc., in EXCELLENT IN EVERY RESPECT have an immense line of Stoves. Ranges and Heaters to Select From - pric" DOftltlnn tn fin WB httve ,he before ... Goods. Guns, Rifles the state, anil prices are right. Bros. Browning Wrw. tl -- " Washington flalt Luke Hty. Utnh. A veu 110, OkiIcii, Utnh. Friends of Silver! . Subscribe for the National Bimetallist BEST HOT Ain FURNACE IN AMKKICA. A dispatch from Fierce, Neb., is Governor Robinson of Massachusetts Fyffe, U. S. N., ill at his residence here. Acred a shock of apoplexy and Is now outly Rear-Admir- r-- LALE-CITY- FREE TO AND SALT THE SEELEY INSTITUTE, Course by Mail A direct, authorized branch of the house WITH THH at 111., parent h;i Dwight.. opened at 166 W. Second North, Salt American Lake Oity, on the line of the street Business College. to Warm railway running Springs. For the treatment of the liquor and opium habits, with Lesley E. Iveeliey T oadvertise our College we will give n Companys double chloride of gnlr thorough course of instruction in Doiibln remedies. mid Single kntry Hook keepiug and Com- BEST LINE KANSAS CITY 885. Naylor Block -- 1 A Precautionary Measure. Arizona Iete Why is it, Parson, you always have that Mamed fool of a Leatherfield Sykes to take up the church ubscriptions and collections?" The Rev. Mr. Strykus (of Gory Gulch) Because, brother, it occupies his time usefully. When he is passing the hat he cant talk through it. Chicago Tribune. 1 A large stock of fruit and ornamental trees, also small fruits, roses, shrubs, etc. Make a specialty of supplying commercial plants at low prices. Call and examine stock. AEDREW AND-NOTA- RY u saya: serl. Utah Stove & Hardware In a critical condition. William II. iains, the Pennsylvania J- A. Slrathy, manager of the Bank of militiaman who was drummed out of a Commerce, Strathlc, Ont., was shot and camp at Homestead, was fatally shut in fatally wounded by tn unknown man a quarrel at Baltimore. who called at hi. home, Cataloene sent on applies tion. Corner and First Souih Sts. Box 1(525. Salt Like Com-menta- City. - WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND CPTICIAN; Autx 1. Wyatt. 262 .. Co. Mala Street. l Vrr' Vrritest Kxponent. Vt'KIrr rr W.M. VVAXTLAXI.. Gen I Agent. Dooly niock. Salt Luke City. W. J. .tenuon gfcVBfHEi A.SvA,Y?K bV 1 Msin milUr.S' I. M.N.U., 8, 1896. |