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Show AMERICAN FORK ITEM. VOL. Ill, NO.5. AMEItU'AX 1'OltK, 1:TAII, SATItKAV, (HTOUKlt church suit virus. FISKMIY I. E:i)ilaiji-t- Q fcftbbafti If. - ti Ill 111 II iki fi 4: m 111 7 1 Hi. ?:m jx hi i Ul i. Ui 7 Ml f. iu Mriy Friday J. a. BANKERS. livings Scliuo SjlikialU 4 . iFnuiiljr i'n Frrftjllitf Prt)r H.im. ru.r kurru, CLOSING OF 31 Finances. Ilrjkvr nemc Iiilii MuJy LATTI.K H.) SAINT. aMialli l(l:iklii. iy Suudar FrNool -- 7 :W i. hi liiiicml " T:!4lp. hi iiriii.rul rultci u. H. KQIUNSON. A;iLw I. OF THE ....rr)r1. i'oiiUrvur I S k Willing to Run the National ll 4 6. 7. Ilk. SCHEME TKKIAN AILS, for the charters granted, and some revenue. ablrli should aid in defraying general expense; und to make the current-)clast ie. "K-rlumk desiring to become National should pay a tux of 3 r cent er iiiiiiuni tiHiii it average circulation, ll can at once h seen that whenever and wherever the demands for money i&re artlvc t.i eiiuhle lianks lend their funds at prices tlmt will let 1 lii-- ox el-- 2 per cent, there will In an incentive to put .nit the currency; but wln-i- i It is worth less than that amount, as It has been in New York und litkstnn for some months, the unsigned bills would rrmaln in the vaults. The Government would receive several inillioiis of dollars Kr annum Into Its eoff.-rto aid in lutylng Us hills, as a return for the privilege granted tlie luniks. In u.lilition the Interest on the one hundred inillioiis in gold now maintained in idleness would be saved and the gold put into active use. instead of being out of the channels of there being no further use for a trade, gold reserve.' Hint the bulk or the green-bucand Sherman notes would lie as n basis for currency or as a reserve against deposits ill hanks. That all parts of the country might have the advantage of National lianks, the banks should lie tiermltted to organise with a capital of fSo.uou. or even less, thus encouraging State banks to abandon their present charters, lianks desiring to organise under this should In examined by un agent ofplan the J om i droller and Krmltted to business only upon a certificate ofbegin the examiner, duly certifying that the capl-tstock has been ald in. In actual cash." William Ilhnwn siuike on The utilisation of lawful money reserves through bank .learlng-house- s In relieving money siiingeiieies an.l preventing lutnlrs. Several nqiorta were submitted and illaeussed. organized old Odell Lauds triotic" President the Pa- and Predicts Furtlior Disaster if the Currenry is not Reformed Twentieth Century Currency Plan Everything to the Bunks. or Mer-ria- Atlanta, (Ja.. Oct. 15. The w I.WI n. Eunki-i-s- ' usK.H'iiittun begun its L- 4.uiv. ui.m. tmliiy with uii unuHuully tt liirge utteiul-I- I IK'l. Till! WUH Wflcilllllll UOIMiSnrril ASDIC AVI. tn the city by Aluyur King and to the I. . n State by U. ti. JuitIuii, of the - '.'''v 3. u p. ui Mtiite Jiunkeru' . HUB ST A 11 ItOlTK KOI! Al.lINK. Ileuiilent John 1. Odell riKlMUided, MiiiiiUm, M .hIiipmIh w, iiml KuluMftV 8:60 a m. and delivered hia unnual udilivwt. In in. :....3:Ulp. which In declared there was mure OKI'lli: llOUHS. tniulile In Ntore for the country unlemi Thu liani-rit- l Slamu uml Ruitl.iry W luiiuwa him ii ul h:Ul) u. iu. mii.I b.M li. the Hyuteni of governmentul note Imtues ut IB In uluitnluiicil. lie colieluiled his Runly fllift Cniriil IMIvprjr aiul Sump UH fnllolVH.' Hiutlowaiin iihmi r mi H:iug. w liil . in ij.ui. and truui 4:UI nil "A year ago, at your convention in p. in. TI3HUIIY MiCAUTY, lultinioiv, u iluu fur the reformation FoKtinukter. i our natloiiul currency Hyuteni wuu und while the recommenda-tionudi.ptiil, ADAMSON of the UHKuclution did not meet Aini-iU-a- t. UHWH-lutlon- H Ioist Wednesday be lie was going to Ida Jerseyville, ill., when Ids 1 stNk-nolder- s ooisii Mtitrii, In ISV!. tying i"11, home lit win Is visiting. Cushler confessed to President D. K. i'imiii ,,f the lumit m Isiuis ,ii Saturday night, lie lost about L.i.miu in stork und Isuid Jln theft Inis been systematically pruetlivd over two yeurs, ami was rui ,.v, up ,y innnlpiilutioii of the n H hi a statement Issued the bank today, the ollicluls say: They tuea will fall wholly iimii the ns the assets of the lunik are amply aiilllclciit to uy all depositors." It Is now known Unit when I'olcman 'rt xt eilnesilay he had no Intention of returning. He was under a St. Isiuia nw ulisPs can last week for nervous uble. Krbliiy he wrote to Coon that he ha.l hffniiic u wriek. rolcninn'a Irregulurllles up to tlmt time had not known, r.sui telegraphed Coleman to remain In St. Is nils and on to meet lilm there Saturday night. In the presence of his wife and lirothcr-ln-luuml Coon. Colcinan made a confession. He broke down and cried piteously. sullii-telill- President I!, 1S95. s, Un-sldc- e w t 1n-slde- LORD 8ACKVILLE SIZED UP. Don Dickinson Declares He is fernal Ass. an In- Washington, Ik-t- . 13. Don M. MMlillUjIoil Wltll n Illllllllltlin lo look afUT lh lulvn HlK of klirhiKuti In Mcurlng more rapid until service. Air. name lias lsen sisiken of rc-- y as tlie one referred to by Sir West III Ills ianiililet as the aienilK-of 61 r. ('IcvcIhihI's t for the Mlutxler's COUNTY SURVEYOR, with uiiivt-rmi- l uiijiruvnl, the uctioii of 61 r. Dlekliison wns siiiiiiiuiry ' usked liutuy tile convention guve rise to a iiiokI or as to the facta of the ease, lie sul.l: Deputy Mineral A the liicMcnt ocrurnMl wluan I agitation of the currency iucs-lloAN I) a liienilier of the eul il iii't , d not fei-- wnat iMitli In and out of ('ungrcKM, uml tu discuss It u hm to Sir Monel liherty NOTARY 1IBLIC. u givat deal of valuable dincuKHton folBaekvilU tesl, I have no hesllullon In . lowed. . American Fork, The in that is effort of now. saying the awioclutlon to Utah and ulwuya lia leal with thia Nuhjeet Iiuh not U'en been, an Infernal ass.' Mr. lHekiiisun was asked for hla views fruitl.-HH- . anil it Ih to Im huied that the Bland Goes South. oa x encsuela und Cidia. as It baa i agitation thus initiated will continue ated of late that Ir an Springfield. Mo., (let. 13. Hon. until the tluverniiieiit xhali al.undun tit! on these questions among the ixKuunce of iioleH, and u more jier-fe- cate, .! Gland, the free coinage ... of his NOTARY lie wild he did today iierfccted arrangements tf care to go Intuparly, the matter ut length. eurreiicy Kystcin uhnll be udoitud. an extensive tour lecturing the Tlie "Tlie through our evils of of no distant day Pcr-onsystem were Southwest and South, to begin Novem-l- r would Velupiuenlu (lesirinu fa. ; Deal, Mortgage ieak more never nuire apparentpresent than words, than today. Du2u h am lawt until May, next year. lie referred to the eloquently fuel that Daniel Weli-stS1 HBKisiHiic-- mill j uiul Probate Ixisi ring the since we lust met tohud tlie liidesiiileiue of reeognlied do well to cull on nit: m'ks Httcuilcd iu, gether ourountry lias iKissed through Greeee many years DEUPREYS RHEUMATISM. tlmt eniintry un experience that will not soon hail aiSually indesu-Jencten. Following a season of Accounts C'oJledetl. Goods in and tlioae dnya Welwter bad llituidatioii anil distress, the Theodore Durranta Trial Continued ucen accuned of Jlngulsin. sold ou Commission or by fox a Week. country was confronted by a National Auction. fiiin Francisco, ix-- t 15. The trial of Treasury forced almost to the verge Indictment of Miss Flagler. - Amkkican Fork of Imnkruptcy, and wus saved fnnn Theodore Durrant was today continued Mehchanth St., Washington, Oct. 14. It wua staled this only by the heroic and iiatriulic until next at the hall this afternoon that the action of a wise and courageous JJresl-ilen- t. lllneRii of Monday on uccount of the grand city 011NT (j jury which Ima Attorney Deuprey, leading InvestigaFor weeks con1 ADDREW H If Surrey - n, r. -- Lion-.ekvlll- e ul r l E. HUN1ER, Imu-i- n'WLIiy et I,t e er i e, ul nill'HlX. U-c- uncertainty and counsel of the defense. While the prosecution made no objection to the motion to continue the trial. Judge Murphy was very reluctant about giving Ida consent, uml announced that the Dial would lie resumed next Viomlayi 61 r. whether Deiiprey should have reel iver.il in the meantime or not. Mr. lieuprey Is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism, which has made It imKiHstbl fur him to attend the trial fur several dnya, but hta physicians lielieve he will be able to resume his duties next week. - ting the case of kllsa KllxaU-tFlagler, barged with killing a young colored boy last August, has voted to return in indictment charging Miss Flagler with manslaughter. The District Attorney declined to afllrm or deny the .(hitenient. subjecting the delegates to expense. RECALLED Home thought it wuu Id lie sufficient for Hie euiiiinlHeo Itself to Issue the promised "Dccktratioii of Independence, for. after nil the talk ulmuL taking the THE CONVENTION Democratic Committee Fol- Democratic! ticket from the Held, It was in the dlseiisslun thut shout all the State convention would do. If would lo to issue an address. t it her tueinlH-rof the rummlt-tc- r suggested the culling of muss meeting in various tiarls of the Territory to adopt resolutions. Thomas Dee of Ogden xvns the only speaker who ilefeudul the church uu- -t luiril im. lie thought the mailer under eoushlerutlon had been overdrawn, and that JoHeph 1 Smith's remarks had been distorted. He tlioiight President Smith hnd In line with his ihilles rh u meuilier of the First Presidency. IVe's remarks wen not received with npiiraval. and he surreniUred to David Evans for the evening session the liroxy under which he hud been acting m the iiiinmlttee. Tin roll of roindles was cnlbil. and the vote wus uiiuiiiinous in favor of Then a riTunveiilng the ronventUin. wus appointed, with rhiilrmun Powers nt Its head, and Thurman, Moyle and Evans, to draft a call. The mi hour In the preparation nf Its uHHiuuiii lows Powerss Lead s Issue a Cull Rehearsing the Fnrtyn Predicament nnd Ask the Delegates to Meet in Salt Lake on October U2nd to Prepare a Declaration of Political Independence Powers Makes a Speech ou the Situation. rn-t- Lake City, Salt Utah, Oct., State fuiiiuiittee met In this city In reyesierilay sponse to tin call Issuiil by thulrniau Powers. The session lasted from 3 until 11 last night, with a short and curly In the tin result of the (iinfercnee wiim the of the following cull, reconvening the Stun convention: 'ih 4 iiccasliui for the dlsHatlxfactlou is that at a priesthood mooting two canj didale went reinsured by thn first presidency (or arfcpilnit Humiliations for o without consulting ilium, llio men In qucsliou being high church officials. Thu runniiro was basisl usin the ground that llni two, having eunsocraloil themselves to the mliisiry, accepted obligation which could nut lightly Imi put aside, and for I ho further reason that ehurrli work might b.i Interfered with. No uanios were mentioned, lint It waa plain they referred to Messrs Roberta ami Thatcher, iiimilime for Congressman and Unliud States Senator on iha Democratic ticket. Thla action tho Democratic leaders rt as an to control pullilcal affairs, though thu first presidency deny that sm-l- i was thu easo, and reassert that thu Mormon puoplo are free tu alfillatu with thn party of their ehulco. Since Hip noiiiiiiiillon of the I lure rat to State ticket, llirougli no fulfil of tlie ,n- y, lliere bus urluen a Tercrisis In the iHilltleal uffulrs of tills effurls ritory. It has liccn caused ly tin-lleiubll-euiof designing unit iinseniiiuloiis who have used unit dlslorlul the Hlutelllenls of litgll eliiin-l- l in onh-- r to tlielr own iiihiIh Jo ends. Effurta are euiisu tho HKile who have Ui-lauglit tu to that I he uiithorlly hiufiiiHiit cliureli of i'tali the of thn iN.iiiiN-ratii This of tlfingH the most serious coimhh-rthill of every thlukhig mail suit WOIIIHII. ll presciils tin hiiiIo it ull oilo-iliieeliun lHfun whti-lore Iwurful. It relates to the rights of ainl to thn liersonal uiel mlllii-u- l of every liullvliluai. The luirty, wlihSi has ever Ihiii the IMxrty of thu fullesl fniiloui to the elll-se- ii. iroHiw-to meet tills Issue amt to light ll out tlmt It may In setthil for all ihiiLjaaigu .awy tonic to the 15-- Tin 1 iifit-riiooi- ee hm-ii- The of-lio- yMM st of-fo- - e de-le- ut ion-Uitlo- s i e s Is-wl- is-wi- Is-e- n Ml 8ti-x-e- In-e- sub-stutlo- inter-fereri- J. F. ce MALI.3EY Paintibg s mr lien-afte- c BULLETS FLEW FAST. s deb-gate- a half-witte- 6. W. pa ed or sa pp al W s anti-Engli- ," Missouri Home the Seen of I Bloody Tragedy. Aurora, Mo., Oct 13. A shooting affray, In which two men were probably fatally wounded and a third man seriously Injured, occurred here this evening. The trouble occurred at the home of Louis Jones, whose married daughter, Sarah, who Is living apnrt from her husband, appeared at the house. In comimny with Andy Alexander, and demanded her personal effects. The woman has been living recently at the home of Alexander's father and mother. The Jones family refused to give the woman her things, and a quarrel and a fight followed when they attempted to prevent her leaving the house with young Alexander. During thn sou file Alexander drew a revolver and used It on Thomas Jones, the woman's brother, and Louis Jones, her father. Louis Jones also used hia gun, and micceedul In putting two bullets Into young Alexanders neck and another enct rated the forehead Just alaive tho temple nnd entered the brnln. Alexander cannot live. A bullet liassnd through Tom Jones's body, entering on the right side below the ribs and coming out at the back. Old man Junes was shot In the mouth. All of hla teeth were knocked out. The woman waa not Injured. d. Maud Lewis on Trial. . PJJ n; t ea cnntnln-e- d Expects the Feopls of Utah to Indorse tho Committees Action. Last evening a crowd gathered at the headquartera of tlie Democratic committee to learn tlie result nf the conference f the State committee. At half-imV (.hull-maPuwcrs and other inenihera of tlie appointed to draft the call fur the reassembling of the State convention entered the hull, and It waa quickly concluded tlmt the chairman should make a brief Hxech. Aa Judge Power took the platform to addresa the waiting throng, David Evans of Ogden, in a moment nf unrestricted fervor, cried out "Three cheers for Judge Iowera! The cheers were given and tlie Judge pdnceeded to that the State nanmlttce had been suy discussing since it met the quint bin of reconvening tlie State convention and laaulng a Declaration of 1 ndcpendence. of the counties It had Utin a roll-ca- ll been determined unanimously that the convention should Is reconvened, and a had been appointed to draft a roll. It hail lmn dccldul, he stntnl, that tlie cull should state that without nny fault nf the IVmocratle lairty an Isaue I uni liccn raised (hat should lie met without compromise. The Issue should let met In a spirit of moderation, hut It should lie declared (hat thn iMople of Utah are independent In their Nillilcal action. .. Judge Powers deelunil thnt the (u itxo liMuunnu-.y- , to rwi. frerarreuxiv.tkrt" a rertaln nlghr to hear the iliclaratfon of leiw,iw. ocracy to be put forth liy the State convention, and to consecrate their energies and pledge their protrerty, if null be, for the cause. The present atorm, he said, would clear the atmosphere, but its effect would be to prevent dislgnlng men from misrepresenting the utterances of church officials. Tl.e excitable audience applauded nearly every sentence that the Judge uttered. When he had finished, cries anas for other speakers, among them D. C. Dunlmr. Mr. Dunbar stepped on the platform, but to preside, not to stieak. At length, John Q. Cannon was liersuaded to talk. Mr. Cannon said he wanted to announce that he was a liemnrrat, and a belter Democrat now than he ever hnd been. He waa for the Democratic ticket, he said, further, from Moses Thatcher and Joseph L. Rawlins down to the least man on it, and would vote for It on election day. s t presented SPEECH FROM JUDGE POWERS. nr-hoi- ih ill. cull, us o fni-ilui- . I no referm-eto the ,red defeat of SlateliiMMl, and some pmM of thu members wanted it cliiuse covering that Inserted, liut Judge Powers explained that the eiincluillng paragraph waa Intended tn rover the suggestion, and so the rail waa adopted by the committee ss fusion pivvailed, and were not allayed until by the sale of a large amount of bonds the (liiveriiinent its Bold reserve. That this expedient offered but we teniiMirary relief have had Hit ample evidence anil the signs art nut ft el Ni.il IihiiiI., Gliimliilar Swellings to indicate that we have yet wanting of tlui lurk nr groin, mure trouble in store, unless we shall Cmmc hiiiI inllHiniitory i depart entirely from the present makeTHEOLNEY LAW shift arid mill iiihiiy oilier system of governmental note issues. With a seleutiili cuinplsiiiti. !ILL BE EXTENDED OVER THE monetary system, based upon tlie AMO MANUKACTCUKII liy TIIE standard which has received the In- I" " rnre sf Many ar ClllItl31S LAUNDIIY OLUDII1U linns, we may feel assured that tno inmorn15. Oct. This Kan., Hutchison, MHiile Courts Will SeVicd Federal of the the ami Aw energetic telligent Sold liv all Merchants. sowho lives at ArIiurcli; It admits thu right of every Unlt.Hl States will develop and utilise ing Howard Stevens, Pacific to Reduce lely Southern the of west mllea to govern ami control Its menilH-rhere, by twenty lington. dreams of to extent the an the beyond In Its own affairs, so lung as thu rights tn the farm of Ilailquurtcrs, - lrovo Cit y,U tsh wildest visionary the marvelous re- drove with hlaandsister Wages Cannot Strike. or Ilia Blais or the rlglila of other indidemanded that John sources which nature has with such James viduals art! not cncroaeluil uiion. Its the marry Mullen, employed by cuuwil by I noon who ALYA II LEWIS, M. !., generosity bestowed upon us, until at girl grievance ha Mullen had that once, at claiming 15. ChroniOct. The San urn our true Francisco, ready and willing to drag thu crass of last we shall take place seduced her. klullen refused, and II O II II Oil O IHI Dll O of Post- t'lirist'in the mud ami dust and filth among the nations of the earth, the Mlltli-waiting until his lou-- was turn- cle says: The announcement liy Is ento ailvanea Hellish ends, ll maiFtlYSiCIAN :: AND :: SUIUJEON foremost in material prosperity and ed. shot ball taking effect in master Frank klcCoppIn that he occasioned the was nut this him, by whether lers which will lie manifested moral As klullen fell, Stevens shot liiiUHnt motives or Innurenl action, the Oflice Hours from 2 to 5 p. m In the worth, advancement of our arts and his side. Mullen will die. 8tevena got deavoring to bring about the carrying roiulillun Is here, and an Issue hss of and the between raalla again. life our In of the done and sciences peoThere should lie no liijiislli-In la day raised. Store. a and At Stcele't Drug posse pursuit away, street on the the central postofllce Iu any man. There should Ik no ple. t'tuh Aiuerirau Fork - or church of the with any rights Excluded. railway llnea of thla city la lisiked upONE SINGLE CLOUD. Spectators Will be em- of any individual, lint for Hie good of 15. United States on very auspiciously by Oct. railway Francisco. Ban us well aa for the good of Today, were it not for our uncertain Marshal ltaldwin has received Instruc- ployees, and especially by members of Utah a manly tlie question should lie met hiieoile currency system, we might well con- tions ex- the American will in a maimer that the and ordering While from Washington, Union. way. Hallway ourselves upon the condition lvnux-rargratulate has spoken and knuw that privacy in connection with the not imputing to Mr. McCoppIn any- will House Sign add of affairs. Abundant crops have re- treme act Clulr at anil 8t. aironliiigly. warded the labors of the huslanilnian execution of Hansen next but the best motives, to faciliTherefore, in view of conditions existFriday. The thing Decorative In order tlmt them may In Issued a of Industry arc moving more San Quentin prison the wlu-clof ing, tate the transmission and of dhqiatch murder for the is hanging imletiendenre. Hint Icehirathm of smoothly and rapidly, confidence Is double mute of the liark Hesper at sea. malls generally, the railway employees for tho purMHNipidllleal of deelarliigr that no man taking the place of doubt, assurancet. the excluPaper-liangisee to claim the the behind use thn Glazngr, Etc. the is Hindi men proposition of contemplating set ur of hesitation, and altogether the pros-MT- ltaldwin coiniMny. I xiwer or the name of any elmrvh or siwetators. including repre- hand of the Southern liu-ltibut for one single cloud, is full of sion of all of Interior IXicorationn and (1 raining. the to voles eontral the press, from the exe- They claim that it is nothing more nor authority encouragement. With the increasing sentatives All kinds of Commercial Advertisless than a scheme of the railway coin-lian- y or the wilt leal sentiment or any ellixen, cutions. we the hoie of Ktate prosiH-rltroinmllleo, iM.iiineralin mny duly sirecl-capeople r the for Us to Immense the bring ing. Headquarters at Halt Jmke Pity, un Mumluy. to prosper, even as we suffer with of the assenddiil within the iirotictlon to uiianl-iiiin- is system Death. Shot 141 Wft. Latost and Cheapest h Oelolier. by Negro of the as In To duy us, their misfortunes. them omnibus deelslon of Attorney-vote, hereby 111011 the nwssem-blln- g Nashville, Get. 15. Eugene Vanry, a celebrated the duty of Wall-Pap- er or His Designs, lor 11595, in Innkers, Is commute. that eonilSNaii the Olney during the strike near 61anchester, was General lived who negro our of credit the tieople. maintaining the Pullman Car conqiany. runveidliin that met at llgilen on the rdli out last night by a crowd of against Ilia City. This we can do ly abiding by those called men of Heiitemlier, 1K&. at Ball laike City, and shot to death. He was The provisions of that decision were day , of financial morality, the white Hie 22ml day of wing on Bclectiuns tmm ten of Ilia largest Mill principles with keeping and abusing a broad enough to bring under Its malls. of which time and experience chui-gent the hour of IU a. in. All truth IMG, all railway companies carrying d in lliu United Stales. white convention are enrnenlly girl demonstrated. Upon us, as an assoIt was maintained that the refusal of lo the Into laying aside all biinliu-H- Hint ciation, rests the large responsibility trainmen to move trains carrying eXftiHca that the iiltenil tills rnnventlnn for they to contend for , the ENGLAND'S MAGNANIMITY. Utah. to combat error, was Indirectly an Interfer- tlie good of Ulsh ami all the Miiile, and Amkhican Fouk Pullmans truth, to assist In raising the standard ence with the United States malls, and thus abl In settling ones and fur all un of commercial and national honor, to Entitled to Praise for Tolerating Em- consequently a serious offense in the of the quest tons that lias so long harassed extend the sentiment of brotherly felall elassea in thin Territory. Federal catalogue of crimes. bassador Bayard. The eon veld Ion will also lie empowered offlowship this Is our mission. rumor afloat the There that a is 15. the Truth Oct. that London. nays than Hint stated tuke such other 'Are we callable of discharging the SHORES trust? icers of the Market street combine tn DOCTOR statement that the Sackvllle pamphlet would like. If possible, to trim the in this mil! as Hie exigencies ol Hie occaI think we are. sion may require. woe Intended to drive the United of its employees a little, and It o. W. PAWEHS, Chairman. MERIUAM 8 CURUENCT SCHEME. States Kmliaiisadiir, Mr. Thomas K. wages Is openly announced In certain quarK. A. MeDAMKL. Been-tary- . Merrlam of Minnesota Dayard, from London Is absolute non- ters that the moment mall cars begin over the llnea the reduction read a paper entitled "The Currency sense. and adds: Anybody ac running will go Into effect. In case of a strike of the Twentieth Century, In which THE COMMITTEE MEETING. the with diplomatic quainted under these conditions, Attorney-Generhe outlined a currency scheme. Ills amused be will service cover mightily the would decision Olney's suggestion was that say 40 jier cent of the capital of a National bank lie to hear that even a combina- case very nicely and stand between the 3 of the service comiiany and Its dlssatlslld employees. Uniform Hostility to Church InterfInvested In United States notes anil tion of all the menilH-rerence. the circulation be Issued against the concerned could effect In the very A general strike would, of course, tie same, the bills remaining In the hands slightest the iioslUon of foreign Em- up the mall cars as well as the others, were counties represented ss folThe of the Treasurer, an.l currency to an bassadors In lndon. It cannot be even In case the comiiany used sepaI VMM G. II. Fennemore; Box lows: amount equal tn the remaining CO tier denied, however, that Mr. Itayard rate coaches for carrying the malls, PRICE, $2 A BOX. fie delivered availed himself of Lord Backville's in and could be very nicely construed Into Elder, Hyrum Standing; Cuclic, Joseph tn stock cent of the capital Cssss Positively assrsatsed Is Cars Bvsrj an interference with the malls. to the liank for Issuance when desire., Judicious net to excite an I K. Martlncau; Carbon, J. rsqsl" Nsssl Catarrh. Cstaritiil ll" In this city there are about houo men Munson, llef.ire the unsecured currenry Is for- agitation to assist the candidacy re-of A. proxy; Davis, David Banlocal anl cosmIUHIobrI Williams, employed on the street railway lines. dera. 1. I. Willey; Emery. K. A. Wall; warded, however, each bank should iay Mr. Cleveland, and therefore. It Dlractloas lor hiIrk Dr. G. W. ,hnr... F. to the Treasurer a sum equal to 5 tier flects great honor uHin England that HO per cent of which force Is controlled CuraHvt HirmAIm In nil cntirrhnl diionic.aiM, rtWin. hay ftvw cent of Its ll your htvn caurtfe. Mihsia. by the Southern Pacific railway, under Garfield. G. It. Clark, by proxy; Grand. capital stock, as a 'bank rlr our Government has been so dignified afltetloa as It the name of the Market Street (ViiihoII-date- d O. W. Warner; Juali, Charles Haynes; to welcome -- ??. cooipflc.irf mowhich and magnanimous rulatlon fund, upon safety W. May bmnchiil lubMor lunp. m Df. G. nod Blood Pnd-fi- tr railway system. A general walk- billiard. Joshua Greenwood, by proxy; ney the Government should allow In- had Mr. Itayard as an KnilMuwadur. Cum. Coup Cura and Tonic nnd terest at the rate of 3 ier cent tier anLord Knekville, formerly liritlsh kiln out would result In a very bad state Morgan, Thomas It. Oondlu; 1iule, W. to cum thn catarrti, Mop t cnn. tlsnnnn later at Washington, writes the Times of affairs for both the public and the It. Cross, by proxy; Illeh, AnsonD. C. ttin M.d. Isprovn Ihn nyfllw nnd.flgnnWna. num. The Government, In case the asvarlly i . Month sets of Insolvent hanks he Insufficient this morning In reference to the owners of the lines, hut the latter Call; Salt Luke, n. W. 1ow.ts, ll compiicattd wlih Mdnmr. Hw or Mnnr and Cures Uvnr and wan Or. G. W. Snore Kidney It for the circulating notes pamphlet entitled "My Mission to the would be much the worse sufferers. In Dunlmr, W. II. Dale. N. M. Brigham. to reimburse the substance of the past there have been some very J. II. Moyle, Jleber liennlon; KutiM-le- . United States. in all care taka on ul Dr. G. W. Shores II yonr msihla Is direall of defaulting Instltutlona, may assesa 1 Milan. Pill by proxy ; each liank In the system, pro rata, to which was cabled to the New YorM lively strikes on some isirtions nf there K. L. Terry, Owiir anSTtocp-statawrit Dr. G W. Shore P1 I. World ami given tu the Associating systems, two of which resulted disas- Sevier G. L. Dean; Summit, John tur hi ntw irepinn IIM and hr your can dlf an amount sufficient tn fully Indemnify Should tlie Hoyden, Kobin Spiro, by proxy; Tinn-Iofor It for any losses Incurred, but In any Dress. the trously noMd and jm pt advlc Irn. Blond comiiany. by I,ord Sackvllle explains that the street-car- s one year no Institution shall he asDr. a. w. Shnrcn' Tonic nndl begin carrying malls, as W. J. Robinson; Utah, A. J. Evans, W. N. clean and purMbn thn blood. sessed more than 1 ier cent of tta ave- pamphlet was printed privately to for as the Olney decision Is Inter- proxy. H. A. Wilson, by proxy. long 01 bur-maall nivau and h cures H. never S. Intendnl dyppla vigor, preted as It Is at present, a general Dusenbury, A. IX Gnsh, Munlock. rage circulation for the prevloua year. friends, and waahe cannot understand strike by Wasatch. J. R, would bring the strikers In direct Dr.' G.WShart' Kldnay and Uwr Cnra Inasmuch as there are likely to tie at published, and W. A. became it how Ivins; We-Ire- r. public. conflict with the Federal authorities, proxy; Washington, cures all dla ot iha kidney. Uvr and Maddw. least four thousand banka organised Magln-ni- s, I W. to G. the W. National H. Williams, law. the Treasurer as It would be Impossible under any kiep PDr.'1. V.5haIi, Couyh Car rare11 REVOLUTION IN CRETE. David Evans, proxy, Thomas Deo. mall cars running If the roads were might act as redeeming agent for all of M In tan Kun Juiin, colda and btunchlil altacllon. On dawlH Lr and each bank Kane, should tied at Iron, the all banks, up. liroxy. Iu lh houa. of lodge and Wayne were not represented. paaaiodlc croup. Keep a butll K. IX Marlatt, tlmea keep with the Treasurer 5 per Troops Sent Against Inhabitant! meet the No. 345, American Railway Union, of cent of Its capital stock as a redempWho Asked for Relief. Judge lowers, In oiienlng ",Dra,V.,s:hora, MouuUlu Saga ol.' tion fund, which fund should be in gold purNise for which the Oct. 15. A dlsfiatch to th thla city, saya Mr. McCoppIn need have lng. stated the liad wont pala la on alaure. For hMa. London. been brought toIn trust for the specific Times from Athens, describing th no fear of the auceess of hla scheme, committeemen coin and held JJLJSII51 IinS nauralgla, eraaipa or Mile Intended. As fast as notea are growing discontent with the Turklan am only surprised, said Marlatt,re. gether was tu consider the advisabilityto Itrually. PrevMil and cure Prica. I purisise lc. redeemed the bank should at once re- rule on the island of Crete, says Krep a bonk bandy. of reconvening the State convention llai. that It haa not been thought or which Dr. 0. w. Shataa' Pspila Vara. Itsgo dastreva mit a sum that would impair any defiAs the Olney decision Is at pres- take action regarding the crisis of Athnus and armed Chrlsllai Und Imasilaal worn and raawva th BUk roMndjaa. He called ciency made by the redemption, and recently met at Klinia to petition tlie ent Interpreted by the Federal nnirts. he said confronted the party. or ban dray batch aid bread. It anvar Inlla. members the new notes be forwarded. Inasmuch as to restore the charter abolished the running of mall cars over Htrcct for exiireasions from Ira cure 1 the banks would make a profit out of Sultan under the the committee, and the flow of opinion them lKX!i. and for a reform of taxation Dr. a!w. Shara1 Wlatarpreaa lines In brings railway circulation not secured by United n nd of the gendarmerie. The Governb protection of the Federal siwer In ense began. The rule waa established that dlMHM at ih kla. B.awn redoreapM la Slolday. the minnlaipla Irea lbs fact. Haal old States notes or Sherman notes. It la nt Crete sent trout is against the pet of trouble. Once those mall ears run each speaker In limited to nflnn have WII right that all of the hanks should pay tinners, who withdrew to the mnuntai over the Market street lines, all danger utes, or the committee might tSr.' 0.,w!,Bharaa bWaaa a tax upon the unsecured notes tn the fastnesses, whither the trout did no of a big strike or tie-u- p on that system been in session yet. rural donate eonitlpailoa. alcb baadaeba and The expression of hostility lo church Government, for the privilege accord- dare to follow. They now threaten to la practically over. The boys know this attack. Pttca.Hcab.inl. ed them. This tax should he made suf- foment a rebellion In favor of annexaa well aa anyone can tell them, hut Interference wns uniform, but opinions Thai I on reaadlc are prepared aaly WBu the Shore. Ion MaUal laMhaw. M Uhi ficiently large to pay all the exiienses tion to Greece. The Greek Govern- what can they do about It? Simply ss to the best nMliod of G. exCkVr Utah. of the office of the Comptroller, Inclument. fearing complications, depre-r&t- nothing. It's a case of saw wood, say exigency were varied. Doubtofwan calling to as tho enexpediency of bank the notes, such a Cretan movement, but nothing, and trust to the appointment pressed printing ding t Slaal St Ca't Drug Store. For the convention tugethcr again, nnu of new Judges to the Federal bench. graving, etc., to psy the United H tates the situation la jicrlloua. Manlkactdukii or ColMiiiH Elrrtric Cures Krysiulis, swelled joints of 1.25 1J5K YEAR l'lilCJO, St. Louis, Get. 14. The case of Maud Lewis, a courtesan, who is charged with the munliT of Slate Senator Peter 6Iorrisun last 6lny, was brought up for trial In the ('rlndiml court today and a At the same hour that Jury Judge Edmonds ordered Maud Lewis to la brought lafore the bar to stand trlnl for tlie murder of Senator Morrissey, tin case of her husband, Andrews, who hail sworn that he coin in I ttnl the crime with hla own lianil. was being Investigated by the Al-IKi-rte Jury. William, Becogniaed. Madrid. Get. 13. Kl Narional says the Spanish Government bus not received nny threat from the Government of the United Staten respecting the reception or treatment of the United Stales Uonsul at Havana, Mr. Ramon (X Wllllmns. El Naclonal adds: The Government of Spain, uHin the friendly representations of the Government of the United Slates has recognised the American Consul ns a diplomatic agent. m |