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Show the obmunicipal catnpaigs-and Ui'ineof the Prictliood luring tin- Mimuier ju- -t ject MILTON L SCOTT, meet mg, recently held, fully assurfarm and vineyards har 40 noMttroi ing that no advice was gucn to siiJi-p'drough. like that of to such an extent til' littered itf l 'it ycurfojffi. Aintriiiiti h'mk ante, but they did hold as a part he vault ill of divine fir teuntniitmiia courand half a the but authority crop has been the yield. Ir JV.lJ tllUl IH'tHtr. of loss man men was totaled up for even this that tesy occupying If Ytiir Adinnee. in in On the church, whereby two years it would reach into tlx positions 73 iiM ifonlht remuneration was paid should, t housands of Jol lars, a sufficient sun . 30 Thrm Mont hi with due respect, commit with his to build a place for the storage f brethern on the matter. We be- our wuti-rs- . Cannot jieople see the IVK1KY politic. lieve this is right, and the authorgreat benefit? We say they ought. ities should lie upheld in tie-ienBulb parties should know, Kkhekm tlua water uostion. deavors toHcpurate church and state. wlm they nominate on their Then-fore- , let every liiMl.EY fur City Councilor. no ropei-tivtickets; that aucli men matter of what church, to work are favorable to this particulir Polly ut the kettle on and all with might and main to purify question. Do not nominate a mu lake t politics. the ballot box and keep church lieeaiiM- lie is particularly a person! and state two separate and dis- friend, but nominate him beeau AMERICAN FORK ITEM. ruff anil Smith explained I - loi-uiauy is-ro- t us ! yi-ar- r Sated Ilia l.lflr. (.'aillouette, Druggist, Beavers Lille, 1. 1., says1 "Tu Dr. Kiog'a New Wa taken I owe my life. with I.a Grippe ni d llied li tin-- .li)-i- i r iai.es ab.iili, but lit no sv .il Hu.-.ii. I m- - yen up and Ml I I C"ul l U ;t live iUwng Dr Kiug'a New D.cnyry in my atoie I sent fora Lottie and m its Me and from Hie 'ii at iloafc i gtt bi tter, and after using. threeia Imitlr It worth up iind alum! ngaiu Vc wont kn-i Mure its iu or liii'ire without it." Get a Hte trial at Steel.- - A Co's Drugstore. lli'uvary Mr ( ry 18 P . h.-gs- Usually Indicate a disorder of the Kidneys, and prumpl measures should be taken to prevent rrioua trouble. M'f'i-h- Results. i Mirvi-hm-- r, Fm in REMEMBER tliidi il wririro by . DR. j.we Gun-deiniiii- are I have Dr. mi hrnuiinii iu recommending a the results King's w were aliio i inarvelo-j- in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at itivea Junction she was hr i night down with t'lienuiunia huc seedAlma How i.ky and Wui. (irant tinct branches. paroxysms of he - a public friend aud fitted for ing La (r:p,M-- . Iasi In.uis with little would (or the Council. coughing tin- position, and cun devote his interruption aud it reenied as it she W him The Item is A friend to the office. We.as a com mo could nut survive tln-in-. time A von for Jaiuea A. Miner will in all things, it must certainly New Direowry; Dr. King's think should stop ami us equal justice in the liigh-e- st community, it waiiii;-- in its work and highly satreserve the right to choose and of these particular and vital points isfactory in r- suits. Trial bottles tree trihuuiil of ('tali the Supreme urge the election of good men to in the selection of men to fill ou t Steel A Cos., Drug Store. Regular court. Hi.e 3 c. aud 1.00, to two certain ollice, and city offices. We want men elect'd branches of State the government, who are capable and determined to furs For lleadarba. Tbk nomination ami election of As a remedy lor all forms of Head-sell-- , bench the and of that the Supreme tL? to for of work the settlement Alma Uowley the Council will Klee trie Hitlers list prnyed to be To the former we water assure our tfitieus some anMtamv public schools. question, that which inter- i lie vi ry beat. It effects a permanent have from the first inception of ests the most dreaded habitual sick in the water question. (or should do) ourselves more In We vu-Itu its influence. the rumpaign, championed a cer- than Vt politics in any furm. urin! all who ure afflicted to procure a To both Democrats ami Republi- tain man for the position in the want men who are above reproalcl iiottlc, and give this remedy a fair trial. cases nf Imbitual constipation Electric cans we aay put good men iu the person of Judge Miner. James A. in their character, and who ham In iters eures try giving the ueeded tone Miner, one of the Republican nom- their homes and held for our city officer. it M the bowels, ami few cases long resist surroundings inees forjudge of the Supreme this medicine. Try it once. heart; thuse possessed with new the used bottles only Fifty cents at Steele Large firm is believer a in court, protecTimes is Tim Nephi now a strict and original ideas, and filled with A Cos . Drug Store. 't Diiii'uiiiaU-- , Midi, muke ihia extract : peiuiiiii- - i e r, N-- s -- ufk-clnf- , LIVER ifrST.rtXsK may benuite dangerous. Urt, Entlgn R. Smith J. H. MCLEAN'S H2 KIDNEY BALM 1. wlial you need It will cun- - T.iver Kulnry tVrakncee, liriplii'4 IdeM awl liiala-ie.- . PriiH) SI per buttle. Send etamp for book of bint, huu to livt and cure Umm iUtreHins complaints. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO LOUIS, MO. Etas. Cal. Like Other Women wilii a cunipllretios I Lave auffrre-Pfoof trouble, witli ronlinunu, alioo't unhaara. bis pain In iry bark. Tb Grip ulso prostra. s r Hood1 g Sarsa- parilla i- non-partis- tod mr. AMERICAN FORK Business College Nighr Sessions, Only. rsM-c.ia11- y OPSTI'UIKS. Book Keeping, Banking, Algebra, Couunerical Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Reading, Spellibg, Grammar, and Penmanship. Ratks or is Tlitioh-Pata- rli on-an- d ly all home and a great country newspaier. It should no fail to win the lasting' admiration of the people of Juab county. print, TaiManti Messenger starts out on its third year, with the retire ment of Joel Shoemaker. The Messenger has leen a first clans paper from its inception aud we wish it further huccchh. Heuold V. Chilli rti, the notei and swindler, whom Tiik Item has took occasion to writa up, has Hkipied to California, it waid, aud with him took some $000 belonging to the newspter men of Utah. 1hillipM came to Utah about a year ago, aud opened up an advertising agency in Salt Lake, and to him drew many of tlw uice cents per and such papers as the Eninch, quirer, Tintic Miner, Fillmore Progress, Mauti Messenger, Lehi Danner, Reaver U ton ion. Price Advocate and man others bitat it. These papers of course defended this man Phillips, much to their sorrow, for each are out all the way from $10 to $25 each. It is to be hoped dead-be- at - j that these papers will not allow three cents to buy their support of a genuine swindler like Phillips the nest time one comes along, and instead, stand up for rights to the press. One paper will not prosper by pulling out from the others and cutting their advertising rates tu a grave yard figure. You newspapers who were nipped in the bud by this swindler, referred to above, should in the future ex crcise some reason and fall in with The Item and down all such fel lows who enter into any business within our To the Tintic Miner, particularly, please take notice. tion to the American labor, to home industries, aud an advocate of free coinage of silver. As a judge, he has shown superior, intellectual and executive ability, lolh on the District and Supreme benches. His honesty and integrity bus never been questioned; in dealing with all questions called before him, he has been fair, able and just, llis private life and character is without a blemish; he is a man of great energy and and while on the bench was considered one of the hardest worked men in the Territory. Judge Miner is admittedly fitted, both by exiericnce and ability, to occupy the high position to which the party he has ho long and faithfully served has nominated him, ersever-veranc- AUiUti"- - wISiSriii-dnicru- r Look-in- e, g enterprise and business qualifier timis. Let these ideas he the kevnoto to the work of the munici conventions. Advance Course Per Mouth, Common Course - M. THORNTON, VM. THORNTON. $4.00 2.50 I I Instructors IT Ths following gentlemen are authorized to solicit criptinn tor stock in the sub SOCIETY UTAH COUNTY FRUiT AND AGRICULTURAL Mr. J. K Fowler, secretary and tin Curio ne Mill, Canal sod Per Cent Same. And Collect Stock Co , of Coriont, Utah, in speaking V. II. Kelsey, Springville; James Miller, Andrew W Wui. P. River, Drury, nf Chamberlain's Omgti Itenirdv r.! Y. I. wim. Wride, Payson ; Samuel aud Wm. Ashby, Spanish Fork; B.-rrI consider it ths best in I lie uisrkel. J.dini Sb . ... ; Kvm Wrote. M. Jorgensen. A. Ualladay, II. Knudeen. Thomas Leon-an- l. Lrihe n' I luvu used many kimlv but fiml JoiiuCi -. Pmv-- ; II. I), Sterrett, J. W. Garduer, Pleasaot Orore; Thomas the mist prompt and A Sb !! r. ii rictn Font; Israel Evans, Lehi. iu giving relief, and now keep no nikri riii s.t 'ict y hat proven to be a grand thing for the farmers and in fact for When troubled with a in niy home, call on on ons of ths a trial tin eommdnity at large; every citizen in ths county should enugli or cold give thia remedy it Itefore it all gona. of some the stock secure and l see'etar xml wa assu'e you that you wall lie nrnrr Call on for. packing and shipping inslrurtmg are now ready. Our than pleased with tha result. For lr are worth on end the of free; they cr ahuT,get the society ciiinprH-secretary & Co. Steele by .I'lii-irto yu uremftlie - of 20 Clma-lu-rlsii n-- Bv-Ivt- a . For Ricit Houses for three families in Hit Green Row. Will rent eery Apply to A. A. Greeu. b Yk iKIll 0inOM iIiuhIi organs rauat make proper and rfhicidit use of rood. Dr J H McLean 'a Cordial and Blood Puiifltrli a reliable remedy to restore these organa to heslthy activity. It alao imparts vitalism? and enriching prnpertim to the hluod. $1.00 per bottla at Steals A nf-i- rfi Y'oung Men, if you waut (o catch a girl, get one of those fancy shirts at Dunkley's. While down in the southwestern part of the state seme tune ago, says Mr W. Chalmers, editor of the Clncu iCul.) En terprise, I had an attack f dysentry. Ilaviug beard of Chamberlain's Clir, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed y I bought a bottla. A couple of doves of it cured me. Now I am a champion of that temedy for all stomach and bowel complaints. For sale by Steele A Co. The good were new and iresli, Tha star was clean and neat, The clerks were all peiite, But the owaer indiscreet. The afore was uncucc-ssfu- l. The reason you'll surmise, Tim the owner was a hustler. He didn't advertise. Exposure in rongn weami-r-, oampnes, extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an attack ot rhsnmatism or neuralgia; chapped hands and taca, ersekad lips and violent itching of the skin also awe thair origin to cold wether, DrJ H McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept an hand at all times for immediate application whan trouble! of this 25, appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Steale's. c SECOND HAND WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. BICYCLES. Harrington Street R. The Salma Press says change your luck this year and vote a The Mormon church authorities scratched ticket. Yes,' that is and the people in general were what we unless say, people turn shocked to read a paragraph in B. over a new leaf aud put up comil. Roberts explanation, where he petent men. It is probable that states that he stands by his party in ere our succeeding issue, both parpreference to the high position he ies will have met and placed in holds in the Church. Now, this is he field their municipal tickets, pretty strong language. Mr. and some careful and coinnion-sens- e Roberts' article of detense in the advice may be acceptable Herald was a gentlemanly and rom a source where ever pains is fair document with the exception taken to obtain the truth and of the few lines referred to above. strenuous efforts made to put the And its becoming well known that the ieople upon right trend to Mr. Roborts is loosing the confihonest It is good and legislation. dence of the higher church digna-tarie- s me that many people hare Wen in his desire to lecouie ed to rote far a man simply berepresentative in Congress. It is a cause he is a personal friend or behad state of affairs. If the Relongs to n certain cause. This is publican are instituting church done from the highest ollice in the iaflueuce to obtain votes, statehood gift of the people down to the should Is; deferred; if the Dem- smallest office of a common muniocrats are instituting this trouble cipality. This is all wrong, and as a hope for success or to we all know sometimes proves arise sympathy, they ought logo dowu in feat. ('residents Wood The water question is the main A Nu 3 Cleveland, in good ahape, BARGAIN NO. 4- -A M'lilel K Sterling. Used very little. Origin-i- l price $135. Onr price $.30. BAKGAIN NO. 5- -A Model 41) Columbia 1095, used Ir. I liana month an i traded in on w Cleve land. Origtusl $100; our price 03. e BARGAIN NO. No. 8- llUlineTy fm Misses Syd and LettChipman Hava opened up a New Millinery Establishment Nest Dror to the Poatoffioe, where they have a nice and Fashionable Stock of Millinery, all Styles and Prices. j ( 3 lflltfc a new line of Dress Trimmings. AMERICAN FORK snap. BARGAIN NO. 9- -A No 2 Crescent. 40. Our price $17.50. Mail order solicited. JUST ARRIVED 319 221 Mam St - WI CABBY TBK Celebrated PATENT a Fresh New Line of FALL Gilt-Ed- ge MEDICINES, Orangi SUN- arrlBgtoa Strsss seisss' STD American Fork, WINTER MILLINERY at MRS. R. K DRIGGS 6. M. Utoi JAMES NEWTON MI LINER. SMITH- - Pleasant Grove and Salt Lake. Shotas- Bicycle Supplies. 11 Y once Very cliesu. Co. Shells Powder DRIES, Etc. Finest Line of Dyes in Town. Original Sail Lake Cycle To announce to the publi that they have received large assortment of Lighting Powder. -A Model 30 Columbia. Original price 130; our price $25. This ie a great Steele & Co., WISHES TRIMMINGS FOR HATS IN CREATIVARIETY. 5 Crescent, almost new;f,10 cash. A snap, sure enough. BARGAIN NO. 7- -A tadja Sterling used but littli. Fries $50. BARGAIN NO. 8- -A Utah -- or- BARGAIN NO. 3- -A No. 7 Cleveland.iia splendid shape; Oiigmal list $100. Our price $40. A snap. S . Stati Strt, OFFIOB: Our price $23. Is iginal price $150. Hus cheap enough t American Utah D. LOUIS. American Fork, - 1 J. - PRACTICING PBT8ICIAP 1- " Etna. CaL THE VETERAN BLACKSMITH up his record it is found that during the four years that Judge Miner presided in the Fourth Dis trict court, he disposed of about 2,WX) cases. Of these cases, 12b Co's. were appealeed to the Supreme court, and of those appealed he was sustained in all but about twenty-thre- e cases. In dealing with these 2, SOI) cases, about 4,000 demurrers and motions were submitted and ruled upon. These figures give some idea of the vast amount of business he transacted, and notwithstanding the rush of work and the great number of cases tried and disposed of, the very small percentage of reversals by the Supreme court, tell a story of painstaking care, ability and honesty that is hard to equal. We ask the support of Mr. BARGAIN NO. -A Miner, not because he is a Repubtire Victor; origins! lican, but bacause he is an honest pruv Doe ibis price $20. $ji;nur irici it'riki- you man, and will make a conservative BARGAIN NO. 2 and impartial justice. ' Uox.'-- Vrui'l IniUgrattea - ANDREW BENNETT the hi r The blood must ha pore for r. i: smith. hlzliiyollt. mbk. cum-platl- Basement Giant Hotel. AGOODTHING-HE- LP I Ad-vahc- k: Sessions From 7 :00 to it .30 p. m. J. me of all my trouii and I cannr-- t s - ik Hood's Pills - CORHKTLl'SI But has PRACTICAL AND H0RSE-SHOE- R BLACKSMITH' Old Shipley Place, American Fork. PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH HarriBBtoa Straat, American Fork, Ltah FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINEsT GAY LOMBARD O . Those on not Hand can be on Sheri got notice, J M6 CHIPMAN & BENNETT. Agents American Fork. Headquarters for the Finest Frait Trees in Utah. All kinds of McCobhicb Block, - Salt Laib City f Fruits in Season. The Loading; Nursery of Pleasant Grove. E.YTRAS y 66 .ATTORNEY |