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Show Party this was followed by a Dickens our whb-marked the perihelion of orldt. Hut l saw' that nearly all who. attende aymll-catSome years ago I wan him uf a ed these entertainments were louk iia-ithat bought of twenty-eigbored; they strived hard to morr a tract of ground on a waterside at the time, but on the pleasant a certain large city. row many asked no quietly if 1 did not We did not purchase this land on consider the whole thing abominably the sob managed. And the question arose In speculation; we secured it and exclusive purpose of establishing mind: Why did these twenty-eigh- t te di- families, so totally unlike, come tothereon homes for ourselves. vided our beautiful woodland up Into gether in this way? Women practically Hots and were assigned our portions make society in the society column by lot. And then wo begun in iiHiisi so 1 look d. to the women for a women our acres that Is to say, we cleared reason and 1 found that the brush and trees, removed did not conn together in this way betin: cause there was any affinity between stumps and bowlders, and leveling ground, we iiurchased lawn mowers, them, hut the one point in common was terra cotta dogs and cast Iron llower that they all had diamond earrings and vases. n sacqitvs. And we erected "cottages, some of 1 di:eoveivd that every woman on n with spacious tlie ground had a which had many rooms sacque and and obof these saequea nearly that fireplace. and wide verandas, perceived servatories, and north windows built urn new or had bet-- 1 worn at moat on angles so as to cat eh the beams of I. nt a few years. coiieluded that the rising sun, and from which his last the li'ish:i lid's income was formerly lingering rays could in seen as he sank Ui.it in short the happy husband of a golden ball Into tin: waters of the the v.oiiiiiu in had recently lake. This was the ease striir-gravel. pay we The whole scheme was Meal, and no and op further Investigation 1 We with named our little city Arcadia. that it was the ease with all found , yet live others. were to have our ow n lionn-sWe wished to get in society as one happy family; with the sacred ;i tnl we had all Hindi: the bleak silences ot the foiest we were to have Our society was founded on the advantages of tin city. No member a pun-lfinancial basis. Having about had been admitted who was not guar- the some iinuii"S. we all bad bitten at anteed respectable by three liiemlier. the buiiu bull. and the two men who organized the In fact, on quiet questioning. I found association each vouched fur tin oilier. that the highest Income among our No bonds were given that tin wives memlx-i'was $::r,u0 and the lowest were women of tact and good Practically vve were a plutocracy. This nor were assurances demanded that view of tin ease was fully corroborated the numerous children were reasonably shortly after by the fact that two of well behaved we took ull that for our iin.iiibers foiling heir to large foroil this: tunes nl undoi,' d the Idyllic association granted. We only Insisted That the collides should all have been for Newport and the other for legally married and the children nil Saratoga, ui:d the places that knew burn in wedlock. That these conditions them one: know tlieiu n njgre forever. wen complied with can be proven; and Then another tnan got 'struck, by. a financial blizzard; his incount was sudin several cases tlmy were. And we were very happy. denly cut down to a thousand a year, men and and tin air im lunger agreeing with There were twenty-eigIds wife's lungs. In sold out cheaply. twenty-eigwomen and many chilHut the places of these three alien wetkf dren; besides these there were maidservants aful iiian servants. We bad a taken ly others who were no.making after And publie dining hall whleli at Hint all about $::000 per annum. Haw that witho-.i- l fail If patronised; iuid on those lirst summer si yeur.'l man's Income went over 4000 or under days we were all very gracious and $2500 we lost him. dignified and polite. About this time wheat dropped1 ten Hut .them was one man in our association who, when tlie day was warm, iKilntH and my cash balance Iappeared held on in red Ink at my banker's. in appeared at meal-tim- e and And once a lady at our table allowed for a few months liy my eyebrows, over to trim was forced when wife iny her baby a dimpled yearling to crawl lier last summer's hat, and make over aaross tlg!Xealive hoard to Its papa trousers for the boys, we could no my who aat on the other side, and lifter our bide shame, and we moved longer thla my wife preferred to prepare meals bark to tin our city by night and tookTblS In our own house, rather Ilian avail old quarters over the grocery. . herself of the advantages of communal linpiK'ned ten years ago. Last summer, , feeding. In disguise, I visited and found Arca. Several of the ladles In our eornmu-dia still In a flourishing condition, liut musical, one or two painted the minimum of income 'required, new, nty were, china, outers did "fancy work." dm to hold out Is $4000 instead of $2utM), as thadbeenan actress, and when she pro- formerly. There Is less dlscrtrd than posed gening up private theatricals a at first, and I am sure that the mantel fMhkg) Une of demarcation was struck misery endured by. the 'memoirs reduced. Per time fldafdrf 'lften K'wpen IhQRe who believed it was ' tVhlied to' go .to the theater and those to environments. t who considered the stage elevating. Thus I see the infidel of Areadja la no longer blatnut, nor are the Baptist-no.Amt ItwU then I discovered that sevsevere. The Methodists dance and eral of our members were Methodists; and soon, after a little investigation, 1 the Presbyterians play cards v the wears his coat In the dining-hal- l; .ascertained that In theology wu ran the the Jewish family have their gamut from an Intldel who denied geese killed away from homeland-thev.eiythlpg to Close Communion llap-liswho boasted of their credulity and good people with German proclivities hesitated at nothnlg. Yet for the most have their beer delivered by the gro; with liberal cer In 1uxes, marked books, and they pArt we were Agnostic leanings and Orthodox wives, liut drink It Indoors Instead of popping once stirred up, we drew the most halr- - corks on the veranda at the passer-by- . Law of Reversion' to Type Is 'dosplitting. lines twist tweedledee and The Its perfect work. As a dozen vatweedledum; and these lines caused a ing coolness to spring up between families, rieties of pigeons put together 1i a so certain mothers cautioned their loft will In a few years all change to with no distinguishchildren noflo play With certain other a plain slaty-graable difference between Individuals; so children. We had a chapel where two or three have the residents of Arcadia reverted a type. And If there are no progathered themselves together on each to nounced virtues in Arcadia, neither are Wednesday night. Oil Sundays there there flagrant faults. All voice the were "Union Services" led by pastors words when approached; all make fsom the city. Invited by different samesame movements under any certain the niembirs, and all except the directly set of conditions; and very dull Is the Interested kept away so as to discourpsychologist who cannot anticipate any age "the opposition." every opinion they may express. In our membership was one Jewish and The jarring pains of life are reduced who family "kept" Saturday very to the minimum; the problems are punetlllously In satin and broadcloth. solved all arc content 'or a smooth And they kept Sunday too by opening lawn with terra rolta dogs gives a beer bottlej on their front verandas pence to the possessor n that even ' and Inviting In the lnlldel and his wire. cannot lend v These good people had a little pen of geese In their back yard and at ccr-- . Don't forget the (i.und Opera lain times a dark man whom they called "Koheleth" used to mine and kill House in Walt Lake City. Tlie best the geese for them, and the feathers dramatic company in the West. All blowing onto the lawns of others, the others protested, for they did not like of the players are d erect from New York City, (resenting high-clas- s feathers on their lawns. And Borne perceiving that there was modern plays in a finished manner. danger of our community growing hill apart gave progressive euchre parties O.iange ofBoa. eaclt week, lrlcos ilc, to cement the social bonds. At the llrsl :fic, and meeting there were no refreshments and we went home at 10 o'clock. At the next meeting we had a .solo and there was lemonade and cake ami we E.MEHESY stayed until 11; soon we had coffee, lee cream, lemonade and cake and cheese Furrier, Fu straws and we stayed until :!. Shortly l)wcr sii l Txltierinit after It came the turn of our Jewish II it; In t cull price for member and we bad nil the Items on the menu that hud been on the menu Raw Furs and before, with pate dr fot gras, oysters and "yellow lalter added, and v. did Game Heads. not go home till morning. For when the refreshments were served we were u.1 Ciirn'iiKindeiim IN AN EXPERIMENT lios-less-l- y i ht BYRO NOROO su-ei- al AdtuiioB, Wild m-- e seal-ski- seal-ski- I M (reboot IRA Aiunrloen Bl, fork, For Sal. Every wharn.' I'ut KENWARD: W. LIVERY, Pint FEED AND SALES STABLES. elmit turnout. alway U raadlmua. aloistam of liurn.1 and bugglaa. A la Utah. ll L.k. City HATES, WORKS. BAKING TiraiBonown THE PUREST AND BEST MADE. POWDER Til N TKIPLE sricKs ABE FLAVORING EXTRACTS B 1ST t ARB D because they are.-- -. cuid fresh everyth W5DS EfTHIS.EBUD ; III -- ' b Try .Them da. HUB CLl C'lOUS. GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL OR UOREY RlfUIDED P you ver took. -- THE BEST IK THE MAT ervnu. Exhau.tlon,' Arute lnflainmatory Sheu e and CttfOuio Inflammatory maii.in. Rlieuiiiatiain Muacular Rhramatl.m and NeuraT gie, tihronic Cough I'hrunlo Diarrhoea, Kemala Trouble. Cwt'krr. The flne.t baby ColloCure iBr-tkworld, acutaluing .bo opiate or other narcotic drug, and la abaolutely narmlea La tha mo.f delicate Infant A wet and a dry Catarrhure, n sure cure for LoGrlppe, and the Ideal cure for tha Llquo liabit, Which 1 Ju.l Tight, abaolutely the belt anil eo.u but fflk Jf youridruggl.t ha not yet yptguc. remedwN don't lethlm aell you tliliig' ju.t as guild," boouiite there 1 nothing lu ' thi wide worldi.oggood end harmlea, hut send your niOuey direct to s and .we will deliver your medicine to you prepaid end refund your money If you think we hive exagorated la the least ' Uuf price am'fcr tlie qagnetio Colic cur. (Tough and Cold cure.AO eufl, fifty Colic. Pau-k.- r qcura, .50 cents; .Catagh cure, ILXi; fot iocaljiemedle. to let ai epoqgh lu tern;-an- d weuk ;.nd for tlie biflanpe- - of our cure 81 fo from tiro weeks two inonlb treatment, male Ing (be cKlAdu,'.' .linoisila tLe world. Sub-acut- e ' t a H.ifi.. and Wagon of all o KIm. Kapatrad In Flrat- Ulw Order. and at Prism o to wit time. DISEASE. Cure whan ail AMERICAN FORK, UTAH MNEIL, other - doctors fail. THE OEGANZO REMEDY with kind Of tegsl work tranaaotod pfoinptua... Mvriaga lleonM. proourod, and any thing portalnhg to lagal matter.. N ELDE N --JUDSON DRUG CO., V(ineEalWholv8aIUA'iTf. Ali G. woods. Stephen V TONSORIAL ARTIST. Hlr outtiug tn tiy styl. Batlifaotlon Parkr on Mcrchaut AMERICAN F. CULMEE ft BROS. Manufacturer guarae-ud- . 20 E. 1st FORK, UTAH. X.-M- .N. EN T I Oftiee m S T Jackson Building. American Fork, - - Utah V I. V South, Salt Lake City., WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AKD OPTICIAN: Wyatt. 262 - 0 "P PAINTS, VARNISHES,' 011.8, ' BRUSHES, ETC. Alex D A- cf Mata Street. Steel,-.- , . . EXCELLENT li EVERY RESPECT ?- -- 4 1S9G NEZ PERCE, POTLATCII,' Wtvhavekanfmniefis;;line' of Stoves, Rflingcsand tflfeaters tu ia Select From . r : 'VA, -- ' Bft.KTlIOT i:AL0U3.' These arc the names of three great and fruit growing disCOUNTY SURVEYOR agricultural in Idaho and Washington,' tricts V S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor reached by the Northern Pacific, rail-- ANIroad. X0TAIIY PUBLIC. They each adjoin the other an American Fork, Uteh together form a region hard to. equal. The rolouse region has been .noted for its Earvclous grain production. Tl.e Potlatch country is analogous to the Palouse. The Nez Perce region lies south of The modem standthe others and has until recently been a part of a great Indian reservution. ard Family Medi500,000 acres of it hare been thrown cine : Cures the open to settlement and itslands can be bought upon cheap prices and terms, write to Charles S Pee, Gencommon every-da- y eral Passenger Agent, N. P. It. It., Kl Paul, Minnesota, or F. 1). Gibbs, ills of humanity. General Agent, Spokane, for. folder and rates qnd Hint BoxJtBS. TO Co. Hardware , Coner ppt!joii, lalh fit. Com-,in(irc- 'Salt Lake City. ; E. DUNSC0M6, M. D. Uul vanity of New&ork, DMA ' SPECIALIST- slemwoou arsixai, - k comzado. OKS, aal QoT'rRit l,,uiteB.t CXscSRA T . HAOICAf. rrilfc TRMjaKVT WITHOUT KN1FK DU CABHTTn. - For a Suit that will SUIT You , Send for Samples if You Can No Call. D. L, ROSS, Merchant W. Second South St., LAKE CITY, ; . . . . Tailor, 41 SALT UTAi W- - niRRIP assayrb. l.ieuBin Jiten tiuo ,811 Lake. Vtomp mail or givrir all ururn Bt by STATE. Benefit. L'f CZaloicB.Mnt on . One Line of Trade which Reaps a AIR FUKNACE IN AMKRIOA. Stoves Utah. ANDREW ADAMSOE. BEST LINE k. ...t - U, SALT LAKR UTAH AS A $36 - Ffarirtor EVERY SHOW GASES DESCRIPTION. Strait HR, A. CHRISTENSEN I CO. Weatoru Headquarter. SALT LAKE C1T1 FORK, UTAH. AMERICAN eipra.B, Reliable PEDIGREED FRUIT TREES The change to a State tc necessary to have all Court seals, a ml such notorial and corporative seals as PIONEER NURSERIES CO, have the word Territory in them SALT LAKE . UTAH CITY, Also many rubber stamps-havchanged. to be renewed and changed . . A firm in Ogden, Utah, S. J. (iritiln, Grow Only First-da- ss and High does much of this work, In fact moat Grade Stock. of it, for, altho1 in business but throe1 years he has by a liberal use of printers ink, built up a trano second to DONT LIMP hcayoi none In the west In his line. Anyone mod t walk talEht having this sort of work to i done' ter or part out WeUkepUi of to i will io well to send to the above aduraoomfart .SpeeUlUt 1 crlpnhkJTaM"dforinMi .hoi dress where it will receive imnime-diate .Sw .pbMWR and artlflol ft attention. See his advertisement in another column. .llmta.of-rwr- y doaeridtloa Hiigert Deformity THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Shoe Ce 89 E Tb,rd 6oth A direct, authorized branch of the St, parent house at Dwight, 111., lias StLT LAKE CITY, UTAH 166 W. Second at opened North, Salt lake City, on tho line or the street AND railway running to Warm Springs. For the treatment of the liquor and opium habits, with Lesley E. Keelley Company's double chloride of golr remedies. The Institute is under the management of Dr. J. W. Nt. John, who has Uen at work with and in the employ o t the Lesley E. Keeley Company for Reception. Canton, o.. jan yg The citizen of tlm past four years. The treatment Canton laid aside their roHGca toniirht ami management of patients will lie absolutely THE BEST and all turned out to formally welcome denticallv the same as at. Dwlvb the return home of and Mrs. PAINLESS DENTAL WORK McKinley. There waa an Illuminated The difficulties between tha Union street parade and brilliant firework, INfilE WES f AT'LOWEST EAST- -. was escort- Tr;tetlon company of Philadelhia and after which ed tw the courthouse, where he made a If (nriplnyee weiv finally a.Htlevl uMin RN PRICES. brief, addrea. exnrea!n(r hi gratitude tha recommandatio., of tha citizens, AND BE CONVINCED. multitude for the cordial wel- committee selected to determine' the iBlea J,RY, Block, Mal. K. Wslkor Ueu Non-Politic- 1 ADtNC BOTTLERS, preolnot Justice. Notary Public. . 'HEWLETT BROS. it They .bow tbi Ir jiower for good quickly. You nave lolake uix to twalva boxe. befora a guru. a. to whether III. helpyon or two tell, the atory. ing you oc nut, i rate day reuiedle for Cough and lV. bave. w pa Stomach Liver a'lid liowel Trouble Cold.; fur old-tim- e, FORK WAGON JOHN not Koep tbaut. Write don't diieate. like them ever ofNng fered lor your approval. A laitelesi sad harmie a Homeopathic pelletit More powerful to cure diseases thin any el the naureoui allopathic medicinte. hey cure by supplying la the tyattai lacking vita alamanta, THE iiinqtaiiirel af combatting mehod Land and Mining Attorney. it., Drinks ?. Year lic City, Utah. Kgsiate . mdy fo each FRANK D. HOBBS, bat. nflitnr U. B. band Olds. Barrington m. Prepared according to theoNew System. medicine o o dalr 4oci your Sick-roo- fhe Organic Remedies I.rira order, at SlahK AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. Rt Harrington AMERICAN Non-Alcoho- A $1 ox is guaranteed to do you More good than a gallon of any Runs Hacks to All Trains. ,,LSK.NJ. If f coudgn-surprised by the strains of an orlili'nU (ullrllfd. iiin, chestra hidden behind a bank of ferns Ip an adjoining room, mid at this some Saleroom, one suggested "doneing," ami we KM'TSIOKI) HOTEL BLOCK. donced. The refreshments were served men colored from tlio by brought city: Factory iind WarrhouM. under M.nltou Ho then1 were also Hitting about tel Annex. old AfsitAnterlcnn aunties in white lAKR C'.ITY. Ml.T UTAH whu caps and npnms afterwards, I understood, did the dishes. Ju the kitchen, porelied on a saw buck, was a New York. Jan. 19. A dispatch to the keg of lager on tap In deference to sevHerald front St. I'etersburg says: Keeral members of Teutonic origin, umi pi Hs received here show that another others of Teutonic proclivities. crisis is at hand In Hulgarla. Prince Many guests found their way to the Ferdinand Is being openlv opposed by kitchen. Muller, Sclinll & Co. will ship $300,000 Now the Oppenltelniers (for It wu gold; llcldelhack. lcklehclmer A Co. they) had carried the matter of enter- $.00,000; L. Von I (off ntan & Co. $750,000, tainment to aphelion, and the next today. I.nzard Freres are expected to week we had a Longfellow Talk and ship $750,000 to $1,000,000 "Wednesday. THREE-CROW- and Salt Lake UTAH ts Munuf.i-turiiit- Homk.Cluh SOLK DISTRIBUTING ' AGKNTS, - Henry Lee orfc-pneker rell-gfo- fou Tin: THE SALT LAKE GITY SODA WATER CO., Attorney at Law, PROVO CITY - y, Sweet Muccatel Craps Juica Syrup. Purple Crape Juice Syrup. Cherry Bounce Juice Syrup. Claret Punch Juice Syrup. Angostura Punch Juice Syrup Champagne Punch Juice Syriip. blliurtl tod pool Mow tu cennocliou Km I ' includes the following leaders: The Most Pleasant and Palatable ht . Co., Proprt, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ht . A All kind of n shirt-sleeve- s. n o Gem-Salo- fr tln-s- QalIFORNIA QRAPE JUICES U. g. LAND REGISTER, UTAH. UI.T I.Als L'llT, m-u- i Our Line of al ex-Go- v. Mat-McKinl- -- fo-th- e come. ceMtroversy, Opp. |