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Show Viil.. !!, NO, Yf. INVASION AMKItIC'AX roiJlv, UTAH, OF TURKISH SOIL Bulgarian Troop Carry Off Two Turkish Soldier England Said to Backing Japan in Her Dispute With Hum la British Farliamen-tar- y Balfour and Campaign Chamberlain Re-Ele- c red. - London, July 1. a dispatch from Sofia ays the situation is serious, almost amounting to a state of war between Bulgaria and Turkey. Xews has been received at the Bulgarian capital that two bands composed of seventy-liv- e and 100 men respectively have crossed the Bulgarian frontier into Turkish territory, where they captured two Turkish soldiers, who were taken across the frontier to Dubnltza, Bulgaila, twenty-tw- o miles south of Sofia. One man was wounded. Holla, July 1. The Government of Bulgaria has requested the Turkish Government to explain the orders issued to the commander of the Turkish troops at Adrlople to act on his own linn Liiv e aiona ne Bulgarian iruntier. At the aame tlm.the Bulgarian Government hae notified the Forte that Its duty of watching over the security of the frontier compels Bulgaria to take the military measures required under the circumstances. caped Christian brothers are coming ii me by one, chagrined ovir their t.til are to capture the elusive murdeieis. wln-r- i Marks on the bank iudU-ut-- ' Bob Christian etitneil the river, but i careful scrutiny of the bank for sev erul miles I low the lminl vh"H ; m place whtre he came out, and the pre-t.Illg Ik lief Is tint owing I ) nit weakened state front loss of blood nn.i ti.e high stage of the river, which is a roaring torrent, he was drowned. ivrs are hot un the tnill of Bill Christian. and It is only a question of hour until he is brought back to dangle ut tile end of a rope. The weapons which the prisoners had obtained were supplied by confederates on the outside and secreted over the eeillnguf the jail corridor, from where they were taken at an opportune time and ilH effectively used. A late report states that Bill Christian has been surrounded by a posse and shot to pieces several miles southwest of the city, but this report lacks confirmation. AGAINST THE N.YTU 11DA V, .11 KoatPJLZt'J LY 0, 1803, X PEK YEA It. miie els. Ju.,g. lu ll, t r the tTirfled States THREATEN TAR AND FEATHERS unit ;it Denver unpointed 11. in.iilu-Abandon elver for the Colorado Their Mining Kxi ii.inge Itiiildlng Company (Iji Ticiis-All- r ntii ion of the Mercantile Trust All Patrolmen Csllsd Off Their Bea& 1. v. The I!. Cnlu., July 1. Ivtiwr, to Protect the Aldermen Meetliif of tr.e Church J.ilLIlKlim, f llie jon.,.ii;y if New York, which holds by the MI11- ilki iii.r, IT L. ili.iiige .""'.cured niy.hl 11 ); Held and Water Companys Aide Jjt Under building. the Oos,Kre.",uii :i li..t i.i.; the busiliigs of the mining luea Asked to Resign A Comn&-toC inpai.y imil ki.c inio exrliangi-will nut be interrupted. ;. t Met by the Riot Ahirm Ci liquidation, mol ll:rl sulm the fund for a st. .unship line l 1,11 ml. sens Are Determined. vnti id have to. lr m ivtiirto-..n DESPERADOS ESCAPE Tl:. r.nw rum;..," uM'llculinn. ,, GOVERNMENT, by 1 Ije-iin- Afro-Americ.-- U- - o. Afrii-Ai- ii re-r- e. v.-- i s rli-- i l - eune Bail Francls-- i, .Stut.ja Circuit Judge lion deled hie decision on the Mrs. Jane Of the Gov I,-- ? tu-d- Ulilttj w:i ulJ 1)t. Ullll. 4, v., r,.Vl p lv tv. wen- - snltsvrlli'-rs.'1 ii. v Those Who Escaped v t o over u miri if sprung lau.-iyear njro Will Be if Caught Warden Bflgo Lynched Refuses tb Slcctrcrj-.- Dr, Buchanan Until Furnishes a V.i.c:i C.,i;.icn Negro Boy in Go. Ja Conttailj Two Uurderc. j Denver, Culo., June 29. Special to Tribune. The Supervisors met this looming and refused to tajte action in the mater rates.' There are five members uf tlic Board. Two are with th wrier conijiuny, two with ths people, sad the president has thus far not allowed his position to le known. Ho la suppoEud to be with th water company. But ell the members who have stood with the company are beginning to feel frightened. They did not anticipate that their action would raise such a eturm of disapproval, and the murmuring which are observed under the surface have a most distinct thery odor about them. Rumors that Alderman Emery was to receive a coat on Friday night was the signal fur nearly s thousand people to surround his house In a drenching rein U witness the performance. fur the Aldermen, in all these Luckily demonstrations no individual has stepped out to lead the attacking forces. At the meeting of Supervisors this morning there was the same crowd of Indignant citizens on ltand to prevent action on the obnoxious ordinance. The same force of policemen was on hand to protect the members of the Board. All patrolmen were called off their bests to Insure sufficient fores st the City Hall, As no action was taken, there was not much causa for a demonstration, but when four members voted to adjourn without action, ths people howled disapproval, and all through the crowd were cries of "Bring ropes to the next irting!" This sentiment was voccrously applauded, and tlie police c: rirded sbvut the memhers of the Board As soon as the meeting was adjourns Mayor Imstened to lasu a cell for another meeting Monday c , inlng. Thus he headed off knottier petit, in from ths members of the Board asking for a ... meeting. The Councilmen have always met In the day time, thus making It Impossible for a great many citizens to attend. They have a certain dread of these public demonstrations and their wtwiiwL-Th- sMayor is with the people in the fight, and he will do from the Lelainl Stanford. The demurrer vu'simi limy rays that tin: irmln hart li.-- i i i.u a. Tlwro is Rosa allowed tit :110m qiolireil by iqib.aniiu. Juiif " Government to amend ns former a;."1 Yf1,j,l,;1,he Afro-Aly plaint and reargue the ease If it u - leans, end. It Is sui.l, there Is little oi.h.hnma city. ukla.. June M.-- Aa tbit sired. It wus Intimated, however, hope of the funJ being restored to the .th,. delivery at this this step would not affect the case, the subscribers In places, Itoint at 6 0 duck thin evening, two ieo-pi- e law as construed by Judge Ross ant1 TWO PEOPLE CfcMAl ED. are dead und several wounded, BY DISQUALIFIED United BtatciJ WEALTH. case of the ,,r l'eH, severely. When Jailer favoring the ',n,,'r,'d the corridor of the jail l.lry.r Wealthy California Farmer end His The sustaining of the demurrer wss w. Vfc of 1uua time to look the prisoner Niece Burned to Death. ComSiiiloaS surprise, attorney, generally expect ells, Victor Robert . . (. nrlathm and William Carey, Grldluy, Cal., July 1. The residence a contrary decision. made and court The a savage onslaught on Christian of Trotter Holliday, five mile began by reading from JhTmhim with we. namtHl poiiM which they hud managed to se-- e i f the new board of election Grldley, was burned last night, and platning the acts and statutes, Iwb cum-Staret e. Re was struck and Fuderal, which had any but- - nilsuionvis for Ban Francisco under the over Holliday and his niece. May Terrill, terrific blow the tight eye and knueked were cremated In their rooms. Noth- ing on the construction of the Cental j law passed by the late Legislature. InMellHl-bl- i. The prisoners dashed over hla ,V ing but their skletons were found to- Paettic Railroad and Us branches. All iV,.oi1IU and iHiuy to u.vny freedom, scattering four day In the ruins of the house, which railroads west of the Missouri rim bears; Samuel Foster, p. 11. WVIIIn, I e nice rat. four tne people on the crowded streets was entirely destroyed. and yers; James the 1,11 under constructed he their f were, i" PARLIAMENTARY CAMPAIGN. said, Henman, yours; w brother-in-latwo pursuers with a Leiiiot:rut, of Joseph Quinn, a to years. rapKl uf dliicliai'gt liable was tn so one roud which same if rtevulwru, acts, Holliday, was awakened by the smell Tlu- - commissioners will elect s secre- some mysterious manner they hud obBalfour and Chamberlain of smoke. In attempting to rescue the the Government, all of them were liatained. who be a member will, tary. Radicals Issue an Address. other occupants of the dwelling, Quinn ble. In nearly all of the corporation ut Casey jumped Into a passing vehicle, was a stockholder. Together tlicthe board, and will take the place of London, July 1. A. J. Balfour, First was himself severely burned. The fire Stanford containing a titan and woman, and ut registrar. other the and C. with 1. had made such Huntington headway that Quinn Mr. Castle and Mr. Foster are whole- tne point of a pistol compelled them Lord of the Treasury, and Joseph orators, he owned 1S0.8S0 shares had barely time to escape In his nightgrocers, Mr. Wellin Is a carpenter to Jump out. Almost before they had Chamberlain, Secretary of State for clothes. The shrieks and cries for help the stock. The Government, accordlij sale Mr.- Denman is a retired school time to obey his command Chief of and in aid tothe Colonies, were both Police Milt Jones opened fire on the esof the awakened victims stimulated to Its contract, Issued bonds to In explaining why he teacher. road. Though the construction of this Wellin Instead of James D. caping prisoner, who promptly returned Quinn to renew his vain exertiona In the day without opposition. contract, that was built under ruad the lire, a perfect fusllnde then took as was expected, the At the opening of the House of Com-m- their behalf. The strain proved too It was Incorporated under the laws at Phelan, was elected on the Populist Mayor, place between the two Christians and to-dticket, the parties changed sides much for Quinn, who was this morning the Btate. Therefore It became, in t who to an Associated Press reporter t.asey, and several officers. and in the House, the ministerial going to found wandering about In a demented way, amenable to the lawa of Califor- said Officer this afternoon: Mr. Phelan Is an exJones were instantly Casey killed, one the right of the speaker and the Lib- condition. Holliday was a prominent nia. cellent be- man was shot through the leg and a and I gentleman, would, and farmer. wealthy erals to the left. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDER!, lieve, have made an exceptionable com- woman waa The Yorkshire Post says Gerald WilThe lawa of California providing dint missioner, but he has the misfortune spent bullet slightly woundud by a OUTRAGE MURDER. AND A. liam Balfour, brother of Right Hon. stockholders of corporations are ind- to be a millionaire, and I thought the One of ths Christiana then mounted J. Balfour, first lord of the Treasury, ividually responsible for debts contract-e- working classes were entitled to a the dead oilicer'a horse, while the other on the board." has been appointed chief secretary of Two Atrocious Cases Reported by their companies, he held, did not compelled a citizen to get out of his affect Air. Stanford, as the Government Three Negroes Sui'pected. Ireland. buggy, and then drove out stockSPARKS FROM THE WIRES reason the that for the Into the country, closely furiously claimed, Gerald William Balfour Is a member pursued by a Chattanooga, Tenn., Jims a. On of holder liability acts were passed after of of Parliament for central Leeds. He the posse Infuriated A Blgmund Frictche citizens. Ca, Chicago, most atrocious cassa of outran was born In 1S53. He married Lady and murder Packers, assigned to Moses RuiTk- - Bloodhounds were brought Into requl-altlois reported from Gordu th1?wG.uVe,nm.ent, Paclflc. If thore Uw IK'rk 1Bt who eBtlmtt-and la Karl the there assets of the at MIO.IMH); eldest but little doubt but the Betty, daughter Ga. On Friday evening u. been passed before the Government liabilities, AJs.oOO. that they will be captured before of Lytton in 1SS7. He was appointed Springs, morndead body of Mrs. Houston, the wl; had howevLT.lt Central bonded the Pacific, Mrs. John Hymsnn, who Is under ar- ing. Should they be caught, a double private secretary to his brother when owed daughter of Rev. A. J. Jones, tte rest at as no made would have difference, O., for bigamy, is said lynching will surely follow. Casey was the latter ss president of the local found near the roadside, and it was Government had no Intention of nuk- to haveAshland, had seven husbands, at leust W years old. He killed Deputy Mar-shGovernment. evident that the woman had been outof the railroads It two of whom are residents stockholders the Samuel Farris at Yukon, Okla., of Ohio. ing Her skull had bonded personally responsible for the The Increase of 10 'he Radical members of Parliament raged and murdered. summer. ast In " cent He would per have been ?, wages d a meeting this afternoon, and la- been crushed. Three negroes were seen debts contracted by the company, recently announced by the Illinois Steel Bob and T,.01? ,Mjnd rd a manifesto In the shape of a cam-g- n near the spot, and suspicion points Central Pacific, the court contls-ues- , Company went Into effect yesterday. Will Christian The were noted thugs document. It asserts that the strongly to them. On Thursday last ton national a had of Over 7000 men will be benefited by the desperadoes, and were confined on and something the Mias Williams of Walker county was to it. When 111 was contemplated the change. It cf the people Is overridden by the assaulted charge of killing Mawduti and outraged while alone in country was In a state of turmoil. nL .ocB, Denuly ! Insolent opposition of irresponsible her residence several tAfrr; j months ? three negroes, sup- CrOYrcrunum wMtod Quk'k coTniwA' vvdMvOrinf to secure for Protectants hereditary legislators," and demands posed to be ths by ,orBa aanw referred to in tne tlon between the Atlantic and Pscfk la South American Republics the same settlement ' FOOLED BY A CLAIRVOYANT. wUI Bot Permit th Su- the, democratization of the Parliament la enjoyed murder. conscience that of Gordon 0 Springs oceans. liberty time the bulking At costa that of the by relieving the candidates eRVe hall Catholic. Roman Monday the railroad was a great undertaking byLeo Stearns of Belleville, 111., former of election, the payment of members, night without passing an ordinance an undertaking too vast for private enMlcligan Hen Expected to Eleven-- Y esr-Ol- d Murderer. and the abolition of the legislative of the one most and providing proper rabbi Jewish order is adjustment of So the Government, Gold la Missouri. House of Lords. the tem,er of ths public th Columbus, O., June SO. Information terprise. Btate, wus j ower of the announces issued bonis, and prominent Hebrews of the in to the assist work, WilHon. from received that been In car Harris The Times to grow as It has during the has Just Chicago and the railroad Mldcrs run over by a cable liam St. John Freemantle Broderick county stating that Henry Thomas, an in this way made of past two days. The Aldermen States. probably fatally hurt. agents the Unitedcase Brecker the of In Dr. bus been appointed Under Secretary of eleven-year-oand negro boy, has Just practically to wear Dali Professor KSSLi a the people out but thestarted the It was very plain that In gams War. killed his second victim. contract Involving Mriio" Is all working the Government Mineral Commission, now maother upon bonds not did the railroad Ths bluff pay Charles whla Lord he entered Into because He was hired by his uncle, Jasper In Alaska, have discovered valuable it Is rumored that candidate of suing local papers forway. Treathe of libel that the has ParSecretary for been turity has become a Thomas, to take care of a child about sury has the power to take possession nickel ore ledges at the head of the In- Ulpjw considerable of a boomerang. Silver called liament from the central division of a year old, while the father and moth- of a at river dian that place bay. Identical the roads. The bonds are Beresford er were in the field working. Henry A SCARED ALDERMAN. Birmingham. Lord Charles on According to a dispatch from Home, ot lUnndS former rrew tired of acting as nurse, and took with a first mortgage. of Italy has bestowed has held seats in Parliament Humbert 347.- counF. were held In all the wante King Mo., for Meetings occasions in the Conservative interest. ils uncles pistol, and shot the child AN IMPLIED PROMISE. rite title of Prince upon Premier Crisp! do i wned this evening to take action on Mas. Fuller consultedbya Augustus Inatlaid it on the bed the then as dead. repeated became a clalrvov-anagainst Henry who protest Did the t. company Mrs. Estella Van wVJh'110"'. Not M Alderman whole BIMETALLIC CONFERENCE. and covered It and fled to the woods. debted to the United States prornkt to tacks made upon him by socialists and r company He has not been aeen since. This is repay the money? asked the court. others. the Fifth ward the mretlngattendeda com- j rot Mombsrs of the French and German the second child he had killed. written and mailed SKS.S& Yale has to-dThe statute on this point is not very ? .T!e0,J0rtjr t0Arin ,n Aide js-- a reydy to the Joint challenge of OxLeagues Meet at Berlin. explicit, which Is to be regretted, osld ford home, with ten and Cambridge for a contest in stllVaaifntM and bou,fht th lRn(l. He Is only implied. A the and deputy sheriffs promise Judge. Berlin. July 1. M. Bougeierl, the TRUST COMPANYS NEXT MOVE There waa no explicit or unqualified track athletics In this country, acceptto 324, OOt) out- amounting the waseomf and M. Thlery, the secretary commlttee on its own behalf, under certain stantig, stid these he uks the court m?thieiMnr agreement between the corporation and ing to i oln De Llasa from caused a riot alarm of the French Bimetallic League, have conditions. observed k The collecting. to be Government is to the police station and an- It the Miss Frances Eleanor Blaine, a niece l5n,roved .wor,h bHUt 15 an acre other "prlt arrived here, and have had a confer- Will Proceed to Foreclose Its Mort- that the lands and bonds were not to squad of police hurried to now claims Be and Urt' ence with representatives of the GerLien until the of the late James G. Blaine, was mar- Full Trior and Take ths to delivered be the company gage, Fay by about thirty uf! Thompson, Vanrtdalc conspired to defraud at Helena to Randolph Miss man Bimetallic Union, at which Barer firere ?e honttni-te- e, Road Utah Court Imposed road was equipped. Here is found a ried ths the but d Buck. Blaine of and El Kardoff cousin Von Judge and Mlrbach Von ENSAT10NAL Conditions Which Could Not Be promise, but is it an unqualified prom- Is the daughter of tlie late Major John 0.2 heard accompanyhot-h-thet t. saying ha Arendt were present. The object of tlu to ise some e the repay money? acH. A. Blaine. U. Complied With Further Proceedconference was to agree upon Joint hS The Government had no Intention of E.The Otis Steel Company of Cleve- LuJIBco Register st Coour dAlene careatoe,I.l0.lyKnCh hlm of the bimetallic tion for the promotion ings in ths Oregon Court these men individually respon- land has making In ' all employees announced that With Charged Fraud. movement said Ross. That question sible, Judge receive a 10 per Siane, Wash., July J.-- Two Szk?n,W.h,?.5eM,utlon" 'rere pi5iS Before coming to Berlin the Trench sensa-Uo- n never entered into the contract The of the companyIn will who ore with b with repwages. The advance arrests were made here water company to resign. Portland. Or., June SO. The Amer- covenant did not stipulate that the cent Increase delegates held a conference Bimetallic the plant, In caret Inn with a departments beofbenefited. ican Loan & Trust Company will not stockholders should repay the bonds. affects all 300 resentatives of the British gigantic l' consplr-Wmen will about the accept the terms Imposed by the de- The stockholders accepted the asslit-anc- and League. by Issuing E. M. Byers, about the possession of lllefChlncse Government certificates! cision of Judge Merritt In the Oregon of the agrethe Government with AMZRiCANCHDr" D0LLAR3, registration been so much has there ENGLAND BACKS JAPAN. am-aiebhort Line A Utah Northern receiver- ement that they should pay for It that whose person Th are James Graham in Pittsburg, Chicago and case, but will begin foreclosure waa all. In accepting them, of course, litigation ship of the Land Office at Coucr Silver Cola Needed for cities during llie past two or Rejsr th Oriental A Diplomat Says the War Rumors proceedings. it was believed that they would repay other and Edward Rick three years, died of paresis at the d'At City, Ida., Trade. Are Well Founded. Dolph. counsel for the them. The question remains, however, also In the hands of s ate Walls for the Insane. Hospital Pennsylvania bondholders the of mortgage whether the liability rested with the William United Stntes Marshal f,lP th.. New York. July l.--A special to the junior Henry Johnson, the former D.T Oregon Bhort Line A Utah Northern, arrof W. Floyd lollard and Harry Muscatine of treasurer county, Herald from Berlin says: A member of was seen this evening, and when asked stockholders. la., There are no common law liabilities. of Till formerly of this city, but now the diplomatic service, and a close If It were true that the effort for s The State law fixes the liability of who, it is alleged, embezzled 130,000was at Prick, Ml The complaints were and then fled, separate receivership for the Oregon stockholders In proportion to the municipal to funds friend of Prince Bismarck, Is responsiButj sweto by F. D. Schuyler, Chinese Kan Francisco from HonoBhort Line A Utah Northern has been amount of stock brought ble for the statement that the reports That possess. they of Musca Sheriff outE. an II. insor sent lulu he Wylie, on for laid: out recently abandoned, by by the of prepc rations being however, cannot be held to apply and Trrtr Department at Washington, The effect of Judge Merritt's de- law. In this case, as It was passed subs- tine county. break or hostilities betweenHeRussia as was of such Mrs. all further denied to the is cision has correct. stop at wlttadquarters Fitzgerald flattle. Surrogate equent to the making of the Govern' Japan are quite Green's application for the reproceedings by the American Loan & oolnlun that a secret treaty of alliance contract with the Central Pacific Hetty ISd om1m" ln,the Orient in Great Trust Company along the line they ment moval of Henry A. Barling as execu hae been concluded between BRYAN IN ALABAMA. Company. especially. The Utah been have court of her father, Edward tnr of the will pursuing. Britain and the Japanese Government. has The Mr. DoolltUe whethteal Involved is sayer M. Robinson. The surrogate also deGreat simply imposed conditions with er there wasquestion dea contract between Inco,n,n three do?Ure which the second mortgage nies a motion to compel the executor to and fendant there Chinese Loan Negotiations. and whether plaintiff JolDebato With Congressman cannot afford to comply, was a of 3100,000. chop" or chan! the terest liability proviso. Reverting to furnish a security It has decided upon New York, July l.- -A special to The and the the after onrepresenting the value the Missouri C on ths Silver Question The In bridge spanning Unthe of provisions laws the one Herald from St. Petersburg says: of The side and better policy British stam! foreclosing. river between Council Bluffs and Omaon the other. This the gives formal de-In American Loan & Trust Company ited States, there can be found no such ha. Chinese Legation here the property of the Umsha Bridge B Had the People With utm- - of wrest hs. cuncy on the agreement. The statutes do not htild & Terminal not the due would interest nial to the rumors of a breakdown raise loan Company, has been seized the defendants liable. There Is absoIt If and road the take ""china tits negotiations for the Chinese mortgage prior 32000 side hbu",nee,B" for the con- was to be controlled In any degree by lutely nothing to establish this foot, by the Sheriff on the Iowa guaranteed by Russia. Onthese Jsnuand t, Ala., July L The company refuses payment British nation and I sustain the demurrer and give taxes. nego- the Union Pacific. Is announced that st trary It will of on Our Nebraska of large. valuation excessive 'e the trade dollars might have and Jiepre-ttoground plaintiff power to amend," concludsoon culminate in ajatis-lavtor- y The American Loan A Trust Com- the tiations me -IE. the Clarke of of Alabama had Pearson Chicago, great j. puriwse, but Iscklnr agreement, subject to pany will proceed to foreclose Its mort- ed Judge Ross. patron of colleges, la to give 350.000 to jofbate on the silver question to- the Japanese "chop" or character IndN modifications. gage Immediately. The Oregon com In a,ue Wash. he Walla, Walla the Whitman Chinese made College, Legathe course KENTL'CX'Af-nin' by of and Japanese EXCITED. the United States Circuit Court for A denial is lso Bryan did not understand Friends of the liifilltutlon ere collecting tojbrage at Clarke's which them and would denunciation not use tion of the reported participation Oregon has been set for the bill and secure 350,' to the the United 3150,000 the them. and necessary T The measure of England we ofJetnocrocy. have given notice and tsi.i. the loan by Will Resist to Death ths Collection 000 gift. Mr. Pearson hua with this m Invited here are fully In answer, Congress will enact will provide for the to the court next WednesStates. These statements said application of a instituriven various fur3500,000 Tax.;' to away "with the understanding coinage cl these dollars with Mon, accordance with the information day to fix a day for the hearing.' on one side and the Ashland, Ky., July 1. in Carter tions. Russian tliVSM to receive fair diplomatic from The American Loan A Trust Comnished play." Japanese there is intense excitement be; had the crowd on the other. The piece The will of James Henwlik, the New him sourct-pany will sell the road, and the fore- county with and will be iJL of the appearance of strangers York architect and art collector, n eolJ and wl11 closure proceedings will undoubtedly cause roottplaudod as he vigorously p who their mindon of to acknowledge to be Paris. score of and at Fire real t-0 be under about property the Alaltama Congress- Disastrous the rame amount of silvercontain brought by the bondholders the- 'famous .railroad tax thnt the estimated valuepersonul as of 3LtSo0uO. Nine- Pf to the Junior mortgage. This will mean collect American Weld A die rather dollar. It will purchno the in In London, July l.-- A Parli dispatch been has for 1j; dispute thelft. fortyof years sonte will ty being most the paintings, the be one that of the mortgage paid This tax grows out cf the bond issue or Democratic Japan about double the amount a In iMsaaUaiSiffVvtplKirt prior llie Times say that .TUii riy ii it and Murillo off gold Rubens, and the a In of Velasquez, occurred s general reorganisation gold In standard, lie dollar will purchase In thia years 175,000 to the Elizabethtown. Lexingdisastrous fires are given to the Metropolitan Lyci nounced adopted be undertaken. country." Cleveland and Carlisle, ton & Big Sandy Railroad from Lex- of Art Godillot's military outfitting establish- property llarke. In reply, referred to Bryan's The company ington to calettshurg. ment, between the Rue Rouchechourt default of the $50,000 bond requ itlclsms of Carlisle as a pitiful An Outlaw Wounded. One Strike after securing the bonds sbnndnnpd byIn the and the Rue Condcrcet Orisons. New Indictments Commisslc at United Stairs to throw mud upon a man who 27. Deputy the bonds at a lib- James Addison Pcrulta-Reavl?.kla- - Jun the project, selling man was killed end fifteen Injured. cha New 27. United The wered head and shoulders above him, Orleans, June from Woodward, Okla., huntTwo thousand people are thrown out of States grand Jury returned Indictments eral discount to David Hinton, a mil- with attempting to defraud the Ut would id mud said the not land, but ing Zep Wyatt, alias Dick lionaire at Cincinnati. Through a mis- States out of 275 poor people are end , MO. has been com employment, and uuld fall back Into the face of the ffanS, came suddenly upon Yearn, against James Shew, president, and P. take of the couaty attorney in drawing ted to the United States four of the left homeless. J. Tobin, secretary, of the Cotton up the contract, the road escate.-prison who It. an threw miles west sixty gang of Hennesav neettd with the New Mexico pen The crowd hissed and yelled fur JthtemirtW?KmoUnted Screwmens' Association, and the en- liability for construction, and their the rethrtr hureMmd at Santa Fo. ortt Grlndewald Temperance Conference. tire committee of or tiary leave to their shut larke governing the to up Shots escape. fusal meet, stage, were ex- their agreement gave rise, 1. The temperance sesganization, consisting of twenty-on- e continued In a more moderate ohangsjl. Charley Black, brother been1 W. H. Benton of Markham, I. T. Berne, July to the contest that has 'ever since conconference GrtndeWald leased for ten for tho Inters with members, to ,n Ietnca grant y rain. Ills reference Grover Cleve-n- d sion of the he Cimarron fight interfering maintained. ' k,l,nd The American delega- state commerce by force of arms dur- successfully was applauded. WB" Lr,MU13r woundcluded All who voted the bonds, save a sin- and will immediately ship his edhi head the levee labor dleturbanre of laat gle resident of Carter to of and the L11 and Vegas one wan cattle ing officer was sllght- Clarke hip, tion numbers KO. The representatives frequently Interrupted county, are dead, The wounded outlaw of the W. C. T. U. will leave on Tue. spring and winter. Eact Indictment and 2500 of the new generation have there he will drive them Into the i4iurlng hla last remarks, and he re-was the I fguondid by raUIng the audience Rcpub- - tied to his horse end the gang contains thirteen counts. Indictments organized to resist the rolleetion. Nu- There are 130,000 seres day for Paris. escaped. were also found against eight of the merous attempts have failed, and It Is grant, which Is owned by n leans and Ittpullsta the monster petition ofto the the Govern- leading members of the Gretna Long- now regarded as worth man Fsrwell of luwa. IT will t your life to atI- - D. Willis Meyers Sentenced Again. count rnenta st St. Tetersburg. Copenhagen, shoremens' Union for Interfering with tempt the collection. Two months sgo Pay-Ro- ll Stuffera Indicted, the loading of the German ship "Orion" a deputy collector, after making a levy the Government In special the suit to Stockholm. Rome and Athena Atlanta, Ga., July 1. Willie Meyers at Gretna last month. Chicago, June 29. The grand Jury to- aged 1J, who lured Forest upon a farmer's properly, escaped be- 115.000,000 from the Ktnnfunl Crowley a bo of once foOO the will the rase the st began ny Investigation ' says si sliping lynched by morehant, to a lonely spot in people only by TRAILING THE MURDERERS. A ot rolls. the of Thirteen to Rtutes Court the the deIn United pay off city lulling suburbs ore men The of the this ping night. the one gun manufacturer, pays an Krupp, city day i of the September and and tnoorna tax of m.00 a year. But the termined that no collection shill he and from there to the Kupremi-him for hi ivaler pipe extension department were money, was y murdered Oklahoma Desperadoes Havs Not Yst brewer and alcohol the second manufacturer, Mrl-nrec- o made, and openly denounce It. A 11 that cf the United States If not sffec ilndlrted. fir Been Captured. sentenced to hang, tola second trial hav! Bragadlr, at Burcharest, leaves holds the matter from a crisis now Is s ays the litigation will Ths litm far in the lurch, for he pays Lttl.til doubt of the t It Is charged the city was robbed of ford University, no matter k th flrrt ln a verdict of the collector sincerity Oklahoma City. CX T.. Julyof the es- - francs a oguirty1.11 ysar la Uses. outcome may be. and his allies. "isrfs sums. posse which went In pursuit AJh tar-and-f- 1 te ed ni ay d ay n, s al JSrJXFr", con-Unti- es S! ld V fWwntM Ber-esfo- rd P"iaJlfi,aS5 im&'Ss lXsr.va ay i un vice-preside- n hi' arrests. dK ' to-d- or it. timupsi SJsrffrsjs.'tsAH jin X,n"b,;n K t," 15 . a dls-KiS'.- 'd ' at-m- pt to-da- y. s, 310-1- d to-da-y. '7? r time-keepe- rs ' |