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Show - a a 2 Tr L, NO, ' AMBHCAN FOUR, UTAH, j I; CITUHCII SERVICED. - PRKBHY THRUM 1. Sbbib-IOS- O. t. Bkbbit U:.10 6:4iv n ...Prayer Conforms c. am KB. I Preaching Preyerltervlre' Prayrrticr'v ica .$Hbl Studs sirril, PaipA 7. 7:00 pi m... Family Komley Wedaday 7:011 p. in 7:00 p. Krlday J. A. LIVINGSTON 1. Sabbath u... . r ; r ' . Cm..... Sunday Bcboql ni Giun) Kervlcea ttenaml Sarvtl ia 7:3Up. iu W. U. KUHIKSOX. PUlim.'i. LATTER-(A- Y - S.UXTH..- 10;U0 W:S0 p. A COOING OF MA 1J IN. GOING JiORTiU rR. U.P W.. .7 . .. w.;. Tw Wdnedyaud ... and from 4:110 till . 8:01) pi dm HtS!K a eST2. . 0. ito U.. yLYAH o O O O .. O O PHYSICIAN s ANC-SUBi- EOit Office Hours from ! t5.u.pi A- - - in. i. 901 tt in. in Traajc Mur. WADI.KKill, Get. vT Phk Ait. SILVB DOLLARS. near f'humla-iliiin- , H. D.; pru-ceediii- gs Hcn-liqu- Por-ven- M&iibw&yrc es lr, . WORLD OF THE : . 7- (U0 4:18 &r I.Clutaf a( 0:30 p, ' On Sunday, tb. General Delivery and Sbnuu Window, arv open from 8:0Q a. m pll UCUgs. nfi , 1 1.- -1 &o F . V Saturday 8:0jx hi, WKsT. m. NO. w. No. m. OUR STAB ROUTE FOR ALWNK. Monday, ID IHUfo. i KAsV. if: 00 GOING SOUTH ANU KAjtT. U. pt G. . EFFECT ROY. COIN extension of time fur bi'KlnnliiK under tin act of Aiuivh, 1SS7. for the forfeiture of unearned lands; tile delegated to the interMilltas to be reconvening national marine ((inference of iViH; to Eighteen protect the wages of seamen ly freeTurned (ut ing them from liability to attachment, liena, assignments, etc.; for confiyenoe with foreign Governments aa to uniWill Mint the Bullion ca Sand and formity in census returns; amending the Kaimux City, Purchase Under the Act ef 1890-Se- nate the act authorizing llttsburg & Gulf Kail road com puny to Considera s Sapor t that construct a telegraph and telephone American Citizens Are Been line through the Indian Territory. Seized in Cuba Home bases the At 3:55 the Senate went into executive session, and at 4 o'clock adjourned Urgent Deficiency SBl. until tomorrow. (AD - PRICE, $1.25 FEU YICAR He cited an Instance authorizing frivolousonesuits. man ill the western district where of Arkansas held the position of 'lerk of tin- - United states District court, to flerk of tin Circuit court and Clerkand the United Stales Commissioner, drew over $12,issi in fees, lie (lectured that the whole system was honeycombed with fraud. As amended the Then, at 4:10, the bill was passed. House adjourned until tomorrow. Miss Barton Going to Turkey. Washlngtun. Jan. 22. Miss Clara Barton and her party of Bed Cross workers left here tonight for New York preparatory' to Hulling tomorrow on the steadier "New York" for Southampton, on tliclr Journey to Turkey, to distribute relief to the Aremnlnn sufferers. Washington. Jan. 21. About FebruWhat the Cubans Want. ary 1st the Trcusury dflwtnient will New York, Jan. 21. A local paper says: . Davis Declaration Doomed. resume the coinage of sikOdoUars and The Cuban junta in this city has praccontinue until almut SGM.oou have tically Jan. 21. The prediction Washington. removed its headquarters to Is been coiiHHl. When thefitont Admi- Washington. made by members of the freely no Now Is there gathernistration came into poRcr there were Foreign Affairs of the clans unless something of House- Committee on reaffirmation in the Treasury about i.4,on0 In sil- ing of that if the proposed hapiM-ns- . unusual interest dn Carlos ver (lollurs coined frost Union under Monroe doctrine is adopted by the the of Cespedes, nephew (leneral Qucsuda, the act of iNiiO. and svallible for the la now in Cuba, and sent over to the House having landed with a Senate ivilemi-tluof Treasury noks issued in for action, it will le allowed to rest of len( while party Illibusterers, large l ayii.cnt of tlR bullion puithased. the committee files. A canvquietly Inmore (juesada himself is In Venezuela. Kincc August, ibyu. about $is.uoo.ihh) eral than a majority of tioth ass-of was There a small at the gathering of these notes have been redeemed in Junta Democratic members of and Republican hist headquarters night. to discover any failed silver dollars and cancel led. committee the KI of editor the Rujlllo, has endorsed it. One of the The Secretary of who member and were Benjamin (Suerra now decided to coin fro t tie bullion authorities on diplomatic matthose v. ho visited the headquar- foremost now on hand and purchased under the among ters In the House said he deemed it ters. act of lino, about SIK.ORM'B, which will ery pool' diplomacy to take any steps Mr. Guerra said that all the Cubans restore the amount of doUars in the wanted to Increase the tension tsKween tending was He said: If recognition. on ms to what It March 4, we could this Government and Great Hrltaln In Treasury from the get recognition of IMKf. coit The average the silver United States Government we could what practically 'amounted to a crisis. bullion purchased under the Sherman speedily Manufacturers in Session. accomplish the rest and secure act was Tils cents on the dollar, which our freedom. Annexation come later, Jan. 21. The first annual Chicago, leaves a gain or selgnlnrige of 2K I believe that the majority of Cuconvention of the National Association cents on the dollar. At this rate the but bans hoie for annexation. It of Alanufiicturers assembled today at syigniorage on the U.fM,iHH) to be come, because we recognize thatshould comMusic' hall for a three days' session, coined would be $5, DIM, which will mercial and kin- full 500 delegates being present from ties, the ties of youth he accounted for in the available cash dred Interest US' into ' close, combring and rapn.;-sentinall sections of on hand, increasing it hy that amount. munion with the United States. trade. of; branch of every tho order for reaumption the The All of the Chilians say that the reisirt be Among the principal subjects to.ami-Philadelphia, coinage at the mints at . the patriots In Washington are ifiscuHgyd of ways are the devising New Orleans and Snn Francisco is ex- from most encouraging, and that they hoie means for the reestablishment of re---. two;' a in or day pected to gain recognition shortly and bring cl oral trade agreements with foreign pr about annexation later. countries,, the recognition and control ' - AMERICANS SEIZED IN CUBA. of the Nicaraguan canal by the UhltFd , FEDERAL COURT REFORMS. Stales. ,the extension of the United Call Brings the Matter Before the States commercial marine, and the es- - . Senate tablishment at South American capitals Bill Urgent Deficiency and other desirable (mints of exposiSenate put Passed. Washington, Jan. he tions fm; the. display of American affairs today '1o.aside finance and foreign -; 21. The House Washington. Jan. I . and gave the day to vork on compar- day passed the urgent deficiency bill. os the calendar. minor bills The bill atively carried $4,415,922, of whlchQ$3;-AGAINST FREE HOMESTEADS. .About seventy bills were passed, clear- 242.SK2 was for the expenses of United" much accumulation calendar of the States courts. The abnormal growth Hoke Smith's' Adverse ing Report, on the and leaving only Important measures of expenses under the fed ' system srt , - Bill. the courts came in for a good deal of pending. .The House criticism, and there was a general ex Mr. Call (Dem., Fla.) read the folio Washington,' "dan. West: Committee oii.'I'ublic Lands.! has pression In favor of a salary system. ing telegram from Key Mr. Crisp Inquired what had lieeonje hailieen taken from from Secretary 8mitha strong. Marquis Koiiriqi home-.- ,; the steamer Olivette- Rat Wednesday of the rejairt of the Committee on adverse rcimrt against the free ""' sL Samallien also taken at Rules, which was under cnnslderatloif. Tstead bill.k'-'- t IjOiiIs and .. - All - AmerlcaR'Cltlzen tie t a week ago, and which had not Havana Oen "the Commissioner lamomiK ft yet therri out of the grasp if the Hpaiilah been disposed of. lie called attention pral Land Olfiee, In 'a report accomauthorities. to the Smith's fact letter, urges amendments certain that offered a resolutim reciting the panying Secretary the bill'Bhould Call not agreed to are being enforced before the keveral reason why auarrests and directing tlu executive ' V aa a whole has been agreed to. pass, and says: ' thorities to ascertain if any just cause rcjKirt monw- considera- - . the proper time he gave notice of The imyment fur the arrest existed asl If not to de- At his Intention to offer a substitute fur Hons for lahds tif sefiters thefeon In . mand immediate release these cases,. aiiiKareo'lMr'the'foundae-report Hoar suggested that the tone or the theMr.entire Dalxell explained that the matter tlon on which the wlfrije transaction be---' resolution was too imperative. There would after a fur- tvterPtlicfij and. the Government wag seemed to be an idea. Hoar said, that ther be broughtof up later, the Committee on based, and'.Vjthi'Hit ulilcTi the Senate of the United States is a Rules.meeting would ifot;luiYi'"'ciitero'd into enconstantly loaded cannon which can la V4lh thf. Indiana, by; which . The went Into House 1:20, at gagements then, touched at any time by a Senator. The committee of the whole and took up the acquisition was Senator urged inquiry of the State de- the consideration of the urgent dell rendered ixissible.f title by Bettlersof the. 'purpose partment before a demand was made. the pro- - e Idll seems to -- be to Call answered that he wished to know clency bill. ONaer which visions laws of fexisting REFORM COURTS. IN FEDERAL whether the American flag afforded homestead entries have been .made for Mr. of the chairman to citizens, Cannon, Approany protection lie referred certain price:., lands for ifhlch to the arrest of Americans In Cuba, priation committee, made a statement public acre Is fo be paid by thcTentryinen. , 'per "enorand to called the attention while citizens of other countries were special lamAs have been acmous deficit of $3,242.5X2 for the exnot disturbed. from. Indians. purchase through quired courts of out the United States that such a reso- penses Sherman pointed some of this land the Indians have For of which an aburmal growth showed lution might give the Senate trouble In already been paid. by the Government branch of the public service of iand other canes. It should go to the Com- this jiortions the Government- , 100 per cent. There was, he is stillfor.ot)pr mittee on Foreign Relations for ap- more than There are also alanresponsible. re consideration. Call said it declared, urgent necessity fur a.abol- doned military reservations Involved propriate Wan the duty of the Senate to act on form. The fee system ought to be have become valuable because of., for which location, such information an this telegram ished and fixed salaries provided and usually In settled comtheir United States district attorney and persons entering them gave. He desired the people to know United munities States Marshals. he was ready to act promptly, although had a distinct underntAlvding that Mr. Sayers (Dein., Tex.) agreed with have were he did not object to committee consito )ny for them at a certain they Air. Cannon as to the pressing necessideration. acre." per price Cullom (Rep., 111.) of the Committee ty for reform. Unlessthethe present sys-of on Foreign Relations stated that he tem was changed AFTER ALMIGHTY BOWLER. United States Marshals and United understood there would be a comm- States increase would Commissioners unication from the Secretary of State, House Wants to Know Why He Held hy an enormous extent. perhaps today, as to arrests of United yearly Mr. Henderson (Hep., Ia.) said that up the Sugar Bounty. State citizens In Cuba. It was decided In the last Congress the Stone bill had Jan. 21. The House to let the resolutions go to the Com- been Washington, he had had fallen, prepared, but on Judiciary today took Cfiiiimitti'c mittee on Foreign Relations. It own on been Infromcd, its weight. to Investigate the action of CompCall again returned to the Cuban having been found on examination that steps Bowler In withholding the sugar troller Sherman exby what to was asking subject the provided in it would appropriation. The substitute bounty he done with a pending resolution ask- ceed salaries the expenses under the present for Boatners resolution, drawn by Air. State the ing department for informaNew York, was adopted. of Ray tion furnished by United States Consuls system. Mr. Hainer Neb.) challenged is as follows: Rays substitute in Cuba. Sherman replied he regarded Mr. Henderson's(Ilep.. statement. That bill, the Committee on That Resolved. rethe resolution as Inexpedient. It might he said, would pmduce'conslderable authorized be and hereby Judiciary It had been and directed to inquire a is to the conendanger the Consuls and thousands of duction of lives If confidential communications reintroduced and would be pressed at dition of the law on the subject of were made public. Call did not further this session. right of executive officers of the GovA proposition In the bill to buy the ernment press the resolution. In the several departments present site of the United States LegaSILVER ON THE SIDE TRACK. thereof, to refuse to enforce, execute tion at Toklo, Jaan, for $16,000 was or with the provisions of any Mr. Pugh's resolution concerning sil- criticised by Air. Alercer (ltep., Neb.) as act comply of Congress of the United States ver payments of the Government oblexorbitant on the ground of its alleged Mr. liltt inveighed against haggling igations was allowed to go over. for other reasons, and Bills were passed for the selection of with a Government for a site. , The to report toor the House the hill or lands with Fort Pembina military re- Japanese Government, he said, had re- otherwise." ' us the propservation. North Dakota, by that State; peatedly offered to give be .adopted by the resolution this If $50 It with of per month to erty, but we could not accept granting a pension the committee will Investigate the widow of If we did, he said, we House, matter. It can recommend a whole English, the to and the establishment of rules and would be compelled in reciprocation to statute prevent any further action Leregulations for the navigation of present the Japanese Government based on the Bowler precedent, and United States canals snd similar works gation property in Washington. can provide for the payment of the of navigation. withheld bounties. Whether any furMINERAL LAND SURVEYS. bill was silver bond The. laid aside ther action would be possible was a to permit bills on the calendar to be Mr McRae (Dem., Ark.) offered an matter of discussion, but it was precommission each to allow amendment dicted hy members of the committee passed. appointed under the act of last Con- that. Congress would adopt a resoluNUMEROUS BILLS PASSED. from mineral agrigress to segregate tion declaring that Comptroller Bowler The following bills were passed; lands In Montana and Idaho a had exceeded his authority. For the collection of fees and fur- cultural surveyor. Mr. Hartman (Mont) urged the nenishing certificates totovessels; authorMondellz Indian BilL certain persons accept decora- cessity for surveyors in connection with izing Jan. 21. Representative Washington. Hawaiian Government-amendinfrom the tions the commissions. the statute fixing time for Mr. Cannon made a point against the Mondcll of Wyomingthetoday introduced aiqmtntment of providing for vessels to unload ; settling the claims of amendment and the chair sustained it. aa hill commission to treat with the Shofor United Slates Indian Agent Maraton-grantinAn amendment appropriating and Bannock Indians shone. to the Columbia & Red Mounsurveying and allotting lands of the for the Arapahoe surrender of and modification tain company a right of way through Chippewa Indian reservation was of any rights they may have to hunt on the Colville Indian reservation of adopted. the public domain. The tyill was drawn Bowlers of Borne rulings the Comptroller pensioning widow of Washington; for the purpose of. remedying differMaj.-Oe- n. Carroll at $?5 monthly, and were made the basis of criticism in ences growing out of- the opposition to the widow of Lieut. Frederick Schwat-k- connection with an amendment offered their exercise: of this privilege and Is $30 for the Mr. at Dlnsbeer Ark.) (Dem., Arctic explorer, of monthly; in- by echo-osettlers In the vicinity an the V. due James salaries of the the widow of payment the pension creasing of Jackson's Wyo. Hole, as United States who sister resigned Col. Frederick Dent, of President Walker, last Indian for the Territory Attorney pen.Grant, from $30 toof$50Brevet monthly; and L. L. Stowe, deceased, who Treasury Statement'. sioning the widow Maj. Gen July, died while serving as United States Washington, Jan. 13- .- ''dkys state- : Doubleday at $100 monthly; amending Marshal. Neither of these officers liad ment of the condition of the Treasury-showsthe act authorising tne Oregon and Available ensh balance, $177,confirmed by the Senate, and uncompany to co- beenansiogous Washington Bridge rulings of the Comptrol-ie- r sxx.329: gold reserve. $54.864.17j. nstruct a bride across the Columbia riv- der wouid college. Maine, Is. singularly therefore not have been eii' Bowdoln Tom er between Oregon and the State of Rood,honored. Speaker of the salaries. to their titled a Washington; authorizing Tlouse, Senator- Frye, chairman pro tem bridge over to Afr. Ia.). (Rep., recurring Lacey at St. Chief the Mississippi river Justice Fuller the Senate,: ami Louis bethat had resulted In the pil- of are all grnduhtes of Bowdoln. Thus tween that city and BL Clair county the abuses of the expenses of United States llowdoln holds the gavel over three bodies 111.; authorizing the construction of a ing up argued that the fee system was at the National capital. Chicago Inter bridge across the Missouri river at or courts, responsible fur the bringing of many pww TO TIME f Rshbstk Suites m T:S p m J- - A - i. LOCAL 18J. SATUHJyY, JAN UAli Y i5, ' IWGnly, Lina Knniiias To "WlTOeli.tTwln Dailj j" - the-countr- " . Persons desiring Le' gal assistance rill ! ... Deeds, and it Apjericsn Poiitst inleves mPffeIA at 6 :19 sme inj iigt'Viblfc-'jh- 9kfin torsi dblvsf fg :30 . 2L-T- pro-due- tt, x lolors'io fnus OOLllIflt. 011N G dElyhiit day Attaches, 9t9 Prumbnan'81eepe'ra on all . 1 ManukIcturkr 1f east-- , chair cars, .sftd. Tsite trains. - ed - .. i o - i Offiah Haittpasrtersr1 jve- -- CI.UFF 8iGN.ASBira.,L DeSORSTIVB SCOW aa.mpgitaii(Wkdjal Patntico Y-h-e . fisTlugi Rank Hidg. "Large-tvactso- ysif ieiovo xStr, r.jJTA h. to Efc. Intdtigi' JJecoTidoiilC sKtl. Graining. Ad art . laaAlrJfuds of Commori ing. HetuiJaiAoiwt N LatoBt . , VVtfll-Pap- er Desijrn?, for,l80.in :, PfipB-h&nVsGking- . & ' , . . theXity, , . We cshluffitsh,yoii with money tore-neyour mortgage now due and can make you a new one at a rats of inter est: from Bio 12 pur .cent, .according to theecurity." ' Farm and biialuasa prop erty loans a specialty, Address, w v Selections from the .largest Hills in the UniteJ Btstes. Aurrioar Fork Utah r. ' i- - U. W-II- DOCTOR G.W. SHORES i V 343 OMPLHTB WEST . W N. Temple. SALT LALE CITY ATARRH URE. axi ixtebxal; The only gumraatwd to .hMlutaly ear. esfsrrhrtmady awl aonapfoirty alMicu-th- a . mi tiob uncunstl-tutlonalit- frm liabM u4 Syitn.::, i size, iuirrniui.jzE, zoe. . full Hz. pselug. dMttaMi'tlbYul onili,i local waianam, one filll mooihi tupofo of Cata Butni and on. I.R Naal:Sg ith'haijpyjyol CaUi ood and StomMh Pilh. 4 If you bav. CaiaMi, Aaihntar jhronclittla, Hay Fever or any complieated aiKctloaof tho noa tiimat, brondhM tubaa or lunga. Doctor Shoraa' Complcta a R 1, i d 1 Catarrh Cdre win glva thataat niiaf and coapiataly aad parmanaetly cure ydu; r. Important if True. If lit. bowels are conadpatad taka ona of Dr. G. W. EHego, Cal1 Jan!' IS. A deed has ShoreaAntl'Couahpattod.Pilla atjtodtigia. If youi tet San d. raubla h cbroolc and writ. Dr. G. W. been placed on reeord -Store parsoaaily for Me Saw tydiptom Hat and have Mayor Carlson of year caa. diagnosed and get expert advice free. this city, as trustee, the Nevada Southern railroad. The road Is forty milea Rboree Tonic and Blood Pniitlor Dr. cJaamaaaM puriflra file Mood, glvaa alrangih and long, running from Blake station, just vigor, euraa dyapepala ahd. all aarvoua dieaaiea. tyvMtvof the .Needles;, on the A. & P., Prtca. SI par bottle. o on inhWard-tind1 a SIanvel, direct VDr. a.' W. Sboree' Kidney and Uver.Cure lne toward Salt Lake. The deed was Hver aadtoladder. nma alldteaesre of Issac H Blake, .president of Frtoe. SI per. bottle. signed NeTaua Southern edmpany, Dr. Q. W. ShoraatCoiifchCorwMmaoH-couclM- i he New Rtb'-hiscolds sntf ferondiisl oflfscUoss. . Ons iotfs will stof'.UTorki-.. t. Thpre are a butlb a Keep erwup. tMtsiQdIc number! . ... . . of'rQibors regarding the trans- r- - ' DrrCL W rshor'-Aimiotoi'OH xoyi (lij a.0rfd. that the Southern Pacifla Is the deal and w om mhiuu. Foe hatoadM toothache prat lathis line from or eollt sm It axtaniany and will exttnd ita system" tunlgia In coraa dlpbthetia lemally.' Prtvanli and Utah to San Diego. : 1ce.Xc-f- l bottoT Una. JCeto'a bnttla Ian4w Dr. 0. W. Bhoree' Paydi VarmHoga daatfove Enlisting for" African Services. . hue. final .worn, and ramovea the MS. round neat TheTlmes-lIerald- 's aJ5tiicAgo.-jan.-l- fh wbMw Nyt bMd n8;f.rNi.: llNovor folia. Pitao J - , Rernar-vdlnb,VtnVdybig- icae-Mata- aW. jy 4 nh i I cnH r , . Dr.-V- SharMtWMtortdMa kalo camat dmaeaea ofiUie aktn. WfiovSa gad apota aad blacfo- - ' ( tv Tfc VI. fl. W. skorea Flllo AOtfoCoseffpotldo City, a; a... . Washington special saysr Recruits for service: In Africa, .under .the flag of Belgium, Are being enlisted under the eyes but unknown to city, the nd in-th- A ; i s' - ?V. 'f1- j ls and though working In the utmostfse-rrecthey have made a number of cnllstmehts.already JuS. Fjrjs'.d ty army are vst szz V -- ibe . aj at J o 'S exia-nse- s exia-nditure- IlOTli LOCAL; dlMM f y, Rear-Admir- al y. self-respe- g . g - a, f -- - 1 - -- We- ' 4 V aWhi ; rL ? sp" fl ro .Iijapii mm awL:.- ' |