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Show FORK ITEM. AMERICAN Nunci:. Oil Tuesday, (M. V., IM'5. a Merrihtw. dentist, LHii. wutcli. silver case No. i.MJ.oM, Shops SIiom Shoes hi JneksonV- - mill the movement N'o. f'MM'AI LttJit1' Republican club ball at was taken from mv vest while thei)Mra bouse flection night, next 1 aiming near where 1 was at work Tuesday, oil State Street, Anicri.i:i Fork. It i believed that the watch is ill been a Tim Itkm job press lias ciiinmunii y. Anv vrniiii rethis coutiiniiil hum the past few lavs. ot itnj '(iy or commun'iiutim; nature will be Ulu-- tnr iiin iii m IjIit . bail T!iur'Uy ev.'iiiu of cm-l- i wi-e- A2ilTlti Ht Win. Grant, "Gmcl'a l organa, pianos, turn it nre, toy, noii-ms- . uieivliaii line II. Dtiukley, tinl-..ii- covering the watch and returning Wm. to me wili receive a reward of 5. r. hand. N Elll I Klmokk Webb is nursing a pnis-uie)r. Lewis of Lehi is attending her Amenenn Fork, Utah. V clollnii. Steele & Co., , Mr 11. E. millinery. Mioses v'eieit'i a.M Sy-Cbipman, l'ruvo Woolen mills blankets at at Jackson's. Imp of trimmings at Mrs drum lloic! Dr. A. Cm "i New 'Iriilist. merchandise, 1 oli-rin- li.-- , b-- - , ! d.d i- It. m ( Y.rMil0'.l - haioxuu uiil luai-l'l- l j lr'1 I linini.ii sernary. l)u.-l- i (' REPUBLICAN TICKET. Jackson Jackson's. is Wells. Clarence E. Allen. Seerelary ot titste James T, UoiigruMuiiNii hi vU'S of Shoes arriving ut M. Govcrunr-'llelu- -r Ham-moo- Treasur-- Jame r Auditor putting iu a few Dunkley up at Lehi Junction for the !i 4llkl t L. v ' KING IS REN0it1IN ATED at Steele's. m luuuitiou F the nest ten days will sell shoes at cost. He is the Choice of the Democrats for Mayor. Clarke. Por Mayor- James For Councilors It. V. Wm. 8. Kobiiison, .l.iiiii's C. Carter, George lluggard George 11. - NY m. Gr.i ut has of lus elivtg Driggs. See them. ad" in tliis issue. 11 is Young Men. if you want ti i he cheapest bargain on ewing B'.ai kiiiiili. naeliines for spot rash ever before catch a girl, get one of those fain ;, Ilincksuiitli . Andrew Dr. H. D given to the people in this climal lr:cticiug PliysTciaii . shirts at Dunkleys. Dr. Alvit l.ivii:ian and SurFor Men's Furnishing Gnnd-- go or the Pocky nmimtian eountry. r't'tin. io get their tin and see Ins samples also his orllunkley's. J. F II illney. di'onrutive painter and to gans and pianos. There is no use looi pap-prices. They will surprise you. of sending uvvav or paying two t"in'iril artiat. HtepiiFine Suits, latest style, at Jack-son- priees for a machine. Get them of John Mi V :. IVriurt Justice and made from Provo mills goods, Giant and save "Jo ier qent. Notary I.iiiikiiii, County Suryeyor, at tremendous low prices. U. S. mineral cjrTeynr and notary public. Dunk ley's Shoes are out of sight, i Thl H. Lee, lircrj. (hipuiau sisters had a ha , I both and in quality and ptiee. sale last week, and their irices A. K. Tbornton, winea, liquora I cigar. Many adies Jimmy Dunkley is suffering from I wen a way down. Wild & Co,, wine, liquor, of took rare oppor- the ell of neuralgia, necessitating advantage a sp and cigar. from the absence his tunity. Dunkley Ebenexer Hunter, Notary Public. : J. J. Jeckh iii, clothuig, etc. llelier H ,.;:ir l, A Attnrm-- Joliii when tlie glunde of mid if ueiecled, Hall Hair is Milt; lit liitluw. is lie best Ju-- i I , Jr. A. O. Uishop. y n of Public Instruction H pNik ol' iiiiri;ine Ciiuit Charles S. W. Hirtrli, Jam-- - A. Miner. Mu., 'iius Chipinsn. Iticlisr-lH- Morgan Zne, a wi District Judge of i Fourth r if .V HnIi-I- i Seimt-.J liii E. Booth, T. Rev. J. A L. Smith and wife It. For Stale Cutler. made a trip to Provo. Tuisday to F r H'iirr.i'ii i. mve Grant Simons, itteud the funeral of Mr. Morwi.-- .! m..i T ihoriii-- J K BriDgliunt, John .It (ill . lli-- -- Jud-cia- l . - Advertisements. a bargain . JASJJIME. WM. POLITICAL. Additional Locals. wife of Webb, 1 Dri-gN- millinery Special Notice. Dr. Nn? 0'J AND PERSONAL LOCAL r Cunningham. Fi r Treasurer Fur Recorder rington. For Justiee--Huber- t - , .i.ilium. (.ouuiy in by. A e noh wlrch persist, ilay at'irr !u, sliinilii imi !t m ;lrclul any lixigwr . 1: Isaac AM. . lllcalis S'liiiiMiiini; liiurn llntll a in ra I ic.il Heher A. Har- iiriia'i.ni. s'i i ilic siiKiicr it i r : vt--. In belter. Take Ay.-rCherry IV. mr-I- , I sure to ia In It an set iiiiv. pniiiipl Cunning- - 11. Briuihull. DHMOCRAlTt 1 of Schools TICKET. Stales Jos. L. Rw-bun- , Mi'hc Thatcher. (iiivi-rnuJohn T. Caine. ('iiiigreMinau B. 11. Holler's. Judgea of Supremo Court Samuel R. Thurman, Thom a Maloney, Richard W. ' UiiiIl-i- I We are informed by Rev. Smith, the judges of election, that For Marshal William King. he two ballot lioves, one! will there Tli s is the work of the 'or the municipal and and county,' caucus that held forth iu the and one for state and the constitu-in- Yonng. Secretary ot State -- Fisher S. Harrii. last Mondar evening. hall city Attorney-GenerA. J. Weber. Treasurer Alius Greenwood. Tug Item cannot coiwicntioiisly Auditor Guy C. Wilson. . A Ilimwhiilil say that the ticket is as strong as it Superintendent of Public Instruction D. W. Fuller, of Suunjohurie, N. Ar could have been nn le had the sugKarl G. Matter. Dr. King says (list lie always J store. famIlia of this New uiul in in llui udge of tlie Fourth J ud icial District the house discovery gestions paper Out ot Town Advertisers. Ervin A. Wilson. lui always found the veiy lust reily is the We least been carried. the Utah County Fruit and not do to see Republican the Following pleasWs are pleased For State Senators Able J. Evans, billow i's use; Ill'll he would not lie ask a person or party to come un- sults Society, shippers of fruit and iroiiuce. ant countenance of Sir. Alfred G. ticket of Pleasant Grove: M. M. Warner, i wnhoiif (1. A. if able it. DykeI). M Smith. Implement Extras der our dictation, hut when wise man Dmogisi,pi Crdskill, N. Y., says llisi behind the counters of Mayor. Alex Bullock: Councilors, Win. M. For Salt Lake Cycle Co liiijvli-a- , run Dunkley Mirimia Larsen, llyrum Lemmon, h they should Dr. Kino's is a store. is Al. the thorough I D reen." AlWfr arygtfort fi ry Samuel yTon etc. dries, Wadley, O. Snio-'t. ly tin best nio iir; that lie lias A. For salesman, and Supt. Clarke did well Foutz, Chru. Jeppson. C. P Larson; I gnsmed at the first opportunity. Dr. U, W. Shore', l ami Cwtiniy Superintendent of Public it his in lor eigiit years, J. li. McLean, liniments, blimd pur- to obtain his services. I uxi ruction Recorder, W L Haves; Treasurer, Jut, however, tin ticket contains it lias D. II. Christensen. l is fiiltall ihi that M ifiers, etc. Andrew Hanson; Justice of Peace, some strong men. laiuu-i(or jt, Wl y not try a Our old friend. Snmual Curnnbv. G II. E lineklin Arnica naive. The meeting was called to order so mi o srii-- and F Wesfphal; Marshal, S F. Trial liotllrs .lack son just received a fresh supin' Spanish Fork, was a pleasant I haniliei lii'ii & (In., c'lnii'h ciiisc. J. Mercer. AV alter l.-at j)vJ. fii'o's.. Drug Stitre. RegC. I. Hood. eanaiarilln. ot choice candies. and welcome visitor to our office ply Jos. elected was chairman .Ilk! (IU ular ail $1 Lapnsh size Hot Sj.riiijis SainiNriuin, bathing. to over called was lie Blankets! Blankets!. Don't buy yesterday. and Einmett Lym-- secretary. Inrlirrs. Clnff A Latest Returns. the sick bill of his old time friend. until you see those at Dunkleys. That Rabbit Hunt .Jas. 11. Clurk moved that the Im W ICi nwat.l, lawyer. A social ball will he given in the nominations be iiiadi; in are beauties for the price. F D. lliililm. Iiind mid mining att'y. V. W. Jackson. regular The regular an mini nlbbit hunt They i r. Hi roll (Iron, U. S. L'liul under election should as orm. i oiiera the house, elu night, new Lite wiii appear upon acquire BttckleiiVi Arnica Stive, of American Fork's crack iiimrods Chiragn. Hurlinu'n-- A Quiney U. K. i v. lie auspices of the Ladies RepubIni . your jnllot. Curried. return, if you i in Itv. Denver & Km Gratt-hItKhT Sai.vk in tl.e world for Cuts. Tiik m tlie pr Nominations were then an- took place the first of the week. iper erf. rnisne-i- lican club. The latest returns or . John (4. C dinn electric lin'inunt, blue Hr it iocs. Horen, Halt Rheum, Fever Hr .1 II McLean'-L'-v:n.'ir the election will be given every nounced in order. Emmett Lynch The party this consisted of A. tng. Provo jear Hand. H im Kiddi-will iliniulalc Teller, Chapped and invited. 11. half hour. , for Clark nominated James Everybody Union Pacific Hail way. K. Thornton, Doc. Addleinan, A. 1.0f Corns, and all Skin Eruption, t liem to licalililul action. Trice mayor. Jos. La pish nominate! t'hipman, H. lice. Jr., Ned Wild, and poaliively ctiri-- Pile, or nn pay reaiSifcl's. Geo. Oitmlift Cunningham. ind Steve Woods. Milt Scott and Fath- quired . It ia guaranteed to give perfect Upturn, SI8.ro to The Union Pacific railway will Price or money refunded, Mr. Clarke was made the choice er Vis Uni '0 I.icifie, Hccut Trans Joseph Wild. They equipped 2.1 cents por box. FOR HALE BY sell tickets to Provo on November viva a voce vote. Uniiirie-i- i ut OiiihIik Not, 2'itli tn. themselves iu good shatc, staved Steel A Co . y Drug Store. nth and 17th at rate of one fare Regular Routine of Business 2"i'Ii. The question then came up to two :10th. Tieketu nu sah- Nov. 2imt days and managed in bagging account of For or the round trip on &iMii rcturdinir miiil Dec. U. S8."i vote by ballot, and was carried by some 125 jacks. Done at ItS Last beSSIOn. turthcr inforninrioii call on or write Sunday School U'onference. JAMES CHIPMAN. motion. They reached the battlefield at Loris Oaki.rv, Agt. B. A'. Green For first sesurdin-.rmet cs councilor, Council in Sore Throat thereaffirst and noon of the regular City ina) Any day, VOIl KT ATE TREASURER. v ini in one niM were nom- ter the fun began. iy The white-taile- d iipl sion last Saturday night and trans- wood and Jas. C. Carti-I Fill Election. The t'liainlii-risin'Inin He. m ns inated. The vote stood: Mr. conies flew and the enthusChipman was born in Carrol acted tlie following business: Witt, beyond a doubt, lie the greatest with each bottle This incibcine is n 4 Greenwood each nimrod as iasm stepped County. Missouri, in 1S30. lie was grew, Mayor Parker in the chair and Carter event in the history ot Utah, ijer.aiisv Tuiiious for i'senre- - i! 1 with much a member of the band of pioneers over the l slid dci i seated hiiiI all councilors present. for the first time in the lives ot eveu Ills Mr. Greeewood was declared the & Co For sale by old eat inhabitant, tlm privilege ot vot pains. gavety. Mr. Eastwood of Alpine preswho braved the wilds of the' westnffi nominee. t!ie State all and The party camped on The Sinks forrGoveruor mg fiinii the suffer ented disoi iimcli a Old privipetition asking people Tt frontier and arrived in Salt ern to to all malea oyer ut the was here moved district the and liaa a great time that night. cial will tia given sud nre slw-license at rate j urinary orifi-islege fur a " tha was but motion lost twenty one years of age. While it la eratifled nt tlie wonilerful ant Luke J of S3. 00 jieddelers' wn, One year later One of the main fealnres of the city in 1847 per quarter. Granted. trim tile women canuot cast their ballot e nominations, went on. in II Me Lean's Liver ami kidney cauwas mock whoco bo a to Crook Mill removed lie program Henry Dench was allowed $2 00 at tli dimming election, they can uu luinisliing their trmilili-sTm-For second councilor, George 11 evening's as the their two first busremained influMrs. cus, llis for for parody cast tlmir years, using Sharp's Jtobiuson, V. S. Robinson, Simp powertul digging grave i'luably Si ('n'll lintlle at late Republican caucus in this iness was that of farming and ence. ami even at tliia early dav anxious infant baby. Misner and James Carter were troiu tin1 eandidaiea are areking for and keeping a tradcity. Doc was male chairman. A F. Jackson, an employe at the Jas. Crystal petitioned, asking ominatfid.with the lie re In You woman. niiylit following committee on resolutions the "coming on to wai him be returned ap post that $1.20 that spot now occupied acci ing familiar with the true aitinnon but sugar factory, met with an alt: minted and retired. some by the Salt Lake Joint building. After the in of error an ount 011 S While handling 1 ynu emii'l il'ili'M Toil get reliable new. dent last week, Qeo, H, Robinson leliberation, they report ?d th.i fol In 1801 lu freighted with oxen and seas me nt. Granted, It's furnished in the Tribune Oiiily nr sacks of S. w. Robinson 4S fell several upon sugar, mules between Montana and Calithe the assessed of lor umnili a $rdX) dollar One Qn emi. motion) I Sisner Ned bring Mr fornia. In 1872 lie delivered 5,000 of O t That valuation on the proji-rt- y Resolved, daily and 71 e its for three m villi for him, quite badly fracturing srter IS '.liu mi. into the meeting am cords of wood to the Miller comDr. Lewis of Lehi attended P. Olson was stricken from the list, back. S. Robinson was declared the Jimmy ,W. I nominate him by acclamation. The matter ot forcing certain nominee. pany, and a part of the wood still the patient. remains at the old smelter, where was license to Latest- styles of fall hats just in a was This and kidm-pay and Fur the ailment In the promptly done, For third councilor, James Welts and it was placed by Mr. Chipman call I Ladies at Mrs. Driggs. incident to clcclmiNg years, there referred to the r inaiice conunittee. las. Carter and Robert Walker after Mr. Jimmy had made his some twenty-five see them. They rre heuties. furli immi-d-James Crookston, night watcll-iat- e wore nominated. Lee is no remedy that iirndnci-years ago. Frfm of acceptance, Harry speech Mr. de Walker I II ns Dr J and satistantory voice his to the of snouted man, offered his resignation, which dined. At this top point the question McLeans Liver and Kidney Balm. I ' wa8 accepted, and llyrum Adam Have wha: Let's have it over! of came am at and m. liver the up again gent inTogatinC echoed as he WM temporarily appointed in wasdistricting the over!" NOT A SICK DAY . chairman, and kidneys Is remarkable, Pri jet 1.00 earned: his box for hammered the place grub upon 4 per bottle at Steele A Gos barter was of The sum $15 shoutei appropnater the order. election, Years! Why, Over Thirty 3(1 pish The only permanent cure for chronic to Recorder Wootton for Do yon mean the whole Fon. drawing Mr. Carter was the nominee. ia to thoroughly catarrh the expel RESULT OF UMNO water records. of set a For the fourth councilor. Geo. caucus, quickly came from the poiaon from the system by the faithful up No! and persistent use of Ayer' Sarsaparilla. Recorder, Treasurer, Jimmy" I mean, Thomas Barrat, B. F. chair. Tliis wonderful remedy proves eucceas and Watermaster presenter Iloggard, said as some outsider hit Steve, ('oates and A. Dunkley were nomother treatment has fulled their monthly tul when which was over for Fill:, Caihartie with a rabbit him mouth the thirty in reports, "Ayers inated with this result: and tne amounts upon said the chair, year hare kept me in good health, to relieve the sufferer. Well, accepted, gizzard. 2d hal. 1st bal. never having hail n sieU ilny in all that I them is too Road Dean I have motion late, Sammy appropriated, your Supervisor suffered 50 28 I was twenly I Hoggard time, I horse marshal's candidate The $o been ordered to has this service regular doing yoeman Barrat almost continually as a result of cone 33 already 30 And in a moment Fon this dates his business career He Following; Coates back. stipation from dyspepsia, head at lies, the public by improving the county I hire was appropriated. fi allowed: other and lsiila or bills were eruptive road between here and Lehi the came in with Jimmy by the arm, was about the first to engage in neuralgia, 4 Dunkley I diseases. When I liccauie convinced 8.40 Co. ... Item $ midBtof tremendous applause. the merchandising business in this two The weeks. The the in Publishing grade past was declared the in the floggurd Co-o15.0 p At this point, Father Wilds community, and was the founder low lands has been raised in some American Fork nomineee. of the company known now as the I 10.0 feet. It is a Niglitwatchman For councilor-at-largplaces three of four Thomas musical strains ushered forth upon Chipman Mercantile was which of company. In tune credit! old apThe with air and much still that committee, the big improvement, G. II. Robinson, Jos ShelBarratt, 1892 he established the Bank o! I to ascertain is due Mr. Dean, the woorkmen pointed some time ago Dublin Bay, and Fon shouted: ley and George Cunningham were he is American which of Fork, done not had Mr. a il for a mester?" v site reservoir, and the county court. Pwhat ye have, nominated. He is president of time more asked over nominated It again," 1st HAL. 20 BAL SpBAL. Jimmy The Big Three, Wells, Allen I anythingwhich was granted. cried llarry, and the whole meet- and holder in many other enter40 38 31 Cunningham anil Cannon were given one of the and prises; a large stock-holdThe Recorder was authorized to Barratt ing arose in a body and ratified the one 22 20 30 of of ovations the three the men of rs any forcapitalize biggest great officers the salaries, 0ff the and sustained nomination city 18 23 Shelley 23 of political faith every visited pay mal report of the committee. The Utah Sugar factory. Mr. Chip-ma- n by Clark. Adjourned. Prayer Robinson... 0 American on Thursday afternoon. has held many responsible applaused from the gal- offices in .Mr. The Republicans did themselves our municipality, in which Cunningham, having re- coyotes and the crickets the sang ceived a of votes over all. leries, lion he filled with credit and hQnor. majority proud in up tlie parade was declared tne fifth and last audience lafed themselves hoarse tlo-did. The procession formed is a man of considerable lie (ami eow, too). councilor. financial ability, and will prove an street and then on llarringLon Harry Lee bore the honor of the able tor A. V E. moved to the U P. depot. recorder, Isaac Able, hen public servant in handling most rabbits, with A. K. Thornton finances of the state of Utah. the IJenriod, A. G. Dunkley and 11. A. second. It the train pulled in from the south the to safe party is say of my troulde were a perfect shower of guns was fired, that As we go to press the condition Barrington were nominated. hiiil a good outing, one they will the use W Ycaused by constipation. T 17 Harrington brums beat and bands played. The of our fellow townsman, never forget. Most of the rabbits Marrelom Results.' ' of Ayer's Tills, with the most satisfa1S condition i is critical recession moved in to a then the Jackson, a of the opera to never the delivered single ctory' results, having From a letter written by itev. j.tjun poor E 14 were ouse, where the building was and ere this reaches its readers he DunklevJ attack that did not readily yield to this ilmiisti, ot Dimomlale, Mich.,, we an city. llenrioa.. 3 an boon packed. Time and space forbids will have passed away remedy. My wife, who had permitted to make this extract: "I hayi-nMr. to use received invalid for years, also us from making extended remarks. heeitation in recommending Dr. at Harrington having B Xtek, wlio resuli-W Mrs the largest number of votes, was Ayer's Tills, nii.l her heii.lii was quickly New Discover y. ' as tbs resultr fm we King's her Cal., says When the urine a'lowi sign of disordaughter Willi my children I had no. I Sand! Sand were almost marvelous in the csss of my with tiraea several jaari troubled at no,hin. "wmv der, such ai scanty or surpresecd fliur, tied that nearly nil tin ir ullnients were wire. While I was pastor uf tbs Bsptis; t as nantl Good fur that re it sen dark purposes usual was soon agony building and I color, frequent calls, or if the King preceded by Having read Church at Rives Junction she was that with amount passed ia large ami very liht can be had at my beds, in Alpine. pj acclamation, and then the meet-"- g call in a physician. of hod the ahont Chamlierlitln'a Colic, Cholera and brought down with Pneumonia succeed color it Indicates trouble in the kidneys. or delivered, cheap. children as with Ayer's Tills, adjourned. ol Diarrhoea Remedy she concluded to try ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms ol nil in Diseases these in are avut season, taken danger if organ dangerous to T. B. Whitby. would lost heutt with Apply III. ot the H. hence ickuess." Wkttsti is, T.yron, it, She found that it alarayi gave coughing importance prompt measand it seemed aa if tnmilf,,r three ures t stop the trouble. Dr J II Mcprompt relief. Itwseeeldoin necemry not survive thera. tn give the eecond dose. "It hsi cot Lean' Liver and Kidney Btlm exercise Tne American Fork creamery l,e'P' Owen Row. Will rent Dr. King's NeW DiecoVery ; Apply to A. A Green. a healing ud ti mutating influence over has only eaTed ue late of worry and lime, it woe Messrs. iu its work and. Iiighi J sst managements, changed i It quick bills. doctor also "hut and urinary organ the do just what we advertise, she says, tnd and Cowinan having turned Trial bottles free should lsfactory in results. l)e Highest Honors at World's Fair. will kidneys that fsmqy every ctuie n early restoration to nor- Hynds to opinion Ilcil tny 18 (he s' at Steel fi Cok, Drug Store ' .Regular essential point in Johnny Durrant and 0. have a bottle of thu remeJy to the mal condition!. Price $1 .00 per bottle it over filer tarufiirtlli S:rngihcNi tin Sytlta. sixe 50c, and 11.00, Co . A. Misner. Dunkley 's Steele fi Cos. house," For ssie by Steele W-i.- - i s, haul. r nlie uf n. al Ada-nao- Aurif-iilturs- Tri-xu- n ki-e- l Roy-Iniic- e, Co-p- p. N-- w . i medii-iiii-i- osi-.- - l I d le-ti- -l Sli-el- 1 Si-o- e lti-jit- i I i.-- l ... 1 - , fum-'ii-iis- . Uim-rf- er Hnri-h- , Chill-lain- a if atial-ictio- Miss-is-ip- pi I - 1 I . I r I s iitri-rtei- cony-burro- lliui-ru- sS Su-el-- - ' , tff.-eto- lr l . qu-'- s Mis-l- $1.0-pe- e In-I- stock-rainin- g, 1 1 bil I hotel-keepe- rs y s For .... Road-Supervis- AYERSPILLS or I e, r. er g y fci :1 nine-ti-nt- ln-a- - a s Camp-toDvill- e, d. km-win- - pun-nl-.- n slu.-coul- AYERS PILLS 1 A.friesiU-rcc-nmmenued busi-lnes- |