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Show , he said. "Cun 1 you," I aHked. "alone?" I didn't want to say "alone again, but without It the thing seemed The manager looked at me In 1I-- felt that 1 hud an some alarm. t wi-reto reveal. awful the "('nine in here," h- - said, ami way to a private room, lie turned the key lu the lock. "We aie safe from Interruption here, We both sat he said. "Hit down. I down und looked at one another. to speak. found no "You are one of Pinkerton's men, I He had gathered presume." he Hal-1- . from my mysterious manner that I was a detective. 1 knew what lie was thinking, and it made me worse. "No. not from Pinkerton's," I said, seemingly to Imply that 1 came from a rival agency. "To tell the truth," I went on, as if I had been prompted to lie about it, "I'm nut a detective at all. I've come to open an account. I Intend to kep all my money In this hank." The manager looked relieved, but still serious; he concluded now that I was a son of Karon ltothschlld, or a young . "Yi-s- UTAH NEWS LOCAL self-evide- Circulars to the uuruU-- or 6n,iiou, Id opposition to auU'hood, are mailed to voters from Balt Lake. r Bln Huggins of Provo, for nine months for adultery, was par dooed, the 29lb, by President Cleve- land The jury In the Coughlin trial, returned a verdict of murder In the tlrst degree with a recommendation of clemency There Is little question but that lb dell Is making Rlu Grande Western BYRON GROO TIME U. S. LAND CARD alt lase city, Gr IN EFFECT MARCH 13, 181)5 I SO u.-a- ;oe I A.- -4 ien Paeifis D IRA American York, St, sal-1- n d. 3.-0- y. 0.-3- 5 lt ah W. KENWARD: at Attorney . PHOVO CITY mOUPIDCMEw Law, VTA II Henry Lee AND LIVERY, FEED Firal clou lurnnuta alwraya lu SALES k lection uf huraea autl STABLES A tin Ltuve orders Harrington XL FRANK D. Land and Mining Attorney. Halt Lake City Utah HIkAiaSs Thiss-Ciww- a lakluf FswSar It Iks tlisnit All No Alum No Ammonia Grocers Sell We can furnish you with money to renew your mortgage now due and ean ntakoyou a cat from 9 to It W- 4J BLUE DIAMOND LABEL UK .creL.i. 13 EVERY CAN. H.WEST K VI. Taapla SAW LALB city S d IIih-us- s U-ln- barbers. A. CHRISTENSEN QR. DEN T I Office in Jackson T S Building. A, TIIOIIN TOM, K. Dealer Is WINES, LIQUURS AND CI6ARS Finest Brands always on llsnd. Family order a Specialty. Billiard and Pool Room In ConMien Port Win, The verdict Is unquestionably a Just one, but why the recommendation to mercy? Such a man as Coughlin, who would give no mercy, deserves no consideration at the hands of his fellow' men or the court. The cose made out by the prosecution snowed Coughlin to be a cruel, and murderer. The closing address made by Judge Mogln-nl- s Inst night was a effort. It was a clear, concisemasterly statement of the facts, but It was delivered with an earnestness and sincerity that carried with It conviction. Happily for the the court Is not compelled tocommunity, consider the recommendation to mercy. He can totally ignore It In passing sentence, and as a protection to society It Is a fortunate thing that this is so, and full Justice should be meted nut to such a miscreant. Ogden Press. unre-lentli- Utah mkricam Fork, insure JalL nection, Family U, to. eoiuforl. Kpeelallsts la eriupied end Deformed Shoes. Steal linuws and arUOWal limbs of every descriplloa. HUBERT DEFORMITY P cold-blood- O. per qu.ir AMERICA gFORK. UTAH Merchaul'sSt. II. M. Q.. Baltimore My ram Is limkra out ood I hove bwn kindly troubled badly witftecsvm fur torn lime. What U advisable? S Take three drops of extractor the Thyroid Thymidine, Gland, on the tonffue, three times daily. Apply to affected parts as directed, and twice a week take a duse of Salts. Na-trollt- IRI-P-AN- Cures the every-da- y ills of humanity. Ada G. MoM., Mew Buffer alih lung Imubl and am weak and nervous, l ies stata a Ti'Body Take Pulnioline as directed. Three times dally take live drops of Cere-brinextract of the brain, on the tonyue. e, H. C. K., Pittsburg. What can I taka for luuotloosl wookuessf Testinc, in doses, three times daily, on the tongue. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spices. the IniwcIs with Natrolltliic salts. 11.1 X. F,. Pittsburg. Send name and address. Will rend advice for wife by mall. C. Falinq Drown, A. M., M. D., Ned. CuL five-dro- Ib-p- p Cheat. Co,. Washlugloa,U, letlera ol Inquiry auaun-riui free. THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS. AH C. pWESSINE, FisaJhi. gram. MEDUUNE, From Syinal Cord. CARDINE. From ths Heart. TES-!!- n THVHOIDIME. For Constipation. specialties ol tho tlilon. er Mow NATR0LITHIC Kor Cna 6ASTRINE, ECZEMICUliE, and oth COLUMBIA CHEMICAL at all Druggists. F. CULMSB ft BEOS. Manufacturen of SHOW CASES jwkM'::::: Co-o- p. ItIUTNIlKfL BTC. Flt cth at.. Salt I .h. nil. Farm Loans SSSSTBiiflJ MoCnrnlrk $35 O EXCELLENT IN EVERY RESPECTl Wn havo an linmonse line of SIovm UBiigpe and Hoatcrs to Kclcck From. I1KBT HOT AIK Fl'IINACK Utah Stove & IM AlIkRICAl Hardware Co. Catslogus senton application, Commercial and First South St , Uux Suit Lake (Xt UWYEBSim.",i!g"o For a Suit That will SUIT You Bend for Bomplss if You Can Mot ColL Merchant Tailor 8ALTLAk4K,Cr0,.8rh.8,:""bTAH. Reliable PEDI6REED FRUIT TREES NURSERIES CO., BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH a direct authorised branch of the parent hooae at Dwight, 111., has boon opened at 108 W. Second North, Salt Lake City on the lino of the atreet railway running to Warm Spring. For the treatment of the liquor and opium habits, with Lesley K. Keeley Company double chloride of gold rem -- Grow only First-cla- ss and High Grade Stock. ME. If U. Salt Lake City, 83-8- 5. ediea. TO WAS AND CITY A Full String Bond in On InstruThe toatltute Is under the management of Dr. J. W. SL John, who has ment, boon at work with and In the employ of All played at the same tlme and by the Lesley E. Keeley Company for the one person. The The treatment and of the nineteenth greatest IsInvention past four year the Evcentury of mcanagement patient! will be Idautl-all- y erett piano with the plcctraphone, or same as at Dwight. the better known as the mandolin, banjo and guitar attachment, used only In lion. Joseph Manley of Augusta. Me the famous accompanied by his wlfs ami daughter! and onnr Everett, the mo6t durable has begun a piano manufacsojourn In Call! tured. It complete Is sold at lorn Is. low I nga ever wait on virtuous deeds, cos and on very exceedingly easy term, and though a late, a sure reward suclarge and well selected stock of these ceeds. Congreve. elegant pianos always kept In stock N. Jenkins new Temple of MuVisitors to ths eity while viewing the vsrioes a,t poiet lot Interest end pleasure are riteedrd a sic, 238 South Main street. Send for cordial lavitatloa to inspeot the reflection We ate aim oil paintings at ths "Ol ford.1 Tha exhibit Inof catalogues and prices. Hades snob famous masitrpleres ns tha Jen s of IhePlala.' Moralai1' sad Evening," and a (U-e- that Justly relehrsled histursoal legend "Meal, lagof Aalhonyand Cleopatra." KNZENISIERGERHROS. B W.se and ho r nioelt. Kelt PIONEER Zb Easley Institute, oION faints, vkiixihiirh, F CO. Kond tor Literature Mercantile As- Sold by Zions sociation, Salt Lake City. '' Holt Lake OUT. Utah STEEL RANGE'" THE DOCTOBS COLUMN. ft. Third South K. ig For BEST LINE and parrel Mato J l-- 1 Msw South Ft., o Aim-riea- EWIETt BROS. IS K. t,LT.iAlifeiCTA' one-thir- Money to Loan!! FAINTS, OILS, ETC. FREE riitS. C.Klrt W. MIdgley, haltUkiUU BJ AGENTS WANTED FORK WAGON g, pocket. Indeed that leaves the world without havAre you the manager?" I said. Clod ing exerted an Influence that will be knowe I didn't doubt it. felt fur good after she has passed away. Chance He Will t le fruit-growin- g, If He Ewer Gets Wall Paper The verdict was awaited by a breathyour loc allty to hasdla our (nods. Salary, less crowd of spectators. The court- and WORKS. room waa crowded to suffocation, every available inch of space being occupied. DukkIvs and Wsgnui of all o liss, Yrspplog pa o a KIihIs Repaired iu Klrat-Coughlin occupied the scat he has duro Clus Onb-r- . sud at Frier IXXAalt Lakt next to the entire trial, and Beated ing o o to suit times. him was the Evening Press re;iorter. Clerk Watchmaker, Jeweler II or AMERICAN YORK, UTAH Just as the verdict was read Optician ring too at., Peery, Coughlin, for a moment only, ALKX. MU I. WYATT. Brest Malot showed JOHN MWINL, signs of external agitation. It was only momentary, however, for be Precinct Justice. Notary Public immediately ASTONISHING RESULTS crowded down his feelings, and to the reporter, smiled All kinds of Iriiil work Inuucti-with more turning From The complacently than any other inan promptness. Mirnaire procur'd, end EAGLE LIQUOR CURE in the court. anything pertaining to legal wallers. "I would rather have it that than any AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. MOST RUUtiKMSFUL, AMO MOST other way," he remarked to the re- SAFKST, PHBMAKKMT BEMGDY YET DISOOVIBKD. 1 have a chance of porter. parCIaUFF k SCOTT doned by the Governor. Hut I expectCases heretofore hopeless, sow aired sad ed this all the time. I exiiectvd it to Bewueis of life and whenever I gave myself up. If I get a BEAU THE TESTIMONIALhappla s phy- In base meat Commercial Savings llauk llidg. chance I'll never give myself up again, reSet " aow a 45 to the Bagla and I'll get a few more of them, Then Ralapsaa from uthor cures and vletlmsHemedy, lie burst into a fit of voluble cursing. ritOVO CITY, UTAH. of ths terrible liquor should not delay. When the reporter could get a word disease W rite for f ertbar In he remarked: partfaulan or oall at com re have They STEPHEN WOODS. mended you to mercy. EAGLE PHARMACY, Yes, but I am not sorry for what I Ec Cots M So. TOI430RIAL. ARTIST. Md W, Tomplo Sto, done. I wish 1 had got some more of iUU UkoOilf.UUh them. These a of b s are well out Hair culling In any style. Sntbfartlnn guaran of the world." teed. Parlors on Merchant street. The conversation was suddenly cut you DON'T LIMP When short by Deputy Uallantync removing can be the prisoner from court, and subseAMERICAN FOKK. UTAH. We Ukelosta? quently he waa taken to the county of Farls cost of foet to one-eigh- th ast COUGHLIN. Get Some More of Them Sorry He Surrendered Foresees Fsrdon !EN,J. 1IATJSS, AMERICAN lrts t HE 18 GLAD HE KILLED THE MEN HE SHOT. HOBBS. BnYW;Ri0 (Siand s, ... arrrn BLOODTHIRSTY FOKK, UTAH. Lute regtitor U. 8. Lsud Office, . wagon-load- r rnnr Stahl--- , el AMERICAN flfty-dol- the .This gieot Vasatabls ff.lOsK rtp ,,g o of the geuerouvs wniia. auek as Less Mauhood. vous or flm-g.e-s InaiHnida.l'staialntheitark.biMuliial EinlsMiinq Merve IMIIm, PioiplesTVaSuisM tu Marry, Kalisnsllng Iwalna Varlasraia and Ouuatlwlian. Ilatoiwnll luaatsbydsy or night. Prsvsaia to Hpermilnn III dlscamf, wlUcIi llnotchwsed all Uishonwsutiinpofener. lPIDKS K elwiiinsg Usllrsr, ire n kklnrrssnd the srlnarrotTVisal BUlmpuOUre CTPIDESE strengthens uni! mtorfSKinall weak organa ta btreuas ninety per rent niw trootilid wRR Tbs rensua wllnm are nut runs! by Ihs-ioSaSlilu. CD PI DKX k Is tlie ouly known remedy to curs wlilaouk on opefollun. iu A written niinuiiee given and money reiareird If six bnirs doss not SUSbt a pm circular and lesilnwmlsla fiiOs box, six fur fluo, by riuU. Mend tor Addnrss ISA VOS. SlXDtCISfE CSSP. (XCox3C?L8aaFniiokco,CM, JbrAtatatg nut buifgire. Runs Hacks to All Trains. - Utah blllUnl and pool roum in renwcliuii Merchant Sjjikn C-A-R- the Veranda of Surroundings. View From ltah Lake and H5AT35S BIEDUCEM. American Fork. Fine lin 8.-l;- CI6ARS AND Headquarters forrrav-elin- g Men and Tourists 4 w, Beautiful of WINES, LIQUORS t; ajto-plex- kinds P ADAMSON PROP. Finest Sample Rooms Souih ol Salt Lake. m-Salo- on All x single-hande- ttaii. AtUuton, U'ilde X Co., ProjtfA nlte preparations to extend its lint, EAST. WEST, ho. X. S:OS a. W. iso. south through Uixle. p. la. he. Ne. u. in. Mu 7 :la p, mi Ku. Frederick George, Coughlins partp. ui. ner In hudlooiulam, theft and murder D. C, DoUJX, F A. IVADLKian, waa convicted at Ogden, the 2tith, ol Gen. 1sss. Agt Geu, Mgr. murder In the second degree. A. E. Wxi.nv, 8. II. Hahtock, a hold of Utah rally The Populists (joul-lTraffic M'gr. Gen. Supt. at the Salt Lake Theater Sunday "A large account, I suppose," he said. the only I I whlsiered. that 3rd, probeing; the large," "Fairly night, fifty-sidollars now und pone to time the building could he had. The dollars a month regularly. miner, fifty Henry Wilson, a Illngham and manager got up opened the door. fall Into an ore chute and suffered InHe ralh-to the accountant. necess"41 r. Montgomery," he said unkindly juries from a run of ore which loud, this gentleman Is opening an itated tbeamputatiou of an arm. he will deposit 74. Uood mornIn order to facilitate the handling ing." I rose. A big Iron door stood Chiwhich the of paniice shipments open at the side of the room. "liood morning," 1 said, and stepped cago lumire comjiany are shipping from Millard, the Union Pacific will into the safe. "Come out, said the manager coldput In a spur near Black Ilock. ly, and showed me the other way. I LOCL&.U TIAAE bite went up to the accountant's wicket and Juba Starr, suffering from the Time Table in Effect Jum 23, 1824. of a spider, died the 23rd. Some time Hiked the ball of money at him with iiulck, conclusive movement, us If I Subject to Change Without Notiee. slnee his hand was amputated, then awere his arm at the shoulder, hut the poison was doing a conjuring trick. My face ghastly pale. Ills home was had done Its work. BOLTH . , OLTII. "Here," I deposit It." The tons near Bantaquln of the words seemed to mean, "let us No. 1 Isas. STATIONS. No. 2. Pau thing while the fit Is on Lv. Daily. The city marshal of Lehl had a bat- do this painful Ar. Daily. lie took the money and gave It 3:00am 1 :45 p m tle with four tramps the 28th, who us." Ogden. to clerk. made another lie write ine receivarter arrest submitted to only sum on a slip of paper and sign my 3:30 - nr. Silt Lake 4:45 " lv their camp the lv name In the lunik. I no longer knew ing a severe clubbing.wasInfound 4:35 ar a Jot and on their persons what I was doing. The bank awnm be- 8:15 Ltlii Junction 8:30 of new clothing. fore my eyes. "Is It deposited ?" I asked In a hollow, Mra. Henry Dinwooduy of Salt Lake vibrating voice. was driving out with a child of Pa"It In." said the accountant. trolman Talbot, when the horse ran Then I want to draw a check." Into a post, throwing both violently to My Idea was to draw out $4 for presuse. Home one gave me a check a sustained ent child the ground. The; double fracture above the knee, with book through a wicket, and some one else began telling me how to write it other serious Injuries. out. The people In the bank hal the minor a Tom Fowler, Impression that I waa an invalid milMorIn the lionaire. I wrote something on the who has been employed ami thrust It In at the clerk. He gan mines In Hardscrabble, will go check looked at It. of his rest the days thiough What! Are you drawing It all out Fowler was cllmglng a hill again? he asked in surprise. Then 1 he when of a stick fell, giant carrying realised that I hml written flfty-al- x In the jar causing an explosion. stead or six. I had a feeling that It was Kofford and Mickle, the slayers of impossible to explain the thing. All the had atopped writing to look at Sheriff Burns, have been seen several . rlerks me. Iteckleas with misery, I made a Trains south ef Juab run daily excep times of late. In the mountains near plungp. Sunday, Is their supposed rendezvous. It said "Yea. the whole thing." Trama "You withdraw your money from the at 7:00 a leave Salt Lake for Ogden daily they are endeavoring to arrange terms m, 7:30 a m, p tu and 4:50 of surrender, as they do nut want an- liatikr' p Dl. "Every cent of It" other winter lu the mountains. Are you not going to deposit any Trains lesye Ogden for Bait Lake dulv I. II. lingers, a Park City merchant, more?" asked the clerk, astonished. at 3:15 a nt, 0:15 p at, 8:30a m and was attacked with congestive "Never." An idiotic hoe struck me a m. Over fifty ouhees of blood that they might think something had Close connection! made at Ogdcu with was taken from his overcharged veins Insulted ine while I was writing the and that I hail changed my mind. Southern Pacific IrsioL Logan train whan tha patient became conscious eheck a wretched attempt to look like and was taxes home. The prompt ar- aI made man with a fearfully quick temiier. leaves American Fork it 4:03 arrivings a m and 6:40 p in. rival of medical nld clone saved his The clerk prepured Logan to pay the money. Trains for Tooele run daily except life. "How will you have It?" "What?" tu Sunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 Hon. .'Joseph Manley, of Maine, a "How will you have It?" Eureka trains leave American Fork leader and I caught hla meaning and anprominent Republican uh." friend of the lamented James (1. swered. without even trying to think, 8:30 p in arrives at Eureka 11 :30 a m. Twenty-fou- r hours to Denver: 38 Blaine, accompanied by his wife and "In fifties." He gave me a hoars to Omaha ; 48 hours to Kansas city two daughters, visited Utah points bill. "And the six?" he naked, dryly. ami Chicago. last week. Mr. Manley favors San I said. He gave It to me Francisco for the meeting place of the andIn Isixes. Renumber the Union Pacific is th liesl out. rushed As the doors big next national Republican convention, swung behind me I msht the Iim fqt M mm MmIm mD Arison . ffb rmn of 1! to m othv itstoo than that It a roar of that went up to the fore buying your tickets get our figpres. would compel the eastern delicate to celling of laughter For further iniormstlon ns te nit, the bank. Hlnce then I hank travel across the continent and see no more. I keep my money In cash In rnspe, etc. call on or write, more of their country, my trousers pocket and my savings In D. J. 11. IIayoex E. Borlet, silver dollars In a sock. Jim Thompson, a sheephcrderwlth Gen'l Agt. American Filk. Agt. his summer's wages in his pocket, ar- THE ARMENIAN'S TAX BURDEN. Tasa. Dept . Salt Lake. where he Lake 20th, the rived lu Salt City Ticket Ofllcb 301 S. Main st. An investigation Into the causes of proceeded to get drunk and was run E. L. Lomax, O. P. ft l A. In a the Armenian dlseatlsfactton with TurIn. Later, some warlike Utes, E. Gent Agt. kish were rule has been made by a ltuss lan blissful state of Intoxication, CoL LaxarefT, and. In a pam- S. II . II. Clahk, brought In and (placed In the same vtneer, : 1 on the subject, he given some Omvkr W. Mihk, corral. When Thompson awoke the phlet fsete to the varied and orig- K. Ellery Anderson, Receivers,! native Americans were executing i inal" relative system of taxation Imiwsed on John M. Doane, war dance over his prostrate form. Armenia. j Here are a few of the aswere after Frederick H.Coddkht. sessments; Thompson thought they corri1. the around An him." and dashed exemption tax paid for relief dors yelling like a Uuuimanrhe with from military service, amounting to 81.50 about a per year. This Is Imposed the reds In hot pursuit and echoing every member of the family, and suitable refrain. The Jailor Interfered on neither rhlldren nor or crippled and put them In separate cells much persons are exempt. old If a head of a to the sheepherder's relief, who bad large family la unable to pay the tax, mere adventure than he slanted out ha la punished by arrest and flogging, his household goods or cow must fer, hut the Utes were much agrlcved and World Sgebiq Libe of to satisfy the tax collector. to think their fun had lieen Interfered be8.sold A tax on the land and crops with. from 81 to 88 per acre, according to The Only Line Running Two the quality of the land, and Petty A Herkelraths employment of the value of the harvest. Lnkc & An orchard tax. agency. 65 K. Third Houth, Kail Through East Trains Daily to Every one havCity, Utah (tel. 484) a thoroughly ing an orchard pays about 822 annual- LKADVILLK, agency where all kinds of help ly. my, turbid, 4. Hay tax; about 83 for every eight and situations can he obtained. HoCOLORADO SPRIX08. tel, mining and house help a specialty. k For each cottage, a tax of 81.50. Enclose stamp for reply when writing. AND VSNYIR 8. For a stable, from 81 to 83, according to sixe and cost. ' T. A marriage tax of 60 cents on XT FINANCIAL CAREER. Effective April 28, 1891. the bridegroom. Tram No. 2 leaves American Forx at I. A sheep tax, about 20 cents for Hers Is the cleverest short story each. 94)3 a in, arrtvo at Pueblo at G :10 a. m, It was original8. A tax on every male over 14 for Colorado printed In many a day. Storings 7 :51a m, Denver 10:80 Uookkei-per,- ' and The in the maintenance of roads, fortresses a tit, ly published Cnppio Creek 11:50 a in. Is written by E. A. Nash, whose name and barracks. Train No. 4 leaves American Fork Is new to story readers. Besides these there are numberless When I go Into a bank I get rattled, taxes on almost every conceivable oc- (atops on signal) ai 8415 p m arrive at rattle tobacco-raisinThe clerks rattle me; the wickets Pueblo 5:37 p m, Colorado Springs 6:53 cupation etc. There Is a tax on each tree me; the sight of the money rattles me; Denver 9 :25 p m. moment I me. The rattles In one'a lot. Besides these p nt, everything Connections ntadi: at Pueblo, Colorado cross tha threshold of a Usnk 1 am a standing there are excise taxes on liquor and to transact other articles of consumption. The Springs and Den yer with all lines east. hesitating Jay. If I attempt business there I become an IrresponsiKurds are free from nearly all of these Elegant (lay coaches, chair cars, and d ble Idiot 1 knew thte beforehand, tut taxes, paying for only of Pullman Sleepers on all trams. Taks ISO a month, their sheep and being allowed to make my najjary had been rained waa the only their own returns to the assessors. the D. ft It. O and hare a contfortabls and I felt that the bank in end These facts." says a Russian paper. trip and enjoy the limit scenery on ths place for It Bo I shambled clerks. I In comment, fully explain the decrease continent. looked timidly around at the had an Idea that a person about to in the Armenlnn population and ArTrain leaving Foik at 9.4)3 open an account must needs consult the menian emigration. With such a sys a in arrives at Cripple Creek next morn I went up to a wicket tern, manifestly designed to ruin and manager. marked "Arv 'ntant." The accountant starve out the Armenians, Turkey ng at 9:50. was a tall. rot., devil. The very sight hardly requires, In order to attain her 8.K. IIonpBg, of him rattled me. My voice was sepul- object recourse to such additional A.- S. Hiousa, methods as the late wholesale mas ha Traffic mgr., chral. G. P. T A. Can I see the manager," I said, and crea" Translated and Condensed for Denver, Colo, Denver, Oolo added, solemnly, "alone?" I don't know the Literary Digest. B.- F.NXVIRU. II, M. Ci, why I said, "alone." mao, Gen Agt., Every woman has a mission on earth Certainly," said the accountant, and Tiav. IW Agt. to is evsrvono! There do" for "something In fetched him. The manager was a grave, A household Luxe Salt city. Ctsh. to put order, a child to dollars calm man. I held my fifty-si- s to. some degraded or homelraa clutched In a crumpled ball In my attend soul Is poor befriend. to That humanity well-know- GRANT REGISTER. ia' - Cowb are now milked by machine Teg,."1 h. |