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Show -- ritv Council The Holey House is now closed Miss Olive Kelley is home from Mercur for a short visit. A little child of Tlios. Phillips died from au attack of croup last Thursday morning. M. L. Scott, of the Mercur Miner, spent Wednesday and Thursday in town. He returned yesterday. Mrs. Briggs, the milliner, 1ms closed her dress making parlors temporarily. Miss N e! tie Crystal, who has been Spending a few Yieks ut. Mercur, h homo again. of tins W. 11. King, district. Ins entered the law firm of AMERICAN FORE ITEM. V LOCAL ITEMS. l)r. dentist. Ltu. . Mcrrihow, at Steeled. 'Ammunition Legal Blank of all kinds at this office. Broken Fetters" by the Home Dramatic Association at the Opera house Tuesday night. B. F. Saunders, the cattle kiug, shipped two cars of cattle this week to Chicago via the U. P. Tickets are now on sale for the theatre Monday and Tuesday evenings. You can purchase . them at Steels drug store. As the name indicates. Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer is a of the hair, including its growth health, youthful color, and beauty. ' It will please you. L. Harvey Shaffer, the typo of the Mercur Miner, spent a couple of days in town this week taking -- ex-jud- ge Salt Lake. ve.k is nut of th Brown News, this question. The town Ins went a sei ; of dulln ess. The Horn Dramatic ssuciation in the reu .v tie drama. "Border Land, M u lay niglit at the opera house. K. McK-.i'i-- . of Slt Lake, gave haul-shak- o in the sights. us a pleas:: last Sat II in town was on hus Associaurduy. ; The Home Dramatic iness. tion are well prepared to give tlie Brants emporium is headquarters public a rare treat Monday and for papers, magazines and hooks of Tuesday evenings. The Burn's birthday parties at all kind?:. You can always find the of era house Thursday and Fri- wlmt you want in this line there. day eyenings were fairly well atSuperintendent S. L. Cliipiuan, tended. Ah enjoyable time was of the Chi, man Mercantile Co., leaves for (fie east in about ten jpent by all present. lirm. a is Hair days in the interest certainly Vigor Ayers and stair-case nothing The large preparation in the Chip-ma- n Jik it has ever been produced. No store has ibecn taken out to jnsitar how wiry and unmanageable make more store room. An elevthe hair may be, under the influence ator will probably1 take its place, el this incomparable dressing, toit . The .. the soft, silky, and pliableplay at the opera house wcomb and brush. . Monday, mg'ht will conclude with JBead Ayers Almanac, which your the laughable farce, My Keigk- t will glsdly hand you, tjnd borXWif,. It is immense. ". i wonderful corse of rheum-VjjtisThe children of Anthony Nelcatarrh, scrofula, dyspepsia, son, whp were taken down with fcpems, debility, hamora, and sores; dipthgria hut week, arc now recoSarsaparilla, the ty the ess of Ayer's admitted at the vering. ( Sarsaparilla only World's Fair. "jEh(J..fMercgr: Mining Company ?f. j; rafeTledarcd kirothei dividend of e6 beta bream! a What re-new- er 1 . of-th- ls-eo- - m, - i nearly fatal accident owurri. Thursday with E. H. Henriod aa the vtetj. Mr. Htfiriod has been digging well on bis premises this' week, ni ftitbif (ijge had it almost fin Sshed, His bffiter,Fred, was at. the windless dfiwiisf.pp thevdirt in a nail keg. The former had filled the keg and' ft, bfihg drawn up, .when the'-- flpjSii bjMjjcf. 4gd load of dirt dropped, a dftijtpbcc ni thirty feet. Fred cried X. ,"hU farther to look out, . and , jut .jn Ai me. Jie had no more than step side . when ...the, teg sed to Cached him, missing his head' by .about two inches and striking; his snd, catting it badly. If it had ftrufkhis head, instant death avpiald hfve teen the result. ' A SPECIFIC and many s' thisrtown are happy. $25jQQQ, gil New scen-er- y Mjoflditysiight. Brices of admistUroughouti f cents. sion, andir) The attention of thecity council js again cal M to the necessity of supplying the city with more street lamps. These dark nights is a disgrace to the towi. i TnE Item is in receipt of a jjeat .map and calandar sent out with compliments of the jifaHi Lake Herald. It is a correct of wijrK and does tjie state of Eiece hppBQ. 3o,-2r- . c. CHERRY PECTORAL full justice. Miss Louise Robertson, who has spent a few months as copiposisor on The Ltkm, left for her home at The yesterday. Spanish Fork young lay will be missed by the office force, as well 1)4 by the many friends she has made during her stay here, Some time ago Air. Simon Gold-bauof San Luis Bey, Cal., was trouble! with a lame lack and rheumatism.' Tfe used Chamberlains F,ain Balm iiud a prompt cure was effected. He says lie has since advised many of his friends to try it and all V.lio- have done so have spoken highly of it. It is for sale by all Druggists. Qeo. Crookslon, who was appointed provision insjiector for this city at tne lust session of tteCQUU' cil, is now prepared to attend to that work. Before shipping your moat to m.uk 't. have him inspect it. It has to ho inspected, therefore give Air. Crookston the preference, and by so doing it keeps money ut J;onio. For the ailments in the kidneys mid bladder incident to declining years, (here is no remedy that produces such immedliiti and satisfactory results as Dr. J. If. McLains liver mid kidney balm. Its genial and invigorating effect on the liver and kidneys is remarkable. Brice Slper bottle at Steele & I os. 'Miss Annie Miller, daughter of Joliji.Al.rAIillar, of this city, who has 'been at Bingham for some time; was' bronght home Monday evening very ill., A physician was called aud it was learned she was suffering from , u severe attack of dlgtlreria. Up to going to press we learn she is somewhat improving. m ld , often aa he found Lal taken were not hiding the-filing- me, hut, In spite 6i his attendance, I got ne better. Finally, my husband. reading one day of a gentleum who had' Led the grippe and wu cured tjr faking Aynes Cherry Pectoral, procured, for me, a bottle of this mtdieine, and before Qured, X X bad takas half of It, X w have used the Pectoral fotmy children and in my family, whenever we have needed it, and have found ft a specific for colds, coughs, and Peng troubles. Ckjlt Wood, Korth St., Btfctto, Jid, . : the grippe. "Two year ago, I which gave a with ran cough UtMt nJ or day. My family no ret night jne jriiyaideu ricribed for me, Changing i printing of in your onlere Bring etc. Good work guaranteed., BortKr hand at the opera AND LUNQ TROUBLES, t ' for enyejinaiyogfniHvitations La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, the icediciue - ' . AyersCherryPectoral Highest Honors sit Werlds Fair.. ,'Xkms tts fjitii vfife' ; Sarupwllla. in -- -- FOE- AYERS -- .vTseItkc does, job kinds,-;- lb-serv- e - such a cai sc. WHO0P pie, co'isistii.g their mih and The fir--1 1' Cousisied uf t . to an exrt-llrof llll the eat to which all t Aftersiqqu HI. liiiixu-- sporting ( ?) fraternity could pro- 'IIS. i As wc go to piv.s-i- , report corns n giNsI authority thui gol.I irj m. known (ii.iut :. .os has lbvr Civ, k in AinoriVau Fork can- vii.i. Isaac aulpy and otlmrs have i.ia s.'Vfml ussv aiuilti aud tho sur k assay s in 0.1-gold. Tho or is of i mhlisli ami can K, firmd "i nr known piantities. - IS i 1 r iiii-i- !.j. Am--ric- an ib: has e are now weather, so alr.-.- i (In-winte- r ly eujiii!g ! ,i lyM'i-iii- to spiah. weather prophet sas f. for February. AN wlot Quii. u'.iuLw of our eifiztMis and mining U ill) i wsiit up crly this moruiuir to ' lu'i.p 'cations. r'lirlJinr part:ulara could not b icarnwl but The Item will investigate the strike and give a full report next w ccli. I f t he rcorls aro correct. Fork will entertain a boom of of a Iu'iimmi. some note this season. r. Additional Airs. i !' 'ni'igs :N i IN 1 ! wliii-- It seems IM,yoTl Mill. bein-htruc- ; of Glee (Jiih far , ta.ilil II'... ; .v, Iu . up ihp -a i Hiding Ilf etc. Tin pimrti-tie- r:nnl mv r i I A : a whu-l- i HK SURFACE BOCK lUINSSfc I irt A duce, hut our city marshal was called u'po-- to quelili several fights that might haye taken place over bets made on the speed or the brute A couple of our prominent men and an attorney of Brovo took that town bp storm list week and created a sensation of some local dimensions. It is not necessary that further particulars be given, but it is to be noped they will not repeat their little game again as it casts disrepute upon the model little city of American Fork. The new scenery for the opera house is nearly completed. Rov Elvers, the young artist who is executing the work, fnlly understands nis business, and is makipg a good job of the work. An opportunity to see this fine scenery will be presented to the publie on Monday and Tuesday nights, when LA! (ioM in Unknown Quantities Iq Deer Creek. conp.e of drunks crested con- iated. Tin siderable excitement Thursday over pleasantly n under- a The animal was attended. horse 1 oil. the host that our supposed to he - ! For a fssliioiuble hair eut shave, etc., rail onSteve Wood, the tonsorial artist. It i reported the, several members of the family of Amos Thorn ton are ablated with diptheria. I seat licscts are now on sale at St Hes drug store for the theatre At niday and Tuesday evenings. They are Selling like hot cakes. The charity hall next Thursday evening :it the oner house will b u grand alTaii . The committee is working l ard to make it the success of t hr- season. The proceeds will In: giien to Mr. lleo. Bowley. All sliouli give their assistance in V m Myers, visiting her sister. ols, this week. t Mr- -. hut (he 1imi nut Ihtrcku. is John Nich- Exposure to rough weatlier, dampness, extreme cold, etc., is gp-t- o bring on an attack of rheuma-tisino- r neuralgia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent ' itching of the Bkin owe their origin to cold wether. Dr. J. II. Mo Loin's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all time for immediate application when troubles of this appear. It is n Kovereign remedy. 25. 50c and $100 per bottle at Steels. A middle aged inn:), representing the tramp fraternii v and somewhat under the weatlu-r- , applied to Marshal Bowley, Thursday for. aid. He was given quarters at the Hotel de Rowley and is cared for at the expense of the city, Mayor Robinson an James u little juldiant over their OPERA HOUSE. new gold find. The property is ocated near the Mercur mill iu the lamp Floyd mining district. A Manager. the Home Dramatic Association recent easav made of the rock, four Tlios. E. Steele, will hold the boards. bet from the surface gives 2.12 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is in gold. This is good and gives the famous for its cures of bad colds. owners cause to get the ruining It opens the secretions, relieves the fever. American Fork lungs and aids nature in restoring Tom Lee and Martin Hanson has the system to a healthy condition. struck it rich. An assay of rocs DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION If freely used aa soon as the taken from a ledge nhout half a IK THE THRILLIVO BEAM A cold has been contracted, and be- mile up American Fork canyon fore it has become settled in the rives them 12.10. The ere is of a system, it greatly lessen! the sev- aark glaz color aud give s evidence erity of the attaci and is often of ejjprmuus value. The lmvs will To conclude with tbe farce cured iq sjqgle day what would putin next week in developing the have been a severe celd. For sale claim, and if any more of such ore MY NEIG II BORS J WIFE, is unearthed a gold excitement will by nil Druggists. Some excitement iu mining cir- open up in this neck of the woods. cles is apparent above town. Ed. Cure For ilruilnrlip. Rushton, in his scouring about, has Aa ft run til v lor hi: imuss ut Wcud struck mineral on the property of cbe, Electric Riltcrs li is i fiyeil to lie THE It ENOW NED DRSNA i the H. E. :i poriinoicnt Boley. near Highland, The nrj best. It rock, ao says Kd., runs as high as cure and the most rciiii .i IiuIuiumI sick BROKEN We $2 in gold to the ton. He is talk- headache yield to its iciliu-ncrall who are aflhctc.i to pmeuro a urge the ing of locating property as a and giyu tin rvifniy n lair trial. Usual Brices of Admission. Tickmineral claim, and negotiations are bottle, Incases of hahitiml C'ii- fi; .it ion Klcctric ets of hold sale Steel's on on to get at the land on which Bitten cures by giving tliiDrag Store. tone the ore is said to be in pretty good to the bowels. ud few long resist quantities. IVople about town the use cl this medio! m should go prospecting for gold in their orchards, They may strike In-in- 1 NVil-iamsa- re Monday, Jany. 27. Border Land. . Tuesday, Jany. 28 eiri-ri- FETTERS. . - - l cu-i- -. it rich. None Bat Ayer's at the Worldi Fair. Ayers Sarsnarilla enjoys the extraordinary distinction of having been the only ldood purifier allowd Thinness Is often a sign of poor health. A loss of weight generally shows something Is vrong. If due to a cough, cold, any lung trouble, or if there is an inherited tendency lo weak lungs, take care I ou exhibit ut the lYorld's fuir, Chicago Manufactures of other sarsaprilla- - sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they wtc all turned away under the application of a rule for bidding j,h entry df patent medicines and i nist rums. The decision of the Worlds fair anthorities in cH&muUien. of favor of A; ers Sarsaparilla was in Cod-liv- er Oil, with is a effect as fellows. Ayers Sarsapis nov a patent medicine. It does not be long to the list of nostrums. It is hereon its merits." arilla fat-fo- od Hypo-phcsphR- 1 es, and more. It causes such changes in the system that the gain is permanent ar.d Improvement continues even after you cease taking it. Scund flesh; rich. blood; strong nerves; good digestion; arent these worth Uneqnalled Service. i j an i vi ry li.'.lit Denver to Chicago via Kansas mount pusscil is n indicates Irinil'li hi l!i kidneys. City is giyen via the Union Bacific cnbr Diwawis in IIich'5 miius i.rc i ci' r.m ami Chicago & Alton Railways. Innce o' run, ;.t a thought? Pullman Sleepers, henceto lie impu: Through the ironlily. lir .1 II SCOTTS EMULSION hit beta slop !h Pullman Dining Cars and Free Rerxercisi a mcilicjl pfuff ion for twenty ywn tsdonalby L'vcr and Kidney Aik ymr Tiiks it bfcauso it is always fthtoUt olwayt clining Chair Cars leave Denver a healing ami timiTrit::i - iM'1'..euei: .vcr ior.y aa form --always rowfmrm tkt purest Cod tfie Hnd Oil Union and and uriiiarv iivn Pacific whus The kidney Iftfopkoipkitn, is the daily. Insist on Scott's EomlfllM whh trada wark of will cause an curly ,.t :m to nornun and fish, great through car line of tne west. mal bottle conditions. .('i) Price Fut up in o cant and i.ao aian. Tha amall abs vl per Ask your nearest ticket agent for Steele & Co's. may ba enough to cura your cauk nr htip your Oaky. v - .lc-Lean- Hue L. Lomax, Bass, and Tkt. 'a tickets via this E. Gen. Agt. Omaha, Neb Bucklen Arnica The Best Salve in the world for S&lve. The Ghipman Sisters Are Making a Sprcialty of Fine Hats for the Holidays Sores, Uieers, Balt Soiesi Tetter, Cheped Fever Cuts Braises, Rheum, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Biles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- A Special Invitation is Extended to the Ladies to Call and Examine Them. They are Elegant, arid the Prices an within ' the Reach oi Everyone's Means. tion or money cents per box. FQR SALE BY Don't Forget Steel ft Cos., Drag Store. Next U Post Office Amerlean Fork, f |