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Show AND PERSONAL. LOCAL ilern .cw. I r. I, '.!. lriivo WiiiiVn ti.i'D a ill leu-gai- ci; i l.-n-- n' . ..I a Th::a Purtiis tJoiu in the Field in Earnest. AH f , iu-- t - J. W, town S. lAiHAi. OR C. iii'fiil-er- .uni"', retur:.!", Cud v i!,le Iretll 11 Ii" I. as heel: M Ns : I,.-- . vii Tin- - Logan in ;i tlai!ii' 1 iln- ff-- - it-n ils 1 . mid Miuii-- made n:i It is miw r s those winter hats ut Mrs. io ( the fall nnd. Mriggs. see ;i uiilliu-jr- K 1! . - I -- t 1 . lln-i- r city L. Novel - and .i.!.r:i.ik for mayor and 'light fur marshal.1- City L. .1. '1'. A. 1 ; held have I r; ri Nel,on: I.. j.i.-lii- in miu 1 h i V.l'll Its I l'l'llO . Ilv ii: .rk-- ut lli-l- l the peace. Si..y. nr l ll'lilll treasun-r- . in' u NS Ini' ie I. i's hiTMiiie-invaria- t'.-i- i. t : u , th , .'r- -' "r pi nt ' a:i-- till-sho- A. 1!. Ila.-iti- k. ehairmnn of the Fi.imhst ciimuiitti-e- . spoke to a (Tuwd.-house. Many attended fur t!ie purpose of hearing a lYpulist speech. Hr. J. Ik t'ooper was the main spoke in tlie wheel, and although he advertised the meeting '.itth;, a larger crowd was til, iu was expected. Jos. Fiivli call tl the me ting to order and introduced lion lk A. Il.is.duook. who received some ap pi Oise wlu n l.e eatiie to the front, lie began on the general issues of lie day and showed to his aiiilieiiee h iw the two great parties were the people year after year, and advised those who could realize such to arromplinii-- e by votingfor mat- the third pari v. and lln-icondition. I'iially iinprov iug Much of Jiis s pceeh was sound and apparently will make some Populist voles in Amt rican Fork, He stood before his audience two hours nnd forty minum-hy tlie watch, the longest speech ever lie held made in this section. his audience well, am! although many became sleepy and went home ipiitea good mimhcr stayed until it jin-e- iit llu-n-li- r the former owu"r. The lui:.l viisui.t rails the It. K. Hunter has moved his druming iii iitul (iiairmaii faiiiilv to Salt Lake and will reside the other rs e me sorry Jed Mern-- followed clnee hehind tin-- ; , fur some time. aniieil to the teeth. lie was asked to l. e such it good citizen ns Mr. us to his strange position, vs lien liuii,. r and the presenee of his tlie reply was that he was placing family. i tin- hods guard art, to see the fiainl and I. Hi: w ii! ncijliri new iliun't render any death marches, t ill " rciiirn, if vu inu-- l ymir livn mid v lien telling it, Jed cluiekled ir.ii ki'iiu-y- to t lie proper ..crfi.iiuanei- was ended. ( lln-i- functions. Ir J II McLean 's all over himself. Ftinuilnte Liver uml Kiil.i'-- r.iiii) and iu:in-liiu- ii. Idei-diii- . Mates lifts hll ri lift M'd wlu-rhi earries on Ins uml will remain there l!oljt. Walker was r cstr-eiii'-- - chi-e- - l Kell, "f I luck to si .mi the 1'Hil A. min i. (. il Ire. her snide. sin siye. -- Iiir '1 In iiMtiie m Price ad ion. !ieiu IiKMo. fl.tHl 1! IT1C RALLY. of the Editor ('. W. IVnrose, Stei-l's- . 1 Lake Herald ami nominee to Halt Luke Litlmgarphie cmn-pun- y trii several the l.egirlat ure, ami Mrs- Mutt ii has assigned with liabilities III'' was lint Cllieii nvii I us Cli mi 'iln-uniI. held a good sized uml-ii'iit'anmni neami ei"i'il the Tii::i iv ii lie Pain ll.ilm, fur exeeediug the anil eh'-aat it in rrciiiiinieii.iiiin I t'lKe opera lions" Tm-- lay In; due to the printiiig Tin reim-ilMrs. ('uiimui spoke in testilyini; t iia evciiiug. doing, wherehv tie ihe'y have v ni" 'or iu itl is nis i nl i;r.--iof Ileiiio- the mi hna gnatness been downed, .jeiiem! lame nark, ymius III ln- rile-pleurisy geiiera) printer low he to horn Democrat a that rats prices charged. and all !, miieii and pains underbill by Ihe a than was king. For late lit r.'lreli- - Si Co. greater For tlie nilint'iil.- - in tlm kidney Mr. Penrose spoke on the general r incidi-n- t iliclming veins, tin i iiiiii:--i issues, going hack to Jefferson and ilint iirnduci such is mi Card of Thanks. Hr J II Hamilton ami compared the two ns nud rniili nti mtihfaetiiry AAV take pleasure in thanking McLean'i Liver mill Kidney Halm. gn-- t parlies up to the present, the many relatives ami kind friends Mini iii veg-itini if' el on tlie iv, that the party or those who assisted us in auv i in kidneys is renuiikHlile. Pii.-- f (in stating was for the EilmunJs-- I responsible wav. in the late sickness and death tier iii. tile al Steele & Cu's . r law and also for the presof our heloved mother. Mrs. Small Tlie riiipniiiu sisters. Die millin- ent linaueial panic, etc. Among Eidrcdgc. who departed this life on ers, will have a grand sal oi many things he impressed upon September. 5J7. 1M". triinm-'-- j hats the coinming k. aimi.' of his In an-n-- s minds that woo! Tjik Family. heginingon Thursduv and Frnkiy. bad r.iitt.-i- i to eleven and twelve All liios Octolier 'Jlth and . iiiul that all through the III! Ill .n lift- - IS lie'll too ('limply wlii'n w in th East hmiiKss was reviving; nil a bargain genuine ishing till- iiiiiivulual wlui in ("U a tnniilor hi at tin lowest prices of which was due to Deuiocraiic system, seeks to cover i is wants v pur lutet styles to heat the opening not should fail and particularly so the rliasinn y new mixture that is to linn. Itemepilier that 11. E. Smith, of Kajsville, who AVilsou lull. ) Ayer's Srirsnpsiill h s Doth received occasional applause owns the Spanish Fork tepiitstinn of fatty years standing. and Democrats went home with liniiiii-iil,'- " The - ! y ls. ee s iflb-u-y.- " hi-e- mu-- I . 1, inu.-uiiii- i I - ut-ke- 'Jf-tli- - I I -- a c o.il-i- AND LUNG TROUBLES, CHERRY PECTORAL Two years ago, I hail tlie grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me.no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for uie, changing the medicine as often as he found the things I hail taken were not helping Ci us outfit, spent a few minutes yesterday, while on his wn.v to Spanish Fork. Earl is either declose the to termined up its for use. some or get paper The former is preferrsble by the people iu that locality. (.'onshilile Alma Kowley went to Alpine this week and arrested Holier AValton and John WntKius for figihing. They wilt have a hearing before Judge McNeil of this city, as one of the parlies is an iillicer of Alpine, and the case could not be tried up there. Our friend A. K. Thornton, who is known for his enterprise, is ha' i jig placed an artistic sign on the mammoth transoms of his 8a1imui A. saloon, which reads: T niton." Mr Thornton runs f the most orderly saloons in nl. e Central Utah, and his iatrons al- id it a neat and accomodating place to trade a!.. Hi, ht. Lee and Mr. Kirkham. whmn Thk lTiiM stated last week hail broken iutn the liein saloon, was lined S'Jo each. The fact of it was t he hoys did not break into the saloon, but it was before the place was dosed when they extracThe boys think ted the liijuors we did them an injustice, hut wr venture to say that the officers are to blame for w rong information we ifV me, lnit, in sj it id his attendance. I got no iMtcr. I'in illy, my readwho had ing mm il.iy of a had tlit-- grippe iini was rur''il l.y taking I, Ayer'a procured, fur me. a bottle of this iiin!;,.'i:.c, and hr fore I had taken half nf it, I was rured. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in niv family, whenever we liavo needed it, and have fonml it a for colds, coughs, and lung tumbles. Emilt Wood, North 6t., Elktoti, Md. d, Cln-rr.- sH-cifi- Ayers Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. CltanH the System witb Aytr'i Sarsaparilla. Kt. When (lev, Mich the urine s'mwa sign of il'tor- - Mirsnly or aitrpreiseil flow, usual dark color, frcrpient calls, or it the smount piiHeil i lirs and very liijlit ml or it iodifates troulilciu tie- - kidnsvs. Diseases in these nrgiui ure lUngrruii lisnco (lie importune of prompt to (tup tbe trouble. I)r J II Liver nnd Kiilney Balm exsrciiei n lienling nnd stiniulnlin; influence over the kidneys end urinary nrirnni and in norwill cause in early mturnlion mal condition!. Price $1.00 per bottle at Steels St Co's. 'a feeling well. Janu s hirk has gone out to Wasatch to look after his sheep, to bring them in on the deserct. It is rumored that Niels Iuulsou Wrong 1iiitrrsijii w ill soon iii Mililc up in the holy iiVfniing iln l,J THE UTAH CONSTITUTION. lit Srtii luiiiNr'! . Out to th InilMiimit yuoiioii. bonds uf '1 l.e cUi'Kidness, v at the isui - ! 1 I Hon. ('. S. Yiiri.ni held forth at the opera bouse Wednesday evening. and delivered a great tarilf speech, holding his audience well James Chipman until the close. called the meeting to order, and Mr. introduced the speaker. Varian. who at once began on the steel rail industry, showing tha great benetits of the recent McKinley law to the American inHe cited where the Demdustry. ocrats had. by their English President, sought iu vain to blight out the American manufacturer and labor to give room for our foreign . The speaker urged that Cl,wn-Krote mr men !.. would Ul: w our new Mate, whereby our natural e I 1 . - i'oiu-li-tutioi- i. - e visiting Oct. The llepuldie.in Drum Corps made their first appearance upon the streets Wednesday evening iu their new- uniforms. The buys loukc.1 ijuiti gaily, aud they t as good ns they looked, judging from tlii-ihigh movements. Tli-- v pa radi-and drummed and marched as though paid a high salary . The huvs are all right, and should he assisted by tlieir party. They have been iii practice for sometime, until I h. are now in pretty uiisista good trim, the ciiips hut ten. Ihe otlici-rare: Ires- id nt. CluK. 1!. Miil.ir: header, .luhu Kastiuolid; Asst. Leader, Dell, tuo Chipman; Secretary. Earl Dunkiey; Treasurer, John (irant. - fi-l- r - s Republican Rally. Tiicpsipli of American Fork treat Monday evening at tlm opera house. Lee Fairchild, the great Hepiihlicau Xaiuiiinl speaker, will expound lu Hon. Charles puhiicau principles. Cram, the man who built up party inl'tah, and Col. Isaac Truiiilio. who has spent his time and monev in liettcring th. cimdifiuii of our people and starting' iii'W industries here. will also ppeah. John I. Aleak in will give several recital ions iu his inimitable t vie and tin evenings program willin' interspersed with songs by the famous Salt Lake City colored glee club. It will he a true gala night fur Republicans. -- . Elect ric Hitters. Klcclrii; Bittur i a mviliein f"r fiiv but ierliais lieu in tiei-ili'- ly tliii wlu-- Spring, suilci piur tbe bin unci I'ilidiislfii fi'i'ling .ii vuil, wle.n ! lie liver i tnrpil mui slucui-- b t,n.l llu-- i si"! ul a ton ut is li'lr. A i uv l i!iif iiii'i icins Ins iifti-Uuig mni i lisps finl tiilium i N" film will act mors siiti-iin cuinii-rai-- i iiursmi freeing tin system from the ms Hr uiiic.b', in iigsRti.in. u, ;i us tera- ppilnn. Dvzupss ie.. to iiitU'is a Imttle nt Only liifiy i Si Co '( sin-it- ,iiit iiv'-rii'i- nn-'i- pi-- I I 1 Hob Mayhcw, a ton vert to 1 Eli-rtu- c-iit- - DIED. Fursiox: -- At the home of liist her iu this city, Thursday morning, October, 17 .lV.io, lreston, ngml eight months twenty days. Death has again entered a lov- ami (nisi it ut ion is prohibitive or bounshould have ties. glad to have discussed this question last evening. had I s imposed there was any question mode coucerning it. The (.'(institution ilni not prohibit the granting of hunntii-- iu proper 1 lu-c- s ,isslnt, (,ties i.i ui.l of ue.- v.,n Ul,t he csteu un or necessary eu! ijiris:: worthy The Constitution does prohibit lending of credit, 0r subw nub-- to stock or bonds of any railroad, telegraph or other private individual or corporate enterprise or undertaking. This simply means licit the property of the taxpayers shall not be subject to a lien fur a debt incurred in aid or such It does not prevent Ihe legislature from authorizing the application of money to foster auv enterprise in aid of the people's interests. This provision in the Const iiu-- i i: n about which so much has been '.lid, tiuds a tilace in the oi of all, (or nearly th: stales admitted into the Union within the past thirty years. The truth is, our iAemoeraffi! frictnf make this const itutional provision do double duty. Sometimes they claim t lint it is prohibitory oi bounties; again, they deny ibis, and insist that a llepiildii-alegislature must not he elected, heeause y h-.- l ns conclude this communication with an excerpt from the Salt Lake u Herald of this data, which I me speaks for thcentire Utah Democracy: Our Kcpublican friends ask for our reason why tlie Democrats expect to carry the State. One is that people of Utah are aware that the election of a Legislature would mean, m all likehood, tin granting of bounties to favored industries w Inch would necessitate tlie tutof for not on taxes, public purting poses, and from which the people as a whole would derive nobcnelit. It would seem, that this announcement hy the Herald is conclusive, and that the stumpers in Utah county who are insisting that the Uonstitution prohibits bounties, should silence their voices. us-s- ing home nnd taken therefrom one of its brightest jewels. Foil was u bright and interesting hoy, and had Cod, in hi iniiimte mercy, seen fit to spare him, would have lieon a source of pleasure, comfort and strength to those who were near to him. Hut it was willed otherwise, and we must all bow to the decrees of a High iower. Hu l'or several years past, the little None fellow has been a sufferer from ii P.neblens Arnica Salve, Dkt Sai.vk iii tic wnrli fur Cuts. liiiiiscH. Kurcii, Ulcere, Shit Itlicuin, Fever S,n-N- , Teller, il.Hppnl IIiiiuIn. Curus, slid all Skin Kruptiuns, mui Pile, or no jiuy It ih to i;ive pcrtcet ut ihl art imi ur n.iim-ril'uiiiliii, Price j. per Imx. FOU SALE BY Steele Driij; Slure. Tiik Cliil-iilNii- -- is, y s &('', Democratic State Convention, to Silt Ink ian l Return. $1,115. Vis Uumu State ('.invrnti'iu ets iii e.innt t Pni-iti- 22ml. '-r Mile Oel 2.M ami 22nd Tickouil fur re'll I ii iu. til Oel "'i'll, On.- iiaiul or fio.it i'sc'.i euuiiiy panteil drum , popn'iir line ter lliia e'liiveiiliim. Lull Oaki.kv, ArI. - lu-e- If nlUicteil writft tmll.Mff nut Out iik i. gri-H- elp Jor alclmlic hair diaenses, - fmMlim,-lS- r preparations, apply Hair Hair Ibuiesrer. Vauiak. Republican AATll Hold tlu-i- r Dunkiey 's Shoes are out of sighti both in quality and dice. - - ... - Stopped Over a Day. Messrs. Maloney and AAeber of Ogden, tin former nomineefor judge and the latter for ney-general on the Democratic here ticket, hud a day's d Thursday, and spoke to a house at Alpine at night. Ruth ure very pleasing gentlemen, and us a matter of course called AVe questioned upon Tiik Item. them as to the result of the coming election, but very little they would say. It is better told after Su-pre- me Attor- lay-ov- er good-size- election," said Mr. Maloney, as he sat at the dinner table at the Grant. Mr. AVeber said he didn't hardly know where the Democratic party was at since the church crisis Roth gentlemen didn't occurcd. the Worlds feel to realize that they had any Ayers at Fail-- . chances of being elected, as they extra moved leisurely about the hotel tbe Aycr'f SnnaparilU enjoy in-il- C. S. rheumatism, accumpan-ii-- d ilistinctinn ef litving bee thr corriders. lv (umplicsiions of the heart, nniiimrv unly purifier ellowed on exh'bit et w hich, despite the efforts of those lie IVorl.l fair. Chicago, ManufactConference at Froyo. who were actuated by tlie strongest ures ot oilier (eras pan Ilea sought l nulory i - un-simi- il : I . dry-goo- ds end-avori- ng, t - r - Lrr-- i Mr. Huy Robinson and Miss Roxy Rogers will hold their wedding reception at the home of the bride Hat unlay cveniug. AAe liojx (iuy will rush the growler" to all old friends who are not i mi led. Rex. Pleasant Drove, Del. Wh. Ladies. regular meeting in the opera house instead of tin eve next, City hall, on it would Im likley to favor boun- October -- Jrd.Wednesday ties. Just watch them and you will find tli'-imaking contradictory Hlankets! Hlankets!. Dont buy assertions mi this question iu until you see those at Dtiukley'a. ditferent laealities every day. I They are beauties for the price. nf motives, love, carried him awav. very Incan to obtain a (kewing ut A mother and two sisters, as well i heir goods, but they wete all turn- " could he developed; aud 11:om; im-away under tlie application of a ruin numerous friends a his mourn were only iu the liid, ling tlm entry nf patent medicine-anparty. di'mUe, and the sympathy Mr. Varian is a smooth speaker, iiiivnims, The decWnni of ihe entire community goes out of lair authorities in farnr of And to conseieuiious the ulv.uy to them in the atliiction. was in i fleet Ayct'a S.i!aparilii keen so His were remarks point. as teiliiw. -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla ia not that the niidieree forgot to apa patent in 1i'iii'-- . It dm a net liflnup Lookout for the Ring. 'Ihe mi'iing adjourned to the it of nostrums. It is here on plause. wer aud even the Democrats There are a few political trick- its rneiitN." tlu-ialtendan-'"with about town who are trying lo sters pleased A Citizens Ticket. trouble in the Republican iiiiike MAI.OXEY AND WKliEll AT AI.ITSK. ranks. One in particular is workJim Newton and AYalicr AAild Titos. Maloney and A. J. Weber, tlie for a nomination of certain came in our office just at press time of Ogden, spoke to a large house at ing man for city marshal, whereby a all out of hreallip, and requested AJpine. Thursday evening, on the certain box warmer may us to print the following Citizens principles nf Democracy. It is Ijeroinn nightwatcliman. Now if ticket, which had been made up by is nil able this certain saidth.it Mr. AN their a secret caucus of a certain clique: worKs clique man nnd is destined to make an orno parts For Mayor Thomas A skin. they note in years to conn. f which ator of ihe will of the against For Recorder Walter Wild. Mr. Maloney, although nut a people) wc shall tight it to the end, For Councilors Jack Shelley, great talker, is a very gentlemanly which tnay lie the means of defeat- Ni I Wild. fJeo. Lee, John Skerry, nnd intelligent conversationalist. ing a Republican nomination or Edgar AAright. two. Put up good men and we l'or Treasurer Steve AN oods. (id prople sniTi-- mticli from disor-lewill support them, otherwise their Marshal Georgie Clements. For ot tie- urin iry orgnn. end me alwHye will be chopped heads and slcak of the 1eace James For Justice f . Dr wotuli n r nl nf'ct of J tlie d be they Democrats or Repub-ewton. II McLean's Liver and kidney Ualin in clean, For Constable Kobt. Rax ter. benislibig ll,e:r trout'!". Price fl.00 licans. v per bu'.ils et Steele it Co'i. r the Populists, is circulatiugn paper for Since the meeting of last even- recruits, and it is said tluit about ing my attention lias lieeu dirveted twelve bate left the old parlies and to tin alleged fact. Hint our Dem-- . are now upon the Populist list. It rat ie friends have been claiming also is said that they art mostly in L tali t'ounty that tlu proposed from tLe Republican ranks. L'LWS.--Bmp-Wl,ma- will he given a rich 17, ISlto Editor American Fork Item: iii"t YAM AX OX P.KiTItMCAXISM. n-- La Grippe, far Colds, Goughs, ' I lb-rai- VOK ii t Truniho will deliicr i well-eirnci- A SPECIFIC aluiig nieely. the night - friends of Mrs. D. M. inSmith will pleased lo know that iu. oper.i lion. ('. S. A arum made a speech Hie is out afti-rlullsix weeks again, Dou.Yy night. .it lb-- opera house the other night eockucs:;. Il .Mill. lio. i is llOUlllliited t"l' iu which it was ini. 'udcil tu cipl.,in Ed. Fmith, who is attending the t "ii 'i uu. iiiii i ij r km v. ill suptrue meaning of the bounty I niversiiy, is said to ho the umiIiT--- I who a in, :i ii port learning ic to ride a bike. D must he fun to da:;:-.as now exists in the in N the w.io r ij'.i'. inn. which h.- supported during see Ed. fall. Fine Suits, iaio-- t styles, al Jack If tlior-- Iopulist sHakcrs would inasmuch as it was sons, ma le fn,i:i Irovo mills good-- , its passage. have , a rally in our bnrg they at tn'Tiiendous luv prices. ovcrlooki-dthe gentleman writes might get some good honest voters Viv, Lima Chipman returned Tin; Item as follows: as there is sevral who would like home Tuesday from Irovo. where Salt Lake Citv. 1'tah. to hear their prineiplcs expressed. she has lieeu friends. 1 1 Varian Explains (lias Harper's hoy, who had lii the Bounty Clause leg broke some time ago. in gelling l.i .vr cin- - of the nii-wl.o II I'ulilican party of l"ta!i i:i ;!.Imus". .Monday i citat il.. "p.-i.l ui ( li tics Crain. ing. s r Mm. S. Hon. C. S. was iu 1 n y.:: r.n-ms- evening foregone vs ill tinnuininati Republicans Ayer"- - ; ir Vigor .wl.ieli Insi.ut lit. .i iiiiiuiic-'simi .ii pe Hisliup V. D. Robin son fur ninyor aii'i iin nm-u (! ly i. u i.i of American Fork. Ilovo i.iisi, . hiisi-iues- s. strong man f.ir Republican ticket. w'.-i-- - , dilTi-ri-n- t said to lie a on the Alpine r ivt'id.- ha.iga rc l evcM Ci!. I'uliUr il I'tiiii rijt .iii- - it v y. liunkli-v'- Muit Ut 1 - is iii INiirtW and aiiliuU . Mmi-tla- f in Hourly completed. - i Alma Rowley k v, i k. we- . esli-rdav- 1. V. teachers ftke Ciilkvginte 1 ntii ill rip up American Furl; elci-tio-j- l vi. i . rviiitr-layafter l ur Men's FurnMiiiig Um.ds go rats of Iruvo ImM tlieir to (in get lln-inimm-ipaIbinkley's. t. ;i t ijji next will A ii.it liuii- is us prices. They surprise you. there aiv factions in the "We iluju.-- t what we advertise, Held. w hieli is the eseiitinl j'uiilt ill in;: li i I i .i-V rniih and .Imi cuuntv iii I'tuli Thi I rs SI 1 (it opened lip in p.iliical circles. ;i.. i f..r three i i;hls the walls of th'1 1. " ra Ih.iim- rang with N. ll'nl uraiory uf ihe Salt il.iv.i and eeit ment. friends. I Viifr.-Mi- Su- i .1. IVi'iiliM, nl tlif I mi iviv ivl.i'.i'cs i.tfl ..st -il Ii. tn rue. r, I!U.1-.- id Alpine !.!,, GROVE. Iulitics is boiling. John Clark's now residence Slivh-s- . 1 v.i ! I 1 . In. , Min-o- PLEASANT All OPEN LETTER. WE TARIFF. - i i si.'.sr Tu.-sd.i- h.-- ii!l ill It r m i al'.i-- 1 - IL-v.J- . ticket-- 1 i ! .; . Locals. Mrs. Wui. I!i"w u . at iiratuY wi Isaac llirtift fi. I."ii:i- fi"i.i sit i. Ha' i:i A. L. :tidh Lift ii im-'t . trip south "ii New Inn- of irnuciiigs i.i Drigir. A e ii,. in. Mrs. Wurle . . of liidiiiiia. whuh-.- gn-.'-l- : a aiiiiotu f.-- s Additiv.d pot. dTIOAL : X rents to Pruvo I 'ud lie. Oct . 1'icketB Rood rrturniu: 6'i Ciiiou . mui return Via nd SUtli, ltirb nut il (let. Lot ts Oaklet. 2lt. Tin re n one sliidh every family sin. u Id lie provided wilb. Wo rider to Ulinnilii-rfain- ' Pain Uslui. Wlieii it is kept st linmi tli sc y ere pain of a burn or solid may in promptly relieved am tlie sore lieslvil in much lees time Ihan when medicine lua to be Sent lur. A sprsiu may promptly treat ed infUnmtion sels in, which in saute a cure in about one third Ihe lime otherwise rcijuirid. Cuts sud bruissi should immediate streution, thr .urt become swollen, and when tin mbcriliiia's Tain Balm is applied it will heal them without matter heing formed, nnd without baying a scar. A sere throat may lie ruled in one flight. A piece of flannel dam pent d willi this liniment ami bound on ovir Ihe est uf pain, will cure lame Imek or p "'n in the sido or cliexl in twenty fnnr hours. It is I La valuable, however, lor rheumatism. persons alllictcd wl'li tins disease will be delighted with the prompt relief from which it afford, sud it can be depended upon to effect a complete cure. Tor sale by Steele & Co. be-fo- ' |