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Show 3 VOTE FOR AMERICAN FORK ITEM. L MUTOH SCOTT. Entered a! the lj rjr ti f" trtnimilnion tkrHf;h lieind ehm mitrr. at imii.'i '.If. ' Fear in Ailhince. St ifant hi Thru t Out 's -- 75 5n . hit Duw.h every man who r;xt , vote a k.iitt Stati-houl- CR. Additional Locals. J. H. MCLEAN'S Ammunition VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT endav-oritt- g many arc Republicans, are ilef'-al Statehood in the to worst kind of a way. The father the out r.ge is a Mum: rat, hut IS THE GREATEST it sieins that a few Repuhlican OFand taken have xlrcnie-t- s hold, It la a thoroughly reliable remedy tur the of Utah has been sent .i ti ITCH, CUTS, the a circular minrfpri.-ieiilii- ig Latent stylos nf fall hats just in rams, urns, SCALDS, SPRAINS, of eti'Mices of Statehood. at Mrs. Driggs. Ladies call and LUMBAGO. BRUISES, BLOTCHES. WOUNDS, aid circular makes it appear that sec hem. They rre boil tie. NEURALGIA. OLD SORES, CHAFED SKIN, SCRLD HEAD, .Munethiny over 8Ut,00U sill have When the urine a'luas sign ut d',r RHEUMATISM. to he paid by the stale, now met by i h .runt x nr Siiinid l! ' A1m fur lha varioua diavaaea of Hona-- and the government. cnli. i !,,r 'jhe fact of it is. ii a it i t d ira cnli.r, Cattle. friueSe, Stic aml$l.Uuier but lie. e Slid lint pinwed IH ry I'tfl tlie circular has not added the TUE DR.J. 0. VrlEAX XEU1C1XE CO. It ili'iiostes tpilllde III tin- kldii,,4 many iinancial benefits that wc Iii.es-.eiST. LOl'lS. MO d are in iirgms will enjoy when we become a liriiee le iiiiini Ihiii-ut prulllpt lllHS' state. It will he seen that from iiii tn al.ip lit trouble, I Sr J H Special Notice. !,! r Mti'l Kidney Millll rxeu'iM the following, taken from the Salt a over v On Tuesday, Oct. 22, ISUo. a and i.iininlaiing Lake Tribune, that under stale-hoo- d Iiu kidney Mud uiimirv orgaiis and watch, silver car.e No. 4.lJJtl,"Sl, to ami tlie movement Xu. 5HIT120 will be much sill r e mi early our burden coudui'iiia. Price (1 .INI per hollle was taken from my1 vest while lessened, instead of increased: at Steele A I'oa. was at work near where hanging t .iii.1l.lr. lx II (I I American Fork. State Street, mi creamerv Tito American Fork (it ivr limy tur 00 ivm ... ( 17,tXXI is in watch believed ia that the It Messrs. of lie IiinUmititl has changed managements. reAnv this community. (whirl, inet. Lcgialatiiru Ilynds and Cowman having turnedO. in two .... and mice watch 10,000 the and only year.) returning covering it over to Johnny Durrant to me wili receive a reward of So. A. Meixner. Total 3r,(xto Xkfiii Klsmokk One half expenses of aauia fur American Fork, Utah. t ic Bitterx. Elect one ! I l Wti till f her aim ran in attain Tban euaBt over buiuaa iislut ju-- - It seems that parties of which rn i .f",nteoi, Aw k , jmrt.-fler- !, unconstitutional-- it is a gwl oii' t the same - Brigham Bugler.; Tin- D'Muocrats of flpani-l- i fork held tlieir ciiy caueus Th .rs lay, evening. anI a hot time was had. Up to the time our in form ant left' the lurctiLg, the followius; noiniiia-.- f ..r inav..'. has been iiiud. ' VS. Marshal. John llenj. Argyle; Moon: recorder John Moore; urer, Hubbard Tuttle. j THE CONSUTUHON. CURE j PAIN. cure: of -e I ir 'tatflnufl ami rciffu people. oi k mn l sji t :i t.-.- Tit'.-t- : ' ,ttiin-- l .! i over your ;ng your ballots I'Hik ! I li'.iidllMil . 'irkea ain-t- s : ti'.'-i-- t a fr ('liipman and ,e tinState ticket. t.n Veil: f r reprise l.n h : JaillCS II. Kill good men. Take your fliniec. that can't stand it a good business to get out of. no" on your Kuask the word election tickets, and therefore vote for the Constitution. SMSMMMMMBBiM IIkiikk A. Hakiunhton is popular with nil classes. He will make an ellicit-iicity recorder. t Hkwakk of the campaign ei tremiat, and don't allow him to hoo-do- n you. .r 1 uig.-rn'- nor-m- 1 year. and Stale lion-- i nor btlh-rra- ( ' Kleelric Bitters is a msdicine suited fur eny season, hut prHtp wora lanally needed in the Spring, wlmn the whan exhausted picvails, feeling guid the liver ia torpid and sluggirh and the A prompt use of i ml id a tonic ia tell. i!.i niri.iciii" has often averted long ind ineill- perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No -' in eoiintersfitmore rim will act surely ing and freeing the lystetu from tins niA indigestion, larial poison. Ilesdsclie, Constipptian, Dizziness yield to Khclric (Sitters. Only tlifiy cent a bottle t Steele & Co.'e 0,51X1 salary Incidental espenaea of theta departments Twelve JO. (XX) Judge! trav.-liu- g rxjien-e- .t'i.SXt s ot same Support of the penitentiary. . Salary of County Clerks in t tin Terri o v (estimate I). . a Cnilec'urs and Salary of A.OOfi liSO'XI 3i,HX) i i iff.... Total ' 40,000 (308,000 aiviiifcs tn the credit of the in case of Siati-lio.iarc us E'iiuaied Sand! Sand! ful--w- Jlirvloits Sli-ri- ff, layings teea of Iliitrict etc., which are put iutn the treasury.... Saving frmii Hhidilinn of the Judge of I ut .to by way of salary nl Tax Cnliertw and Sheriff turned into treasury . S.000,000 acrea nf land given the (State at (I an acre, at 3 Ki-e- per cent interest Total (40,000 Any ordinary css may onn night hv applying Chamberlain's Iain Balm aa ilirectrd 40,tX0 with acli bottle This medicine i alsr famous for it cures of rliruiAfisiu, lame seated ami muscular 40,000 bark and deep pains. For sale by Steele A On. Sore Throat lie rurcil 40,000 10U.O00 slick-tongue- I rs . L III 1 severe sold '!rrt ttmt A siope.l Into la- - Rkoa- niu.l.r, Ai'-- r ipend-tn- Pm iai. u.ib kishI s'i'ii t-- illfl.-r-ii- r t a Uf niou-r-y nri reus-U- t i 1 rrij-i-ic.- ut-l- jl 1 Rt-v- ! .t- Moods 'parilla II - nii-sii- s nflll-tt-- luemri-Hi-v-u- y a(0 Sure to Gut We are hifuriued by ltev. smith, ohe of the judges of election, that) Hoods there will be two ballot boxes, one ' i. nnd for the municipal and and countv, Hoods Pills iur n tind one for state and the constituMrs W B Meek, who re.! tion. . ii-- s 1 iliuususss. at Camp-tonvill- e, C'al., lays her daughter was for several yssrs troubled at times with severe tgony that it was necessary to Raving read call in a physician. AMERICAN FORK abont Chamberlain's (Jnlic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy she concluded to try gave it, Bhe found that it aUay Night Sessions, Only; prompt relief. It we? eeldem neefseary bss rot to give the second dose. COHHItTLlU Of TCD1F.8, only saved us lets of worry and time, she says. Imt alio doctor hills. It is Book Keeping. A'g bra. in? ouinmn that every family should Cniniiierii-a- l Lo.C-iiin- i Aril Line rei have a bottle of this reinely tu the tie, fiinrn ir, au I lmnae, Sp i.'.-;For axle !y Steele Co. Pennianebip. Katks or Ti:ni Pataiii.k in Ao- For Men's Furnishing Goods go VANCX: Go get their to Dunkley's. - (4.0U (limr-- e Per Mouth, will you. surprise They 3 50 prices. ('ininuin ('nurse We do just what we advertise, From 7:00 tn 9.50 p ill. which is the essential point in busi- Business College Trial buttle? tree Regular . THORNTON, THORNTON, Cos., Drug Store. and (1.00, ness. t IusttiieTois ( Basement Giant Hmcl, IT AGOODTHING-HE- LP The following gentlemen iro HUtlnrZ.--- l scription tor stock in the for three tsmil-ieaWill rent very Houses in t sub x'Oir.it AND A'JRICUIjTUKAL SOCIETY And Collect 20 Per Cent of Same. I. Boyer, Win. Drury, Johns F. L'lwis, Dunkley's beautiful fall and R E Driggs, Mrs. at winter hats the milliner. Go see those oampneas, Exp'Miir to niiigii extreme cold, etc., ia pt to lirine on an attack ot ri.eU!ii,iliiii or nciiralpia; lips chapped liaiid and taco. and violent itching of the skin also awe tlieir origin tu cold wether, Dr J II McLean' Volcanic Oil Liniment ihnulil l.o kept on hand at all time for immediate application whan troublea of this 35, appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 50c and (100 per bottle at Steele's. rr-c- W-- Ti--ii- Ev-tns- ivieet s TEIE VETERAN , BLACKSMITH! Ura; j Ore,: -- ay: "Cliain-lirrUln- GRANTS SECOND HAND BICYCLES. I Music Emporium Pianos Organs nd Sewing Machines. Pianos from $100 up $7.50 up. Sewing Machines from MACHINE ME kDEAIi SEWING practical machine for mothera and Tlio Greatest Wonder of the Age. -- A Oar ct tax-paye- , Is-- Shoes arriving t 330.00(1 Mi . tin-ski- ei-d UTAH COUNTY FRUil1 n:v. I s I tn"ic li.g W W. II. Kelsey, Springviib-- : .1 mi-- r Miller, Amtri-hi I Ali!iy. the llw. it., Spanish Fork, Birry Wrote, Piysn; Si luk! m ANDREW BENNETT Lake Shore; Evan Wride. M. Jorgensen A. 11 illad iy, . II. Kuo I cheap. Apply to A. A Green, Pieai-Tb im-.G JuhnOillis, Proyi; II. R, S'nrrett, J W. Gir lj-rI. hi. A S'lelb-y- , Amcr-.eiFirs; lers-- l I In ven h S oiu,' f ir :h? tarm ts and in r.iet Tor ThU is grs : t) ijtv W svll mors of ('Innilierp: Ore., sav v !Mlli CHll IIU oil unf! of I lid ttew ell ammiailf ftt IIVHry CitiJll in tliet!MUMry tme't tstj lla returned again and ia prepared to do ! : gone. together and it always gives satifcion eilSamitti-- and anc'erilr Mini aeo.ura aura i nf tlie s'ovKvlM.-fort- n- - it is all Kinds nf Blackaniithing in u Call on Our Ry Lnws fur pncking and shipping Inatruetirfg I believe Mr J P Allen Fox a first claas mauner. rhnnitierlsin's Coutfli Reined v to be (lie sliore coinmrttee or ancretsrr of the society sn-- g- -r ou t'r-- n; they are worth His simp will lie fonnd at the Old Stand, best I ever hiindivd." Mr W (I Hitch fdollnrs to you. 's Adjoining the Presbyterian Chapel cock, (hiluinhus, Waah., s well and AmKricah Fork (kuigli Remedy UTAH ; is liigli'y praiaed by all who use it." Rest Foil Ort-e- This ktatemeut shows a net sav-i- i) tiu nvcuuut ut BtaSpliwl of Then how in the name $o2,0(IO. of good wisdom can a goo I cit i.on Johh C. Gkaiiam is a man who vote against Statehood. (till he pen !((! iii the.ti.rst legislaAn exchange tu a just criticism ture. Any Republican or DemoSome people are so anxious says: crat who would seratrh his name to avoid paying home merchants a for personal feeling, should haug legitimate margin that they readily believe any fairy tale told them by his head in shame. d traveling frauds, who are entire strangers to them. Tur people cannot afford to de out of a hundred of. Ninety-nin- e feat lion. James A. Miner for Su these soft snaps offered by those lie is the people's fellows are sw indles. The pretne Judge, plan is is said that he wil to patronize reliable merchants. uhoicc, and it run ahead of his ticket fully 100 They help pay a large share of the in Weber county, the Judge's taxes, help support the churches, schools, etc., and are citizens home, where the people of all paramong us. They nre responsible ties love and respect him. fur the good they sell and can he seen any time should anything be Thomas Stkki.i has carefully wrong or not as represented. They and systematically taken care o buy and sell at a fair price and our city's finances the past year, should have the support of the and the people, irrespective of party people. him by a goo It does not hart a newspaper to belief, will have enemies. It is impossible fur is He locatet centrally majority. and the and others hay au editor to do his duty and keep on good terms witli everybody. If ing business with the Treasurer all people like him he is not worth can always find him at his place o: killing. It is better that people business when wanted. should fear him. The more news the editor prints and the more On the bottom of the election fearless and truthful his editorials, ticket will lie the words "For the the more lie will Is: abused, but Jus the more his psper will flourish Constitution, 'Yes,' No. erase the "No" before placing it in Bugler. the ballot box. Unless one or the Wednesday, Charles Conley of other is erased your yote on tlv this city, brought to the Bugler Constitution will lie thrown out bv ollice a small limb tweuty inches in length. Depending from it the judges of election. were eighteen handsome big red Spitzenburg apples. For the past None Bnt Ayer's at the World tit't ecu years this tree has not borne Fair. more than two dozen apples a Ayrr'f Sarsaparilla cnjiiya the extra but this year it will yield its season, lien of having the ordinary only Moo. purifier si lowed on rxh'lnt at owner thirty bushels. Mr. Conley the WorlJs far. Chicago, Msnulsct thoroughly spraved his orchard ures ot other iarpnnlUs soncht hr this year, which fact he gives full every mesne to obtain a iknaring of credit for accomplishing these thetr goods, but they were sll turned results. The gentleman way under the application of a rule Tor a Mugler reporter also presented bidding the entry ot patent niedirmea end nostrum. The decision ol the with a branch loaded down with World's lair authorities in fayor of winter pearmains, not one of which Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as xvlheen touched hr worm--"al- l as follows: Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not due to soraying" he remarked. Mr. patent medicine. It dure not belong has raised 200 bushels of to the list of nostrum. It is here on Conley apples this season, lie strongly it merits." advises the people to continue Jackson just received a fresh supspraying he remarked. Mr. Conply ot choice candies. ley lias raised 200 bushels of apples Blankets! Blankets!. Don't buy this season. He strongly advises until von sec those at Dunkley's. the people to continue spruving. intie for the price. whether or not the law is declared They arc - . in hirvi-- n snl.trlcg all v :ii; r, 1 tivuame so U. P. l tli it I hud to DsndriiiT wheu the uhiu.U of wain, with t'.e aid o! , 1, mi l if I ii his wsuki-ni-il. kind i ! lAliiin - tidlow. !U:l II 1. I was I'ufit llrm si i - i,. i..t i. c:i:n . irev,.Hc d i;pn to buy bullies of HixkI's lft JjEkJhIi . .1. A L. Smith and wife sarsajiaii'la. I tooRtte in TQ made a trip to Provo. Tuesday to! s' flkV? it ha tub I'v AiLiSs liiv,ll,'h,e HI,duictobeslth attend the funeral of Mr. Mnrwick! ilr. A. V. CiM.lrjr. Ij au-- l I think it Saved tiiaiid, N. 1. Luliv. 11 who may J I.ifs. 1 will cheerfully Mwerii A orstato wk cli w ih 'iny :' about my Sliuilbi lint lP HliV UUi' l A. W. im in.Liiffiird, North Dakota. nieut. Ilian :i inil i and 1 tlie lisiter. Take Ayer'a f'lii-iral, I' i prompt In act an. I iir'- a mulls." At Sll at Jiickou's. J. L. Duukleyis putting in a few days up at Lelii Junction for the dai y j. m Svl'so! Lxte t iJua-,l- r iiv i.-- . a rm in, ol Dim'iniMto, Mich, we are : 1 baye permitted to nuke thi- - exirm-.tDr no besitutiuii in reconine-ndiiia tint King'H Nrw m the cane of my were alni"l inarvi-loiiWlf,.. While I was pnutor of tin- - Baptmt aim was Chuirh at ltivea Jum-riueuc witli down Itieiimuni brought ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would 1hi In lira with little a il she inlerrupliiui and it rmibl n.it surrivo them A Irieml rcc- New I)ipivvrv ; J. M. l)r. King it wo-- , ijuick in Ua work and iiighiy aat WM. laf.u-tor- the practical abolition uftlie iirtid jury ayalcin and the in ' t .in hi ut the uuinlier of jlirnts fralll 13 III X, and 6 to For the iiixl ti ll dayi Jackson shoes at cost. Will Sell lts. 'Frutii Good sand for building purposes can In; had at my hods, in Alpine, at Steel or delivered, cheap. size 5' c. Apply to T. H. Whitby My 1 On: uum cipal affairs are different from that of State nnd Nation il. Fleet them as non pnr--Vm, nnW Vm rare- wy - rs Kami on the water questiou.- tln-M- - I Htatkmooii will lessen your taxes Can we of a mill on Hie dollar. 4, ratjinaii-afford i lose (hr opportunity o s lying from tlcclai; ir ourselves a free people. Orica, ud-.- , oi-- Votr for Hill Chadwick nnd you stir up Hie reaervoi" ay turn, lie is a nun that will nr Nkm Tuesday is election day Don't a!' w politics to severe ynur frit l i;. for ll'.at is the dearest ties mail I ijid is linked together with. - inllu-nc- Shi with what he says. 1 V I rote In in i.il-- 11111, 1 A iii MNi. ; a Hoods Is Wonderful at Steele's. BARGAIN NO. -A pneumatic tire Victor; original Dun this price (150; uur price (30. price strike you t BARGAIN NO. 3- -A No. ;l Cleveland, in geod shape, original price (150. Our price (3.7. Is this cheap enough t BARGAIN NO. 3- -A No. 7 Cleveland, iii splendid ikipe; Ouginal list (100, Our price (10. A genuine snap. BARGAIN NO 4- -A (05. BARGAIN NO. A No. 5 Crescent, almost new; (30 eiish. A snap, sure enough, BARGAIN NO. 7- -A lady' Sterling med but littli. Price 30. BARGAIN NO. 8- -A We Model 30 Columbia. nip. BABGAIN NO. No Original This n k Lat Agents for the Celebrated Wheeler & Wilson MTg Co. from 925 to (50 each, to Cash these offer Justly Celebrated Machines these Prices are for Spot Cash no discounts Buyers. or Credit allowed. We are sure it will pay you to deal with ua. JtilliMii tm Misses Have and LettChipman Syd opened up a New Millinery Establishment jy C!II1MN & BENNETT, AffFnti Amsrlcw Fork. QR. J. - American Utah D. LOUIS. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN WISHES- To announce to the public that they have received a large assortment of Shells IS8P5? wa CASKT THE Celebrated Gilt'Edge Orange Lighting Powder. Harrington Dtrnat American JUST ARRIVED K. K PRACTICAL HORSE-SHOEAND BLACKSMITH' Ilivisjnt Grove and (& It Harrington Slroot. American Fork, DRIGGS. T - Ftrk, JAMES NEWTON WHY' a Fresh New Line of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY at Sait Lake Cycle Co. MRS. St, SaR j.lk(i Harrington Street SUN-DRIE- S, 3 2VJ 331 Mata WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. Next Dixirto the Postoffice, where they have a nice and Fashionable Stock of Millinery, all PATENT MEDICINES, Styles and Prices. Etc. TRIMMINGS FOR HATS IN CREATIVARIETY, Finest Line of Dyes ia Town. AMERICAN FORK Have s new line of Diets Trimmings. Bicycle Supplies. 9- -A Cre went . Orieintl nrice (10. Our price (17.70. Very Mail order aolirited. Bluckeniitliing in all ita Branches, and Repairing neatly done. children. ONLY 87.60 here. OFFICE: E. Stott Strut, Peering No. 1 Low Arm $18. Our Peerless No. 2 High Arm American Fork, Utah . The Saint $22. Our Peering No. 4 High Arm $25. Best or Latest Art and that Honey Elmo, can Protlnce, ONLY $25. We Have tliii Machine in Stuck. Call and See it. Igi 6-- (130; our price (35. "Blacksmith Steele & Co., 1- Model K Sterling. Used very little. Original price (135. Onr price (70 BARGAIN NO. 3- -A Model 4:) Columbia 18H.7, used ihnia month and trt'le.l in on a Clfre-ind- . Original p.ice (100; our nrice REEER 1IOGOARD, MILLINER. Old Shipley rises, American Fork. itah . GAY LOMBARD . . .ATTORNEY McCoaam Bloci, - Salt Laxi Cut |