OCR Text |
Show AMERICAN rOIL-- r I SI. r ii. r i.." n! f j' .'lAJi ' 4 it At jSij i, r. i .' , t m:k i Tire l'p.-itivUi'I in .in in j.ivnr ; ;; n-- ull ii t Ml- ipillint i"! i fin'n i Mi '. J. W . Ilf ill i - ')( mlirii.v jiii- y- iinii ss SI, (NN) fur ii I t Hilly, .i.il! - . r ill Ilf lii bli'ii I v. ;!i hi.: I,' :n : littli sir. 'la ill tin.. city ri'p.iireil. I I..,. !t.(; - ill, .1 tin lit H' lii-.v- I.t ii' I il ' ' Ii. I Ini.t. I'l.-.'i- , i .nut, Ci un ri.t, St! ii h! ! . 1 ;'.i 1 Imx. Jjrij; r I'n'ii nit i Miaii 4 (Ii i 1. i, n ;. i vi- - '.'ii " o1' t KY ntitl, I.clii. is alwava auft r to luck the l.sirn before Mjh lmri i giiiii," for if any IrnHIl, l!il tin-In- r l.:i K"' a S.f (VK VIGOR. it : lie )jli'td jrit:iir iii t.ll'.'. 1 iriiL.' 1 I. , V. "In lir. till." in y lit it tiir-- i ii i . - i. 111 Up no Wil.'l.t I It lili.mt llll-'il.l- Ii.i.r Mi.i!ii'-- i is Uortii Ajit--iii- i !i cu-lu- ant tu Hi 1.i'r.i,e I'i.-- a out l.crp strife (ii-- t a fin: tri ll it Wi: . JISAN'ltKlIIjtU E'iaei-in- s l t I'.- - Tilt Ogden , he in lliia way, :nni Jirccta the attention nt' llm "iji!e in article Im Ims i'or h'll.'. ll n i lie mereliauu wnuiil tn'ls tn tin; iliruufli their hmiie ';ii-- r, a Mier llm reHl'Ill'i the hoillt'a Of till li'H)li; Willi wmilil kenu limi uatreinza tlirin, iln-. hui that there lift ttte srrrwi wt Irli.iw' aueivN. nalvi l Tiuiea, fr 1 n s. jA.si. is ijuite favorable sioken fovnrni- - 13.1 U.i.ii1 1 1. And iiisioal candidate for supreme justice from that district, on the Uepubliuu ticket. That is a good selection. Kw.lrje uitteu is cure of all lCidnuv and I I ml I..iver iiifeltiiii 'I i00 Iteei N nf X'WS!i((t Miisit Just It cei veil. -- ' Call nud f AQ i i.i- the l nt CU'IJ-- ,i iii ,ru ii .i 'I II.I: l ll. i.i s t ' i.t net y ! un it : y I " AchEI ;;Lb-C- 'F a.1 J Jfa i'va y Lines of Goods Arri v- ing Daily. NVw ssi Our New Stock of--- -- Bird Cages, Bird Seed, And Tloiiistindd of Useful and Cheap Notions, Toys, Etc. - Our Mixed Paints are n.Rt K..rsret Due Baking Powder 2m. lor ;; Pound Can. -- Unexcelled. Quarts ami a Prize With Every Cau. SEE---- -- CALL AND KNICHT, Boating, : SIS' -- rc:,r."!rr:0N. ,r ..u l .t, tsD :f:. Trains unlay I .m: n:'Mc ALL KiDsEY DISEASES. a ni, s II. II.Ci.ahk, Oi.ivkk W. Mink, ) Is now 0sin for the Summer, where the K. Ki.i.krt Akdkksox, - Receivers. tuT John M Doakk. ) public can refreslt tltemse'vr from R Coudert. Frkiiehkk s uj the hot summer heat. !rt)"'We solicit the patronage ot tbe public, and gnaranteu fair dealing nnd cuurtecua treatment. Harriutrtou Street .1uicreca Fork , Utah DONT LIMP 3 O B I and i Win n V"U cun be made to want fetraighl. We ihkh Planter Paria cast of feet to inaurr A cnnttort. S ccalista in A ' K Dancing. fas,-- , raper-liaitgi- Fatniera, Jtwkiuen, (til Luinnent. horaea liveryman acd all bauillera of should have a bottle of tbia rcrnoly on for iiuuiuJiali uc wlieu ncrdnl It will aave time and money. Frier bottle, at Steele 'a-- fl7.iiig, Sheaf of interior Decorations uuit Ci' All kinds of Comiuereial Adi j iug. llemlipiarters for Latist aud Cheapest Colic in borers can ba ctircd (Uii.kly by itfeing Jr. J. II. McLean's Vnlcaaie 23c, SUc ami $1 00 per PLYMOUTH SISAL BINDING TWINE, I I hk.itCk.vxii, aud take no other. v. PH a I H S' ! ResifflW, lor Utlin .(! II tU0 I II). (.tiona 1mm ten af tba large-baner yaij.-.)- - a, K C3 d a K a a s;S 55 5 h i? 1 V ! j IN uw ' Shoe' Co., City, I'tuh. jsrrjs; s?,1 known t li'iu Or. J . II. McLean's Vulcanin con bas been It ic Oil Liniment. stant me for ntore l!in forty year, and valunlda is Ieeegnir.nl every wlirw n ioiiM-holri'ini'dy. 1rtca 2 BCiBOc Riid Hi per I utile, t Steele's. ass adamsoh abdrew 1 County Survey r. & wi,i..hCr n,icl,,ncryGo-o- lh-vut- Mineral Surveyor and- - I g'.in - p 111.1 'r aJ Rk ESTER n"0 0 V K U - in. m. Logan, Utah : Muh" Fall and Nnntiwlier, I bil.o, CEO. T. ODELL. Ceneral WEST. . 1.-1- 3:19 so. i. in. Nu ff. T 4 ;H 9:03 WEST li 'LND a. in. in. a. in. stations, Lv. Suit Luke Ar. !);45 8:12 (l;l Spriii?illc p. 08 3 17 130 5;!n.) C:45 ii'l Sp. Fork 8)7 F A. WADuemn, ;n iyj. SMITHS rLEAS-- T grove, utah JIAlIII NES. le cot on Short O notice. J fi ft - cc is . - e.ij, l P S' il: E s i I I Yl Two . ASPEN, rUEDLO, 'hat Hj jJ'i COLORADO SPRINGS. AND DENVER Effective April 29, 1891. m Train No. S leave .Fort at 8:02 a n, arrtve at Pueblo nt 8:10 a' m, Coloradotimrings 7 :51 a ni, Denver 10 :S0 Am-ric.- a m, Crippic Cri-.!l:5o u m. Train No . 4 leave A tin rican Fork (stops on signal) at 8:85 i rn arrive at Pueblo 5:27 p tn, Colorado Springs 6:63 p m, Denver 8 :25 p ut. Connection made at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denyer wi:h ail lines east t'dcgiiut (lay coacher. chair ears, and Pullman Sleqcii en ail trains. Take Hut D. & It. G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy tbe fine it scenery on the coutincnt. Train leaving American Fork at a In arnyei at Cripple Creek neat morn-nat 9:50. 9.-0- A.- Sarsaparilla ni Only Line Running: Tbrongh East Trains Daily to W WGRE S '(. rrms World the LEALVILIE wsaajgrt UR Doe, that Ufie tba ftoy Hond'a Hoed'f Fi.l aropanir vertsbl. c 3-- BnY? I Rie drands Sarsaparilla la carefully prepared by experienced durmaciat from Sarsa-- 4 parilla. Dandelion, Mao- - w- n O k TB- E- Gen, Pass. A&t, II. Babcock, The Traffic M'gr. WOODS rfI OH cH iZaBSEZSSSaaaSESSSaZSESSli S. Jt k:dl -I Sgeris Lire of i TIHuST. 8. 1 :00 nrea Scrofula, Polt Hhsrtr, Xeres, lloila, Pitaploa and all other adectien rauaa bj Impure Mood ; Dyspepsia, Cibon-nes-s. Sick Headache, Indigoticr, Debility, Cal.rrli, ElivuntaUspi, Kidney an1 IJ.-- X0T MADE BY S 8 in Oarsapariila Employment. 3 5:40 4:00 3:42 7:25 7:55 pay aim. 0:40 8:03 Eureka. 0:55 p. in. 12:30 8:20 Ar Silver Cy. Lv 0;40 D. C, Djdue, Gen. Mg'r. A. E. Wrlby, Gen. Sup't. S- -- jt EAST BOUN TYo-p.'rti- '- s. vj p .ft flrake,Dix:k,Pipiiiewa, General office. Juniper Ferries, an.l other well known The Combination, Manaerer. Tegitabla.rcmeilin. and lYrv-- M are recttliar to Hood wills, giving It nn2ihnil rnrativo rower Icecli.ir to It a If, nc t po-oby other rumedlc. Rood's r Pa slh ji. m.. u. lu a in ad KNOW CA 95p-rr- Spanish Fork. Wagon & Machine Go. wi-nl- ltel a.. ISe, NOT.WiXlBLlC. V. M. .miili the TicRsaut Groft AtnerteAn Fork, '"!' y L v.ii t ) iimiu, was in towr tbiowcek aud iliKireil ef alxmt tbe last of hi traw noh'l AM' OMf lierrui. Nexi e.itnei In cherries, nnd tbe land, be bus plenty of the tlutt in fn: Mr. Smith mill giro bun an eider, tlmt telegraph l elteap-- s a a e er and aster tlisu Tele-- .' TLe blood 0.111.1 ba pure if the ls phone. Uce the Dtvrft be in eibct ctimlition. Hr. J II. f'ri rglbenir-- Toulial and lliood Turilii r ti'iikis pure blood, kud imparts tbe t el blocm f beaUb and Wc ate advised from Sail Lake vigor to the wlmla body, fl.00 per i at last a thoroughly first there I Co. A Steele at otMc, Kuiploymcnt Agency in that city, the betii fit n! our nation wa gtvi li j nanie and addrest (which they Dunkleya Rre triitly in it for & H ERKELR. ETliAS FOR ALL KINDS OF PETTY : nmifc Shipment i retrve) dry atylr jut 1 55 Tlllrd Bou,h 8t Tt la. Those not on Hand can Mcl-t'an- KAST. No. No. . :l,:to No. M. ie manufactory or W. A. wpri'wnt in I tali and Idnho, Tigirmkc. and sP 2JL 6 -m el - If i 1 iilUL Ual'u IN EITKCT MAB. 15, 1893 kJtalWAY&S frn I,nM we R0wxH oRANDEi,,Cal 2 WooilT1?!1.! (,..dMe, - s- 1 String that never Breaks. :!! i C 11 5 wi VliASK KNIGHT, Manager. 3 3ic g 3 P2 h wV$,Hcriptinn, Ililgerr Deformity Salt S :ii Sr if P--- 5X 1 e jsff - G5 sli"1-- - W C 2r H- and clclornicd Steel brace and artificial limbs .if every 3 - I crippled k. 3d suiub. r-- Silver (WJ; lead 8110. fi.r (igitcn daily p m nml 5 :2) S. SODA FOUNTAIN tu-l- i uir - Amt-ricn- Ni-lli- p HALLfcay, I,i;V- :30 a m, 2 i, frjr : : of our own people have insulin I Murrloge lievtiie has been of Coitrlh . friite Sniiaiy Bo.t. h, Eieiranf. D.incfnsr seen lit to condemn our A. Miketfill, aijed 2l,and Jmes, Pavilion, outnittl the nu is This celebration. Sli.ire, Lake Imlll iiiilil 22, July Orchestra, Kirkhain Full ir of (jiiidri.ii Bt ul t i Kiirnish Music. rage. and those who are guilt) II you leal run ill an; lit no -- kKEKIMK BAIL. EVERY FRIDAY should liung their head in trengtli, nu energy aiuMiel tireli ll. EVENING, fc- ut Hr. J. ll Mi einirs. in inke j time, lu shame. The patriotic citizens, In liiiionts of all Kinds oii.thi? (rounds, Tlu lnst of order assured. I iiidial hii lii'ii. Lean whose hands was the day s ext 1 p,irjj,.ri ii will iuipmt htrens wi;;nr fif I'or inforiuatiou regarding Excursions, tc., H)il v to or addna cities, had many ilillicultics to en and eliiTifnliiftM. Tries 1.00 :1 but at Meele A Co. counter, owing to the lack of en tie, thusiasm, and it was with hard work that anything was done at nil. As a result of Ihe t elebraliou hundred of dollars were kept in HOUSE SIGN AND t an t In Ilought! iut t,. a Urcuki the Ixant We Have tor Bale. Ak for DES0RA1 IVE FAIELG the town that would have other went elsewhere. wise Wi'll-Ku'i- S Bi-in- Froprs. Bathing Juab run dully except Salt ram 8 :00 .'. edu! I, id' ui. for Suit Luke dutlv I'ruiu le iye Og-leTrial Size 21c. For Sule by ah i 2:UU a tn. 8:00 a nt, 3:50 (i m mid 0:30 IiiUr"istS. p in, I'iiimj connect on mud" nt JgJcn with Suiitlii-n- i Pacific trai . Lcj.-u-i train 9 For ' 1 :03 a: living ut Lnumi 8:55 a tu anu 8:40 p n: Truiita for Tooele run daily Sund.iy leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a m. Kureka trains leave Ann-ricuFork 4 ;li:l p ni arrives at Eureka 1 1 :3t) a in . --X5A full him of pure Drugs hours to IVuvi-r- : Twenty-tou- r 88 uliv.iVa on lmud Itoura to Omaha; 48 hour to Kansas city Comls, Sioi:ges. nul Chicago. and Notions . . . i nibcr the Union Pacific is the lie ! Behue fur New Mexico and Arizona. Fulling tackles, ioles uml Nuts. Heudi quarters for Fishermen. fore buying your tirkd get our figure. Fur further information ns to etc. call on or write, Coll aud sen our stock of jrusic lat- in a J. M. IIaypkx. I). E. Buhlev, est songs of the day. Gen 'I Agt. Agt, American Fork. A Choice line of Cutulies Lake. recently Pass. Dept. Halt OlFu-i, 201 S. Muiii at, added to our increasing Stock. City Ticket E. L. Lomax, G. P. is, T. A. K. Dickinson, Gent Agt, OUIt J: T & fi.y C.RAVELT r 1- -2 iL&mw, HOSIER a DRUGGISTS Kinds of - Pictures and Frames, Shelves, Brackets, Etc ALSO'exaar Ill'll' Ii. f &I.VKY Ml'- - y l.s.i Steele & Go., New Style Piano from SI 25 up. I it nil ufti'U Mivci j One trod "tll prove our kiunii'iii Trice Hilly BOe for large tail Steele & Vo's drat! si'ire. w 93. J. ST. LOUIS, MO. Merchandise ni i",i;i ul cii',i-.- 'i.i.i is i . i t .ii.i ' iii.;i.i r- - t I.i s. t.Vi- f U,( - ii: in s 'I. .. ... noY'iii i i.i.u I - i ii Noi'io a i'.!i RANTS 1H1MPOBIUM, ii'-- or as t it ;, ,i : i kir.-ete- t - i r NJ ii I Organs and I:ianos m m. Voi. It May iloas M neli Mr Km! Miller, f Lrvimr, III.' w.'iu. ilist Im Iml a lever; Kniney rnulile IS in for ill itny years, with seven1 tl t, MtSat xhM 1)w e.i!!i' H trie.l many I willmnt but cures any i Kidney Th i Ij.ht r';.ii:".s, cssssarrziJLSZzuZ 4 li.'in-alhi- I'ress routes boldly ami usserts that The is endeavoring to bmit diaries Crane fur governor, and tlu uudicity with wliirh it wrecks its cureless assertion, would 'Uut the Jews. No Uro., this paHr has eoutained nothing that would lead its renders to believe we wen eliarujitoning If that ifr. Crane's canilidaey. catididafe gentieiuun, orunyollior wishes their grievances set forth ill these columns, we ure ut lilicrty I to do so with u reasonable reuutn- erutioll. uh. iVi n i H. iti-i- lurieliaiil coiiM sell in a year, ami i We why it was an. out nnteiJ this tai-lhut the rea.'mn it is Item m very ilaiu. Tlir an,.ut ih'ks to I ... 1'"'. - iliyil.. t.i'jii... hulj i'jr ml 'iri.ri-i-- ; H. MCLEAN MED. CO i:-- THE - Lii A i FOll A noii,ii-n-t zen clmultl bring hiiit when this is iloTii. Oih bridge in part icular that needs repairing is at tin corner of W ilsun and .State streets. lii i.i-- I cpili i .i ! . A'lii;'- ii CORDIAL inil ran . iri. tiol i i iv CLOOD 2 J.-- lioii'r a uimnl ii ." Sl'ila A (Vs. Itrit .Store. busini'M man rad In in , l yrk'i-nlaythat it wsa a Mi iiuc afieuta for i winrf uiar'.iiic , m lirr hi:i asm, luedieiuca hiiiI vaii.m I'll't, I'dllhl CUllT Ullyill'l, lllMJHIrl- - cl iiiiuuiiI their warei in a week thin Hi-- ' ' SlLL-i36slEHIH- lio.-.i- . . no t mcleaws j. I nil ! u the itr SfQU)W rj I' y t: i! A i" Up t 2: f il III . , ' .h. iisr i a. p:rt- M Any to rxercict only ordinary in tlu-niuMii., uml no citi- . fc ! y, ,illCi'i ii. iik, uighta person stnmlil injuro them-solve- ti , il.:!ii;-rnit'likll)li0ll, tlnM j!.ui-lij mnl tVnnil.t 1 In Would liable. tlu citj L'a:i lie pun-- used at ill.NKf.KY'.S. 4 ' pay taxcii that the) may derive S iiiiv at llmti- -. .some bt'iiilit und proldliou, ami if iin ci c'. iply i r.n Any v ' m in i tlny art injured by tin city V inc- la iv nt Ini ,.! in limn nt Kiiiiii'iimi in h'd, tiny hlionbl In ri'Miinh il fur Ii!; ml vui. ; IiV u rllinn In JiiIiii .lilliit (li rli In.ii-i- (niiri. S.iit liku, l.'liii it. iinmiriiality in liut 'n-i- A mr.-- i e.iiy id ii'-'w- ; ik ' j ..A't ; i ; i.i ii e, t I .1 TO fi-- r.li-iii- 1.1 iivfr nr t I .. t : ' I Mnn-- . 4 M.il'liini' S i' il'J nniar.i ilini'lilOCt : J. i... i . Jim Airivnl, It Ii : 'c. .:i : i : av-ii- rill'-- ' 1'IMt SAl.t; !.i H lira:.. .1 Ii 'Id'ti' lill'I'I Ml I;.., ti. - ii.i it fi .Q the iiyt-i- t tii.. l i.ins l"i mi. is nh.iU, I. lit of nu .iinl ii i "lyn up Hid mid I could not live. Ifni. !r. !'. u;o' Ni-) i. nt t"i i i.ii'iits mid h':. tj in ini-. Ilii- 'ilit 'ii .. ix";in Ui t iii'tti-r...ni .iliir ti'.i'Ji' three ai 1 . Sai.vK in il.r mi . I i Jiuii Jti.riiiii, I'rvii I It i i r, ili'i.;iil II r 'I f I - . l i I. f , mi' 1 ti 111.! hi - i OJi.i I v u ; i ... - ii i ii. J jin. in y rliii i. J'jii . if t. sum of i.llirnl. It l.t li'ii. .!:li'(-.lo jn f I'l'uiJiIi'.i, mil'll II. linn nr ll.iin-in u in Mu. i. . i.i V,d .i iiit .. Sirir, I .I'i'it. ii Mr. Sent! , nir. : A Now llii'ri iuv Mr. .Vi'irilii:, jar inure daiini-i-duIn: t 1 fr;u:-tnri- il ftlioiil.1 - . i - l lioli mij (' t ifj t ,:i .r :.i i' i: ij .i.i i: I.i v, ii :j ?.l U.li.' . i' ii)..,,i .( i, li 1 i : i.i i, ! I'.'i.ii- M 11I..I ,i il, ii.i'. uif 1 it :ili:i.''l Ii.-- ... . j"r i y ; - i r l. r.. i ji'ir .1 I. Iu i. , .i, i i, li.ii 1. 1 . i to pcjofdrii'tis that, that 1. I ' M r . i- y Lm , i.,,-- i. - I I ! j , r ' i i.e i.i i.uli' i, Vi !...' ii it . ,1 nnr inillli-- . ". y : . . i.., m..,! Hi II..; in III- - i I l! i' l.i il i;i lairs that . r lii-li- i iik Iwurt-ih- li'. In-- r !il - .1 in A 'ii :.i j in;. i - I'rnVD City the Supreme I i 1 J- it) vi., j; :'i Minni.-'inii- I .lint flunk, I., i ' f'Hil tt.1 iiial an- iuhIit III ! i'f . 1 m J: r- !i v j t 1 in' l . .: ; I' r . i! . y I W.T'11 .y.M i.vekti i 'll .1 .1 y . . . MfT tU'iiii lii i '... iii t I t: c j. .r in I'" kefair J. .i!i ii i' i'l ; ,r J.. 'i I f 1 1 ; i , .n m. I. - I s'J.., r I:.- n..; .'.t l! -- Jt . I ii ii I J. !..., i i I , -- it..!. .:. h it f ( ' . lr..-1-- t:.iy ' it - .1 i . V. :! I i r I MILTCTJ L. ... 1 1 ITEM. I B.- g B. llt'ouKB. 8. K. Ilooria, Traffic mgr.. G. F. 4b T. A. Denver. Colo., Denver, Culn II. M. CisRiNa, F, Nkvini. Gen'l Agt., Trav, Pus. Agt. 8alt Laxe city, Utah. |