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Show mm l'UKK. ITEM. A MK It 10 AN i t'l:t.i !; : DWii U li L it U. lie i- - ;l viA:!MN Victim .! a lead. C ;.tl ipurr w iti IKE I'iivi- - sasw IM.I -- !.V1 SVeia: Hew KMN I in Ii r. S- Vil Hi: . vi I 1 :i 7 !; icg nt : r I.. I ;!i-i- r '. t ;f'uin T:-- . V. - I'd a er- - i s'. itim.AH fm f I U ml ''.i h.v Sc! ! till!' ::; i nVli-- i M UM-- til IV'Ol iiCittriii ll.i! Ill l:i 1 hr t of 1'i.ilJi nt Mil-- . A- it p. iii. M II ..! - il 1iCAL AND i'ilKSD.NAL HiiiiKlt-y- lbs .! lo-i-- rcp-- i . ' -- t ! be one of tic t!.e Tftiitory. Our canyon air so!. J ir.a. of I"W silver IV. k wmild i lesr by i.ide ore o I'jt v::!i Tliiviijli'ip.i tl Terri n v. 1 irarn that e c i:..,m. ..kill', il ' I I III!:)'.' id Jed Ihiroit tbu umieso.it tb'i in lire . Flu iy Ml lit, i. .w are : . wm bri:J. truing up. I country ha- Iii In eu H" ir Alp'll Those nmr FUli Springs are gradually Sel l or O' o I, wl'iirl.v work wiil be le- adding mate in in to thrir force, and ths TIIK STOKM futurj. H DKNKu !i euui1 d upon j! i:i the is that a promising gem ml Ned Will and Wilbirl Julian hnve I'Uil ok in fcture for the miners of that i kk- cl llm W k U ktii'.ek sumo very laviMabii! riu'k, up tlr reetioil. Hlnr ytuinn ruiiioii. t!i ,! the appeara'in' of the geli John Peveiiu lit'. gone hack to lbs iiii'.i g"!'l ipi ii', ul.li ,i Ir.iee etimi.pir 1'uti hmaii, idler two weeks visit in iisi'iul lo III M town. Ileexpidsta put hi Tiny l:Tve:i'i as yet made an nisay, iigs to i hi: foilim in I t' i "ii liii in Vv l! Il Tlig onyx be I eil of lirre, owned by working right away, and ere this he Ins j; piJohn a I tali County Stork Cn . arc lying dir unde a shipment ol (: mere trine. n we go f.i Ini I'ci'ii w.nk uil dead'' press1 f !a for I'eing k i to maul I'Uitce i pi rate (lie wuite', lapital to huaTtiers now llli'ioiii them. The ii:u-- t myx in liny (tidy, look like rain. tii.ii ol but he is getting Ml p!e a profit. very clou. iy the cnmirrv. In embiiMr.l in the l.,ot whi'ieby he may rral: Fait view Cloudy and w ti.dy. hills imt !, e iiideii iT.iin this ollii e. It Spring Cily Very cloudy hikI w'.i.iIs rei)uin'K capi! d put it su the market, Fpliiadii Ch'li'lv IS dale. I ol rd iv AM kiu.li of legal t M oiii - Mnd-lyeil c: ii :! a... iii uii'ii are ol the mining wudy, Epi told a epiiiimi tlist if silver shoiiid adr.'ince to Girni Cloudy but ciear'iig ol! . Hat all a pea at Duuklev's of i cuts p'. r ouiu'i', ninl remain an, Auier ty!. Saliiri cold mui r. : Ilf ' vs m-e- r V Hi I. S: - s j II! i! i ) - Fi'iday--- v'.i i . AimMi' i:. lr.'.vir! r.iii i . 'V ; I I'i.-.- ! UM-.'- ' i V. 1. S ;l.i:i:'v I: ; I ...til Si l.i'.o! in. ;i ji-- ji'.iwn-i'- i b it V NvUTX MININ'.! WEATHER. vi ::i V.'l 1 ii 1 t- - flii ic.. niitv I.AX NAXAS, :r roil d iJiiuklcvi. Dr. . Mmilitw, ilciii'. , Aus'ioi in a coal Windy, clmidy. l the coal caved lu on him. The news li cliliel -- I 'Ii aring up . with larasii ti h I (liiiw i d -- Clmiil wa-- r ceived with profound - i.p'i'l 'Mil. the strain upon bis wil- - ami pHientr Monroe -- dealing up. Quin pleas n t. se.'ins to be almost imb tr I'de. S.mdy -- Qiii'e cold, calm, clear'iig up. Canned goods and ImtS la'hi Cl mdy. culm. ill ip rver at H o hley's. 1ruvn and Springville -- Calm and eli hring up, Sec ib"se Fayson Clearing up. Lots nf mild. iituk'' ' t"i Xi'plii -- Clear and pleasant. Scinin S'nrniHil this liiurnini ; still Pivilwu waking t.L'hi. Lenl U il is s:ii 1, t uU'.'.ant tiouhlu to iii t'uiii'-- , most ot the time biu hiMStly a idicicd torlie i In thi iiir '..liiil. When in this slide he has Rbliup ll"biuson was oyer cun t in iKii y ule.iseil iifii aliip.'d ins family wfi-k- . scornfully , aiul liu went so fur as to : H A IT. S3 e's. a gal- to rubuot to the Hot V compel Ills liiii ut Jaekin'. He has, it is aulhoi-itlvel- y ravages of men. tilled, leccnliy become worse, hs been here and E. F. Arms'.riiiT, w ' neighbors were compelled to ask VlS'lllII!' Ills Mr. Dllllll, lid L"I!C that sumcTlilug he done, and as it n diftolblUi'. Ml. lit. the ficult lor the law to tivui tiiuii Ti:c Pr flij ttiiiin schools will it fibout June first. Id.-uk- .1 I rime For on J I1" I I.i-ti- IN 1 PLEASANT I HOVE cloudy, Fillmore Sun shining. idiintlj ttul fitoni.?. This e. . New Wagon and Repair Shop. romor of Stroctd. American - Sll-'r- sirs s Nurlli Main un i a. in, Wnh-- r Fork TURKS OK KVEUY DESCKIITION, Llisa Pi'Biro, burifil ilifir only daughter, yesterday Bix years of ags Kamh Rhiiii-i- I aHt night and this mnriiiiii' but is now clearing otf. White Caps met Salui.lay iveidno, A roin meiisms. A. Hnnn made p trip to Siilpliuribile and Braver -- Calm, clearilull ijMcrtiiu was pies i id, llj a unuii-in- . PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH !ll ie ted the wiib nt i hr tripple murder, JIany children ara a Fanners rejoicing. Point, tl.r up ng d to like up the ms vote it was Iarowan Stnrniy this morning. Apthis Wei k. rpedcmic. case. However, the Committee proceeded a a pear to lie clearing nlL Tetou for left and Beers Frank lamily Olar City Cloudy and calm. Been to the Golf residence, and on their way, lti'piiM'i iii iii-- i tiii! lit rity hull 0 TO should met their man, wlm was accompanied lbisiu Idaho on Monday. tnriiiiiig all week , 1 ami Kanab Rockville . bt nii.ii i int biinincs. been bus otlii'e cbaigedj Teli'plioiie by h couple ol companionii. Aptirars to be clearing lip. Beers to Clarks stors. a a a White Caps seized him near the The St, George Calm mid pleasant nllei l itself in Im v. di iv lit liipe Nothing the late atom'. soon iiiflsm-inatorby Grunt's etoie. They of an had attack who bridge ever Any tile 1. limn Pnnit nmri iT casn iil frnin Fine Valley Clear and pleasant, rheunri'isui will rejoice with Mr, hii'tled iii in around las Sprutiey conuT thul ii ii in these columns heretofore. Hullionvilli! ami Iiucbe, Nev.-ClSi it in in, tT'JO Boyle Heights, J.os J. A. amid at the Iiuitsd am! FOR li:t popular 'lee, are still working on clues, The hi fortunate esca1 ironi a mil pleasant. over Angeles, a a a the yells of murder by the lloliling, y. Salt 1ir(:)klu-iwnLake Calm, clouds siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. man. His d in pan ions vigor The Itkm null'll sympathizes with Siuuini i foreman of Mcrriuiu's confec-ioncrMr. ninl Mrs. H. W. Drigg, of Plens'int ously showed resiatnnee, and iii their Logan, Some iiihiiIIis ago Ogdiii, Rrigliam, eMalilishiiic.it. 1-nnd Parie, Ida., send in Grove, in their s nl nlll. i t 'lii nl tli loss to help Golf received a sevne iii ieiii'ing the he ilrd work nmin to run l111 nt tlcir little hoy, Eugene, win) ilieil on i ss the street on nn errand, he wasD'iit th.i sunie report na Salt Lake. gszrftTStfAzrqnora drubbing, nit.jr which they were giyi-tas! Tuesday iu the i sin. The reults was. cut onght two minutes to get mil of sight, and they h it when .. a a a realy, to go home that night: iiivpi (VTU ln-- t no time in ubeying, and were not he was uuable m wuIk, owing to intlam- rum last storm the With Thursday Hu was . taken; uintory clinic a floml of tmrli.ig men to the heard or seen until in xl day. P4r"w "rerejmeing over the rain. And a Tluiusand Other Tliing-- t that front in was arrival on and home placed a rut to skin it takes than time In less lity, noil utonstiiiii: ilnr.no that Well Sjtrnk ol in this Sii:ie Next if a good file ili'Tmigly rubbed with; Mi Klim Moyle t ijiiitn ill, hut we llm lowei teven ilruniunTS a lorneil the interior nt Golf was dangling (mm the Chaiuburlunil's Pain Balm. During Hi1' i v fiir Week. Keep your Eyes open. recovery. end of a mpr, Htiaclied to a limb of (lie Tilling and night lie wa repeaieill.v Chipmnu'a Hire. Mis. I. It. McDaniel, who has been populur tree, with a suck over Ins head. balhcii with the liniment, nml liy morning1 a a a sick tl.u ) ul four moiilhi, we are II il'.c all was rbeiim nf relieved quite voice of echoed pain. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify Amid hi ahiuitiug criiw, now take lire in prmsinf p'i'Hsi'il to state, is recovering, slowly. ('Special plea re Blond. w clear what see run to had bo pour m ar neighbors Complexion, your CliHiiiln-- i Inin's Pain Balm, and alwav pn'i-itMayor Nash went to Hall LakeThur-dayour Bnwil anil nmke your head lie matter was. Great exciteiiient pre- keeps a lmttcl in tlie house. For sale ly nml R. K $1.00 choir:' s hell. 25c.. 50c. on business connected with the M ol dimes & Co. the When death, iii Steele vailed Buhl Ht Stifle's Drug Store. Canal companies Imre. is. The White Alpine e victim whs let down. a a a DEATH'5. of stock in tlm ennipaiiy Hr ili.atilb' l nicl the n ut the proper time, The report of the last council meet inn l aps esc pad with tlm way they hnve Lien touted in to his home whs rmwdrri out of this issue, owin ' to il, pin'd man was takeu Paiikku In American Fork, Fridtf, regard to oyer taxing tlu-i- for the water ttoiir.d drisse.1. his and tl er.-s- t nmount of business (ranssctril April SO. 1SI'5. at 1 1 :.'!) a. m., at be tlirv uae. Mr. Nash bn gone up to Lalesl Styles of to ib lcn I liose who Htteinpted I1 wll residence, Willum Henry Parkn. m.peHr next week. 11 cmiMilt TRIMMINGS OF EVERY with and nv Hi 5 i gad ntns George Siitheiland, altor. Lolie. and Chil.lmiH a a a yean, of whose iiHine are withheld for the presli'i'.L) Spring and Sinn-b- ut DESCRIPTION for to be see ran at RED-ROC- K what and don'', ncy Alpine, days. T.:ni'es who exprieure a sepse ot ent, received shiik; yiemus blows, llats. PRICES. Deceased was sick but on day, liaviig Alpine wants to either pull out ol the w ikiii-s end sonu'timri lameness ot the are none tin; worse for were ever since. redm-e. In en taken with tbe inflammation nf tbt cempnny or hare their sliouhl n Pr J, II. McLean's I I is to be Imped that tins will be Old Sliiploy Ilaco, American Fork. BI'Hid Pleasant Grovo aud Cordial anil S'riTiL'theiii!! The citizi-n- i of Alpine held a mns lesson to Mr. Golf, ami that lie will laiwrls wl iln in the field at work. Ik riiiifii r. it will supp'y the much neeile.l in die future be a better man, and allow wan horn at Council Blufls, Ia., N. meeting Tuesday night in tlm city h ill snd iivercr.ine all weakeing atteoLtli and cams to American FoHt for tlie his respected family to grow up wuhout 10, 111, purpose of getting reeling ol lrrennlnrities. with his parents when a child. He is (lie a a a the stain of disgrace upon them. people on the ipieati'in id pn'tiiig in of Ameri- a waiter A goodly Wa have no personal feeling towards brother to the present mayor The editor and ilevil" nf Tim Itkm system fur Alpine. and lest numlier was out snd the B. can Thomas Parker, Fork, hnve u rlded to then many industries the man and the family, and piint tin project met a wife and tluee children, besides a lint with favor. The following com tlie t.incy poultry business. Anyone aliove as a matter of news, as obtaimd great 10 f Ganin eggs from the licit reliable source as the of liereaved relatives and friends mittec was appointed to deternnue the wblong a lew setting Headquarters for Trav-elicostand the last feasible means of the Finest Ssinple Rooms should call at this office. The birds are tacts in the case. We mas publi.-l- i tlm mourn for bis sudden demise. llm family Men aud Tourists from Lake. The tuner! took plan system: I). Epli llueley end South ot Salt thoroughbreds, and the eggs are cheap. names of the Vigilance Couiiuitic next at which U . II. and Win. I. Julius Berk. ('.Strong residence, It is their inteution to piie week. t Robinson and Counsellor Georg" Beautiful View From the Veranda of. --wt For physical ailments, especially those offered consoling remark, afw the Alpine Creek Irom about three mill IJtnh Lake and Surrounding. inrident to declining years, there i n to the up tlm canyon. The committee is to w bieli the remains were ranvsyed SCK.'I ELY. such sntisfuotori that remedy produces at an early. This is a commendcemetery, with the usunl lormalitic. fesiilta as Pr. j II. McLean's lb 1LOW VEIR Wednn-ilable AnuTieiin n I:i For. move, and if accompli alnd, will Ie K Mise Si'lwcil ami May Knil.t nf Woiips nnt IC'dne Rein , its pi niil and ipv. Utah American Fork. v. May 1. lttllo, at 7:00 nVlo-.-kyratine Ifect on Liw'rniul Kidneys isi gloriously appn rialril by all Alpincitcs. 'rovo wore here visiiitig the toiiiui's l oi of Mis. kMe I1II Mary Wood, aj. in., Nix. tcr this work. a a a Alpine, May 2, 1895. sged 72 years, 4 months and lOdij. A eoiiple of lieiivy tux pays of Utsli She was born in Billingimy. Lined" M. L. Scott, of this paper left last and who do cnrsidersble travel iVirc, Eng . and came to this country ia WHEEL NOTES. I county, c.n butimt-for ! Julie, Moidana, evening four living childim, She leave us to aked nn I'rovo CHiiyon, ejirri inf. r a few day. Tbe Il is learned that Mt. Pleasant and a host ol triend to morn. i.tienlioii of the comity filly cull I In a a film r:d took place ycsteiday irom the soon have a fine wheel course. lie de bfible condition the conil t Mir Lmne Roberson ot Si.nniah icsidtnce. The Rocky Mountain Cyclist is w new cae r. roinl is in. 'nun the Rig I'ridge Foii. will sj.eiid the suiiiiuer in hraulilul : Disjoint ion of Co-P- rt' Xotic1 wheel ll e li'.oiith, paper recently launched forth at '. in i;i"in Folk. She canui Monday, and Halt Lake. a a neilill. Among its contents iu It 31. L. with Mia. wiil i Scott. r o' will be mi important meeting in initial number, says.- The Grant Hotel This is to certify that the undersigw t t1 Monday evening, ('it 11 !l has been made the hcrctot hotel of the have dissolved league pwrlncrship Anri (i'li of tlio stockholder of the Slipcp and Cattle Interests. American Fork, Utah. L. A. V. mem existed, aud known as tlie nrm of Js wsteis : American Fork canyon, cm & Co., Carl Dicki.-'sonil tli" north enp of county 1i retiring, and Ht hers should remember this, and when Cattlo men tlir oioliout the ntiru trr all delitsdue Tliifi Space D Reserved tor It is railed I ir the purpose of making Visiting that place, reenve the benefit firm said np to April by tin- - tact that i'-- j 'icing, fpun m tiici1 :irr.uigenieir to rnmplete the res of reduced rates." ritory will be paid by Charles Jaiin-sA en-.irtli Anurmn Fork canyon tlieii lolrn't is l etter than for years. Ins paid!0 will stud All wheelmen ruining to the city will to firm do nroeiintc nil those Ci'ed of l.,r.;1. ir .dmire l" n ip do well to stop nt tlm Grant, official . We lmru iVom Ji.ive Murdock, who is tbe hi me p..ii... rn"l. Ciiahi.es James, a a a licadtj uniters. just in from tioit country that the sIik tast Wednci lay for ranges for 1V niiies west of lu re arc lull . ..iter Wild leit Caki, There are uow about 1300 ample own Watch Their Announcement Next Week. A Mid.. wl sre he will take Amliikax Foiik, April 13. of eastern buyers, .vho arc paying fair and ride wheel ic the of Balt Lake. rity non the Anaconda Fluming Co I ricci. Thii represents in value about flSd.Oi.U. p, .. Elortrio Hitter. brother Jm. Quite ie lin'd by Ins This noi city i lii'toming so s11 The wheel Wong to Mrs. W. II. A. A. Gi i ii is down from Ins Rouu few ot 3V:ili i' trends were at the depot nnd so popular as to reed rj known which was itolcn on the night of few Grant, for a ranch Valley ! days. to wish him good ''.e. Thi ia ia turst special mention. All who hav haa not yet been apprehendApril 19th, snnt same the Electric Bitter he will return Mr. Felt, one of the beat known cat sing trip from home; we trust ed. not ( medicine dues S ccess, Ini n in tlie Deep C'rtek country, has praise. A purer as good a bey ns he leave. ist and it is guaranteed to Jo all thii M Several of the Salt Lake Lake wheelCOO head of recently disposed otjabout Walter, old boy. claimed. Electric Bitters will cure fine beef steers to eastern puitirs. lie diseases of tlm Liver and Kidneys, 0 men made a run to this city Sunday, and a a a tested our trsclr. hunched the balance of his common remove Piniplet, Iloils. Salt Rheum Sick hendnch is the hanc of many live They were highly imto cure and prevent this annoying com stock, large and small at 19 p"r head other affections caused by impure htj1 pressed with its construction, Little Will drive Malaria from the sTjn plaint, use T)r. J. II. McLean's Jss Chipmsn has purchased, for his The Sugar Company have disposed ot and Liver and Kidney pills. They are agree pre veil t as well ss cure all Slew1 Cc most were of beef which boys Ock snd Dell, a No. 3 Crescent, cattle, fevers, For cure of Headache, able to take and gentle in their action all their Cor Elis' on and each, Mclkam's fattened Strengthening Dr. J, II. i rinci pally Indigestion try patlon pulp. through the agcucy ot Chipman & Bitters--E- n tire satisfaction guarant0 Bennett. dial and Blood rumi r, ly its vitalizing and or money reminded .Price 50c for MI properties, w ill brighten pile rheeks, The Ide is ccrtaiuly a light wheel. botle. At Steele & CoV Drug StoreLadies hats cheap st Dunkley,i. transform a pale, haggard woman mlo one ot sparkling health and besuty cstiiliiw a D. M. SMITH, l'l-rr- sii-m- I TiHpu-ivtlle- Tj7MPO RITJM. ear y Organs and ianos T j lif-- y RS. DRIGGS. i MILLINER. . 1 , tax-iliu- ln-e- TEe GRANT.- - F. AMMSSONyPRGP. $ re-p- oit ATJES Y VEKY , . m-x- , The Salt Lake Cycle Company. i - mr |