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Show Mnrsr AMERICAN FORK ITEM. DUNKLEY & financial SCOTT. - Publishers, Fovk Enured at the poitoflce, Ameriea the mailt through, tmnmiiion teconil elite mutter . fr Vue Year in Advance.., fiix Month Three Month CA FOR 'I HE YEAR $1.25 . .v.. CITY FORK l cultured education. While wc are in favor of dancing within the litii its of common sense, it is true that it is carried on to an extreme here. 'Dancing, all will admit, is the prime cause of many a young lady's downfall, not only in health, but many other wavs unnecessary to assert AVe wish to arise auu ad vocate the practice of social gatherings, dramatic and literary per fnnuancos, etc., by our young people. It is educating and instruct ive, and produces no ill results to tlie body or inind. We have tested this for ourself and are therefore to vouch for what we s ay. ('irepared rt every parent and guardian of the young, interest themselves in this amusement and teach it from tlie fireside as well as from the pulpit. Too much dancing is inLet the program be jurious. changed. The question naturally arises, are t he people of A merican Fork going to have a suflicient supply of water the coming season? The new council have practically done not lung ho far, notwithstanding the mutual pledges they made prior to their election. The time is now ripe to store the waters. Ere another year elapses, some outside capital will in all probability be operating on this important proposition and then it will be too late to do that which is of such vital importance to our citizens. When outsiders get hold of these things the people are in a box with the lid locked. They will., have to knuckle and pay dearly for their water, that which can now be obtained at a practical small outlay. If the tax- - layers decline to take hold of the matter as a body, it is the proper thing for the council (ns the tax -- payers agents) to lead out and consummate the proposition of purchasing the necessary laud on whijdi to build the proposed reservoir, Will the council take some steps in this matter? If they do not desire to do anything without consulting the people with u mass meeting, let that be done The city now lias a neat sum o money on hand, and the extra tax Hint would lie levied to make up the sum required to build a ainal reservoir would not exceed one mill on the dollar, an amount that every tax payer could stand with out any dilliculty or tiunncial ruin. Mi:.. Folice t'ourt expenses.... re: Jr ! i j:. s- DiAitn in Etc. Cigars, Hand. oo iii :,!' 2 tci'cculty. Silver Club K.T-- , oi Prop. f n: uors L i - till: Vip,Fr Family uaa it I 17. ' "f . i . ij-.tr- ini Pil'd nil. Pool Room Utah rL-nnFo-jl, Head Faeifis . Cemetery feem Simmi 12s I 72 Marsh il am! police. . . . Mayor and c.niiieilinen Tax remitted ami error in n:ii.'ssmrnt roll in;J SpKjrort Pleasant Grove and Old Shipley Plaee, American Fork . NORTH. No. 3. Pm Ar. Daily, I.,ss. 1 Lv. Cluing Xithout Notice. nr. t N js I) lily . p m 8:00 " 1 Outstanding accounts. Outstanding tax 1 7:P' 1. (II is: r,i J .ruction idii iti It 7j00 GRANT'S Music Emporium Fine Stoclc of Tojjrs, Silverware,- GlasBAvore, i 4:45 4:42 01)11 SO KEROl'RCF.S. Cash oil hand Rills receivable :' 1 h'pw mt phtam. W j Prizos Qirdo Anav this Yaar. csr..,...cm im ia.. 1 J. Outstanding accounts..., ...fay.yw. (...twhjt trim OwO m4I3 Cauton ,: 2 (Hi ca Stflelo & n: 1IHMKI 12(H) ar I'rjjco lv $;00 IN) Tr 1'iij south of Jwb run daily except 120 72 Sm d.iv. '! '.civ. lakefor Ogden daily ir. 10 ii y iiis h :U;i Salt a 1 8a. ixsaicor fork. I .. : , . I -- Pxvmn ar ' . 1 1 ! ei.tv ii i.r t.. ); ;fiii; I'i.K ii. lie in! i r hiii : i X. w uyi:. r i.t . Ilnurs h Approved Dee. 21, 1SD5. ;.: T. R. Parker. Mayor. f11"11"- : Attest, , H. Woottox, Pity Recorder. i i:: l! ,, '' l !H i. 15. ::: i..'. 1 84 city I'niou Pacific is the best Arizona. Be- - J. JI. nAYDRK, Ay. American Fork. -- A..-I. I . l- , , Denver: l.'i ,'.:t City iv:. : ihiieFsOl 8. Main st, L. ; Ijimax, G. P. A T. A. biiKixsox, Gcnt Agt. l':o' vers-- , to is hours to Kansaa I. - Bicycle Supplies. T. Briali Itml American Ferk, - , PRACTICAL INGER80LL Iaftrnettc. M.THOftVT0N,l IIm returned again and i prepared to do all Kinds manner. wilt' 1m fonnd at the Old Stand. Adjeioing the PrethyteRan Chapel aOrat-eli- BLACKSMITH" Ilia Aiiaaicix Foe narrlngtoB StrMt, - - efanp . Ltah PHI8ICI N OFFICE ! X . State Street! AaeriCea Fork, r.tes3 uture ( i v .7, 1 . , i thousands of ' rtiinly sufficient ixiiof that it will It makes pur& y b!:jod, tones and 'fivcl :i i4 tl.e nerves, and ihe whole system. ' . . , : DuiLLs Usually indi.Mlrf a disouk-- of the Ki :-. and prompt nii'.is'.ires sin nil. be Liken to pi . - 'TBIacksmithi SluckitnitMngjn all its Branchea, Xepairieg neatly done. DR. LIVER J. 2 Is what you need, - 1J1HE BOSTON PIANOS J " i jl ,tp H. McLEAN'3 KIDNEY BALK li w ill cure I.iver Med. ST. LOUIS, MO. - nlL Dc Sjm-- :,1y c ;(a Sarsa- - . WI I ARE UNEXCELUDl V - . isrti'atcsff?.? u itimBn wa ( . American Vtaky SoTpW baa. Roberts Bros. 7HE DniIGGISTS- t Cawy arall stock ol IWat Ifedteiaes.TWlatDrugi. 5 svt HOODS and I! MOD'S: I,. and LIQHTNESS 0E TOUCH parilla Co., fe Batrlaloa Street Y, Cures ;e The Dr. J. H. McLean "v p y- -5 yycr$syz,'z I e, der Hright's Irregu!. ili. in children, We.d.nrss or Intbmmalion of llv M.io p Kidneys nnd I i '.beies. Send for p.imphlt l containing instr;n i:.oi s how to lic and eui c tiicsc distressing complaints to For DURABILITY. BEAU-TSWEETNESS .OP TONS . F THE B6ST0U PUKQ CA an. WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. '- y- Utah. reded hosgabd,. Hold's Sarsapa v uXAB PBACTICIB8 '1 , . pa j. n lows. ' i Pnpnttonu THE TBTEHAN s r ; i t v. r,:.;. iu f of Blacksmitbing in AND i ar. IfJO' Night Reft HORSE-SI10E- R American Fork, 1. c-n- el A. THORNTON, JAMES NEW70N i ' N py.JA. Night t.eoa Da Jr 0440 ANDREW BENNETT 1 hya-idnn- l ex: Sist BeM. 9aeii J. B. " 4- - H.ClMiK, savs: "To Dr. Kings New! W.Nn;,, owe my life. Was tnki n I.,D;.'U Discovery i. i.i.isv An, ( Receivers, with La (irijtpe tn.l tricl all the f JolV M. , for miles about, lmt of no nv.iil Ki.i ;ui j. "i'WRT. and was giyen up tiu.l tohi I couhl n. t live. Having Dr. King's New Disc ycrv in my store I sc.it fora Ii.hiIr and begun its uve and Iron the 'irst dose began to i".! get better, aud after using three hoitl,-!; .4 J '.r was up and Hlont again . It ia worth its weight in gold' We wont keep store or hoiisH without it:" (l.t a fiee trial at " Steele A Cos. Drug Store. 111., Fineit Line of Dyia la tickets get our figures. ui!"i uiiitiofi as to rates, er write, - : ; U H Ad-WAS- 1 : i Moatk, 1 1 i . Business college WISHES Htft u( Dty Smlofei, To tMOOM Is tike vrtttH . OmseHew or , , I that tfcey kw wytM e Incidental in, ni, 4 .00 p m and 7 :00 1 :: m. Estray Pound Rents and dividends is tir, I r on-i - I.a riye Oi'ileofor Salt Lake daily ii, :r s B '2 :10p m, and 6 :20 Sale of cemetery lots. ... 2s pi 1' in, 5Hcyrhotel and Merchant, ""'n'l'eiiiniHde at Ogden with ,is -- WB CASE VI t ,1 :i butcher license Inins. :: Logan train Celebrated 0 li" 1 in i. ini Fork QiltJd(e . OfiQi at 4 :35 anivlng a1 Water tax, cash and labor 'Jiilil Ml I.':, .ii 11: li) a m. Lfghtlnff Powder. Tooele City Tax Roll J233 fsj i:.u daily except :y ! nhi; S!t jm Lake 7:45 a m PATENT MEDICINES I.,,!, k ira'iis tavo American Fork Total DRIES, Ete. fi'JUl sr, si vis t Eureka It :85 am i' 1 aval day. ,-- n-- 71 China-war- e andCrei" Fnr 4:35 11.02 drove 4:28 u.iqt 11:27 " PrH 4:05 H:o7 " 3:55 H. R-- W. Springdle t:17, y 8:47 Spanijfork rnrt pietam In: 2 , 8:32 IilJMl 10:1 1" .. Siintiain 8:22 I BOO 11:0.7 " ., . 2:40 Nepli a m 0:30 p.iji , Moop is " 8:42 ... Kplrxiin ' : 2:1 8:16 Munji 11:17 a m . .1 2:00 ly pm lid) ar I2::;0. "I li 1:80 N; Jl) ilfilSrd Warn 6:35 S:-o- 8 IS ATTH1 OLD STAND, "ar6:60 Iv S:T. " HlKl S: rs 1 10 801 i' 771 Ml r.:P. a ill 7 '' ar 2 (h) : salary., J. - The Item, $1.26 in Advance, Cheapest paper In Utah. THE PROPEE PLACE tisib to Si.'yrrf . Dance, show and peddlers license Sale of nal estate Police Court Saloon license on County quarentinc to CIom for the Witter Months. Preparing w. A.iLi CAUD In Effect NfcTi7, 1895. : Total a Nice Hat orDaoeh-le- r MILLINERY STORE. Rare Bargains. Everything at Cost; Sylish hat6. and - Rills receivable Cash in treasury If Ton Want ' salary rji in:; 22 A r. Incidental exiienscs, etc i".t ; Ligb t and In at S ar, Estrny Pound :;,i mi Fencing material work t7 mCommittee Curfew and hoisting flag.. j: ( it i Night watchman Streets License Remitted Water ' is t liJiirette." 1 vent serious trouble, y. 1 UOR YON, ! " hi watermaster Treasurer and collector . . it ii?a . "I 1 Saving Ills Capital. 'You're a gunscl" angrily exclaimed a New York man to liis wife, who continually chided lnm about his excessive Yon do nothing but extravagance. cackle, cackle, cackle, all the time." "Yes, dear," she sweetly replied: "but you must nut forget that the cackling geese once Kaved the capital of Rome, and if cackling cun save your capital, Im going to keep it up," and she did.- Texas .Siftings. Salt Lake City , r.i I Recorder's In the lute war I was a soldier iu ilhlc, Maryland Volunteers, Pommy ti. During my term of servi e I contracted chronic diarrhea. Since then I have used a great uuiouut of medicine, but when 1 found nay that would give me re lief it would injure my stomach, until Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will mv it is the only remedy that gave me prrmaneut relief and no bad results follow. 1 take pleasure in recommending this preparation to nllnf my old comrades, who, while giving their servijes to their country. contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from eating unwholesome and uncooked food. Yours trulv, A. E. Rending, Halsey. Oregon. For sale by all Druggists. ih for Yoar Wife call it . r -- Ladies Hals at Cost u TAipftLOON MS. S. E. DHIG iEDS Dinnivery Snveil II ini .1 To. Mr. 1. (hiillouette, Drugnmt, He the First . iJMiritMIKNTS, Justice of I'cai-- siilary.... Stationary and printing... Qualifying City Officers... Quarantine Public grounds attorney i K. -- An OIil KoMior'it Itacominendatlftii. I' a T'.iZ 75 u Til k priwnt move in social circles by Hunm of the society jeople of tlm town, in the shape of dramatic iiiuuiwMiiPiit, should meet the approval of all citizens, foi in it (lists health productive motives, that which will raises younj? lady or Kent Ionian to a desirable and o 'IJAUD -- Report ) AMERICAN' V ; VOMTU,, Of aw, Tobneeoa. Mvlant ArU-- f Flue of Candiae of All Pork, ? f , ' vtab r 4 |