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Show i Additional AMERICAN FORK ITEM. ( ml for tt'oR'l ! ' IV. if i-- ..il.v Ail ranee. i tiic Yhrtt M'ntf ( i I . I I l I . ! L:i'l will t:iM i.n i ar lo'l- - ';i 1 Tin- a tii rlo'i.-ni- i'll VT a r. j K. tiupii- - if M'lioiil, i- - our nl Smnly by I'orl Iat--- rst lis-trii- -t Fitzsimmons, at ill :;it in. -- - u- 'ii I an. : 1ii-1- i i I i,:it:',.i : i ii i IP-i-t' .1 i n, I. .1 ill ! iV : i i ! .'hi I . hungry, , i ii'. - i e:.. y ci I; ft lai I . I : . ' u luhgabd. , . .ATTORN EY Salt , liux-k- Lab K ClTT lii.-li- lum-bcriuM- 1 , ui to-nig- B.- - , AND ST.il? eon its ii:ug:i : tii'il. ill) 1 ' l I' hut iliat suram editor w t'lee ii: I ii'.l v iilmil loss, effect eolcred iinlla ill-- 1 :is is The widow thanks the does m! rot (he nit ii ary il.nl trm,,swav I'i'l mum' i!;e lameiile'l nartncrof her jovs a.i sorrows owed him live Lx. siiom riptioii. j - - : 1 I i i '.'ig - lit of nos-- w B.v !l ' '- - Of 1. C; :.l: ccijghs, brci1; '.li Ini. ;n. ks wl 0 . li' .,,1. ;;:rn'5 i fin - : l'.:r uzz r v i - r. Tnil; ; Trains south of Jusb run daily except Sunday. ;irr. Trains leave Salt Lakefor Ogden daily r i O (1:00 am, 8:00 am, 4 .00 pm and 7:00 c m. j p ' I'rm ns leaayo Ogden for Salt Lake daily $ ; 3 iO1) at :?0 a ni, 8 n m 8 :10p m, and 6 :20 r in. Close connections made at Ogden with Amo ,;r :iini'h.-rPacific trains. Logan train (.aw American Fprk at 4:35 arming a iu 11 :40 a in. (JiA. A. rains fur Tooele run daily except Sunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a ru PiiAt ; U I'.ureku trains leave American Fork I:::-BLACIslS.-.-p in arrives at Eureka 11 :35 am. i Twenty-fou- r hours to Denver: 30 hours to Omaha; 48 hours to Kansas city i mill Chicago, .i;;tnu lo mi min r the Tnioii Pacific is tire het Amcricuu j'n:'i ami Arizona. Bu-- . on'1 for .Ni w MtMii-fore buy in : jour tickets get our figures. I'ur liirtiuT iuSorniHtion as to rates, uiHrs. etc. enll on or write. 1). K. Bi iti.hv, II. Fariur. I Agt. Agt. Aiuericnu Fork. Paw. !) it . Sdlt bnke. Ci'y Ticket Olli.v 201 S. Main it. B. L. I.omax, G. P. A T. To ;i a n our IS. Dicxijisoa, Gen'l Mgr that thoy i : . - ; 1 i Cil f . I ) , u :r.i - 1 .on ;'1 ; S - r.: s ; IT J'1.-.- I ' ' ni I'l I'.. it is I K. 4 III ;i $i MUVl . i r Oil ' small c ' iw riiOLftil lo v.uio ; si- 'l '1 r : i; iilw.j ;i A.i i.r,',.; V." i Lilly. . nl : j ,iii or .' - - .u u . l:wv H. II.Cl.AUK. Oi.ivkr W. Mix, ) John ) E. Eu kuy A larg.. Fbxdxiuck It Coudebt. PATENT Wines, Liquors , Cigars, . Bone of tlifit' (yirjit' PK, b.a ImproreJ In look Boil welKbt I Ijivf Ukea Hood's Sampa- vwfwlw or. SK ,(r . ek'iirrh nT rf fka s NMPh It Cures rIi Cracral Irbiliir lfiirfit. I am mills liil ilooj'j Sarti Ii s iIrndld anils ami Mimd i urunT I skuas r. Emvkt.MiisIiUi St., rortland. orr anmn-- h 1 1 Hood's Pills cars sil Liver V k, Biliousness Mdfl lit Etc. Fine Brandies always on Hand. J Family Orders Specialty. por DURABILITY, BEAU- Specialty CfgarWThe Silver Club and "The LaFlurette. TY, SWnnTNEFS OF TONE Nice Port Win For Family use r.nj UGliTNnsS CF TOUCH 85 Cents per Quart. AR3 UNEXCELLED. n-- mat 'VCU riiic. fi S Htrrti rset 'r.ijr Plan " a1- - rs ar. L,;on. If vn f s.?. wa-i- i, viii; f' (? t ti-- lu u ' ril- -' Sout i B.:.' c: i. rare, cuy tbs X'STcR. - k Billiard and Pool Room American Fork. Utah uird in any ::mo go., . ' at a medium a WANTED-A- N thing to patent? B IDEAJRSSlffiffi PiotMtvwldS?ttlmpla btSUSTK ussu:iiui CARRT Til , :i , c t K Celebrated Gilt Ed go Uraiigo Lightioe: Powder. A. K. THORNTON, Prop. TPHE BOSTON PIANOS miHiV a i v. Shells Powqer Shot ndkkbok, I Receivers, M. Doank. Star-:-Saloo- n Hi(d . WISHES require medicine (i,at-diriwiiii- lah -x . WK strength ami giving tone to the m organs, thereby adding Nnture functions. the nee (,f iH'rfor iu.1 the I , j!1 tllO Sil ilil i. K Klorlrir HltliTS IS Sill XCOllnt HO- - fc(maln;nv.l mj vile takils Old aids and digestion. petizer People find it just excactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle. At all Drug Store's. - ki-ii'- S. , ' i i aj, regulate tin bowels and kidneys will liud the true remedy in Electric Hitlers. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, hut acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach ami bowels, adding IK l.:r.'iu ;. you rcmlad me ot my bunk li She (noil ling up to him) Why, because you liiiuk mi much of me? He No; beeauae you aro ao petite. dfr .. , . n IT: t- a liiii'l. . ; Ieoph. Tu i of ;i 1 year.' Old people wlio s. 3TS ! I Did r ! b 11 ..Nc.-.',- . . ! I. ih- - i "1 in Flacksmith i -! I PRACTICING PHYSICIAN No. 8. Paa Ar. Daily . p m 8:00 , - ! LOUIS. ? 1 l. is Mi'iil STATIONS. D. , ; (oiiv-'- 1 No. 1 Pass. Lv. Daily. J. HBGAHD, . 1 NORTH. Sll-eel- : 11 l JJR. SOUTH. 11 - - Subject to Change ItaAovf Xvtice. IV j 11- In Effect Nov. 17, x89$. - j 11 first-clas- i '.-g- . ; again and is prepared to do all Kinds of Blacksuiithing in s a mauner. Hii shop will bo fonnd at the Old Stand, Adjainingthe Presbyterian Cbapel Abiricax Fobs ; Uvab 'Ki i" on the 5:15 a m Ogden rK Central 3:15 ar lv7;00 OFFICK: B . State Street, Salt Laxe ar5:50 :.r,eil(d, hy 7:45 lv 11 tab. 8:45 Lehi Junction 4:45 American Fori, 11 8:48 Lehi 4:42 . 8:55 American Fofk 11 4:35 ME33E5 Iteji't. . (MR! Pleasant Grove 11 4:28 !i Provo 4:05 Cil v. I'tah t):25 11 9:35 3:55 Springville II 3:47 9:45 Spanish Fork Rlucksmitliiug null it I..- u , and 10:02 3:32 .m-Hepiiii r.g r.cii;' Payson 11 10:14 3:22 Santaquin V u 2:49 ; V 11:05 Nephi 1:30 Moroni am 9:30 t( pm .ii :i .iii.i., . . . . i ' iii 2:18 8:42 f Eph'&im r Harrington . i.l ..'lean Utah 2:45 Manti ' r 8:15 J 11:15 a mar ly pm 2:00 n 1 :30 12:30 p m lv Juab ar r. 8:10 Milford Warn f:35 K (5 v :i ci rcorcs 10:48 ar Frisco lv 5:00 Two I.lvm KtTMl. . Hu returned TI2B C.ZII3 LOCAL BEXNBTT veteeak the BLACKSMITH wflM that uituiice run : AND SEE Paeifis iA CHICAGO &ALL ANDREW ue has said re that, the track of Al CIJ ISON, TO i V & SANTA FE :i was in such ROllTi:i.;'I Mrs. Phoebe Thomu, of Junction city, laying around our yards. Clean wss told by her doctors she hnd III., up your :.ds and prevent it. r.onsumptiou and that thora was no linpe tor hi r, but two IxXIIm Dr Klagh New coin pbvely cured her and she In the course of a few weeks, Discovery Mr. Thos. saya it saved hor life. The Item will be enlarged to its Eggcrs, 139 FloriJa St., San Fradcisco, former siz. and a better, cleaner suffered from a d.?sdful cold, approaching ConsuinptioL, tried without result and brighter sheet will be issued everything else tlisn bought one boitlc j We are Dr. heretofore. of than preparKing's New Discovery and in tan was cured, weeks e lie is naturally' our plant, and it ing to eul thankful. Itias.ch results, f which will not lx long ere The Item will Ihcse are samples that pro ye the wonder be ihe leaning weekly iuper of the fill efficacy of thi.: medicine in cou;he and (Johls. Free nal lioulea at Steels county. I .ople should assist us & (V..a Drug Sto- j. Regular size 50c. in this eu.grprise hy lending us ndfl.OO heir supp i. t,Iorby so doing they Tut Itkv, H.2r) per year. j lu lp build i p our town and community. None Bat Aye s at the Wnr:;iV A print r in making up the Ayer's Saspi.rillii enjovs iln of form." took a handful of type i ootj ami the lie. n tire a of end item, from the tail purifier iiilov..: only '.lu !:lir. ;it World's eliil:it h rcijtuke put it against the first oil Mu of res oilier, 'act rhiiiigo part of a funeral nof,e. In the ssiivapriilus s.u: iit by .ti memis, tin.-- : The pall !.u ii:.ii,i a paper it re: t like mg ti ii. i.'imiis, . !l ton,',.l a v hearers :ocred the body into the bill Ml I'm m tin v to . :i fur of r il nili was alum consigned grave and t . li'imed-!.:.-icf cutiy llamr there were few if miv rcgrcN jhid'livg ri! fnr tin old wreck h.,d been an I lie 01 Mir ;r'.! 'ii n lies m ' r years. Of Mre 1:1 the low ii favor .d A 11 tar I ; m. the spring by the decaying matters 11 e Y ou leave Ogden, or Salt Lake in the even mg. and after breakfasting in the sump-- t nous dining cars of tne SANTA FE ROUTE, on the third morning, LOST via yui arrive in Chicago St. hmi is in season SANTA ir attend to business or lu ' jioiiucrt with all fast FE r.,iis for the east. was Maher yostord.iy, IVIor knocked out in tlio lirst round. Bob will probably have norvo enough large quantities of Chamberlain's Corhott. now to tui-kCough Kcmcdy at tin eotnnany's store and Hint lie has himself used Tin res- tlii.-- ' City t'ouncil remedy fora severe cold and ervoir question will probably oc- obtained immediate relief. This prevents any tendency cupy most of the time of this ses- medicine toward cold of a pneumonia and insion. It is hoped that a definite sures a prompt recovery. For sale understanding will soon he hud by all druggists. on this important question, as it is Hucklenrf Arnica Salve. high time that work should he comThe llest Salve in the world for menced on the reservoir if we are Cuts Hruises, Sores, Uicers, Salt to have one. Fever Sores, Tetter, (Jhapcd H mls, Chilblains, Corns, ami all It has been suggested by the sk n Eruptions, and positively cures members of the council, that it Files, or no pay required. It is woud be a good idea if the people guaranteed to give perfect satisfacwould clean up tlieir back yards tion or money refunded, Price Ja box. FOR SALE BY cents now warm weather is coming on. Steel &per (Vs., Drug Store. Disease is often brought on in 1 Fine Stock of Toys, Silverware, Glassware, CMm..,-war. ware and Crockery 0 ALL ! It-eu- GRA1MTS KINDS IN REAT VARIETIES, CHICAGO, PICT F RES, HOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC."" do not select one day a year to We ST. LOUIS and giveN. We from give away pri s. 50 25 and Our cent Counters pictures evejy (lay. EAST. 1000 Prizes Given Away this Year. - in- i ex-li- THE OI.Dni'A.ik Music Emporium- - of pud. mi mod, of all vuriii -- . jiM received lit Junkley,H 1. nil sorts and Tit ii weal lu r that a n im !ct it j ; to endure in tin i ilui 'S often produces severe if not promptly colds sv (lic',kit. rcsull in congestion or ONLY piiriiiiiuiiia. Mr. ,F. O. Davenport, linger o f the Fort ISrugg Red- TWO wood (ii., an immense institution at Fort Bragg. Cal., says they sell DAYS hi I IVx.. IS AT ii.r not TlkiU, r.it c'llc In. ic S . h j (.line ot 2k ..V. i I, It : to GAr Till' i.is ;; iiig imi ! i :! n .i i;.:. , i ii'.i:u-lK', i'Iciiii lit i . J r . . t icii dt. On till! V.iiS, .eii i.i , Ii. -: -- . . i.kii Imil nly . I. I..L-UI- i 1 ",V A. 1..K - t blow from Iloli right-hu- - A f. Wo wMitlio Student HiirosH. Ilv a 1 1 ul -- mi'Cl.i f Itti-lv- rii i tli'1 1.' ..ii I'l- kri( , lorlv i lull in t Ij i'cli'inrv. i I tlii' i' liio!.. - - - if., . Illl'v ' 1ni l l:r j tn vnlir lrin tuial-!lautt rathtiiii. ti.ir slur- ought in i 11 r it linlil ii it lin- mi in OIK f lllil'.l ll,'l. 4 l lie- - : will. llml iii" i'ili- - n I II. tlii1 i jh- tin- iilfi,li.'i,i!i,,:ils aa-- I.1W . r.r iri)iiic. '.I. A ii A on uf .ii ii. - . 'ii Kw-- It- - ... . i ; Ut Mmi tlSALK, 'i7'i ; . g'V.I. Il 1,!!iIM I One : . THB PROPER i at DmikkV.;. unm ii 1 tl.c ii i it It'll n.'ri! l1 1 ruitttr. cl-- . . ii'l :.( gN'l l r' Publishers. America n tort through :h mutle u. I '' H i DUMKLLY it SCOTT. a : the Loocils. ft : MEDICINES-- ' SUN- DRIES. Etc. Fineeh Line of Dyes in Town. Bicycle Supplies. American Barrington Street Ferk, n7i JOS. ELSMORE CONTRACTOR and BUILDER All kinds of Jobbing work. Estimates given to suit the times. Fine Cabiaet Work a Specially. wXfMO' Ono Block South of Co op American Fork, - - - utalu |