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Show headlong into the brine. FATHXTIC SUICIDE AT 8ALTAIB BEACH discover that Mra. Andrew waa mlaa being noticed Jest b Ing, her abseaoawaa ready to pull out fore tbe train for the city. A baaty search was mads and tha womans tireless body waa saen floating fare downward upon the water, about 269 feet from tbe pavilion. Wheeler Immediately Conductor donned a bathing suit and swam out was which placed In a boat to tha body, tha conductor and that followed brought to tha pavilion Aa rhe body had baen In tha water of an hour, no atfully at raatiacltation, and tempt waa made a car and tha remalna wars plaeed Inwhich they brought to tha city, after were taken to tha morgue LEFT A LETTER. Rhortly after tha Identity of tha woman waa discovered, and Mr. and Mra. ths latMd'loakey were notified, and search ter, after making a thoroughtha followof Mra. Andrew's room, found her trunk: Ing Uttar In the toponofEarth. Mrs. Me. My Dearest Friend dearest friend You have been my more than thin. lea. and through thick a friend. Ton have been a near, kindI leave you. (timber to me. but I must can sray no longer. Irsy for Ada I want you to have svary thing I have lert: All my truss ramemlier, everything. also boa. No matter who enntaina, ahould come and claim them do not give them up for they ara yours to do aa you wish with them. It la not much, but all 1 1 have. appreciate your and Mr. Me a klndneea towards me. 1 cannot And words airong enough to express my gratitude If In years to come my darling child would coma and sea you, tall bar that mamma loved her, and wishes for her lo put flowers on mamma's grave. ADA. Ynur true and loving friend, P. II.1Tall my darling Mona her mamma did not realise what aha waa doing, but that aha loves her aa well aa any mother lores their rhlld. and It broke her heart to part with her. Tall her to pray for mamma, and that her mamma could not live no longer. Mr. gnd Alra. Mrl'loskey then went to the murguo and Informed the for oner where Mra. Andrew's hualiand and muthsr realdail and telegrama ware sent to them bearing tha newa of the woman's tragic fata. Mra. Andrew'a mother resides at kalooaa, la., and recently wrote to ht daughter that ah waa coining went ti locate. Thla letter waa answered by Mra, Andrew yesterday, but the nf tha reply ara unknown. An Inquest will tut held upon the re nialna al 10 oclock thla morning. FREE - Carpets Carpets r DIVIDED ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS LEAVE! COINAGE WORKXNO. IS irgisi sale r the itaii carpet a prey (LOSl-N- (IF MAILS. -- (i t.ulMi Milt 111, lflo Ii&cow of Ingrain Carpets.pis U(iO piece Velvetsand Bruaaels. for the navi thirty day atMoquwtte, tho following sOrm all aewlUa worth po. I? id m. p nu 'S p iii. Ki I MJl.Nl, MU Til AMI IasT. wool gel miwii. . Itnotly e was to. a. m. fit I,d !! pb r:rl;pl Saya tho Juns Convention la Bars to if1 Its. ?-4.0 6f. saal par all yard, i kindly a m. llllag aad (atlas chats, sly Declare for Free Coinage Ragaid-les- a I haary won, and Sutton X ply aaryal, waa N. saw Be yar yard 1 lUp. an. I !y wa. ta. ... aotu.; V. pa, ynrd OI K blAK Ihll'Ti: Fine ALI'lliK. aow lsi of Other Nations Criap la fur snol and Mry cr;l. wa. Meii'laii, Wvduel.i..nq dartat. bardar ITaVIw IMd var&'Sr IdVIu U" JVurpat,' SZ hm,,k .W u m. SatuM.jr. to nub, was It at, nan it mmrtoaiah. W II- - Anile Opening tho Xinta and Bays r. Ii 'At loa vairct ,ul waa A. aisiaii. sow p. 111. ui;.l, haitard par yard, all Western Man Should Be tho Mast W aow It. Tuj par yard. wira laafard tapa.try P,,t,rll, aarpal, ail at. paTtaraa. wtaior anw auu OFFii'K IKrCKb. atra par yard all a.w wa. Candidate Tha, tap ally aarpal Chaaiic Tha Qtieral JH.v-rtho Lhs. ,u,, patlara, baai.uw, attelothale'ai pneaa that kludes Ms, up sal Refl.iry :Ul:K''hVr,l, open si s uu. m. sud ctnHi at 6.90 p. i H hat h LaKGPST aid Bt.ST SELECTED STOCK la pa.il If,. ci or. t r, a nu. ara brrly aa. II y.u wm on 6uadajilie(.en,r,l Iieli.nrr aal ! Chicago, April 27. Th most leiir tor wnhia tha nan aiaatt day. Fall LakaCiir. Utah, April SO, IMS Wladnwa anao. UK DO AS SI ili ERllSF. aaarpat n I miii for many to buyTLa aliauttaa (i?aa la aailorda a iu mi u.,j Stamp hpaotal tlunal development a political and Imui 4 no nil c .'ii i. aiuj prnsii for tatriy day. only. amtuiiiax April 15th, ISSa upon a marbla slab at tha linukid th" not entire if In a day Milcagu, Mi ('ARTY. lldUlliY Mnrvw and olad la a bathing ault, LTAJI CAltlMrr at IMIAIHK V CO,. MLT 14r,...RR.s.th Weat, waa made public this aftergo-inISrtll.Mbir. which la atill damp with tha brtnr wa t TAN (. The coming Dumoentii.' .State convenhalt Laka. are tha tra of ofthaa Great blaachad all woman, whoa loqtd, tion In Illinois will, beyuad faca, beautiful avail la tha ghaatllnasa declare for free silver without InternaOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY a paof death, taila In Ita mu to war Waal-tional agreement of any kind, and the 10X1 IKINTaL XII rri.x .ALEBO-Ithetic atory of blighted lot'C and or SALT LAKE A5II OODgg MP.RCBAMTS. U. S. LAND RE 3ISTER. moment la of such strength that other Rldii g Mh'alau-- blcy- la hopaa. Inary. Hieyi'ba H Tha ramalaa ara tlwae of Mra. Ada Western and Boutli.ru Stale win pc rtfla .anitn. lull, .annuri. Wbeo itned., n.H.rins slr.rtiHw.iu tin portiug SAI.T I..AKK ( kladly I 1 AH. I. W in, tin aawapier. Andrew, who, desertad by her husband gnuth. hlO.v.vkl.'ll. prevented with great difficulty, if at hit K VCaud I hK, IXIKI.. I ALCiuN Kiavcla. Aa.ui. o( tired of lira and Ita vlrtnaltudaa, and from following the all, for MuK l AliCli illriti.i-.- aanta-JSait Laka aad iuper-1st- . a jutrty Demucraey In llliacda la compelled to accept the charity of (Ur. liab. M. 0. KERN, ARCHITECT DESERET TELEGRAPH CO. idem Roust TY.t aufrienca to aava fear from want, plunged downed lo disorganisation. Umsrahlk SAW.pt Keith la John into tha boaopi of the lake ahortly after for these statement thority Masxa s son U un Piacj Or I oclock yesterday afternoon with Mayo Ia Inter, corporation rountnl of SEEDS. Bill Cook at Albany. IMfODUCH, L no a' (iKAIN, Og.l.a, Intent, and was taken out a few Ha'.oi, Chicago, a derided gold bug," the am A. SMlRTHW AITE PBoD. CXI.. ('. I t. minutes later, a corpse. of I'nltrd State Senator Ialiner, who 0H-Albany, N. Y.. April 2,'. Itlll Cook, day Slid mg!.t dm e m Item Hull ling. HI YKHS. SAMiKkh A t AMiHLLl. Tor almost a year past hfra. Andrew, th farrioua been haa nulls w, arrived In this city leading the money light for Hoom VI 7, W kiliaghas Hldt 64 M AVIKKII.VN the natiwial administration In llhnoi. this afternoon, with twelve other W. hint suxth Si. I7. II. hoi I6M. Inliii, I 'TAIL "The sentiment In favor of fret and sent here from the West. unlimited coinage of silver at theratlu The prisoners were taken to the penHltOOM HOTEL, Gem-Saloo- n of Id to I, without international ceofer-enc- e itentiary In the prison van, and one of pranainilt Hit. Rp.Min.hl.. or agreement, aeenta to hare taken the old Ilelt-valluue They stages. W Iriniar. buppli, complete puBMeaaion of the Iienucrary attracted a great ileal of attention a Adami'iii. Wild,' A Co.. I'reiTv r. Hut, Twin.. El".rappixf . I.A X HKkT PAI'KR of Illinois, outside of funk county. they rrsle through the streets to the S.lt L.k "I eon ferred with inen of all shade la which In the eiilteiitlary, situated M. It. oyFlCaK a CU. ef opinion upon the subject, with Re- extreme western aertlon. They still ASSAYERS. k. tapir by nail nr xprrw All kind of racal.a prompt atumtua. publicans aa well a iJemocrate. I wore their wild and wully W'eatvrn e costumes. The men were chained totalked with Republicans, because see more of the gether and guarded by armed men. th. lookers-o,f, W. CURRIE, ABSAYER, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 1M M.m Btraet, Sail Lika game than the players. I met old City. THE DANGER I could FROM talk with whom confLUCERNE. friends, Prompt ill. Bilan glr.n la all ord.r. by mall ( h.r.. u.lform .ad identially, and got the Impression that roua.M. tinOiMIf.-iriwhile there la a very airong and The tendency of lucerne to produce kihJ joul nttiin hi ronniYTlon. sentiment throughout the bbml In cultle In a serious objection to Vwrrliant f. State In opposition to the currency the- lucerne as a pasture crop. The loss Knrt. l'(h ory. yet the opponents of Id to 1 at. sustained by the cm tie owners every withfioin without organisation, apparently year thla cause Is very great. out any ambition to succeed, and are This fact should be remembered by StSI W..hinKloa Ara., Mma Htn.t, (NiDKV LTAII. SALT LAKE CITY singularly silent, while the sliver men farmers who are seeding down new Ranibl.r, h.inintua. Wirwlnk, land fur iaslure. Lucerne should lie are vigorous, active and aggressive and Irihun. Ptolherttona BICYCLFS -- IVcST, FE:3 AND SA'.ES STABLES. It aeenia tn me utterly Impossible mixed with two or three other vari- and ian Kuna Ammunition. Kl.lc I'yela In. 1 eties Id i.f grasses and clovers. to hat Ihe opor'iita of When silver, Tlnlns T,n''frn. Card., Etc. III,,., riu.uld they take part In the June (in- mixed with other grasses In light protrwtxd r8taltK88 Fifel cine, fiirrmnb Is no im, readme., make could portion vention. ihre serloue any A flu danger from bloat, BUDD 18 FOR RESISTANCE. liirr-eeltetioa nf nfny, ib'xldc. the vnlue of the pusture Is and bunsii w pression. The convention will unquesCONHAIM CLOTHING PARLORS about CU per lent, declare for Id to 1, without tionably Would Hava tha United Stataa wound shows that none nf the arteries conference with any nation. We wli-Runs Hsc'u .o All Trains. Cnn.tnnlly htop an hand n fnll Senator White's Viaw. i have severed, but he has lost so Liar ut Pina opis.se that view, although there difference of opinion among us. much blond hla recovery la doubtful. Han Franrlaco, April I enveurder- - at Malik-- , part In the conJainss II. Rudd. Democrat, In referring will, aa a rule, takeIn no Home of the bewt humor of tho time I aome counties deAMEItlf'AX FORK. ITA If. Ifarrlnytmi Si to th Nicaraguan difficulty, yesterday vention, although to be found In the grave and serious legations will be sent, composed of said: of Kngiish edllis' men, to represent both views wholto explain KAivK n. H OB81. Tha rnltad States of America ahould ly Irrespective of the sentiment In that American affairs to their readers. Nig laitn nvi.l-- r L'. s. L ind OBlor, Infrequently these sober attempts renever have allowed tha Ilrltlah marines particular locality. sult In a burlesque harrlly inferior to gents' FURNISH, N6 6D0DS, HATS, ETC. 'There been a of deal hag great laid In and Mining Attorney. sat to shore. on foot tha Ada Andrew. Nicaraguan tf Mark Twain and Max personal irritation and U f?,'.?" Salt Lake City ilia beginning, wa should have demand- unnecessary over 1'tati. Hell to nrr take themselves thla la ta w leu n call oa cordially In.ltrd hrn von subject, which seriously as ed tha England submit her clalrna to controversy ri.it Ilia ally. very much to be deplored. There will wits and duelist, and while the slum forced wa should have and be a good deal talk about 'reading men frorti of an editor to enlighten the pub-ll- o who was a remarkably handsome arbitration, PH Main Ktrrnt, and her to do no. If ULUFF & SCOTT protests out of are not to be flippantly ridiculed. It H) F.. Kreoad Saalh the party.' The Immediate efyoung woman, not yet SI years of aga. were not heeded, dlnfomatlc Strert, have ahould there is has resided with Mr. and Mra T. It. bean American marines In fnrinlo to fect of the expected declaration will tie permissible to pass .me of the barbet s. MoCloikey at hio. SM F street, coming dlanrganlxe tha Dpmocratlo party In wint, or best, blunders around as The Monroe doc- tn of the service which th kora from Leadvllia, Colo., whers It la prevent the Invasion. In baerunt l.'immn:ia this flute, If auch a thing li possible. I'ul-te- d pirt Ihe the of trine Snrinyv hank llidg. policy eipreaaea to the gayoty of nation. claimed aha was deserted by her "The ultimate effect, ahould the curStates, aa It does tha eenllment of rency An AGENTS to rich WANTED be the one of radl'liiivn example, the Eugene Andrew, formerly of this Ita people, ci rv, ct a it. verge prominent . . and thla la a violation of the of MM,question will be the reorganisation nf io's, of this kind of humor occurs In city, but now of Denver. of nf Ths doctrine. landing that spirit tlie Manchester (England) Herald as s This waa her aaoond attempt at parties on new lines. Those who, ('ofrripaadahs. taheltcd for W. SHIRLEY I'rlllah troops ta- tha entering wedge; both of an effort of an editor to On the afternoon of Feb- the like myself, may be called conservanext demand will be for a territorto his left house for readers at thw COLT; SI HU recent the a ruary list, being we faint have tives, that attempt may hope ial fur tha outrage alleged TO.viOniA'. A1T;ST. to prevent Robert Ingernoll from dllv-erln- g POWLKB a short time alone, aha sent a bullet No Indemnity be able to Induce tho June convention European country can be permitted tn LIKDIUY a lecture on the blble In New declare that It ia Inexpedient tu crashing Into her breaat. but her slin to get Ntha control to Into a position Hair eutllnx In sayntile, Tlie Herald gives the faots In waa not good and the missile entsrlng suaran-teeparty lines upon the silver ques- Jersey. canal, and It would have draw this way: her left breaat to tha left and help I lie icaraguan a i':irkr. ,m Merchant Mmq. MTEKS' SPRAYIXO rt7MfS, IMPLEIn tha future If our Gov- tion by a State convention, but I saved trouble aside I have no very great conflden.-nipple, ranged downward and, Ingerwoll of Kansas, who, had drawn tha line there. MENTS, VEHICLES, from giving her a painful wound, did ernment against Mr. The nat Inna should have been given that we would be able tn secure this tt will be rememliered, ran AMKRK aN KliKK. VTA If. nu harm. Illalne In 1SH4 and derifor President Is Meaad-hiswill Unless the refusal nf the Democrats whwls. BUtes liargsis United tha that warning NUTHIKG TO LIVE FOR. who agree with me, to take part la the sively bestowed upon him the title of gee that Ita weaker slaters receive Juat-Icbeen WHO) 6 MACHINE CD. IRA W. KliXH'AKD: This attempt waa shortly subsequent and we ahould stand Jealously on convention, shall lead the party else- "Hunted Knight, has recently trouble In delivering to a trip aha had made to Denver for this ground. 11 a war with tha Uni- -- where to believe that Democratic senti- his lecture ongre;rtt Mr. Insersoll the hltdi. ot ta- ment la nut thoroughly repreaited IS ohmmm he toil Him tom to the be fMirpeee ot Attorney at i.w, Hieyplf PROVO CITY tween herealf and her husband, hut Ihe greaslnn op this continent, and there by the convention, thla declaration will is known as an authoritj- on tneologi IF YOU WANT RICTCLRg. bsH lawn I'TAK asdrla, ball, oa! liut to a Influthat hae maxturs, to the her fact owing very strong and powerful latter, according atory, treated will ha An aggressions. tsaal or erlekal np- ence upon the partlea In the Wrstrrn lie would lake no part In the World's her with the utinnet poolneee. and when J8' "Bd fr air lllur RATH ITS ALL RIGHT. WHITE Kntr fcwtlviiloe, on the ground that the trale eatakwaa, fra to IL Bout hern Btatea, but will not, aha returned to Pelt Lake aha frequentJtIJN.I. Senator White,. Democrat, the Junior and HHnW KlwO HKDS.. IMM.In t.. entire affair had an immoral tendency, gilt Like. ly declared that ahe had nothing to llva Senator from tn rein-lio- think, affect anything east of Ohio,'' says California, tlie American juiqile have turned far. for the sxrien, to the Nicaraguan difficulty. In a AMERICAN FORK WA60N him lust him. and now no opportunity After her recovery, howewer, aha waa Whnlesals and wired from Loa Interview lung to hlin is neglected. PUSHING CASE. WALLERS la much batter aplrlta than before, and p,i'ecute In dealer En"When tn loir the Examiner: This statement of ths esse ouglft to aapreeaed herself aa regretting that aha gland does WORKS. srain.fced.pmdaac to violate the rebe satisfactory to Ingct-soll- . OEAkg A JFIKMY CO., It givesa had made an attempt upon her own al rlrttona ofanything Mr. Monroe the doctrine, M W. Klrt a him Sank an St.. as Lake Fait Ufa. repiiintiort (My. Cleveland will Interfere, lit has prac- HEAVY CLAIMS AGAINST TEE cltlxcH of Kanwi, a candidate for the A month later aha gave her four-yea- r announced. If the telegraphic F&ENC&. old daughter ta James R. Hunt of this tically soare Prealdcnc, mi .silt horny on theology MtELIAHLE SEEDS. o a Hnsiitoand Wairnneof all true. When ha enforces and a World's )iii'l(lcr. What more o n Kind. Repaired tn Kir.l-olty, who adopted tha llttlo one. and reports will ha Writs the Bair Lk grad Ifouee for more do than that doctrine, any in the wiiy of promotion could a by man o L'la. l.'rli-r- . and at lrieea etnee than Mr. and Mra. MaCloakey of his predecessors have attempted.r prica Hit of OiMifi, Field asri u o to ault time- -. Will Hold Onto tha Concessions expect front a foieign critic? have had no fear of a repetition of her Viewer read. former rash set. although aha rwanlly Which Franco Is Anxious to It Is not the tohwabdimo Si (o Main el., idjaialus 7 C, M.00., hat at the theater BUTTE GRAND JURY FAILS. spoke of euletde. L, Hsnisxtonit. ARKR1 JAN FORK. UTAH Wrest from ths American's Head. that tuther ua high alt Laks City Wrstrrn newspaper ghs would often say to Mrs. MoClos-hewho had baen mora than a friend Is Ihe ones at tbe rsil'inery it SEEDS OROW! to her, "Tou will be sorry when Im Unable to Fin Responsibility for the lures. Kansas I'ioiicer. gone; will you put flowers on my Washington, D. C April M. Dynamite Explosion. Preolnot Juvtlos, Notary Public- John M. lauigston, Hie grave?" Suite. Mont., April IT. Special to S.C. BROWN LEGHORNS At such times Mra. McClnnkey would Tribune. After being out over three attorney of Waller, who Is All kind of Ki work I ran -- fed with reprove bar for talking In thla vein, reimprisoned at 8t. Pierre by the French, weeks, the grand Jury called to InvestiMy tnrh ire lb flnett ta th weL They look Mrrtii license rreaued. and preaiptiiaa minding ker of tha farj that aha had gate the dynamite explosion of Janu- Is determined to push the case with anything pertwtufss In Irpal matter. a good homa and would always have, ary l.'.th reported thla afternoon a fail- all the power he possesses. MRSrPiIZE AT UTAH POULTRY SHOYY whan Mra. Andrew would laughingly ure In tlx a personal responsibility fur "In the first place, said he, we proin lStfl.S. Thuea de.lrln thla etoOk na get no amfrican fork, ctaii. is every ene ef the son!, give reply that ahe waa only Joking ami had the violation of the law by which tons pose to maintain the concessions obin Amarlca. KtitiR FOR SALK, rr lee, aaee sud neinfurl in the eve. 01.611 per na Idea af making a second attempt of dynamite were stored within the tained by Mr. Waller In Madagascar. tottlas, Meygi. J. g. W I SCO Mil, Oecond Snutli. A K TJIOllNTON, upon her life. gilt Laka City. L'Uh. city llnilta. The Court aabl he war Tha whole purpose of the prosecution JOVRNETKD TO HEIl DEATH. mucli illanpixil tiled with the Jury's and persecution of Waller by the Dralar in failure to Indict, and discharged them. French Government was to despoil hat nit led mtiir Yesterday Mra. Andrew. wn inure JovKilt Like riiireiw prniiinenl him of tho concessions hs procured. lul riven aalrerasl ial than uaual. and at 1:30 oclock In Ihe GRAND so t PACIFIC u hen HOTEL' r. e. WINES, LIQUORS ANO CIGARS The French Government testises tut to lliv city. gi knj w- - liliii, to He nukes y.,u afternoon ahe and Mra. Mrtloskey Carllalo Agrees to Spank. the ronressions are of immense valve. boarded a car and rame down town to CarLT'i0!" Ts"rss 2. Secretary Waahlngtan, April Modern ImproTamenIr. Then we NO CilAKliFA FUR EXAMINATION. do anm shopping. to force the French Fineat lir.ndv vlwaya nn Htfld. formally accepted the Invi- GovernmentIntend In rrr At tha Intersection of Main and First lisle to pay to Waller an InR4peSf. on an Family order, a Specialty. to address the deliver tation fid Uoif FfdltarTuia He beueflt Rck f you may ep'l sreally. Pnuth atreta Mra. Mrtloakey left ths financial Spring with demnity the perat tlie Memphis Con- secution rominigisurate Billiard and Pool r.oom In ear. but Mrs. Andrew remained on, vention. question he has undergone, lie was TO 2 PEA VXt. ti 171 h. May 1(32 given a mock trial, was threatened and stating that aha Intended visiting a Salt Lai.k Citt, L'tJil Siaa Furt Wins, f,r lady friend. Anally conveyed In irons to Francs, Roni IS and SA Fiatljr lsr,ta. per qaart Aa Mra. MrCInskey stepped nut of the DEBS IS FEELING SANGUINE. where ke now lies In prison awaiting a MSrrbial'a Sf. AMERH.'.!S FORK, UTAIL rear door Mra. Andrew waved her hand civil trial. ....GRANT ND US YOUR SOAP COMPANY.... and Mid, "(lood-bye- ; Mr. Langston said the amount of you will see me A. R. U. Regaining Strength All la tar. to he asked would b dette pairing hd we will rie i oil, s. the Over Country. SKr, flarnnd Rsulh street Mra Andrew At LARAMIE COMPANY FAILS. SALT I.AKK CITY, t'TAIT. rtr h hail ronimuniiatel with un aiTTKB than any ollir l.miV In I 'nli. Terre Haute, Ind., April 27. ITesI-de- m)nH took a Rio (Iranda Western depot rar Waller. Mr. Langston is entirely satis-fle- d ARE YOU AN INVENTOR? - It le lk-hTUielel J. :erkin IIHIIHfai'tnret and reached the latter pbira Just In nf Ike American Railway with the course of the State Det K I. K II H k T K J BEE HIVE ef the TBABING knew wlnt jnu mUire, and our tlma In ratch a Rallnlr Ilearh train. I'nlnn will solid nut a circular ad- partment, which, h mM, had called mv lt a will C0MMEBCIAL ASSIGNdo the real. drr Snap I'm I) (n PLEADED FOR A BUIT. a for dressed In all local unions containing thorough Inveatlgntlnn of and reereir-In Imported n.mpa. will gal more for S. GRIFFIN. J. MENT, on at the the case she Vpon arriving VYe make pavtlllon by Minister Kustis at Hit Ittstrlict Iona In regard tn the port (N ilK ' 1TAI!. I v::l,r"."'v ot"nl helsuier .dil.Bwf, Tweaij third et. to the bath il kind, raria and the Consul at Tamatave, ami special LAIN DRY. fftsfll.K. ...as yent at one la Mr. Drba of work reorganisation. T asked for a bathing suit. The allend-an- t In TOIl.KT. SII.VRIt IHRT WASHfor Madagascar. Aa resoon as ihey are re- Nil ifiUPKN, He, i.t arnl cmr4tii B ST IN TH: MARK T! sptrlta over the prospects are oar Crippled by a 75,O0G Fir Six suggested that neither tlie weather Ihe high hown CT VeJ,Jf ,h''y out Returns fu order. AiMo1nti the of future iC'Hi(8 Ak yimr dklrr for 1 pnr. nor the water was favorable for a bath, Mr. A g Liabilities, 75,000; 97.1 Wallers At j Wk snd la-cfrill, 9bi Mr. In and Ihe Northwest l from representation. coining Mra. Andrew but Insisted, and Anally K Ail kind iv Nominal Assets, 0100,000. lie Coast aa a reault of hla tour Langston exists the Administration 'end 4' f.ireal.leguiv. KANT'S SOAl offered a dollar for a ault. to take action looking to ths pile. e II hr mail. A.ldre.. C r. Ilermu--Ir. t. through that section a month ago. release ofpromph Ara you a tourist?' tho attendant e. JKfilll ien. I'R .1, Dgdeu the prisoner and to demand pr.q.'r t').'le Fourteen organisers have been at work from France AND TAKK SO OTHJDR then asked. a proper money In hla wake, old loeal unions demoralOheyrnnw. Wyn April r r. "I am. Mra. Andrew replied. to J- F. 1,'RAXT. MACHINES. ..V.V KH1TT1NG beVI a natter. FAMILY are of last ised strike the year, by Mrs. Tribune. The Andrew wan n Presuming that Trhblng Coinmercinl new ones Instianil Ve tt money I nd. rwenr. rlc. ing dein tha and she leav Legulng., that rlly stranger ('omimny of Idirsmle made sn ssslgn-me- nt AMBUSHED A FOSSE OF FOUR. ..verm i ;:icltv. 74 fanulr It i.. n e..-l- , sired to be able to say that she had tuted. Inst evening tn O. Crumrine. The J. K DR O.B,H:WETTfcSOR pair ef ladle, t.dilnuel I,.:..1 per lav enjoyed a dip In the lake, the nriend-an- t l.l.u'li. Salt Lake' firm hns been one of the largest merTwo Killed kllhi LO 'K. ."le ajl . S I and Two then gave her a suit and told her MoOutright m' rAproii. cantile houses In the State, hut war to go out on the east pier, where the rtally Woundd. THE LEADING rumor Is reNew York. April water was shallow. kh offcrml hint xerinualy rrlpi'leil by a fire six weeks I Chicago, April 21- - A MerM Grant Fred would Colon, he viled IlMt that PARIS-KOMher LAUNDRY but she E the dollar, THE ago. hy which s I.. of XT.i.nmj was sufIn Hiqtnl nted a indlce commissioner. It fn m I illsburg. Tex., s.ijs: could pay when she rame out. fered nn Its real estate and stuck of DENTISTS. mole well, ut of Titus comm Is sold that on May 1st the Mayor will m:les ,w0 STRANGLED TO DEATH. WANTS ACENTS north id general merchandise. Tlie liabilities of ,'i.-rd.iI'I.hmi- Commissioners remove Marlin, Murray she last time was ihe v r firm are approximately Jil.non, wills that DOOLT SLOT E. This waa the " and Kerwln. appointing In their plncea m o .i mas tt n r il'h ilil I ti asset a, nva liable seen alive, and subsequent dlwncries ami (tf'rjr ton n ill Andrew Darker, leniocrat. and Theoim ulU'll onltr. A nf ino.onn. SALT Showed that ahe plunged into (In aster dore Roosevelt and Grant. Republicans. IM. h- -r rcsisicl. sn.l LAKE CITY. the which followed Constable i ii shooting fare downward from one nf th: stairParis-Hom- e Four Houses Wrecked. ways a short distance from the bath The altitude of England toward Vene-sue- wounded tn the head, t diver w Kh rew Brllgp work ih. BEST weal ef miragav room oflies and strangled to death. Indicates that the Rrltlsh nation and Secured reinforcement in itie Omaha, April 29. Knur hmaes af Th Monwaa C. deatlit who who IV. the maka what Wheeler, desires to ascertain Just Conductor Oily of three men n ihim impofll Thirty-thir- d anj and Spaulding streets mean.Kansas waa Star. rtiH'trlne Cool first to "14 and roe a. He. the City of tho Ilka plains. train, tn charge tha papar aa were blown down thla rrye and Kitciu,,. I'turn-In- g k morning. NowalL" aad to make the arrest Flllipg ix trull ag ABSOSilt Lake. Itih. 346 Wept Temple eireet. was seriously Injured. 1..H-LUTELY Wl . HOUr FAIei. Prtimaia body and the male members of h.sI:,fain- nail tha Iidmi. the rarty ;, Bink Statement. Ridge, .n White t.k m,r. blacks I ONDERLANO THEATER New York. dusk, pouring a 27 Weekly bank April fusi!. WALKER HOUSE fn-ststenv.nt: Reserve. Increase. 36 5o- nfles and revivers. 700: IN STORE. A GREAT SURPRISE Ing down the entire leans, rtecrenao, 2l6.ooo; i Salt Lake, eae trip. In. rresse, fl.gqo.6i6; rga) tenders,speri. ports from the scene parij. stale Entire Change ter Cvisinq Mark. Increase, (il i. F. JdRMuiN. rmpriemr. $3,643,400; snd i ooper were I'.stanlly that deposits. Increase, 16,416, 200; killed 'HnJ R't''hle li m..rtnl!v elrculstlon. deerease, llT.'JOfl. The banks YOUR PUREST Lake hold ' l"hers 126.270,675 The in excess of requireSalt ,,' SEED Papers. REJOINS Watch FLORAL CO moilliled u,r,r hl, & 11h1 nd ments. leaving th- " meets In the p.a. w here t..J GROCER Ail kind, f plant, and am dower enn.tantlr AND t ill. Armed issci are on ti Mr. t'emmonslni'k-Fu- r r Is Ihe Count on HHU'ta. Ha.ueii, Fleral IV.ignv Children May S.H uni ay I not be!leve. they will trHq ut if Si'buol and funeral, mad nn ahnrt an' ire gtfted with common sense? Ilii'Ml. SELLS IT. alive, ami more biondrh.'d I:' BEST. One IhliiK iiIniiii who sear FIVE I'GTS Knit IIJTH FLOOR. Or leru hr teltphnn telegraph rr mail pmmpMy I ,i l livik, lc .i.,' altande-iii " I'lvlly mii,. ,,, All ent llnwer. Inter, ludlri'ed. 1'1 I'1'- I'll lea;; o 'I. 1' - ' ' R'Sdin deed and Fieri I fa . fait Laka i?I.,M,r , new pi. .veil. V Is 7 to 10 JU r R the cenii-.ii'itm n., ,,. . . by Opsn Dsil, frsa 1 to 6: JO, In' t .i.Iiiii,, ,. i ,f v.iur : n,i (,, t'airv y.iur ..V;'" Mvsirl bn, t,lc '"HU f It. BROS., SALT CITY, UTAH. ndfiller u kMi I - Jtt. N. V.- -0, 19QS, 8al( Loks. -v- i!.; the unnei.al She AUMIMIO Drtsd A Beautiful Tounff Woman, Had by Hot Huo band, Dsalorod lb fir-I- bot HkmK Live hi Not of Fsbruary Bar Llfolsoa Body Vauad Floating oa tha Watara of ai three-quarte- ... '. . !( .1 t- - rs y, -- - . M R. Evans, I3YRON GROO kai-aa- Jlli-nm- a, . his WOT i'ffi'Yl xoine-tlme- n ori-ip- l BROWNING BROS,, oon-lenl- Henry Lee c, o i nn-m- Tailor-Mad- e Clothing, Salt Lake City, Utah, hue-ban- in Suti-fnril- d. rnn-fes- or e e, exiM-ricncl- wMmat HATE, - SEEDS An-goh- -a a Or, y, OUIt JOIIX M'XEIL, S'-- Glassestlmt Fit li-tt- Dr. v,-r- JSIIELMERDINE VV y Main Street, Con-naccl- a e '? !r '. - I Id.-vl- e ty. 2.-Pie- clnl - VI II- VV e tc-l- 1 h.-r.- 1 1 1 r ta nep-sou- s Laundry, Use Three Crown Baking Powder. We-k'- "trTthe d.-a- -- f,-- - l ' t f HEWLETT LAKE ho, too.Jjua'rt i : 4 on, |