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Show UTAH NEWS Ten n.' drink ,m I l;.i- - d an l..lk due, in le. ill.' ly dues nut rmi; .on Mjn, i n nue, an if I In- s'l.rv i t Mi" lie i - 1. in.' uinli ail asslillie.l Ij.lllli-- , Kate the pill IlilliSt, who Is recilliei.it .lig III I t.ll I'lted t In' Mi mir none m- -i w k an i nut lU'Wi) Itagi nf iii(;ir Mill. t.V Ijugatl'i II HI I ill bill' M'liniils mill I'l'.l j Jills UIi: lll.l y ! In I !llt-- I I r 1- - a will Is1 siiijiiN-- d mm in. tin iug i 'list. Tli lirar frntn Cnrriiimwliiib aiiiniinl - tin ' I'd A Full Kivi-- r Canal riniijiaiiy imrtii-s- . - "w JT ai.k i e RLUISTKR. m, I I Grant Hotel CAHIII All FiiiPkt Sample liofuiH South ot Salt Lake. rn-Salu- on ii'ii Vn a:i kilt'll of , iTiiprt. Hand m One Iiistru inent. i d ill t lie iiin ind li. in . The si : 'i v i ll I inn of tin- - M i f,i I 1 1 b eelit i, II - tlie 111 'rell Jil.l IIIJ Will, the Mpll'ilie, heller known as tin1 in .i ii'i . i n, ban - :ind WINES, LIQUORS I me iiii. I r i, i ! ADJkMISOK ff r It till AND m Jlt'H.Inmiters lor Men ami KATES liEDlir.ED, CIGARS i si Trar-i'lin- American Fork. I tab lSitio in gmlar att.ieiinei,i, iisi-- mi!v in VnLitit st, I uh FAIT. Atiirii:ii WKST. the l.llnmis Llerett, Hie nii.st c.i LI No. a., u on in. No. I 'd;l II p. o. a;:to p . in . kk. I. ami miiy cmni!eii j i.i n. , m.j n n t .! iu. li. 4 :IH ii. I H. W. Kli.WVAKU: IK A Xu Aj.'.O N. O :Oi l"W p. ill lured. It is finbl at a A orii'es and on very l aw, at Attornuy . K A. TYAtii.kti.il, Doliuh. Ii sliH-lit files, .llge and Well 1'TAIi Ill'fVii TIY (Jen. Mg'r. tien. I'a.-eli',11,1 a s a hi ms k it in im Agt. A. K. Wki.iiv, K. II. IS III at K. N. lien 'J'i nijii-- nt Mu ok. . il til'll . Soul Maill street Tin tlie M'gr. e. Sup't sir, and prin s. IV.- an- a eatiiJiigie-agents , tor f'hiekenng ,v mi ami LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. II.- nv.ird Pi.iims. i I i II a- - I I . sei-ce- H Henry Lee 3-- - s A RESTOREDS MANHOOD t I 1 will quickly cure iwi nf ail g.r. In ii of Uniuui oncmw, Micb Lui4 Munhuod vi'us or Ui -d-s if Hu i'iM ru I'niiim In tlx! J:hIC tH'iulnul KuiifMoim, jj I iihMiiiSiitti VntiluesM M Marry, KEtianHlin Ilf I'Hitpii'S, mud I'nilna, i i Mtoi4 ini It4vi by liny or ihkI'L I'iwmiu niik'k-- r 7 CNi..v:ijiiiliiiii. IhuU lo NpmiMtorrtMi m1 iSiV -- s uf d. 4 liargv w lik'b If not H'wkM ttutluirMMof Iliipohwy. 4 I' M IIK I! riwumi Ihultvt.p. iw iirl. ary orurof toll IUinue lki'lrovnunil wri'JuiiKutifk frPinRKfS ntrM,etlfki:N.ih.l i nMoreHPiiiisll traahlHt with liu rtiM:i HuMfrrri . uptl hv Inn hin in hHuLM' ninny pfr IVtoftltollllta. i T 11 HKNKit tho oi.iykiiuH ii roiioillorur: without un oMnitiuii. toi;iPTtuitm-ta'A yi tninifi;Ui'i ul'tl mn'irv riiuriml If sil ImiXI! ilMta HOlUbvl to clUUMlllUto furfiViki.I.Y M .il. Nfhii fuTFHKitCimil iruml Aiuluita f. U TuX 7C,8aiA lTtoHCtoCOgCYO. FurfkiUb VOL JU.DU'!3ilS ue lvtiy' Tbi Mt. Ni ls i canal, skirling tin Pit in southwest turner nf I'tali valley, is hi tiiriiiUU nImmJTw III P'UAlliiFri. A til I'irl I'l:!'- - leiii'iii nf liorwi'i WimpMed. It Is twenty miles in UTAH LANDS THROWN OPEN. length. lA Huns Hacks to AM Tralna Tin stis-- of missis nf M. 1. Vdinisf nf 1ark City will he sold by tin; sln San Juan County to be Re l.i'iivi' hi si.il'k'. to satisfy attaeluiients aniniintmi.' PlCTO i. to I'M stored at Once. AVIF.IIIi'.IN I'UKK, UTAH. Iliirruil'biii SL IuOCALi C A T?r-1arklnson of Wcllsvilie, Henry Were Withdrawn from FHANK D. HOLHiS. Car lie county; while examining a gun Tlie Lauds ! Tim Table in J. Kgtcl Junt ti.'I, U. k. Land Ollina, I.hIi' Entry lit 1M88 and Reserved for bad a linger shot nil by a jpreinatiin to Use ths of Utes Southern Withvut Subject Nut Chtuuje Imporire. ex jilosion. Land and Mining Attornoy. tant Lnud Decision by Secretary At Utah Carpet & Drapery Co. 1'lnli. Salt Lake CUy Smith Site of Wallace, Idaho, growers dat'ji for Siiriiijfvilli! HOI Til. KOl'TII. nl Ibeir product a greater No. 1 I huh. STATIONS. No. Pmu saccharine than any grown 31 West First Si mill Street. During t letulier for the following jiriees: Lv. Daily. IIUX.I. Ai. Daily. DATES, In Utah. Jx'.i.'; :00 a in Washington, Ij. i'.. Hit. I.', i Ouilen. n in 5:45 T.'m) All Yi nil i, Sunil) Imi.iy Dwight Shurtlilf, an Ogden Imv, Hr. :i;ao AMERICAN FORK WAGON 4:45 iv .V.e Kxtru Heavy ilie C'linmlh.nuiier uf the All WikiI Svlt Lake .shot himself while hunting, on the iiiHlrueleil Iv 7:15 .ill ui iilllec 1,, take sb j.M at mice 4:35 nr i5e All Wool of whi,,h lie died 10th, from reiiM-iIn ti.i.i ini-Ltlii J uni'ltun 3:30 lire WORKS. iOu us low :i Ingrain carpets the day following. hunt wllbln Man Juan cuumy,entry I'l.ib. 8:18 INI Ml lll'l t Ilti 3:37 Il Nm mi Huember PI, liiieriur isns, old son of Kupliu John The Itf Mil 1 ini 8 :25 uilii liixlv linissi'l American Fork i 3:30 iiiieiii. uiliiseii tlr by son of Ml. lieasant had his arm hm I'i'liililiseluii having Kliiiln Uiriir'il lii from 'hh1 uji 8;:a Ttijg'stry Brussels i, ii1'!,1 it in le fur urtlar. a4fil Rt l,rua4 ken In three places the 11th by Ilie lelil'ivill up I lie Mulltbeiii I'tcH fisilll S .'i.i In null IllUi'n. thrown from a horse. t'lil'.l.lilli. Unit lll'giilj.'llli iiM fur Ui'll l (iivu us a call. attention given toiiut of town orders. WE DO J ;H5 I't'iiinval bail rvuelieil sucli a kIukd of A iiianimotli elevator is nearing I'l AS WE 0:14 ADVE1ITISE. Eeiiieiuber tlie place. Humiiiti'w t., .imi:kk;ax fork, i iaii "K ri'SM as ti, ludiealc t lint Man ju.iu completion at rorriune, with a fnwc-it- cminly liny; fit In l:3'J aiiiirt fur of luo.Ono bushels. The structure line, . O ll N .M N EIL the land ullke In Instruct it) :.I5 & IiiiiiImt tile and ir,i,(MHl of fiii iiuil Jbeeher nf Hie disrequires J p in in Pubic. Notary Mun trict Juitice, wbitli nails. precinct was 10,1X10 iNiuuds of Juan county 31 Mil uati'il. In WEST FI II8T S )UTii, SA LT LAKE. .; albiw liu iiilib'H nr lillngs At a session of the national cmineil uinii Hi iulilic la inis in ilie t'nuiiiy :45 unAll kiiuls of l"g.il work silli of Congregational churches held in til furl her luiviseil. Thu treaty that r on pi in VlurriHg" lncii'- proenrej, Nu.l .15 a in r. jr In ug pertainliig to lyal mat Nvraeuse, N. Y., lust wei k, Uev. I. was made by Ihul i'iiiioiiimsiuii mi :35 p ni Ir. iiiiiiullisi II. Tha Kecley Inatituta, M. Uartlett of Utah, said If stalelussl Jssi, niis by the AMltllll.'AN 1'llltK. L'TAII. 7:50 lust J'Vlu nary, uliirli uet in ('niiKi'i'ss were secured it would set civiliasiou ullnu'isi lb" 1 , i us tn liike iaii'ls in a direct authorized branch of tlm parent ill ar back ten years. house at Dwight, III., has been ojnuiud l'AINTS, OII.S, KTl'. & Kfieraity in Kirlimis nf New Mexieu IGA W. Second North, Salt Lake unit mi the west fui'ty miles uf at Willie Ha..anl, a l.'l year-iiltLEI) TO (lily of boy uoutli Trains of Juali run ivseiil r'seiialluli. AIMlItKMS. on thn line of tho street railway ruuttlng KAKL5EB0. 257 Eleventh Hast street, Salt Lake, Ilutli liu' laii'l mbit' aii'l the liuliaii Sunday. to Warm Springs. l Hire Inile reeuiiiliieinb'ii that as the lu disapMand front his home tlie loth Mhvuiz llullk llidg. Trsiim Salt Lakn fur Ogden daily Fur the treatment of Lite liquor and K l'ifit Koulh H . and no tidings of him have Invii bail ausi'S U'llieh led Ault Isttk Ilie u itiuliaual uf ifv t 7 :00 u m, 7 :30 a in, .1100 p m Mini 4 :5) opium habits, with Lesley E. Kunlcy I'lHiVO I irv, t'TAH. slruv. When he left lie wore a black til" binds luiie eeaxril tn exisl. the in. men nr wn p Ik.tindoublo lands chloride of in gold rent Company's iigiiln cuuiity hlimild AGENTS WANTED cap, navy blue waist, knickcrlsM-kertouultad in I'rmns leave Ogilen for Suit Lake daily edlns. tu Die imlilli: dniiiiiiii. The your Inc ality i ImuUU our ami black Suiury- Illel'i'fni'e. uf Niiii'Ulbel', I'M, is STKl'lIUN WOODS. at 3:15 a in, li:I5 p m, 8:30 a ni aud 3:00 Tho Instliutu is itiidor tho aiil e rti'K In riL'Iit t A vicious cow, on the llt.li, attacked reiukisl, and Mini Juau c.iuuty util a. .1. uf Dr. W. Mb John, who has MT 111, TOUSORIAL be TJffilLfiaMK!jii.g' to M'lllellli'lit ii (cii tit gil the ojd son of Neils Y. llaiiscn MKiiiu Clone connections mmlr at Ogden with been al work with aud in tho employ of Mei retary Mmitli inday alllriiieil tlie of Logan, tossing him high in the air ei'isii t ho Lesley K. Kouley triutars Lhe for Sui.plin, Wrapping pa ur ui uf the t'luiiiiiissimier uf the ulili'. hi Company ny 1'iittiiig guaran Soutliern I'aetliu trains. Lnuan tuin from which he sustained severe bruisper, lisys. Twiima, Rte. am I i illlee in the ease uf F. I. The I and Purlers mi M. n'liuul Street. li i'il. liAMHIlKT PAl'KK CO.. Salt Laka li'Aves Aiiirricnn Fork nt I :H3 at tiring a past four years. es. The animal was renew ing the at Mmitli et ill. a gainst tlie Xiirlhern c meanagimiout of patients will ho Ideuil-all- y Login 0:35 a ni and (i 10 p in . tack when timely help arrivi-Kail mad euiiiiiiiiy, fmm tlie aid tho name as at Dwight. A It. i'DliK. IT AMJUIi'AN for '.Xleiie Trains Toncle run daily except rescued the lad from impending death bind distrb'l. In tills case uu Watchmaker, Jeweler Optician l.syj, !'. 1. Mmitli and uineliH'ii liny Sunday lenving Salt Lake 7:15 a in A. CHRISTENSEN ( gden officers have in chage a mini uf ilie bieality, tiled ulliers, CLEARING UF TWO MURDER3. Eureka trams leHVM Amerienn Fork ALIX I. WYATT. W3 MaintSmat 's giving the name of Beth Carter, who a pmb'St iiKuinsL l lie railrnad 8:30 p ni MrriyeH at Eureka :30 a ni Si b'etlull. ull i;ilik Ihul the is demenhsl and was starving himW hen are nul uurleult lira I, Iml niiiienil; Twenty four hours tn Denver: 31 Bitles anil His Gang Killed self to death. He was found at I hi jou DON'T LIMP ran Sherman and Mrs. Davis. tie that the prut, Slams mid iludr grantors hours toOi'inliii; 48 Itour to Kansas city half isuuiiletisl structure oilman ui il; made to i Y 1.1. A made valuable s.llled let. and Jiimestiiwii, N. l'limnr smt ncHiiI walk -wiittpff hn hud ifvii S We ()luesgn. I'UsU-mralglit.ur take on part ,r the In nils, a Is that m Iaris KciiuiiiU-- tin- Union rurific is the liest tliecurrent m,i reel m lnsura deiitly Issm for some time. Hecluiiti-elarge pert inn uf the tuvi'ii nr Walbiee, murder uf Mrs. Klii'i'iiinn and Mrs. iimifert. Kper.lahxt- - tu rriiiiilmi Ollieii inJackMoii Iiuil Jin". to hall fmm Texas. line for New Mexiini and Arizona, Ida.. MlandliiK thensin," and that the lie Davis, in Dusti lust and UebiriiiFd Stmt t" tlie hraii's and artificial liml are lit the midst uf a well Amkkkax Fouk, of Utau fore lmyiiiL' jour tickets get our llgtires. hands uf Kmniet titles and thiis' A1 Holman, a stockman from Han sts'lb'iiH deal! ri pi bin. kilim'll iiiiniiiK eon n try. and riuhrnee very w'liu, with him, wen1 -- Er further information as I rates, Juan, shot and killed Jim Kiimud, mliiei ul liii'Htlnns made prior lu tlie surHIL6ERT DEFORMITY ai't'i sled and eonvIctiHl nf tm turiiig an mans, etc. rail rut or write, another stockman, the nth. Kuniiel vey. and that It is iml valuable fur old woman near I'niun City. Ia. They A. K. TIIOKNTON, SHOE CO., first pulled his revolver and llourlslusl ngrieiiliiiral M. II.WPkN, I). E. J. now tiro serving time in a lVnnsylvnnla K. Third Koatli XL. After n beiirlug the ullleers deIt, but Holman was not armed and he cided Denier lu i Uenl Fork. Agt. penitentiary for tliat erlnm, which was Agt. Fait Lake City, Utah against the prutestuuts, wlileli nut up his gun. llulman watching committed shortly nftcr tin Fasa. Dept. Salt Lake. was iitlirined by tlie fils chance slipHid Urn- - revolver fmm The murders. ninmr says that The Mis' retary says he sees no WIRES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS City Ticket Oilier 301 S. Main at. u rhnlii of (viileiice Is Is'Ing forged Uuuuel's KKkel and shot him dead. iviisiiii fur dlstiii'bliig their euiieurring K. L. Ijvnax, (J. 1. ii T. A. ASTONISHING RESULTS will which men in the these and dismisses the contest. Implicate Finest lira lids ulnuysmi Hun. I. Frank Curling plead guilty to the I'plnli'iis. E. Gen t Dickinson, Agt. murders and show The of ulsn that others the reversed the Meeretnry a Siumulljr. Funilly .. ..From Tha S. II . II. 1'i.aiik, charge of poising William J. Coulter same gang were here at the same uf the I'uniiiilxKimirr against the of Fillmore, and of forging a will in iliTeinlaiit In the ease uf Frank 1 s time. titles Is quite well known In this EAGLE Billiard and Pool Hoorn In Con Oi.ivRit W. Mink, C, LIQUOR CURE his favor. The prosecuting attorney iigiitiist tteurge Frazer, frmu the elty. nnd lie and his uls iiile frenec.lon, E. Ei.i.krt Akdkiison, - iteceiveri, made a statement to the court that la'wlstoii district, blah". Davis's c laquently visited lieii', always in a quiet SAFKST, MOST SlICUKSSFUL, AND MOST ire 1'nrt iue, Fur He, HJo. jier qur John M. Doank, Is dismissed on tlie ground that j and mysterious way, and tlie theory is I'KIWANKNT KKMF.UY YET DISCOVERED. Carling was not of sound mind, and test H.l'oi Fhkhkhick MereliaiifaSt. lie nkKT. AMKItIC.l was un nut uetual tide li"iia UTAH qFOKK. settler, that he nnd ids riiiiipiitiions knew of ho was given the minimum senteiire, iiit'l that lie no liili'iitlnii nf had CaM hi'mlofnra hniwleia, now eurad aad making the Intentional absence of the Klienitnn live years. Carling Is but It) years of n liniiie on tlie land. Airs. Frazer's ento newnriia of lifs and linpplnaas. family from home on the afternoon tirjiuyht KKAD THE TESTIMONIAL age. try Is In stand Inluet. uf a phyof tlie the murders were comthat day s The massician unos aksptlea) on following pust mitted. Prisoners, among them two 1ml Ians, ters welt liquor euraa, but now n to eiinvart for tha Eagle WyoapiHilnted today Knlapass from tore up a mattress, In the Ogden jail, other eurea and victimsRemedy, of tha terrlbla liquor To 5Vhnm It May and stuffing It in the air shaft, set ming: should not Klaek lluttes. Mwetwater enmity. J. diasajw delay. three week ag I plneed myself In the Writs for furthar parUoulars or call at tire to it. The tin1 star ls I in the roof J. forte, vice Williams Matthews, rehiuiils of "Tlie Kagle and Tiilsiceo jiiiorCity, and burned down want. One of the signed; I iluniondville, I'iutah rnunty, llablt ( uni" of Sait Dike EAGLE 1IIAllMACY, Territory SsEBifl Lide of V. A. Mell'uiirne, I tub, fur treatment nf aleiiholle lee Tumi, ('"tilings, World ofulants stim8. K. Cor. Id So, and W. prisoners refused to join in the plot resigned; Trmpla Sts. nml I l.a In was tok'ieri). range, very lt;il and was threatened with death. The J. H. Klee, vice I'.. F. Yoder, emiiity, lilt bake filly. Huh I llrst eominenreil to take when shape resigned; loss was lii.wX, fully covered bv inthe tree Intent The mid o. F. CULMER A BROS. previous thereto I had Only Lina Uniniinj; Two ilrmik an Alliuuy entnily, J. M. Dark, vice surance. average nf a quart of lliinr N. F. Tuiidinsnii. Isoie Tn'e, for sixty days. U per duy t retulred sal Tiniiix Mrs. M. M. to Fist Manufaeiurera if rintah Through enmity. Daily Farnsworth, An association known us tin- Civic viee amount to kep me on my feet mid alive M. M. Jidinsnii. and am feeling Ural rate anil Imve r'slguil; l.ueerue, LKADVIU.K. Federation, coiii)ioscd of lending Sweetwater county. I(. K. Sun, Vice J. no desire for liquor nor tolmeeo in any SHOW BUSES nr KVKKY men of all parlies, has lieen form1). Marry, as ilend; Wyoming. Albany , roriiv anil fetl roiilldcnt lam irniunoni-lriRimt ten, UKM'KIPTION a cured and ran cheerfully reeuminem ed, with view to pmsis'iiting alleged county, J. S. Wilkins, lice l U. Hall, coLojiMH) srriiyus, YKIiMHIUS, tilths, the Kagle I.lquor and Tulmeco iialilt IsNsllIng officials of the past county resigned. ure to those In nevl of same. Very reA Mexican war sun Ivor's pension ETC, AM) DENVER Ispectfully. government of Halt Lake county. was it K. First Slum, xi J08KIMI HUFF. fan Lake City today granted to John (rttlln of ttO.iNNi has Iteen plrdgisl, and addi- la'wlstun, Resident of Oasis, Utah. tional counsel procured. The fislera-- t ElliCtivo April 3'J, ll'Ji. " Farm ST-Sie.riFELTED WITH FLOWERS. ion is composed of but twenty-livTram No. 3 Icnves Aincricsn Forx at yisiu-r-hof to tho my wluis viewing the vnruius MeUurnlekLoans lllin'k. Halt Lake. nml meiiiliers, as a larger body would lie iii,iKur tnicrri point nr a 9:03 a ill, arrive nt Fiieblo at U:10 a m, enriliAl iHviUtnm to imi5trt tb Emperor and Empress of Germany in lltvtioii unweildy. Colorado Smriiigs 7 :51 a in, Denvrr 10 :S0 od iisliitings t the "Oxford." Ths ex lilt, it of ufh fn,ou,, nuxterpivees s u1H It Is said t nat clay iilsuimls in I tali, I'liurivlli'S, lift. l.'l. The sir, 'ids wore in, C'riii!u Creek !):5!) a in. of lams. 'Morning" nnd "Kvening.""jurv STEEL RANGE " and which, by virtue id a recent, chemical profusely dccoiiiii'd to,,i and tinTritin No. 4 lcavi1 American Fork that Justly I'elehMted liistorscal legeud. f lie combined with station was cmwded with iend, discovery, can AuthoDy ond ricopaim " (stops n signal) nt 8:35 p m arrivs at chemicals ami convcrlisl into EsNKNSl'KRiaKR KROS. eager to gleet til.' Kln.et,.r ;illd 5:37 Colorado I'ueblo 6:53 p It), M W.Sn ou Sjirings iif lii'imaiiy up ot tlieiiKtsvnt exierimeiits In Paris, !) jHit to 'EXCELLENT IN EVERY RESPECT i Denver !):35 in. Tlii-p in, amie.l at France, wen so successful that they n'eliH'k and were minis Connections at Furl Colorado eii e, at Ilie ROAMED TO DEATH. do, will Ik continued on a larger scale, slalloo by Ihirou Yon llainnior-stele In Utah, anil chemicals for that Springs and Denver with ail lines east. We Iihvii an imniPiixn Una of Tile I'hnper.ir .,u. Kinpress pin. Stoves, have already arrived. If tin y eoeded to Ilie I'liall.'.m I'niMe. Elegant day coiicliea. chair cats, and Four People Caught by Prairie Fires Tile llaiup' and Heaters to an im all e ill in Manitoba. Tike trains. sit an as successful as anticipated, SI'hts mine was lined with iin'iubei ,,f ul(. Select From. tlie D. & ii, G nnd lisvs s coinfnrtabW works will be established. Videraiis' ilKSoeialoi4. Winnipeg. Munltiibn. 1IKST IIOT Allt FfllX.VC'K IN and iiutit the ou tlie scent wen ASIKIlirAl trip people rnjaj A disialch fnun Topeka. K.iv. the ele.. who elithiisiasiii'.iilv near lnjure-ii,,.od here fatally rj tln ir Iniperlal party and pi continent. while lighting prairie tires last night. ldlh, says that Governor Morrill lias ties with Mowers. Tlie ';uiiemr majesTrain leaving American Foik at 9.D! Edward St. (iernmin. aged 1.'. was en- Utah StoveA granted a pardon to one Z. T. Camp-Udinomiiueiit at t balileiiol.l at who is sold to lie a resident of will Is- - unveiled Friday. s m arriyei al Cripde Creek nrKt morn gaged wl'h an rider brother In an I ntnl.iue Mani on HpplICAlion, Salt Lake. He was a to save pevcral ng at 9:50. uid Kiwi S4uth 8( Kansas City II so when their the and, express agent, story goes, Halt Lake city clothing caught Hr.. Kansas fliy, ihd. i:.. The polb-- are 8. K. Iltfi'Kit, A. S. Ill'll ms, was one night he had a .'as iackage of exeielsed to burned a crisp and the over Ilie m,1.rv ,,f ,W(1 Traffic A elder F. A. T. brother so it mgr.. U and leave in graves in the Si. .1. din'sbadly burned that lie (. money, lieing afraid Denver, Colo , Denvrr, Cln cjinnot iiovt. the safe, put It in his pocket. That northwest of Kansas cnv. iviindeiy lilllt-At another some Da nml Inn point B. F. Nivini. night. The II, M. Crenixo, night, as was a custom of Ills, he got Sunday n,;it the Ui-li'PEDIGREED FRUIT TREES railroad cinployis s which were and ili.w the with of two l'oland-erfriends, Gen'l Timv, lass. onahlgdnmk to drive back the flumes from the Agt., Agt. was only money ilisupiieiircd, he knows not I'lil'llehad lit'iii si. 8alt Lake citr, Utah. railroad property. Kdw.'in! I.ukvn today. Suspicion is direct. s how. lie was convicted mid seetb.n nimt. nnd a foreman wlmsea studeidx of a I nn dleal to the pen for eighteen years. against Ilie nam Ir unkm'wn uvro Hiirmnnilud w lib'll ri'cemlv v PIONEER NURSERIES pene, and After serving four years he cscaM-tin llamcK ami Imth MTiHhtl it w lileh la kie iw'ii t.. h.ne no CO., cadavers feared other fatalities from and came to Salt Lake, where he forc- - un hand. SALT LAKE CY, UTAH tires have occurred, as Hres were prairie raging last night. Paeifis nh-- System i.rJi-r- TIME p N Is-e- Carpets, Carpets t 1 s I i seltb-iiieii- t - dc-jit- MJ ii liis-r- Kirt-Claw- s 1111111111111.11 : H y ki-- i Sjii'i-ia- liu-i- r illri-cle- -- The Utah Carpet -- 4 Drapery Co, Ir.in-.u't- . i 1 Wall Paper I 1 1 .1 cLurr tln-i- r l U : sroTT fuMIIIH'n-IH- ri 1 - s - FREE A. Midgley, VI A I -- . . artist. un-nr- ar S C. r. ur-de- Mint-king- niaitago-inun- M 1 I'a-ili- I'ts-u- : r S Dr. cuin-I'any- 1 1 see-tlm- is A T I) d r ili'In-llvi'- - r ! Dcri-mlicr- Kluo-q-. , 1 x. a iiii-hk'- bs-a- l W Aiiu-ricai- de-elsi- s t'uiiiiiiis-siuiie- r. ile-els- nrili-r- s 1 lia-vl- IV Bsnys? i Ri0 grands fourth-clas- the lair.-uni- 1 5 Is-al- - y Imsi-nes- s y e s Alsni'e-Lorraiu- e. $35 I rail-ma- dyna-mit- e. il "Mmi-iKO- Km-ple- ss 1 - ! -'i rail-ro- n. pur-lsis- I ilvna-mit- fh-t- . s.'liool-eliil.ll-e- (,ur l U.-- Fmd-ilek'- N l, Hi'J.vrji( Wm-rll- i Wells-Farg- o huy-staek- s. llody-Snaichei- s. a Kd-wa- I Reliable - . r.-- Ia-ell- i S. ii' tb-r- i s. . sen-tenr- l eoll-.-ge- HEWLETT BROS. Nn No Alum No Ammonia . TEST IT Hik-Sra- d TkrM-Cm- n Baklnf Ptwdir la ik ilrangnl lnd pHrnt Hide. All Grocers Sell It Money to BEST LINE Loan!! KANSAS CITY AND BLUE DIAMOND LABEL ON EVERY CAN. CHICAGO A Tour of the Yellowstone Park. Residents of Utah should purchase ryllryad ticket, to Helena or Butte, via the Northern Pacific railroad to Livingston, the natural Wc can lurnisli you with money to re- gateway to nature's wonderland now don and can new your mortgage A complete tour of the park, covering make you a new one at a t ain of Inter-ra- t rail and stage transportation and hot from 0 to 13 per rent, according to rfrvv.01; flve aml one-ha- lf days .S. ,.05 1'lv,nFf,bn. costs only $49.50. tho security. Farm and buslneas propTickets covering this tour can be erty loans a specially. Address, purchased at the offices of tho North-- . c,nc railroad In Butte. Helena Mont' For I'uWlcations and detaiied Information, address A. H. hdgar, general agent, Helena, or W. M oohy, general agent at Butte. S43 N. W. Temple. Calves on Brush Creek range, near SALT LAI.E CITY Saratoga, are dying with blackleg. W- H.WEST ir Tourists View From the VeramiA of Lake anil Surroun llns. e.a-- y wr ami tn lllliini 4n 311, sii.i i ., Ail pi. I mn- LAND U. w. illteru.l w. Ik. Ill.'s ll'1 Stung i "asi acres of t i ili'il lands In trarts nil tlii; lltli, . I LD1UL JiVKONGKOO i 1 ! ilsj-e- tiMltliTs. St. lamis I'.tfiil.ilists are jiiiym llll III Visit til till ilsplldltlllll reservation. Jnliii IliinisUiaii uf Millard miintj tial bis leg limki-- tin -1 li, batiud lug Mlled over It at a sawmill. a miner working N. 1 1. Aiidn-ws- , Merrur, was kill.il by ris k falling mi a family. liim tin: Kith. Hinf viln-Seventy thousand busiu-l- m - I.ir I his ii i iii -- if iiavr ml in I'tuh ttic )iit ji'iii. Tin Sugar works have lurmil iTiMUK-- r Grow only Grade LAWYERS and HisF First-cla- ss i Stock. SHECKELLt HUTCHIM kiiuj Atlas hlk.iSaltUka For a Suit That will SUIT Y Send for Samplos if You Can Mot Call. D L. 8 X-- alt ROSS, Merchant Tail Lake M U. Balt Lake City, VTi 30-9(- 1 |