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Show ol Ur i:.-in uf i i..-:- i n An t StU. !!!.. ui'R Al VEK USERS. II. ii.ii-ki- t y, ..lothill!'. Siivi- - A. M .K. I HI j! iisiCmI in iii-r.- . bn. li,,ii.i.i.'j mi l ini.ii.il ry. i,:il S.i'i (.ir. pni-i- (.Vl'-.ti- milliii'iy lllant H'lU-l- . l)r. J J. J.irss.iti, l!cnliiii, tilt. t.ii). ' . J. F. pup r li inj r. Poll 1! I 'il. it - iu st i.i.t-- A ilow 1 coup SiH-lf'- v i rii.icH at Mi'iE . t Ail.i-rtiM-- sun-drie- etc. Dr. (, W. Shore ", meilicines. S. C. Well & Co., Miiloir cure. J. II. McLean, liniment, blood puretc. ifier, Stark Medicine Co., Oregon Kidney Cure. t IT. E. Ruck bn Arnica calve. Chamberlain & Co., cough cure. C- - I. llood, sarsaparilla, Fidility Aid ..uociatiim, insurance, Ilot Siring Sanitarium, bathing. Clnff A Scott, batlier. Ira W Ki award, lawyer. F. I). Hobbit, land ami mining atty. Myron Groo, U. S. Land RegUti'r. Cliicago, Ilurlington & Qvi'. rj R. R. Denver A Hio Grande Ry. Hilgert Deformity Shoe Co. Admiral Cigarette. Co-oWagon iSc Mnrliine Cc farm imphnients, incycle John G. C'.iltriD, electric linment, blue mg. Provo. Union Pacific Railway. p LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Merril.cw, dentist, Lelii. a are strictly in it for latent styles in dry good. Shipment juit in. Dunkk-y-' a a a See tliiMte beautiful summer hati at Dnnkley's popular atore. a Muniage license baa been issued to D. A. Mikesell, aijed 21, and Nellie Jones, aged 23, both of Lake Shore. a a a a a I)oc Cooper bus invented a new apparatus to supplant the nils on his sail bonr, Stranger. and will in a few days have it in readiness to make e test ran. t KARIS CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, clear pour Complexion, regulate your Bowels and mue your head clear as a bell. 33c.. SOc. aud $1,00. Sold at Steele's Drug Store. a a a id i lie f." - a i r ol ii.'u 'oiiX a fcd.r j l !' I Itifjrrle I .e l.a'lii'a - Kr 1iU'Ue iVuulilu1 lu:i li.i. r.ln.1 A M-- M sp.-n- III I: III') i ;,! cell! WoObEXSROE. To Wiumi it i, Mr. Pnikir, iif his lit l.n-nli- M i: ' - i! M iii .L--d Lo i;'.e. II Meu.r II.'U luii, a I ( ho k - l Driggs, John Hrowu, .Niels Nielson '.ale gone to Park, Wyo,, the iii.'ii : ns iiiiilde, '.'i Will for Richard-- , Pleasant Gnrye, July 5, lS'jj. wl.iic ilinsmg some Id, dropped di.il last w i'!i 11c whs 70 vi.-disease. of thi' jean of hoc, and u A Smith and Frederick e My Couern. We. the undersigned merchants of Suit Luka City, luvn plimsure in testifying in Ilia superior ipiality nt Macondray ti Co. M. M. Tea. Ye have been using aud selling tin brand ever our caunters forsoim! months with much sa'isfuction, ami heiievo it to be equal, if not superior, to any package St wild in Balt Lake; S ill imke Equitable Co-oInst. p. Edwin Wright. Twentieth Vurd Co op. Store. A. T Webb. a nit a li' oiiiing. Jen-i-- , ir Fi mid Edith llindley "Ue I l",.'intifiil ami are to be on t.eir b ve'y appear- n - . g elii-nii- r a a 1 e a a a a !)'. j a the the a ilia-r"i-ii- i nt - pni-rtai- I Mis CiirT'o Pmtcp, of low, l.tj here yisiting her uncle an ! anut, Mr. Wi Chadwick aud wife. She is now visiting in Provo y alley and the cunioi s. a a a We arc sorry to sta'e that considerable beastly drunki'tiiics' existed here ou the Fourth. It was not our own boy en fn.m other towns. tirely, hut tlu-sa 1, g , I cru a thec'-iriiniltre- i.I'-im-- n That rniyo;i Hie mines of Araeriean Fork are looming up agaiu every imli--n- t inn .how, and if men owning prop riy up ilierc are to 1m: relied on in their iieiii'f, 2D I mini will lie at work by fail mi'l Holm: go.nl ore bodies will have been "li nc I ap. We gut he following notes from a reliable source, but not Ur bojm purpo-c- Ed We had an epidemic of dvseniery in this vicinity last summer, say Samuel S Pollock, of Ericeland, Cal. W1(i taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention lo a a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Frank 'Parker has h'u beautiful Remedy. I procured a bottle aud felt betf of residence in the north part el the ter after the first dose. Before the liottle had been used I was well. I for city about ready occupancy. Wm. reenmmenped it to iny friends and their Chadwick is just putting on the finsliiug experience was the same. We all unite in tiying it i the best. touches. For sale by Steel & Co. Druggiita. a a a Some low petty thieves are exhibiting their game in the north field by stealing NOTICE Edward Steel has hay from the cock. The General and Finance committees suffered the lots of a coupla cf jags reon the 4th of July are requested to rncvt cently, and is satisfied he has tbs guilty at the City Hall this (Saturday) evening parties spotted, and il enough evidence at 8 ;S0 to settle up alTaira. caa be obtained, they will be prosecuted. L. Scott. Chairman, If. The officers lie on the look out. Chani-lieriaii- i'g Ilin-s- , win) hu not been to months, is still driving away mer on hia properties. Ike Osborne of Park City has located ciniins in the canyon. , l Ilaye Condor was up Inst week look ing nvi r hia proiierdra, preparatory tn (i..iiig soin! development work, The old ilcclej claims are still wot kid, but with more activity. a Five wr six men are at work building a road to some new properetiea up M .i y El lull Gulch. Tloasant Orovo anil old Shiploy Tlie Placo, Amoric&n Fork. GRANT.K-IP. ABAIHSOK The Rio Grsnde Western Ry. Agents 1st, sell excursion Springs and return via the Denver and Rio Grauda Railroad Iwill, beginingpLJuly TlkkatB-t4$ffnwoo- I (l at $19.00. These ticket will bo pood three days from date of sale, and will include two days hoard at the Hotel d 1. 1Y. II. 'Chipman, o and two baths in the famous Glen-woo- d 2. M. L. Scott. Springs. The Hotel Colorado at Time 2:23. Glen wood Springs is the finest and best W. II. Clnpmia won two arizes; Thus Hotel in Colorado. fy Tits Rio Grnnde Western Agents will Chipmin one; Scott one sad Jsckslu ito sell excursion tickets to (iletiwood oue. tynugs via the famous Denver and Rio A pair of kid gloves wss up for t Grande Railroad, goad thirty days for s (23.00, or ftoteit lady rider, but as those la sixty days for $23.00. IIILF WILE. Col-ma- PHOF. Headquarters for Tra elinar Men and TonrR: "Wflleantifnl View From the Veranda of Uiah Lake and Surroundings. EATIES KEDUC33D. Jhiih's Chipman and others, owners of tlie Milk Maid, are having a tunnel run OSCAR GROSIIELL, in to tap tlie main ledge. Rails and IVcsident and Treasurer. supplies have gone up. Two Days Board Free. Tirvnas Chipman, . B. J. Bennett. Tim .42 OF KVEU' at BE1 ROCK TRICKS. Rooms being Fiupftt Sample South ol Salt Lake. .47 . Hats. . QUARTER MILE. one-hal- TRIMMINGS DKSCmmoN nevi-rn- l Bert Holden, Matt Cullen and A. O. Campbell, of Suit Las'1, owners ef !io Liye Yankee, hare an enormous amount of ore au the dump, and will soon beto ship. Fully 400 people gathered at the gin wheel course to witness the races that E. B. Holden, Guo. Ilarkess and a were to take place, but mnuy were disMr. Rhodes, of Sail Luke, buvu located appointed ia their endeavors to ice tho new claims, all bearing gold three owwas off, the as races spoil, principal hny-into who to those run, quartz. ing promised Li t tho city. It seemed for no oilier a The Eastmond brothers, who are expurpose than to sasisfy their timid declusive owners of the Silyer Lake sire nt entering with each other. of mines, were up this week looking over However, U. L. Scott, chairman Hie committee on Amusements, assisted their properties. They made several same streak, which cn the new location! beat afftir Wm. the by King, managed They were possible; under the circumstances, and maxes them highly elated. sum week for last offered round a made np some races on the ground. Folgood Lake Lake Salt A the Silver parties. by lowing are those who cnteied and late assay from this mine went $13 in earned off the prizes: gold, 23 ounces silver and 4 per cent, three-rir- r ns And thousands of tons in copper. 1. M. L. Scott. light, by goorgo, says Jeff. 2. John I. Chipman. 3. W. II. Chipman. A Pioneer' Recommendation, Time 1 :50 Mr. J. W. Venable, of Downey, a THREE-FIFTH-S BAHDICAF pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal., 1. Tiiumds Chipman Whenever I am troubled with a says: 2. 7. J. Jackson pain id the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlains Colis, Cholera and 3. Tbot K Steele. Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for Time 1 .47. years, know it to be a reliable remedy, ' grARTEB MILE. and recommend it to every one." For 1 . J. J. Jackson. mlo by Steela & Co. Druggists 2. L. Ecott Tlla MILLINER. L&lat Styles of Lsiiiei and Childrens town 181)3 Spring and Sum- .: frr fit'iin aljM-Dt- Lein's Fourth of July parade was a Lack ot enthusiasm was the failure. cause. American Fork was very little better in her demonstrations. MRS. R. K DRIGGS. 1 e a LetCHIPMAN a niio ami Fasbioaulib) Stock of Millinery, all (Styles ami Irieos. TRIMMINCS FOR HATS IN GREAT VARIETY. have a new line of Dress Trimming. AMERICAN FORI' Atnorican Fuk Citnyon Comimr to tlie Front Asritiu. t y w.-i- ND coin-plain- e -- t- X. M. Ambrose bather l:on presents a very gay appearance since il Ini re- J il. Wooitiin, very Mpprupriaulr sii ceived u fresh coat of paint, Imih oiitide with iiiueli force, read (he os Iodeiieudeiice. and m. a a a The oia'iir of the day, Win. K. BromThe city council will set as a board of ley, recited nobln saving el th" ami all freemen and our tux country's iiid' nij"i.i'. equalization next Monday, ta lrnst he did verj wi ll. his who have While not at any grievances ir payers Miss Eliza Chipman very oraturicaily should appeur and make such kno-.fand practically recited a i.jii, which the nudicnce applauded ind ap a a a Hbli 'p Roliinson is having placed a prciated. The lady is becoming a reamuiid tins tithing citer of Rom'! note. i.ew iirk t yard, which will prcscut a very neat ;.p Mayor Parker offered a short idilress of weld. .ip, iu wliicb he thanked tlie pCHnince when finished. a a a noble men and women, and the little Miss McC Rough, Mrs. Retd, ler.J. childr-- ri f;r allowing tlmir bright facas Barruit, Percy A. Dunn, Rev, Day and in commemoration ot patriotism. wife and Iie.v. Smith and wife, spent Mr. Millii Garfl, ot Lehi, amiilrd by Tuesday iu American Folk canyon. lier sister, Mia. J. V- - iJMkSrvured the auJienie with a satg. entitled son ot Amo "Utah," wuicli made the lirae Robert, the 10 year-ol- d ring. WagstatT, while playing nearE. lleuroid 8uver.il more pieces and tongs were Jr., residence, run a rusty nail through upon ikb program, but the persons were , his large toe. The little fellow suffered lienee the prngnm was cm considerable puiu before having it short. dressed. After tba band rendered i few tunes, a a a and a shoit speech by J Q. Wootton, No remedy lor external ailments of the exercises closed with prayer by the the flesh is more widely or favorably known than Dr. J. II. McLean'a Volcan- Cbapiain . ic Oil Liniment. It liaa been in con TIIB AVTEBSOOX. staDt me for more than forty years, and A afternoim dance wu is recognized everywhere as a valuable very I nusfhiild remedy. Price 23c, 50c aud given the children in the afternoon, nnd $1 .00 per bottle, at Steele a. 300 bags ot candy und nuts were distriba a a uted aoioiig them. SHILOH'S CUBE, the great Cough rrivs were given tlie best orderly boy and Croup Cure is in great demand. and girl. Master Morris Logie sad little Pocket size contains twenty-fivdoses only 25c. Children loye it. Sold at Maggie' King receiving tho gifts. Steele's Drng Store. AT TUB BICYCLE COUHSX. i hii I - 1 F ir a. Win. Chadwick has been amarJ-- tl central t of painting and tulcininiii Jistiict school huildiug. a l.;iu-ilis- The Ih'iinicratic Society held a meeting Roy A Co. Bali Luke Fruit & Produce Co., per llu! other night for the purposo of Whin-ley- . ' t, was at I. .iM iutiMc-.iiiij o llie.er for the ensuing ;ear and T. E. Harper. those Who sloppi'd lluniL' slid I" if I.: ,1,. Wiseonih A Co. to ilelegalcs to the Terri 'or ial ConL Utah Produce & Commission Co., per in Hie which of Democratic vention Societies, The two little Misses Chipman. who J.M. lurtli wish a refirsh-iuTin day meet hi Salt Lake July The Maids were two lovely People's Equitable Co-oshnwi-r- , amid Hu1 l iusjusg of nuns acted a (iooilc II. J. Slum'. ling. inerting ws e tiled lo order by Jamo Mile nut us each tlie uf little pet they ami iTatki-i-. The slmwer rrfitflilng; mid S. II. Siailh was electCsstleiou liro'.liurs. O. Rullin-kCioddoi-- . the Btiuoa J . A F. Rranling. the dust and nadi-it ed secrctui pro teiu. Follow ing otfierr Tlie cl.ihliyn much aoprccitard ilia were elected: JamasO. Ed, Bhorar-- i pluire. In fuel, it siemeil lLtt nature Bullock, presi-ria- nt John Cartwright, csn.lv uud uuls given them liy the coni .u! in I Will'd US with ; 1. E. Hiown, 1st yieu aud John C. B. Durst timeerv Co. tor many hail nd the nickel and Till! Cl'IUlliiltlTS, 111 wliusu !mj- - WU P. Ilaye 2d vice; M.,iy Sweuseu secreJ.W. U re, not aim tor a .liiLici to peiiil f former years. the D. L. Dayi. j rogruui, did tary; Helen llaivcy, treasurer; S. II. E. A. Wolfe. 'l of the coiiiiiiittee were eliirious time, like that ot form Tears, Smith, F. 0. Bulb. John II. Newman, & Co. Reniiogton-Joiuisto- n ow mg m outuide luilucrineiits, buicimply it 'he arlii'ti of those win wi-Emma Larson and Mr Mary Auo Dick-!ioEli L. Price. !i ihc pu. went lit iii and failed to hw up u well ii .h Anderaioa-Taylo- r Produce Co, Jol. executive committee. Conunitti e ns I'lissHdc under the for i i i nit, n Admission: Mrs Saiali Slmell, James lira. il.-!'!. are vin liilluiau, and M. D. Atwomi. Delegates: pei j.lir look very lit:h' io'f,t, and Eugene Merrill's S room cottage nm.r i were at a l.'-- s t Jiiihic:i. if .. 'o Stceii! & Co., Will Giant, J.uO Hulloek. Cliriaiinu Nelson, Mrs the ibqiot, ia nearly ready fur the paintei A. the Co on , Tn k Item n .l AT TUB OPEHA hu Mit Co., for prize given t:..i t'u a Nt tin The fori'iiouu lie i a Mill,-- , I to the wheel men. Tlie to opera lriuse, wliicli w m las'diilr, hut l it - r i' m' oit owing to al lOyilm-k- , in.! rlulioriiltly ilec one It, mi rui! rii;, i'r when Miist'Tof t'rli inoiile J H. W.ml D-Aoil called llieaulin.il! lo order. ('Iiai-- i I MINING MATTERS. llavw in S L i liipmiiu ojionwl up a Now Milliuory pryrr. Tin Next Dihit to tlie i'ostollieo, wboro they Lave rlio'i r.'i.dired aaoircnon, aud tiiMi Mr While the Fourth f J'X liow'i Lg Inci.i AmiTicaii the 1th t off.'I v.'iy are ilnauce .i ;!i ir i iT rii H'e niiiili apy other c.immiui'i iiicu. 1" . .. a a Mammoth, M i,n-- lie.-ii- i w.e iei , t I"!ki-- . 1,-- bus assigned in of bis eiditois J5, II. i. .r finiih v.'u:i rainid at nsiii:;i: il.'iihit'-;- ,. . . nee. Ntil.er LU'K OF I'A'IRlOnSM a llrs. a ' II A be.iioik pi'Ct. When alter bargains look the advera a a Among tlio nnmerou tising director v on this page, aud select persona who them . They are genuine, end ere ready have been cured of rheumatism by Cliamharlain'a l'ain Balm, 'mention to do hiisincss legitimately. should be made of Mrs. Emily Tieirne, a a a of Toledo, Wash., who Buy: I have Captain Sweeny. U. S. A., San Diego, never been aMo to procura any medicine V. Catarrh Shiloh Cal., lays: Remedy that would relieve me nt r iieiimatisni i the first remedy I have ever found like Chamberlain's Pain Haim. I have that would do me say good, Price SOc. also used it for lama back with success. Sold at Steele 'e Drng Store. It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I take in recommending it to my a a a For sale by Steele A Co. Get your names priuted on your en- trlenns Druggists. It is cheaper than to write it, velopes. a a a and how much more business-lik- e it We had another visit during the past in office looks. Tax when Itch Drop week from our lriend A. T. Moore, the and show we'll how you passing, cheap McC.in-drawe can turnish the envelopes and print genial representative ot & Co'e. M. M. tea. He them tor nothing. reports a a a a large increasing trade for the M . M. tea, At 11 :30 Sabbath morning (tomorrow) and we are not surprised, for the writer thi Sacrament of Baptism and the Lord's baa proved, from hia own personal knowSupper will be administered in the Pres ledge, that the tea is all that was claimed by terian church. At 7:45 p. m. the font. We heartily recommend it to all Rev. Smith will preach upon the subject lovers of a fine cup ot tea. We oelieve oi Lover, the Essential of Service, Jno ihat all the merchants of our city are selling it. 21:15 17. Ail are cordially invited . a l 1 Helen Harvey, Mis ' lii.ga, Page, J C Nelaon, Ieu P Lunk Lewis The Fciirih ol July in Pleasant Grove P Rcbmin, J E Tie 'roe, F tY Newman, t.t a as !' ad, Lite mucd iktir.i-tMis P E Brown, Mis Lizzie Smith, D I a a Jjt Ada n"n, Wild Co,, wine, Ii1uirs, and cigar. EMiczor IlnntiT, Notary Public. Out of Town D. M Smiili. Iiuplrnient Extra Salt Like Cycle Co., Uicvclc, h 11. E VSAX i (UtoVE. as or TI'.E DAY. ii m i, ic .m. Mmp. j inr your nice Cooling s a cigar. I'.-- i.iy it a ill the f..i fur il A.ilit'.i. a win,c, liquors ami i.nd l!.e iai:d , n atis-fictio- Lee, livery. A K. Thornton, v. l.'ui- e. II, w oiti'" o' . J in ..i.1 . II. lu- - r:u-eis,) villi iiijiir.-i- A Jl'LY LinnLv. arii-- r D'-sin- tnt was lay - tb- Amt'iii'aa K"iJ; Wmiil, tii.Tial n I in. a new line of ruinuiir lV'Tii'i't J'isi Uh aud Jiilm '. t Iiuiikl-y:,i..l at L full ui'ii' Xiitur? Public. giiu Aulrev Alamson, I'o'inty snrreyor. tiini. I". N. mineral surveyor unil nuMiry I'uhlii-a a a Lclii Like Iti Mirt, Hosier A Kuifilit, W. II. Clnpman lias just wild a yearmerclr-iiulise, Mere, Co.. C'liijuniin ling Durham rulf for Inn f fur tloi iniLj, hardware, etc. It Office Ur pays to raise Durham. Ti'l.'ni upli Stcph'-- r.i:i, tin V.TTS a Hi:, t ply t. iaiii;cr ami Ur S R ..v. Jat'lvMill . l.nrsi'-!i(h- a Hii. a iii.'r.il luer.hau iliac, i.i'Oiii ijinrls the opera tJ i liu:-!.- e l.'-- w juii-- !. drink at yt a Juulii-huHullsi-v- !. 1 . Emit (m-ly- il a uiul ri'tiiriie . ilenl.t. bbii-kritiit- dei'Liii-- j b CMP '.I Fruil Kl:tVilS Ster :.l Sv ..'.c's dl tig V'oli- hu A. t'liristcii.-n- i Ni-- m soi inn f!i hi in '..i'I1.' -t I iL I t. 1, with !. Sjircinl ibvap (., J.ii. j'.ii. L:- - pirseut laiir rii'Mi ilij!;!1, hr- - ri:k. Mi! El.it Will, Grant, alls, Jiiahl.iS, I ".ir.it .ire, tots, .L. III! li i. , ..if i MttJ.i ! mu in:. ( r No nature wh! I.r I'ii n.. AUK RICAN TORN ITEM. American Fork. Ur C. A. EMISE yiee-rreside- nt and Socret prr Salt Lake Cycle Co.. The Only Kidnsivo Cycle lloose between Denver and San Francisco. BICYCLES FROM $40 UP. talk Fooplo about otlier Bicyloa and all that, but the Cleveland has boon uuprecedontod. Early in the year 92 this Wheel caino into promineueo, and has held it own since. It is the leader of all. The Sterling staunch little wheel, which sprang into favor with all classes last year, still holds its own. Tho 1895 .Sterlings have all tho admirable points of coinstruction, and in addition ombracos many now foalares. A Crescent Medium grade only in name, are too well known to require extends! discription. The Crescent comprises high grades, for boys and girls of all ages and sizes, as well as for men and women. This wheel is tlie best modo for the money. xpert Repairing e have the only completely equipped repair shop Utah. Typewriters, Cash Registers and Bicycled repaired. Senp in your work, Wo can repair anything. Send ardors direct, or purchase from our in agents talow: |