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Show WHEN AKE WE OLXf The Bicycle It hn twfn nn;d that a mao la aa M aa ha feels ami a woman aa oli aa att looks. The author of "lluw to 11" contribute a Happy Thoughon Married'1 old ana to t'hambara'a chatty paper of us. Ilka thla conJournal, Moms middle-agemen who d tributor, know think It a hardship not lu ba allowed to leap-froTha death play marbles and of Matthew Arnold waa caused In Ina over a fence alsty-flft- h year, by leaping In a fit of juvenlla high aplrlta. Tha writer Bay a: Old age. then, doea not deiend nn year ao much aa la generally but If wa think only of years, when doea It tap ua on tha ahoulder and aay that It haa come to keep ua company? Thla varlaa with each Individual and tha circumstances of hla life. Aristotle aald that a man la nut at hla beat until 45. Other wrltera aay that ha la old then. Tha three-acoyeara and teu of tha Faalmlat haa been adopted by moat people aa the normal standard. Dr. John Uardner, who fiaa written on Longevity, remarka: Long observation haa convinced me that Cl la an age at which the majority of persona may be termed old.' Thla last age, however, la more Infancy compared with tha agea aald to have been attained by many people. Mr. C. Walford, In hla Inauranca Guide, plvee a Hat of 130 persona who, ha thinks, can ba ahown to have reached tha ag of ISO yeara and upward. An American (Mr. Joaeph Perkins; haa records published a work In which ha over tan thousand caaea of centenarl-anlsm- . g. aup-poae- d; re an Outlet to Woman's Zeal. There was a good deal of pith to Mrs Stanton's remark In reply to Bishop Dtsn- - that women an- riding lo They in) suffrage on the bicycle. not be riding to suffrage, but they are riding everywhere and every whlthei they want to go. Certainly and conspicuously they are riding Into any sort of costume it suits them to put on. Klnonit-are getting so common that it seems possible that the untutored eye will presently dwell upon them without a shock. The more circumspect American ladles still keep out of them, and may never come to prefer them to skirts, but the young and giddy experiment with them pretty freely. Was there ever anything so efficacious to give woman an Idea of what she could do If she tried as the bicycle? Soberly speaking, if she had to choose between the ballot and the bicycle as of development and advancea s ment, she might better cleave to the bike It is wurth mure to her than the ballot. It Is more fun, more use, less trouble, and very much lesa costly. Tlu-rwas pith In what Elsa Stanton said, but Is there not some substance in the suggestion that the blcyclu has brought women so many new i and privileges that she never needed or wanted the suffrage so little as now. CIIUUCII SERVICES. S. -- 7 Wsd tr.day J. X I be recut. It la aa follows: Tho: parr of ye County of Salop, liorne In A. I). Butte, Mont., June 29. Special to HSi 11 lived In ya reigns of Ten Tribune. On a writ of habeae corpus Princes, via.: K. Kdw. 4. K. Edw. 6, K. Issued from the Supreme Court Klch. I. K. Men. 7, X. Hen. I, K. Eilw. Hherlff Hamilton of lleaverhead counI, Q. Ua, Q. Kill., X. Ja. A X. Chorine. ty was ordered to discharge from cusAged 161 yea res, and waa Hurled liars tody twu prospectors, William Owens Novemb. 15, 1115. and W. II. Martenn, under arrest on It la nut natural for tha llvca of the of stealing horses In Idaho. man to ba as short aa they are. Tha Theycharge were arrested a week ago on a law of Nature la that ovary animal telephone mrseage. should Uva five times tho number of Immediately after their release In the years It takes to reach maturity. In city after the habeas corpus hearing, ao case of man, thla la II, tha that tho Hamilton's deputy sheriff, Thomas child born with a rood constitution Mullaney, and Sheriff Miller of Lemhi should. If ha lived a perfectly healthy county, served another warrant on the life, and wars not cut off by accidental men for tl.i same offense, and before destructive agencies, live 106 years. their attorney could Interfere they There must be something wrong somewere handcuffed and In a carriage and where when he does nut There haa at a bretdineck taken toward the been more or leaa of a murder or a sui- county line, andspeed will probably be taken cide, or the environment hac been unto Idaho. The local officers were in suitable. sympathy with the Idaho Sheriff end refused to Interfere. The proceedings caused a great deal of excitement, as Those Pittsburg Cats. the men had many friends here, and Our readers will doubtless remember the action la regarded as a bold case of were the remarkable stories that printed In the newspapers last summer with kidnaping. Gibbons Invited to Boms. regard to a new breed of thick-furre- d cats evolved by tha peculiarities of enLondon, July 1. A special received warevironment In tha from Home says that the 11111 houses of Pittsburg, Pa. Tha truth here has Invited Cardinal Gllilmns to surabout thla wonderful breed" haa just render his diocese, that of llaltlmure, been published In the American NaturSid., and to reside In Home end take al let (Philadelphia, June), and, aa is part In the politics of the Vatican. It usual In such cases, turns out to be la added that the Cardinal refused the far less remarkable than the original uffer of his Holiness. eturlee, though Intereattng enough to deaerve exact narration. Tha NaturalBELLINGER INDIGNANT. DlMffL Captain Swwoacy, Catarrh Bcmsdy IsUsLrl S'.jii "Shiloh's sfWki I here svt rfoand that rr old done esygeud." Friti fonts gold by Liucsata VJi-Aft- OHILCH'a CURE. cold-stora- 7 Ksl'baih IfstrV. Cv.l.n.c K 1 I 1 . i p. tO I'. Hi A. LI . pietrlih ( r Pra.rr reran Family praya, VlMiBluS 4t. U. in -- V Sj f tu :d.i p s W It. H. L'. 0 w S O K H 0. For sals at Stael A fas sutru, xxisrs. kiadsr a.. 4 p tu. 4 11 )'. lu. IS llIS a. W O. W ft II office IS. imriM. fciaisu aud iUglsirv Slid elute, si d.Jll p. I. Us Sundays Ilia Cieseral bail vary and Slain p It la toar. era upas fruni S :UU s m nil Iu:Ul) . ui.. aud f ruin 4.jUUI11:Aii. A. CHRISTENSEN iiaotUY 13 Y iii'i'AUTY. PwlniMler. RON GROO U. C. LAN3 REJi3TEfl. I'taH. AI.T J.Akg CITY, DESERET TELEGRAPH CO. Msssagis ant to an Hiaca on L.no at Low Hs.st, Opsa day and sight. UlRsein Iism Uulldlsg. AMERICAN yukk. I'TAIf. NTT ST D K OH ice Gem-Saloo- n in Jsrkoii iiuildinj,. UtAI Amrxican Fohk, AdsBIiuB, Wilds A Co., Props JOHN fflLTKLV.- All klad - of WINES, LIQUORS AND CI6ARS Mani'kaitokih or Coltrinn Electric Liniment. Fibs billiard sad pool roum Is conDuclloa. Cures ErTitpflas, 1 welled joints of the A mar loss Fork, Utah M.rehsat It, feet and hands, Glandular Swellings of the neck or groin, headache Cnmic and infUniatury rheumatism, and many other complaints. STABLES. LIVERY, FEED AND SALES -- AIM MAXUrACTCRKR OF THE Henry Lee CHINESE: LAUNDRY BLUEING Sold by all Merchant. IltquIiltmrterH, - Provo City, Utah cold-stora- Bel-ling- er rt thick-furre- semi-darknes- s. ge cold-stora- four-hou- G- J. - dlsg-iuis- eeins to Indicate that animals bitten are afterward proof against the bites of those serpents. an.J he attributes this result to & sort of protective Inoculation. He furwarJs to the Lancet, LonJun, June 1st. the following clipping from a South African paper describing his experiences; Science has been making rapid strides In the discovery of poisons which counteract poisons, and diseases which uie made tu conquer themselves. The latest Is the anti-toxi- n for the cur of diphtheria, but something even later eve of discovery appears to be on the snake-bite. If th as a positive cure of correct. Cerare following particulars tainly they are worthy of Investigation, and if the poison uf the cubra can be cultivated and attenuated aa to form a virua eatable of Inoculation and ren-dn- g human beings safe from snakebite, the boon would be Invaluable. Dr. Reed of Herachel says that Cartwright two years ago a pointer dog was killing a cobra, and got bitten badly, withg. the usual severe symptoms of Ammonia was used, and the dog recovered. A second dog was bitten, but milder symptoms followed. Both tliese dogs now go for snakes of all kinds, and get bitten about the Ups especially. Last week one of these dugs got hold of a large hooded snake by the head, and the other half by the body. The snake fastened upon the dog's Ups In this case and made It bleed, the other actually pulling the body In half. Five or six have been killed by them this season, but they seem both to be protected by the previous bites. A native was bitten twice In succeeding years. Ths first bits g; caused more severe symptoms of the second bite, from a young, fierce cobra, was apparently more severs than the first one, yet no bad symptoms, beyond a little local sore followed. The doctor thinks that there must be something In the report by natives that when once bitten by a poisonous snake with marked symptoms of poisoning, there Is no fear whatever from any subsequent bites." by polsunuus serpents DIRECTORY BUSINESS UUR or SALT I.AKK AND OSUKS NgliClIANTA Wiles ssvaris( adrerllMMSU kiadly UM sllva tint sspt )r. saunters la Utah. Miller- Hswiey Mtg. co. Lsksj Akl'lUTKlT sad bourns 16 All I farm Losns rolvk 2d JilM-k.Js- iuMr-lalesiia- us-- PltODUCE, (irltAlM, al SEEDS. M-- w. F.u. Bus )lmuMikL 1614. JKK003L HOTEL, Rate. ItesMSSkle. nrotswekts. UlULGI t'neisr . Mr ay pa- - 1 Ik. piss Attn lr. f.uggHT PAPAS Ql..Salt Lake x. urtiui a Co. aVV'6 VLUl I SHDplis., . 1 - Mfts. all J. W. CURRIE, all srdsrs by ur ex anus. SALT kupplls. ssd Grilling. LAKK BARUgklll'lFLY CO. 111 W. HI fcnuth 1' Ta Inprovsd faraa UKAVkS VISION CO., Ms. Hldf t hn L,m Clty Bsikl sad sell. J. enemies sless La linUCVI lyiUntll A, Fo flock, ISO Main It, toll Lake City. 'Reedt Hotel, TO,. 117 Boons, sIsTstors, sleslrls lights. StrictMskst a ly arsl sIbh la all Its sppotaiMsia. M rats ts trade. laisr-asastal-a R. R. TICKETS. KUll 1 l( lM "' esndlM dJokberia MBfeoUnasn'ise. te. sw s. Mls. Salt Lake City Co.l Utah Optical m L' Blcs.Sllt 11,1,! MODI-'-"- FI KB. RXAMIKATIGMS LAWYERS AHECKLLL& hutchinsom Opera Mlt.SaltLaka PUMPS.sTaja SPRAT Interesting Conflict Between State and Federal Courts. klk. S6 W.Sd Nosik rt c. A. aUL'kTIIW AITli rknU.LH.. Ogden. UL MlAltl btTkk4. 63ULt ACAiiFaiLL W II III H Whuisgkan MUy. iswwa snake-poisonin- The decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois with respect to the Distilling ft Cattle-Feedin- g Company (commonly Fint elaas tursoata slwsy. Is raid lua... A fla called the Whisky Trust, although It may with more propriety be called the lalacUos uf huruaa sad bugglas Alcohol Trust), discloses what seems to be a very Interesting disagreement Runs Haoks to All Trains. between the Federal Courts and the Illinois court of last resort This decision Is an affirmation of Leave orders si Slsbls. one made some time ago by a lower Bl AMIBICAM ITAIL FOBK, llsirlBglon court In Illinois in a suit brought by of that State. the Attorney-GenerFHANK D. HOBBd. That earlier decision was a matter of Lets isglstsr C. t. Land Offlss, record when the receivers for the DisCompany were tilling A Cattle-Feedin- g Land and Mining Attorney. appointed by a Judge of the United I'tsh. States District Court in Illinois and a (alt Lake City the United States Circuit Judge Inof Ohio. The company then beCourt CLUFF SCOTT ing under the ban of the State Courta, which had declared It to be an Illegal BARBERS. combination under both the common the chief reIl ksHm.nl Coianisrcial Savings Busk Bidg law and the statutes, ceiver proceeded, with the sanction and support of the Federal Courts, to enHKOVO CITY, VTA II. large the combination and make It more effective, by Inducing the two or WOODS. three Independent distillers to become associated with It In order that the TOldSORlAL ARTIST. price of the products of both the company and the independent distillers bstiifsctloa gusrsa-laad- . might safely be Increased Usir esltlog la say style, This original decision has now been Psrlurs on Msnshsnl HtrsaL confirmed by the Supreme Court of the State, and the combination, as enAMERICAN FORK. VTA II. larged by the agent of the Federal Courta with its business carried on under the management of this agent as a controller of prlcea still exists In IlliIRA W. KEN WARD: nois The representative of the Attornay at Law, reorganisation committee says that the UTAH decision lx very satisfactory to the reFBOVO CITY organisers, and adds that the laws of Illinois permit the corporation to exist for two yeara for the purpose of colBATES, lecting the money due It and of selling Its property. The receiver has a right AMERICAN FORK WA60N temporarily to continue the business until an advantageous sale can be WORKS. made.' But has he a right to carry on the business hereafter as he has been conducting It? The decision Indie Baggies and W scout of all cates that he has not, so far aa the a kluds kapsirsd lu Flrst-a Cists Order, end si Priest State Courta are concerned. a lo sell tines. 'The apparent conflict between the Federal Courts and the State Courts on the fundamental legal question In AMERICAN FORK, UTAH Bsrrtsgtoa st., volved Is one that deserves attention, because It may be of considerable importance hereafter with respect to the attitude of Judicial tribunals toward y Notx.-Fublln. Juitloa. what are called combinations In repraolnot straint of trade.' Tha Times, N. T. .J ge cold-stora- . cold-stora- d cold-stora- Con-naotl- cold-stora- on, 11 al pea-so- 3ESTTO ss.vv. .n.y Use Three Crown Baking Powder. PUKEST AND BEST. A.k year dus.st lul CsmaaoBdesos ollsllsd. UTAH STOVE ft HARDWARE COMPANY. is a houiehsld word la ....... REMINGTON 5t Ogden$.1.. Is ei M 114"fjeBss. nsoblHi la Norlhsra TYPEWRITERS Utah. Hs nskss all kinds of Mepatrlm a Spestsitr. BICYCLES! ?tVJLi.nJh,',.MJ!!! Is far sstslssss. Alt klsdi blsyels aa pliss lest by nail. Addrsis a 0, kKRIXOI Band grsp'r Ogdss Cysls htoro, MM HU iL, Ogdss.l Young Bros Co SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. SdCHIIKl" DQMLSTIC I? .kla .:?kls all Musical lustrasisutt, bhsst Mails Mai Book. Initninsnta sod Msohlasssadsold sty payments. Band fur our Ills list of ihi musla urgsas, sopis. 6,0U) BROWNING BROS LAKB dTT I ALTiiii fMl Ws.hlsftss Atol. Ui OGDKS, L'TAIL Msmblor, RomlsgUa. stnoL Wirwlek. ssd FsatbanUaa BICYCI Gssa, 5 IsiTsakl. Teal? Playlsg AaassItloB, MMU, trstod ostsltgs free. . Tribase, st' THE PARIS-HCM- E LAUNDRY o 11m extra-tropk'- FOS SNAKE BITES BENJ. MM cold-stora- . ais7 Grants Soap, and Take No Other. T. ,K Grant, Manaeor. k -- Oolil-Htora- . . . Ws snake-polsonln- ist says: A story haa been going the rounds Government Agent Induced a Kan to of newspapers, both West and East, to Mako Counterfeits. tha effect that a new breed of cats baa warebeen produced In the Portland. Or., Juno In the United houses of Pittsburg. In some of the States District Court y Judge ordered the Jury to bring In a papers reference was mads to a new frrih HwiUwP rWdteUtC nut tactoantt with remarkably long thick fur, with 1 even port, on trial tor counterfeit lug. even the tails covered with a thick Charles French tentitled that he had growth of hair. The rata had adapted been employed by Special Treasury theineelvea to a low temperature, and Agent N. R. Harris to Induce Daven-iHiInto making counterfeit sliver dolthe cata were the result of breeding from artificial selection In order to ob- lars. Judge Bellinger said: tain a cat to prey on tha new rat. It this Is the kind of testimony there According to tha story, after several Is against Davenport I shell not let seven of failures a brood kittens, the tha case go to the Jury. It shows that STEPHEN progeny of a mother possessing un- he wee solicited to make counterfeits waa raised In the thick Noan fur, of usually the Government, by agent roonta of tho storage company, and de- body la going to be convicted in a court d cata, where Justice la administered on such DOCTOR G.W.SH0RES veloped Into sturdy, with shortened tails, and feelers live testimony." or alx Inches In length. Thla latter "OLYMPIA" IN FIGHTING TRIM. character waa aald to bo probably due to their environment, since they must Aniieceaaarily live In New Cruiser and Her Big Guns other peculiarity of tha new cat la It a Olvou a Thorough Teat. In an ordinary temperInability to live San Francisco, June !. This cruiser ature. When removed from tha warehouse to tha open air, especially In Olympia, on a trial trip, has demonsummer time. It will die of convulsions strated beyond all question tliat she Is one of the worthiest uf her class In the In a few hours. Thla story waa reprinted In England fleet of white lighters comprising the In aonte excellent scientific Journals, new United States navy. An official trial was called for by the which showed a great lack of caution ItMM j. In appropriating anything supposed to Government, such aa la always the case PRICE, $2 A BOX. be new In science from a newspaper. with a new vessel Just entering the Positively (Isarastscd Is Cara Ev.ry Csss s I navy. It was to be a trial and was, Nasal It Illustrates ones more the English for Caurrhal dlacaiss rtgslrs balk that matter conducted exclusively lucvl andCatarrh. tendency to neglect the good and discim.iiiuthuisl miiswnt. cover the bad In American affairs. Mra. by Government officers, and waa to Oiroctloa. for using Dr. G. W. Sham Fsswvs Alice Hodlngtun. however, redeemed comprise a thorough test of everything Cumin Ksmdits la all catarrhal chnaric ilatssss. If yuui ban catarrh, s.ihas, bronchiln, hay fsnr the reputation of her countrymen by pertaining to tha workings of a modern ur any cusilicaisd aSacilua uf tha sua throat, war cruiser, from the tiring of the Imwriting to the secretary of the brufulual Mwna' Catub, ur lungs, sm Dr. G. W. Bfaol mense bow chasers down to cutting tarrh Company to ascertain the facta ParCnugh Cura and Tualc and In the case. Mhe received the following Pigeon wings within a limited space lu ian tuCurt. cun Hit catarrh, skip the cnugh. (leaaaa and midocean. Mwd. Irspnin lha apintlta and digtslhia. reply: purify 'While there la some foundation for Every caper the handsome white flyer If complicaicj wilh kldnay, liver ur MadlarirouMa, and Llvar Cara; sad the newspaper article. It la somewhat essayed she accomplished with surpris- uwallUr. 1. W. Slums' f Kidnsy W. Sham1 houao la ing grace, her guns worked to perfec- in nut lalw mis Ur. G. exaggerated. Our trouNa b dtranls If at t:ils ball JOHN 3PNEIL, In,. your r run uul sixes, tion. and during her separated Into 10rooms of various unit Ur. W. Shuns ytnusalfy from degrees to 40 degrees over a measured course, averaged with- lut his new ivuriim varyingsera. list and have your caw in a minute fraction of twenty knots above and gtt ttpsrt advlca Iran. 'About a year ago ws discovered an hour under natural draught. Hr. tl. W. Miaraa' Tank and Bbad ParlfUr wllk All klsds of kgal wurk trsnisetsd l mat. and yurifl-- s Hit Mood, The object of the trial was to ascermice In one of the rooms of the glvtt smih sad Itcsma. ptoourad, and house. We removed one of the tain whether or not the cruiser waa In inr. cam dy.rtpiia aad sit sarvoui liwasas. pronplnaas. Msmaga to $1 par buitla. spilling pertaining togsl nnitsrs. cats from the general warehouse to the perfect trim for actual war duty, and Mpca, Dr. O. W. Sharaa' Kldnay sad Uvtr Cars la simply preliminary to assigning her room referred to In the AMERICAN FORK. UTAH. all diiaaaaa uf tha kldntjs. llvar aai Maddar. turn house. While there, she had a litter of In her place among the regular line uf Pnca. il m hunt. several kittens Four of these were lighters. Dr. a. W. Sharaa Caugh Curarurv.il coughs, Am K. TIIOHNTOX, The "Olympia's' officers and rrew cuIJs anJ tranchisi attscuusf One daa. rl transferred Into one of the general sup were delighted with the showing she .ra.isoitc crosp. K.ip s buiils Is th. kouw. Largs warehouses, leaving three In the Dsslsrln Sc. house. After the kittens wen-ol- made and could not aay too many nice in hMiltt. Dr. a. W. Shares' Msuntalu SagstMaapsths enough to take cars of themselves, things about her. Another thing which wurw Far Is hasdsetw. Iwkschsu ant susuft. psis ws put the old cat back into the house I'lineil them considerable esse of mind WINES, LIQUORS AND CI6ARS ertwps ur culk m. II aiisraaly wj we had taken her from. The change of was th fact that although every bolt fKursig.s. Pnnnts saJ csrts Siphthsnt t Mod la climate or temieratura seemed to afreet and block connected with the vessel Dais. Ksas 1 Nrttla hssdy. Pncs. Pc s hMli. Finest Brand, nlnayt on Hand. her almost Immediately. She got very waa put to the severeat strain, not an Dr. U. W. Shsras' Psptls Vsrsillsii itwran I sally order, s hpsslslty. wunsu litSs nuovss and the mmiiaal nuaf weak and languid. Ws placed her accident occurred throughout nssl th Il ssvsr fils Pries brtsd. hatch aad hart ihty In the cruise. room, when Billiard and Pool Room In again Jc hitir.W. she Immediately revived. Sat Shares' Dr. (I. sS nans Wlstsrgrosa " While the feelers of the cats In th BALANCE DUE CLEVELAND. J'M.va. of lbs skis. Kasunrss rod apoM si black Nias Port Wise, For Fatally U.t, Ea par qssr room are of the usual pimplr. fiws lha lacs. HtsJs old torus Ik I lays, AMERICAN FORK .UTAH Is thick and the rata Marcbsnt'.IL rrca. JA a bns. length, the fur are larger, stronger and healthier than Warrant for One Cent in Favor of Itr. U W. Shores' puis tho President runs chrosk coaiilpsiias. .ck hssdtcbMM ggaas the cats in any of the other wareaiiucki. Pries, die a bottle. houses' S9. Frobably the June Washington, fasuai raiasdits an prwpsnd osfy k Dnclsf Thus the only result of the change smallest warrant In amount ever Is- G.Thaw W Sharaa, fluu's Madlcsl la all tula. Sin of environment was the usual one sued Ckv. Utah. by the Government was drawn towhich ensues on the advent of winter waa for 1 cent, and was mads For uls st Steal A Co. 'a Drug Etc, In latitudes generally. It day. it to Grover Cleveland, President Is Interesting aa showing that the effect pnyable of the United Htatea. la really produced by the low temperIt appears that In calculating the ature. and Is not a survival through IDAHO. due the ITcstdent each month, natural selection of a chance variation, amount n Hop never looked better at ths as a certain school of evolutionists there had been an underpayment of 1 of the year than they do at prescent, which could only be rectified and would have us believe.1 the Treasury books kept straight by ent In Fayette valley yards. An army drawing a warrant for that amount In of people will And employment when picking time arrives. President Cleveland varies the piscatorthe President's favor. ial monotony of llfo nt Urey llsbles by Bartholomew Mslxe. a Silver Conductor of linker the fifth the Hilly superintending hnymaklng now and rancher, has boHIrtcltets for trViy then. His health Is declared excellent. district. Union Iaclilc, haa received hours, and on throwing Mm Jutafte would some had enough life left to crawl Notwithstanding the efforts of the word from th East that h authorities to suppress the spread of soon receive 630UO, hla Interest In sn away. He had a arranged by which scarlet fever, the disease appears to he estate which waa partially settled up he raptures greatpit quantities. These he the alowly spreading throughout the city twenty years ago, aaya Laramie dries and packs away for chicken feed of Cheyenne. Boomerang. next winter. to-da- In uskvtll kiu. uf susnTuiLkT, biLVik ui'ST WAis iho mkgssrsstaa sur guud. to be slMulutaly pure. ssd I. fled According to Dr. 8. Cartwright Reed of liernchel. Mouth Africa, observation 31 AILS, it 4Aso The General Delivery, Ulltiluwe u)au alt:UUa. AtvouutH (VtllifliMi. (iotkltt Mild 011 Ctiiiimisiiou or Dy Auction. AuriiicAS Fogg MeiichantbSt., QR. fchiiO kl auiifulkniN tl Ihi CtLIBRATCn issadrr Kuap. it is prsfsrssou ts purtad susps Yus will gut Blurs for I.eiiaral Mules liauaral Samoa. INOCULATION kniilSSUN. Uisboft r Drug Slum Deed.. Moiigsg,, end lm'iii mi lirss sllelidcd lo, I MliIi I'atlur. p Alt UOl'TK FOR ALPINE. Uusda.i, WaJbaiduys suit jtnurJeye SSUjv m 3. gj j). in. AffiVrc E. HUNTER, .j votary rim.i'K-rin: i.-ilu- I;ib la GOING NORTH. lit to-da- y, ge u CLOSING OF .jut sskiniNi ce will in uiTI tu Cuii on me Montana Supreme Court Ordered laat services Dean fftan-le- y ime of tha Their Seleaee, When They Were did for Wastmlnlatar Abbey waa to and Carried Off. causa the almost effaced Inscription over tha celebrated Old Parr's grave to s. LATTr.it day lYr-ofikd- i. PROSPECTORS KIDNAPED. Hu ! sisy fsM.Slh-I- I. iin-an- e g lit. mu Id I. a - loader - TtlfiB t ill i n 1 r -- Cold-Stora- tobhs.h-lleMiatb-l- 1 t. uu..c,.. Hive GRANT SOAP COMPANT. I'UKltUYlKklAN YOUR GROCER SELLS IT. HEWLETT BROS. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH a svcam via UCUA1 Qf county, hue filed a suit against Commissioner James Lusk and bondsmen. Nathan Falk and Fmal Coffin, to recover 11144.75. alleged cess ier diem and fees received Lusk during his Inrumhenrr hr complaint Is sworn to by David He chairman of the Board of County C iRlasloners. . Saturday at the headgate tho ho canal, about luoo p,vole ofasseml to celebrate with speeches and w and a grand programme th openim th dam to turn the water from Sn rlvpr, hn.uh the headgate of caniil. This Is ths Urgent canal built for Irrigation purposes, its h luo feet wide, eight feet and rlea alx feet of water deep at the niFRa : LINE KANSAS CITY Bouaitik For Pupils. Tho Now State Comasrclsl College J. Frank Bran, prlnslpxl, El le ESI East tud South St, Malt Lake City, (epssed lace Jannxry lit,) li an Instiiulton deitlnad to lurpaii all otheri la tbs IYiil 9500 per month sntltlsi a pupil tothor-eughl- y flrit-elxInstruction In any or all of tho following: Shorthand, (Graham or rilmxn systems,) Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Higher liathemsilci, Academic Course. Staetc.) required for (books tionery Bookkeeping, Penmanship and Shorthand, furnished at n coit not to tieeed Stic to 91.00 par month. Lntln, Greek, German, Franeh, Spanish, Drawing and Architecture Id. 00 per month, booki and materials notlnslsdsd. Shorthand, Bookkeeping and Penmanship thoroughly taught by mall for9E5, payable when court la com pitted. Correspondence solicited. CHICAGO The rich M. 1 oil Anna, who Ivft hla native town of lnu IMM francs, Inwaa n buried, according to hla reqiivat. common grave. Th entire rust uf the said is to the from coffin, funeral, apart have been ILK. Paris-Hor- n Laundry, Id West Ttmpls itrsot. Salt Lako, Utah M R. Evans, atm ssd S4 W. mlm' llt' toe id aYRAUL'SK. ARIEL, g waaiSiMil MyJUkCU RievcLKI Ulfi porilsg Klsyele" tui ss V 11 ter le the etty white viewing the vsnene pelnie ef Inteiaet and glesisrs nr ettesdad n serdml Inrltatlen t In poet ike aollavllen f ell nnlntligi si ths Oxford." Tbs siklMI issh fswsss mstMrptscss ss tbs jsrv f ths Fists. " ''Marsisg" ssd gvsslsg." ssd that lastly sslsbrstsd hiitsnssl Isgssd. Mast-laAsiheay ssd t'lrsssirs." KMGKNtPRRaiR BHOL MW.ts sadSesth. Ws Bay sad Isfl Seeds, Grain, Flour Hay, AXD GENERAL FROKL'CK. Ilsodqaarters fut Poultry tspphst, Wriu PEOPLES I to F7 1. FOKWABDINO Mils kb, adjoialig alt lake city. CO. C. hf. L Y. utau. - FIANOS - ORGANS. MUSIC COALTEB 8NXLGR0VK CO. ?i w., - dfc P. O. Box D. TRY THE WALKER HOUSE sit Laks, SB trty. GKft R JOHMOH, IF YOU fWAissk Proprietsr. WANT ."'X w, rjruy swmsnltlsa. sts, satslegse, tne ta IL BROWKIha HBOS.. IH g,t lt la Field Cannon. The Improvement In fleld cannon haa kept pace with that In email arms. It la doubtful whether troops can be held In column or mana formation within two miles of an enemy firing the present modern breechloading The extreme range of these S.S aad fleld-gun- n la over five miles, and when a suitable smokeless powder le found, they may throw a projectile eight miles. Had McClellan had these guns when hie lines were five miles from Richmond, he could have ruined the city. No troopa can live In front of them when they are rapidly discharging shrapnel, two hundred bullets to the case: and they can defend themselves without Infantry support, and can be captured only by surprise, or when their ammunition Is exhausted. The Future of War,' by General FKshugh Lee, in the July Century, Improvemsnt field-gun- AND WANTS AGENTS XlUh sbrsaoh ssd U elicit ardera. Addraasslssas H, SkI BR.O.B.HHWETT JLSOR THE LEADIN6 s. DENTISTS. wr iieex, SALT lake mu m Z-- 6a1( cin. |