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Show rn PORK I HE3 VOL, II, NO. 11. AMEHCAS 1'OIIK. OTAII, SATURDAY, (iiuiicn si:iiviri:s. PRESHY TKKIAN i 103u a. iu m ll:3it PrayerY. Con Y. S. fi'4 u, m . 1. Pibbsth S.itibatb j. X. 4. .V 7 1. . K n 7.3U ill IT mida v 7:wi p. in.. . Kainily M I'ri.n-- f .il'kday 7:uu i. in liililt m iniv 7:U0;. iu Friday J. A. LIVINGSTON SMITH, Iii.I.t. lraer Sabbath L ATT Ell HAY SAINT;. In ml 10;(U u. in Suuday linn-ni- l Service J:30 p. iu n". m 7:3U licm r.il Servli v- lv W. 1). KO HINSON. ULOSINU OF 3IA1LS, GOING NORTH, K. G. W 4:lii ' UP in. GOING SOUTH ANI) EAST. M.Vl II. IU U p K.' H. G. ' G,'v.'.'.'.. -, 1S9G. PltlCE, 1.25 llCR YKAB widow, and when picked up wa dead. On the same floor, hanging from another window, wan another woniaa, and salvation in the shape of a ladder wak Fac- almobt within her gr;up when her A Soore of Victims of strength failed and she went twirling tory Fire, dawn to death. She was Mrs. Kane. The firemen and police worked like Hanging From the Window, and heroes, and to their energy was due a Dropping to Death on the Pavement great saving of life. At least a dozen Below A Woman Spine Forced by women sad girl were carried down the dragged out of the corridors the Shock Through Her Brain -- The lladd the officers and into the Number of Lives Lost Cannot be liJit of ,he ,moke ThJ burnedo I Ascertained. fiercely by this time that no detailed starch of the building could be made Feb. 17. A small boy lend from what can be learned there were S. Y., Trov, Mpaiii'o r u enmaiiindfr' Yi(uruu carelessly throwing a match into a pile many girls and women on the three of oily waste, a mask of flames, 3 girl uPPer stories, either lying in fainting and women frenzied with fright, fight- - fil or overcome by smoke. It was this ;iiil that sevH:(i'Uii;i, Feb. IN. Il i rumors that there eral political prisurierV wire shot lust ingfor life, as the hot flames chased fact ere least betwenty women dead, and nilit at the Cabana-- fortress. Antonio them with hungry tongues, was the the even l this writln doM not ,torJ Lopez Colom.i, who took ;art in the ginning of a f.re'tonight that consumed ,ee,n ln,Probble i revolt lat year, reported to have been thousands of doll: trs' worth of property WOMEN BURKED OR CRUSHED i i 2- OUR INDIAN RESERVATIONS Smith Wants to Modify Treaties. Secretary -- Shall Further)) Efforts be Made to Indace Indians to Agree to Allotments Favorable (Outlook for the BU Restoring Mormon Church Property Utah Senators' Assignments - Iiliy. Washington, Feb. 18. Secretary Carlisle today aubniittcd to the house of representatives a copy of a draft sent" to hint by Secretary Smith of an item to be OKKICE HOURS. inserted in the Indian appropriation bill ami l Tim Delivery, Stamp Window open at 8:UU a. in. aud oloe at &:30 p. among those cxivutei!. and caused the destruction of many for 5,000 to enable the secretary of the ID interior to (negotiate with theJUncom-pahgr- e A mulal'o who cainc ashore from the lives. On Sunday the General Delivery nud Stamp Window are open (nun H:U0 a. m till 1U:U a. in., Ward line tiie of of From Indians residing ujton the Uinoutside the Washingbuilding fcJIrl teainslii;. m. City Ktraakta high Hard an Her Fir and from 4:00 till 8:UH. TIMOTHY M ('( ARTY. first disaster notice the of Cnhan reservation uonr tah Halrlda. in Utah for the modifi- rammlta in sad pubton," impending carrying wpaiers Postmaster. St. Louir, Feb. 16. Barbara Kostel, a I cation of existing treaties and lished i New York, bus liven arrested was the sight of a Ixtdy of girls as they out upon the fire escapes from pretty German girl about 19 years old, I ments with those Indians. Accompany-tii- e It is said he w ill he shot. It is reponed that it is the intention of windows, those whe were more for- - tonight shot and killed John Kohlfing ingthe rsipiest for the 'appropriation g the rebel i lib - in move east ward at an t unate crowding out the e.. trance. Fal- - her lover, and then with the same wea- - was a letter from Commissioner of them Indian a mass with a was own the fired her the into If smoke, have of bullet brain, a ing pon, bureau, early day insurgerts giving of hot flame in lurid streaka. dying almost instantly. inent of facts relative to the work of the vacated Iitur del Rio province, the The tragedy occurred in a room ad-- I commission, 'showing what has been chanres are very favorable for saving Then the inass of frenzied humanity, the tobacco crop, a the best part of the finding the egresses too small for in-- joining II. F. Sherman's printing office I do. and some difficulties in the way of slant escape, began climbing aver the at Olive and Third streets. John Roltl- - I succc. mI accomplishment of the work." on the island is grown tobacco The le. side of the escapes, and bundles of flng and his brother Henry, both of west of Havana Tobacco lias risen con says that a matter which sidcrahh' in price during the last month. clothing filled with writhing humanity whom worked in the printing offiec, I causes serious concern is that there is in Thu new crop i not due for six weeks, dropped at the feet of horrified passers- - lodged there. When Henry returned to reality hut very little, if any, land within I their lodgings this evening he found the the entire Uncempuhgre reservation Even if it can he saved, American buy- byI suitable for allotment for agricultural Within fire minutes the after in 1H9&. will Havana er twenty body of his brother, lying in the hall IN EFFECT NOV. 18 ay this year crop I be er pour, a farmers have heen care-c- started there were three dead women way. The body of the dead girl he found land. The commissioner's report says WEST. KANT. that certain parts of the reservation are in looking after it, not knowing laid upan the floor of an ad joiaing store, within the room. No. a. in. MO. 1. ll;l(i u. in.. il'J 4 8:31 p. m. Mo. p. in and at least a dozen maimed and burn- No. John and Mis Kossei had lived to- suitable for grazing purposes, but none a m whether the rebel would destrov it No. 8. 5;30 p. m. No ;03 before the leaf was ripe for harvesting. ed girls and women taken to the hos-- gether lor two years, though unmarried, east of Green River, and but little, combut recently they quarreled and broke paratively speaking, west of that river, 8. II. DahcoCk, pital or to their homes. D. C, Dodge, I Traflic Mgr. Of the 350 girls and woman in the up housekeeping, when Rohlfing com is filfor agricultural purposes allotted to Geu, Mgr. IMIEKlRA'il.!: PflllGKAIiTN. F A- Wadlkigh, building, il u presumed that at least a I meneed keeping company with another the Indians. Gen. Fuss. Ajt. Hill i Ynnilicr Itewirirt Kir half dozen arc in the ruins, for it is irn-- girl. Miss Kossei had been in the habit The questiot which arise, savs ComIossilile. possible to locale all, aud there may pos-- of visiting her former lover at the room missioner Browning, are: Shall the f; siblv be a score dead. on Olive street, where he had gone to commission use further effort to induce Wasliinglun, Feb. iS. Senator It was jut thirty minutes before clos- - live with his brother, Henry. This the Uncompahgres to lake allotments In chairman of the eommiltee on immigration, today reported a bill front that com- ing hour in Stettheimer &. Co's, shirt--1 morning Henry left John asleep and severalty ' under the existing ""' rr your deiire (to Ifm Soya ho Waist factory on rirsr mtrrnmt, mud thm 350 wen out to aptnd (ho Kim Jr. mittee for the restsiclion of immigraSecretary SGE1210 Lice of were women of knows occurred alter what and exclurapidly working that nothing tion The bill provides for the girl Smith) they shall make further reon that, hut it is supposed that Miss port of lands nonsuited or finUh up. lit the cutting-roorequired for The Only Line linnnintr Two sion of all nersons mho are so ignorant to fifth floor as to be unable to read and write any the 150 girl were clotdng up tassel called on her recreant lover and allotment, in order that such lands may Through East Trains Daily to language. Senator Lodge presented a their days assign inent and preparing to tried to get him to return to her. Fall- be restored to the public domain? Shall LEARY ILLS. written repot t on t':e hill in which he leave when the whistle blew. Lillie ing to do so, she shot and killed him and tiie commission suspend work with the , who was working near a ma- then committed suicide. ASPEN , PUEBLO , Uncompahgres and go on with negotiasay' COLORADO SPRINGS, Thi- - me.is'.'.re, il adopted, will 'xtions with the Uintahs for the chine, called to a small boy to light the RB1TIMII ARBITRATION. AND DENVER zas over her work. The boy struck elude a large portion of the present of their lands? will and threw few match with the Mr. and, exceptions, burning migration, Browning adds that the Uintah Be Agreed to. With CondEffective April 29, 1891. tell exclusively on the nio-- t undesirable stub to the floor. It struck a pile of oily It Might reservation is admirably adapted to itions ir Beaten. Train No. 3 leaves American Fun at immigration. No measure can lie derags and in an instant the girl was enbe kept intact for their use and 0:03 a m, arrtve at Pueblo at 0:10 a in. vised uliiiMi will let in Fob. The Daily Newt, 17. London, in flames. With her clothes and every absolutely veloped :30 10 :51 7 Denver a until it is ascertained beyond m, occupation Colorado Sntrings imtnigrait who ought to he shut hair burning she rushed to ths window n an editorial, regrets that such a grave question that there is a a nt, Cripple Creek 9:50 a in. surplus over and at once the room became a strug- subject as Venezuela had not been Train No. 4 leaves American Fork out, luit the percentage of desirable and prospective wants of'the In present at wlu wiiind lie excluded by this gling, shreiking mass of humanity, fill- raised by a more influential man than (stops on signal) at 8:55 i nt arrive0 :53 dians thereon and In that region of the Colorado :27 Springs bill would be n du.ed to the minimum." ing the windows, the Pueblo 5 p m, and L. Atherly Jones the radical member, when such portions as arc realThe eon'.inifu.e also .say; there can lie the only stairway. Jamming and push- who moved aa amendment expressing country, p m, Denver 9:25 p m. not needed Colorado at ly Pueblo, might be disposed of for Connections made doit hi that there is a general and ing, tearing each others clothes from the regret of an assurance that the Venwith nil lines east. no white settlement. and Denver Springs and very ear ties1. desire a: tong the people of their backs, turning in narrow corners to ezuela boundary dispute would be subSpeaking about the vacancy on the Elegant day coaches, chair cars, Take the United" State- - to restriet find a sister, or motker or friend, the mitted to arbitration. all on immigratrains. Pullman Sleepers Mr. Browning says that cnmfm-tublNo liberal wishes to pick a quarrel commission, tion. number in the exits augmented every the D. & It. G and have a with the present amount of money on on the It i ohviuu- - that immigration in its minute by those trom the other floors, with Lord Salisbury over Venezuela, on trip and enjoy the finut scenery the commission can be run till hand, continent. unrestricted form, the report these girls and women fought for their the Daily News continues. Therefore , present a! middle of May. lie does not Fork about the Train leaving American continues, threatens to injure the qual- lives to get away from the flame that it is impossible that the house of commorn mKt Creek at know whether the act creating the comCripple a in arrive ity of o ir citizenship and lower the rates seemed to he growing to a monstrous mons should adopt the Jones amend9:50. at mission Js mandatory as to three memqg of American wages," ment. It would be a virtual vote of censize S. K. Hooker, bers or not. A. S. Huoiika, With rare presence of mind, Police- sure, which would, in the present case G. P. & T. A. of the house judiTraffic mgr., The . M II AT man P'arrel, who was on the street see- be unpatriotic. The country would, we lir. ISO! Denver, Col Denver. Colo., committee reported favorably tothat in the panic a number were lia- hope, welcome from Mr. Balfour an an- ciary M. CusiifNo, ing II. B F, Nevins, the resolution introduced by ISiapowftion of ble to jump, let down the awning over nouncement of a general arbitration, day upon Trav. Iass. Agt Genl Agt., Allen restoring to the Itouils. Congressman the entrance. Barely was it down when with a proviso that, in the event of the Salt LaKeritv. Utah. tiie property now in the church Mormon CarWashington, Felt. tS two or three forms came flying down award going against us. England UOLTitiiSijhands of the receiver. Mr. Allen aplisle I';!- - not ii diviiL i 0 whom shall from the fifth and sixth stories, and should purchase the settled districts." JOHN G peared before the full committee today, the bonds upon which bouncing front the awning fell to the Makukactchkii of which now has the matter in charge, in Mufirill of pa;- ni'. tt! of installment sidewalk IIAZARROTH WCCIPATIOK. for its recommendation for pas-- a Coltrina Electric Liniments. advocacy machine over Lillie Krieger, whose wa made, nor will be do so until tli tli ge, and consideration will probably be Curea Erysipelas. swelled joints i.f exact amount of the defar.lt shall be as- the fire started, was one of these. She Bleyrle Riders feared by Areldest finished feet ami hands, Glandular Swellings upon it by Friday, when a faback fell struck the awning, on her and certained. In Ids I'nitiecs of the acceptlasaraaee Companies. of the neck or groin, headache vorable report is looked for. Senator ance the secret. .ry the deposi's bounced to her hands and kneel on the Boston, Feb. 16. The accident risks to Cannon has made arrangements to apCmmc and lnflamatory to be made on or the tth dav of walk. She got up and .taggered about bicycle riders are and many other being considered in before the senate committee on jucomplaints. February, and it is claimed on behalf of until people helped her to her feet the conferences of the Mutual Accident pear on Monday for a hearing upon OF THE ALSO MANUFACTURER several San Fiattci-c- o bidders, thatlluir again. By this time nearly every win Insurance underwriters, and an ultima- diciary CHINESE LAUNDRY BLUEING notice of acceptance wax nut rcceivid dow had a female form dangling from it, tum has practically been given out. It this matter. Senator Cannon On Friday expects to until after liorr on tin- 15th, and hence and when the firemen arrived there was was agreed that Sold bv all Merchants. is a hazardous bicyling on terricommittee the before appear they were unable to comply with the a hustle to get the ladders up which Insurance occupation, companies Arizoof Frovo City, Utah tories, with Delegate Murphy At the center window on the sixth cannot insure lladquarters, secretarys direction. The facts as to against at the present when both sides of the question, of a to the this matter. a.d reliability floor, a woman hanging by her hands rate of premium. In the resolution was na, m. the annexation of a portion of Arizona of one or more Chic.-iipbidders, are was forced out by the flames licking her this clause: o to Utah will be discussed. 0 o o o o 0 face. With a last shriek she let go and . ,!, a :il until a eon-0 O 0 o now heir 1; i:t Resolved, That the use of the bicycle SURGEON :: until she should be covered by additional cost Mon h:s hr reached no official dc- - ratne tumbling over and over PiiYSlOIAN :: AND the struck i to to picked in 2 When the of in eision up or a reduction of the amount of the tiie from pavement,' Hours regard disposition Office j. War Material for Insurgenta. was she found will was it that bonds Mr be Margaret defaulted death indemnity benefits; and it is recannounced. At Steele' Drug Store. New York, Feb. 17. A dispatch to the There seem to he no reasonable doubt Carroll. Her spinal column waiforcet ommended that this be provided for by Kork either of the following methods: First, World from Kingston, Jamaica, says: however, that they will be awarded to through into her brain. Just below her, in another window, the adequate Increase of premiums to Several invalid Cuban who have arJ. 1'. Morgan and hi associates, under of $11077. the blanket hung a woman, turning applng cover the added risk, or, second, the rived here report that immense stores of NOTARY 1'UBLIQ The gold withdrawals today were; glances to the crowd. The blsck amoke classification as an occupation of bicycle munitious of war have been received by Dcetls, Mnrtgayis Coin, !fSri,7in ; bars, $35,800, leaving the was pouring from the window, but Rivet riders in a class twice as hazardous as it the insurgents, which have enabled desiring Le Probate busi-li- ii aud no flames were visible, and the crowc tppeared; third, that benefits reserteyo,-431.7by acci- them to take measures for the occupagal assistance will nessa attended to. true amount of on well to call nte.j It is staled, however, that es yelled encouragingly to her to hold on dents by bicycle riding be specifically tion of the city of Santiago the moment ). out just timates received gold deposits at the but a high red flame reached reduced; fourth, the including of bicy- the United States government recogAccounts .Collect ihI. Goods an In in and then licked her and face, several under the policies to be covered nizes them. Gen. Weylers advent has the la or cling (luting by sold on Comtuissiou decl-tivfrom the 6tant her was rid tinrtbcu would increase few body reserve data to ing only by speclfic'permits at an extra pre caused them to plan prompt and Auctionaction. mium." pavement. She wri Mrs. Foie, Amkbicax Fobk about $i!o.(xo,oco. Mkrchants St.. p. in OUR STAR ROUTE KOI ALPINE. p. in. Jlouilavi, Wediiecdayii mid Saturduy 3:Si HOI !' ulArrive - Gunt-ra- tht -- : agree-rushe- d I MPCA1L THEHE I f- Brown-lowin- AIR state-flash- I 1 rai-e- -l I I - -- s 18.-- 9:03 79 1 I - M-- 1 Bsnygf Ri brands 1 I I circutn-MMms-'-- ia the World Krc-iger- - relln-puishme- nt ld fire-escap- r .i.-l)- e YYE5-I- 4'ni-lisl- e 4'';t-i(l(,rln- c t'nn.-ifri-rii- r de-f- rhen-matisL- a. - - i, - a'-- alvau lewis, o il. i i.r d i AuK-rira- E. HUNTER, IVr-Ktn-s ; tin-gol- d ; 8 f snh-tri:iiiri- - - e |