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Show AMERICAN FORK ITEM r'1 , t if KELLY-BOBERT- S. i iiitb ,if!k LOCAL ITEM:?. li. IV. Dr. A I ! r. Preiiv Homo Wedding formed Wednesday Evening. l k. I'C . s Tur I ti-.- ii printing of in all kinds. your orders i'ring for out elopes, programs, in vitations etc. (loo,! work guaranteed. h- - Uiiii 'Flic home of Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Rnlierts was the scene of u pretty wedding Wednesday evening. The bride was Miss Hattie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, and the groom, Mr. Calvin W. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kelly, of this city. They are both highly respected young iople of American Fork. Promptly at the hour of 6 o'clock the clergyman, Mr. George Cunningham, uncle to the groom, pronounced the ceremony that made the happy couple man and wife. The ceremony was s charming one, mill witnessed by about one hun- jh W. formerly of of now hut this city Cheyenne, Wyo., is in town taking in the nights. Marriage license was issued Wednesday hi lames II. Chamber' lain, aged 21 of Cedar Fort, and Jenetta Thomas, uged 17 of Lehi. Hall's Hair Rcnewer cures dandruff and scalp affections; also all eases of halt! ness where the glands which feed the roots of the hair are not closed up. The Union Pacific will make rates of one faro for the round trip for Paderewski Concert and Sousa Band concert at the c alt Lake Tabernacle March 5th, 6th and 7th. Tickets will be sold March 6th only, limited for return to March 7th. R. Fabbzb, Agent. For the Paderewski concert at the Salt Lake tabernacle, March 4th, and Sousa's Band concert, on March 6th, the Rio Grande will sell on March 4th, tickets to Salt Lake and return at $1.35. Tickets good returning until March 7th. W. J. Kidd, the popular travel in g passenger agent of the Bio Grande Western, and II. M. Adams, .1. !ii !. of the ceremony, the to shower good bride the and groom. upon supper was served, after j.i-.- of the part meeting that we do favor (I ic !ii: v.as spent in a most in.':ig ing of a reservoir for the si i ."i i'.;i -.il in nner, such as dancing, t of water for irrigation and :.!esinging, etc., ami many takpurposes, providing we can deride ing Hi'- opportunity of viewing the f'a rriei . upon a suitable site . :n:;nv ir.n Isomeand useful presents A motion was then made to have received by the bride. a committee of fifteen men h seT:i i: li km extends its most lect a suitable site for a reservoir, iii iiilv congratulations. said committee to work without pay. This motion was being disMarried, cussed when a motion to adjourn Lust Friday, a week, Febriary 14, was made and carried, thus ending ISlii), at the home of the groom, the meeting. this citv, the ceremony was proThis important question will nounced that made John F. Millar, traveling freight agent for the 0. probably be settled by the council and Miss Caroline Johnson man K. & N., was in town yesterday on at the council meeting and wife, Judge McXiel officiating, business. 1 hey made ns a pleasant l lie affair was a quiet one, only daring their few spare moments. Was it Legal? the ii cares I, relatives of the couple The entering wedge of a fatal hejng pre (.nt. n The gi com is a complaint is often a slight cold, month a were notices About ago which a dose or two of Ayer's this of and the city, given out among the members of young iu::n Cherry Pectoral might have cured the Belief Society, stating that an hr one r Lehis popular young at the commencement. Therefore, election of officers, for the ladus. We wish them much joy it is advisable to have this prompt term of four years, would ensuing le held on their io.nruey thrqugli lit, and sure remedy always at hand to $t the meeting house on February DEATHS. meet an emergency. member who at- 3.1S96. Many U. G. Mcbbill, Agt. That the blood should perform its vital functions, it is absolutely necessary it should not only he pu D.rcn, or tms city ele- by-l- a wa of the such-ipure hut rich in Tin fum al was held at Price, ments. These results are best Since tii . time, iv.-.n!a:i ' n Sunday, am- was largely attended effected by the use of that of the no- iiLeis . e and relatives of the by the frie-ilr, standard the legal in of i;v id' deceased lalv. theiiiuin-- i 1. i" i. u i.i eiin Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ; ;.u-tinto the L. "i! ' Died Of diphtheria, Reed, the i this .i. g n:id part son of Mr. and THE BEST !.. apii'outi Mrs. Edward B&rratt of this city, tl e iclv i'dr on Thursday morning, February i:i lh mcnijcv! lS'JO. 20, : of r mat. Frail Wim Voids Ever Snows. hhs . - ! - .V v ; - well-know- - ng - well-know- s blood-purifie- ; . three-yeni-o- Family Medicine ld fro) ib-i- r.i I AYERSP1LL8 pn woi..l like to tulil niy fantiuuuiy to that of I'li.i'i1 wliu liii'.c used .Ayers .Pills, an.l to Miy lli at I have taken ilium .for many r:iTf ami always derived the best ri'Mil's from liii-i- use. Fnrstow-,ac- li nml iiv. r trii'ililrs, ami far tlie runt tlieso lierange. of equaled. ruiii'.i juent.., .VyiT's 1 1 ; i -- 2-- law s 1 ! IV v t (.:iti - by til" iiie1-will l" chunri-- Mr. i V. . i ibus:- .. .m ;! iisii::! i ye.ir.-- i i:i .;e 'lllH lb:n.-r- , bers : . .. . ib-- . :. -- (iii,,t I.:. iesa :'i i will J)cl 5 leys liTior liSitiauiuiuiSHini :!! . V.,.. it . (ii i: i doiibl . - The Character Ball. ! ruh-- r, i if i i. v I'-'i- ;t".v-- t. i an.l lii ;i : ..f UJ.cr" Mlltc.l to I! her. Hpr:t..,i:tg n. . .. .- ggri;;atii!i we "'id :i!i oi i the DoiiaIs lii.r ! Ki.,t wt-- , i::g ;:,i i il!. ii v- f ! i. :d r ;I Hot li' an amateur it hud In ihf'n-mji.iv.- on-- , vi cui-.b- l . by-l.-.u- .-' - ; . t!n ! - : ;!, ow-rho- I . 1 1 t I' m. i ('f'lMir- - I A- i'll i i '-- .oii. n !.o , ii , Of (x- - p - ! cepl.!! lu;. iv. will v.: p - : 1 - ju;i.'rior and roll I'lliV lelll line. i Tickets and full information on es ivhi:li.lt (,' ;i few apjilicatior t tlm locul u gent of the Jf. II. Mb Ifv. or by addressing ..udit inm--i- ! W. F, McMiuan, (lenl Agent, r tbeir Halt Lake City. il.iiki'V ii:; iii I I.i - :i tin; the lilban. ini- -! .. foriiierii , .i liLlllUH,.- - I i : perb track the demeanor of its employees - the way its trains run on time and you will realize why it is the favorite line fit Omaha, Peoria, th ieago, St. Joseph, Kansas t.Ry and St. Louis why exckkikm-ktravelers take it in preference to any other ;i - b b '..ill i ,.:i .... I, . ;i iiiid Ms . phases via the Burlington Route, pay particular attention to its su- s eivcil The scene which itself a groat many sii.n K umh.gs mi I In is null at the opera bouse presented fore claim ' last night was part of the actors, but us lu: maj" one. aul ':d. ai. I lu'i! a charming About seventy-fiv- e ority of them pose as professional were ponihd couples present to enjoy Sieople, we tliinl: they should have such time ; ; I in- - i l". which the program, consisted of The hesl w can say legal .!v- tr.ius.li ieti. for them is, don't do it ngum, and tripping the light fantastic.' i: was incorpoiMic-It was a character and fancy we think they wont, as we underof Utah and 1ms i v i dress ball, and the characters re- stand Mr. Steele has again shown i1" all oilier presented were all good. Every- his ability as manager of the opera nf the Heition 1.. ol the body enjoyed tnemselves highly, house, by placing his house under of how iiu shows society, uotning taking place to mar the the direct management of the offictrs ehal he trails, r ;eii. it i.s evenings enjoyment. Those takTheatrical Exchange as follows: ing part iu character are as follows: of Salt Lake. This exchange is or- -' Grace Greenwood, Minnie Brown The manner of voting or effecting a theatrical (lie and Haddie Preston, fairies; Hannah ganizing tions, whether by the iiiei.jls.iout Utah, Idaho, circuit through societ y or by tho Board of D." sunflower; Earnie Nichols, Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado, Harratt, at ilower shall ieby a show of hfuds. m girl; Jane and Ada Wag- - composed of all the leading opera is the meeting at whieli tie i if-iff. Maud Adams, Tril- - houses in these states. They then sb a , ...nl to beheld, it is decided V ressa ebb, rone; KaU lArm- - negotiate with eastern companies of those present and cninl-i, trong. good luck; Nellie Green-ballo- t. to maxe this entire circuit. Hence, f",r to make the election flower girl; Blanche Robin- - it can be w."!. of tl; Each member readily seen that only hh1 s hick; bo to Mariam , shall entitled ;; oni present Boley, good and reliable companies will Mrs. James Newton, and the person receiving I'm in :ijappear upon the hoards of the i. the votes east shall Ih dei'inid ;..u! houses within this circuit, as the doclaied duly elected.'' has a reputation to , exchange i ri.imiMn, Amanda will not allow the opera bride; tain and Martha Front hi. blacki Iih house coin puny to bill u show with- ASMMinndilian Boley, i; j!.iiti Kelly, bride; Mrs. out first getting tin ir msent. 632 Castelar St., Los Anotl:. . T.;:':.!ul, gypsy queen; Len Cal. After having suffered for n We tliii.K tin prmnofers of this .1.1 1 . !! rheiiiuati-i!acute from John time Eastmond, associatinn and tl" niiinagers of long rii iS v.iin j. M it should be without obtaining relief, I ii t 'I Adamson, opera lm'i.-i'a!'"! of congiiiliil.-.Chamberlam.s Pain Balm and wr. ycii ; I'r. oristensen, i.'ieiiiiiged in Murdock, hayseed; this ?t.p, - iv- !:"t only rctlects almost immediately relieved. I D..T:t : l!;.T. "Charley, u terror; credit np.m i. n!:i ri ji.'vcs the highly recommend tnis as the best Fri:i!; Turn medicine kitthtn. D. M. Hamilton. Walt Wild. "Paddy Ryan," Joe theat 1 ptrna i.l tin! task of Jim Corbett. t!:i merits o the For sale by all druggists. ii lugmvoil, speculating the s ;iiiill8fS,I you go east instance, ; the roll i.i. heavv i.f hem. Mr. .i. 'I. from ti- Mr..'. !. .. to his iop the soli' i of SJ't.l - , i,.-- . I.1. possible. - v mi . under tlicciiviinsi ri i - are iii:al ! m- the jorni'T pro-- e mpany. to know rolls assumed in daughter of Mr night hl i TPr Next time those cur nr. lr :i y fami Mrs. James Condor, of this escape to v:e caniwi .lv m.vtli.-iisorry city, on Wednesday, February, the cri.!ii. o" t in s pefij!e. but 19. ISM. is im- f: ws hy-1- .! Of diphtheria, Saddle, )i ed ciglit-year-o- cleoii 'iis r r ".OL M 4r.icnc:i,t ForU. to ; . a Hew York Lady fo r i iJiiji.iuy aud jd.iv. and wondering he, her or r.ot it will he worth e !ioiild ft rl of On next afternoon the rti"oguii imi w,. have proud received, and evening, Ftdiruary 26tli, the Home Dramatic Association of "Silver King, the dramatic Aineiican Fork will hold the boards next production, will La at the opera house in the celebrated company's with tLe most elaborate presented Silver The afterdrama, King. of scenery ever seen in Amnoon performance is given for the display Fork. erican Dont fail to see it. benefit of the old people and children at reduced prices. The evening performance will he at regular TO A f prices, excepting half or childrens HU RESTOKED tickets, which will not be on sale. Wv 0KTI1EQRELT The production of this pin Biw Palmetto Remedy should draw crowded houses hot afternoon and evening, ns it is one The only true vigor of life. Send of the most popular, widely known $1 to the Security Chemical Co., Redwood hulls, Minn., for and appreciative pieces ever sample played in this section. In selecting this box of the wonderful discovery lor drama, the company did so with old age or permature old age. It tile i iitciilioii of giiing it their en- is the only certain restorative. tire attention. and those who are Highest testimonials. Send Exto this play press or 1. 0. order only . that, they will successful play tin the part .ue eon) pany. y . m I 11 EM??. I to-nig- life-givi- - il hei-los- !. . It W v hastened '. 4 w id.i''ii:;,..s. li-: tiit, I HUM AT 1C i pi-i- t IS Post dred intimate friends and relatives. The bride looked very handsome iu an elegant gown of pale pink m1!:. The bodice was trimmed with hire and ribbon, and made She also wore j w iih puiT sleeves. fu biMuiiliilboquet of natural flower... consisting mostly of orange i : i. ; L l;4, I e W : office Grant- - i'iii.oriiir.i is headquarters for io jurs. iit'ija.iiit-- ami hooks of all kimls. You can always li ml what von want in tins line there. i a m defltisl, umiimitioii nt Steele's. L h ;; ion notices at this office. Legal IHiiuk nf all kinds at til's A i L I - f. i 1. for best goods tin: least jumiev. LPO:T fiiffi5A. at these jinces. Ladies K itigaroo Calf Shoes, worth S2.25, truing at $1.1)0. The celeli.nteu Levis A Broi-hol- m Shoes, worili $.125 going lor $2.50. A bargain. Men's Grained Calf Patrol Shoes, worth S2.25, going like hot cakes lor 1.75. Jnst the thing for laboring men. Youths and Boys Shoes worth $1.75, selling for $1.35. Misses and Childrens lrom 50 cents Dp. Shoes These are only a few of onr prices. We have shoes for everybody. , pon-pon- s; l When my tHemls nr me wliat is tlio best remedy for disordorl of tbo stomach, liver, or bowaD, my invariable answer is, Ayer's fills, Token in ses-.sothey will btaaik up told, prevent jif piiH, rlitrk fever, onii ftejuiato tlis They are easy to digestive organs take, imd are, indeed, the best family medicine I have ever known. "Mrs. Mat Johxsox, 3f8 Rider Avenue, Jfew York City. n, all-rou- AVERS PILLS Highest Honors at World Fair .Jljsrs SaruparHIa Cures all Blood Olssfdm r' 1 , Min-;V)"d- We SEE US can please you if low prices, fair treatment and good goods will do it. ; ltcr bic-Prin- ce 1 t - ii- i IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, we have the best at lowest price s : s f . COME AND 1 1.'-:- . The Dunkloy Store Merchant Street, re-p- American Fork Utah |