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Show c- - i t 4 K 9 THE AMERICAN FORK II VOL. II, SO o5. am :i:imjAX a LEECH GIVES AN OPINION. SHOT HER BY P.USBAN.D. rouic, jury taii, Saturday, may i, isos. i ivndi-r-- ;i t of justifiable afraid of immci:. j,2 ij:u yeah. a revolution. tlon to notify Gnat Britain that ALL not under any suhtei-rugAWRY. or tech- ESTIMATES In occupying any .,,ri tioxi-rnonicality persist Civmii. EB- ucnmiianlcd nf by BATILE-BHIF- S The Nicaragua. FOR SOUTHERN r's,,biti,,us will be of St,it,. Headley, arrived in sent to President and u. TREASURY DEFICIT WILL BE Hi. city iroiu in. nk fort at 5:;Ki WATERS. Director of the Mint under President ii'clock Mliiistcr. Nicnragtisn ami is LARGE. Kt..ppii.K U, ;,i House. jinn of Harrison, and now Ilit Coiiriior is QUESTION OF ARBITRATION. prostrated the National Union flank of this city, Duel With Revolvers i jx tho " House ly tin ;) o!!.,lr.coiiipl.-ti-lI'urlliiiiieii-tar- y London, April 29.-- Thi Morin Fore on Both Coasts to Fro nt Louisville Where the Guilty iirow n s in ly wtll In taken said: It looks as If Germany would toiing Rocretary of the Foreign (Mllie Bright Prospect for a Total Deficiento vent s United State I Injury to nioirow morniiiK for fir Edward Grey. In the H.mim call an International monetary conCouple Were Disco vered Brown Jo cy of About Forty-fiv- e Million liiiri.tl. Tin- - remains of Mrs. Cordon or Their Property Cnttal Cninmons tills afternoon. In aiiiiuuni'--In- of ference, and England has derided to Riddled With Bullets Un j. Cor- :,,v a Wynn's for the Year Report to Cnrliolo on the it of cslaldish-ini'jtin wcupatloii i',irlut,i Feara undertaking by Company the of Intorruptlun participate in It If called. Prance and on Scii-ii- li sli'it-t- , ainl Brown's don Fotnd Dead ii. the 'Cellar Krltlsb. added that he must iviu,'st th,' (lie Bulge Chinese Certificate the Ktatee of the Latin Union, which Comniaaion'B Work Unlera o lime to answer the question wlirihei Coroner'll Jury Calls It Jiu tiflable. llmJ.V'1 Kmr'i l,",l,lt"klnr "a1- Fraud Preparing Warrants for are burdened with large quantities of Are the Taken Government TH. would HlflH't, refer the d whol, Promptly. silver, would naturally w .i the Ncx Forces. Mis Nelli- - Hush of this question to aibllratlon. Cum would Im. take kindly to It. Congress has altaken Iiy. and ln-- liinnly is on of the lnt- the that British wua trude no in made for to provision delegates ready Isnilsiilft. Ky April jJ. AJ mown and ni.i prominent in this Wa4lngtm. April 29 - Surnr audileu way hampered. the conference, and it follows as a I inltTUikir.R i'siablilunnit if separate M R'T ni"tlicr wax once StHtc and thin city I iishiiigt.in, April .'Kt. Tlie Treasury matter of course that this country will i'.i the lioifji-TO PiPE WYuMiN'j 0;L. urd'ra IksuimI to UniI at iiv.-ipiof .w-Frankfurt. and her graud-i tini of perhaps .luring tin. m. nt Ii end. '.1 ted be rep resented. Sutra ludnaval n afier-nouvessels this Stnchiiriuh Wheat, iio.--s pi in; Incut people in tf I believe that if the great commertiiatc or of the Lina to Run from Casper to Orln lone not met tin a sctiHatimi uusid a fur un-ti- l ,,f time, lick v. V Kent ,ur!, tine is that cial nations of the world should agree officials, and the indications now are ,rf AriiiiHitif KcMtui-4 lit , the Junction. moPt of the urdma thapurptoM was a silver and gold at uniform Jirowii, son and private mi to coin to I learinil and dlstlsguishcd of Kentucky tlie fiscal The Cheyenne. Wyo.. April 25.- - Hpcrinl to that the deficit at tin end1, of which haa been I ration, the value of silver would for a Kentucky's t hief executive,' ; cretary Gordon was at one time hh- - for a itunth or"Alert," ill'it. Ul' ,f any' a ,hn P. M KhHiiimit of i'litxhtirg the other Tribune. i!rw more be at maintained time at approxiPsiihidr woteb-Ilong ustuul in of Fulmer the House Huger tli pnigrraa of the revolutionary Ia., general innnug.-- of Hu PommiiJ 'rin mately such coinage ratio. . t CIllCHgil. for the month of April Oil Company, is mute t iHs. amountreceipts "It la true that the silver agitation n Colombia, was oriforci 'ania to 824.24K.X.M, and th- nioveryut determine to the tier vxpim.il. covku.muc immv.vH chief. ,,f ti'ivs to 112,962,8911. to proteed at once to Han Juan del Sui. finsllllliy here and the saturation of our curleaving a delleit building a pita Hue from tin oil Frankfort. Ky April Su.-news tne nrtrest cable port to Cnrltito. . rency with silver money has done the month of pi.7u4.K54. t'r to rnun and for the orln Junction, which of the trigio death of Archie Dixon much toward creating a sentiment in ,int il& ne. ui year to date $45,247.1X10. now..,; her will be shipped over the Mrown. son and private secretary uf favor of the gold standard, but I beThe receiius Inun Kingston, to Jamaica, Krv Gulf to outside points. internal revenue W cat, Ind lieve a vast majority of our people ;h. Covernor. reached Frankfort shortshow a fulling off for April uu eompar-V- . expected to arrive at the lat- ly aricr 1 oclock. A telegram from Dr. would favor international bimetallism." an m 11 (1 w111 KUn" nioiiili in ixtd or more .h, f lohn Young Brown, Jr., rarrled the Ilian I.'HMxhi, and a railing off for the WEST VIRGINIA HEDGES. to sail M once 1. hT tad intelligence to Covernor Brown, urcytoan, the eastern term! mil of the 1,4 ,l,, War of about LUSCOMB. who WITH STMFATHY was at the time Hitting In his proiM'Si'd Nicaragua canal. Democrats Afraid to Commit Themthe remaining two During 'fllce conversing with the Secretary of now months Miiaigiimery." X.'1; of at th,fiseul selves on Silvnr. Molilla, year there will he no extraordinary Ar,'ll, I itate "nd Commissioner of Agriculture, a!!L .. "w ,h, "R"Mgh" on May 7th, Sanger Hr.d Threatened to Kill Him Jir itrawn CovermYrv" u expenditures. The 1,1 wu Wheeling, W. Ya., April 2i. Tin PeiiKion iiayiuents will completely overwhelmed when wnn o Nicaraguan Connl (ViiimlsHlon runkforl Ky;-I- )o Out en Bail. wme yiioiv amount to almut Demiwratb Htute ipprised of the sad fate nf his son, to aboard. The ''Monterey." having sail Colne Tuesday. Meel. HI1.I $l,25A.taNI Will lu t,, si ,e at -Clt I vhoin hi was as devoted as it was yesteruay frunj Milwaukee, Vis-. April st iriignud.J direct fur commit the pnrty in West Virginia on on The net result of jj Treasurer Latoomb was Airmail)' " fa,hr " b"' Th Oo'" I anamt, is int expect cil to touch nt the silver question, will not ts not expeeted to differ year tlie. Upon thir receipt ot the alM.ve' u-be Indd. l urlnto. ami an sbe la now very Tiior's was ami thia grief arrest uncontrollable, afternoon, under lieyimil the iiiHieilally finin placed Ale. Brown cat me to Louiaviil. i gave llguri'E end way to the most piteous lamen- reach g orders by wlrv. she will prob owing to the strung opposition tliut In making this the first de- grum a charged with murder inbrother-in-laestimate eonsidyl the and praih-iHlebe ii:id'i-tSeere-iaramong tit the appointed place, tations. Covernor Brown and in allowed to relieve the y party ably m ih gree for shooting his the fitnts to the proHislii,,u. n guard at Ianama, whence "Alert " which Is an evil ream t at 1205 Madison Headley left at 3 o'clock foe she can Emil A. Banger, brother of the chambe ordered back to Nicaragua If trou ' The V1O0lt Murdered Contractor Boebcl. th" I ""sirs' Brown, mother of Archie Brown, il Art pion bicyclist, Saturday night. NAVAL there In the future. ORDER prisoner was released on llu.btfd bail, ' Herbert Secretary O., April 28. Frederick ManaflelJ, explained briefly furnished by his father and Henry khVck Vr tne of these orders. He said Boebet, a contractor who resides in Medical Inspector meaning Accused Ileeae. I :;tth'Hd tha morementa of the ships had ahno this was murdered and rubbed of False Testimony. Public sympathy aeeiaa to lie wltb tn,n. A,rosuir.urs,.LuTehy to do with the occupa while city, lutoly aothlng a to his home of scorn hundreds from returning Lu h, and leading Mon of forlnto by the Brtftsh. thnt be"- -1 20. Kecrctary April Crestline this morning. Tin work H.'iVHs,l,lgt..,,, called upon him at the police staliert issued an onler ing matter to be settled by the Nicar- was dons early for the who by tramps, $400 secured hycoun-marllHtion to offer assistance and advice. trlsl I l and the British. The real pur In checks. The dieusil was 46 of Med lea I DELEGATES NAMED aguans had en Even some of the members of the vlouHlengagT"' SJLVER year Edward Kersn.-pos of tlie order was to of the navy, Ainerl of age, and leaves a wife and four the flcl can Interests In Nicaraguaguard Banger family do not bear him any surgeon of the North Atlantic GORDON tAUGIIT THEM. children. against as they did The squadron. great resentment, knowing revolution. while Imlir-ci-- ly minutest later a rather tall I ALL BUT WASHINGTON WILL possible Thirty the outgrowthcharges, that the murdered man had cruelly of Ills refusal while d PROTECT AMERICAN ; mast INTEI OUSTS knocked to kill at the door beaten hla wife and threatened Meades flagsliii, the "New ATTEND nr the house and was admitted. WARSHIPS GATHER IN FORCE. v" Luscomb. This Being asked what measure of .1"!. HarlBil.s, last February, to ififit si nick iMklor mi a tlon the Nk'araguan CnmmisNlun protec When Banger went to the Luscomb was Filton GorA .n. He engaged tin w ould NorwKlnn cruft, mi the ground that Ms visit might receive In pursuance of Its work of in home on Grand avenue and Sixteenth !S!d d. .??- - spectlng ths JAPAN MAY HAVE TO FIGHT line of the canal, the Set tin health of the pemoiincl of street, where hla wife had taken refuge closed all the the flugsliiii, are really liased on two ds nr, and a few min retary said the Mont ginnery" would with her brother and father after he, utes later a eon FRANCE. remain st imntiuii was heard while the eotnml-xlo.lunges. The first Is that he violated had beaten her, he carried a heavy-canehr followed the regulations in writing a report of was In above, a ths y succession of pis Interior, and with the but no revolver, and when hr sliids. Then there was a hurried two ships on one side and one oil the French Naval Officers tlie matter to Kurgeon-Generstepped up to the door and tried to tol Tryon Be Advised to moveaient down stairs as Mrs. Gordon other there would surely be foi-c.Medical Director Klnodgond at force aa entrance, Luscomb shot him fled for from see to ne. tlie A Mikado instead the of Ready few bough Emergencica Brooklyn, His head commission more protect a himself and shots confining through heavy plate glass. all other American Interests. and (she fell dead on the Will Brook No Interference in the o the authorised channel. The seoond was literally filled with the pieces and rang out. til the reef yard, la that which takea the casu ApriI I TrnTilsThe action of Secretary Herbert may Special to charge he died instantly. He had been to the porch -' Chinese Question Spain Joins ut of the ordinary run of offlt be attributed to the vlalt to WashingCortbin left its e house immediately l, house before and showed a gardener a I ,rom vernor McCon- - ton of id a few Warner Miller of the fig it accuses the officer of scanFrance and Russia Germany, laterllrown I long knife, which he said he would use "irMlie dalous GovCanal was the found -to Nicaraguan conduct, destruccorpse exthe Jhat tending Company and of on Luscomb. This Is the latter's Wilde Denies Everything. psuireroonv nd tion of good morals, In falsely testifywould be some rejorts made by lilin on the ba I'ollcemeu Iteflly and La Faille ful, fi V,rinf,n cuse for shooting Sanger. rushed ia of private reports aa to the real conin1 that he nnt did down Wqlnut fst.reet and saw to be make these nqsirta, Conf'r,ncs ing SUvr nun held .is charged In the inquiry conducted month. A alm- - dition of affairs in Nicaragua, and bt on running for tied to a post a .10. The Go London, Times April WleST to Is H tltoa suid om the Nicaraguan Ministhe corner of at tlie Navy DeCUT HIS THROAT IN PRISON. flagship. the coming street t',n rc,lv,1 will ter a tills Is that from partment The man wan bloody," said Officer I teb publish directly. the first lime In J In Mr. Miller's conferences with Bee Kobe dated April 2Gth, saying then la the memory of the olliot wlicru a officer has lawn charged with false retary Gresham txd other Cabinet off! no mistaking the fact that Carpenter Was Accused of Mrs. there Is eviThe VM'lr trong caee will be Blackwslls Murder. irHaSTwn,'d dence of a serious crisis in tlie relu-t- swearing. , held in New York on Mornlay-anurgfcaor Hum 1 . eloi. the Easton, Fa., April 28. Samuel C. j tMtireeft gspeti ana rcusslai'Tnit to Amrrtexn control of the -menace or omhers or vtirtrrnmwij. Carpenter of this city, accused of the KS,:.h.7SS-2S'- ' nnl. Hi brought out clearly the fact the Jaimneae press lias been forbidden high rank, headed Admiral by Walker. murder of Mrs. Ray Blackwell of r to the hat British threatened to go to to it, and four ncwsitapcra of d Gonion. for h e turned out to U ,of N. J., cut his throat In the STATISTICS OF IMMIGRATION. .reytovn and to San Juan del Sur. the Tuklo. Including the Nlchl e,a,m two cell occupied by blm and Is now lying Cordon, said to I ne then: 'I shot both I to be ablm?t!!ui.f on Imyortant have the NUhl, been auapended for points Atlantic n ut I cautght them in the act r,vor of them. .P0 at the point of death. of thm he fact a secret council of Ireland, Germany and Russia Lead of lWer unlssa ind Fadflc ends of the canal. It waa I They are both 6 ead. I am shot ton oon after this that the orders to the Minlatera was that Carpenter, who Is about 42 years ol Come the List of Arrivals. held. The other iu nfersnce. vessels with' me an d I'll show you when'. I io1,?111'""! age, was formerly postmaster at were made. Mr. Miller raid that In which references to the crisis Whln no. men. however, wt" tn canal but moved to Easton about six they are.' Washington, April 30. A statement company waa very much In appeared are defaced. Continuing th. lias been In spite oi; "Conlon 'Vas ai pale as a ghost and I f!'4 months ago. He la a married man and at the Bureau of Imtereated in events In Nicaragua. The 'orresKindint says: prepared ovemor I was rusjaetlen. haa several children, but common evidently very weak "evolution which has been threatened pamc migration which shows the number of "Information reaches mp from re a mor has for a year past connected hlr myself antf Cordon walked tti th. a a iwult of British Mew Mexico Delseatsa occupation may liab e source at Himshlma that th. Immigrants which arrived In the Uniname of that of Mr. Blackwell, the house. Just ns wi got Inside the front . llsturh the canal company .. by prevent ministry has adopted a resolute stll ted Kin tea for the nine months door. Cordon xtangered and was about I to the ng wtrk on surveys. widow of a physician formerly residspscial tude against Russian dictation. They March 31st In each of the lastending MI to r N' cae fall three when In In him. N. He glit via was In J. Madison, Carpenter ing Itussia's right to Interfere, and years to have been as follows: NICARAGUA deny I WILL a H93. PAY, from Gsvei- ? Ited her on Friday night, leaving son somebodv I 259. I'V.'ii 85U; 1895. El 140.9MI. defiance a 218,648; 194, Rus'ontemplate of R,fkrds of Montana, Gov- The impression here ia that the sit sia, believing Russian tM I aimi I after supper. A few hours later The amount of In forces ',rnton brought iiumcy nominated bullet-hole summoned the ambulance and aa Boon eiri.T. three uatlon st Corinto la likely to remain in tin military by woman's body was found with a Immigrants during the past nine " unchanged for a few days, at least. enforceEast are nut powerful enough to motif in her right temple and a revolver as that arrivd we sent Gordon to rteli'te..,r,.PrMM,lt Npw ha was 82,395,846. her demands. The to The be held British Jail." X?. forces foreign by her aide, evidently placed there to Dske tity May 17th next, "for r not likely to beoccupying the town warships are assembling at the ports Although tliis amount was known to create the Impreaalon that the womai DUEL '10 TIIL DEATH. attarked, unless of JHpan, and the Fren.'h vessels hav. have ILl. been brought In, It la liclicved of perfecting an orgnlsa- - they endeavor to force their way inhad committed salclde. Suspicion at that the money Hcrrctml and undiscovNcver was tSierc1 a more sanguine I Uiii land. and so far as la now known then-i- iNvn ordengl to preparo fir that anJrur.,,,,.l.,n"J once fell on Carpenter, and his arrest cmpaign ered by the officials may have lieen battle than the nnct fought on the sec- - I banal e m7,, a 1,T 11,rture In the no present necessity for any such eles." followed. A several limes that amount. I he Times fnuii now ignn movement. The "J?? Hongabandonment of tin kongdlsfiHtch to When Warden Walton went to his mid floor or Huey Rnillli's house. Cor-- 1 I of the arrivals during Hie last nine Ii V1 lPari,a ot ,he Question." nays: A British warship has own by tha Nicaraguans on the whnlr don had little difflctilty In getting cell this morning he found Carpenter goiii to the I'escsdorn lslniula to bring months 21,564 csnie from Ireland; 21, ion Ill- - nH.m. ns the fact that Antonio Joseph ol rather tends to better the aspect of n" there lying in a pool of blood on the floor of hmkeii from Hie Germany; 19.160 from Rimsla limes correspondent and Just now, for it reduces to a minl.wks Indicates that t enl?y BrJa,fonl Prln" of hla cell, with his throat cut from esr w.nly' who were detained then by theanother, proper: 16.125 from Italy ml 16,116 from John Y. Hewitt imum the chances of a hostile collision to ear. By his side was a raxor which was left unlatched. ,,?,a Ff county. England. Of these debarred from land-.n- g ind the very Isolation of the place from ese to prevent them from semi Ing he had borrowed from Patrick Morgan, 1171 M CONNELL WILL paiiars or likely to beATTEND. the surrounding country tends the massacre, which come so; were regarding a fellow prisoner, on the plea that he to the eleven were shown lo have is Boise, said to 28. end. same have Ida., Trlb-,1occurred to at the Chinese ni'ii convicts April Special wanted to shave himself. Morgan, who 363 contract lalmrers. end Governor McConnell haa Htsts Iiepartment officials are still garriHon at that iilaeu. f those landed 19.692 could neither occupied the same cell, says as soon as 'si" I h,a convinced (Irmly 'six that n0Wf the .tudths vlp PbdoK as end nr write. Of those who brought Carpenter obtained possession of the bullets CHINA WILL RATIFY, 8a,t Lake' May 16th, (Hwermnent will pay the Nicaraguan London, raxor he turned to him and said: I pierced ftmwn's laxly anti thnw ln rS!T.rn H money Germany heads the list with 30. A dispatch receivApril has written to F. W nd believe that the delay Indemnity, am Innocent of the murder of Mrs of them plercetC Mrs. Gordon. en grows 551.4X4; next, with 8316.601; The bed on Irely out of the conditions of poIXl ed hereJn from Shanghai says It ia Blackwell, and I want you to tell every$294,818; Italy. $190,712: uilielel cireles that China line England. eal expediency. Gordon lay wag covered with blood Insk'ln hV.J..' " Aipne, $136,412: body I said so. Kwedes, ItiiSHtans, $144,341; and 0a 1 m,n,n men together The Nlcaragnans here count on the notified that she Intcda to ratify the the ,. !? Then he drew the raxor across hla showing that .me or both had $103,044. Hungarians. of peace. active ,n a" and In shot tnty while sympathy substantial sup--lor- t Jdae or that position or throat and felL An examination of his A Kt. of the other Central American re Hf Vburn, who war IVtershurg dlspateh says that struggle one or more of the wounded I obit JLa REFORT ON BOISE FRAUDS. hHii Joined KumUa, Hin pubHes In the event of actual boat (tormiiny nriri In France the protest against the Chi not express the belief Special Agents Advise the Treasury hat their sister republics will take lie. Japanese treaty of jicac. IDAHO'S FUND FOB SILVER. part as such, but feel confident that in Department. livldual volunteers will come to th WILDE DENIES EVEAYTHING. Washington, April 30. The Secretary Governor McConnell Inaugurates a In sufficient numbers t Nlearaguana f the Treasury received from Kiieclal rTc'rSba1?,;.?0,; Plan of Contribution. rlie them an effective army of at least obarga of Conspiracy Withdrawn ne in a position to wy, Two bullets are I at Bdse Xgent Johnson and t 11 Bobber ,0.000 men. While with this frc- Boise, Ida., April 27. Special to TribTr embedded In the donr. several went Clarke's of the results a thei Flea Ida., for Captorsd. the leporl Poet, "Ity. not n onld to expect the une. Idaho's Governor, W. J. McConIn British the their f 27. through a window which faced to the alleged "ash., Five ; bey hope to make It April ljondon, April 30. Tlie (il.i Jtailey rands in Investigation very uncomforta connection with the entry of "!Tn "tempted to hold ui nell, is determined this State nhall pay north: three arc buried In the wall and I lie for them. The coast towns, whici was less crowed than heretofore two I'flclfle in The the hl Into The this Srt?r i country. No. ns celling. report train walls are its full quota of expense of distribut- smeared wan opi'iiiij fur what wa paenenfyer ,r- - smsll aavn ai whn court "i with blood. miles this side ot Mirta of and unimportant, tates the investigation shows conrlu-ivel- y to be the ins. clny of th trial dingy carpet J?"1 ,,VPnnB expected for ing sllvre literature throughout the on the floor Is MaturatedThewith entry M goods, would Bttlf"i. which Is ninety miles ilianilon-- d, and the that there has he'n for several if Oscar Wilde and Alfred gore and Eastern States, the plan for which is to the furniture was Tayl.ir. army would makr Tlte earn past an organlxed money-makinmiscarried badly broken In the cruse Tncoma. Counsel for the Crown withdrew In the is be agreed upon at the Western Silver the the train ran plot tropical rastn-as- ei 1400 feet after lie. nnspiracy, with a view to inanufae-urin- g which are h Conference to be held in Salt Ijike on against Wilde in charge of conspiracy Brown's body presentnl a horrible I -.- 'u. L ''"I1- - Instead of 1000, ,f the Interior, iimn wlilrh Chlnei-to the he il deslr-that to avoid uuy laborer eertifieates jaying European trts.pa. ' May 15th. hnd calculated on. Is enabled to visit Chins rr,,brs covered with blood I ?,, being aiqicarance. may conducted war in dlfileulty under tin or y such placing The Governor eondltionr Issue I a ringing There whs no elothlpg prisoners , b"! knowledge that the i,uld h- - very return to the I'nltcd Klai,s ss Ivuly ex- - iL.T address to the people nf the State, urgexpenalve to Great Tlrlt lint witness stand. Hir Eduard Clark ,n hp made, and ha.l ! In the majority lulrofknlt Kina fide merehanl. a and J. .in. decounsel 1 the ('., for the neissltatlng to them i make mite contributions ii'i'iiKt',. tiansportailon of socks. The undershirt had beenre- ing wa'm Ptlon. Ten men merchant f the case- - the a manded genuine from verdict army not In the Interest of silver. lie suggested of on this EuroN. and guilty thP irw count, but the moved. nd v,-nfC wh'r, ear found to lo im ks and gardeners wounds were uch refused iillow to Ii !onKaPd,.,r7,1L.n"; a" that each official, Slate, county and visible. Therethewere Judge France 30'000 of ' P" three mployed In or near Boise City. Nev MiddRascjir. n, nIr" fnr March. When municipal, gtva at least ft. and all in the breast, one of themsh.d a large numls-of prominent y? over W'llile Iwlng was 25 TALK OF A COMPROMISE, other people rents each, while tlioss the region or the placed upon tin stand 'Itlxens have wfiH' . "tnpp'.. thP two rr,twbrs vouched for the Chlns-ne- n then heart, wen and tln-i'who who can afford It are requested to be wounds denied ii that whk absolutely In 'the "rnr'1 as merchants. The special agents head, one ,Wn Managua, Nicaragua, April 29. A word of tnith In the ehsrg-'more liberal. It Is likely n neat aum center of the forehead' on. The train luoiighi thnr!. .!! II --Z "J, tOO, fwt "na nvlnced that the 1iumIiihh has andbih. or compromise and tin- prnjNisitlun lilm. will he raised In this manner. The another inthe He against answered the ijucm nrnn. w'nt ZLJL J2 . These two of ate evacuation of Corinto by th tlnns of Kir Edward CiHrk: in subdued been carried on ss a money-makin- g how-veState Treasurer is to lie inadr custo- and anotherth In renter "rr"" ,h r, nt( the right arm- - The I : Ioese. were is now under o.msTde'mb'ii ia u'heme. The grand Jury failed, loin's. During the examination ot th dian of the funds, which are to be col- features were distorted. and taken to British to bring in indictments against lected through the newspapers. The Ellenshnrg. Their names an Hank ,wrrnJ'"a!!,nton London and lh prisoner by his counsel it was apparent MIW. d UDi IN'S Hni'Y FnUND. Tho proposltlni, f rn that many of Wilde's friends wen my or the parties. Herring-oand Jack Harrlaon. The money Is to he sent to the treasurer ol r l Kir Edward Clark- - claimed other! escaped the conference. presnl. v.Mnln iK.ints: Mrs. IDAHO REPUBLICAN LEAGUE. Gordon's wkm i.olv First Nicaragua Is to pay i77 on the Wilde win. u martyr and had 5(Mi a: Congressman Wilson returns I r. ei'llar fmn down London within two DEALT i'id. IN from California, tjhgre he went for his weeks tin GREEN GOODS. of veMlet nut In the guilty oi'ly in p chemise nd h elrirt. Kh had British me to bi eveij' case, only beeause It was jueen. Delegates to Be Chosen to Cleveland health, much improved. been In her tfcfng-feet- . wHh(irawn from Corlntfi Her lielr Two Members of the Crook Comes te Salt Daks. iiwii''iily it could not iniierjy Ik tried tln-was loif-'- and w:tx hanging iilenit Syndicate xltlioiit waiting fur the two wceka t Hut it could nw i- i- dei. rnun, d on tin h'r Ida- - April Boise. head In. a t incl-x- l rnaxp. Her bosom L. B. JEROME HELD IN JAIL. Special to Trlb-ne.Caught. ll,p:e. pn,M-Issue, sceordlng to n.inus-lwas covered with l.ln call ha ben Issued for a San Francisco. April 2S.lohn WIs. l.'il,r,,uA.-mlxeanil her skirt Ilf com,fl"slfn When Wilde was phnvd lu tin dml nrld Scion of the New York Family Ac- was Im.pntteied with i. Jior hands and narney MieGulre, of the exevutlve committee nf .. th" t was evideiit that Ii H"eni"d to hint g xvn g.v.dt wer- - tightly clenched and her cused of Theft. .rent uniiiin in Tm of '"nmn.lH face was m-- n are in the county jail in Alameda hn itt mk Ptale League on May he ail Republican wliicli su 'st ,1 .I'Mt'iso'd swagger rover, With splnphis. li.lm. M'-rnvnmlmlnn county on the charge f ,!( fu . ronstl e S .vho 11 itni ssi-ITescott, Aria., April 28. I K. :0ili for the purpose of electing It dui'iiig He forui'i th( Gordon fa In 1a and no one is almHim for unla'vful I'lalThf ram i."o1 , B..n,annpr i tlx. ha been committed to the county lowed to pee hm. He ilenii'd eniphalleiiMy all 11, purpo. '""factory tn the national convention In Is js them and lvit is unhurt, against clear. InNlearagun 71.r method The Jail here in default of 1500 bonds, to s'tffi ring from o.n eii. him. cliiirg.'M made again-."le vela ml, June 19th. The meeting will n WHS til rent is stofflee boxes Under terms, It Is ,'. K. Gill, in lichair await the action of the grand Jury on Gordon ptsted tliut he tried prostrat'i if the price-cnames, and Jt was by menu ,.f ,11 he JTPted by UrisIdent ZelVva i"ii, in kill himnttended by a number of rprxen-atlv- e a charge of grand larceny tor the al- self after the exnrntiiiitl"'i 011 11 shooting r'' ami hl wife by th, s uttderst.HMl ,PL inapeet-orRepublican (f the State with PlfClee leged theft of a gold watch. lines us thnt of Edward M. t'sr hut the ca "trlJg .uvaestinn of R settlement eme th to i xidode and at Kacramento, t view of miki.ig more effectual Jerome Is a frow 'on, j. and h'l lend was they who ilefeiid'-min. tht .Marqiii' were nervous. to brought Justice. .Mmguan of the parly for next year's was st one time a prominent oliiren ot representative f (jueenshery against the eharg- - n A J:'1"1' tin his wav to hi;t GoM-stated to in the effts of Wsslungten. and It Is Kenator DuNds has New York, being a near relative to tin the .impalxn. libel. ofhrer he that h'ld the end Is at hi home in W"plcmnn of K late celebrated East, Jerome and Leon- COIIJ,! for Koine t;r,)e. ,rt suspected Sir in I'ldwnnl i'iinliisl"n Clarke Sixty-eighth about wei k tesf street. York ard Jerome or that place and of Ladv am Ms piippl.-tonHackfont. was contended there that re whteh shows jury, conlM med Churchill nf England. When not drink Ko-- r eierc lie had conclusively that Mael Th work of collecting fund for the vul evtdi'ii- u against Wild. ex ept lh;i a on hii aidre lielongs to a reruiar gang of 'rlil D.11 ilver cause l y impuiy s Ing Jerome was an Industrious and wire, mid ii v. kill watch 1 la 'diii'biniiilers sh"ii.' wlioxe nreen leMtiinotiv men that she gnoda lianiing end and ,w,,l"Ved It will I. haa call ha exind-- r Mn'oimeH's faithful worker, hut Ills appetiiP Governor ...Uptrd. operated ir were et th Iioiiki on Madison tensively In New York. t'oiiliM'l then Iillerly d'sereillted. and. promise to meet with strong drink would get the better o' s'Bnwii MAKK a DEMAND reef, he went llnre and the tragedy lipi'Hled t the Jury led in rotiviit hb been begun, him st frequent internals and Ii wn'ii'1 followed. n.thir l,;rments It wss dlsfov--re- d appointed fN (UP. VEIL lien I unless 111 cvideiie. Mgainsl him lucres. Ths Oovsrnor has MaeGuire had So on a protracted spree, hut tbit I a delegate to th- - silver at one was overwhelming, and asked l lie Jury t. J. Cnwk time 1 pnminent member heen the first charge of a serious natur. on f Farrseut tl!ns,,i've iJrn'pnsVr1 Jl'STJ FIAHl.E I Ii i.M IU1 1 E. la e meet to Plt to r the Sw,l,Uc- - N"' f 'oui'cll llber.ile rnun si terribl" poiill"U (.iifer-no-15th. He a'so vApccts made against him. At S u'cl-wLn,T" appoint thu t.'"i' inT's Kof NwnT.vJf May """'hg that t 0 tie of the most renowned airl delegate from North Idaho. of m'ii of letters." t;.., .,n li"iuii-idi-- . Orest Majority Are (or International Bimetallism. FAITHLESS WIFE AN J GOV New Turk, April 29. E. u. Leech, NOR'S SON KILT iED. Believe s mso win ,u t rlt-- d iioining. ! nt Citl-KOQ- i Fro-couten- over-value- r 7 s to-da- y cxis-clatlou- a 'W!" n r jd Tlie wav' -- pro-pose- d 11 'i 2.-Kx- J ini-re- fr 'g s caged'mii ag-fn,- to-d- TsXn COURT-MARTIA- L K-rs- cltl-aen- tu-.l- c daik-luilre- JKur aJS! 1 Grey-tow- n al c court-martia- .2f.ho nIt Gover5i rsja: "M Phll-llpsbur- dla sS "Mgaasasa nvl court-marti- HaSsssM al ri-fe- seml-ellici- As-bur- nr F' to-d- ay enu-rge- ,r n nf-ral- rs 11 "nIoto -- ln-lan- jd inT w' dat 111-t- o sSbKKsS tffsrjsassts. .."..SSn',' J. SrtiTSfS,'' H-s- -- -at to-d- ay Jm g be-fra- y. well-nig- e ic-ssIM- e to-da- -Pta S 'ces r r "" "ww-ntla- to-d- ib-i- A r . M1 d 11 1 dele-;nt,'- Jer-om- - r-- egoin wt fi., well-educat- " - ,ht -d v-- i w ,w to-d- ht a: .. 11 |