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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. SO., VOL.III, AMEKICAX FOltK, UTAH, SATURDAY, NOYUMIIEKS, 1895. CHUltClI SERVICES. hUltk-l- O L a. Dliktk-II:- M. BURNED PUESUY TKRIAN in (ihbatb ScIiimi tl . 8 4ft u iu 4 T SU p. hi 8. 4 Hoads 7:UI i m.. MuJ id.y T:OU . iu T WITH ENGLAND. ortured to Death on the Square. . When the CHANDLER. Hub-l- ie down on the spot. He scored tlie EVER. shot OUTPUT OF 60LD. lieople of tJday as lacking the spirit WORLD'S which the early settlers displayed In dealing with offenders of the law. After detailing hls plun the reverend genReservation Will tleman 'reston Predicts an Increase closed with the remark; "That's OFF THAN FARTHER THE SOONER THE BETTER, SAYS I'raier I'nulmiiiK I'. Y. I. UI WAR AT THE STAKE. 1.25 PER YEAR PIUCE, the kind of be Opened. a aalnt I am. of Twenty Millions. The Senator Says Russia and the Purault of a Negro. Friday l:uup. ui United States Muit Restrain the Carrollton, Mol, Oct. 24. Word came J. A. LlVINUSTUJi bMlTlI, Ia.tnr. A Portion of tho Proclamation Pa- here Victim Was Slowly Boasted for Fifty Avarice of Great Britain. this afternoon that a woman liv- Director of the Mint Estimates tha Bloody to the Land Office, ing ten miles south Of here had been SAINTS. Minute and Begged for Mercy as Worlds Production This Year at pers Returned L Sabbalb-in-.a. n Sunday Rrkuol Where They Will Remain Indefi- assaulted by a negro. A later report Sheets Him the Two Fire of Hundred Millions Colorado Enveloped :IU . m tfvneral hniin I hut an armed negro appeared Concord. N. II., Oct. 29. Over hls own Tha Long Postponement slated 7:30 p. in Ueaaral Rmil Had Outraged, Hurdared and Will be Increased Three nitely woman the at house made Output I and the her Our and the under V. II. KHHIMW4X. Ul.lioft caption signature, In- escaiw. in tha Necessitates MUllons-Mex- lco Change and a Mutilated a Farmers Wife and Coming Will Half PredicA War with England A Immediately started out and Make a Better Showing. Made a Full Confeeelon Hia Pun- tion, Senator Chandler gave out the structions to the Local Land Office. the iKiese latest news from the scene says CLOSING MAILS. ishment Indorsed by Representathe negro la surrounded In a cornfield following statement last night: and hls capture is assured. War between the Inlted States and tive Negroes. Washington, IX c., Oct. 28, 1895. New York, Oct. 34 A special to a (JOIKU KOHT1I. The negroes of this city are up In England Is Inevitable. It will arise IS:0U m. The Uncompaligri! opening proclama- arms and will resist any local paper from Washington says that R. Q. W at attempt our ' on account of British disregard of U. V. iik R. K. Preston, Director of the Mint, In tion, with Its accompanying Instruc-tlon- a mob vlolunce. 4:15 H. U. W ni. Tyler, Tex.. Oct. S9. Mrs. Leonard direct Interests. It will also be forced the Land Receiver and lti'gis-te- r to hls report on the worlds discussing a nlneteen-year-olof wife Dell, the Heed of a Dry Dock. GOING SOl'TII AND EAST. by Uritlsh encroachments uion other at Bolt Lake City, and other papers production of gold and silver In 1894, 28. now her nations all over the world. It will be 8:55 u. m farmer, who had been vinltlng Oct. U. P. It Washington, apiieare la the matter have been taken from that even the Texan, a makes the following statements: 8:43 l m H. Ii, W s atarteti to walk to her home, fought by us. having Russia as an the pigeon-hol- e In the Interior departI am mtlslled that the gold product 3:IU p. w mother, ILG. W cannot at docked New le on On battleship, a mile butt An war half offensive a distant, evening. Eurojiean ally. OUR STAR ROUTE FOR ALPINE. to which they were consigned York without awaiting for a big tide. of the world will not be less than ment. within our not men it she pained a gin where happen iart may the calendar year 1886, which Mondavi, Wednesday, and Saturday. I:llp u, the way Office This has caused some sixvulallun will befor It when Commissioner of the an Increase 320,000,000 over Stain afterward her mu- twenty years: as a defensive war Amvea l:UUp. m. were working. his art of the among naval officers as to what will 1894. Of this Increase of Lsmoreux come sooner and should be welcompleted United Staten may the found a quarter f a comed. A sure result would be the case several months tilated waa body If occur a ahlp met with an accident will contribute not lem than 37.5UO.OUO, ago. The papers, OFFICE HOURS. from home at the aide of the .aad. mile sea came at In sinkof Into port a and Colorado will furnish from 1 1500,000 to did not go toward the Secrecapture and permanent acquisition Tha Ge aural Uullri'iy, Klamii and however, was of a There condition. terrible strug- Canada by the United States. Engevidence 34.000.- 000; and 3X000,000. Window, open a' 8:01 a. ui. ana sIumm lb:JU California, tary a office. I art of them have hen ing B, gle, the body being almont nude. The land proposes to seise from the United Arisons, New Mexico, Idaho and Monto the Chosen. Another land returned deoffice, Queen where 1s On Sunday, the General Delivery and Stamp She a Alaska. of tana will make handsome (bowings. portion her States are to be made in tliem. St. lvtersburg, Oct. 28. Accunllng to In Window, am open f ruin 8:UI a. ta till HI:UI a. m fiend, after assaulting her, cut lndeendent governments In Colorado, the principal increase will m. thrust from car to ear, and completely stroying and fruia 4;UU till to the Novoe fnnn Seoul treats dispatch She The of all come actuirts written the from the Cripple Creek district. glolie. letter, following 6:wg OT1IY McCARTY, by dlnembowelled her. American sentiment and remonstrance ing Secretary of the Interior Hints In Vremya, the King of Korea hus chosen This district altogether will produce Po.tma.trr. assumed another the Cotton tlm absence Queen and has 315.000.- 000 this year. ith insolence and defiance. Superintendent Edwin of the .Secretary Hinith, waa It required some of EuiMnir. It Is also stated that time to convince licit railway sent a special train to For the vindication f ..tltfiMAWW' that this by jnlsslouer Lanutreux title capitalists Is an sent as heir the ACDREW answi-apparent being waa a wonderfully rich district. The to one which he had miles doctrine in the Western hemisphere today. In the Hunk penitentiary, forty-fiv- e to America and with envoy England, of these independthe protection previously sent: shipments of rich ore made in the lost COUNTY SURVEYOR, distant, for hluodhuunda Farmers be- and ent governments tn the Eastern hemTo the Commissioner of the General the object of getting him out of the year have removed all doubt about the V- - S. Deputy Mineral Hurcryur gan a search immediately, and have isphere here and the Islands of the Land Ofllee: Sir: 1 am In to nnd the the way country or preimrlng Creek country. future of the receipt for a prince who stands in Ijeedvllle will Cripple been joined by a large ponae from this ocean, It your office teller "O- of tlie Sth InsL, also show an Increaee necessary that the United AN Dthe return of the draft of cir- higher favor. requesting thia year In the output of gold. Some States should prefiare for war with Ity. to tlie and cular of Instructions aildrewu-of the mines In this region are very NOTAllY PUBLIC. The negro who so brutally murdeml England. It had better come now now. Halt Receiver end at Uke Register City, Shares. Fall in Mining over than twenty years from productive. In the Leadvllls region - Mrs. in reference to waa captured thia morning tie UImIi American Fork, We ought to define our position and I'tuli,of the llnconipahgre London, Oct. 28. The situation In the there are found gold, silver, copper., tiullan reuurva-lloabout 4 o'clock, three mllea from Kil- say lead much Is and iron. There to a general re- anxithat If not assented to we shall transmitted hero June , 1M&, said mining market causing gore. Soon after the ufllcern had hlin fight to maintain it. drurt being desired for the purpose of ety. There waa a further sharp fall to- vlval of gold mining throughout thto handcuffed, a, inob of some 200 men, In the most of the prominent region. California mines are certain It shsll take some time to prepare amending same receiving my aparrived on the scene for an offensive war, but a defensive proval. In compliance with your request, day heavily arrnc-dshures, and several firms are known to to show an Increased output from thto . enMid of herewith is iiislrucihin surrender demanded draft and Immediate the The eetablhihment of war can come none too soon. Let Eng, NOTARY lHlBLU'K lie in trouble. It Is considered doubtful time forward. of the prisoner, which waa relectantly land liegln. Russia will be our sure closed. Very respect fully, y If assistance to tide over will the Debris Commission In California WILLIAM SIMS. II. scene monThe started mob the for has Is given. a She l obtalnaMe In view of today'a dethe great absolute Perrons desiring Le j Deede, Mnrlgefie given great impulse to hydraulic Acting Becrelary. of the murder, where they arrived this ally. and the United States the great In iirlces. The mining market mining, which to exceedingly profitable. crease archy assistance will j hikI Probate liu.i-d- afternoun The changes which Commissioner closed with a more cheerful tone and at 3 oclock. The crowd conof the world. The former "Where there ta placer mining; partwell to call on me.! iicaxe attended lu. tinued to gather at the scene of the republic desires to make are made with better In Montana and Idaho, the needs and Is entitled to a seaport In Lamureux icularly prices. 2iKM) the of necessary horrible crime until nearly cltlsens a region of which England persistently by long poatiMinement product of gold will not be so great the which he had of Tyk-- and vicinity were there. more Accounts CollecttMl. Goods oiienlng proclamation, as It would have been had there been her, but she wants no would be Issued by this time, MANY BURNED AT 1 HE STAKE. heavy snows In the mountains There A few moments before the fiend was deprives The United States wants expected sold on Coiumissiou or by Inand for he which to the place, a meeting waa territory. had hls to a shortage of water In those States arranged foothold brought a and the Sandwich Islands Auction. held and a committee appointed to In- In the West Indies. Together, they structions In regard to dates, etc., acwhich serves to the miners. - Americas! Fork vestigate his identity. Witnesses were nan defy the world. They must and cordingly,- He will keep the paiiera Women Outraged and Mutilated, The returns from handicap Merchants St., mining there quarts 4n own hls hand until he has had summoned and closely questioned. The will restrain the brutality nnd bloody Church Desecrated and Villages are very satisfactory. Home heavy result wan a thorough Identification. nf ore are being made from avarice of Great Britain. Let thia he consultation with Secretary Smith aa I011N 0 COLTKIN, In a few minutes an officer appeared understood at once and let England to the probable date of Issuance and Pillaged Turkish Government De- shipments Helena. Everywhere I went In the from over the hill, fullowed by 300 de- strike the first blow if she chooses. A opening, when the changes will be clares the Armenians Responsible. mining regions of the West, I saw evid termined and Uahufactukeii of men. When million of men and muskets will over- made. dences of great activity and prosperitWhen the changes are made tho comnear the scene the ufllcern were yrun Canada and England's commercial missioner Coll rins Electric Liniupnlu. does not know when the and disarmed, and the negro, ahlpa will be swept Not alone In the United Btatee ta 28. Another terfrom the ocean. Oct Constantinople, Cures KrystM Ins, swelleii join!, nf tlit Henry Hilliard, brought before the Let England begin. We ought to be- proclamation will go to the President, rible massacre of Armenians Is report- the output of gold Increasing. South seems and no one In a it committee. Washelse that Africa has ahead of Australia in feet and hand, Qlanilular Swellings gin if it Is necessary to save to recently In the the amountgone A FULL. CONFESSION. at its gold product, and ington In Informed upon that point, un- ed to have occurred the mouth of the Orinoco. Krseroum lietween of the neck nr gruin, liendnclie Harkurt district, less It be the will he thto and Secretary himself, produce year a vast qaantlty He made a full confession. In Cnmic nnd iiiilnniNtory baa positively refused on several occa- and Treblsond. About W0 Mussulmans, of the precious metal. Australis, proba follows: I was coming down armed were with a TWO COURSES OPEN. sions to give any Information concernmajority of whom amt many utliiT ably, will contribute 3X000,000 or the road and saw Mrs. Hell In the road, Martini-Henr- y rlllca, attacked Armeniof the increase. Russia will She was scared of me, and I knew Monroe Doctrine Should bo Aban- ing It He did, it la true, give Delegate ans In that several complaints. villages Frank Cannon to understand that the inhabiting produce from 32,000,000 to 3X000,000 more that if I passed her she would say I ALIO MARUFACTPURK OF Til and houses to set the fire and vicinity doned or Enforced. Russia's output than It did laat proclamation would be issued In Octotried to rape her, and I concluded that As the Armenians fled In ter- last year fell off,year. 29. but the Increase In ber, the present month, but that prom-- r schools. would rape her and then kill her. CHINES IS LAUNDRY BLUEING Portland, Or., Oct. j. Iso., were ror. shot down, thto Siberia they will waa be who N. marked, Judg- cut considered several for a year hur . In another lVjlph, cut her throat and virtually ana the riotMi tanttorokin, n4 woman captured by promise, seems Sold bv all Merchants. tlie mat-te- r ersMm prominent meyilwr of the ForeSgr' place and then loft." one tww-a now to to were be swim Unwed nmtnts all of at the sea. He wrote a note to hie wire and gave Relations committee Edward Alworth waa today eommls-slone- alive. Armenian women who feu into burg. Mexico; which contributed dellvrfcd States Senate, In an addrees the Bherlff. It reads as follows: Hudquarten, - Provo City, Utah It Itoam the hands of the mob, U to also asserton in gold laat year, will make a at postmaster club the the foreign Clearmont. at Channlng You arrested by "Wig Smith. Mrs. A. M. Denning was today Wya ed, were outraged and brutally mutila- far better allowing thto year. of the United States, said wf know what they will do with me. If policy to churches the also stated ted. that We It M. laat year for the gold ALYA II LEWIS, postmaster at Alpine. Wash- were desecrated 1.. the Yenexuelan question: dont see you any more, and villages pillaged, stock ofgained the world 37,000,000 of the gold HENRY. There are but two courses for the ington county, Ida., vice Mrs. A. of 0000 li OOOOOOO o and the cattle any property portable one hoarded which of in India, and we Wllkereon, to formerly resigned. pursue; United States VOTED TO BURN IIIM. An original pension was today grant- value belonging to the Armenians fe'lng have every reason to look for an InPHYSICIAN :: AND :: SURGEON Is to abandon the Monroe doctrine and hunOne retried off by the marauder. ed to Lorenao Beal of Ola, Ida. crease this year, and for a number ot After the confession and true Identiprotest against European Office Hours fron 2 to & p. m fication, a vote waa taken os to the to no longermonarchist dred and fifty Armenians are reported years to coma domination on W. E. A, aggression, unanikilled. was mode of punishment. It this hemisphere, and submit to the At Shelt'i Drug Store. The surviving villagers applied to the DEFECTS OP THE MAINE." mously agreed to burn him alive, and humiliation such a course would bring - American Fork I'tah Governor of Balburt for protection, VICTIM OF A PLOT that he should suffer the penalty on upon us. The other Is to enforce our who, after hearing their complaint, the public square. The line of march policy concerning affairs on this co.., three policemen to the scene of the Ohio Preachers Friends Offer a Howas taken up toward Tyler, and at ntinent by protest, and, if necessary, by Secretary Herbert Says They Kay be sent endmassacre after the slaughter was Remedied. o'dork the head of the line entered the Intervention and the ultimate arbitraward for the Bojr. main street, whence no less than 7000 tion of the sword. Oct. 28. The Secretary ed. The Turkish officials. It Is claimed, Washington, House 8ign abd knew the ringleaders of the outbreak, crowds Greenville, Om Oct. 34 The congregation people were assembled. Large should also extend to Cuba the of the Navy, being asked We today about but apparently no steps have been tak- and neighbors of C, W. Hoefer, Republiladies and children were congregated Monroe doctrine, and take that Island "wDECORATIYE Paintibo of can candidate for the Legislature, believe on the awnings surrounding the public under the protection of the American the statement published relative to the en to arrest them. The number of Armenians massacred him to be the victim of a nefarious plot. defects In the "Maine, particularly plans. Wagons, carriages, trees and flag, if necessary. public buildings were converted Into about the draught forward and aft, at Erxlngjan to now midto to be several Paper-IiangiToday five men are guarding hls house Glazing, Etc. hundred. The Turks, it stated, have and preventing all Ingress grand stands and were thronged at except of most aald: "The was 'Maine to be Decorations designed and Graining. 4:30. Interior also attacked Armenians in the district Intlmlatc friends. Four man are with ALASKA BOUNDARY CRISIS. on even keel at her normal In him of to memletters the and erected center A scaffold was house, writing In the of Cumushdogh, near Treblxond, draught All kinds of Commercial Advertistwenty-on- e feet alx Inehee, with 400 slaughtered bers of hls congregation, and to other of the square. Wagons laden with many. for the tons friends explaining ths situation. One n.an coal on board. She has now ing. Hoadquarters ArIt to officially declared that the diskindling wood, coal oil and straw were CANADIAN ATTEMPT TO POLICE been of has offered IIU0 reward for file Idantlllca-tlo-n loaded with over 400 tone of coal, menians Latest and Choapetit the Iialhurt driven to the scene and placed In posiprovoked of the boy that brought ths and BORDER. her THE Mussulla forward the two tion. feet draught turbance upon firing by at midnight to Rev. Horfor, hut powders he has Wall-Pap- er Designs, lor 1895, in The nlgro waa then given an oppoKreater than aft mans. and that many persona were not been found. The envelope containing Many ahlpa when fully loaded are down this killed and wounded on both sides be- tha powder and directions now to use it rtunity to speak, but his words were InIlia City. be found. Mr. Hoefer ta recoveraudible, but when he offered up hie Will Probably Undertake to Exercise way. When the ship has been at sea fore the gena d'armea suppressed the cannot Selection Irom ten ef the I urge, t Hills last prayer his words could be heard few days this will be corrected rioting. It Is also stated that Armeni- ing and expects to make a political ,speech American on , on Wednesday. Authority fen- several blocks in the United Stales. ,n ' a great part at least by ans unwarrantably attacked the MusAnHe was then lashed to the Iron rail by Congress Necessary. sulmans Marasha and at ta-la Zeitung. which n 2n5Jhe generally extended through the platform, from the forward part of the vrs-J- other dispatch received today asserts Utah. that Ambbkar Foil "ST. PAUL'S" FAST TRIP and Mr. Bell, the husband of the murthe use that MaJ. Beklr of tha notorious Haml-dlc- h of the after dered woman, applied the match. The OcNew York, Oct. 28. A special to the tank provided for thia purposetrimming on alive waa burned and cavalry by But for on Accident- Would Hava damn shot upward, enveloping the World from 'Washington says: The ome shifting of stores to the after tober 4th In a church at Dlsdlm. Broken all Records. negro In sheets of fire. He begged for Alaska boundary line question will be storeroom not now used. Oct. 28. A dispatch to the London, It may New York, Oct. 14 The American lifts mercy, and It was meted out to him forced to a speedy termination by the perhaps be also necessary to add some Exchange Telegraph company from SHORES DOCTOR Cant. Jameson, Just as he was merciful to the woman action of Canada, If not by some dipl-of Permanent ballast. As to the listing of Constantinople says that the outbreak steamer St. Paul, quarantine at 1:44 thto whose soul he had sent to her Maker. omatic move on the part of Secretary 'Mains to starboard, this la not a at Balburt waa provoked by the Ar- dropped anchor atmade her maiden voythe morning, having that announced la It waa decided to bum him at once, State Olney. It of Importance. The 'Atlanta' menians At the Turkish embassy here age from to this port In (he direct and Boston and as fast as the wood thrown Dominion Government Intends tocontrol to said that all the disturbances are remarkablySouthampton both to be have It 4 proved time of fast days, 17 hours, around him was consumed It was the mounted police to assume serviceable ships, but In each of these the direct result of an organised con- 61 minutes. Canathe whole frontier the of the along From the time trials not Had showed a list nearly double quickly replenished. the port engine been stopped covering various parts of the 33rd twenty-on- e the match waa applied until he dian boundary of Alaska, with power that of the Maine, and thia la also spiracy hours, owing to country, which was foretold In the dis- aOctober defective air pump, ths St. Paul was Incinerated, It was exactly to collect customs duties and to bold corrected by loading. some res I Associated tha of patches cases courts-martino would broken criminal doubt have to all records The I. ft O. N. train try fifty minutes. months ago. tom W One day's run The American and Canadian bounwas crowded with people from towns MaJ. F. C. Rasch, member of Parlia- showed Boutliampton. the splendid average need of north. dary linen are In conflict aa to seven ment for Southeast Essex (Conserva- nearly 2H6 knots for twenty-fou- r POLITICS IN THE PULPIT! houra. h miles of territory along Hundreds of negroes witnessed the and west tive), who was at Constantinople dur- 1:34The HL Paul passed the Needles at execution, and representative negroes the Yukon river, on the east and p. m., Inst Saturday afternoon, and ing the recent riots thpre, In an Inter- arrived territory embraces at Bandy Hook lightship at 3:27 expressed their Indorsement of the pun- line. The disputed view today mid that the situation this (MW). mouth of Forty-Mil- e creek, through HR. CLEVELANDS BROTHER the ishment a morning, covering a total distance A BOX. The Sultan to most there grave. valuable PRICE, $S 3551 to access the la had which of knots. Easterly winds with a The officers were powerless and the nobody, and to utterly unmanned by heavy swell, prevailed of that Positivity Qaaraataad Iu Cere Brtry Case THE CONGREGATION. placer mines at the headwaters In during most of the Naaal Catarrh. Caurrbal dlmame rwjalr. both Sheriff wired the Governor, but hie stream. the assassination. carof fear During past passage. The passenger were most enThe Canadian police. message was too late. All business local and maitUntlonal tnatmont. to to have shot he over thusiastic doubthe reported steadiness and fine fortnight Direction for nalns Dr. 6. W. Shorm Fmoua houses were closed, and the big Cotton rying out their instructions, will lines qualities of tha lit Paul. A Offensive Partisanship Divides the two of hls attendants, whom he sus- seagoing tless assume Jurisdiction up to the Cura lire Ramodlaa In aU calanhal chrask dkMMS-IBelt ehopn were deserted. notlcealilo fact was the almost entire ablife. hls on several of designs bronchllk, href having ootbma. and hay pected of the hare Canadian survey, caurrti, your sence Flock of vibration How enof the Reed any Would ships MaJ. Rasch added that the officers of or aay ompHcatad aSsdtae of tha com. Aim!. Myron thousand American miners who will b" Protect gines. Very few of the saloon passenThe Waller Record. bronchial Mhoaer tangs. aao Dr. G. W. jkorwCa-tarr- h the Turkish army am utterly out of gers the Polle Hill In Ohio. in that region will be subject to tbelr were even aware of the stoppage at 23. Cam Couch Can and Tonic and Hood Pari-Conatan at Oct. Several letters authority. Washington, sympathy with the regime the port engine on the 33rd Inst, while to can tha catarrh. Mop tho conch, rtaaan and were received at the State sirs were being made to the damaged tlnople. They are mid to be ripe for Secretary Olney, It la thought, In view oppotho ood dlnothm from Embassador Eustis department parity Sm blood. Iw prove tha Hvor will asserts he chnracter that air more treoMm and serious they and pumpa or btaddw or lees of the today, Pree-S-t revolt, If ooMpHcatod with kidney. Watertown, N. Y., Oct le to believe effort reason there Sultan. recUvor same the Caw of ud rid the make will W. present that Seoroo' of the Dr. get not Kidnoyjjnd a Lawrence, which Includes probably ord In the Waller case was among to bringsituation, Bering the at la oS can. taka om ol Dr. G. W. Shorn A. 8 the up dispute and St Lawrence county ttoobk to ckwsta them. This document has been considsea convention next week. pat Ion Pill, at hadtlow. If yom FRANCE GIVEN CONTROL.' Populists Go it Alone. ot lhe Presbyterian faith, le writ Dr. 6. W. Shorn ptnoaally ered by the department as essential to frontier the case in of In trouble along scwlon in thia city, considering a Fort Worth. Tex., Oct. 24 The State caM lurMoaow oyaiptota Sot and havo your dlr Unof the the the Government', In the Yukon mining region, preimratlon auret from about half of the executive committee of the People's Protectorate Over Madagascar Acnoaad and cot oapafl ad vie. freeited States District Attorney at Sitka on forming no W. Shores' Teel, end Bleed Partner presentation of the case, and It Is unDr. which tho Rev. WIU-- a Arty today determined f cepted bp the Queen. derstood the will now that Mnneth to deputy department the ud Wood, other political the has the employ of gtaee end pnrMre with authority uslon any of brother Oct 24 The to prepare whatever marshals to preserve law and order, between Far!, on alone toth will it vigor. cam dyipapata aed aS aanroua dTaeasea proceed forthwith and play to pastor, that the 1ar ties, France and Madagascartreaty has been pubdemand or request It may decide to but It irould take several months f'r Pforal National and affairs, adhering State lished. in brief, the Queen accepts the relation be dissolved. This Or. O.WSheree Kidoay aad Uvar Cere make upon the French Government In the news of the disturbance to rearn of the trouble be- - strictly to the Omaha platform. The protectorate of France. The later repcarat aS dlowna of tho kidney liver and Maddtr. Mr. Waller's behalf. jypenlng him at Sitka and for hls orders to be Mr. Cleveland and a portion of committee will make no concession resents Madagascar in all foreign relacarried Into effect. Officials of the DPdS,3I ?F. Shorwo Cengh Cara ran. oB enusha whatever. tions Questions concerning the forOfficers for the Boston. "Nation, which to mid to have epartment of Justice said that he would coMo and bronchial affection. Ono dan W wo will he In the banda of the ardent support of eigners f 29l The detail of not have the power to plaee men along lalhahouw. bowk Oct. creep. Urp Ka.pt Washington, .paawadk French resident general, and the re pub-lie of hls brother Indicted, or for any other and It bent, 25c. Principles line for Illinois crulstT the officers Boston" for the duty has police Legislator undertakes to defend Madagascar W.ShafM' IHoeataln San Oil Mope ta been completed, and she will be put In purpose, except on special occasions, bJL ,2ch mirited activity In Or. 24 The Oct. Jury III., grand reoria. For headache, toothache, all dangers. The resident genfhem. wont pata ta ana Mlauta. such as a riot. If this be the esse, d commission at Mitre Island returned an Indictment against eral will have control of the Internal hfn reached.So far no conclusion this afternoon cnapa at cotta not N eawreally winter of Schafer Simon .a Chicago, Prevent aad can. dlphtaMi. S and IB on the 18th. Captain Frank White will prompt action by Congress this against of Madagascar, but the administration have command, with Lieut. A. V, will he necessary to remedy the diffHno. Koto hotrte haudy. Mcr, 25c a honk. Representative In the last Legislature, A I'00DTHIHSTY republic does not assume responsibility Inexecutive and Lieut. II. iculties. and It Is understood a bill will as bribe. He to a receive Or. OTw. Sheros' Papain Varmlfnce dntnr. Wauglianls for offering for treaties or concessions heretofore preacher. troduced be Introduced to provide Alaska wlin worn, and rmenl tha tttlla nwad oaM Ii. Tyler navigating officer. The a bill to prohibit the feeding granted. The public expenditures and whan lhay botch ood brood, ltnavorfolta. Pita has been out of commission ever a more perfect form of government Uow Rer, of slop to cattle. There Is evidence debt will be secured by revenue of ths from Honolulu, and Myron Reed Would since her return from to Peoria tried he money get that arc al Selv Island. The Shares' Queen agrees not to con"y.Wv. Wlatargieea extensive repairs. Polls. the bill. kt kill to the distillers thlnklng-raa loan tract without dteaaaaa of the akla. HaMoroa.nd apM. md Madt has undergone use a an article of gvneral As authority from Co- ,- Oct. 24. Rev. Myron utaMaa horn tha faee. HaataaMoonetalloldar. the republic. French diplomats ' and hss advantages over a hat that mu W fod a sensatlnn by an Offender Pardoned. Utah Medlll, proprietor of the Chicago consuls abroad are charged with ths talked dreaaT Philadelphia Joseph through. la PHI. 0.1W Sharaa' Dr. er man sm too anxious ter fln Pullnt campaign meeting Tribune, hss asked the InLincoln Park protection of the Interests of MadagasMCh hmd.ch. md kOton. Washington, Ort. 29. The President excuses fob can. hrnek eoeMIpatloe. er piece oh meanness. sw handling ,l4vWng heroic for Commlnsloners for a sits thejwrk for car. hss pardoned 8. M. Dugglns. sentenced Uncle eriKh. Prim 25c . hortk. ter pve nasnln2lie ctln frauds. methods a brrmss statue of Benjamin Franklin. Elien, hes gln'rally tryn In an In I'tah to nine montha' Imprisonment de famona naedlaa an pnpand oaty by Docta. do it tn the park lie an will ter wlf statue presented 'Is The go conscience way ho urged that 200 men by Mr. Medlll and will cost from t2D.ua Q. vT Shana, tae' Medkal taaUma, M Uha for adultery. Pardon has been refused over agln. h" third gams of the series between Washington Star. the to watch In the case of J. P. Hannon, sentenced l Is to Intended On. Utah. nolto?2i0n FiO.OOO. It of a pugilist might perpetuate The lo UPf-toetlon day played at the In Oregon to six months for landing called marriage of Franklin as the father of wh"V.Vr an Interesting scrap of society tected? whenever any one waa memory the m won by tho For sale at Steal A Co.. Drug Store. Journalism. and former. American he new. Philadelphia Record. Chinese. he printing that voting . l,r)i,l Family ifaysr Hibl kcrvliw Study LATTKB-UAOu or . d second-claa- . Yeo-lve- adamsoe, d r - - 1 ihr-.sn- e Ik-1- 1 n, E. HUN1ER, e wy-da- 1 o r well-arme- Venc-suel- sub-r.tan- rliuu-uiali.- 00 . . ljss d ed good-by- e. a J. F. HAUSEY nir Soil-Ac- tion - 1' - G.W. Jter w al three-tent- 07-FEN- : f at . 24,-- The -- Cos-oh . anddoop-oaoM- d. r a - Chau-.ch2Tc- h- PwM-Clevelan- d, . a pro-a..1?- 1" aedta-eraaSy- tn-- T navy-yar- lion-to- n" Pre-Prttu- G p . Times-Whe- ' |